thing to tell her.
The Metropolis of the Lone Star State
and Its News.
A Compilation of the Doings of the Afro
Americana of the Greatest City of
TexasMatters Religious, So
cial and Otherwise.
Harry do you love Millie? She loves
A. T. Gray arrived from Tyler last
Why is it that Frank Best has gone to
W. H. Wiliiams of San Antonio is in
the ciiy.
Say John vou and Frank Gordon, let
ter go to work.
Say M. Byrd do you know that
Ewell has it in for you?
Philip you better work straight or
THE APPEAL will shine oii'vou
That pi etty little damsel that used lo live
in Canton has gone back on M. J. A. L.
THE APPEAL can be found early Satur
day mornings at the office 119 Stviss ave
TUB APPEAL reporter saw Jack last
Sunday niglit he and J. S. were strictly
in it.
Ha\eyou visited St. James Church0
Rev. P. C. Hunt has been carrying on a
Why don't the married women of this
city stay out of those stores on Main and
Elm streets?
To the readers ol THE APPEALThe
on papers means that your time is up
please settle.
Why don't J. S. quit writirg to the
Item eveiy week? You must quit writ
ing yourself up.
Would like to know the name of Sol.
Bichardfcon's best girl9
I have some-
We wonder why some of our 3 oimg
men would rather borrow THE APPEAL
than subscribe for it?
Every lady and gentleman, old and
young bhould attend the literary meet
ings every Tuesday night.
Siy Logan why don't you spend a lit
tle money sometimes. Treat yourself to
an APPEAL once in a while.
THE APPEAL wants to know where
Jack Lowery goes every night between
7 and 8? He don't go to the Lodge.
Why IB it that Rofcie and Flora Davis
took Mr. Gt ntson walking Sunday even
ing? He looked like a green hoube.
Twenty six jears ago the Colored
people had nothing. Now ihev own
good property in the country and city.
THE APPEAL IS all the go in Dallas.
Whv? Because it contains more news
of interest than any other Negro paper.
There is a certain young lady who lost
a note she had written to her best fel
low, we will publish it unless she will
take Tiih. APPEAL
The Colored people would do well to
atop giving so many excursions. Do we
not need our money more than the rail
road companies?
Why is it that THE APPEAL is read by
more people in Dallas than any other
papei? Beiause it is the greatest Negro
paper published.
Say Mr. Garry why don't you get
Mrs. J. S is a married wom-
an and she has blowed you enough to
pay a week's grocery bill.
What did Jack Lowery mean when he
told that white woman he wanted to
shake Miss J? Look out Jack you'll be
doing a trapeze act on a tree over the
The literary society met last week at
Bethel A. E. Church. A large num
ber tvaH present and a grand time was
had. The address by Rev. R. Stokes
was very interesting.
Mrs. N. Green left Thursday for New
Orleans to spend the remainder of the
summer. She will be the guest of Mrs.
0. Carter No. 245 Canal street. We
wish her a pleasant visit.
There is a certain woman who pre
tends to her husband that she is going to
St. James Church but she turns down
Veal street. A few ntgbtsagoa reporter
followed and saw the whole story.
Dallas has twelve ohurchep, for Colored
people, six public schools, two private
ecboolf", four dccters, three lawyers,
nine hotels, three butcher shops, fifteen
saloons. The oldest woman in the
world Julia Coal aged 148 The Colored
population is 14 505 amony them are 500
bachelor's and 1,000 of the finest looking
girls on the the American continent.
The Dallas literary society met at
Bethel A. M. E. Church Tuesday night
August 2 id. Solomon Richardson pres
ided. The church choir rendered music
for the pening, after which followed
prayer by Rev. R. Stokes. Next follow
a citation by Miss M. E. Johnson.
The next immber on the program was a
vocal duet by Messrs E. McMulIon and
A. J. Johnson. The Glee club was
present and also took part in the pro
gram. The best ladies and gentlemen of
our city bt long to this club, and those
who have not heard them perform
should do so the very first opportunity.
The pociety called on Rev. R. Stokes to
address them. This was unexpected to
the Rev. He however came forward
with his usual sweet smile. Rev. Stokes is
one of our greatest lecturers He is a
natural born orator second to none in
this city, He bade the literary keep on
with its good works, and said. "May
the time come when this literary society
shall raise ita banner above all others."
