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i THE APPEAL AN AMERICAN NEWSPAPER ISSUES WEEKLY i J. .ADAMS, EDITOR AND PUBLISHER i 3T. PAUL OFFICE No. 361-2 Court Block, 24 E. 4th st. JT. ADAMS, Manager. MINNEAPOLIS OFFICE No. 2812 Tenth Avenue South J. N. SfiSLLERS, Manager. TERMS STRICTLY IN ADVANCE INGLE COPY, THREE MONTHS .60 SINGLE COPY, SIX MONTHS 1.10 tlNuLli CUPY, ONE YEAPUJUJ.....*2.U0 When subscriptions are by any means al lowed to run without prepayment, th urmi arefcOcents for each wevka And 5 cents tor each odd week, or at taa rate of S2 40 Df year. Admittances should be made by Express Money $ffider. Post Office Money Order, RegtBieped setter or Bank Draft. *oi- atalnps will be received the same as r- a for the fractional parts of a dollar. Only en* cent and two eent stamp* taken. Oliver should never be sent through the mall. It Is almost sure to wear a nolo titroVfh the envelope and be lost or Ise ft may be stolen. Persons who sent silver to u* In Utters do so at their wn risk. 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In OMo you do not receive any number when dve, injfo.Tn us by postal card at thof expiration of five days from that data, eate of the missing number. Communications to receive attentions 4iu*t be .aewsy. upon-lmportant subjects, sternly written only upon one aids of the papai must reach us Tuesdays If pos sible, anyway not later than Wednea japs. and bear the signature of thefact at'The IH- No manuscript returned, un lasi stamps are sent for for postage We do not hold ourselves responsible for the view* of our eon espondents. eilelti no. agents WHte *or terms. -i4!*K N wanted everywhere. 8ampie copies frss. in avery Utter that you write ua paver fail to give your full name and adaVaaa, tfaialy written, post office, county and state, fwsinnss letters of all kinds must written en separate sheets from hrt terg AQtfiining paws or matter for pub- HaajfanT SPHtrelTss stoodd eflOT matter Jane I. lift at the aoaiofflos t i raul. .holders' rebellion Mtnn.. under aet of Congress. Marsh a, have SATURDAY, JUNE 9, 1917 "Any prejudice whatever will be insurmountable if those who do not share in it themselves truckle to it and flatter it and accept it as a law of nature." John Stuart Mill. TERMS OF LIBERTY LOAN BOND. Liberty Loan bonds of the first issue of $2,000,000,000 are to bear date of June 15, 1917, and to run for thirty years, except that the Govern ment reserves the right to pay them fifteen years after date. If this right is not exercised by the Government fifteen years from date, the bonds will run the full thirty years. These bonds bear interest at 3} per cent per annum, and the interest is payable semi annually on the fifteenth day of December and the fifteenth day of June in each year. AN INSULT TO PATRIOTS The registration for the selective draft is over. It passed without any serious disturbances anywhere in the United States, although many arrests were made of people who were guilty of aiding the anti-registration propo ganda. So far as the dispatches show, not a single colored citizen of the United States was delinquent in any way whatever. And the colored people constitute the only group of which this can be said. Now that the registration is over, it must not be -forgotten, the colored citizens were subjected to an infamous insult and one which was not offered to any other class of citizens. The insult consisted of the inscription in the lower left hand corner of the registration card. "If person is of African descent tear off this corner." It was an insulting classification, separation and 'segregation to which no other group was subjected, not even German aliens and spies or THE TOMB OF WASHINGTON British, French and Italian "Mis sions" have already visited the United States and others from Russia, Japan and Serbia are enroute. The British and French missions visited the tomb Washington and placed wreaths thereon. Millions of loyal colored America citizens are deterred from visiting the tomb of the "Father of His Country" by the knowledge of the they would be obliged to travel in jim-crow cars to reach Washington's last resting place. TRIBUNE VOMITS AGAIN. The following from the Chicago Tribune seems like a voice from the tomb. It is on a par with some of the stuff printed by the copperhead Tribune before and during the slave The writer may CHINESE, JAPANESE, EAST INDIANS SHOULD BE CHRISTAINS! SPECIAL SEGREGATED HEAVENS FOR ALL COLORED RACES. WE NEED YOUR NUMBERS TO MAKE CHRISTIANITY APPEAR STRONG. WE ALSO NEED YOUR TRADE. We have had years of experience among the Colored People in the United States and have