OCR Interpretation

The Hawk-eye and Iowa patriot. (Burlington, Iowa) 1839-1843, January 14, 1841, Image 4

Image and text provided by State Historical Society of Iowa

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^Tarritory ef Iowa, Dea Moines bounty, st.
*^^Distric!: Court, for said ccnntv, to the Feb
«u irnary Term thereof, A. D., 1840.
TJosiah Luckey 1 Bills in Chancery for
-ss.'j vs. an Injunction and Re
William Buchanan. S lief.
William Buchanan will hereby
»?33# take notice, that on the 24th day of
I'MaTi A. D.,' 1840, the said complainant by
M. D. Browning Esq., his solicitor, filed in the
officc- of the Clerk of the District Court for
Mid county, his certain Bill of Complaint
-against the said Defendant, pupported by tlie
OKtii of the said Complainant, representing
tbat in tiic spring of 1838, he placed in the
hands of Joseph Swope, a constable, in and
Air said county, notes for collection or safe
keeping, one of which said notes was exe
cuted by Nicholas YVinterstcin and Gideon
B. Alexander, on the 18th day of "lay, 1838,
for the sum of seventy two dollars and fifty
«tnts, payable on or before the 1st day of
Octobcr, 1838, to the said complainant, or to
bis order, and that none of the said notes had
blen endorsed by the said complainant, nor
'lmd he then, or since parted with hi? interest
in said notes, or authorized any other person
transfer the same for him, and that imme
diately after placing them in the hands of
the said constable for collection as aforesaid,
•the wid complainant left said Territory, and
was absent for several months, during which
-absence, the said Swope departed this life
»nd said notes by some means got into the
hands of different persons, who set up and
claimed the right to collect and receive pav
mrnt, for the same, without any authority
•'from said complainant for tho same, and that
411 of the persons thus holding and claiming
•aid notes, were informed of the true situa
•!'4fon of eaid notes by said complainant on his
rtturn, which was immediately after the
death of said Swope, and also that the note
atovo referred to, signed by Nicholas Winter
stein, and Gideon 13. Alexander, by some
Means got into the hands of the said William
Buchanan, who instituted a suit upon the
aamo, in the District Court, for said county,
in the name of the said complainant, for the
use of said William Buchanan, without any
•Militbority so to do, and having been notified
by said complainant, of the true circum
js .flanccs and situation of said note, he- is cn
favoring to enforce payment of the same,
greatly to the prejudice and injury of said
complainant, and that the said note, was
made payable to the said Josiah Luckcy. or to
order, and that the same is not endorsed by
him, and also representing that at the May
term, of said District Court, 1840, judgment
tras rendered by default against said Wintcr
atein and Alexander, for the full amount of
•aid note with interest, &c, and whereas a
aummori8 has been issued in this case, against
the said defendant, returnable at the Octobcr
term of said Court, 1840, which was returned
bv the Sheriff, nnn est inventus. Now unless
tfic paid William Buchanan, shall personally
lie, and appear before the District Court, for
•aid county, setting as a Court of Chancery,
-OH or before the first day of the next term,
thereof, to be begun, and held at the Court
tlouse, in Burlington, on the third Monday of
February, 1R41, and answer r,n his corporal
«ath. She chargcs and allegations set forth in
•aid bill of complaint, the same shall be ta
ken as confessed, and a decree entered in the
premised accordingly. Nov 23d, 1840.
M. E. Browning, Solr.for Compt.
On the Chancery fide of the District Court for
the county of Louisa Nov. term 1840.
David Mortimore, 1 Bill for relief. In
vs. junction, and Ne
Levi Rice &. Cicero M. Ives 5 Exeat.
"WyJT'IlEREAS the above named David Zjllor
timore has exhibited his bill of com
plaint against the said Levi Rice and Cicero
M. Ives, in the District Court, for the coilnty
of Louisa aforesaid, praying for relief, gene
rally. iri tlio premises, set forth in said bill,
and for i specific performance of a certain writ
ten contract entered into between the said
Mortimore and the said Rice, under the hands
and seals of the said Mortimore and Rice,
dated the 19th day of June 1840, for the sale
of sundry tracts of land, lying in township
No 75. of range 4 west, in Louisa county
aforesaid, and containing, among other lands,
the west half of section No. 31, in the town
ship aforesaid, which included most of the plat
of land surveyed and laid off for Columbus
city, and for which said lands, so purchased,
and embraced in said contract, the said Mor
timore, subsequently, on the 25th day of ftine,
1840, executed his two several promissory
notes, to the said Rice, the one for three thous
and dollars, and the other for §7000. payable at
tbe end si" five years from date, with 6 per cent
interest thereon, the interest payable annually,
and the bill charging, the said Rice, among
other th ngs, with ha ving fraudulently caused
the said half section of land No. 31, to be left
.out of the deed ol conveyance, which, by
said written contract, he, the said Ricc, had
bound himself to execute to the said Morti
more, with intent to cheat and defraud the
said Mortimore out of said half section of land.
