Newspaper Page Text
J*'. ST. PAUL PEEK'S RECORD OF HAPPENINGS. IN MINNESOTA'S CAPITOL. rh* "Saintly City" and Saintly City i-oiksNewsy Items 01 aocial, Re ligious, Political and General Mat ters Among the Peoole. PHONE: N.W. CEDAR 5649 SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1919. Miss Katheryne Tandy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Tandy, 593 Igle hart Ave., graduated from Mechanics Art High School on Thursday night, finishing a four year course in three and a half years. 'Tis said that music is an aid to good digestion so A. A. Coleman, pro prietor of the New Floros Cafe, 12 W. Sixth Street, has installed an- electric piano and now his patrons may have music with their meals. Advertisement Mr. and Mrs W B. JValker 936 St. Anthony Ave, and Mrs. Walker's mother and brother returned Tuesday from Louisville, Ky, where they took the remains of their brother and son, George Faulkner, for burial. Ladies, doubtless you will want your hair washed, new switches, transformations, curls, etc. if so, call at the hair parlors of Mrs. Lizzie Bat tles', 252 W. Seventh street, and sheAnderson will supply your wants. Switches dyed for 50 cents. Mr. Don Faucette, 419 Sherburn avenue, is employed in Swift's Pork Cutting department, South St Paul, has been laying off several days this week on account of his strenuous la bors. He is about all right again, however. The lovers of a good, big time must be sure to get ready to take in the hig concert and ball to be given by the 16th Battalion Home Guard Band at Arcadia Dancing Academy, Minneapolis, Monday evening, Feb. 10. Don't forget it. OFFICE CEDAR 80 48 RES. DALE 1468 O W. FRANCIS LAWYER SUITE 329 AMR. NATL BANK BLDG. COR FIFTH AND CEDAR ST. PAUL Mrs. Lee Coleman, 944 St. Anthony avenue, entertained Thursday of last week in honor of her husband's birth day The guests were: Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Cleary, Mrs. L. D. Gross, Mrs. L. F. Day, Mrs. L. W. Pleasants. The ladies presented Mr. Coleman a hand some brass ash tray. On Wednesday of last week Mr. R. M. Johnson met with a serious and painful accident in having a heavy bench fall on his right foot, fracturing two toes He was confined to his resi dence until last Monday, under the care of his physician, but is now able to be about Mrs. J. E Johnson, 52o St Anthony avenue, on last Tuesday evening en tertained her Sunday school class, of which she is teacher, also members of the Home Workers department of which she is superintendent. About twenty-five ladies were present and enjoyed the occasion hugely. Office: Cedar 608 T.-S. 21508 Ren. i 678 St. Anthony Ave. Tel. Dale 2947 T. H. LYLES FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALHER Twin City Call* Answered Day or Night Lady Assistant When Desired 150 W Fourth St. ST. PAUL On last Sunday afternoon, Misses Lucelle Elliott and Beatrice Green Messrs. James Stevens and James Henley visited the Misses Lindsay at Stillwater. The time was pleasantly passed with music and song followed by a dainty lunch after which the party returned to the Saintly City. The St. Paul Chapter, American Red Cross, has awarded Mrs. Florence E. Johnson and Mrs. Maude Hoage, each a medal and bar in recognition of 1,600 hours service Mesdames T. R. Morgan, W R. Godette, H. B. Rogers and C. H. Miller were each awarded medals for more than 800 hours serv ice. Rabbi Ryppins, who was sent as delegate from the local branch of the N. A A. C. P. to New York City to attend the National convention held there the first week in