either remained silent or encouraged mob, murder, segregation and other things until they have largely become docile, un complaining CHRISTIANS, complaining Christians. We are now ready for the Colored races of the East. INTERNATIONAL CHURCH PUBLICITY BUREAU, Tokio Calcutta Hongkong Shanghai Pekin Bombay Singapore Bangkok naturalized German-American thou sands of whom are at heart traitors to their chosen country and many of whom would not hesitate to strike and will not hesitate to strike for the Kaiser, if the opportunity comes. It is said that the United States has gone into war to fight for democ cracy. If this is true the undemocratic conditions at home should be eliminat ed before the soldiers go abroad to* toward the results suggested in theship fight for democracy. Cut out all Jim Crow business the United States. Give us liberty, equality and democ racy. been born since 1870 but hisand think machine was evidently cast in one of the left over molds of 1850. It is headed: :/WKJfcjCK MAN, STAY SOUTH! They say down south that "niggers are-All rfgbjt in their place," but where is that ^Blace? South? At Memphis, Tenn., a Negro x*as recently burned alive. North? At East St. Louis, llCfhorrible Negroes are knobbed, beaten, and run out of town. -We taunt the south with race preju dice when it burns a "bad nigger," but just see how we northerners detest even "good niggers!" The real race prejudice is ours. Our very philan thropists betray it. They saw to a black man, "God bless you, good-by," whereas the south says, you, come here!" Or put it this way: The northerner is a great friend of the Negro but not of a Negro the outherner is a great friend of a Negro, but not of the Negro. Prof. Munsterberg once described the race as "passive at every turn of fortune," yet within the last year Negroes by the thousand have actively undertaken to find a place for them selves. They have come north. It was a huge mistake. They escape bar barous punishment for their occasional crimes while winning no appreciation for their habitual virtues. They are disliked. When their presence be comes a burden, as at East St. Louis, they are abused. It is on these terms only that they enjoy the longed for "liberties of the north"its "social equality," for indimmed. stance. But do they really enjoy that? Our observation goes to show that the Negro is happiest when the white race asserts its superiority, provided that sympathy and understanding accom pany the assertion. Not long ago a Virginian noticed a very gloomy black porter in a northern hotel, and, learn ing that the Negro had come from Virginia, said, "You black THE MAN WHO DARES I honor the man who in the consci entious discharge of his duty dares to stand alone the world, with ignorant, intolerant judgment, may condemn, the countenances of relatives may be averted, and the hearts of friends grow cold, but the sense of duty done shall be sweeter than the applause of the world, the countenances of relatives or thehearts of friends.Charles Sumner. fool go back to Virginia!" The reply revealed much: "O, Cunnel, dem's de fust kind wuds dat's been spoken to me since Ah come up noff!" Southerners insist that "the nigger must be kept down." They enforce the color line. Yet they will work side by side with Negroes, befriend them in adversity, and overlook their minor failings. Gradually they are working carton on this page. They do not hate Negroes In their heart they like them. Said Dooley: "I'm naught troubled whin the naygur. is amon'st his oppressors, Hinnessy. What throubles me is whin he falls into th' hands IV his liberators." In the same city where the forego ing 'vomit was spewed up, Miss So phronisba Breckenridge, of the Uni versity of Chicago, a Southern woman and one of the famous Kentucky family of Breckenridge, said: "The cry 'has gone up from a large number of people: What are we going to do with these 'dreadful men and women' who are coming to us from the South? I say we should be here to welcome them, to help them, to give them a chance to make Chicago a bet ter home than they could find in the South." A NEEDED WAR MEASURE. The government of the United States ought to Stop lynching as a needed war measure. As a military necessity, loyal patriotic citizens ought to have a chance for their lives no man, even though he be inno cent of crime is safe when the lyncher is abroad. The stern hand of military law ought to descend upon the people who are defying the law and making a ipockery of democracy. The daily newspapers often con tain "scare heads" and accounts of man burnings, where the victim is drenched with oil and burned at