And further, charging the said Ricc with a
fraudulent collusion with the said Ives, and
with having conveyed the said half section of
land no. 31, to the said Ives, to cover the
aame for the use and benefit of the said Rice,
and charging the said Ives with fraudulently
combining with the said Rice to defraud,
and injure the said Mortimore in the premi
ses, and with having taken a deed of said
half section of land from the said Ricc, with
a full knowledge of the contract aforesaid,
and of all the circumstances detailed in said
bill, and that said conveyance from the said
•Bice to the said Ives,was without any legal or
valid consideration, and made with full notice
that the t:iid Ricc was bound to convey the
•aid half section of land no. 31, to the said
Mortimore, and that the sale of the same from
the said Ricc to the said Ives is fraudulent and
Toid and praying that the same may be de
creed to be set aside and annulled, and for a
specific performance, on the part of the said
.Ricc, of his contract aforesaid, and for an in
junction against the said Ricc to restrain him
frcm negotiating or in any way of disposing
of either of said notes given by the said Mor
^iniore for the purchase of said lands as afore
nid- And further enjoining both of the said
'defendants, the said Rice and Ives, and all
others, their agents or attornics from selling,
conveying or in any way or manner of dis
posing of any part of said half section of land,
no. 31, before mentioned. And praying fur
ther for a writ of Ne Exeat, against the said
defendants, if they shall be found in said
Louisa county, to compel them to give securi
|y not to leave this Territory, until the fur
ther order of said court in the premises agree
_*Wy to the statute in such cases made and
provided, and for a writ of Subpoena, to com
the said defendants to appear and an
v er the complainants said bill as is usual
i like eases, returnable to the present term
jof said court. And whereas the said Subpcrna
wij.dinst the said Rice, has been returned Non
J|«t, and the said Mortimore has filed his
petition in said court, in said cause, setting
ISorth, among other things, that he lias been
^informed and verily believes that the said
Rice has left this Territory, and has gone
abroad to parts unknown to the said Morti
tiore, and that be absents himself to avoid the
process of the court in this cause, and that
-*|roccss cannot be served upon him, and pray
ing for an order of publication against him
an absent defendant as the statute provides,
J|Il which is ordered by said court. Therefore,
jBhf said Levi Rice, defendant in this cause, is
^icreby notified and required to appear to said
^ausc and demur, plead or answer to said bill
J&f complaint, on or before the first day of
Tfebruary, J641, or said bill will be taken as
onfessed by him, and a decree will pass
him accordingly provided, that a
*^topy of this order be published in the Hawk
jSyc and Patriot, printed at Burlington, once
1H week, for six successive weeks, before the
*Said first day of February next. By order,
Zatlok G. Inghram,
and Ex-officio Register in Chancery.
1§ Wappello, dec 3
3fc*LOUR and Weil, constantly on hand and
fbraaloby- D. R. COOK.
ROBT. MARTIN, late of Indiana,
Tenders his professional services to the
Citizens of Burlington and the surrounding
country, in all the various branches of the
He has been twenty years a practitioner
in the western States and lie trusts that an
extensive acquaintance with all the prevalent
disease!: of the West, will at once entitle him
to the confidence of tire public, and a liberal
share of patronage. lie has devoted much
of his time to the diseases of women and
children, and to diseases of a delicate charac
ter. He has a good stock of pure unadult
erated medicines selected expressly for his
own piacticc. He will be found at the Of
fice of Doct. James Davis on Jefferson Street
near the river, where he will attend to all
calls, in the line of his profession.
Burlington, July 23, 1840. 8
Hides! Hides!!
WISH to purchase 3 or 400* good Beef
Hides, for which I will pay the highest
market price in goods or cash, delivered to me
in Burlington on or before the first day of
March next. Also, Beeswax, clean cotton
and lineu rags taken at fair prices.
Robert Burnes.
Bnrlington, Dec. 10, 1840. 28tf
per S. B. Mermaid on con­
signment, a large bit of ready made
clothing, for sale cheap for cash by
nov26-26 David & Kitchen.
just received a general assortment
of English, American Si ii'.mopean
Consisting in part of
50 ps red, white, green and yellow Flannels
40 plaid and plain Linseys
20 Kentucky and Keokuk Jeans
30 blue, blk and mixedSattinets.some very
20,000 yds Lawrence Sheetings and Shirtings
5,000 blue and brown Drilling
20,000 Merrimack blue Prints
20,000 do fancy do
10,000 English and French do
20 ps American and English- Cassimere
English an'd French Broadcloths, with
trimmings to suit
10 ps blue, blk and brown Pilot cloths
40 prs black, blue, green and white Macki
naw Blankets
30 prs Rose Blankets
Saddle do
5 bales Batting
For sale low, at the corner of Washington
and Water Streets.
Oct 24
Fort Madison, Iowa Territory.
John j£5. Dunlap, Clerk,
subscriber, having leased the above
named establishment, formerly known as
the "Iowa Iiouse," respectfully informs his
friends and the public generally that the house
has undergone a thorough repair and cleansing,
and is now open and ready for the accommo
dation of the traveling community.
'I he Bar is provided with choice Liquors of
every description the larder will at all times
be supplied with such delicacies of the season
as the market affords and the stables are com
modious, and will always be attended by trusty
and attentive ostlers. In short, every exertion
will be used to suit the taste, comfort and con
venience ol all who may sojourn with him.
The public's obed't serv't,
scpt3 tf JAS. C. PARROTT.
Doz. stout muslin shirts at 50 cts.
Blue broadcloth coats at S10 and $11
each. Pants, vests in proportion—also about
1 doz. Summer coats. CHARLES NEALLKV'S
may 14 50
built a slaughter-house and pack
ing establishment, we will be prepared to
kill and pack all the cattle and hogs that may
be offered. II. W. MOORE $ CO.
Burlington, sept 3
his friends and former Customers,
that he just returned from the East
with a splendid assortment of
of every size and description.
ALSO—Sole Leather, Cow Hide, Kip Skins,
Calf Skins, Lining and Binding, Skins and
Shoe Findings. All of which will be sold low
for cash, and NO MISTAKE.
O^'iidies and Gentlemen please call sind
see, do not forget the door, next door North
of brick block, opposite lower Ferry landing.
