Newspaper Page Text
fi Nav' "f ff--I= -at.-iy-u^.. ST. PAUL rVEEK'8 RECORD OF HAPPENINGS. IN MINNESOTA'S CAPITOL. rh* Saintly City" and Saintly City folksNewsy Items 01 social, Re* Mglous, Political and General Mat tors Among the Peoole. PHONE: N. W. CEDAR 5649 PHONE TRI-STATE 23776 SATURDAY,- APRIL 20, 1918 SAINT PAUL Conserve on coal by burning wood. FREEDOM FOR ALL FOREVER. Smoke SIGHT DRAFT 6-Cent Cigar. Mrs. Mary Barnett has moved to 415 Rondo street. Mr. J. H. Dillingham is ill at her home, 5/9 Rondo street. Mr and Mrs. J. H. Charleston have moved to 999 Chatsworth street. OFFICE CEDAR 6948 RES. DALE 1466 W. T. FRANCIS I /WA/VCTES LAWYER AMR. NATL BANK BLDG. ST. PAUL COM FIFTH'AND CEDAR nwfc Mr. W. S. Burton, 753 Ashland Ave., is confined to his home by illness. FOR RENTFive room flat 874 La Fond street, up stairs, $16.00. Tel. Dale 7557. Mr. A. A. Coleman Is now the pro prietor of the cafe in the rear of Reed & Cotton's barber shop. Mrs. Aria Davis, Seattle, Wash., is visiting her mother, Mrs. L. Jackson, after an absence of many years. ^t rt^^r rfr*t4 bWi ri't? Sfr ^4 vfri^ Lt v^x^ ELITE CAFE AND IGE CREAM PARLOR ST. PAUL'S MOST UP-TO-DATE CAPE & ICR REAM PARLOR trV OAK Q Wlil TOD WilIT AlfD VIIH TOD WANT IT AT WIMOIf'B A LA CARTE MEALS AT ALL HOURS I'm Schmidt's MALTA with yonr meals ALL KINDS O SOFT DRINKS 8T. COR. ST. ANTHONY." ST. PAUL Tel. Dale 2026 Sgg -3** ^^Jgg Lieut. Edgar Butler was in the city of her daugher Ruth's health, re- on a four days' furlough this week, turned to the city Tuesday. En route returning to Camp Dodge on Sunday. stop overs were made in several cities. The Maids' and Matrons' club met I PUBLIC STENOGRAPHERMRS. on Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. H. I. WILLIAMS, OFFICE OF ATTY., Homer Goins, 453 Mackubin street, iw T. FRANCIS, SUITEI 329AMERI- Mr. R. M. Johnson, who was laid up for several days with lagrippe is S?^?5 again able to perform his daily avo-, first and one on second floor, for gentlemen only, 972 Rice near Front, Mrs E Battles Offiret Cedar 508 T.-S. 21 508 Ren.t 078 St. Anthony Ave. Tel. Dale 2847 LYLES FINERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBVLMER Twin City Calls Answered Da) or Night Lady Assistant When Desired ST. PAUL 150 W. Fourth St. ^^"^"^""^^^^^ssssa^sai Mrs. Arthur of Minneapolis, Miss Fagen of Chicago, 111., is visit ing her brother and sister, Mr. andL an end g asier f mall mounts of 3U oney. Buy War Savings thru Postmen or STATE SAVINGS BANK 93 E. Fourth Street the interest of Gordon & Ferguson winter at Palm Beach, Fla., on account CA N A WO R ou AL cations. information has reachedfSt. Paul" FOR RENTTwo rooms, one on anotne tna soodwo B- Mrs. Fagen at Mrs. Geo. Duckett's Simms won the visitor's prize. home, 687 St. Anthony Ave. Mrs. W. Holliday, of 441 Rondo street, left Wednesday for Omaha, Neb, to visit her sister, Mrs. M. B.street, Toner and spend several months. LADIES wishing anything in theThey line of hair work or scalp treatment may have their wants supplied by call ing on Mrs. Elizabeth Battles, 972 Rice street. NOW THE NEXT BIG THING Will be the MAY PAGENT OF Music, Drama and Poetry GIVEN BY THE INVINCIBLE CLASS OF PILGRIM BAPTIST S. S. Assisted By The Best Local Talent Thursday Eve., May 9 C. H. MilleS, Manager Miss Haj Williams, Pianist TICKETS 1 5 CENTS will be given by Company "B" 16th Battalion