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St. Paul recorder. [volume] (St. Paul, Minn.) 1934-2000, October 09, 1953, Image 5

Image and text provided by Minnesota Historical Society; Saint Paul, MN

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83016804/1953-10-09/ed-1/seq-5/

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Social and Personal
? ☆ ST. PAUL ☆
California Visitor: Mrs. Anna Brockway Brown of Los An
geles, arrived in the Twin Cities by plane on September 26, ti
visit some warm and very dear friends. She was the house guest
of Mrs. 1> K. Francis, 3516 Clinton Ave. in Minneapolis, and in
St. Paul. Mrs. Julia 1). Lewis. 659 Carroll Ave. They were girl
hood friends. On Sunday. September 27, Mrs Brown spoke at
Camphor Memorial ME church
and brought a very inspiring
message and commended the con
gregation on their selection of a
minister of high Christian char
acter in the person of Rev. Jer
ome F. Del Pino.
I'urchaae Home: Mr. and Mrs.
Lee W Harris have purchased
and moved into their new home at
126-26 Foch Boulevard, St. Al
bans. N. Y.
Criterion Club: The Criterion
Club will meet on Saturday eve
ning. October 10. with Mrs Don
Warricks. 741 St. Anthony Ave
as hostess.
Enjoyed California Trip: Mrs
A. Guthrie. 520 Marshall Ave., re
turned Friday, October 2. from a
rery enjoyable trip to Los An
geles, San Diego, and Tia Juana
Mex. Enroute to California, she
stopped in Salt Lake City. Utah,
and Las Vegas. Nev. In Los An
geles she was the guest of Mrs.
Theodore Jackson and Mrs. L. E
Pool. She was guest of honor at
a dinner party given by Mrs.
Pool. Her trip was climaxed by a
visit to Nott's Berry Farm. Forest
Lawn cemetery. Clifton's Cafe and
Farmers Market.
Guild Meeting: The Guild of St.
Monica of St. Phillips Episcopal
church met at the home of Mrs
Chicago's Distinctive
The Sutherland
Drexel Blvd, and 47th St.
Write or Wire For
EARL C. ORMES, Manager
Dr. Earl S. Weber, DDS
Sl2 Newton Bldg. CE 5104
Herbert S. Bernstein
New Imperial Style
Average Home Size
Deluxe Oil Heater
8 low priced deluee orculof- 'r <
ing heater g,»e» you the motl MhS I
heat p0,,.b1e From r.rry drop >7*%%tX,. ,'s’
of oill
a txlurive dual chamber b.r».
cleanf KEBt
• Putomot.c wo.tr Ooppoge! *'
a Fingertip controltl Reep. |||||| |-,. i
heat conitantl gBRgMWIc.
j -IS

We’re fra
them...we’ll pay TOP DOLLAR
for the tires you trade on new
good/Vear tires
. Choose from th« fomoot l«e-up. • Ell-Nyloe Card Sopar-Cuthma
• Double Eogle l d -» best tiro • Barathea Deluxe Super-Cushion
GArfteld 1818 333 Washington
cross the Library |
Sylvia Carty, 465 Mackubm St. on I
Monday evening, Oc’ober 5.
Visits Brother And Sister: Mrs.
S. W. Bowen. 382 N. Avon St. re- !
cently returned home after visit- |
ing a brother in St. Louis. Mo ;
From St. Louis she and her bro- I
ther went to Colorado Springs, i
Colo., to visit another sister. On
the return trip she accompanied i
her brother back to St Louis and
| then back home.
Morocco Club Meets: A social
meeting of the Morocco Club was
held at the home of Mr and Mrs
A Owens. 2574 Hazelwood Ave.,
on Saturday evening. October 3.
Games were played followed by a
lovely buffet supper served by the
host and hostess. The next meet- I
ing will be held on Saturday, Oc
tober 17, at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Solon Ellis, 361 Western
Hospitalized: Mrs. Harvey Hop
kins Sr., of 516 Iglehart Ave was
admitted to St. Joseph hospital on
Tuesday, October 6. for treat
ment of a heart condition. Her
stay is indefinite.
Washington Visitor: Mr. James
Herndon of Washington. D. C. en
route to California, stopped over
for a few days in the city and
stayed at the home of Mrs M B.
Houser. 459 Rondo Ave.
Matinee Bridge Club Meeting
Mrs. James Kirk, Sr., 937 St. An
thony Ave., will be hostess to the
Matinee Bridge Club on Wednes
day. October 14.
Mother Visits: Mrs. Jessie Jones
of Pasadena, Calif., arrived Tues
day evening. October 6. for a two
weeks visit with her daughters
and families. Dr. and Mrs. Mau
rice Crouch of 886 Carroll Ave.,
and Dr and Mrs. George Berry.
