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P*Sr* ST. PAUL PEEK'S RECORD OF HAPPENINGS. IN MINNESOTA'S CAPITOL. fhm "Saintly City" and Saintly City i-oiksNewsy Items ot aocial, Re ligious, Political and General Mat ters Among the Peoofle. PHONE: N. W. CEDAR 5849 SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1919. TODAY IS WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY. Mr. Milton Fogg, 726 University Ave., is on the sick list. Mrs. Henry G. Johnson, 920 Marian St., is on the sick list this week. Mrs. Geo. H. Lucas, 642 Rondo St was ill several days this week. A baby boy arrived Monday at the home of Mr. and Mrs A. White, 920 Marion St. The America First Association is planning for a state-w4de observance of Memorial day. Mr. and Mrs G. W Harvey, 370 Albans St entertained the Whist club on Monday evening. Mrs. William Pettis, 434 Edmund St., was hostess to the Matinee Whist club on Wednesday afternoon. OFFICE CEDAR 8S4S RES. DALE 140S W. T. FRANCIS i LAWYER SUITE 329 NATL BANK BLDO. FIFTH AND CEDAR COR. ST. PAUL Mr. and Mrs A. Johnson, 638 St. Anthony Ave entertained at din ner on last Sunday the following guests- Mr. and Mrs. A Lee, Mr.find and Mrs. W. B. Tandy, and Mr. andnight Mrs. G. W. Harvey. 'TIs said that music is an aid to good digestion so A. A. Coleman, pro* prietor of the New Floroa Cafe, 12 W. Sixth Street, has Installed an electric piano and now his patrons may have music with their meals. Advertisement. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Weir (Amy Pitts) of Winnipeg are the parents of a little girl born on Valentine's day. The Pitts family were residents of St. Paul many years ago and Mrs. Weir visited here a few years ago. Ladies, doubtless you will want ^u hair washed, new switches, transformations, curls, etc. ff eo, call at the hair parlors of Mrs. Lizzie Bat tles', 262 W. Seventh street, and she will supply your wants. Switches dyed for 50 cents. Ofllcci Cedar 608 T.-S. 21608 BM .I 678 St. Anthony Ave. Tel. Dale 2847 T. H. LYLE S FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMDALMER Twin City Call* Answered Day or Night Lady Assistant When Desired IBe W. Fourth St. ST. PAUIi PUBLIC STENOGRAPHERMiss Harriet E. Williams, stenographer for Atty. W. T. Francis, suite 329 Metro politan Bank Building, corner Cedar and Fifth Street, will do typewriting for anyone desiring her services, at reasonable rates. Tel. Cedar 8948. Don't forget the great rally for Cris pus attacks Home, under the manage ment of Miss Hattie Hobbs at Memor ial Baptist Church, tomorrow at 2:30 p. m. Go and do your bit for this worthy cause. Mrs. Gladys Brown will direct a very attractive musical pro gram. Louis Dryden was arraigned in Dis trict Court last Monday on the charge of burglarizing S. N. Levines store, 541 Mississippi St., on Valentine's Day and stealing $500 worth of goods. He pleaded guilty and was given an innight, determinate sentence in the peniten tiary. Get Ready The next Liberty Loan is announceb to come out in Ap ril. Prtriotic Ame ricans should finish paying for Fourth Liberty Bonds and lay aside somethi ng each payday to be ready to make a payment on on the next bond. Deposit in a large Savings Bank. STATE SAVIN6S BANK MUTUAL timm* A ffjS ,i.. te._ ceived the -ll The St. Paul Dramatic club of which Mr. Paul Crane is president and which includes nearly all the members of the younger set, held a dress re hearsal of "The End of the Rainbow," at the home of Miss Grace Wills on Wednesday evening. The play will be presented to the public soon. Mrs. M. Dixon, former hostess at Camp Dodge, addressed the ladies of the Social and Literary Society, which met with Mrs. Kelly Turner, 937 St. Anthony Ave., on Monday afternoon. Mrs. Ethel Maxwell, President of State Federation was also a speaker. Miss A. Odin, Tokepa, Kan., furnished the music. YOU WILL MAKE NO MISTAKE by attending the First Annual Ball of the NATIONAL HOTEL BOYS on next Monday evening at South