the stake. If some of these papers should get out of the country and fall into the hands of the Ger mans who have despoiled Belgium or into the hands of the Turks who have massacred the Armenians they might use them as a justification of their DARKIES are making great progress atrocities: Loyal patriotic citizens of the United States demand the suppres sion of lynching and the summary punishment of the lynchers as a needed war measure. "CONSISTENCY, THOU ART A JEWEL." The Chicago Tribune, noted for itsto inconsistency and illogical reasoning, has an article on Home Rule for Ire land and a free Poland. It also says: "We can find plenty of reasons for insisting that the war shall free the Armenians from the Turks, shall give Greece a republic, Russia a democracy, Belgium an assurance of integrity, France a promise of security, and that it shall enable the statute of Liberty in New York harbor to shine un- "We do not ask that our allies free the Moroccans, the Hindus, or theSunday Koreans, but it seems within reason to ask that they give Home Rule to the Irish and thus help the United States in one of its own local prob- lems." Why does not the Tribune go the full length in democracy and ask freedom for the Moroccans, the Hindus 2 1 and the Koreans? Is it because their complexions are a trifle darker than the other nationalities mentioned? "But in a war which elects democ racy as the principle there ought to be a different condition in some of the lands which are allied to the prin ciple. The United States, which in a real sense is about to fight for the security of the TJnited States, and in equally real sense is about to fight for the principle of democracy, would fight better if the allies to which it is joined were better established in consistency." Speaking of consistency, the Tri bune could do a great "work along that line by advocating justice for theOF colored American citizens who are in sulted, and oppressed by the state governments of the South and whose lives are never safe from the murder ous Southern mob. But instead it has not been a very long time since this same Tribune advocated the stripping from the colored citizen the few rights he now enjoys. "Consistency, thou art a jewel" THE GUARDIAN ON DR. FRISSELL. Commenting on the editorial in the Richmond Planet, which is printed in this issue, objecting to one of thegovernment points in Dr.?Frissell's recent memo rial, the Guardian says: "Thus saith in very truth the Planet "We rise also to deny directly that i ^eL ^"f ^of the 'quiet service' lives of Booker Washington or of Russa Moton se cured recognition of rights. The most striking thing about the race-leader career of Dr. Washington was that coincident with it went the great est period of loss of citizenship and of legal debarment from rights ever known in any race and especially dur ing the time Dr. Washington preached most pronouncedly the doctrine of 'quietly deserving' rights. No further exposition of that matter by us is any longer needed "We warn Dr. Frissell against re viving the Booker Washington-no-egi tation issue. Dr. Washington's own friends do not relish or desire it." THE NEW HAMPTON MOVEMENT. The meaning of the sudden "Hamp ton Patriotic Movement" now being pulled off in Chicago, Detroit and other Northern cities isn't quite clear. THE APPEAL has received a num hor nf that there is something queer about 'est {Lit the "movement." The papers state that one Dr. Charles F. Taylor of New York, one of the leaders in the "movement" who is now making speeches in Chicago, where the segregation question has reached an acute stage, has on several occasions asserted to white audiences: "The negro wants segregation as much as or more than the white jnan." This statement is not only false, but it is dangerous and unfriendly doctrine to be disseminated by the representative of an institution which claims to stand for "Christian" training and "uplift" and all that sort of stuff. The writer of one of the letters re ceived by THE APPEAL, states that she visited the Hampton exhibit at the Hotel La Salle where she was in formed by the charming lady who has charge of the exhibit, that "the What does it mean? The government is a victim to the High Cost of Living just as most of us poor mortals are for according to reports this week the expenditures for the fiscal year thus far have reached $1,600,000,000, more than $900,000,000 in excess of last years expenditures up the present date and thus makes a new high record in American history. The chief item of the increase $607,500,000was purchase of the ob ligations of foreign governments in exchange for loans