The members of the society were glad to
have such men as Rev Stoke* with them
This is the first opportunity Rev Stokes
has had to be present at a meeting. The
Elder spoke about ten minutes. As he
sat down applause after applause went
up. Rev Stokes meets us again. After
the program had been rendered P.
Elliott, one whom this society can never
forget stepped forward and called the
attention of the president and members.
He said he thought it would be a good
idea for the society to hold its meetings
at one place- At present the meetings
are held at Bethel Church but if an
entertainment of any kind should take
place at the church on any Tuesday
evening then Jihe society would have to
meet elsewhere. Please let us hear from
New Light to Cast its Refulgent
Rays on the Vexed Question
An Afro-American Says he Will Answer
the Prayers That Ascended to Hea
\en on the National Day of Fast
ing and Prayer.
Ask him what that means*1
End of
what? Aek him what is meant by
The Day of Judgement" Ask him if
when a person dies the common way of
speaking do they go direct to their final
home, be it Heaven or HelP Ask him
what isthe nature of the first resurrection
and as they are always telling you about
going to Heayen, asa him where it is9
I don't want you to tell me but just re
member what he tells you and see how
it tallies with what I tell you, fir I pro
pose to tell you all of these things and
many more. Of course you may think I
can't do it. Bat keep your eye on this
paper aud see if I don't, and if you hap
pen to anything that especially in
terests you be liberal enough to loan
your paper to some one whom you kuow
indifferent about taking a paper that
they may be induced to subscribe for ll
we can get our people to readirg more
so they can see what is going on in the
country. There will not be so many
outrage cases reported. If some of our
ministers who week after week tell us
about the beauties of Heaven, would tell
us how to eecape some of the woes of
earth it would do more good many
times. This could be done by giving
talks to men only. Our ycung meif
must be educated to leave white women
severely alone, for that crossing of the
line is the very way in which the sceptre
departed from Judad which was the chief
tribe of the house of Israel. Jesus was a
Mulatto, a cros* between two races, his
mother being white while his father was
Colored. Now you don't believe that do"
you Just because you ha7e been
taught to believe that God was his
father. Well if you don't believe it, it
is because you have never unlerstood
what has alwaya seemed a mystery
Jesus always referred to God as his
father and yet he called himself the son
of man. Now let me explain that for
you. As far as the flesh was concerned
Jesus had a natural father just the some
as you or I had to give us a being, but
his soul cim& from God, he had an
earthly body, but a Heavenly mind. The
body came by man, but the spirit came
from God. Jet-us was the same at birth
as you are when you say you are convert
ed that is I mean his spiritual life was on
the same principle. I will tell you more
about this after you haye had a chance
to ask your ministers some questions.
My business here is not to preach, bul
to explain what has already been preach
ed, and make the mysteries plain to you
even going so far as to open the book -f
Seven Seals for you and show you what
it containp, of couise you do not know
what the bock is yet much less what it
contains, at least I never heard you say
so. But you shall know, perhaps now
you will say that you have read in
Revelation fifth chapter that Heaven
and earth were searched and no man was
found worthy or able to open the book
or loose the seals, but presently it is an
nounced that the Lion of the tribe of
Judah had prevailed to open the book
and to loose the seala thereof. Well if
the tribe of Judah is in the United States
where is the Lion? "And he calleth his
own sheep by names and leadeth them
out," (out of captivity) Judah is that
strong sheep, commonly called the lost
sheep of the bouse of Israel, and if you
remember the Savior of men said.
"But to the lost sheep of the ho lse of
Israel am I sent, and yet some ministers
tell you he was sent to save the whole
world, that is because they do not know
what Christ's mission was The lost
sheep is here while the ninety and nine
which means the flock is over there,
and the reason they are called heathens,
is becaus they have been left without a
shepherds care. The shepherd which is
Gods anointed left the ninety and nine
to go hunt the lost sheep, or tribe, ard
you have been lost for a long time, not
knowing your own selves ai,d where you
belong in the house of God's Israel.
Your captors call you niggers but your
right is name Judah But as space will *.t
permit me to make a full explanation in
this introduction article.
Young men save your money and buy
a home. The money you waste on ci
gars, liquor, and other frivolities,
saved, will make you comfortable in old
J&*mJJ^ il-jMtSk &
Bootal Matters, Gleanings of New?
Condensed Into Small Space.
fr the Benefit r Thousands or Reatf
"All Sorts of News Items front
the City by the Big Bridge
The Future Great.
