Newspaper Page Text
I LEADS ALL IN I IHIIE -AJZPZELA. CULATIQN. EIGHTH YEAR. DALLAS, TEXAS. The Metropolis of the Lone Star State and Its News. A Compilation of the Doings of the Afro Americans of the Greatest City of TexasMatters Religious, So cial and Otherwise. Mr. M. Haskel of Kern, Tex is in the city. Mr. W. G. Martin of Elpaso is in our city. f,,^..-...Mrs. K*tie Louia of Canton, Umt is in the city. Lawyor J. T. Bailey le^t last week for Fort Worth. Mic8 Ella Crutchfiald has returned from Denton,Tex. Mrs. N Greer left for New Orleans, to spend the summer. Miss lla Howard of Palestine,- Tex., is in the city this week. HE APPEAL wants to know why Mc. d^n't go to work or leave the city. The writer will leave for Paris to visit Mrs. D. \V. Austin and relatives. is tired. The ierarv Society met Tuesday at Evening Chapel, A large number were present. Why will the Dallas dudes wear cast off pants, derbies, shoes, and old brass watches. Solomon Richardson is the manager of TIIK AI-PK\L at Dallas, Texas, office 119 Swisss avenue. Mrs. Wade returned from Galveston, last week with Rev. E. W. D. Isaac's little daughter. HE APPEAL wants to know why Miss M. didn't stay at home and take care of her children. If the ladies have told Mr. McMillon who took his cane, why does he refuse to give his name? Rev. F. Hunt was out of the city last week. The revival is still going on at St. James Church. We wonder why some of our young men would rather borrow THE APPEAL than subscribe for it9 Every lady and gentleman, old and young should attend the literary meet ings every Tuesday night. Mr. M. Spikes our leading merchant received a copy of Tns APPEAL last week and was well pleased with it. Mr. W. H. Hughs has been on the sick list, also Mr. b. C. Tyles. Both gentle men are up now and doing .veil. HE APPEVL wants to know whv Mes dames and M. don't go to work and let water melous alone. HE APPEAL took like hot cakes last week. The double sheet HE APPEAL beats all we have seen in this city. THE APPEAL is all the go in Dallas. Wh) 0 Because it contains more news of interest than any other Negro paper. TIIK APPEAL wants to know if Mies thinks that people are not on to 1 er go ng out on Cairy street,' staying so long How is it that Mr Eugene Moore, James McMillan and Alfred Battish, were so swist in Fort Worth with the girls. Wno siid Dallas Literary Society would fail'' Only those that cannot see very far. Ouly those who are not liter ary g'ers, Why is it that HE APPEAL is read by more people in Dallas than any other paper? 1'ecause it is the greatest Negro paper published. The Golden Gate is the finest place in the city for Colored people to give en tertainments. It is also known as the Anderson's Park. When monthly subscribers for THE APPKVL fail to get their paper any week please notify Solomon Richardson at once at 111) Swiss avenue We can not understand why the sis ters are so kind Elder they kiss him anl no one else. If the sitters don't mind HE APPEAL won't shine on them. The Colored people have been on their heads get an Afro-American paper that tht could rely on to come regularly. Now you have it' What more! Some of the good people want to know why is it that the rest of the pas tors of Dallas don't join the Ministerial Union? Where there is union there is strength. The monthly conference was held at Salem Baptist Church on Preston street, last noonday, Rev. A. R. Griggs pre sided. F. W. Williams of Brenham was elee'ed pastor. Why does Mr. Sharp treat his family as he does? He lives at 117 Swiss ave,, at the Falace restaurant. His family suffers For the sake of his female friends THE APPEAL won't go against Mr Sharp. Wonder why so many people in our society are so ptingy thnt the/ will not subscribe for HE APPEAL, but will have the nerve to borrow from their neighbors That is too bad isn't it. Wonder why so many Colored people read HE APEPAL Why is there such a demand for it? When in the city call at 119 Swiss ave and get a of HE APPEAL it will gtve you all the newd of the race if you want a real paper gt HE APPEAL There are families in Dal as that will not be with out it, all the intelligent people appreci ate such a race paper as HE APPEAL A sermon' on the Immortality of the soul was delivered by Rev. H. Thompson pastor Plymouth Congregational Church for the berefit of the ministerial union held at Elizabeth M. E. Chapel, Oak Cljff, Tex., Aug. 2nd. It was a thought fully prepared and eloquently delivered sermon. A word to him