UNION HALL Corner Kent St. and Aurora Ave. 03sT MONDAY EVE., APRIL 29, 1918 ADMISSI ON 3 5 CENTS AT THE DOOR Officers of Company Mrs. Harry Esters, 396 Rondo street has returned from her visit to herstaple sick mother at Chicago, Mrs. A. Lam bert, who has greatly improved. Mrs. Hugh Schuck returned last week from New Port News, Va., where she had spent some time with her hus band, prior to his leaving for the front. Mr. Harold Hilyard left last -Sat urday for Moines and several other points in fc Capt. Jose Sherwood, U. S. Officers Training School 1st Lieutenant O C. Hall, 6th Illinois Spanish-American War 2nd Lieutenant Thaddeaus W Stepp, 8th Illinois 1st Sergeant John I. Lee, 9 th Cavalry, U. S. A Supply Sergeant George L. Hoage, 9th Bat. 111. Nat. G. Mess Sergeant Ira S. Ashe, 10th Ohio Vol., Span.-Amer. War THIS BALL HAS THE APPROVAL O THE ADJUTANT GENERAL by whom he is employed. selectionss and dancing. A special I feature were numbers given by Mr. and Mrs. E. Beasley who spent the Mrs. Thomas who are en route to Duluth to join the Orpheum circuit Grand Master, George L. Hoage, ac 5.fT REET8 NATIONA BAN BUILDING A l!i. CONFIDENTIAL. boys is making a corporal Co "D ao Newport News,H. Va., in th ot Augustus Washing-eally *sMr. no ers to 309 Batalion, Camp Hill Branch. I The Excelsior Minstrelette given at and for the benefit of Union Hall on last Thursday evening was a splendid affair. Madam Camouflage supported by twenty ladies put onlows: some show. The affair was well at tended and all were pleased. The place to have your shoe repair ing done in the best possible way andguests. at the lowest price, is at JARVIS', 104- 106 East Fifth street. He also has a complete stock of men's, women's and boys' shoes of the best grades for the money, to be found in the city. The Matinee Whist Club met Wed nesday afternoon with Mrs. John Lewis as hostess. The visitors were Archer Wm Simms,Mesdames Geo. cas and B. K. Edwards. Mrs. CONSERVE by having your family washing done by the IDEAL WET WASH LAUNDRY, 430-432 Rice opposite Memorial Baptist church. Save both money and labor. Call N. W. Cedar 6112 or Auto. 24 996.made will"tell you all about it. Watch and wait for the next big thing, the May Pageant of Music, Drama and Poetry, under the auspices of the Invincible Class of Pilgrim Bap tist Sunday School, assisted by ourobject best local talent, Thursday evening, May 9. Further particulars later. Mrs. R. F. Wilson has again opened a rooming house at 607 Rondo street near Dale and is prepared to take roomers at reasonable rates. Tel. Summit 1896. The new place will be known as the Wilson Cottage. It con* tains eight nice comfortable well heated rooms. LADIESMrs. H. Milner, 494 Rice street, is prepared to shampoo your hair and give scalp treatments. Old hair switches made to look like new, also transformations and puffs to or der. All work strictly confidential and at reasonable prices. Residence calls made. Tel. N. W. Cedar 3706. The funeral of Coleman Mason who was murdered on last Sunday night on Acker street by a jealous man, who is known but not yet arrested, was held at Lyles' chapel last Thurs day afternoon, Rev. Jos. S. Strong officiating. The floral tributes by his friends were numerous and beautiful. Interment at Forest. ment of N. Shiffer with a full line of and fancy groceries, candy, cake, bakery goods, ice cream and