Side Auditorium, 12th Ave. S. and Third St., Minneapolis. The 'BOYS" will give you a good timethey know how. You WILL make a mistake if you don't go St.cents. Mrs. W. J. Alston was a dinner guest last Saturday at the home of Mr andHall Mrs. E. W Lindsay, 819 Woodbndge St. Mrs Homer Goins, 374 Kent St., tertained the Maids' and Matrons' club at a dainty luncheon on Wednesday afternoon. enTickets, Have you been down to the Model Cafe lately? They have had Mrs.brating Amelia Parker, as cook, for several weeks, and, they do say, she is some cook. They serve a splendid regular dinner every day for 35 cents and spe cial turkey dinner on Sunday for 50 Call and see for yourself, 289 Robert street, just below Third. Advertisement The first Masquerade Ball of the season will be that under the aus pices of Pride of the West Council No. 1, Uniform Rank, Twin Cities Knights of Pythias, at New Viking on Tenth street, corner Eighth avenue S., Minneapolis, Monday eve ning, March 3 Prizes for the pret tiest and most comical costumes. 35 cents. Mr. William Roberson, brother of Mrs. C. E. James of this city, and a former resident here, who is Inspector in Quartermaster's Dept, stationed at Manila, P. I., for the past four years has been returned to a post in U. S. and arrived in San Francisco on Tues day with his four children and mother in-law his wife having passed away one year ago in Manila. The Board of Managers, together with the Advisory Board of Crispus Attucks Home held an important meeting Thursday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Quitman Hicks, 953 Rondo street. The board, through the efforts of the finance committee, of which Rev. T. J. Carr is ^chairman, has had new fire es capes put on the building. Other im provements are in progress. Mr. Henry Pryor, the famous chef, has purchased the cafe near the cor ner of Kent street and St. Anthony avenue, where his many friends may him from early morn until mid ready to satisfy their gastro nomic desires in style on short no tice. If you are wanting strictly first class home cooking you may find it at PRYOR'S CAFE. Nothing but the best will be served. Call and be con vinced. Advertisement. The Astoria Sanitary System, the clothes cleaning, repairing and press ing establishment, 368 Wabasha street, formerly conducted by W. Evans and R. H. Anderson, has made a change in proprietors. W. Evans has retired from the firm and Archie Brown suc ceeds him. The firm name now is Anderson ft Brown. Mr. Brown brings to the firm considerable practical ex perience and customers may rest as sured that wants will be properly cared for. Your patronage solicited. Advertisement. One of the most beautiful parties in St. Paul recently was that given by Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Tandy, in honor of the graduation of their daughter, Miss Kathryn, on Friday evening of last week. There were a lot of the Twin Cities' beautiful buds present, handsomely gowned, and of course "the boys" were there too. The young lady received a number of handsome and useful presents. Of course the usual elegant Tandy refreshments were served. Dancing was the fea ture. Mr. Thomas G. McCampbell, of Kan sas City, Mo., G. H. P., R. A. M. Mis souri jurisdiction was in the city on his annual official visit last week. There was a special banquet given in his honor by Bethel Chapter No. 28 on Thursday of last week at Union Hall. On Friday he was entertained at din ner by Mr. and Mrs. Walker Williams, 850 Courtland avenue, and in the eve ning a reception was tendered to him by Maj. and Mrs. J. H. Sherwood, 971 St. Anthony avenue. He enjoyed his visit in every way and was loud in praise of the hospitable people of St. Paul. The Union Hall Association has made another advance in its progress toward paying the indebtedness on its hall in the very successful three nights' Bazzazzas" carnival last Mon day, Tuesday and Wednesday even ings. There was a prize waltz con test each