Jr., of 975 St. Anthony Ave.
Meeting Date Changed: Due to
the fact that Monday, October 12
not be open the Maxfield PTA
will meet on Monday, October 26.
instead of the 12th. as stated else-
where in this paper.
New Club Organized: The
dance group met at the Sterling
Club on Friday. October 2. for the
purpose of organizing a Mothers
Club to assist in the development
of the dance group of the Hallie
Q. Brown House. Mrs. Gertrude
Green was elected president and
! Mrs. Edna Griffin, secretary
I treasurer. The club will meet a
-1 gam on November 6 All mothers
| interested in havings their chil
j dren become a part of this group
I are urged to be present.
DYWYK Entertained At
Chrysanthemum Tea
Sunday Afternoon
The home of Mrs Minnie Ray
mond. 654 Rondo Ave., was the
scene of a delightful affair on
Sunday. October 4. when the
DYWYK Club held its Chrysan
themum Tea from I to 7 p. m.
The house resembled a flower
garden. decorated throughout
with chrysanthemums and asters
in all the shades and hues of the
fall coloring, all gathered from the
gardens of club members
The table was laid with a white
linen cut work cloth with a center
piece of pink and white chrysan
themums and silver candelabra
holding pink and white tapers on
either side A silver tea service
graced one end of the table and a
silver coffee service at the oppo
site end. Mrs. Margaret Moore,
club president, and Mrs. Cornelia
Smith, presided at the tea table
The floral arrangements which
were made by Mrs. Margaret
Moore heightened the beauty of
the setting and accented the pink
and white, which was the decora
tive motif of the table and are
the club’s colors.
Mrs. Leßoy Lazenberry supplied
incidental music on her xylophone
during the entire afternoon. Mr.
James Murray sang a solo. ''Bless
This House.”
The flowers for the centerpiece
were grown and donated by Mrs
William Ridley.
An overflow crowd of friends
were on hand to share their hos
Pilgrim Rest Baptist Church
Reinstated: Sunday, October 4
marked the road for a brighter
day in the life of Pilgrim Rest
Baptist church as a body was re
united with the Minnesota Bap
tist Association in the presence
of the financial secretary. Rev.
I. Chapman, also speaker for the
morning service. The pastor, as
sistant pastor and officers wore
asked to meet with the associa
tion so it could be well estabish
ed to the organization about the
Marriage IJcense Applications:
Marriage license applications
have been made by George Brown.
614 Fremont Ave. N. and Adele V.
Ingram. 1133 Aldrich Ave. N. anc!
Horace L. Hemmick. 1129 Emer
son Ave. N. and Louise Moore oi
1143 Emerson Ave. N.
I Thompson Cleaners
Moved To
495 No. Dale
Your Patronage
CEDAR 0483
iOil Heaters
► All Sizes
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Waterbary hat initalled theatendt aF
burner* Chantet are goad j
your neighbor NFW
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WATERBURY St. Paul Company
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• - <* -'7 iIB
A recent dinner party given by Mr. and Mrs. Yuker Cassell, <>4o Iglehart. St. Paul was
snapped by Buzz Brown, staff photographer. Several of the guests were summer out-of-town
visitors. In the photo, seated nt the table, reading clockwise is Mrs. Almeda Shelton, St. Paul;
Mrs. William Austin, Anoka, Minn.; N. O. Fields, Huron, S. I) , Mr. Cassell, Mrs William Aus
tin. Anoka; Miss Donna Mae Thomas, Huron, S. D, ami Miss Delores Jackson, St. Paul.
Standing; Mrs Mattie Bonner. Charles Nash, both of St. Paul; Mrs \. O Fields. Huron,
S 1).. Mrs Masrine Turner, of Charleston, No., sister of Mr. Cassell, Mrs. Fred Nash, Huron,
S. D ; Mrs Cassell and Mrs. Kelsey Whitmore of St. Paul.
Ike's F.E.P.C. In
First Meeting;
Complaints Filed
Washington (ANPI J.
Ernest Wilkins, vice chairman of
the President's Government Con
tracts Committee, reported last
week that the group's initial
meeting held in Washington waa
largely organizational
It waa learned that the Ifi-man
committee divided itself up into
sub-committees which were as
signed to certain specific tasks.
Officials would not reveal the
areas in which the sub-commit
tees would begin their work.
It’s second meeting is schedul
ed for October 19 in the U. 8. De
partment of I-abor,
Clarence Mitchell, director of
the Washington Bureau. NAACP,
had requested the committee
chairman. Vice President Richard
Nixon, to include high on the
agenda complaints against the
Chesapeake and Potomac Tele
phone company in the District of
He further called upon the com
mittee to investigate the hiring
policy of the DuPont company
which is operating the atomic en
ergy plant at Aiken, 8. C . and the
Carbide and Carbon company
which operates the AES establish
ment at Paducah. Ky.