Mr. Henry R. Taylor, Sr., has returned
from Denver where he was to attend the
Miss Bessie Simms left last Monday
for Canada. She will be gone until
Mr. Geo. McKoin who has been at
tending the Conclave at Denvei, Colo.,
as returned home.
Mr. Geo. Henderson of Chicago who
has been siting in St. Louis returned
home last Monday.
The picnic given by the Comas Club at
Ramond Park was well attended and
was a very enjoyable affair.
It is rumored that Prof. O. M. Wood's
is to be no longer superintendent of St
Paul Sunday school after the 14th.
MissMaud Motrsonhas concluded to
make this her home with her cousin
Mrs. Johnson of 2(!3b' Lucas avenue.
Mis. Anthony, matron of the Lincoln
Institute at Jefferson City is isiting her
mother Mrs. Coleman of 2(1 Mills street.
Mrs. Geo. W. McKoin and her daught
ers Misses Isabella and Katie who ha\e
been in Omaha for the past month, have
gone to Law rence, Kan.
Messrs. Geo. Evans, Jno. Overton, J.
Buckner, Wm. Calhoun and Chas.
Stevenson were among those who took
the recent examination for the position
of junior clerk in the St. post office.
Helena, Montana.
Have you paid for the paper you are
now reading.
Mrs. Annie Marshall has gone to Butte
City to visit a few dajs.
Ike Hayes the champion heavy weight
Pugilist of Montana knocked out Gorman
in the second round at Butte City July
The news of Miss Mamie Wilson's
death was very sorrowfully received
here August Is1-,
by her many sympathiz
ing friends.
There will shortly be given in this city
a grand concert and dramatic entertain
ment. Some of the best Colored talent
have been in active rehearsal for three
or fou- weeks and a moss enjoyable pro
gram 11 be given.
Cape Girardeau, Mo.
Mr. Losen Byas is in the World's Fair
Mr. A. Wade savsTiiE APPEAL is ont
of fright.
Prof 1). Kinney rr sorted to Charles
ton lat week
Mr. Kenry R.mian has just returned
from St Louis.
Mr. Henry Belche of Kirwood Mo.,
is in the city on a buef visit.
Mrs Mamie S. Alien and Mis Cyleas
Vaughn are visiting in [ronton.
The None Such Society gave a recep
tion at Mif-s Eliza Brown's on the 1st.
Mr. T. Mori is is a progressive
\ouug man and says that THE APPEAL is
the Lett Afro-American paper he ever
Dr. A M. Semkins is boarding at Rev.
J. Kelley's now, and he says that
spring chickens are thick on every side.
And he can catch one without a permit
at any time.
"t "J
Prof. Hearndon of Kane
down to attend the Normal
he will teach again at Applef|
The Odd Fellow's excursitf
Girardeau to Cairo on the 4
far excelled every thing of
The steamer City of Alma lej
at 8 30 A. M., crowded fr
pilot house each person ra
the gavest time. We reac
1:30 p. where we soon
mingle with the strange face
and was royally entertaine
hour of 10 o'clock when the |j ll crowd
all sang "Home Sweet Home!' as the
boat swung from the wharVand bade
the Cairo people adiu by theyjrtaving of
v^iiu (jeupie HUIU
lu oy
Haps and Mishaps and Ifmm
Collected and Compiled by ear 1
porter for the Deleetattaa of
Miss Fannie Anderson of Detroit is
visiting her cousin Mrs. F. Stith.
Mr. and Mrs H. Griffin are stopping
at Dr. Cary's on Kenyon avenue.
Mr. W Fielding H. Beatv and sev
eral others are visiting in Atlanta City.
Miss Carrie King will leave in a few
days for M. louis to visit her sister Mrs.
i Ada Cole.
Orangeburg-, S. C.
It is carefully reported that an Epis
copal church will soon be organized in
in our city.
A. new club to be known as the John
A. Caldwell Republican Club, was organ
ized last week.
A pound party was given by the mem
bers of Union Baptist Church last
Wednesday evening.
The Immaculate Lodge No. 387 I 0. 1
of Walnut Hills will give a grand picnic
at Hunt's Grove on August 22nd.
On last Sabbath morning Union Bap
tist Church was filled with an interesting
audience who were eager to hear the
new pastor Rav. D. Proud preach his
drat sermon. From the many ex
pressions of satisfaction that was beard
it would f-eem that he is the right man
in the light place. At the conclusion
of the Fermon a costly and beautiful
bible was presented to the church
by Mr. H. T. Miller president of the
Young Ladies Institution at Mt. Au
burn Rev. A J. DeHart made an im
pressive little speech and was replied to
in a speech of thanks by Mr. John Good
Jn behalf of the church.