January will address the Sunday Forum on February 2nd at St. James A. M. E. church at 4 a. m., and make his re port at that time. A communication from Jefferson City, Mo. states that Prof. J. Silas Say, You! If you are broke, from whom will you borrow? If you have a big bank account, you may borrow from orself. Get the saving ha bit. Start now! STATE SAVIN6S BANK MUTUAL 93 last Fourth Street "&-#&& Harris, who will be remembered as president of the great Educational Congress held in St. Paul a few years ago, has been elected to an important position in the 50th General Assembly of Missouri. Prof. R. L. Logan and C. W. Stokes have also been given positions. Messrs. J. J. Johnson and A. W. Williams, 548 Wabasha street, are never more happy than when they are entertaining their friends. Last Sun day they gave a six o'clock dinner in honor of Sergt. and Mrs. Clarence Thompson of Minneapolis, with a mag nificent roast goose as the piece de resistance with the fixin's that go with it, from soup to nuts. Covers were laid for fourteen. Mr. Henry Pryor, the famous chef, has purchased the cafe near the cor ner of Kent street and St Anthony avenue, where his many friends may find him from early morn until mid night ready to satisfy their gastro nomic desires in style on short no tice. If you are wanting strictly first class home cooking you may find it at PRYOR'S CAFE. Nothing but the best will be served. Call and be con vinced. Advertisement The Astoria Sanitary System, the clothes cleaning, repairing and press ing establishment, 368 Wabasha street, formerly conducted by W. Evans and R. H. Anderson, has made a change in proprietors. W. Evans has retired from the firm and Archie Brown suc ceeds him. The firm name now is & Brown. Mr. Brown brings to the firm considerable practical ex perience and customers may rest as sured that wants will be properly cared for. Your patronage solicited. Advertisement The wedding of Miss Anna T. Makin and Mr. Eugene M. Harris was solemnized at the home of Mr. andstating Mrs. George Berry, 599 St. Anthony Ave., Thursday evening, Jan. 23. Rev. J. C. Anderson officiating. The wed ding march was played by Mrs. B. C. Archer. The bride's sister was maid of honor and Mr. Theodore Collier was the best man. A number of practical presents were received, refreshments were served and everyone had a most enjoyable time. The case of Don Romulis Bonaparte against his wife Lulu Bonaparte, which has been on trial for several days in the District Court was de cided by Judge Orr last Thursday. The Court denied Mr. Bonaparte's ap i plication for divorce but granted a 1 divorce to Mrs. Bonaparte, giving her the care and custody of the two chil dren, and requiring him to pay her attorney's fees and $30.00 per month for the support of the children. This was a hard fought legal battle be tween Lawyer J. Louis Ervin, who represented Mr. Bonaparte, and Law yer W. T. Francis, who represented Mrs. Bonaparte. Lieutenant Paul P. Wigington re turned last Saturday from Camp Dix, New Jersey, where he has been sta tioned for the past five months Lieut. Wigington enlisted as a private in April, 1918, at Camp Dodge. He was rapidly promoted successively to ser geant, first sergeant of the Headquar ters Company of the 366th Infantry, and then to Battalion Sergeant-Major. On recommendation of his Colonel he was ordered to the Fourth Officers' Training School at Camp Pike, Ark, where he was commissioned a Second Lieutenant, sent to Camp Dix and as signed as Battalion Personnel Adju tant of the 413th