Oct 15-pd 20
J\. PILLS. Said to be a sure cure for Fever
and Ague. For sale by
Agents for the Proprietors.
lbs. Log chains,
JUU 1-2 ton of Boston nails,
2 doz. Axes,
2 doz. curry-combs,
An assortment of dove-trimmings. For sale
cheap for cash by LUKE PALMER.
Oct 15 20
& PARTRIDGE have just
received their winter stock of hardware
and cutlery, consisting in part of
Tablo and pocket cutlery, razors and straps
framing chisels, plane irons, setts firmer,
chisels and gouges, turning chisels and gouges,
axes, broad axes, steelyards, weighing from
50 to 350 pounds, brier scythes, straw cuttcrs,
drawing knives, coffee mills, horse, wool and
cotton cards, curry combs, brass kettles, fry
pans, tea kettles, brittania tea pots and setts,
castors, Norfolk bright and knob latches, butts,
screws, sprigs, shoe nails, and tacks, log
chains, files and rasps, trace chains, percussion
and flint gun locks, door, pad, chest, till and
trunk locks, and numerous other articles
rendering their assortment very full.
oct 29
9 baskets champaigne wine,
1 doz. lemon syrup,
8 boxes [Raisins M. Brand,]
4 sacks coffee,
I barrel allspice,
Best Spanish cigars, for sale by
Oct 17 2if
BABBITT thankful for past favors,
takes this method to inform his old cus
tomers, and the public generally, that he still
continues the business of Gu.v MAKIM and re
pairing, at the old Stand in the rear of the Jew
ellers Shop, where he will be pleased to wait
upon all who may favor him witli their custom.
Percussion Powder and aps kept constant
ly on hand and for sale,
as cheap
as they can be
purchased here or elsewhere.
Burlington Nov 11 1839-tf
Pork, Bacon, corned Beef, Lard,
choice table Butter, Flour and Corn Meal,
for cash, by H. W. MOORE & Oo.
Dec 12
per S. B. Ag'nea bn consign­
ment, 100 bushels of dried Apples, tor
salo ciieap for cltsli by
nov26*-20 David & Kitchen.
Proprietors of" the Cedar Grove Bo
tanic Garden and Nurscrv, near Salem
in Henry county, Iowa Territory, have com
menced "their Botanic Garden and Nursery
business where they have on hand about
thirt v-six thousand Apple trees, a considerable
number of which will be ready for transplant
ing this fall or ensuing spring. The trees will
be large and fine, in point of size and Tisfor
not often equalled. One great advantage the
trees of cur nursery will have over those com
ing from the eastern Slates, is, their being
growed upon the prairie, where they are ex
pored to the winds, which will tend admira
bly to acclimatize them to more northern coun
tries, and trees thus hardened by nature, will
be found to succecd best in our southern
States. Their collcction of apples consists of
above forty varieties (ripening in succession
throughout the year) judiciously selected from
abovr five hundred kinds, of the eastern se
lections. Some of their varieties are new and
recently from Princcs' nurseries Long Island
New York. Each tree will he numbered ac
cording to the catalogue which will be fur
nished with each lot of trees, and the trees
of each kind tied in separate bunches so that
there may be no mistakes. The proprietors
do not pretend to perfect infallibility in re
gard to the identity of the different kinds
but in regard to this they are very particu
lar as they consider the responsibility ?reat.
Orders from a distance with cash accompa
nying, will rercivc us prompt attention as
though the purchasers were present, and
where persons aro not acquainted with the
'qualitv of the different kinds of fruit, they
'arc recommended to state in their orders the
1 number of trees wanted, and leave the se
jlecting to the proprietors who will endeavor to
render justice to all their customers,
i Parcels of one thousand trees* or upwards,
lean be delivered at Fort Madison or Burling*
ton, or at any other place within twenty-live
miles of the nursery, at first cost.
Explanatory Note.
Those marked thus (L) denote such kinds
as can be supplied the ensuing fall or spring.
Those-marked thus (S) denote such kipds a:s
arc not sufficiently increased to furnish ex
i tensive parcels. Those marked thus (Z) none
in market.
Pears (S. Princes1 St gemain, psund pear,
orange burgamot, fall butter, mean's large
pear, early butter, summer beauty of Prince,
Ijell pear, seakle, crosane burgamot, grey but
ter, carlv kutharinc, red burgamot, andoranjre
D. Hiver.
Grape Vines. Isabella (L), catawba (Z).
N. B.—The above named grapes are highly
recommended for table use and for wine, they
will also stand the severities of the winters in
this latitude without injury.
Peaches (S). Plums (Z). Cherries 'VS).
May duke, early May, black marilla.
Red currants (S). Rasp-berries.
Red (L), yellow (S) English hedge
thorn (S).
Garden Herbs [S],—Garden sage, balm, rue,
double tansy, hissop, cammomile, horse radish,
peppermint, English pennyroyal, conifrcy. i^e.
Roses —Large double red, large single red,
dwarf double red.
Corn.—Sweet or sugar corn for boiling (S).
Early Tuscarrora, fine for boiling (S Chinese
tree corn, and some other varieties
No. Names Time of ripening.
