Newspaper Page Text
Social and Personal’ ☆ ST. PAUL ☆ Mississippi Student Bpends student at Jackson College, Ji vacation with his cousin, Mr. Ave., and Willie Hardy. He arri To Visit Son: Rev. M. R. D rive Monday, July 7 to visit his i his uncle and family at present, Rev. and Mrs. James C. Dixon, 566 W. Central Ave. He will be here for a week or ten days. Home: Rev. James C. Dixon and son, Richard, returned Thursday, June 26, from the AME district convention that was held in Davenport, lowa. Left For Vacation: Mrs. Ven tress Roberson, 739 Rondo Ave., left Friday, June 27 for a two weeks vacation trip to Chicago. House Guest From St. Louis: Mrs. Charlie Rucks of St. Louis, Mo., was the house guest of her cousins. Mr. and Mrs. William Foulkes, 371 Western Ave. No. and she also visited other rela tives. Happy Family Reunion: M. and Mrs. Lyman Myers, 868 Iglehart Ave. are entertaining Mr. Myers four brothers and the family of •ne of them. The Messrs Joseph, Alphonso, Cornelius and Elmon, also Mrs. Elmon Myers and chil dren, Donald, Louis and Elnora. They will be the house guests of the Lyman Myers for a week. Their home is in Indianapolis and they will be accompanied home by the Lyman Myers family who will spend a week visiting in Indian apolis. Correction: Mrs. Granville Adamson is the sole survivor of Mr. Granville Adamson. Her sister, Mrs. Ethel Beukers of Grand Ra pids, Mich and her niece, Mrs. W. J. Phillips of St. Louis, Mo. at tended funeral service for Mr. Adamson. Daughter Here From Brooklyn: Miss Ora Mae Johnson of Brook lyn, N. Y. is visiting her parents, Mr and Mrs. John Johnson, 658 St. Anthony Ave. GENE SHAWS Prlmtlmg bmrvh» W.ririia, fJT C mnb fsrftiHMi Ijr I tWMi 1H —nr \Jf J uMi 1 IK Inht Maria 4 16 Sib lay St. OA SMI SHOP AND SAVE AT WARD’S FOOD MARKET Meats Poultry Dairy Products Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Rondo At Farrington ELK. 6100 / * Ji . «&£**•.. : 4>^g- When you serve new CITY ■ HR CLl’B Beer, you serve the I HR QMf > one Northwest brew that's I fig MR p "" really refreshing. For new I ■ \ City Club combines those /Have a Bottle of Ci I Its Really Refreshin SAYS JERI DEMICK, 4 i MISS CITY CIUB OF 1952 - i Vacation Here: Wade Sutton, tackson, Miss., is spending bis Mathaniel Hardy, 732 Carroll ived June 13 for his vacation. )ixon of St. Louis, Mo., will ar son, Michael, who is living with Heads Drive To Aid Bath House F 1 Jfej^ Hot Springs, Ark - Mrs. Prim rose Funches is the new co-direc tor of a $265,000 drive *o clear the debt on the National Baptist Sanitarium and Bath House in Hot Springs, Ark. Dr. Funches is the national western director of the Young People and Field dir ector of the Foreign Missions Board of the National Baptist Convention, U.S.A., Inc. Dr. A. M. Townsend, executive secretary of the finance commis sion, is director general of the fund drive. Special awards will be presented those who pledge to the current drive.— (ANP) Breakfast For Out Of Town Guest: Mrs. Felix Claridy gave a breakfast for Mrs. Dona Barger of St. Charles, 111., house guest of Mrs. Mary Alice Smith, 2929 Fifth Ave So. Tri-City Luggage & Leather Goods Wholesale to the Consumer 1 368 Minnesota St. GA. 6606 ITYCLUB! q Because beer you ever enjoy where. J»t MmM ■rtwUf Ce. It. NA Ma* Pioneer Adelphia Club Elects Mrs. Lindsay President The Adelphai Club held its last meeting of the season at the home of Mrs. Walter Robinson, 636 W. Central Ave. The associate members were hostesses. The following officers were el ected: President, Mrs. Carrie E. Lindsay: vice president, Mrs. Birdie High, secretary, Mrs. M. R. Burgess, assistant secretary, Mrs. Geo. W. Brooks, Sr.; treas urer, Mrs. T. B. Cook; librarian, Mrs. O. W. Lindsey, and the ex ecutive board members are, Mrs. J. F. Stevens, chairman; Mrs. W. D. Smith, music, Mrs. Louis P. Moore, philanthropy; Mrs. T. F. Allen, education; Mrs. Lola Ed wards, secretary of student loan; Mrs. O. W. Lindsey, treasurer of student loan, Mrs. Eva Neal, his torian. The award for perfect attend ance given each year by the president, went to Mrs. Geo. W. Brooks, Sr. Mrs. Dorothy Porter installed the officers. Well Known St. Paulites' Married Vashti Milligan and Samuel L. Ransom, well know St. Paulites, were married at the home of the bride last Monday evening, June 30 