advanced to the Allies. The sum does not represent by approximately $140,000,000 the total amount authorized in loans. The general assembly of the Pres byterian Church of the United States in session at Dallas, Texas, has put its official ban on Sunday sports, the newspaper, liquor and to bacco. As the meeting is being held in a part of the country where lynch ing and burning men at the stake is one of the Sunday sports of the mobs which fill up on bad whiskey and squirt tobacco juice, THE APPEAL suggests that a resolution denounc ing lynching be adopted. Former Alderman Oscar DePriest of Chicago is being tried under an indictment to protect gambling houses in that city. The trial will to a great extent be a spectacular battle between colored attorneys. Attorney Edward S. Wilson, assistant states attorney is to make the opening ad dress for the state. The famous Ed ward H. Morris will be the chief aid mwo wre i ttM4 for the defense. It will be a battle 2^!^* ,leaS royal. According to statistics prepared by Frederick L. Hoffman for "Spec tator," Memphis, Tenn., has the un enviable distinction-**! being the mur der metropolis of the United States. More homicides were committed in Memphis than in any other city in proportion to the population. i The East S Louis riot situation is to be investigated thoroughly by the Illinois State Council of Defense. A sun committee is now in session taking testimony, t^t WITH 'MARKED CARDS" In Its Army of Democracy U. S. A. Begins With a New Jim Crowism Added to the Rest to Fight for World Democracy, but to Have Distinctions of Col or in Our Own ArmyDenial of Equality. (From the Journal, the leading daily paper of Boston, Mass, June 28, 1917) THE DEAREST PROMISE IN THE WHOLE OF THE CONSTITUTION THE UNITED STATES IS THE PROMISE OF EQUALITY FOR ALL, REGARDLESS OF RACE, COLOR OR PREVIOUS CONDITION OF SERVI- TUDE. But It is not always pleasant for a Negro to read that promise. "Marked Cards." Nor will the Negro feel a thrill of promise when he comes to write down his name for service to his coun try. For the registration card makes a distinction of color. The man who puts his name to that piece of paste board signifies that his life is at the disposal of this government in war. That should be enough. But nothe asks that he shall spe cify his "color." Literally, this govern ment is beginning with marked cards We don't need to review the fine record of the African race in fighting th battles America^ Its men have been in the front rank wher ever there came an opportunity to serve History vouches for that. 0 wt^ A aristocratic snobbishness has drawn ber of letters and newspaper clippings up the registration blanks, a demo from the daily papers bearing on the cratic decency must later denyh thhe subject and gleans from them the idea Now a Jim-Crow Registration. And here, when we come to fight for democracy, we find distinctions drawn according to the color of a man's skin. Negroes have not fared well dur ing the present national administra tion. They have disappeared from public offices, and Jim Crow grip of the South has grown firmer And NOW A JIM CROW REGISTRA- TION. Race and color in our "Army of De mocracy." If we were to define democracy as applied to the army of a democratic nation, we should picture men of allJohn races and all creeds grouped together equality. A white millionaire's son might share a tent with a Negro and a Chinese. But"color"! Race, color and previous condition of servitude apparantly are to be recognized in our army of democracy.. Blunder No. 1. Must Be Wiped Out. But it must be wiped out. If an dlstiction. ig & SPECIMEN AD Submitted by THE APPEAL For Use in the Newspapers of the East St. Louis, Mo., June 4.A fund of $1,000,000 is to be put into religious publicity in the secular papers of Japan, India, and China, according to announcement made today in the church publicity conference of the con vention of the Associated Advertising Clubs of the World, by the Rev George M. Fqwles of New York, treasurer of the board of foreign missions of the Methodist Episcopal church. Mad Savagery (Springfield Republican) While we are so critical of the na tions known as our enemies it is morally disconcerting tp have staged in America such mad savagery as the latest burning to death of a colored man by a mob in Tennessee. The colored man was clearly guilty, it seems, of the fiendish murder of a white girl, but retaliation in fiendish ness gets us nowhere in correcting or even punishing a criminal class. When race feeling is involved it is impossible to conceive of anything so disastrous in its ultimate effects as the treatment