1 Yellow june, ripening in 7 months,
sweet une in do do
Carolina june in do do
princcs harvest in do do
princes junating in do do
Carolina sweet, ripening in 7 &. 8 months
red streak
summer queen
summer pearmain
glass apple
red stripe
12 maidens blush, ripening in 8 &. 9 months
horse apple in do do
codling in do do
ulino apple in do do
fall buty, ripenining in 9 & 10 months
ramb in do do
pound pippin in do do
white sweet apple in do do
vandevcrc pippin from 11 to 1st month
monstrous pippin from 11 to 2d month
bollfiower winter
black do
harrison do
roinan stem do
smiths cider do
winter pearmain do
red winesap do
rhodeisland greening do
golden russet do
michacl henry pippin do
newtown spitsonburg do
newton pippin do
34 white winter pearmain do
j35 queen apple do
36 hews' crab [for cider] do
137 nc-verfail do
138 white pippin do
39 pcnocl: do
40 aunts apple do
41 american pippin do
42 red balwding do
43 red sweet pippin do
44 Carolina apple do
45 green everlasting. do
The time of ripening is calculated for the
40th degree of latitude but will vary with
different filiations, or changes of seasons.
All persons wishing to purchase and those
who feel an interest in the nursery business,
and in the prosperity of the concern in the
west, aro respectfully invited to visit and in
spect our establishment.
Oct. 1 18
accordance with the provisions of the act
of Congress approved March 3d, 1837, the
under mentioned town Lots in the town of
Burlington Iowa Territory, will bo exposed to
Public Sale to the highest bidder, commencing
on Monday the 1st day of February, 1841, and
continuing until they am sold, to wit:
Lots No. 323, 324, 325, 358, 630, 632 a,
G36 b, 763, 933 e, 944 f, 944 e, and 979 c, and
to which no certificates of pre-emption were
granted by the Commissioners appointed un
der said act.
Also, the following Lots, the certificates of
pre-emption to which were granted and issued
illegally by the Commissioners above referred
to, and in conscquencc the claims of persons
to them have been rejected by us provided
the claimants shall, by themselves, or their
agents duly authorized, file in this officc, pre
vious to the day of sale, a relinquishment of
all claims to pre-emption, or all parties in
each contested claim shall file a similar relin
quishment, to wit:
[Lots and parts of Lots from No. 1, to 996,
including all up to that number not other
wise specified in this advertisement.]
Also the following Lots the claimants hav
ing forfeited their right to pre-emption by
non-entry to wit:
Lots No. 3S0, 434, 511, 617, 764, 665, 740,
741, 765, 812, and 813
A. C. DODGE, Register.1
V. P. VAN ANTWERP, Receiver.
Land Office at Bnrlington, I. T.
•, Oct 6th, 1840.
"N." B.— The
Bloomington Herald" and
Iowa Sun" will please insert this adver
tisement until day of Sale and forward their
bills to the Land Office at Burlington.
"fl Bbls Kanawha SALT, for Sale by
Dec. 31.
Thursday evening last, between this
place and Major Jeremiah'Smith's, one
Black Silk Cape, one fine Muslin Collar,
[white] aud one Breast Pin, all pinned or rolled
in a news-paper. The finder will be liberally
rewarded by leaving the abovp articles at the
store of Webber and Remey.
Dec. 31 W. B. REMEY.
F11RE Subscriber is authorized to sell the
A following described tracts of land, on the
most advantageous terms to purchasers.
.i Van Buren county,
W 1-2 nw 1-4 sec 11 67 17
E 1-2 no 1-4 see 10 67 10
Se 1-4 sec 1, 67 JO.
Sty 1-4 sec 1, 67 10.
Ne ]-4 sec 1, 67 10.
Se 1-4 sec 10, 67 10.
Ne 1-4 sec 15, 69 9.
N() 1-4 sec 3, 69 9.
Se 1
-4 sec 30, 70 9.
Sw 1-4 sec 7, 69 8.
Ne 1-4 sec 22, 69 3.
E 1-2 ne 1-4 see 20, 69 8.
E 1-2 se 1-4 see 9, 69 8.
Sw 1-4 see 15, 69 8
W 1-2 so 1-4 sec 36, 70 8
Sw 1-4 sec 31, 71 9
Henry county,
W 1-2 se 1-4 sec 19, 70 7
Dcs Moines county,
W 1-2 nc 1-4 sec 36, 69 3
Musquitine county,
W 1-2 sw 1-4 sec 9, 77 3
E 1-2 se 1-4 sec 7, 77 3
Nw 1-4 sec 17, 77 3
W 1-2 sw 1-4 sec 8, 77 3
W 1-2 sw 1-4 sec 29, 77 3
Se 1-4 sec 15, 77 3
Nw 1-4 sec 18,"t 77 1
Sw 1-4 sec 18, 77 1
VV 1-2 sw 1-4 sec 14, 77 1
W 1-2 sec 15, 77 2
Louisa county,
E 1-2 se 1-4 sec 25, t. 73 4
W 1-2 ne 1-4. sec 9, 73 4
Ew 1-4 sec 1, 73 4
E 1-2 sw 1-4 sec II, t73r4
W 1-2 sw 1-4 sec 3,173 4
"W 1-2 s 1-4 sec 3, 73 4
The above arc select lands, eligibly situated,
and somewhat improved.
For terms apply to the undersigned agent of
the owner, Lewis Benedict, Esq. who has a de
seription of each tract.
in do
in dt
in do
in do
in do
be delivered after th. middle of Septem
ber, for which the market pnee will be
paid by II W. MOORE CO.
N. B.—No cattle wanlsd that weigh less than
700 pounds. sept 3
JefT'erson county,
Lee county,
W 1-2 se 1-4 sec 22, 69 5'
W 1-2 nc 1-i see 10, 68 6
W 1-2 sw 1-4 sec 10, 68 6
W 1-2 se 1-4 sec 26, 69 4
E 1-2 nw 1-4 sec 26, 69 4
Nw 1-4 sec 36, 68 0
Sw 1-4 sec 36, 68 6
W 1-2 se 1-4 sec 36, 69 4
W 1-2 se 1-4 sec 3, 69 5
JAS. W. GRIMES, Agent, £c.