at 790 St. Anthony. Following the ceremony, a re ception was held in the basement auditorium of Pilgrim Baptist church. About 500 person attended the reception. The bride wore a sheer, beige, chiffon lace gown and a pale orchid colored hat veil. Pinned on her shoulder was an orchid cor sage. The matron of honor, Mrs. B. F. Taylor wore a pastel green gown the bodice was satin and the skirt was lace. She carried a corsage of sweetheart roses and gardenias. The lady ushers of Pilgrim, church acted as hostesses and poured at the refreshment table at the reception. Music for the reception was furnished by Hattie Belle Smith. The couple received many gifts. Walter Goins was best man and Rev. Floyd Massey Jr. officiated at the ceremony. The groom was a major in the Home Defenes Force during World War II and is past grand master of the Minnesota Masons and was a football star at Beloit college. He is a member of the Governor's Interracial Commission. Dolores Maxine Rivers Weds Charles E. Porter Miss Dolores Maxine Rivers, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Rivers, 718 Iglehart Ave., became the bride of Staff Sgt. Charles E. Porter, son of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Porter of Wichita, Kans., at eight p. m. Saturday, June 28, at Pil grim Baptist church. Rev. Floyed Massey Jr., per formed the beautiful double ring ceremony. The bride was given in marriage by her father, Mr. Alvin Rivers. The wedding was performed with a background of ferns. Miss Marcheta Allen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Allen, 973 Iglehart Ave., played the traditional wedding march on the organ. Miss Gloria Roberts, sang, very impressively, "Because." It was an all white wedding an the bridal party carried col onial bouquets. The bride was lovely in white satin covered by lace and nylon net, semi formal length. Miss Jelahan Rivers was her sister’s maid of honor. The brides maids were the Misses Tillie Haskins, Sandra Young and Beverly Young. The flower girl was Cynthia Porter. Mr. Robert Lambert of Omaha, Neb., was best man. The ushers were James Schuck, Woodford Mills. Jr., and Frederick O'Neal. Immediately following the wed ding, there was a reception held in the Followship Hall of the church. Many lovely and useful gifts were received by the happy couple. Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Porter left Tuesday, July 1 for Wichita, Kans . where they will visit with the grooms parents until about July 17. On July 19. they will ar rive in Montgomery. Alabama, where the groom is stationed at Gunter Air Force Base. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Porter of Wichita, parents of the groom, attended the wedding. Actor, Guest Of Val LaMarr: Mr Arthur Sjobery of Hollywood, Calif was a guest of Val LaMarr. 515 16 Ave. So. He was in the cast of “An American in Paris" He is also choir director of the Holly wood Presbyterian church. He came here to take his mother. Mrs. Ida Young to Hollywood to make her home with him. Confirmed: Mrs Robert W. Alexander, 3828 Clinton St was confirmed in St. Leonard’s church. Central Variety Store Ml UMIVttSITY AT FAMINOTON Tey», HeeMheM Ware, Netiee* Needle Art, Nylea Hetiery, deist* A Verel*fc. Mmey Order*. DA. 9748 C. SHerrord, Prop. try IMMes BUI, Nor. The WAY I SEE IT ★ BY NELL DODSON RUSSELL NEW YORK CITY.—In the months ot bitter political controversy to come, this columnist does not Intend to engage in any partisan political writing. You will have to make up your minds on the basis of what you believe just as I will have to do. We here in New York have the doubtful advantage of being able to secure a partial picture of the political scene from eight daily newspapers expressing opinion rang ing all the way from the pro-Communist, fellow traveling extreme left to the anti-Communist, re actionary extreme right. However, not many in dividuals out of the eight million have the urge much less the time to wade through the editorial blabber of eight newspapers a day. I manage as many as I can and try to "stagger” them on some kind of regular schedule. I oftentimes find that NELL. RUSSELL rather than becoming more well-informed on cur rent political pussy-footing and double-talk, I am utterly confused as to which of the journals is whangling the