soft drinks, school supplies, cigars and tobacco. The patronage of old and new customers is solicited. You'll be treated right. The Past Grand Mastersr Council No 126, gavea a social session Wednesday Unio entertained by Victrola S sxx?s\s.Ruth, a bustoess*''*tripto De"s wer even of Nos. 4671 and 553. The ts we I selection A companied by his cabinet, composed of the elective officers of the Minne sota Grand Lodge, F. and A. M., made his annual official visit to Pioneer Lodge No. 1 last Monday night. After the transaction of the official business a splendid lunch was served. He will visit Perfect Ashlar Lodge No. 4 on next Tuesday evening, April 23. All Master Masons in good standing cordi invited. Mr. James Thomas, 57 W. Jessa mine street, assisted by Mesdames A. Hicks, Jackson and E. W. Lindsay gave a birthday surprise party last Friday evening for Mrs. Thomas. About 50 guests were present. An impromptu program was given as fol Piano selections, Mesdames W. Reynolds and Jas. E. Murphy. Readings by Mesdames Bettie Jones and May L. B. Graves. Speeches by Mr Thomas, and several of the Singing by quite a number of the members of St. James' Choir. The birthday gift from her friends was a beautiful fern and willow jardiniere which was presented by Mrs. Bettie Jones, response by Mrs. Thomas. Re freshments were served and allhad a most delightful time. MUSICIANS, ATTENTION! LADIES wishing anything in theed line of dressmaking and ladies' tailor ing should try the new BON TON DRESSMAKING AND TAILORING PARLORS, 375 Carroll avenue, Mrs. L. B. Jackson, proprietor. Style, fit literary talent is programmed for the and quality guaranteed at reasonable concert of the Memorial Literary So- rates for first class work. Quick serv- ciety, Monday evening, April 29. Ad- ioe. Tel. Dale 3265. (1-12-18) mission 15c. Mrs. Solomon and Mrs. Jordan are I The well known and popular BUSYunable to be at their usual posts of CORNER, 381 Rondo street, corner of duty but their choirs are being taken Western, Is now under the manage- care of by Mrs. T. R_C. ^Taylor and Several attempts have been made at long intervals to form a big musical organization in St. Paul, but for oneopening reason or another they were not suc cessful. However, the musical in clined' young men, have not entirely lost hope, and another attempt will be along that line next week, and for the purpose of getting together as many musicians, or, those desiring to become musicians, a meeting is hereby called for next Thursday eve ning at Union Hall at 8:30 o'clock. The being to organize a brass band of forty or more pieces to equal any like organization west of Chicago. It is not necessary that one should be an expert musician but must have an actual desire to learn as a first class director will have charge of the mu sical instruction. So if any one who reads this really wishes to be one of this big musical organization, he is hereiby invited to be present and will be cordially welcomed. Come and bring your friends. A. C. LOWE, Organizer and Manager, ARTHUR TUCKER, Secretary and Treasurer, ROBT. BROWN, Sergt. at Arms. MEMORIAL MENTIONINGS. Splendid audiences enjoyed both services at Memorial last Sunday, and gave liberal offerings. Rev. E. W. Gilles of Minneapolis, preached in the evening. The Young People's Union, which meets at 6:30 p. m. was well attend and thoroughly