who stole the gold headed cane belonging to Mr. M. Mt Millon on the Fort Worth and Dallas excursion train to Galveston July 26 1892 Bring back that iane my dear kind friend, For fear the gallows maj be your end, Vnt when you die the Lord will say, Where is that cane you stole that day* And if you say, I do not know. Down to hell you're sure to go. The cane can be identified by trie name E McMillon which is engraved in the center of the head, a few inches above the foot end. M*,.. (CONHMJED ON SECOND PAGE) THE RACE PEOBLEM New Light to Cast its Refulgent Rays on the Vexed Question. Au Afro-American Says he Will Answer the Prayers That Ascended to Hea ven on the National Day of Fast ing and Prayer. (CONTINUED I will pass to something else I wish to sneak of before closing I see the Voice from Mattoon, sax the State capitol has filed a complaint against the Colored citizens of that place, charging them with having articles iu eight different paper*,and that there are not enough sub scribers from that place to pay tor the valuable sjace they take up. Possibly that is true, for I was in that town when the old gentleman who signed his name to that article was agent for some three or four Colored papers, and he told me that while some take two to three papers every week and others did not take any although all were able to take at least one paper, and that no one seemed to care to subscribe, p9rferring to pay for their paoers by the week So he just made up his mind to make a news bjy of himself and deliver the papers to them each week, and in that way he had created his interest in some for reading race voer^ who seemingly never thought of it before, and some who begun with one paper fiaally get to taking three and four, so I guess his effort has not been in vain, and jet although they as a part and parcel of the great Negro race, may be considered as dong fairly well, they could however do much better, and do it easy for I know two or three young men in that town who s^end, or did spend enough money nearly every week of their lives for drink that stro )ger than water, to pay for a whole year's subscription for any Colored newspaper that goes to that town, and there was one young man in particular who when the old gentleman would try to get him to take a paper he would refute saying times were too bard and be could not afford it. The people there seem to be miQUS thaf race piide and ambition so much needed by our people throughout the country, and I thUik tho who put themselves forward as leaders and re presentaives have a great deal to do with crushing that ambinon to be fiee and equal with all others, for when I was in that town,there were five Colored barber shops, and I think one white, and what seemed so strange, the proprietors of all five of those Colored shops were church members and yet they would not shave or cut the hair of their brothers in their shops only after closing up time or on Sundays and then as a rule they would do one's work with closed blinds. The worst white hoodlum in tnvn u'd go in and get work djne just as he wanted it, and it would be Mr. this and Mr. that, but their own minister had to take a back seat and jet they said they were christiins, but of course there is a mistake somewhere, for a christian you know can't discriminate on account of color, I do not say they are not religions but I do say they aie not christians for a man can be religions and then not be a christian, there are many kinds of religious but they are not all the christian religions for example there the Buddhist lei gion, the Moham medan religion, the Jewish rehgi n, crucified the Curbt the founuer of chris tianitv and persecute 1 his fol'owers, and while the people of those beliefs were rehgousttill they were not christians. A christian understood is one that is Christ's, one that follows his teaching Now I will just name a few things to show you that a christian can not dis criminate on account of color, and I wilj begin with the very foundation of Chris tianity. "Whatsoever ye would that men should do unto you do ye even so unto them When barbers g^into ston and reetaurants to buy what they want, do they want to be refused because they are Colored' I hardly think so Tnen do unto others a 9 you would wish to be I f donebv. Again, yon are told that G,d is no respector of peisons aid if tnut spirit of the is in ou, how can 3 ou be, that rnanifestat on of the spirit of the Loid in you is what is meant by the image of