biggest mouthful of hogwash in its editorial pages and columns. The allegedly ••liberal” New York Post gets as weird In Its deviations as the "reactionary” Hearst Journal-American. The New York Times which advertises Itself as printing “all the news that's fit to print” becomes so tangled up In Its own cotton stuffing on occasion that a reader seeking unvarnished opinion has the feeling he’s being suffocated under a printed haystack of goofer feathers. As the result of this plethora of printer's Ink wafted from eight publications, the average New Yorker who reads only two newspapers a day anyhow. Isn't exactly unin formed but manages to be just about as misinformed as a feller living In any other American city. El H The newsstand gentleman who sells me my evening papers every 5 p. m. doesn't know what to make of Yours Truly. Sometimes I ask for a New York Post and a New York Journal-American. This is practically unhoard of. People who read the Post Just don’t read the Journal and vice versa. Another evening I'll ask for a World-Tele gram and a Post while on a third evening I’ll ask for a Journal and a World-Telegrom. The poor man sees men coming and gets an un happy look on his face. In addition to eight daily newspapers. New Yorkers have access to an over supply of midnight to three a. m. so-called "disc-jockey shows which are really sessions to air any and all controversial questions of the day. Anybody stupid enough to stay up that late listening to ’em deserves Just what he gets. Didn't I tell you the junior Senator from Minnesota always manages to keep in print out this way? The Daily News of last Sunday gave HHH three quarters of a column with a picture of the Humphrey visage no leas. The Senator was blowing a fuse about the newly-enacted McCarran-Walter Immigration Law. Hubert, in denouncing the Democratic Party’s stand on the bill, reportedly said, as you’ve read by now: "A party like that can't win and shouldn't win.” Oops! Well, anyhow the Dally News printed It and millions of readers out hyar saw It. It was right next to a Bloomingdale's ad for nylon Khlrback curtains and bamboo blinds. You couldn’t have missed it kiddo. That Humphrey. Anybody heard anything from Thye lately? Harriet Parsons, daughter of Louelia (Hel-t.O to ALL of you from HOL-leewood) Parsons, has produced a film thing called “Clash by Night.” This dramatic serving of motion picture hoke stars Bar bara Stanwyck, Paul Douglas and Robert Ryan in a vehicle (what else ?) that is already drawing cash customers past the boxoffice in droves on Broadway. Maw Louelia is motion picture editor of Inter national News Service and has given her printed Oscar to her off spring’s effort. I suppose any motion picture critic for the Hearst chain who let Harriet’s production off with less than fine enthusiasm would get a secret bang on the noggin from his editor. “Clash by Night," based on the play by Clifford Odets (not too good a play) Is the story of a gal who wanders back to her hometown fishing village after an unsuccessful Journey Into the outer world. The gal, played by Barbara Stanwyck, finally mar ries a dumb-hunny fisherman, Paul Douglas. The bee in the marital bonnet Is played by Robert Ryan, whose main contribu tion to the film Is a leer and a nasty tendency to pull Miss Stan wyck around. Mr. Douglas is completely ill at ease in his role. He can’t make up his mind whether to underact or overact. One close-up catches him half-way between both endeavors with the result that he comes up with an expression closely resembling that of a feller who has just realized he’s been walking around all day with a tear in the seat of his britches. Minn Stanwyck tries to show frustration by chain smoking. but that gimmick is strictly a Bette Davis original and no body but Davis can carry it off before the cameras. Mr. Ryan waltzes tKrough the picture with a half dozen variations of the sajne leer. The day I saw the picture, the audience kept giggling In the wrong places. Maybe they were Just hysterical from the heat, or rather from the sensation of walking into the deep freeze cooler the Paramount calls air-conditioning, after staggering around outside with their tongues hanging out. “Clash by Night" is the kind of dramatic corn that house wives sick of washing diapers and