Newspaper Page Text
i ^rc i i 1.3 MINNEAPOLIS rHC DOINGS IN AND, ABOUT THT GREAT "FLOUR CITY." tn*t.t*rm Social, Religion* and General Which Have Happened ang are io Happen Among the People of the City. J. N. SELLERS, MANAGER 2812 Tenth Avenue So. Tel. N. W. South 3372. SATURDAY, JUNE 29, 1918. NEXT THURSDAY IS THE 4th OF JULY. LET IT BE SAFE AND SANE. FREEDOM FOR ALL FOREVER. Smoke SIGHT DRAFT 6-Cent Cigar. Tickets, adults 60 cents, children 35 cents. "In the Name of Liberty.SAVE FOOD!" Mr. R. E. Allen, the grocer, has moved to 610 Sixth Ave. No. Dying in poverty is easy enough it's living in poverty that conies hard on a fellow. Mrs. Ida Smeddler returned this week from Duluth, looking better than everif possibleon account of the pleasant trip. Get ready and wait for the MEN'S EPISCOPAL CLUB picnic at Parker's Lake, Wednesday, July 17. It will be as usual the big thing of the season. See advertisement in this issue. Mrs. E. Dranger, 3836 Clinton, Ave. S., left for a trip to British Col umbia, Thursday. She was accom panied by Mrs. Boswell and children. They expect to be gone about six weeks. Miss Marie Antoinette Burgette of Milwaukee, Wis., who has been the guest of Mrs. Mattie Neal, 1823 5th Ave. S. for several days left for home yesterday, delighted with her and the many courtesies she had ex tended to her. Would you have your feet smile? Ta take them to PRICE & SMED DLBR, the expert scientific chiropo diati, 715 Sixth avenue north. They will remove all foot troubles pain lesaly and perfectly. They will call at your home if you prefer. Just call Hyland 5633. The Masonic sermon at Bethesda Baptist church last Sunday afternoon was very largely attended, Pioneer and Perfect Ashlar lodges from St. Paul being present in a body. The usular ritualistic services were con ducted by the members of the Order. Rev. D. E. Beasley, the pastor preached a splendid sermon. Recent information from Mr. Charles Earl Duncan, of the Radio Corps, Camp Dix, N. J., states that he has been promoted to the rank of Corporal and assigned to Brigade Headquarters. He joined Bethesda Baptist Church before he left the city and claims to be keeping his obliga tions He is in good health but has taken out a $10,000 government in surance policy as he expects-shortly to be sent "over there." The latest reports from the drive for members of the N. A. A. C. P., is that a total of 478 were obtained of which number 254 were secured by the President of the local branch Atty. B. S. Smith and his wife. A very surprising success but it shows that "where there's a will there's a way." Miss Elenorv Rivers, daughter of Dr. D. B. Rivers, pastor of Berean Baptist church', Washington, D. is expected in the city next week as the guest of Mrs. B. S. Smith. Miss Eva Overton, daughter of the proprietor of the great Overton Toilet Prepara tions will also be the guest of Mrs. Smith about the middle of July. MM. ROBERT A. VAN HOOK FASHIONABLE DRESSMAKING AND LADIES' TAILORING PARTY GOWNS A SPECIALTY 1008 SIXTH AVENUE NORTH MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. BUY WAR SAVINGS STAMPS Remember that National War Sav ings Day is June 28.Pledge yourself on or before that day to saye to the utmost of your ability and to buy War Savings Stamps that there may beby more monej^ labor and materials to back up those who fight and die for you. You may not be able to fight, but you can save and buy War Sav ings Stamps. SAINT PAUL Mrs. J. W. Williams has moved to 655 St. Anthony Ave. Mrs. M. A. Johnson has moved to 638 St. Anthony avenue. Pride holds some people up andgranted. throws a great many down. Mrs. Natalie Johnson, the dress maker, has moved to 439 Carroll. Help your Government and yourself at the same timebuy War Savings Stamps The D. Y. W. Y. K. club gave a picnic June 23d at Como Park picnic grounds. The Handicraft Art Club held its annual fishing party Thursday at Olson's Lake. i Mr. Henry Pryor, who has been out west since last September