God, aid if jou don't show the spirit of the Lord in your walks and acts then you don't bear his im ige God is nof a liberator on Sunday and an oppres sor all week, th it is the reas we have so many weak and sickly churches, many of you tear down H!1 thu week and then go out and try to build up on Sun day ,is it any wonder that those whom call worldly have no faith in you? "H that gathereth not with me scattereth abroad." Remember I said a christian is ODe that is Christ's not a slave, but a (CONTINUED OK SSCOND FAOX.) S&l &$T-*f SAINT PAUL AND MINNEAPOLIS. EVANSTON, ILL. Doings of a Week in Chicago's Thriv ing Sister City. Items of all Sorts Gathered In by our Ubiq uitous News Gatherers an* Carefully Arranged in an Attractive Style for our Eager Readers. Mrs. Mary Mortimore is on the sick list, Mrs. Libby Lang was the guest of Miss Grace Garnett Sunday. Mjrs, Warner ofJChujagfcjKfta fche^u^Dt of Mrs. S W. Perry last week. Mrs. J. Elston of Washington Heights atended Church in Evanston last Sunday. Misses Hattie Johnson aud Florence Moore attended the camp meeting at De^plaines lust Sunday. Mr. T. has returned from Desplaines and Miss J. can be eeen going to and fro once more arm in arm with her own true \o\ ed cne. Well, who has a better right9 The Good Time Club will give their first annual picaic at Wildei's Grove Thursday August 25tb. Come and have a good time, corner Wesley and Wilder streets, four blocks south of Davis. The lawn fete at A M. E. Church on the 11th, was quite a nice affair. The lawn was beautifully decorated with Japanese lanterns. Water melon and ice cream was eaten with a relish which made the fiffair a financial success. Miss C. Williams will be seen adorning a safety on the street in a few days, so says Prof. H.. also Mrs. H. M. Taylor h8s or will purchase a new safety soon. Where are the other girlb? Much to do about nothing that was the part a good many of our young ladies played about going to the camp meeting last Sunday. The trains ran and the meeting went on, but only two of the ladies went. There will be another camp meeting at Desplaines next year, Some young ladies were enjoying themselves eating peanuts at the hall the other night during the Sir Knights in stallation of officers, while one young man amused the crowd by sitting on the pea nuts to crack them, the other young man used his hat to carry out the pea hulls. Such nut cracker aB above named and such waste baskets would be very useful in the country, but in a city like this such things are more funny than useful and do not add much to the genus of our young men in Evanston who stands so high in the 400 The public installation of officers of Silver Leaf Temple No 18, Sir Knights of Tabor, took p'ace at Union Hall, Aug. 12th. After a brief history of the order had been given by Mr Knight Farrar, the following officers were elected for the A A Crif38 yea 0 WaU8 J- Frazier, C. 8 L, N J. Dixon, A S O. Cannon, Treas. T. Ssrnith, C. 0 Geo. Hawkley, D. M. F. Danners, Robt Slaughter, Chas. Moore, J. Bianch, Jap. LindtMy, OS. Board of txaminers I,. Dixon, A. Watts, L. Norris, D. Danners and Frazier. mrd of vis itors: Geo Hawkley, Jas Lindsay and Chas. Moore. The order is one of the best in the West and in a fi mrishing .'ondttion Ther wee about twenty U. K. out in full uniform ami about fifteen nirmbei-* oi the Ladies court, a biaauh of thn older out in full uniform. Cape Girardeau, Missouri. Jasper Abarnathy is all smiles. It's a boy. Mr. Wm. Jacobs is n.uch better this Ofl S SJ &.ijj Mftl iH^MKIM \i-m :m a |.H tfl M_^ **.& S i i*s a-i i Mi P' ft %a Mr. Albert I*om of St ffouis made a flving business trip to ourjlry last week. Dr. Henry M. SemkinsMnade a busi ness trip to Wolf Island, Jj Thursday the 11. Some of the p9rple weT well pleaf ed with the excursion to Csftro, that they 'vish it would be repeatedffr* Mus Maud Graham rece|f|d a, dispatch last Wednesday to come pome at once. We have not learned the llouble yet. Miss Virgia Morris received so many letters one day last week, $|at she had to gel Mr. Jackson to take Chem home for her:* JI''*J!1^* "''*w^ |i| Messrs Elward Randol Dive Cook, John Green and David Pircefield went to St Louis last week to attend the Grand Lodge. CINCINNATL Doings of the Week Among the Afro. Americans of the Qnen City. Haps and Mishaps aa4 Itesas Collected and Compiled by oar porter for the Delectation Porkopolitaa*. Miss Lulu Baga has gone on a visit to Kentucky. Mr. Thomas Johnson has just returned