enjoyed. Numerous repairs and improvements have recently been made about the church. A splendid array of musical and Wear this Button Help Halt the Hun WV~v Miss Corinne Wright respectively. "Church Law and its Proper Appli cation" wil be the subject of the pas tor's message tomorrow at 11 a. m., and "The Father's Love" at 8 p. m. All are welcome. HOME GUARD NOTICE. To the Public This communication is for the pur pose of further enlightening the gen eral public on the aims and purposes of the Home Guards recently mustered into the service of the state of Minne sota. 1. Two companies have been organ ized and mustered into the service, Company "A" linger Captain W. Wigington, and Company "B" under Captain J. Sherwood. 2. These two compaies were mus tered in on Thursday night, April llth, at the Old Capitol under Major W. A. Curtis. The first regular drill night was Thursday, April 18th, at the old Capitol, where both companies turned out A very creditable showing was made and all instructions were given by the various officers of the two com panies. Regular meetings will be held at the same place every Thursday eve ning until further notice. 3. In reference to uniforms and equipment, the most influential com mercial organization in the city of St Paul has under advisement the furnish ing of uniforms for our Home Guards, and, in order that we may not jeo pardize our chances of having all the uniforms and some of the other equip ment furnished and paid for by this commercial body, Company "A" will not solicit any funds of any nature from the colored people or anybody else and does not approve of such ac tion until we find ou hob amount isf Hall fo Household. be donatedtu the body which has outfitted seven companies of white Home Guards. C. W. Wigington, Capt. Co. "A." TO WHOM THIS MAY CONCERN. Will the gentleman who left a new hat at Pilgram Baptist last Sunday morning, March 31, kindly return the old one in exchange for his new hat to the pastor's study at the church. A WEEK'S MISSION To be Held at St. Peter Claver Catholic Church REV. S. L. THEOBALD Pastor At St. Peter Claver church, corner of Aurora and Farrington avenues, a week's mission will be given by Rev. Father John Joseph, O. F. M., of St. Louis, Mo., beginning at the 10:30 a. m. mass on Sunday, April 14th, con tinuing through the week And ending Sunday evening, April 21st, at the 8 p. m. service. The services on the day will be at 10:30 a. m. and 8 p. m. On week days at 5:30 and 8:30 a. m. and 8 p. m., and on the closing day, Sunday, April 21st, at 7:30, 8:30 and 10:30 a. m. and at 8 p. m. On week nights after the bene diction there will be special instruc tions for married women only on Tuesday, for unmarried women on Wednesday, for unmarried men on Thursday, and for married men on Friday. The Arrangementsn forl children's part fnvthe the missio wil be announced on the opening day. The pastor hopes that the colored Cath olics of the city will take the utmost advantage of this opportunity to com ply with their duties as Catholics. HOME GUARD ENLISTMENT. WANTED FOR COMPANIES "A" AND "B" SIXTEENTH BATTALION HOME GUARDS COMPOSED OF COLORED MEN OF ST. PAUL, MEN OF GOOD CHARACTER AND IN PHYSICAL CONDITION. APPLY AT 410 COURT BLK. F. D. MCCRACKEN, ACTING RECRUITING OFFICER, REGISTER AT 321 MET. BANK BLDG. HAMMOND TURNER, ATTORNEY. Back your Boy by Buying Bonds mum New