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rt ?$%& rfLTt _^ wm^^f^^^^im?m% ST. PAUL WEEK'S RECORD OF HAPPENINGS. IN MINNESOTA'S CAPITOL. fhm "Saintly City" and Saintly City rllcaNewsy Items ot social, Re Matous, Political and General Mat tors Among the People. PHONE: N.W. CEDAR 5*49 PHONE TRI-STATE 2377 SATURDAY, MAY 25, 1918 FREEDOM FOR ALL FOREVER. Conserve on coal by burning wood. Smoke SIGHT DRAFT 6-Cent Cigar. Mr. E. Johnson has moved to 493 W. University avenue. Mr. J. R. Morris has moved to 503 St. Anthony avenue. Pride holds some people up andW. throws a great many down. Mrs. Natalie Johnson, the dress maker, has moved to 439 Carroll. i OT PICE CEDAR 6046 RES. DALE 1460 W T. FRANCIS LAWYER SUITE 320 O AMR. NATL. BANK BLDG. I HA UmL i COR. FIFTH AND CEDAR FOR RENTFour-rooms flat, mod ern except heat, 378 Jay street. Tel. Dale 7557. Mrs. E. J. Williams, 415 Charles St., has been seriously ill at her home for the last week. Mrs. H. I. Williams left Friday for a visit with her mother and brother at Griggsville, 111. Mrs. W. Hood, 700 Sherburne Ave., entertained the Self Culture club on Wednesday afternoon. H"M~ rTf^t ~F~f: rftt^ rT^f rfH rl**"f- ELITE CAFE AND ICE CREAM PARLOR C. A NILES, PROP. MISS CARRIE WEBB, MGR. ST. PAUL'S MOST UP-TO-DATE CAPE ft ICE CREAM PARLOR A LA CAKTE MEALS AT ALL HOURS TOB can get what JOB want and when yon want it at the Elite Special Sunday Dinner 5 0 Cents From ll:30 To 3:00 o'clock 388 KRfiT ST. COR. ST. ANTHONY. ST. PAUL Tel. Dale 2026 *^CX? L* ^C^ J-tiir ^3?* jtfc*^ ^*iA? T**K TJL9? ^E^^ Sunday, Mrs. H. C. Petticord of 122 Lyton Place was taken to the City Hospital" for treatment. During the past week Mrs. J. A. Hanly and Mrs. J. W. Blair enter tained at dinner for Mrs. A. Jackson of Winnipeg. FOR RENTTwo rooms, one on first and one on second floor, for gentlemen only, 972 Rice near Front, Mrs. E. Battles. Mr. and Mrs. Jas E. Murphy, 1354 Thomas street, entertained at dinner Friday of last week for Mrs. Andrew Jackson of Winnipeg, Man. Office: Cedar 608 T.-S. 21508 Res.: 678 St. Anthony Ave. Tel. Dale 2847 T. H. LYLES FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMB.VLMER Twin City Calls Answered Day or Night Lady Assistant When Desired 15 W. Fourth St. ST. PAUL The Red Cross parade last Saturday was a grand spectacle and the colored unit made a very splendid showing and elicited much applause alosg the route. LADIES wishing anything in .the line of hair work or scalp treatment may have their wants supplied by call ing on Mrs. Elizabeth Battles, 972 Rice street. STATE SAVINGS BANK 93 E. Fourth Street Vf Vtf: ^MiMl'^^&Mi^^^h :m^itmmsm^-'Mr^i ^nmtm* Mrs. Andrew Jackson who has been visiting friends in the city for the past two months returned Sun day to her home in Winnipeg, Man. Keep on your mind the fact that the Comrades of Uncle Sam will give an other Grand Soiree at Union Hall, Thursday evening, May 30. Memorial Day. You are invited. Mrs. Geo. Moss gave a Stork Shower Wednesday afternoon at her home, 1014 Maryland street, for her sister-in-law, Mrs. David Payne. The gifts were dainty and numerous. Mr. John Daubbin, while viewing the Red Cross parade last Saturday, was overcome by fatigue and heat and had to betaken to his home, 486 St. Anthony ave., but has recovered. Mr. Dwight T. Reed who left on April 27 for Portsmouth, N. H., to visit his mother who was quite ill re turned Wednesday after having a very pleasant trip, his mother having greatly improved. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHERMRS. H. I. WILLIAMS, OFFICE OF ATTY. T. FRANCI8, SUITE 329 AMERI CAN NATIONAL BANK BUILDING, COR. CEDAR AND FIFTH STREETS. ALL WORK CONFIDENTIAL. The city council on last Wednes day passed an ordinance fixing the salary of the mayor's secretary stenographer at not to exceed $1,500 per year and that of the mayor's messenger at a maximum of $960. The grand opening of "The Recher che" ice cream parlor corner Rondo and Arundel last Thursday evening was quite successful. The proprietor, A. E. Buckner invites all who wish refreshments in his line to call at any time. Wm. Raspberry, 157 Wayzata street, formerly driver of Engine Co. No. 22, pleaded guilty in the district court of having taken advantage of his 14-year-old step-daughter and was sentenced to the penitentiary this week. The Thirteenth Annual Conven tion of the State Federation of Col ored women will hold a two-days' session at Memorial Baptist church, June 26-27. The ladies are actively planning to make the meeting one of the best ever held. LADIESWho desire any of the Overton Hygienic "High Brown" Preparations can be supplied by call ing upon the agent, Mrs. A. W. Jor dan, 791 Rondo, or Tel. Dale 8199, and deliveries will be made anywhere in the city. (11-24-17.) Gopher Lodge at its meeting Wed nesday evening initiated into the antlered herd: Messrs. Frank B. Simpson, C. W. Wigington, Herbert Mitchell, Orville Turner, James T. Quarles, A. J. Todd, R. H. Artis. James Hyde was reinstated. The place to have your shoe repair ing done in the best possible way and at the lowest price, is at JARVIS', 104- 106 East Fifth street He also has a complete stock of men's, women's and boys' shoes of the best grades for the money to be found in the city. CONSERVE by having your family washing done by the IDEAL WET WASH LAUNDRY, 430-432 Rice street, opposite Memorial Baptist church. Save both money and labor. Call N. W. Cedar 6112 or Auto. 24 996. They will tell you all about it. The GRAND PAGEANT of the In vincible S. S. C. of and at Pilgrim Bap tist church on Monday evening, June 10, for the benefit of the 16th Battalion Drum Corps of the Minnesota Home Guards will surely be a BIG thing. Don't miss it. Tickets25 cents. LADIESMrs. H. Milner, 494 Rice street, is prepared to shampoo your hair and give scalp treatments. Old hair switches made to look like new also transformations and puffs to or der. All work strictly confidential and at reasonable prices. Residence calls made. Tel. N. W. Cedar 3706. Mr. William Lyles, of the firm of Williams & Lyles, died at St. John's hospital on Monday afternoon after a two days' illness of pneumonia. Ar rangements for the funeral will be made upon the arrival of his mother from Baltimore. The remains may be viewed at Lyles' undertaking estab lishment, 150 W. Fourth street. Mr. S. A. Williams has secured lease of the premises, 136-138 East Third street, and will at once pro ceed to fit up a first-class barber shop and rooming house. Half of the premises may be rented by a good tenant for a restaurant or pool room. Persons who mean business will find Mr. Williams at Utley's shop, 311 Wabasha street. The funeral of Mrs. Rachel Jose phine Alexander was held on Monday afternoon from the home of her daughter, Mrs. E. O. James, 276 Kent St., on Monday afternoon at two o'clock. Services were conducted by Rev. A. H. Lealtad, pastor St. Phillip's Episcopal church. Mrs. James and her father, Mr. George E. Alexander, left with the remains on Monday night for Washington, D. C, the former home of Mrs. Alexander where burial took place on Thursday. Simpson & Wills funeral directors. i.'