evening that created much interest. Monday night the winners were Lieut. Paul Wigington and Miss Vivian Sizer Tuesday night, Lieut. Wigington and Miss Florence Robin son were the winners Wednesday Mr. ATChie Brown and Miss Loma Dickson and Mr. Roscoe Harris and Miss Jessie Beard tied for the prize but the management generously presented a box of candy, to each of the lady contestants, and a box ofthe candy was awarded to each of the ladies who won on Monday and Tues day evenings. There was lots of fun each night, and all who attended had all the enjoyment they wished. The Association is to be congratulated upon its success. On Friday evening of last week, Mrs. E. M. Hill, 1373 University Ave., gave a most delightful six o'clock din ner at her elegant home under the auspices of the Willing Workers Club, of Memorial Baptist Church, Mrs. S. W. Williams, president. The dinner was conceived and successfully car ried out by Mrs. Hill, chairman of the committee, assisted by Mrs. T. W. Banks, Mrs. W. M. King, Mrs. Evelyn Johnson, assistant chairman, Mrs. E. L. Patrick, and Mrs. Ed. Robinson. The menu was as follows: Celery, olives, pickles, Kentucky oysters, chicken and dumplings, candied yams, white potatoes, cold slaw, corn bread, white bread, coffee, ice cream and cake. The dinner was well patronized and pleased the gastronomical tastes of all who partook of it. Rev. T. B. Stovall brought quite a delegation from Minneapolis, and Rev. T. J. Carr did the same for St. Paul. Exactly $30 was realized, for which Mrs. Hill and the Willing Worers tender thanks to the generous patrons of ^he Twin Cities. Mrs. W. W. McCoy, 478 Central ave nue, contemplates going to Canada to visit her husband shortly. So her daughter, Mrs. Lilliam McKnight con- ideaparty. of BsMT JTOUrtiA Street jwell surprise She as Ufcr $^^/*3Si5S^S^4tot-tAE "jy tenderinggotrthe he a fare-- sistance of some of her neighbors and friends of the Twin Cities and the re sult was a genuine surprise when Mrs. McCoy, who had attended a movie, came home Wednesday night, she found it in possession of twenty of her lady friends. It would have been a veritable Adamless Eden but Mr. J. Q. Adams slipped in for a few mo ments.. He did not stay long and after his departure the coterie of God's last and best gift to man, en joyed themselves according to the bent of their inclination. A very de lightful luncheon was served and about noon at night the ladies de parted wishing Mrs. McCoy bon voy age. The decorations, cakes and ice cream were George Washington em blems of red, white and blue and each lady was presented a souvenir hatchet Mr. and Mrs. J. Q. Adams took a trip to Stillwater on last Sunday after noon to visit the Lindsay family. On arrival they were surprised to find the family and a number of friends of Stillwater and the Twin Cities cele the 68th birthday anniversary of Mrs. Phoebe Lindsay. Of course they entered into the spirit of the oc casion and incidentally had the pleas ure of enjoying a dinner that for qual ity of the dainty and elaborate menu and for class of service they have never seen surpassed And it was all the more enjoyable because of the fact that it was entirely an ocular, tangible and toothsome specimen of the culinary art and skill of Mrs. Lind say's daughter, Miss Era Lindsay. Miss Era is saleslady with Simmonet Bros., the leading furniture store of Stillwater, where she has been for fourteen years, which is evidence that she has "made good." She is also quite an expert with the brush and palette and has produced a number of fine paintings The occasion was highly enjoyed by all who were pres ent to wish Mrs. Lindsay many happy returns of the day. EVERYBODY INVITED. St. Philips Sunday School Club will give a Chitterling and Roast Beef din ner Tuesday evening Feb. 25, from 5 to 9 o'clock, in the church basement. Dinner 35 cents. Plenty of good things to eat. The public is cordially invited. Mrs C. W. Wigington, Chairman of