returned home last Sunday. Articles mailed to THE APPEAL for publication must bear the name and address of the sender, to Insure publication. FOR RENT-Two rooms, one on first and one on second floor, for gentlemen only, 972 Rice near Front, Mrs. E. Battles. Twenty years ago today, potatoes were selling for 25 cents a bushel cabbages one cent a head cauli flower three cents each. FOR RENTSix-room modern resi dence, fully furnished, immediate oc cupation given, terms reasonable. Ap ply at 298 St. Albans street. Mr. R. Crump entertained the Memorial Baptist Church-Literary So ciety Monday evening at the residence of Mr. Champ Clark, 1015 Rice St. LADIES wishing anything in the line of hair work or scalp treatment may have their wants supplied by call ing on Mrs. Elizabeth Battles, 972 Rice street. Mrs. Theodore Charleston formerly of St. Paul, but now residing in Glas gow, Mont.,' who has been quite sick the past three weeks ,is,now on theto road to recovery. Free Freight 100 Miles Auto Delivery 50 Miles. 381 1-2 RONDO ST. HOLLOW RINK DRILL GROUNDS. Few persons could have made a con tribution to the forwarding of the work of the Home Guard more bene ficial, or highly appreciated that the privilege granted by Kranz Bros, for the indefinite use of the Hollow Rink, corner Kent and St. Anthony for drill ground. Next to granting the use of the grounds was the patriotic and democratic spirit in which it was Immediately after the offi cers of Co. "B" made the request, one of the Kranz Bros, called for Capt. O. C. Hall, at the court house, with his car, drove several miles to secure the key and turned the place over for free use. True to the spirit always displayed by Co. B, the courtesy of Kranz Bros, has been extended to Capt. Wigging ton for Co. A, also to the Red Cross for refreshment privileges. Tuesday night, both companies drill. Every drill night should be a society event. Addmission free. Hurrah for Kranz Bros. T.7M.C, The Above Stands for the Club That Will Give the Big Boat-Excursion. N. W. SUMMIT 3079 RES. N. W. DALE 2149 LILLIE HAMILTON BEAUTY SHOP ELECTRICAL TREATMENTS OF ALL KINDS, HAIR ORES3ING MANICURING, HAIR GOODS TO ORDER. COMBINGS BOUGHT SURGICAL CHIROPODY W. M- Wells a former porter on the Great Northern Railway was awarded a verdict of $300 by a jury in Judge Haupt's Court one day last week. Wells claimed damage for false im prisonment having been taken from his train at White Fish, Mont., and held ,and caused to miss his train. The Chief Counsel for the Great Northern Railway took personal charge of the case on behalf of his road. Mr. Wells was ably represented by Atty. Hammond Turner who se cured the above verdict with costs. This verdict will tend to increase con sideration of the porters and waiters of railroad corporations by the con ductors in charge of the trains. At torney Turner was commended highly the attaches of Judge Haupt's Court in which he conducted the case. NOW 0M I FUL BLAST a AND NOTHING RESERVED CHEAT FIRESAL! Continues until every piece of Furniture, every Rug, Stove and entire slightly damaged stock of WALLBL0M FURNITURE AND CARPET CO, Is disposed of to make room for new goods. Every article that has been slightly damaged by ATTORNEY TURNER WINS. DR. FRENCH ARRIVES SAFELY. I The committee of gentlemen that originated and so successfully man aged the Patriotic Entertainment for the benefit of the Red Cross, at the Armory, January 8, are arranging tp give a Big Boat Excursion on steamer Red Wing and barge Manitou, July 22. That's a long -way off but they expect to take the biggest crowd ever. They will have a ticket selling con test for a prize of a magnificent diamond ring that will be placed on exhibition at Gittelson's jewelry store, 398 Wabasha street on next Monday. Go and see the beauty and see if it is not some prize to work for. ^The committee is comprised as follows. E. Jones, chairman Thomas Lewis, vice chairman G. L..whose Lee, recording secretary J. Louis Ervin, financial secretary J. W. Mil ton, R. B. Beard, S. M. Lewis, Billie Williams, J. T. Clairbourne. Persons desiring to enter the con test for the diamond ring should call see .J. Louis Ervin, 309 Court Block.