May 6th, 1840.—19-tf
DLLS and 7 Tcirces Molasses,
jUXJr 35 ke rs Boston nails,
70 galls, superior winter strained oil.'j
1 cask saleratus,
1 do salt petrc.
Just received and for sale low for cash, cat
tle or hogs, by H. W. MOORE, CO.
Sept 24 18
O ALL those that aro indebted to J. P.
Eddy &. Co., by Note or book account,
arc requested to call and settle, as we have
closed our store and wish to remove our es
tablishment from this placo We are thank
ful for past favors.
The books may be found at the National
Hotel. J. P. EDDY & CO.
Sept £24—tf 18
DOZ. Palm leaf hoods and bonnets,
for sale bv
oct 29
(3J A bbls. of Kcnawha Salt, just received
s&'S: U (on Consignment) and for sale by
june 18—3 £. A. HUDSON.
KERF, he will be happy to receive his
friends and the public generallj', and
will give them as good fare asthecoun
try will afford-
Burlington, Nov. 14 1839.
W. MOORE, ifc Co., wish to contract
for 200 or 300 large HOGS to be deliv
ered at Burlington, on or before the first day
of October next, for which the highest cash
price will be paid.
500 BEEF CATTLE wanted,
informs the citizens of
Burlington and vicinity that he has
taken tbe room lately occupied as a grocery on
the south-cast corncr of Washington and Wa
ter streets, and under the llawkeyc printing
office, where lie will thankfully receive the or
ders of those who may be pleased to patronize
him. He lias on hand a variety of Cloths, Cas
simcres, Vcstings, Stocks, Collars, &c. &c. &c.
which he will dispose of on the most reasona
ble terms. Ho will shortly reccivc, and he in
tends constantly kcepinir on hand, a large as
The public arc respectfully solicited to give
him a call and lie hopes, by attention to busi
ness and a disposition to please, to merit their
support sept 17—2m
I' received from New Orleans,
2 prime Sugar
2 bbls Loaf do
10 sacks prime green coffee
5 boxes sperm candles
6 boxes Imperial and Y. H. Teas*
1 tiercc Rice
3 bbls Mackcrel No.l
Which will be sold low for cash, cattle or
hogs. H. W. MOORE & CO.
sept 3
Mill stones.
On con-
|jjACCOON Burr Mill Stones
ignment, and for sale by
Bridgman & Partridge.
HE undersigned very respectfully informs
public generally, that he lias open
ed a School in the building lately occupied as
a Council-room (the basement story of the
Methodist Church,) in which male and female
youth will be radically taught Orthography,
Reading, Penmanship, Geography, English
Grammar, Rhetoric, Composition, Ancient and
Modern History, Book-Keeping, Practical and
Rational Arithmetic, Algebra, Geometry, the
application of the principles of Algebra, to
Geometry, Folding and endorsing letters and
Critiques. Whatever appertains to the benefit
of pupils, will have the strictest attention
paid to it, and all those who may be plcassd
to patronize the school, may rest assured of
having ample justice done to their children.
The terms &c. application to be made to
Samuel M. Clendenin.
N. B.—School to commence on Friday the
20th of November, 1840. v 25
L. HASBROUCK has removed his
Drug store to the corner of Main and
Columbia streets, near the Land Office, where
persons wishing good and pure mcdicines will
6c sure to find them cheap for cash.
nov26 i 26
for Pork or Floa'r^,
Subscriber has on hand a few Cook
ing and Franklin Stoves, which he will
sell for PORK or FLOUR. Those wishing
to make the exchange, will please call at an
early day, as tho assortment is limited.
declO-28 Charles Nealley.
im&oi '.
/F.RO-V'T s
The above mentioned improvements having
been made, the Subscriber trusts from an ex
perience of many years in the business, in Wheel
ing ,Va. that he will be able to establish a charac
ter and reputation for the Burlington House,
which cannot be surpassed above St Louis.
The LARDER will at all times be abun
dantly supplied with all the delicacies which
the season and market can afford, and no exer
tions will be omitted which can contribute to
please the palates the most fastidious.
The STABLES are commodious and se
cure, and will always be attended by trusty
03" Members of the Legislature, and others
visiting the seat of government, will be accoifl
modatcd with boarding at reasonable rates.
Ho docs not resort to certificates to prove
wonderful cures effected by the medicine, but
is willing»to have it stand on its own merits
having used it in a very sickly scction of the
West, with succcss in every case where the di
rections were adhered to.
Each package is accompanied with a box of
Aperient pills, with directions for taking the
Directions for taking the YVahoo pills after
the Aperient pills have operated. For Adults:
after the fovcr abates, take one pill every hour
until the time for the next chill arrives, when
if you feel it returning take a double dose, and
then discontinue the use of them until tho fe
ver again subsides when take them again as a
bove until the disease is checked, gradually re
ducing the dose next day to 5 pills, then 4, then
2, then 1 which continue for ten davs or two
weeks until the disease, is conquered. Chil
dren—from 5 to 10 years old may take one ev
ery two hours and from 1 to 5 years, one every
3 hours, gradually reducing the dose as above.