Committee. WASHINGTON DINNER. At the New Floros Cafe To-day, Beginning at Noon. The lovers of an old-fashioned New England Boiled Dinner are cordially invited to the New Floros Cafe, 12 W. 6th street, where a Washington Din- A. A. COLEMAN Manager ner will be served beginning at high noon and continuing as long as it lasts. Just think! New England Boiled Din ner, corn bread, buttermilk, Washing ton pie. Everybody invited. TAKE NOTICE! All presidents of organized clubs and societies in both St. Paul and Minneapolis are requested to meet in conference Tuesday afternoon, March 4, at 3 o'clock, at the residence of Mrs. S. E. Hall, 996 Iglehart Ave. Presidents unable to be present are re quested to send either their vice-pres ident or secretary as proxy. Harriett G. Hall, 'Ethel Howard Maxwell. NO COLOR LINE TO BE DRAWN. It will be remembered that some weeks ago the hired manager of "Un- cle Sam's Club" for Soldiers and Sail ors, corner of Fourth and Cedar Sts., refused to allow some colored soldiers who went there, to enjoy its privi leges. Some members of the Equal Rights League interested themselves in the matter and applied to the prop er authorities at Washington, D. C, and the answer has come that no dis tinctions on account of color are to be made in that club. A BAD BILL. Tbe bill to establish "An Addi tional Battalion for the Minnesota National Guard" has been before the Military Committee and been recom mended to pass. It has been some what amended and some, objection able features have been taken out, but it is just about as objectionable as ever, and should it pass, which it is hoped it will not, some of the short-sighted colored men who were cause of its being framed will very probably have cause to regret that such legislation was enacted in Minnesota. As a matter of fact there is abso lutely no need for such a bill. The bill under which the present Minne sota National Guard was organized is all that is needed except that IT be amended to authorize the organi zation of another battalion just ex actly as the ones now in existence were organized. T/here is no neces sity whatever for the bill in question and it should not pass. MEMORIAL MENTIONING^. The talk of the Rev. C. Mohammed last Sunday evening was a unique treat. Among the several recent additions is the Rev. G. M. Davis of Gary, In diana. The supper given last Friday eve ning, at the residence of Mrs. Grant Bush, 396 Rondo St., by the Memorial Literary Society, was a happy event. The Valentine dinner given at the residence of Mrs. J. W. Cleary, 499 St. Anthony Ave., by the Twilight Cir cle, Mrs. C. H. Spaulding president, was a pleasant affair and a decided success. Sunday, March 2nd, is Go to Church Sunday, and all non-church goers are invited and urged to attend one or both services on that day, at some church. Services tomorrow: S. S. at 10 a. m. preaching at 11 a. m. and S p. m. B. Y. P. TJ. at 6:30 p. m. A hearty welcomes awaits all. FRANK A. UBEL W REED -r- HENRY PRYOR COR. KENT fc ST. ANTHONY IMC be it of true quality, is not only a cherished possession, b-ut if purchased now will prove a sound imestment Our col lection of diamonds is far su perior to the average and our prices are the lowest, consis tent wifh quality. fr.?d,..$10to$60a 0 478Ssh JEWELER OPTICIAN OPTOMETRIST I J. W. REED TEL CEDAR 9519 L. E WILLIS TWENTIETH CENTURY TONSORIAL & BILLIARD PARLORS FIRST CLASS SERVICE BY .EXPERT ARTISTS IN AL TONSORIAL LINES BEST BRANDS OF HAVANNA AN DOMESTIC CIGARS OPEN FROM 7 OO A TO 12 OO P. M. SHOES SHINED 3 0 E. FOURTH ST. SAINT PAUL TEL. DALE 4040 PRYOR & COLEMANS" CAFE 306 KENT STREET C. COLEMAN ST. PAUL peoples' JBarber Sbop A. BABLAIfB, PROF. A. H. WASMNtTO N. MI R. Skarssf, Hair CuttUf, Sfcssapsstnf, Pace Massage, Misiowr/ isf, Hoi as* Col* Shower Baths, Shoes Shiae* MARS. TOBACCO, MABAZ1MES ANB WBBKLY PAPERS let* ROBERT ST. ST. PAUL HINN. Tot CeeW 3549 ALL MODEL CAFE A. R. RAOLANDPROP. Flrat Oast A a Carte Mesls From 6c30 A to 