Collars Shining Laundry Dry Cleaning SUDDEN SERVICE DAY PHONES TRI STATE 23 262 N, W. CEDAR 6246 large an 4 0 E. THIRD ST. WHILE TTOTJ WATT ASTORIA SANITARY -s- SYSTEM CLEANING REPAIRING PRESSING 368 WABASHA Near Fifth Street WE CALL AND DELIVER PHONE N. W. Jackson 2096 VP. EVA NS R. H. ANDERSON NEXT TO PARKER'S DRUG STORE. SAINT PAUL CEDAR 6112 PHONES AUTO. 24996 PATRONIZE THE IDEAL WET WASH LAUNDRY 430-432 RICE ST., ST. PAUL WE SPECIALIZE IN FAMILY WASHING WET WASH AND DRY WASH i ALL OUR WORK is GUARANTEED SAFE PHONE: WHEN IN THE TWIN CITIES DON'T FAIL TO VISIT R. N. TRAVIS. PROP. "J" |J J^ |\J JERRY LEE. HOTEL, CAFE AN POOL ROOM HEADQUARTERS FO RAILROAD AND THEATRICAL FOLK Shaving, Hair Cutting, Shampooing, Face Massage, Manicutv ing, Hot and Cold Shower Baths, Shoes Shined CIGARS, TOBACCO, MAGAZINES AND WEEKLY PAPERS 289 ROBERT ST. ST. PAUL, MINN. Shoes Dyed Clothes Hats Polish PROMPT DELIVERY SUMMIT 8 0 T. S. 84 002 MINNESOTA MILK! COMPANY NIGHT PHONE' N. W. CEDAR 9068 EXFKHT AHII8TB QT7IOK SERVICE HEADQUARTER FOR EMPLOYMENT SBBKBBS peoples'S Barber Sbop A. RAGLAND, PROP. A. H. WASHINGTON, M0R. THIS IS THE MAN KNOWN AS ST. PAUL "THANN" Dr.H.I.folLLIflflS Announces his N EW method of PAINLESS DENTISTRY I positively guarantee to extract teeth and remove nerves ABSOLUTELY PAINLESSLY Bet prices here before going elsewhere A Written Guarantee for 20 Years Given With Al Work, Dr. Williams, 2T E. 7th S TEL. 6132 KENDRICK BLDG. 2ND FLOOR ST. PAUL Eighth and Robert Streets. U. S. Food License Nos. 1980S, B22490. Near the Emporium and the Golden Rule. A most convenient location. i Let Ubel Dolt If your watch Is not keep ing accurate time, bring it to Ubel for adjustment or repair. Your work will be done with accuracy and prompt nessthe charges will be very moderate. Frank A. Ubel JewelerOpticianOptometrist 478 Wabasha Street OFFICE TEL CEDAR 9804 RES. TEL. DALE 7690 HOURS 9 A, M. TO I AND 2 TO 6 DR. JOHN R. FRENCH SURGEON DENTIST FIRST CLASS GUARANTEED WORK IN ALL BRANCHES OF DENTISTRY SUITE 409 COURT BLOCK CARE You Will Find Purity Fine Cake A Enjoyable Delicacy For Dinner O Luncheon 100% PURE S O L. ALL FIRST CLASS GROCERS B. SIMPSON GEO. W WILLS Tel. Dale 1914 Tel. Dale 2541 Office Phones Cedar 1024 Tri-State 24 240 SIMPSON & WILLS Undertakers, Funeral Directors and Embalmers Calls Answered Promptly Day or Night Lady Assistant When Desired Office and Chapel f*T 111111 234 WEST FOURTH ST. O I lAUL X. W. Cedar 8100 Rea. Dale 8S3S HAMMOND TURNER ATTORNEY AT LAW Suite 821 American Nat'l Bk. Bid*. CT nil 111 Fifth and Cedar Sta. 0 I I MUL Bazille & Partridge 468-474 Jackson Street Can supply you with the most Beautiful, Durable and Economi cal, Guaranteed House Paints on the market. Also, Wall Paper and other in terior decorating materials, for the home, from attic to base ment in endless variety and lowest prices for first class goods. GET OUR PRICES BfcFORE ORDER- ING ELSEWHERE N. W. Cedar 2575. Tri-State 21043. II. W. Bomont 35 i I St. Paul PUGheS Tn-Siai* 77 17! VENDER glE* ICE CREAM 4 IS THE BE.ST For Sale Everywhere J. C. VANDER BIE Partridge and Brunson SU. ST. PAUL, MINN. Osftce -Cedar 1678 Dt, Valdo Turner PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON NEW DAKOTA BUILDING Cor. 6th and 7th tresis OFFICE HOURS to 11 a. m., 12 to 1 p. SL, 3 to 5 9. a Sundays 10 to 11 a. m. Rea. 386 S Albans TeL Dale All