R. L. Battalion. The meeting of the Sunday Forum at Pilgrim-on-the-Hill, last Sunday af ternoon was well attended and all who were present were much pleased with the program presented. Mr. Claude Jackson gave a tenor solo Mr. J. H. Loomis introduced the speaker, D. W Lawler, Esq, who made an ex traordinary good address that was so heartily enjoyed that the eloquent speaker was accorded a unanimous rising vote of thanks Mr. Jackson sang another solo and six members of the Folk Song Coterie rendered sev eral of the selections that have made this organization quite famous. Mrs S. L. Maxwell made a report of mat ters of local importance that was very gratifying. Don't fail to go to the meeting of the Forum at St. James A. M. E. church tomorrow afternoon at 4:00 o'clock, another treat will be furnished to you there. CARD OF THANKS. We wish to express our sincere and heartfelt thanks to our friends, neigh bors and Rev. J. C. Anderson for the kindness and sympathy shown us in our late bereavement in the loss of our beloved son and brother Robert also for the beautiful floral offerings. Rev. and Mrs. T. M. Faulkner. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Walker. F. Daniel Faulkner. CORRECTIONS. Several typographical errors oc curred in the matter published last week in regard to the late Mrs. J. H. Dillingham, viz: Miss Toller is not Mrs. Dillingham's daughter, but a daughter of her niece, Mrs Eveline Toller, 47th and Dearborn, Chicago. Instead of Mrs. Lyvens and Mrs. Har ris at Mrs. Jackson's breakfast, it should read Mrs. Lyvers and Miss Harris instead of reading "died in estate," it should read, "died in testate." A BAD PRECEDENT. A bill has been formulated and has been, or is about to be presented to the Minnesota Legislature that may set a precedent that will produce much trouble in the future. The bill is entitled: "A Bill for an Act Relat ing to the Organization and (Equip ment of an Additional Battalion of In fantry for the Minnesota National Guards." One of the provisions of the bill is: "A SEPARATE battalion of infantry, to be composed of COLORED PERSONS, etc.," may be organized. The statutes of Minnesota, or of any other state, for that matter, should not contain any law that makes any distinction among its citizens on the ground of color. ST. PAUL BRANCH. Of Equal Rights League Resurrected and Officers Elected. Last Sunday evening at the resi dence of Mrs. W. R. Hardy, 518 Anthony avenue a meeting was held and the St. Paul Branch of the Equal Rights League formulated and adopted a constitution and by-laws and elected officers as follows: J. Q. Adams, hon orary president Hammond Turner, president Mrs. W. R. Hardy, vice president W. H. Gaston, secretary Mrs. R. D. Wiley, corresponding sec retary J. W. Walton, treasurer. A committee was appointed to fix time and place for future meetings of the call at the Association Building, 9th League. *"and Cedar Streets, for their tickets. Tor Take Inventory of Your Habits Pay particular atten tion to your attitude toward thriftyour de sire to save. Cultivate this important habit your success depends largely upon it Start now with one dollar or more, and Let Us Serve You Noi*tlerf Mr. R. N. Travis has just recei ved a letter from Sergt Huey in France that the Minnesota boys are expecting to return home in a short time, and wish him to arrange for a Big Home Coming Reception and Exhibition Drill at the Armory, which he has decid ed to do. That it will be a Hum Dinger no one can doubt. Just wait and watch for further parti culars. Mc-Carthey^Somewhere