12i0 P. at RsAsoamUe Rates tegular Dinner IktO A BL ISO P. I S Cts. 269 RoUrt Straet ST. PAUL, MINK To Discharged Men of the Service The Merchants Trust and Savings Bank is desirous of co operating with you in your new start in life as a civilian. It therefore makes you the following offer: To each Soldier, Sailor or Marine of the United States who presents his honorable discharge papers or orders within six months after being discharged this institution will give the sum of $1.00One Dollar$1.00 This offer is contingent upon your opening a savings ac count of $9.00 in this institution, the entire sum of $10.00 to be left on deposit for one year and to draw interest at 4 per cent. Says one who has been in the service and knows: "START YOUR SAVINGS ACCOUNT NOW!" QWXVK MtTI Merchants Trust & Savings Bank .Affiliated with The Merchants National Bank SAINT PAUL Combined Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits, $5,000,000. I^M^^^^VMBSB^ Quisle Senriee CLEANING Dry Gleaning Suits Sponged and Pressed New Collars DAY PHONES TRI STATE 23 22 N, W. CEDAR 6246 1 4 0 E. THIRD ST oa 3lew floros Cafe A. A. COLEMAN, PBOFBISTOR Original Mexican Chili Con Carne A Spsialty Exceptional A La Carte Meals And Service The Most Centrally Located Cafe And Best PKITATK HOOKS FOR PRIVATE PARTUS I S W 6TH ST .OTTO^r'*".. SAINT PAUL "WSJ-IilE "2"OTJ "WAIT ASTORIA -s- SANITARY SYSTEM HOTEL. CAFE AND POOL ROOM HEADQUARTERS FOR RAILROAD AND THEATRICAL FOLK 7 EAST THIHTJ ST. C. X. COLEMAN, MOR. SUITS SPONOED AND PRESSED OENTS SUITS DRY CLEANED SMS 8MWABA8HA ST. *&. MRS. MONJOY-JONES TUUI9 wtmsa 718 ST. AXTHOXT A VS. ST. PA 171, TO- DALE 71 LEADINO BRANDS CIGARS THE GENTLEMENS* RESO RT BARBERSHOP POOLROOM SHINING PARLOR WALKER WILLIAMS PROP. 884 ST.. ANTHONY AVE. ANTHON AVE OT" A I I I COR. KENT ST. O I PAUL -BBS DALE STREET TAILOR Suits and Ovsreoats Mads Ts Ordsr Lsdlss Work A Specialty. Clean ing, Pressing And Repairing. 329 Dale St. St Paul P. B. SIMPSON GEO. W. WILLS Tel. Dale 1914 Tel. Dale 2641 Office Phones: Cedar 1024 Tri-State 24 240 SIMPSON & WILLS Undertakers, Funeral Directors and Embalmers Calls Answered Promptly Day or Night Lady Assistant When Desired Office and Chapel CT Dllll 224 WEST FOURTH ST. 0 I lAUL REPAIRING PRESSING 368 WABASHA Near Fifth Street WE CALL AND DELIVER PHONE N. W. Jackson 2096 WHEN IN THE TWIN CITIES DON'T FAIL TO VISIT R. N. TRAVIS, PROP. "J" fi^ ]\J |\J JERRY LEE. ST. PAUL TBI,. CBDAR 7518 FREE BATHS PORTERS' AJST3 WAITERS* INFORMATION BUREAU GENTLEMEN'S HEADQUARTERS FINE FURNISHED ROOMS I N CONNECTION .aJ If. OBDAX 8081 QUICK SBSTIC1 W I CALX. AMD B1L1TIB UP-TOWN SANITARY SHOP HOBS REPAIRING oixyraBfik 5 a Dyed&Shined Laundry Baths fi. Anderson Archie Brown NEXT TO PARKER'S DRUG STORE, ST. PAUL. BBHIBHW.mtll,i.l,.iI.iiiJiiiinniiiii.ii i nuu i i m.-i. i Ml., NIGHT PHONE N. W.CEDAR 9068 THIS IS THB MA N ST. PAUL KARRAS DRUG CO. (Formerly Straight Bros.) PRESCRIPTION DRUGGISTS 740 RONDO, COR. GROTTO Telephone Orders Promptly Delivered ELECTRIC SUPPLIES DRUG 8UNDRIE8 KODAK SUPPLIES OVERTON'S HYGENIC "HIGH BROWN PREPARATION" Mrs. Olive Howard-Crothswait, is still with us as pharmacist T. S. PHONE Si407 N. W. PHONE DALE 181 as 'ij.,Ai'iwm FRENCH DRY CLEANING LADIES SUITS DRY CLEANED SI-OO UP S T. PAUL,, MINN. I. W. tmtti *S ?mU Tri-SsU 7717! VWfoE glE'S ICC CREA 't- is THE BE,ST For Sale Everywhere J, C. VANDKR BIK Partridge and Srunsen Sts. ST. PAUL. MINN. OFFICE TEL. JACKSON 2M0 RES. TSL. OAI_e TStS HOURS: A. M. AND 2 TO O 1 P. SUNDAYS BY APPOINTMENT DR. C. E. CHEEKS DENTAL SURGEON FIRST CLASS OUARANTSSO WORK IN ALL BRANCHES OF DENTISTRY 84 W. SEVENTH ST. DAKOTA BLDO. Q-J- A I I SUITE 20S-204 O 1 "A\UL- T*I~ XtAUi IMS CALL, BEAUT PARLOR MRS. M. LOVE, PROP LATEST ILECTHICAL SQUIfMBNu SCALP ANTJ FACIAC THBATMBNT HAIKDBESSIKO, SHAKPOOIXO MASSAGING, MAKIOtTKIKa CHIHOPODT HOoa1! ruoci BUCK AJM WHOTI BASIC** SUULsanAttue suit coamMm*z msmriom SIO RONBO ST. -*$*.*- JL M^i^^i^^^^*^ ST. J-"-