President Eisenhower’s letter to
the Committee chairman, read at
the meeting, emphasized the broad
significance of the committee's
activities Declaring that this na
tion proudly professes its deter-
mination to support the values
of democracy and to combat all
threats to them. Mr. Eisenhower
said he recognized that fact that
"there are those in the world
who doubt our fidelity to the
ideal of human brotherhood Both
meaning to the government's non
proof of our own faith, we are
called to practice the principles of
equality that we preach.”
He declared that "the establish
mcnt of this committee does not
relieve the operating officials of
the executive branch of the gov
ernment of their own very sol
emn responsibilities In this field.”
The President reminded the
committee that he had "asked the
members of the cabinet and the
heads of the independent agencies
to send to all officials with pro
curement responsibilities a copy of
his executive order and to explain
that they will be expected to take
the initiative in giving dally
as an answer to this doubt and
discrimination policy.
Mr. Eisenhower’s letter em
phasized that "the existence of in-
equality cannot be justified on an
Dinner Party For Out-of-Town Guests
By Alice A. Dunnigan
Fhona NEtfor 7137
level of this nation But in the
federal government Itself, he ad
ded. the tolerance of inequality
would be odious.
"What we cherish, ax an ideal
for our nation, as a whole must to
day be honestly exemplified by the
Federal establishment," he con
• • •
Belgium has decided officially
to withdraw from the UN Com
mittee on Information from Non-
Self-Governing Territories.
The official announcement was
made in Brussels. The Belgian
government contended that the
Committee had extended Its
powers beyond the provisions of
the UN charter which states that
member nations of the UN agree
to the transmission regularly to
the UN Secretary-General for in
formation purposes, statistical
and other technical details relat
ing to the economic, social and
educational conditions in the ter
itories for which they are respon
The bone of contention for the
Belgian government is that the
UN Committee on Information
from Non-Self-Governing Terri
tories wax asking for informa
tion of a political nature although
the UN Charter did not require
the transmission of such informa
Nevertheless, back in 1947 the
UN General Assembly created a
special committee composed of
eight administering countries, in
eluding the United States, Britain.
France Australia, and the
Netherlands, and eight other elec
ted non-adminixtering countries
and invited the Administering
Powers to give Information on
the participation of natives in tho
functioning of local government
institutions. ,
While Britain and France have
in recent years taken positive
steps in democratizing govern
ment for Africans, the Belgian
government, with Its obvious in
terest in both the Belgian Congo
and the Trust Territory of Ruan
4a-Nrundi. the Belgian Govern-
|’l J P r ’I 1 /IIMfiK
'l/ \\ iLL* • ■ k -
M [fifth|
Most people save so they can have greater enjoyment
Whether it be for security, luxuries or pleasure, Io
sav< out of income is the way to prepare.
Thousands prefer St. Paul Federal, for this friendly
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Start right now to create a brighter future. Open
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• xfi a octo* (itcurivt ncffrAev
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5 r 5 B 0 B E CTVT GAHitld 75 95
> ment is officially required to sub
: mlt information of a political na
ture- to the UN Trusteeship
j Council.
Its go-slow policy for political
: development in the Congo has
been sharply criticized in the light
' of other political developments in
Africa in the last year
Mr and Mrs Shelby Cox. 4108
Fifth Ave 8. returned from
! Owatonna. Minn . on Sunday. Oct.
' I. They attended the wedding of
Miss Mildred Crane and Mr. Clar
j ence Behsman, both of Owatonna.
I which wax held at the First
: Methodist church on Saturday
i evening, October 3. at 730 p. m.
with Rev Paul Faulkera offlciat
! ing.
Mrs Cox played the wedding
niuxic and also accompanied Mr
I Cox who sang three numbers. A
reception wax held at the Blue
Willow following the ceremony.
On Friday evening. October 2,
following rehearsal, the bridal
j party, including Mr. and Mrx. Cox
were entertained at the home of
Mr. and Mrs Allen Meschke
The Mmes Susie Madison, Pat
ricia Ingram. Barbara Cyrus and
Alberta Murray were co-hostesxes
on Sunday evening. October I at
a stork shower honoring Mrs. Ro
bert Mallory, at the home of Mrs.
Murray. 4034 Third Ave S
Hospitality and fellowship were
bright as the honoree showed the
many beautiful and thoughtful
j gifts for the baby-to-be, to the
: As the evening progressed the
1 group enjoyed games with prizes
1 . being awarded to the winners,
! light refreshments and a tasty
i lunch followed.