wiping noses will love because it will send them home to the old man with the feeling that If Stanwyck can put up with such a dope, so can they. After coming out of the Paramount, I was walking on West iith Street towards the subway. A very suntanned, goodlooking gent hopped out of a taxie at the stagedoor entrance to the St. James theatre. He paid the driver and tore towards the stagedoor. crashing into me enroute. It was Yul Brynm r, the stai of "The King and I”, the long-run musical hit at the St. James Hi apologized profusely while I stood there gaping with my big mouth open. He had long since disappeared when I got around to sayink w< akly: ’’That’s all right.” The reports of Mr. Brynner in a Bikini bathing suit on the beach at Fire Island are most intriguing. Even with clothes on he looks good yet. * * * THE WAYWARD BUS. The biggest yok down at the office still has to do with the chartered bus that got lost on the way home from the company outing. It left Timber Point at 6:30 p. m. for the two hour ride back to New York It arrived in New York at 12:30, six weary hours later. The driver, a resident of Jersey, couldn’t read a New York state road-map or something. One young lady employee had to get a letter from the personnel department that she’d actually been on the bus all that time. Her maw didn't believe her. Diplomat Calls On Gold Coast Minister % iTI i l W f ! ! When Dr. Kwame Nkrumah recently was elected the first prime minister of the Gold Coast, one of the first persons to congratulate him was an American Diplomat. William E. Cole, Jr., American con sul in Accra, capital of the Gold Coast. Shown (left to rightl are: Dr. Nkrumah. A Casley Hayford. minister of agriculture and natural resources in the Gold Coast; T Hutton-Mills. minister of health and labor; Cole, and Kojo Botaio minister of education and social welfare.—(ANP) FORMER LOCAL NEWS WOMAN JOINS STAFF OF CALIFORNIA PAPER Los Angeles—Wills Booker, pop ular local newspaperwoman and advertising consultant, had Joined the staff of the Tribune this week. Miss Booker, a E___ graduate of the mjVictory Business in Chica- began her career H ln Minneapolis, on the W |M 1 n n e a p o 11s ndSpokeaman and lfF*lSt. Paul Recor : Elder, where she was city editor Wllla Booker for three years. She left there to make her home in Kansas City, Mo., and Joined the Kansas City Call and for three years was Classified Advertising Manager. She was also originator of the column "Here and There in Kansas City" still maintained by the Call. Locally, Miss Booker has been associated with several papers in the advertising departments, for merly managing editor of the Watts Spotlight, she went to the office of the St. Augustine-West View Hospital as director of pub licity. Last May 18 in cooperation with the Southern California Gas Co., Central Avenue Merchants, and the Pacific Coast Courier, she sucessfuily promoted a Food and Home Show at the South Park Community Center. Married In Friend's Home Miss Geraldine Hoagan and William Jackson, both of Des Moines. lowa, were united ln marriage Saturday evening. June 21 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wright, 608 Olson High way in a quiet home ceremony. Rev. Elder A. Kirk, performed the ceremony. Cake and punch were served and the bridal party then went to Sally and Jays for dinner. Both the bride and groom have many friends ln the Twin Cities. They left for their home in Des Moines, Sunday, June 22. Mrs. Martin Returns: Mrs. T. L. Crosthwaite of Detroit accom panied her mother Mrs. Rudolph Martin .home and she left Sunday, June 29 for her home in Detroit. Mrs. Martin has spent some time in Detroit, the house guest of her son-in-law and daughter, Dr. and Mrs. T. L. Crosthwaite. She is at present in her own home at 775 Carroll Ave. Guests of Isanti Friends: Mr. and Mrs. Joe Napue, 8139 Hum boldt Ave. No. and Mr. and Mrs. WlUiam Gray. *2O E. 37 St. were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Carr. Isanti. Minnesota, June 28. and on Sunday. June 29. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Carr, of Cambridge, Minn, spent the day with the Carrs. Por That Extra Special/ Personal Touch - Remember To Give Flowers. We Arrange and Deliver. Call Mai Hardin at . . . Central Flower Shop 443 St. Petar St. GA. 408 S .