- s*S^ &<gtt^w&3g*7< SMOKE,WATERan FIRE Including Furniture, Refrigerators, Gas Stoves, .Ranges, Rugs and Household Goods, SELLING NOW REGARDLESS OF C9ST OR OUR LOSS THE GREATEST FURNJURE SALE EVER HELD A GREATER SUCCESS THAN EVER EXPECTED Don't Miss It! Don't Miss It QFA I A I Every sale made with the understanding that de- SrLvlML livery of goods will be made just as quickly as possible. We are behind on deliveries because we cannot secure trucks enough to keep up with the enormous sale of merchandise. ThcWallblom Furniture and Carpet Co. THl MOUVF I HAT SAVES YOU MONF.y 3 A -4 O JACKvSON ST. A ST. PAUL I Word has just been received that (Lieut. John R. French, 317 Sanitary Train, 92d Div., has arrived safely I across the sea. He is in the same Di vision with the colored draftees of Minnesota including our own St. Paul jboys. The war is now directly up ,to us and it is all the more necessary that our interest in the Red Cross War Savings Stamps, Liberty Bonds and food conservation should be in creased with vigor. CITATION FOR HEARING ON PETI- TION FOR ADMINISTRATION. STATE OF MINNESOTA, COUNTY OF Ramsey, ss. In Probate Court. In the Matter of the Estate of Lee H. Barber, Decedent. The State of Minnesota to AH Whom It May Concern:, The petitioBna of W. T. Barber having been filed in this Court, representing J a vr ,e ber then a resident of the County of Ramsey, State of Minne sota, died intestate on the 3rd day of June, 1918, and praying that letters of administration of said estate be granted to Geo. W. Stewart. It is Ordered, That said petition be heard and that all persons interested in said matter be and hereby are cited and required to appear before this Court on Monday the 15th day of July, 1918, at. 10 o'clock in the forenoon or as soon thereafter as said matter can be heard, at the-Probate* Courpetitiom Roo the Court House in the City of St. Pauln have wh said inh said County, and show cause, a te should not be granted and that this ci tation be served by the publication thereof in the Appeal according to law, and by mailing a of thisecita tion at least days before said day of hearinwgn to each of the heirs of said decedent whose names and addresses appeacopy from th files a n14 no of this Court. Witness the Judge of said Court, this 14th day, of June, A- D. 1918. E. W. BAZItifcE? /o Judge of Probate. (Seal of Probate Court.) Attest: F. W. GOSEWISCH, Clerk of Probate. HAMMOND TURNER, Attorney. 321 Metropolitan Bank Bide., St. Paul. _'-15-18) CITATION FOR HEARING ON PETI- TION FOR ADMINISTRATION. STATE OP MINNESOTA COUNTY OF Ramsey, ss. In Probate Court. In the Matter of the Estate of William A. Lyles, Decedent. The State of Minnesota to All Whom It May Concern: The petition of Barbara E. Lyles hav ing been filed in this Cqurt, represent ing that William A. Lyles, then a resi-" dent of the County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota, died intestate oh the 21st day of May, 1918, and praying that let ters of-administration of said estate be granted to Thomas H. Lyles. It is Ordered, That said petition be heard and that all persons interested in said matter be and hereby are cited arid required to appear before this ?our on Monday, the 29th day of July, 1918, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon or as soon thereafter as said matter can be heard, at the Probate Court Room in the Court House in the City of St. Paul, in said County, and show cause, if.any they have, why said petition should not be granted and that this citation be served by the publication thereof in the Appeal aeoo'V"~f* V. law, and by mailing a copy of Mor least 14 days before r?o.y-"of hearing to each of the decedent names and addressee are known and appear from the tiles of this Court. Witness the Judge of said Court, this 27th day of June, A. T. 1918. E. W. BAZILLE, Judge of Brobate. (Seal of Probate Court.) Attest: P. W. GOSEWISCH, -Clerk of Probate. W. T. FRANCIS, Attorney. 