which mobs occasion ally give to these black men At a time when Americans need to show real capacity for mass discipline and respect for authority, we are forced to contemplate these hideous specta cles of mass brutishness and social anarchy. The Cause of Migration (Atlanta (Ga.) Independent) When meat was 15c a pound and flour $8.00 a barrel, the colored laborer received from $4.00 to $8.00 a week. Now meat is 30c a pound and flour $16.00 a barrel, he is receiving the same wages. He cannot live at this and the white man cannot expect him to remain in the South and live on the starvation wages he is paying him when the fields and the factories in the North and West are offering him living wages. If the white man will suppress lynching and lawlessness in the rural districts, pay the colored man living wages, give him a square deal on the farms, better schools, open the doors of the shops and factories to his prowess, and let him in theunder labor unions, municipal ordinances (to keep colored men from leaving the South) will be unnecessary. "Negroes and Dogs Not Allowed" (From the Nashville Clarion) Down in Houston, Texas are some elevators in public buildings labeled 'NEGROES AND DOGS NOT ALLOW- ED." Generous Classification! Such signs as these account in such meas ure, for the exceedingly rapid manner in which the Colored men are depopu- lating the South They can be neithera tow^n like this. They* have hearts and souls and human pride, just like the people of other races. Must Have a Place in School (From the Chicago Defender) Our naval training camp has every nationality under the sun. As'a red flag to flout into the face of the bull, we have Chinamen out there, the Filipino out there, the Greek out there, the Hebrew out there, the Italian out there, and God himself only' knows what else out there, but we do know that if we are anywhere near there we are near the bathroom with a mop and broom. Space must be made for ithe boy of the Colored race in the school for which we are paying taxes. Defective Page LET AGITATION GO ON, SAYS REV. F. J. GRIMKE. Commends Protest by Guardian and PlanetRace Will Protest Till White America Accords the Rights Which Belong to Every American Citizen Steady Decline of Rights Under B. T. Washington Policy. (From the Boston Guardian) Washington, D. May 1, 1917 Dear Mr. Trotter.I have just read in the last issue of the Guardian your editorial, including the editorial of Mr Mitchell of the Planet, in which he administers a very just and timely rebuke to Dr. Frissell for some things which he says in the last issue of the Southern Workman. All Time. Dr Frissell had just as well under stand now, once for all, that the policy for which he stands, as regards our rights, will never be accepted by the colored man. And the inculcation of such a policy comes with very little grace from white men who never think of following it when their own rights are involved. Think Colored Unlike Whites. It is because, after all, they think that the Negro is made of a little dif ferent clay, and therefore that it is alright FOR HIM TO QUIETLY SUB MIT TO WHAT WHITE MEN WOULD NOT BE EXPECTED TO SUBMIT TO, AND. WOULD NOT SUBMIT TO WITHOUT THE MOST VIGOROUS PROTEST? Put Themselves In Our Place. If some of our white friends would put themselves in the place of the colored man, and realize that there is no essential difference between the colored man and themselves, they would be saved from some of the fool ish things which they recommend at times. Let the Agitation Go On. Let the Planet, let the Guardian, let all the colored newspapers, continue to speak out, and, in every other legiti mate way, LET THE AGITATION GO ON It is in vain for Dr. Frissell, or any one else to try to stop it. Yours for equality of rights for alt citizens, regardless of race or condi tion. FRANCIS GRIMKE. OFFICIAL NOTICE. Segregated Training Camp for Colored Citizens. The following letter to the Chief of Staff Departments of the Army gives a brief outline of the provisions made for training camps for colored citizens. 