To prevent imposition, the public arc notifi
ed that all authorized Agents arc furnished
with certificates sigened by us. Please notice i
also each wrapper hears our signature. For
sale by the proprietors at their wholesale and
retail Drug and Chemical Store, BURLINGTON,
•PRICE—$1 50 per BOK.
w. rioiforco.
fitted up the Ware-House in the rear df their Store for a MAR
KET, and keep a full supply of
Burlington, June 1, 1840. 1
Corner of Columbia and Alain streets.
subscribers having leased the above
named establishment for a term of years,
and the buiSdings having undergone a thorough
repair, arc now enabled to accommodate the
traveling community in a style that will not
fail to please those who may favor them with a
The BAR and CELLARS have received the
proprietors' spccial attention. These have
been provided with the best Liquors and choic
est Wines of every description.
Burlington, I. T. April 1st. 1840. 6m-44
AVE received in addition to their former
stock a lot of Superior BOOTS AND
among which aro
Sheetings, (a heavy article)
Flannels, (various colors)
Cambrics Calicoes
Blankets Broadcloths
Satinets Cassimcrcs
Bed Ticking Cotton Cheek
Cotton Yarn Merinos
Merino under Shirts Linen
Cotton and woollen socks
On hand as usual a supply of first rate Gro
ceries all of whiah will be sold very low for
cash. [Oct. 24 1839
KX Tit
A certain cure for FFVER and AGUE,
by eradiating the cause of the disease.
ING after a series of experiments and
much care devoted to the preparation of
a medicine of sufiicicnkcnergy to cure this dis
tressing complaint and not prove injurious to
the constitution, the proprietor has succeeded
The proprietor has submitted the substances
forming these pills to a careful chemical exam
ination, and has possessed himself of thcartof
curing this disease by SIMPLE HERBS with
out resorting to Arsenic, Mcrcurj', or any oth
er Mineral substance.
March. 19, 1840. 42
nr u ou- i ject
Hampton, Rock Island county, Illinois'.
Samuel L. Lambcrson, A. M. Principal.
IIE Winter term of this School will com
incnce on the 2nd day of November.
For terms, &c. reference may be had to
the Editor of the Hawkeyc, or to the Prin
cipal at JHampton, Rock-Isiand Co., Illinois.
Oct.* 22-6
w 21
j^JOLESKIN, Russia
ilussiu t_- -t •+-V '.
Brush & Roram B'ack and drab^ts
Supyr seal, nutra, muskrat,
plush, hair, seal and selette, Caps,
just received by
oct 23.: .p.
& PARTRIDGE have'just
received by S'.'TB. Chippewa and Mermaid,
2 bales buffa io robes, flannels, crash,
Selecia, buckskin mittens
2 bales cottcn batting, wrapping paper
Powder, xhailder.
Also, 22 doz. int tumblers, 25 boxes glass,
8x 10, 10 12, which we will sell low for
cash. novl2
rj^HE Subscribers have just received a full
I assortment of women's kip brogans, blue
and mixt pantaloons, cane seat, YY'indsor and
canc-scat rocking chairs, white-wash brushes.
Also, a full assortment of Queenswarc which
We will sell low for cash.
nov!2 Bridgman & Partridge.
500 Dry Hides immediately,
Also, deer skins, furs, and beeswax,
which wc will take in payment of accounts or
for goods.
novl2 Bridgraan & Partridge.
v- 'S i
which they'are selling at low prices. PUBLIC HOISES
BOATS will be supplied with every eatable that can be had in this country
0^?~N,.B. Beef Cattle, Sheep. Calves, Hogs, Poultry, and also all
kiuds of Vegetables Wanted, for which the market price will be paid.
Subscriber having leased the above
named Hotel for a term of years, takes
this opportunity to inform the public that it is
NOW OPEN for their reception.
The Burlington House has lately undergone
thorough repairs and cleansing, many new and
commodious alterations have been made, to
gether with an addition of several new rooms.
It has also been newly furnished in part. In
short no pains or expense has bt cn spared either
by the owner or subscriber to fit it up in ele
gant stile, and to make it one of the^nost .de
sirable Hotels in the western country. How far
they have suececded in the attempt they are
willing for the public to judge.
''.l v
Burlington, April 30. Middle Store, brick block.
& PARTRIDGE havo receiv­
ed their stock of Winter Dry Goods—
Consisting of
Broad cloths—variety of colors
Cass i meres do do
Satinets o o
Beaver & pilot cloths variety of colors
Mackinaw bed and saddle blankets
Lindsoys, plain, plaid and striped
Log cabin linseys
Kentucky and Keokuck jeans
Hard times very chcap
Easy times do
'Moleskins and bcavcrteens
White and col'd woollen flannel
White and col'd cotton do
Tickings and brown drillingB
Strip'd shirtings, apron checks
American & Eng. calicoes, blue & colors
Mourning prints
Scotch tV English ginghams
0-4 and 3-4 merinos, all colors
Highland ^-"merino shawls
Furniture prints, silk piece goods
Mouslin de Laiucs
Silk and cotton pocket bdkfs
Silk and cotton velvet
Black and col'd Hewing silk and twist
Silk coat cord, silk braids
Linen hrlkfs, plain and hem stitch
Linen lawn, linen cambric, Irish linen
Brown and back linen
Brown and white linen table covers
Book, Swiss and mull muslin
White «$• col'd cambrics, padding, canvass
Black lasting, shepherd's plaid
Black Italian and Barcelona cravats
Plaid madrass do
Prussian hdkfs, worsted and cotton hosiery
Leather, kid and woollen gloves
Buck and woollen mittens
White and col'd skein, and spool thread
Black and col'd patent linen do
Pins, needles, tapes, silver thimbles
Gum elastic, cotton &. worsted suspenders
Satin Y'alencia and toilenot vesting, &.C.