ST. PAUL-SUNDAY FORUM. Will Meet at St. James A. M. E. Church Tomorrow Afternoon. RABBI ISAAC L. RYPINS. Tomorrow afternoon at 4:00 o'clock at St. James A. M. E. churcn, the San day Forum will meet and Rabbi Rypins will make a report of his trip to New York. Everyone who can do so is urgently requested to be present as it will certainly be worth while to hear the message the distinguished speaker will deliver. v/| NO COLOR LINE TO BE DRAWN. It will be remembered that some weeks ago the hired manager of "Un- cle Sam's Club" for Soldiers and Sail ors, corner of Fourth and Cedar Sts., refused to allow some colored soldiers who went there, to enjoy its privi leges. Some members of the Equal Rights League interested themselves in the matter and applied to the prop er authorities at Washington, D. C, and the answer has come that no dis tinctions on account of color are to be made in_that club. ST. PHILIPS EPISCOPAL CHURCH. Cor. Aurora and Mackubin. Sunday ServicesHoly Communion and sermon at 11:00 a. m. Candlemas service at 7:30 p. m. This special service commemorates the presentation of the child, Christ, in the temple of his mother, the Blessed Virgin Mary. At this service the candles are blessed and the choir marches with lighted candles. The choir will be as sisted by some of the leading soloists who will render special selections. Visitors are cordially invited and every member of the church is ex pected to come out to this service and to the morning service. Let your light shine before men that they may glorify God and follow your example in going to God's house on the Lord's day to worship Him. The offering will be for the candle supply. THE COLOR LINE ABROGATED. The following matter sent to Rev. A. H. Lealtad,of St. Philips Episco pal church was read from his pulpit last Sunday: January 7th, 1919. Dear Pastor: Will you be so kind as to read the encldsed announcement at your serv ices tomorrow, or insert it in your church bulletin? Any personal word give with regard to the Associa tion will be appreciated. Sincerely yours, HARRY BURTIS, Soldiers' and Sailors' Secretary. ANNOUNCEMENT. The S Paul Y. M. A. extends to every ex-soldier, sailor and marine a three-months' complimentary mem bership with full privileges, including gymnasium, reading room and night school. Tell your soldier friends to HENRY PRYOR COR. KENT c ST ANTHONY NOTICE Exnn ARTISTS "AND THE BEST O ALL IS CHARITY" CHARITY BALL Given under the auspices of the Womens State FederationBoard UNIONjb.'X: HALL Corner Kent St. and Aurora Ave. as-: WednesdayEve.Feb.1 2 Given for the benefit of CRISPUS ATTUCKS HOME GOOD MUSIC AND REFRESHMENTS GENERAL COMMITTEE Mrs. D. S. Taylor, Chairman, Mrs. Ethel Maxwell, Mrs. Peggy Hob" son, Mrs. Mae Mason, Mrs. Hester Keeys, Mrs. Stella Wiley, Mrs- Mattie Hicks, Mrs. Stone, Mrs. Berwell, Mrs. Lula Lee. ADMISSION 35 CENTS EVERYBODYINVITED GET READY FOR THE BAZAZZAS 3 DAYS CARNIVAL 3 BY THE UNION HALL ASSN. ON FEB, 17 18 19 FUN GALORE FOR 15 CENTS You'll Make no Mistake if its either of these by the box. Standard of per fection 10c. each and up FRECKLED GIRLCUBAN BORN THE LEADING 6 AND 7 CENT GARSOLD BY ALL DEALERS F. W TUCHELTS SONS. Makers TEL. DALE 4046 PRYOR & COLEMAN'S CAFE 388 KENT STREET 'I'A.lfl. *8^^fflB^^"ffW'lS^lF"BBWWWJB^^y I..J..l!L4tlHiJ.HUl.mi peoples' Barber Sbop A. RAOLAND, PROP. A. H. WASHINGTON, MQR. Shaving, Hr Cutting! Shampooing, Face Massage, Manieufv ing, Hot and Cold Shower Baths, Shoes Shined CIGARS, TOBACCO, MAOAZINES AND WEEKLY PAPERS 289 ROBERT ST. ST. PAUL