. *--"5t i Mrs. M. Love, the "beauty artist," who has been serving customers at her home, 257 Rondo street, has re cently opened new parlors at 310 Rondo street and is better than ever prepared to take care of customers for hair dressing, massaging, mani curing, chiropody, electric treatments, etc. Those desiring her services are invited to call or telephone Dale 3245 for appointments or residence calls. T. 7 M. C. The Above Stands for the Club That Will Give the Big Boat Excursion. The committee of gentlemen that originated and so successfully man aged the Patriotic Entertainment for the benefit of the Red Cross, at the Armory, January 8, are arranging to give a Big Boat Excursion on steamer Red Wing and barge Manitou, July 22. That's a long way off but they expect to take the biggest crowd ever. They will have a ticket selling con test for a prize of a magnificent diamond ring that will be placed on exhibition at Gittelson's jewelry store, 398 Wabasha street on next Monday. Go and see the beauty and see if it is not some prize to work for. The committee is comprised as follows. C. E. Jones, chairman Thomas Lewis, vice chairman G. L. Lee, recording secretary J. Louis Ervin, financial secretary J. W. Mil ton, R. B. Beard, S. M. Lewis, Billie Williams, J. T. Clairbourne/ Persons desiring to enter the con test for the diamond ring should call to see J. Louis Ervin, 309 Court Block. DR. JOHN ROY FRENCH. First Colored Man Commissioned and Called to Duty in the Dental Re serve Corps. It will be remembered that Dr. John R. French, our dentist was commis sioned a First Lieutenant in the Dental Reserve Corps last September, but was not called to service and he re mained in St. Paul and followed his profession. He some time ago ap plied to be put in active service and last Tuesday received a telegram from the War Department ordering him to report for duty and directed him to proceed to Fort Riley, Kans., and to report to the Commanding General of the 92d Division at Camp Funston. According to best information Dr. French is the first colored dentist to be commissioned and assigned to duty. He has secured his uniform in which he makes a fine appearance and left yesterday evening for Fort Riley tak ing with him the best wishes of the many friends he has made in St. Paul. ATTENTION MEN! THE PROVOST MARSHAL GEN- ERAL OF TH E UNITED STATES HAS NOTIFIED TH E ADJUTANT GENERAL OF MINNESOTA THAT THE PRESIDENT HAS ISSUED HIS PROCLAMATION SETTING JUNE 5th AS TH E DAY FOR REGISTRA- TION OF ALL MALE PERSONS, EITHER CITIZENS OF THE UNITED STATES OR RESIDING THEREIN, WHO HAVE SINCE JUNE 5th, 1917, AND ON OR BEFORE JUNE 5th, 1918, ATTAINED THEIR 21st BIRTHDAY. ALL MALES TO WHOM THIS AP PLIES SHOULD AT ONCE PROCEED TO FIND OUT THE PROPER PLACE TO REGISTER AND REPORT ON OR BEFORE JUNE 5th. HURRAH! HURRAH!! HURRAH!!! The Sixteenth Battalion, Minnesota Home Guards has had 600 uniforms furnished by the Adjustant General of the state. They are now at Union Hall and will be distributed to the men next week upon application to the Quarter Master Sergeant so that