—. Ap 2 1 • - t I . 4 ■ | on all savings up to *I,OOO We pay V/2% on all savings above SI,OOO We pay 2 y 2 % under a (Special Savings Plan | Interest begins immediately j We fay Guaranteed Interest on ALL Savings Deposits FIRST NATIONAL BANK FOURTH. FIFTH. HO*E*T AND MINNESOTA STS. CE. IPS FIRST GRAND AVENUE STATE BANK \ Grand Av#, bthmn Uiinfton Md Word. EL 1071 \ FIRST MERCHANTS STATE BANK /|Qt \ E. S«*M«ti ud Mimys. TO. 274* I ■ V 1 ■ GROUP I FIRST SECURITY STATE BANK \ I J UnivEriity 4 Raymond. NC. 1044 \ FIRST STATE BANK Fsyss Md Cam. TO. 2714 SAINT PAUL MEMBERS FEDERAL DEPOSIT MWBAMCt CORPORATION Friday, July 4. 1902, St. Paul RECORDER, Page 5 Social and Personal ☆ MINNEAPOLIS ☆ Overnight Visitor fo Winnepeg: Mr. Hardy White, 915 Fremont Ave. No., spent the week end in Winnipeg. The Grand Master, Mr. C. I). Doty made his official visit to Winnepeg. To Visit Relatives in Minnesota: Darryl Underwood Mit chell, son of Mr. and Mrs. James H. Mitchell, Pasadena, Calif., rarived Wednesday, July 2 to spend the summer visiting rela- tives. He is the house guest of his paternal aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Morrow, 1031 Bryant Ave. No. He is the grand son of Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Underwood, 3833 Third Ave. So. Double Stork Shower: St. Agnes Guild met Tuesday, July I at the church (St. Thomas Epis copal) and plans were completed for a double stork shower to be given soon for Mrs. Joseph Dan forth, 3936 Clinton Ave., and Mrs. Grover Ingram, 2201 Fifth Ave. So. Helpers Club Met: The Helpere Club of Bt. Peter’s AME church met at the home of Mrs. Vernon Young, 2426 Fifth Ave. So.. Sun day, June 29. Off For A Gala Fourth Of July Trip: The Misses Gloria and Shir lee Brown. 3749 Fourth Ave. So., accompanied their aunt. Mrs. Allle Wilson as far as Chicago and Mrs. Wilson will go on to De troit to attend the Laymens Con ference. The Misses Brown. Myra Williams, 3616 Fourth Ave. So., Katherine Bailey, 3749 Fourth Ave. So., and Eunice Tate, 3756 Fourth Ave. So., left Thursday for Chicago to spend the Fourth of July weekend. Mother and Daughter Vaca tioning: Mrs. Hazel B. Curry and daughter. Carlotta Curry, 3886 Fifth Ave. So., left Thursday, July 3 for Chicago and Detroit where they will visit friends. In Chicago they will stop at the Evans Hotel. They will be out of the city about ten days. Socialites Entertained: Mrs. H. Eugene Underwood, 3343 Fourth Ave. So., was hostess to the So cialites on Friday, June 27. Visiting Lnte Wife’s Sister: Mr. W. H. Walker, 3616 Fourth Ave. So., left Thursday, June 26 to spend some time visiting his sis tre and brother-in-law, Rev. and Mrs. James Davis of Emporia, Kans. Before he returns home he will visit his sister, Mrs. Fran ces Hall in Des Moines. Also In Des Moines he will visit his step mother. Mrs. Cynthia Walker. Belated Birthday Greetings: We Day and Night gshssl all year M K. Mh Mml LOANS $5.00 & UP Money In 8 Minutes. Tour Credit Is Good With Us. 1569 University Ave. SERVICE LOAN CO. Midway 7448 Across from Street Car Bam extend birthday greetings (a little late) to Mrs. Elva Jones, 3632 Fourth Ave. So., whose birthdate was June 26. A Son Is Born: Timothy Chand ler was the name chosen for the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Chandler McWatt, 211 W. 22nd Able To Be Brought Hornet Mrs. Bertha Smith. 826 Plymouth Ave. No., arrived home July 1 from Milwaukee, Wig,, where she was taken ill. Her husband, John, is bringing her home. To Tulsa. Okla.: Mmes. Myrtle Banks, Cora Taylor. Gayle Hos kins and Theresa Warfen, also Mr. Carlos Mendoaa left Friday, July 4 for Tulsa, Okla., to attend the Elks convention. They expect to be gone about ten days. Unite Shaken Up: Mrs. Elisa beth Briggs Davis, 826 Plymouth Ave. No., fell and was shaken up quite a bit when the lights went out during a storm as she was trying to reach over the steps and close a window. tresmsacwsy Do —v Master WHITE BREAD WgM Baked by Zinsmeuhr 'Wedding Candida Baby Candida > BUZZ BROWN'S Mia nfn nr la t m (Ausllaa e S Q'sps pgfl i€ Wl wQIOS COMMMCGU . FOtrum * ISO Ns. Victoria (4. H. 7117 B. E. scon ACCIDINT and HIALTH INSURANCE Prompt, Cssrtssss SsrvNs ISOS Slesser ialMlsg Mmss« - OA. 1117 • UU JAMES TRACY General Insurance 202 Glob* Bldg. Cl. 4590 ST. PAUL 1. MINN.