AVaxaUachie, Texas.
Rev. Luster of Dallas was in the city
last week.
?ade is now working in
Mr. B. G.
Bishop Lane preached at the C. E.
Church last week.
Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Stephenson lost
their little baby Juh 31.
D. Abner G. M. of the G. U. O.O. F.
was in the city a few days ago.
It is reported that two Afro-Americans
voted in the Democratic primaries.
Miss Mannie Piuitt and her sister
Dollie Pruitt visited Corsicana last week,
Mr. J. Frazier stuck a nail in his foot
and he is suffering very much therefrom.
While out driving last week, Mr R.
Cunningoam's team became frightened
and ran away with him, throwing him
out on a barbed wire fence. He was
seriously but not fatally injured.
Ity came
ititute, as
this year,
om Cape
[of August
ns season.
deck to
to have
Cairo at
Ittered to
until the
mayraving or
3 11c^r3^mn
next day. Music. by. the Commerce
String band. l$S 1
Doings of the Week Among the Afrv
Americana of the Queen Cttty.
PEAL, fi
Doings of a Week in Chicago's Thriv
ing Sister City.
Items of all Sorts Gathered In by oar Ubiq
uitous News Gatherers and Carefully
Arranged In an Attractive Style
for our Eager Headers.
Mrs. M. Thomas is the guest of Mrs.
Mr. John Ray spent a few days in
Aurora visiting fiiends.
Mrs. Sarah Ackiss is spending a two
visita in Wisconsin.
-.._ at Wilemette the guest of Mrs. J. Smith.
Mr. C. H. Shotwell and Rev. D. M.
spend three weeks
Lewis are spending a few days in Aurora
Mrs. John Smith's father who has been
very ill is recovering and is able to be
Seveial couples of young people will at
tend the camp meeting at Desplaines
Mrs. J. W. Polk and Mrs. A. Owen of
Chicago were the guests of Mrs. John
Smith last week.
Mrs. H. M. Taylor is now taking her
two weeks vacation. She will leave for
the East to day.
The Good Time Club will give its an
nual picnic August 2bth. For particulars
see THE ArrEAL next week.
C. Shotwell lectured at Union Hail
on the 4th it was not the success it was
hoped for by the promoters.
The young ladies of Ebenezer Church
will gi\e a concert August 29th. For
further particulars see THE APPEAL next
The Second Baptist Church Sunday
school picn cat Lincoln Park on the 3rd
was a very delightful affair. The child
ren enjoyed the outing.
Miss Josephine Jackson of lOlo Jack,
son avenue has on exhibition a potrait of
Rev. Henderson of Chicago. It is her
own painting the workmanship is ex
cellent. She is one of Evanston greatest
The annual picnic of the A. M. E. Sun
day school at Glencoeon the 18th is hop
ed to be a grand affair The committee
of arrangements are: Mrs. M. Thomas
chairman Mrs. F. Jones, Miss M. Scott,
L. Dixon.
The Hornet's will play at the picnic
of the Good Time Club. But they don't
want to play the Zouaves. The are look
ing for a bumble-bee nine or anything
that they can whip. Capt. C. A. Payne
will have the Hornet's in charge on that
occasion for Mack has not got back.
Capt Wm. Mack of the Hornet's base
ball nine has not been heard from since
August the 2nd. Three weeks prior to
August 2nd he could be seen every day
blowing about his Hornets base ball
nine he blowed BO much and so hard he
may have blown himself to the planet of
Mars or he may have blown FO high in
the air that he will not be down before
the fourth of July. But however when
he returns he must pay that little bill of
$20, the difference between the Zouaves
and Hornet nines.
The Christian Endeavor society will
give the grandest concert of the season
at the Second Baptist Church August
16th. Among the well known names
that appear on the program are: Hon.
Hamilton Carter, candidate for congress,
will give an Oration Miss Washington of
Baltimore, Md., will render some vocal
selections Prof. Duffell will also assist in
the program. The first prize for selling
the most tickets is a gold watch the
second prize will be a gold headed cane
but in either case you must sell twenty
dollars worth of tickets or more. All are
invited so come and hear the concert and
have a good social time.