Ail of which will be sold as chcap as
they can be found in the city.
oct 29
At St Louis Prices.
snbvcribcr respectfully informs his
friends and the. public generally, that he
has commenced manufacturing at his stand on
Jefferson street, in the city oi" Burlington,and
will keep constantly on hand the various arti
cles in his branch of trade, such as
House Pipe, Guttering, assortment Ware,
ST1LL/.3, Was/i Kettles, Stew Kettles,
Tea Kettles, Store Pipe, §c.
He has also just received a large lot of
Cook, Franklin, Box, Seven and Ten
Plate Stoves.
PREMIUM STOVES—.lust received ai
above, a lot of the celebrated New-York pre
mium Stoves, which he will sell wholesale and
retail at St. Louis prices.
April 30,1840. ly—48
Groceries, Sec.
received by S. B. Chippewa, and for
sale low for cash by the subscribers,
40 sacks enffee, 12 hhds. sugar,
20 boxes and 10 half chests
Gunpowder imperial and Y. teas,
Loaf sugar, saleratus, indigo, pepper
and spice, *25 kegs of Boston nails,
1 cask winter sperm oil.
nov!2 Bridgman fc Partridge.
'fist ray Marc,
up by John Bcdwell of Louisa Co.,
Iowa Territory, and posted before T. G.
Clark, Justice of the Peace, of Fredonia, Oct.
18, 1S40. Description as follows, to wit:
A Gray Marc, with no other marks than
saddle marks, was shod before, and supposed
to be four or five years old. Appraised to
thirty-three dollars by Enoch K. Maxon,
James Bcdwell and Curtis Knight.
A draught from my Estray book:
John Gilliland,
Clk. to Co. Corns. Board.
an adjourned meeting of those interest
ed in the city of Burlington: On motion
of David Rorer Esq., the following resolutions
were re ad und adopted.
Resolved, That in the opinion of this meet
ing it is the interest of the owners of town
lots in Burlington to relinquish their pre-emp
tions, and allow their lots to be put up at pub
lic sale.
Resolved, That it is but equitable and just,
that the present recognized owners of lots
according to the action heretofore on the sub
ject shall have the privilege of bidding off
their lots at the public sale
Resolved, That for the purpose of effecting
such a result, this meeting do now proceed to
the nppointmcn't of a committee of Arbitra
tion of five, three of whom shall be a quorum
to pass upon the rights of those desiring to
register their lots, whose decision on the sub
Of Oak Shingles warranted "Leans
to be a good articlc, for sale
Sept 24
will carry into effect by all legal
Resolved, That this meeting also appoint
a Register, bidder and assistant bidder for
said Town. That it shall be the duty of the
Register to furnish the bidder, under the di
rection of said committee with a fair list of
the persons allowed to bid for lots, with the
number of their rcspcctive lots annexed to
their reepective names. And that it shall be
the duty of said bidder to attend the sales
arid bid off the said lots in the names of their
respective owners.
Resolved, That all those whose names are
registered as owners of lots, shall be con
sidered as pledged individually, and collect
ively to assist the said bidder in the discharge
of his duties.
On motion—Messrs. Levi Hager, Jesse B.
Webber, Geo. YV. Kelley, Henry Moore, and
Geo. II. Bceler, were unanimously chosen a
Committee of Arbitration.
On motion of Jus. Y\\ Grimes Esq., David
Rorer, was appointed! Register, David Hen
dershott, Bidder,.and N. Chace assistant Bid
Resolved, That the publishers of the Gazel'e
and Hawheve, papers published in this placc,
be requested to publish the proceedings of
this meeting in their respective papers,gmtili
the 21st of January, A. 1841.
On motion—The meeting adjourned.^
v Attest, TV'"
GEO. H. BEELER, Char'a,
I H- B* HF.NPEBSUOTT, Sec'ry. .t
s. »'i is *r)
of Administra*ti6n *re obtained
on the estate of Dr R. S. Searl, deceased,
late of Louisa Co., those indebted will please
call and settle immediately, those having
claims thereon, will present them as soon as
possible, as the estate is supposed insolvent.
James Guest,
William Kennedy.
iiovl2-8tpd 24
*s v.'w s 'ivtrj
*. ''suSi in» or
It decidedly superior to any other faJj
hination of medicine, for CoughV*
Consumption, Asthma, Croup,
Pleurisy, Inflammation of \ht
Hoarseness, Difficulty of Breathine
Cough, and all diseases of the £',,,
Affections and Nervous Diteatts.
medccinc is highly and iustlv
mended, by numerous and re,Pec\/,e
dividuals, who have found relief from
Many wtio have been laboring under nr
coughs and pains in the breast, and hiv
supposed by themselves and their fa. J**
advanced in consumption, havo been
restored to perfect health by the W
valuable Expectorant.
From the Philadelphia Saturday Cau
recommend one good medicine at the
of another, but wc cannot forbear
the valuable properties possessed by the "p"
minative Balsam," and tho Erwa
prepared by Dr Jayno, of South Third T1"
in this city. We have forborne to m,
dence until after a thorough trial in n. 'Y
family. They arc invaluable in a famil,*5
children. 'v «t
gised. On trial of them in my own fjraj|t
and some of them personally, I have nit-i
than realized their favorable anticipation
They are what they profess to be—notou^
nostrums—but skilfully prcpired antidote?li*
some of the most afflictive of human discu*
1 know that they are highly esteemed, uj
frequently prescribed, by some of tho®*!
respectable of the regular practitioner o'
medicine in this city and elsewhere, and Ido
not hesitate to commend them as a valnilli
addition to our materia mcdica, and a afc
as well as eminently useful remedy for tht
diseased." RUFUS BABCOCK, Jr.D.D."