MINN. Tel. Cedar 3549 Quick Service OPEN ALL NIGHT MODEL CAFE A. R. RAGLAND, PROP. First Class A La Carte Meals From 6:30 A. M. to 12:00 P. M. at Reasonable Rates Regular Dinner 11:30 A. M. to 2.30 P. M. 20 Cte. 289 Robert Street ST. PAUL MINN FRANK A. UBEL I JEWELER OPTICIAN i Jiui.i B. COLEMAN ST. PAUL QUICKSERTIO I A Diamon i be it of true quality, is not only a cherished possession, but If purchased now will prove a sound Investment. Our col lection of diamonds is far su perior to the average and our prices are the lowest, consis tent wit* quality. mST!?f.',..$10to$600 Street OPTOMETRIST r&e CJ* *SsaSS^- TEX. CEBA.H 3070 Dry Cleaning Suits Sponged and Pressed New Collars DAY PHONES TRI STATE 23 262 N. W CEDAR 6246 4 0 E. THIRD ST FHOKB8] MRS. C. MONJOY-JONE8 TXAXmCD SVBII 718 ST. ANTHOMT AVE. ST. PAOTt, TEL DALE 6731 LEADING BRAND8 CIGARS THE GENTLEMENS' RESORT BARBERSHOP POOLROOM ^^^T^^lf^p^^^^^^^*^^^^^^^ IB8 DJB LOXX OATB Slew floros Cafe A A COLEMAN, PROPRIETOR Original Mexican Chili Con Carne.A Speialty Exceptional A La Carte Meals And Service The Most Centrally Located Cafe And Best PRIVATE ROOMS FOR PRIVATE PARTIES 1 2 W 6TH ST scBTO^KfcVrANs SAINT PAUL "WHILE "X"OTJ "WAIT ASTORIA J- SANITARY J- SYSTEM CLEANING REPAIRING PRESSING 368 WABASHA Near Fifth Street WE CALL ANO DELIVER PHONE N. W. Jackson 2096 R. H. Anderson Archie Brown NEXT TO PARKER'S DRUG STORE. ST. PAUL. WHEN IN THE TWIN CITIES DON'T FAIL TO VISIT N TRAVIS PROP XH-ANN'S TJP-TOWN SANITARY SHOP SUITS SPONGED AND PRESSED SHOBS REPAIRING CLOTHED OENTS SUITS DRY CLEANED SI.1S B3 WABASHA ST. TBI.. jtjk.x.m aa SHINING PARLOR WALKER WILLIAM* PROP. 5B4 ST.. ANTHONY AVE. ANTHON AVE OT" O A I I COR. KENT ST. Ol. rAUL DALE STREET TAILOR Suits and Overcoats Made To Order Ladies Work A Specialty. Clean ing, Pressing And Repairing. 329 Dale St. St. Paul F. B. SIMPSON GEO. W. WILLS TeL Dale 1914 Tel. Dale 2541 Office Phones: Cedar 1024 TN-State 24 240 SIMPSON & WILLS Undertakers, Funeral Directors and Embalmers Calls Answered Promptly Day or Night Lady Assistant When Desired Office and Chapel CT Dill! 234 WEST FOURTH ST. 01. rAUL QUICK SEHTIO" Shoe Repairs Dyed&Shined Laundry Baths NIGHT PHONE" N. W. CEDAR 0088 THIS IS THE MAN LEE- GENTLEMEN'S HEADQUARTERS FINE FURNISHED ROOMS IN CONNECTION 7 EAST THIRD ST. C. E COLEMAN, MGR. IJUgtAT] 740 RONDO, COR. GROTTO MGR- JBRRY HOTEL, CAFE AND POOL ROOM HEADQUARTERS FOR RAILROAD AND THEATRICAL FOLK ST. PAUL TEL. CEDAR 7518 FREE BATHS PORTERS' AND WAITERS' INFORMATION BUREAU ST. PAUL. KARRAS DRUG CO. (Formerly Straight Bros.) PRESCRIPTION DRUGGISTS Telephone Orders Promptly Delivered ELECTRIC SUPPLIES DRUG SUNDRIES KODAK SUPPLIE8 OVERTON'S HYGENIC "HIGH BROWN PREPARATION" Mrs. Olive Howard-Crothswait, is still with us as pharmacist T. S. PHONE 85 407 N. W. PHONE DALE 151 88485 QUICK SERVICE W E CAI.X. AMD DELIVER FRENCH DRY CLEANING LADIES SUITS DRY CLEANED fl.SO A UP ST. PAUL, MINN. I. W. Bonwt 35 Tn-Slaie 77172 VfrHDE filE'S f ICE CREAM IS THE BE.ST FOP Sale Everywhere J, C. VANDER BIE Partridge and Brunson Sts. 9 ST. PAUL, MINN. OFFICE TEL. JACKSON 2339 Tare- DA UB 3S4S *aH'5s RES. TBL. DALE 7810 HOURS. 9 A. M. TO I AND 2 TO S P. SUNDAYS BY APPOINTMENT DR. C. E. CHEEKS DENTAL SURGEON FIRST CLASS GUARANTEED WORK IN ALL BRANCHES OF DENTISTRY 6 4 W. SEVENTH ST. DAKOTA BLDG SUITE 203-204 ST. PAUL me. Mumntmticn CH.M BEAUTY PARLOR 'MBS. LOVE, PROP i LATEST ELECTRICAL EQTJIPMBNx SCALP AMD FACIAL TREATMENT HAIHDHES8ING, SHAMPOOING MASSAGING, MANICURING CHIHOPODT FXrfDS' UHOCI BLACK AITS WHITS MIMin(''