from his vacation. Mrs. Henderson of Barr Ptreet is visit ing friends in Indianapolis. Mrs R. Williams of Columbus spent a few days with her relatives last week. MCKINLEY. Grand Secretary, Grand Lodge, G. U. O. O The Polar S ar Lodge K. of uill give a picnic at Woodsdale Island on the 24th. Mis S. Cole after a pleasant visit at her brothers in St. Louis has returned home. The Avon Guards of Avondale left for St. Paul this week commanded by Capt. Jackson. The recint visit to the Windy City had a refreshing effect on our.t little lady dentist Dr Ida Gray. Mr George O'Bannon will in a short time move his family to Hartwell having purchased a home there. Among the rece it appointments by Post master lmstein was the position of letter carrier given to Mr. James Green. Rev. John Jamisen of Jacksonville. Fla., who is the guest of Rev. Thomas Webb preached to a fine audeince at Calvary Church last *unday evening. The Colored Young Men's Christian Assoc ation held an interesting meeting at Union Bapfist Church last Sunday afternoon The topic for discussion was The New South Rev. A Prowd recently called bv the members of the Union Baptist Church was installed as pastor last thurs day evening Rev. Puller of Zion church conducted the services which were high ly appredated by those in attendance. Rev. Prowd is a native of West India. Valuable Book Free. All new yearly subscribers, of HE AP PEAL, at regular rates, who Bend or bring their subscriptions direct to the office and all delinquent subscribers, of at least one years standing, who pay in full their indebtedness, direct to the office, will be presented with a copy of "Dr. Huguet," by Ignatius Donnelly. This a new work bearing on the "race problem" and equals in interest "Uncle Tom's Cabin." Subscribe now or pay np and get a copy of this great work. Remember this only applies to subscriptions paid at or sent SATURDAY. AUGUST 20,1892. NEW ALBANY, IND. Doings of a Week in the Thriving Cftj by the Fails. Items of Bvery Kind Caught Here and There by Our Ubiquitous Repor ter aud Served up in Readable Style. Say Bay where did jou get that hat? I wonder if Mr. H. will go over on the 22nd or not? Prof. W. G. Moore of Louisville spent taUPltey.jA.tJie City.^,^^^, Say Mr. C. you had better stop going over they will catch you. Mr. C. W. pleaBe change that laugh Ida knows you any place in the dark. Mrs. E Lee left last Thursday for Canmer, Ky., on a visit to relatives. Miss S. he will come home when you are not looking for him. That wont dr Mr. Todd Grggs and Miss Ida Love have married and gone to house keep ing. What i3 the matter with Mr. W. N? He is all right he is going to be married soon. The Loyal Temperence Club will meet Rev. S. this week on some important business. Mr. Chas. Williams will leave soon for Evan-ville, Iud, on some important business Mr. Tohn Sniders father who has been in the city visiting his children left for his home last Monday. There area series of entertainments goinging on again in this city among the noted Five Brothers. The Lincoln League Club No. 2, sent word to the Second Baptist Church stat ing that they would help them out on the 23th. Waxahachie, Texas. Mrs. L. Phillips is on the sick list. Mr. N. Gibson is suffering from a soiained foot. Dr. W. F. Warren is the light man in the right place. The next session cf the association meets at Corsieaaa. A grand old fashioned hand shaking was the program among friends at the association. The APPEAL man had a pleasant time at the convention. Waxahachie fur nished a good crowd. TheU. B. F'a have elected the follow ing officers' Dr. W. Warren, M, B. Cade, D. Prof. Tildon, Sec H. Do68on, Ass't Sec S. Bordeis treasurei J. Cade, outside sentinel T. H. Hendei son, inside 6entinel R. C. Welch, ch ip liin P. S \eatt, S. Mar. C. Borders, J. Mar. G. W. Weeks, R. S., Gar jett, L. S Fannon, W. E. Eassey, R. Armstroeg, J. C. Campbell. Trustee instalaiion Aug. 25. Let all turn out. Canton, Mississippi. Miss Virginia Hendere 11, has retured fioui a pleasant trip to Jackson. Miss Eailme Moirisof Calhoun, was the lovely guest of the Mi-s.s Thompson last week. Miss Emily Dennis an old resident, is slowly recovering from a severe a tack of sickness. Our city was crowded with spargers last week it being the time of the S. S. Convention. THB APPEAL, the best Colored paper, is in charge of Mr. Spencer Burns, who can be found at Baldwin's dry goods store. a Miss Adelle L. Spellman of Jackson Mies were among our visitors last