Other guests present included
: the Mmes. Percy Hughes, Wamell
< Rhodes. T. Benton. Paul Mayes
! Those sending gifts but unable
to be present were the Mmes
Thaddeus Nicholas Oscar New
man, John McHle and Wills
Friday. October », IBM. St. Pau! RECORDER. Page 5
Social and Personal
First Nighters Bridge Club
Ave. S, was hostess to the Firs
met on Saturday, October 3, n
prizes were won by Mrs. Hen
Roberts, second and Mrs. Jain
Stokes and Mrs. Robert Murn
given a gift. The next meeting
will be lied on Saturday. Novem
ber 7. with Mrs H Ransom Goins
of 800 Fuller Ave St. Paul as hos
Jack and Jilt Mothers: The Jack
and Jill Mothers will meet on Fri
day. October 9 at the home of
Mrs. Mitchell Spellman. 2024
Commonwealth Ave, St. Paul.
St. Agnes Guild Meeting: On
Wednesday evening, October 14,
Mrs Percy Hughes Jr., 3950
Fifth Ave So., will be hostess to
the St Agnes Guild of St Thomas
Episcopal church.
To Study In New York: Miss
Connie Chivers, 4017 Clinton Ave.
will leave the city on Saturday.
October 10 for New York City,
where she plans to further her
study of music and dramatics.
Youth Choir Kehrs real: The
Youth Choir of St Peter’s AME
church will meet on Tuesday,
October 13, nt 7 p. m All youths
are invited. Plans are underway
for our Christmas cantata
Visit Family. Mr. James Sisson
and brother Ramon of 3829 Port
land Ave . left the city October 1,
for a visit with their mother ami
family in Ruleville, Mian. On the
return trip Mr. Ramon Sisson
will visit friends in Ogden. Utah,
and San Francisco. Calif. They ex
pect to be gone about three weeks
Convaleecant: Mrs B E. Wil
kerson, of 3358 Xerxes Ave. N., la
convalescing nt home after spend
ing one week in Fairview hospital
where she underwent surgery.
Congratulations: Congratula-
tions to Mr and Mrs. Robert H
Taylor of 320 E 41at St., who will
celebrate their eighteenth wedding
anniversary on October 12th.
New Daughter: Mr and Mrs.
Robert L Wynn Jr., of 313 Hum
boldt Ave. N.. are receiving con
gratulations on t he birth of a
new baby daughter born Sunday
morning, October 4 at Fairview
hospital. Kimberly Shawn weighed
seven pounds and nine ounces at
birth. Maternal grandparents are
Mrs Gertrude Bailey and I-eamon
Banka of this city and paternal
grandparents are Mrs. Ella Rus
sell and Robert Wynn, both of
thia city.
Wedding Announced: Mr. and
Mrs. Milas Davie, 700 Humboldt
Ave. N., announce the engage
ment and forthcoming wedding
date of their daughter, I Mabel Dav
is. who will be married on Satur
day, November 14. at Zion Bap
tist church.
Surgery: Mrs. Felix Fogg, 3709
Fourth Ave 8., is in Fairview hos-
pital where she underwent sur
gery on Friday, October 2. She is
in fair condition
4 A ’
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Htrek* - Chop* - Ctllckra
The Family Service Store
427 University Avo. Near Dale
Come And Briyo 7o«r IrMi
>: Mrs. James Brown, 3835 Fifth
st Nighters Bridge Club when it
st the Dayton Sky Room. Club
try Thomas, first; Mrs. LaMar
iea Brown, third. Mrs. Ashmore
ay were guests and each were
Keys Club: Key* Club of Bor
der ME church met at the home
of Mr* W. C Crew*. 3808 Clin
ton Ave. on Monday evening.
October S. Plan* for Women’s
Day Program for Sunday. Octo
ber 11. were completed.
Twilight Social Club Meeting:
The Twilight Social Club will
meet on Saturday evening. Octo
ber 10. at the home of Mr and
Mr* H. Moore. 3744 Third Av*.
Birthday Celebrated: Little Wil
ls Anetta Kill*, daughter of Mr.
and Mr* Alonso Kills of 3508
Fifth Ave 8. wa* feted with a
party celebration of her third
birthday on Wednesday, Septem
ber 30. from « to 8 p m. Nine of
her little friend* came in and help
ed her celebrate. The children
played with toy* and enjoyed the
refreshments which was climaxed
with a beautifully decorated birth
day cake which was given to Wil
ls by Mr. and Mrs. Julius Powell.
She received many lovely gift*.
Follow the St. Paul Negro prep
athletes on the football gridiron
by rending Jimmie Griffins sport*
column In this paper each week.
low every member of y-«v family caw
i.re th* pnXectkWf "f thia
iew h<<vltal pUn Inlt rww plan Paff
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J.ry the P*ar» of mind that
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