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— ' ' tIFW®HML* r '” '* X h S ' W'- W Wu\Z//j|l •'/' SHHBK HE WANTS TO FORGET—Despite the prodding, of Army officials and his parents (shown with him), Detroiter Sgt. Lnrney Hampton, Jr., 2t, refused to relate details of the tortures he suffered during . . —• ti »*/ ii > SO months Imprisonment in a Red camp. Hampton said simply: “I want to forget all that I’m back NeWS Of The NArOtla In safe and sound, and that’s all that matters. I want to start living again, beginning right now.” He flew m- . ... ■ i e-. home on the same plane with Maj. Gen. JUUliam Dean. (Nowsprew Photo.) Pictures Weekly On This Page 1* " ',''47 v S*** BHmF - ' » s / ’* 551. r. « •*. * ***»*■ •**■•:• . --w*' 1 - 'k ■ ... - y ‘ BATTERING RAM Despite the failure of the Brooklyn Dodders to eke out their first World's (Tiampion tide at the expense of the Yankees, one player, barkstop Roy Campanella, teems destined to become the Most Valuable Player winner for the second time. His adeptness at the plate is shown here, as he stops the chyting Billy Martin from scoring a run in the fourth <ame of the World Series which the Bums won. Martin actually bounced off from Koy, but the catcher didn't bud<e. (Newspress Photo.) . r E MM / 1 SffiSsk .Q KHAW KTI DKST COt Mil. Pictured above are atudenta of Sh.w Vnlveralty elected to head tha "•■ -e—Rtiib-nt < vun<>l during laat neek'a orientation act>» at the u hoot Standing left to right are: l.uciua Walker. Jr. S’. J., president; I«oa <>. HurMrll of Kiitrril; Harold Koaa. Jr., at Abaecon. N. d, rlee-prealdent. Seated are Jacqueliao Alexander from Wire; aad Gloria Tarter front WeadalL ' wHH INewapmao Ftioto.) . Artf ADS GET RESULTS “'■ HERR HAMPTON (AND FRATl—Earrgrtlc IJonrl Hampton, Mkno»l'<lr-d jui king of the I’nitrd Stairs, i. <Jin»n a. hr arrived in Dtnarldorf laM wrek tn conduct concert, in awh German ritir. aa Munich. Frankfurt. Hamburg and Berlin. It waa thr Prat time that "Hamp," and wife Gladya. their pet parrot, and the tp-piecc Hampton band have appeared la Germany. (Newaprvaa photo.) M 1.8340 < ■tl I *** i ». ■£. I ► OKdir >R®a THE PERENNIAL CHAMP Bill I Conard (right) of CBS radio’s ‘•This is New York” went a few rounds (figuratively speaking) with ex-heavyweight champ Joe Louis during Ix>uis’ recent visit to Leon* ard's program. The champ, whose film "The Joe Ix>uis Story" Is soon to have its world premiere, recalled an earlier visit by to louis' training camp. At that time Bill actually went a few rounds Eflch Waplc A Full PriClA with the champ —no hits, no errors some running. (Newsprcss , ’ ho ‘’ J Of Timely News Pictures r ’ziz&jl -ii NO SMH.FS NOW When the above photo waa taken, the Brook lyn Dodger. had Ju.t won the third game nt the World Serie. from the tanker. In Impressive fashion. < atrher Roy Campanella ihmkra hand and alb had hit the winning homer; < arl F.rsklnr (renter 1 had struck out It tank*, anil pilot* Dressen was looked on ns a seer. .Sow Ute chant is: "Wait "Til Next tear." (New.preaa Photo.) fifcv*' ■'"■■■ "‘T _ „ ' /’ I /j Ww ’ a fli 5+ i ’ ' ajßkXc *H, ’jjMMyiraP f - a a|LEL ■' K ; 'tw’*V7 WANT ADS GET RESULTS - —7 ’ HMBaHEgwiM of the! AL r^RojCkrt/^x cS lu/ec r/ft \ 10l czZitlVZT* Ja\ r I iff 1 ]<l WEr C L/I ill I 1 I L '"VZ \V)LZ A JSV 1 -*7 Nk - - ---■■ ■■■:-.. . ... ' , - . ', . ' (J Bi fi 1 j ! HL * the uho hr u >i< Kp--<>! on the bis. |..«th v IbnUrr «Hltfi<l.l<r Jt.kir l< son.,- fin<i f....Ki.ih dutiii: Ihe Hunt k‘""‘ <>f th.- \\ erl.l S<n<«». In tti>- <ih«>\.- •»< ■.•nr, K<>l>bir uho hut iloiibl. d <>fl th<- f. n< .■ wul . banker- pit. h.-r K< \ n..|<!w into inikii'K 11 bilk i»h.ih»k to thinl wor.-* <>n 4<is s.pi. . { . I.uni. H.\,»>n phijrd pr.u ti. all) <t< f) position on Ihr t.-.un, ( J rt . kir UM) make next ,v .11 his last i\iiispr<sx l ,> ■k x <* SRWi> ■ VtlaMrjre£ft|py? ■ -jb‘ uir-inru-r vmon .nnmuTT-r , . „ - ... EVER BEEN 'STAGE STRUCK?' —“Yea!" an.wrra "Forgy and , JL l Y . ", • Be." <<u > Calloway, at a recent V.lon mth CBS radio', new *7???. Ah t ■ W “ r " TK t Wh “' ST* ""T’,7 full hour prognun -Stag- Struck." Pictured ulth Cab (left to right) *. 1. n Trej«,ry The M year-old Toomer hod. ho Mrr Mik. w , O .. M| * , nd B<>l> <orronult wrU ,, ” P ‘’ ’Z. ,o .“ of , h • ;“••• for the prognun. t .lloe.y front right) I. planning I. again rsxsz—-«» —• «-“t that make* you a burraucraL" (Nrw«press Photo.) n' B fl I ■Pfll Jwflk , jEj,. ,‘. jHP<i v > \ Bk ..# /rlwfri' Ir 9 : wu amf h \ IkM 19 fjff ■ jEF flr-*■/ ' llfl i BIIIH ik'aWw Bmßw ®Tf V HHB I * 'MH • A “jaO i flfliislSlill MK KHAW RTUDKNT COUNCIL Pictured above are atudente of Nhaw Univeratty elected to hood the Htudent Council durinc laat week's orientation act l» it lea nt the whooL Nlonding left to right are: Lurlua Walker. Jr. of Itaaelle. N. preaident; Itoo O. Burwrll of Kittrell; and Harold Kooa, Jr, of Abaecon. N. J, rlee-pmldent. Mealed are Joqurliue Aleuader from Wise; aud Gloria Taylor froiu WeadaiL INewepreoo Photo.) Friday. October IS IMW St Paul RECORDER Page 3 lIFADm FOR IT. R. The »Uon of Judah," Hla Hlghneaa Hallo Nelauln, Emperor of Klhlopta, la rumored to be headed for thoaa ahoreo al the invitation of the Ntate Department. Selaaale will aeek Io interval American capital la Klhioptaa rich, but undeveloped re. oourcea. (Newapreao 1‘holo.) F*--■ 'J' 9HB -, ’ IM .- ; WvßFv* CBS Ml. f i L