all may be properly uniformed and ready for the big parade on Decoration Day next Thursday. The Home Guards have made appli cation for a place in the parade which will be assigned to them. They will be led by the Home Guard Drum Corps. Apply for uniforms at once. WM. GODDETTE IN OFFICERS' TRAINING SCHOOL. Wm. M. Goddette, known as "Ted- dy," son of Fire Captain and Mrs. Wm. R. Godette, 852 Albemarle street, who enlisted in the U. S. Engineers' Corps, last March and was sent to Camp Sherman, Chilli cothe, Ohio, has been transferred to the U. S. Artillery Corps and ordered to the Artillery Officers'' Training School at Camp Mead, Md. Wear McCluskey Clothes 15**20 Take Elevator Save Ten Dollars McCluskey 2nd Floor, Bremer Arcade Building 7th StreetOpposite Golden Rule ^."'^^frj^'-^P^xt -v fw-? MINNESOTA HOME GUARD CO. A. 16TH B'TN FIRST ENTERTAINMENT WILL BE GIVEN IN JUNE THEY CLAIM IT'S DIFFERENT HELP KEEP TH E HOME FIRES BURNING WATCH FOR FURTHER PARTICULARS A THREE CORNERED CONTEST. For the Nomination for Senator in the 38th Senatorial District. The prospects for something of a lively contest for the nomination of a State Senator for the 38th Sena torial district seems to be a foregone conclusion and it doubtless will arouse considerable interest among the voters. The candidates afe: James Hand Ian, the present Senator of the Dis trict B. G. Novak, a member of the House of Representatives, who de sires to take a higher seat in the Leg islature and Henry J. Crepeau, man ager of the Meier Typesetting Co. The candidates are all "fine fellows" and the voters must exercise their best judgment in making their selec tion. They have until June 17th, the date of the primaries to think the matter over. ^^sjsjSHhsJtt|j^^ 9BI y\ 5"*-' ^ifjf^-i IMS S^ I|||3* ^B^fl^H 1 1 HENRY J. CREPEAU. Candidate State Senator. 38th District. B. G. NOVAK Candidate for State Senator 38th District 75 IN 3 *l r^BajPJ 9 JAMES HANDLAN Candidate for State Senator 38th District EVERYBODY. Get ready., for the First Entertain ment of Co. A. 16th Btu. M. H. G. at Union Hall, Wednesday evening, June 5. Admission 50 cents. There will be a Military Ball, Exhibition Drill, Race Feature Pictures. Don't miss this. ATTENTION, ELKS! Rev. J. M. Henderson has extended an invitation to the Elks of the Twin Cities to a special sermon to be preached for them at St. James A. M. E. Church, St. Paul, on Elkdom at 8:00 P. M. Sunday, June 16. MUST BE SOLD. Six-room house, entirely modern, S Albans street. Price $2,300, on a payment of $150 cash and monthly payments less than rent. McCracken, 410 COURT BLK. SAVINGS DEPOSITORS. Deposits made in this bank are not subject to commercial risks we make no commercial loans. The laws of the State of Minnesota protect your de posits by the most careful provisions as tQ investments we can make. THE STATE SAVINGS BANK, 93 East Fourth St.Advertisement Flour Hoarding New Collars Shining Laundry Dry Cleaning W EVANS AY PHONES: TRI STATE 23 262 N, W. CEDAR 6246 4 0 E. THIRD ST Six pounds of wheat flour, or a month's supply for each member of the family, is the limit fixed by the Food Administration. N true American would violate this ruling. But flour in small quanties is expensive, home baking is inconvenient. That is why it is more economical and satisfactory to eat wholesome and nourishing Purity Bread Order From Your Grocer Today Food License B, 21631. "WHILE TTOTJ "W-A-IT ASTORIA SANITARY -s- SYSTEM CLEANING REPAIRING PRESSING 368 WABASHA Near Fifth Street WE GALL AND DELIVER PHONE N. W. Jackson 2096 430-432 RICE ST.. ST. PAUL WE SPECIALIZE IN FAMILY WASHING WET WASH AND DRY WASH i ALL OUR WORK IS GUARANTEED SUDDEN SERVICE PROMPT DELIVERY SArE MIL PHONE: WHEN IN THE TWIN CITIES DON'T FAIL TO VISIT R. N. TRAVIS. PROP. "J" y^ |\J |\J JERRY LEE. MGR. HOTEL, CAFE AND POOL ROOM HEADQUARTERS FOR RAILROAD AND THEATRICAL FOLK ^^AiiiW/^ Shoes Dyed Clothes Hats Polish R. H. ANDERSON NEXT TO PARKER'S DRUG STORE, SAINT PAUL CEDAR 6112 PHONES AUTO. 24996 PATRONIZE THE IDEAL WET WASH LAUNDRY SUMMIT 80 T. S. 84 002 MINNESOTA MILK COMPANY NIGHT PHONE: N. W. CEDAR 8088 EXPERT ASTISTS QUICK SEHVICB BEASQUAKTER8 FOB EMPLOYMENT SEEKERS peoples' Barber Sbop A. RAGLAND, PROP. A. H. WASHINGTON, MGR. Shaving, Hr Cutting, Shampooing, Face Massage, Manicuf ing, Hot and Cold Shower Baths, Shoes Shined C1GRS, TOB AGAZIN ES AND WEEKLY PAPERS 289 ROBERT ST. ST. PAUL, MINN. THIS IS THE MAN KNOWN A S "THANN" ST. PAUL Dr.H.I.falLLIWIS Annoaoces his N EW Method of PAINLESS DENTISTRY I positively ffUAMatft* to extract teeth and remove nerves ABS9t*7r&LY PAINLESSLY Bat prim tan ffliag BlBBwtan A Written tfiMremteeW 20 Yuars Given WHh All Work, Dr. Williema, 2T E. 7th St TBL. 61*2 HWU UB& 2ND PLOO ST. PAUL N. W Phone Cedar 2496 ^K Diamond* and Bracelet Watches Our Specialty ESSETbOT tJEWELmr Co SUCCESSOR TO^M.L.FINKELSTEIK 391 Robert Street, Near Sixth St STEVE HURLEY, Manager St Paul ****"^"wwi TB L, SALE 3 24 5 RESIDENCE CALLS BEAUTY PARLOR MRS. M, LOVE. PROP. LATEST ELECTRICAL, EQUIPMENT SCALP AND FACIAL TREATMENT HAIKDBESSING. SHAMPOOING MASSAGING, MANICURING CHIROPODY PLOCO'S FAMOUS BLACK AND WRITE PREPARATIONS REASONABLE RATES CONFIDENTIAL SERVICE 310 RONDO ST. ST. PAUL. Let Ubel Dolt If your watch is not keep ing accurate time, bring it to Ubel for adjustment or repair. Your work will be done with accuracy and prompt nessthe charges will be very moderate. Frank A. Ubel, JewelerOpticianOptometries 478 Wabasha Street CARE You Will Find Purity Fine Cake An Enjoyable Delicacy For Dinner Or Luncheon 100% PURE ALL FIRST CLASS GROCERS F. B. SIMPSON GEO. W. WILLS Tel. Dale 1914 Tel. Dale 2541 Office Phones: Cedar 1024 Trl-State 24 240 SIMPSON & WILLS Undertakers, Funeral Directors and Embalmers Calls Answered Promptly Day or Night Lady Assistant When Desired Office Chapel Qffic*L aand ?L jChape PT na 234 WEST FOURTH ST .j. $ IV. W. Cedar 8100 R. Dal* SMS HAMMOND TURNER ATTORNEY AT LAW Suite 81 American Nat'l Bk. Bids. Flftb and Cedar Htm. THE FLOUR ST. PAUL Bazille & Partridge 468-474 Jackson Street Can supply you with the most Beautiful, Durable and Economi cal, Guaranteed House Paints on the market. Also, Wall Paper and other in terior decorating materials, for the home, from attic to base ment in endless variety and lowest prices for first class goods. GET OUR PRICES BEFORE ORDER- ING ELSEWHERE N. W. Cedar 2575. Tri-State 21043. St. Paul FOR.THOSE WHO KNOW X. W. Bon nt SS PBOKtS Tri-SWe 77 172 \)^DER glE'S ICE CREA 't- is THE BE.ST For Sale Everywhere J. C. VANDER BIE Partridfe and Irunaon Sta. ST. PAUL, MINN. (Mice Cedar 167& Dr. Valdo Turner PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON NEW DAKOTA BUILDING Cor. tth and 7th trt to 11 a. m, to 1 p. at, 0 ta Sundays 10 ta 11 m. RM. S80 St Albans TeL DaS ftU jt-"r-S s*&ui#&f*miia&&i.