week, the guests of Mrs. Shorter The S. S. and Educati nu convention, convened in this ct last week. A large number of delegates were in attendance, among whom were the Revs. Topp and FiBher: (i Mrs. Lizzie White of New Orleans La., who is visiting Mrs. Robert Jackson was given a royal surprise in the shape of a pop enter!ainmefit on Thursday eve ning led by Mr. R. J. Garrett and Eva Jones. Miss White was completely sur prised 6he arose to thank the gay party of ladies and gentlemen for treating her to so novel an entertainmet but found words inadequate to exprets her feelings of delight. Games, singing, music and refreshments finished a large evening THE CITY OF ROSES. A Pot-pouriof the Social News Gather ings in Little Rook, Ark. lag* of the Afro-American* la the fepl'tol of Arkansaa, Done up lu Small at Delectable Morsels for Dalaty DalTn la the World ef News. W. A. Rector is improving slowly. Alderman Green Thompson is in Den ver, Col. Miss Thompson of Fort Worth, Tex is visiting Mrs. Carolina, The Knights of Labor had a parade and banquet the past week. Miss Edith Smith of Hot Springs is visiting Miss Jenuie Jefferson. Mr. H. H. Gilkey has two ne* arriv als at hiB home a boy and a girl. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Richmond paid Pine Bluff a flyiDg visit the patt week. Mr- Ed. McDaoiel passed through our city enroute home after a short visit in Pine Bluff. Mis3 Estella Rectoi is visitrg 111 Fort Smith. She is the guest of Mrs. Emma McDaniel. Mrs. Jas. Hill has retuined fiom Guthrie? Oklahoma and is preparing to return there to locate permanently. Mrs Sueari Grey mothei of Mr. Will Smith died on the Sth. The bereaved family has the sympathy of many friends. Miss M. Bronon of Atchison, Kan who has been visiting in our city for some weeks, contemplates lea\ing for home at an eaily date. Prof, and Mrs. J. Ish tendered the visitirg Indies and gentlemen in our city an e'egunt recaption at their residence on 16th and Scott streets Friday eve ning. Social conversation's, music and toasts were the amusments of the e\e- ning and it was not until the "wee sma' hours of the morn" that the happy guests departed for their homes with re grets that their pleasant evening's en tertainment had teiminated. Fort Worth, Tex, Get HE APPEAL at 900 Main street. Why don't Mr. Henry WTatts wife' get a Tom Mooie is learning to dance the lancieis Capt. Terrell the Curbstone politician is here yet. Josh Piles can manage a ball better than any one in the city, R. Houston is the handiest gentleman in the city with the ladies. Mrp. Ada Chism of Foit Smith, Ark., is in the city for a short while. T. Currey has laid aside his little song Hesiys it's to warm now. Mrs. Jcsie Austin of Weatherford is spending a few days with Mrs. Webb. If you are in debt to HE APPEAL pay up or your girl will wonder why she don't get it. We wonder if the lady in Galveston ever wrote to Mr. O. Did he really give her the slip. Did Mr. Mason think Cuney's boat ex cursion at Galveston was only for people who went on the Santa Fe 7 Mr. Joe Greach the gin shnger at Cur rey and Waikmp, has gone to Morgan, Tex to see if he has a girl there or not. Currey and Wat kins the Texas Gould and Vanderbilt have engaged 75 coaches to carry the sight seers to New Orleans in Octcber. The A. M. E. Church entertainment was quite a success. Pleasant looking Robert Houston was there but he didn't see Mr. Nathan Johnson or Tom Moore. What made Mr. Price the barber try to do the Colored excursion? Did he get a pies on the Central or did they give bim two rattle snake watermelons. What couple was that in bathing at Galveston and had such a good time thev missed the train and walked home LEADS ALL IN 5 8 RTF! .AJPIPIE 8 NEWS MATTER 9 W T. could not have been one for he went on the Central. The ex-soldiers have organized a body to be known as the Soldiers Union of the ne Star State, with headquarters at Fort Worth The following officers were elected for one year: Commander in chief, Geo. Harris, Fort Worth Second chief Win. Coleman, Dallas Adj Gen. Alfred Taylor Weatherford, Pay master G*n. E.Douglass, Fort Worth I Chaplin Yora Thomas, Dallas Second M. Gen. W. M. Jones, Dallas Secretary H. Butler, Fort Worth Treasurer John Osborne, Weatherford. Th committee has not yet decided where the nest 4* Vjlim, fVt ZELA. I $ i 2.40 PER YEAR.' CHICAGO. World'* Fair City as Viewed by The Appeal Man. Compilation of a Number of Happeur wtV among-the AfnfcAraerleane f the Second qfyjfr of this Olorioua Union. Ribans Tabules: for sour stomach.. Mrs.v Ida M. Dempcey is visiting friends in Dayton, Oho. Mrs. Emanuel Golden of 3950 State St. is visiting her sister Mrs. Ben Golden at Quincy, 111. Miss Nettie Miles has gone to St. Louis to visit her aunt Mrs. W. A. Johnson of 1321 Lucas Ave. Miss Ada Hudlin of 2731 Armour Aye. is visiting her sister Mrs. John Myers at Lake Forrest, 111. Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Crutchfield of Louisville are the guests of Mrs. Henry Smith of 290-29th street. Miss M. Lustre Gray of Louisville is. in the city visiting her daughter, Mrs. Laura Thomas Anderson. Miss Florence Maton of Oak Park and Miss Bertha B. Sullivan of Chicago are visiting friends in Elgin 111. Mrs Lottie Peterson of 2823 La Salle 6treet has returned to the city after a two weeks visit at Blooraington. Vice President Gamblee of tbe Am erican Union club has returned from a four days visit to Lexington, Ky. Mr. A. Lockery of 3119 Armour avenue is visiting friends and relatives in Louisville and other parts of Ky. Miss Lillie Robinson of Louisville who has been the guest of her auut Mrs. Gib son of Wright street has returned to her home. Mr. Baker the well known real estate man of Houston Texas is the guest of Mrs. S. A. Matthews of 239 Jefferson street. Miss A Gray, Miss Cornelia Ander son and Miss Mamie Scott are the guests of Mrs. Fannie Anderson of2S23 Dear born street Mrs. Rose Gravsnn of 28 6 State street has removed to 3243 Armour avenue where she will be pleased to see her many friends. Mr. Alex Gunn of Louisville is in the city. He will make this his future home He will reside with his family at 3115 La Salle street. Mr. and Mrs Fowle* of 2720 Dearborn street entertained at breakfast Sunday morning Miss Callie Huston and Miss Ida Watts of of Paducah Ky. Mesdames Wal. Burney and Will Col ston of Des Moines who have been visit ing Mrs. J. W. Williams 17C9 Deartorn St. have returned to their homes. Mrs. Sadie White of 2976 Dearborn street is visi ing Milwaukee, the cream city. She is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Matthews of 539 Jefferson street. Mr. andMr3. W. A Baker of Houston, Tex., who have been at Waukeeha for several weeks are now the guests of Mies Emma Lewis 2922Calumet avenue. Mr. Thomas Baxter and son of Jack sonville, Fla after a six weeks visit to the citvas the guest of Mrs. Lucy Brown 155^ Plymouth place has returned to Jackson, Fla. Mrs. S. A Fowler of 2720 Dearborn street is visiting her mother Mrs Nancy Webb of Covington Kv. She will vieit throughout the state and return home in about two weeks. Mr. W. Curd of tbe Custom House leaves today for Detroit, Mich., to join his wife who is visiting friends and rela tives there. Mr. and Mrs Curd will be in Detroit about three weeks. Mrs. Wm. Stewart of Little Rock, Ark., who has been visiting in Boston passed through' the city last week en route for her native city. While in Cbi caga she was the guest of MrB. E Smith 3033 Dearborn street. Have you had photograph taken lately? If you have not fro to tbe Lee Portrait Co., 2447 State street where you can get first class cabinels for $2 00 or tin-types 4, for twenty-five cents under the im mediate supervision of Ed Lee. Open Sundavs. The Negro Problem. To THE EDITOR Dear Sir:We are told that "th secrets of the Lord are with those that fear him." After Abraba*m's faith had been severely teettd and G( found that be could be tru-ted. He took Abraham into his confiderce and told him of his plans in reference to the Judgement of Sodom, and eo Abraham knew what WSB coming and conducted himself according ly. Abraham interceded himself in be half of his friend Lot and Lot was marri ed and Javed. God is still taking men of faith into nis confidence and permi's them to see into his plans and purposes by his Holy Spirit which he has given them. I the Summer of 1888 I was in the Spirit for several days and during that time some of tbe most wocderful tilings were revealed to me. I fold of some of them but was thought to be in sane. A plan of solving the Race Prob lem was presented to my mind. Now I just want to say to the Colored people, that God is carrying out that 1 Ian. The Mighty God of Jacob has marie bare hie arms and the problt is b-ing folved. Only let the Colored people obey his in structions and victory will be theirs. Watch and pray, and whatsoever Je-iw 1 saith unto you, do it, and the day will^ soon dawn when we shall be recognized5 asbretberen.