329 Metropolitan Bank Bldg. (6-29-18) _~ ^^f^l^^E^i^^^vi^^&s-o Liberty Bonds Ac- cepted Same as Cash. 246-50 Fourth Av. So. J. EDW. STEWART. Proprietor CHARLES BRODY, flanager FINEST ESTABLISHMENT OF ITS KIND IN THE UNITED STATES. Twenty Elegant, Steam Heated, Elec tric Lighted, Rooms. Free Bath. Rates Reasonable. Lobby, Reading and Lounging Ream, Gentlemen's Grill Room, BiHiard Room, Dining Room, Barber Shop and Bath, Private Dining and Reception Rooms for Ladies. A LA CARTlf MEALS AT ALL HOURS. BBJST flBRVICB. 8PECIAL TEMPERANCE BEVERAGES. Special Terms fop Private Parties. Banquets, Etc. WIN: Jfcii 2M9 liU 3 774 6i.ij fai, 2S31 MINNEAPOLIS. MINN. I W. Mail 25*2 TWOS i 3*971 PORTER S^ WAITERS' FOR MEN ONLY RATES .^REASONABLE i OLOVBR BHUL.L,, PRESJ. B. XJ. BOYD. sao.Ur,. WHBBl.BR, MK. 311 Hennepin MINNEAPOLIS PAINLESS DENTISTRY Tl. Bjkri 3M8 Ban: 0 A.fjL 1? M. 4 5 t. I Sarin* uJ swap j IfitutaMt DR. W. ELLIS BURTO N DENTAL SURGEON First Class Guaranteed Work in All Branches of Dentistry 715 Sixth Ave. No, Suite^o. 1. MINNEAPOLIS The place to have your shoe repair ing done in the best possible way and at the lowest-price, is at JARVIS', 104- 106 East Fifth efreet. He also has a complete stock of'men's, women's and boys' shoes of the best grades for the money to be found in the city. 'is Bw'-Zi i&?i5?2 SUITE NO. 1. 715 SIXTH AVE. NO. OPEN FROM IS N. TO 3 A. M. CAROLYN B. PRICE IDA M. SMBDDIiRR Phons: Office, Hyland 6633 Res., Colfax 419S Residence Calls by Appointment THE HAIR SHOP For Ladies and Gentlemen PRICK & SMEDDLER, Props. All the Lateat HIectrtoal Sanitary Equipment, Licensed Expert Artists in Sealp Treatment. Hairdreaalnav SBampeotna Btanlcurinsk Facial Maasaa-a, Chlropady. ELECTRIC HAIR^ PRESSERDERMA BEAUTY LIGHTOVER TON'S HYGIENIC "HIGH BROWN" PREPARATIONS WILL BE USED AND SOLD. ALL PRICKS VRRY REASONABLE: NORTH SIDE: CAFE FINE CHOP 8UEY OUR SPECIALTY OOl SIXTH AVE. N. MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. DREXEL 1269 PHONES AUTOMATIC 61 809 PATRONIZE: THE: Tel. Cedar 3549 LADIES! & WET WASH LAUNDRY 3738-55-37 CBIXAJR AVJB.. MINNEAPOLIS H1QH QRADE SPECIALISTS I N 9ANITARY WET WASH AND DRY WASH FAMILY LAUNDERING OfK WORK OVS ADTIKTIMMlin'. WB CALL DIUVBR OPEN ALL NIGHT MODEL CAFE A. R. RAG LAND, PROP. First Class A a Carte Meals From 6:30 A to 12:00 at Reasonable Rates Regular Dinner 11:30 A. M. to 2.30 P. M. 2 0 Cts. 289 Robert Street ST.1PAUL, MINN IBS-EZ EXPBKT ARTISTS QUICK SSKVZOS HEASQDABTXH FOE MBUPZ.OTMBKT Uinu J&eoplesVJSatbet Shop A. RAOLAND, PROP. A. H. WASHINGTON, MGR. Shaving, Hr Cutting, Shampooing, Face Massage, Manicure ing. Hot and Cold Shower Baths, Shoes Shtned CIGARS, TOBACCO, MAGAZINES AND WEEKLY PAPERS 289 ROBERT ST. ST PAUL, MINN. You Know, tkat it is CHEAPER to send your family washing to the "Old Reliable" the Capitol Steam Laundry than to pay a "wash lady" big wages, furnish meals, soap and fueland then worry all day. W iron all the fiat pieces, and starch all the rough dry ones. COURTEOUS DRIVERS. pOOD SERVICE CAPITOL STEAM LAUNDRY N. W. Cedar 4622 Tri-State 21939 Defective Page S KEEP UP HOME EFHCIENCY The Nation is being put to a supreme test. It re-, quires the best of every man and woman in America. Efficient citizens are made by efficient homes. It is a patriotic duty, therefore, at this time, to keep the home and the home life up to the highest point of efficiency. No home can do its best without a piano. You need it for the education of.the children. You need it for the family life, to keep up good cheer, to make home really home. You need it that you may sing the nation's songs, thereby to keep burning the fires of patriotism. Can you imagine a patriotic people without the inspiration of patriotic music? Be sure to have music in your home, for your family's sake and