Philadelphia, 7th June, 1838.
The above valuable medicines aro io!j
wholesale and retail at the Proprieloriprita
by JAYNE &. PANCOA3T, General Agents fe
the Mississippi Yralley, No. 138 Maine«t:cei,
Saint Louis. They arc for Sale alio, by
Of all the remedies ever devised for thj
preservation and restoration of tho Hair, nons
has been found equal to JAYNES HAIR TOSIC.
Indeed, it ha« proved itself to bo infalihle is
preventing the hair from falling off and will.
positively by a faithful application, in ninelrn
cases out of every twenty, bring out a net
and beautiful head of hair. There is therefore,
From the Philadelphia Saturday Evening Pit,
of Sept. 7th, 18:19.
HAIR TONIC.—We call the attention t'
those afilictcd with premature baldness, ti
the cscellcnt "Hair Tonic" prepared by Dr
Jayne of this city. Having used it ourselves,
we can speak of its virtues ly experience, and
wo unhesitatingly pronounce it an invaluable
remedy to prevent the falling off of the hair,
and to restore it from a dead, to a fins,
healthy appearance. YVe can also speak from
personal knowledge of the cases of twoorthrw
friends who wore predisposed to baldness, who
by the use of Javnc's Hair Tonic, have not
luxuriant hair. We have no disposition to
puff, indiscriminately all kinds of remedies
for all diseases which flesh is heir to, but
when we have tested the virtuo of an article,
we are free to say it is good.
For Sale wholesale and retail at th*Pn
prietors prices, by JAYNE & PANCOAST, .Y»
138 Maitio street, St Louis. Sold also by.
rhe HaV
once a
year, 1
Is a certain, safe and effectual remedy
Dysentery Diarrha-a, or Loosenett ChJZ
Morbus, Summer Complaint, cholic, Hystcrm
cramp, Nervous Paintings,
PLAINT and in all the above diseasu
really acts like a charm.
All persons are requested to try it,
for with
out exception, it is one of the most viluvi
medicines ever yet discovered. Hundred)
nay thousands, of certificates h&vo heen re
ceived from Physicians, Clergymen, and faa:
lies of the first respectability, bearing
strongest testimony in its favor, too numtroa
to publish.
From the Rev. Dr. Bahcock, late Prttidtm if
..rill su°J£
„f went
the rati
This is one of the most efficient, ple»#M
and safe compositions ever offered to tho
lie for the cure of the various dcrangcmel
of the STOMACH and BOWELS, and the onlyJr.'
4-4 & ^-4 brown muslins, bleached muslins clc worthy of the least confidence for tur..
Wateroille College, Maine.
From intimate personal acquaintance will
Dr. D. Jayne, a regular student of the Jfcdj.
cal University of Pennsylvania, and an
pcrienced, successful practitioner of mcdicise
I was prepared to appreciate the numerous to!
timonial8 in favor of his different medical are
parafions, much moro highly then the
majority of those which arc extensively
H. YV. MOORE, & CO., Burlington.
Oct 22 21
A liber
Persons wishing for information respecting
the origin and genuineness of the stock,
respectfully referred to Col. J. O'FallonwJ
Capt. J. Bissel.
Trees packed so that they can be «ti11*
any part of tho West xVith perfect oafctyi
and delivered in St. Louis free of charge.
Persons ordering Trees and wishing W to
select the varieties, will please mention ths
proportion of early and late fruit wanted
Orders, with a remittance, will meet
immediate attention, if addressed to
ind post
jrtii-b' of
per book
M- o.
To remove these troublesome anddw.
gerous inhabitants of the Stomach and Boiveli,
which so often impair the health and dcsiroT
tho lives of Children, use JAYJNE'S TONIC
VERMIFUGE, a certain and safe preparation
for the removal of the various kinds of Worm
Dyspepsia, Sour Stomach, Want of Appetite!
Infantile Fever and Ague, and Debility of the*
Stomach and Bowels and Organs of Digestion.
it the of
H. W. MOORE, & Co. Burlington,
Jan 2'
the adja
W. Bull
Jan 2!
mu Pr
SERY, is situated north of St Louii*
the Bellefontaine Road, one mile from the Big
Mound, where FRUIT TREES of all «orU,
suitable for this clime, are cultivated in a
tensive varieties. Also Ornamental Trees
Flowering Shrubs Hardy, Perennial Flower
ing Plants Hardy and Green house Bosses
a few splendid varieties of the Chineec Pconeji,
the prices the same as tho N. York Nursirj.
lie is
Van Bi
North St. Louii.
Oct 22-1m St. Louis Rep. $3,00
OOTS, Shoes, and Brogans, fine
coarse, at CHARLES NEAIXIT»•
B. T.
W. H. Moots fcCfr
Hail" trunks assorted sil«:'
cases men's and boy's thick b«®
and shoes men's and women's fur lined o1*
casins gaiter boots kid slipps and ah0*1
misses and childrens shoes, for sale by
oct 2S
PARTRIDGE, have on B*"®.
small of men's calf boots, fr®
they will sell at cost to close the lot.
Also, men's calf shoes and kid
pumps. oct 29
Broad blue black poult de soir
.Do blue gro de Rhine
Blk and blue blk gro de Swiss i
Rich satin stripe fig'd gro de nap
Blue blk Hellimcnne a splendid artiC"
Fig'd dress satins black sincheW
Light rnousseline de laines mourn"5!
Blk and blue black silk velvet V
Blk merino hdkfs printed challjJB
Green berrage veils V
Blk fillet veils a new article
Blk serge worsted edging hdkfs
twist thread and bobbins sdging
tf oi
sub ta

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