The Zouave Drum and Bugle Corps
picnic was not what it was intended to
be. At the last hour we received a notice
that the owner of the grounds would not
allow any more picnic's on the grounds
because other parties had caused such a
disturbnace in the neighborhood that
they made a complaint and the owner
promised them that they would not let
it to any one again. On hearing this all
hopes of having a picnic at all was a
bandoned. However one more effort was
made and two hundred feet of ground
was secured joining Wilder's grove and
Doings of a Week in the Thriving Cfty
by the Fails.
Item* of STery Kind Caught Hare i
There by Our Ubiquitous Repor
ter and Served up \m
Readable Style.
Love Feast at Bethel last Monday
Sister Gantis is at home to her many
Mrs. Ball is able to be out again but
not able to work as yet.
Elder Price leaves next week for Con
ference to be held at Evansville.
Mrs Green is quite ill at her residence
on Charry street with a sprained ankle.
Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell are prepar
ing a ice cream parlor on 4 th and Rail
road streets.
Elder S. C. Manuel, leaves for the
Association Monday evening, to be held
at LaFayette, Ind this week.
Rev. H. C. Manuel, has won quite a
reputation since his call here three
months ago, he has raised $631.
Sir Knight W. Russell, left Monday for
the Grand Conclave of Knights to be
held in LaFayette, Ind., and from there
he goes to Chicago
Mrs. Hunter accompained by Mrs. M.
Williams, MIFS M. Bailey andMrs S.
Mdler, spent Sunday with their many
friends in Charlstown.
THE APPEAL has improved greatly, it
can be had of Chas. Witliauis 155 E.
Elm street, and 95 E. Main street, or at
Second Baptist Church Sunday.
Elder S Manuel made a few re
marks in Charlestown, last sundry even
ing. His subject was "Great is the pow
er of God on ihe weakness of man.
Mr. Ben Hawkins, aged 59 years died
on last Sunday evening at 5 p. M. HIS
funeral was preached from Second Bap
tist Church of which he was a member.
He leaves one son and three daughters.
The Second Baptist Church will give
its old time barbecue in honor of Gen
Benj Harrison president of the United
States August 25 1892 at Scenic Park
also the Brotherhood Band of Indiana
polis, Ind will run a grand excursion on
that date.
The Knights of Templer gave the
grandest entertainment given in New
Albany for vears. Mr. Jacob Wooden of
Louisville, Ky., was master of cermonies
for sure great was his mark as such.
The cake was won by Mr. Chas. Hunter
and Miss Jennie Mitchell. The famous
Frog Eye alias Henry Walker lost out
again with all honors to bis lady as one
of the fine3t in the land. The jmdges
were: J. rl. Mitchem. J. G. Johnson,
Hon. W. Edmoon, Prof. Gilland and
Little Hock, Arkansas.
Prof. J. O. W. Alexander is teaching
school at McAlmont.
Do you borrow THB APPEAL, or, do
you subscribe for and pay for it?
The barbecue at Jackson Park on the
North Side the 4th wras
largely atlended.
Our esteemed townsman W. A. Rector
is confined to his bed with a serious ill
Dan Whitmore a little boy was drown
ed in the river near this city Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. H. Oliver are rejoicing
over the arrival of a little son at their
home last Sunday morning.
Mrs. Ridley of Memphis has been
spending a pleasant time in our ci*y.
She is the guest of Mrs Barker.
Your correspondent was on the sick
list the past week. This explains the
absence of Little Rock news in the last
Mrs. M. A. Keatts has taken advaut
aze of the cheap rates to Denver, Colo
and departed for that city on the early
train Sunday morning.
Jimmy Hill would gladly welcome
mamma. Be a good boy Jimmy and
wait patiently for mamma. The girls
will help you take care of yourself.
Miss Mary Armstead is sojourning for
a few days at Searcy Springs. She has
been an invalid for the past month. We
hope the Springs will benefit her.
Some of the gentlemen envy Mr.
Wrenn. He seems to have no cares or
worries every thing is made pleasant for
him without the least exertion on his
Miss Pearl Alexander entertained quite
a number of her little friends last Thurs
day afternoon, it being her 10th birth
dao. She was the recipient of many
handsome presents.
$2.40 PER YEAR.
World"* Fair City aa Viewed by
The Appeal Man.
A C.m.llatlon of Number of Happea-
ta** among the Afro-American*
f the Second City of thU
Glorious UuJon.
Rev. J. F. Thomas is in Georgetown,
Mr. James Fitzbutler, left for Louis
ville Monday.
Mrs. R. D. Smith and little Edith are
visiting in Wisconsin.
Miss Edith Washington left for a
month's visit to Henderson, Ky.
Mrs. Mary Baker of 3116 Armour ave
nue is visiting her mother in Detroit.
Mrs Florence Bell of 3C31 Dearborn
street who has been ill for sometime is
Miss Lettie Thompson of Cleveland is
the guest of Mrs. Mattie Robinson of 163
24th street.
Mr. Jas. Fitzbutler of Iouisville, Ky.,
who has been visiting in Chicago has re
turned home.
Miss Mary Ann Parker 0/ Lonesville
is the guest of her aunt Mrs. Jas. Cooper
397 27th street.
Mrs. Davis left Tuesday for a few
weeks visit to Danville, Ky., and Leba
non her old home.
Mr. and Mrs. Hale G. Parker of 3237
Wabash avenue, are visiting Mr. Park
er's father at Ripley, Ohio.
Mr. Wm. Wooten of 3031 Dearborn
street has retnrned to the city after a
two weeks visit in Louisville, Ky.
Mrs Sarah Wat&on of 3017 Dearborn
street is visiting in Louisville, she will re
turn to Chicago via Denver, Colo.
Mr. J. B. French of 1002 Walnut street
who has been sick four weeks with
typhoid fever is convalescing slowly.
Mrs Dr. A. M. Curtis is visiting in
Washington, N. C. She will leturn to
Chicago via Greenv He, Tenn., in about
two months.
Miss Ella Clay of Kalamezxi who has
been visiting Miss Addie Kinley of 2958
Dearborn street has returned to her
native city.
The Miss's Lotta and Mamie Merideth
entertained at dinner Sunday Mr. Jas.
Fitzbutlar and Miss Lizzie Slaughters of
Louisville, Ky.
M?ss Lu'u M. White of Marquette,, is v'fciting her aunt Mrs. L. B.
Nail, 542 Carroll ave and Las been very
ill since her arrival.
Miss Belle Catlet one of the persons
that was hnrt at the depot, accident July
25th ia improving slowly. She is still
confined to her bed.
Mrs John Johnson formerly of 2959
Dearborn street has removed to 3145
Armour avenue where she will be
pleaeed to see tier many filends.
Mrs. P. Thompson formely of 30110
street has gjne to house keeping at
3549 Deal born ftieetwheie she will he
pleased to &ee her many friends.
Miss Brings, Miss Moore and her
mothei kindly presented to the Rev. A.
Miller of bt. Peters misson fifteen dollars
toward the puichasing of a new suit of
Mrs. M. Evelyn Sullivan of 29'2 Arm
our avenue has returned from a two
weeks stay in Mendota, III., where she
was on a sketching tour. She has some
good paintings.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. T. Goings of Grand
Rapids passed* through the city enroute
for Hot Springs. While they were in
the city they were the guests of Mrs.
Mattie Robinson, Mr. Goings sister.
They will return home via Chicago in
about two weeks.
Taluable Book Free.
All new yearly subscribers, of THB Ar
PSAL, at regular rates, who send or bring
their subscriptions direct to the office
and all delinquent subscribers, of at least
one years standing, who pay in full their
indebtedness, direct to the office, will be
presented with a copy of "Dr. Huguet,"
by Ignatius Donnelly. This a new
work bearing on the "race problem"and
equals in interest "Uncle Tom's Cabin."
Subscribe now or pay up and get a copy
of this great work. Remember this only
applies to subscriptions paid at or sent
direc* to this office.
Will Presented by the Commissioner to
the Directors for Approval.
Charles A. Preston, World's Fair com
missioner-from Hayti, is in Chicago with
the plans and specifications for Hayti's
government building, which he will
present to the directors of the fair for
approval. Incidentally, too, he will ask
for more space. Interest in the fair, he
says, is increasing very rapidly in the
gulf island, and the present space is far
from adequate for the exhibit contem
Hayti has never exhibited at any
world's fair, and is particularly anxious
to appear well here, because as a re
public she looks upon the United States
as an older sister, Hayti having been the
second country in the new world to
shake off European rule, and because
her commerce with the United Sta'es is
more than twice that she has with all
other countries comb:ned.
Their building, it is hoped, will be the
second foreign structure to ba started. It
will cost about $20,000 and contain pro
ducts of her agriculture, forestry and
mineral wealth also a historiral display
to showthe^teps of her fight for freedom
from France.