for the sake of your country. We sell standard pianos on terms of from $5 to $10 a month. We rent pianos for $3.50 a month. W.J. DYER & BRO. Pianos, Victrolas, Musical Instruments, Sheet Music 21-23 WEST FIFTH STREET MINNEAPOLIS N. W. PHONE HYLAND S8S1 Quick Service SOCIETY DIRECTOR? ODO FELLOWS day and BjBm.. IT 3.W. WsW Kelly\, AnthoW A" HOUSEHOLD OP RUTH No. IBs, U. O. of O. meets the third Monday in each month at Union Han, oornersf Aurora and Kent streets at 8:00 p" M. Mrs. Annie Belton, M. N. G.: Mrs. Carrie E. Lindsay. "W. R.. 918 Wood bridga street ST. PAUL^ PATRIA1 Masts third Monday In Union Han, corns? Ai Streets, at 8:00 p. m. R. V. P. Auffusta Jones, 1 'tz* -?*^i^ ^SHiJi, S month at LaV rey Pi" fC" ST PAUL PAJTRIAROHT NO. U4. each month St ana ^lew PIONEER LODGE NO. 1. F. AND A. M. meets first and third Monday in eaoh month at Union Hall, corner of Aurora and Kent streets, at 8:00 p. m. F. McCracken. W. M. Robert Williams. Sec. 433 Rondo street. PERFECT ASHAR LODGE NO. 4. F. and A. M. Meets second and fourth Tuesday in each month at Union HaiL Cor. Aurora and Kent streets, at 8:8S P. M. John A. Saylea, W. M., Ira & Ashe, Secy., 325 Rondo street. BETHEL CHAPTER NO. 28, R. A. M. and A. M. Meets third Thursday in every other month at Union Hall, cor ner Aurora and Kent streets, at 8:0* P. M. R. P. Jackson, H. P. John A. Sayles, Secretary, 479 Rondo street. PILGRIM COMMANDERT NO. 22 Knights Templar. Meets fourth Thurs day in every other month at Union Hall, cornier Aurora and Kent streets, at 8:00 P. M. W. F. T. Chandler. E. J. H. Charleston, Secy., 636 University avenue. FEZZAN TEMPLE NO. 26, NOBLES of the Mystic Shrine, meets third Fri day in each month at Union Hall, cor ner of Aurora and Kent streets, at 8:0S P. m. O. D. Howard, 111. Pot. Geo. fc. Hoage, Rec, 690 Charles street. BUnneapalls. rr HOUSEHOLD OF RUTH NO. 719 O U. O., O.iF.* Ii meets sfl&ffia CBd fuj* [Ahor =^r- fr FRBDBRICK DOUGi^ASS I^ODOB NO. OOS., O.J Q. of O. F. mU secona *a fourth Monday in aoh montkat Unloa HaiL corner Aurora and Kent Streets, at 8:00 p. m., Jas. O. Lyons, N. Q. Bdward A. Hatton, P. 8.. 12 W. Arch street. x~i Ple Hall. Cor. Fourth street and. SHffhtk Te Ave. South. Mr*. S. DaTAtrer. M. Ni Mt GOTO, tfapier, W. RT TRI-STATE- TELEPHONE. Field work on the state telephone valuation was begun this week in Ramsey County, when a crew headed by Mr. Chas. H. Christilaw, of Glen wood, as chief, started to make a de tailed inventory of all the property of the Tri-State Telephone & Tele graph Company devoted to the long distance or toll service. The task of ^appraising the value of the toll lines in Minnesota was imposed upon the State Railroad and Warehouse Cfom mission by the last legislature, and the Commission entrusted the actual work to Mr. D. F. Jurgensen, its Chief Engineer. He has about 10,000 miles of toll pole lines extending to every corner of the state to enter upon his reports, and as these must include a record of the condition of every unit enter ing into telephone construction, and that to the minutest detail, the task is an exacting one. If a sufficient number of capable telephone men will be available this season, it is expected that the outside work will be finished this year. The notes now being taken will not only give the Commission a complete record of the telephone property in* the state, but the data will also form^ a basis in determining the reasonable ness of the long distancentelephone or, i- tfl ailing i Minnesota te which have been subject to some criti cism. The inventorying of the toll line properties of the Northwestern Tele phone Exchange Company will be done a little later in the year MCCRACKENRENTALS. 410 Court Blk. i^ aDartmen $20 00 O mS S 4~* Kent 334 Rondr street, nea Anth0n 1000 Iglehart, entirely modern, hot water heat, $25.00. $200 cash and balance same as rent will make you own your own home General InsuranceRentalsFarm Land. S^ 1. -^-ZKji. 'i&t/*3g. ^"jfe- ^Sa&^^fikk^ 0' 4i i