1. You are advised that training camps for colored citizens will be es tablished at Fort Des Moines, Iowa, Section 54, National Defense Act, and the regulations prescribed for present training camps, except as modified herein and hereafter. The camp is under the control of the De partment Commander, Central Depart- REV JAMES S RUSSELL First Colored Man to Be Elected Suffragan Bishop Some of the papers are making a great "to do" over the election of a suffragan bishop calling it "progress." As a matter of fact a suffragan bishop is a "jim crow" bishop. He has no real power and is subject to the whims and caprices of the bishop under whom he serves. The election of such a bishop is an emphatic drawing of the color line. It is not progress, but retrogression. Rights Declined Under Washington. It is amazing that at this late day, and after the STEADY DECLINE OF OUR RIGHTS UNDER MR. WASH INGTON'S POLICY of "quiet, unpre tentious service." -that Dr. Frissell should be attempting to revive that pernicious, un-American, unmanly, heresay of quiet submission to wrong. What God directed his prophet to dotional was: "Cry aloud, spare not, lift up thy voice like a trumpet, and declare unto my people their transgression, and the house of Jacob their sins." And that is what we have been doing, and will continue to do, until White America heeds the message, turns from its evil ways and accords to the colored man the rights which justly belongs to him as much as to any other American citizen. Let Frissell Understand Once and for THE SIN OF SILENCE To sin by silence when we should protest makes cowards out of men. The human race has climbed on pro test. Had no voice been raised against injustice, ignorance and lust, the in quisition yet would serve the law, and guillotines decide our least disputes. The fee? who dare must speak and speak again to right the wrongs of many.Ella Wheeler Wileex. ment, who will prepare and conduct the same The total attendance will be twelve hundred fifty, of whom two hundred fifty will be noncommissioned officers of colored regiments of the Regular Army, to be sent on detached service status, and one thousand citi zens either enlisted under Section 54 National Defense Act for three months beginning June 18th, with agreement to accept appointment tendered, or members National Guard whose status will be as in the case of National Guardsmen now in training camps. 2. The contingents of citizens and National Guardsmen from the various departments is as follows: North eastern Department 40, Eastern De partment 240, Southeastern Depart ment 430, Central Department 195, Southern Department 75 plus contin gent from Twenty-fourth Infantry 84 and Tenth Cavalry 57, Western De partment 20 3. As far as consistent with the character of applicants, it is desired that men selected shall be not less than 30 years of age. Local distribu tion as between various States and cities and between citizens and Na Guardsmen is left to the discre tion of Department Commanders From all applicants Department Com manders will select their contingent so that definite notice to proceed to the training camps may be given the selected men not later than June 9th. The training camps will be ready to receive the noncommissioned officers Oi the Regular Army June 5th, and all others June 15th. The course of instruction begins June 18th In addition to the contingents men tioned above, 84 men will be sent from the Twenty-fifth Infantry in Hawaii and 25 men from the Ninth Cavalry in the Philippines. Applications should be addressed to the Commanding Generals of Depart ments as follows- Northeastern De partment, Boston, Mass, Eastern De partment, Governors Island, N Y, Southeastern Department. Charleston! S. Southern Department, Fort Sam Houston, Texas, Central Department. Chicago. 111., Western Department, San Francisco, Cal. The contingent from each Depart ment will be as follows: Northeastern 40, Eastern 240. Southeastern 430, Central 195, Southern 75, Western 20 The remaining 250 will be noncommis sioned officers from regiments as indi cated above P. McCAIN, The Adjutant General Hates the Term "Negro." "I hate the term Negro because it is being used in terms of hatred. It is the cause of the segregation of the Negro it is being used in contempt in public places it is an excuse for disfranchising him and it is an ex cuse for lynching him. Only one tenth of one per cent of the colored people in America can trace their descent to Africa, and there Is no more right to call all colored people Negroes than to call all white people Turks or Armenians."Ex-Assistant United States Attorney General Wm. H. Lewis, Boston, Mass. The Eternal Gospel (From the Martinsville Pioneer-Press) We have no respect for a servile, cringing colored man He is of more service to his people under the sod than on top of it.Richmond (Va) Planet. That is our eternal gospel preach it in the valleys and on the mountain tops. Not Consistent (Baltimore (Md.) Commonwealth) President Wilson cannot consistent ly contend for liberty, equality and justice for Belgians, Russians, Poles, French, English and Teutons without conceding justice, liberty and equal ity to ALL citizens of his own coun try &J-