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^l strrotly 4n *& el **-$? TME APPEAL AN AMERICAN NEWSPAPER ISSUED WEEELI J. .ADAMS, EDITOR AND PUBLISHER i ST. PAUL OFFICE ?,,ock, No. 301-2 Com: 21 E. 4th st J. fc ADtUS Manager. PHONE: N. W. CEDAR 5649. MINNEAPOLIS OFFICE Mo. 2812 Tenth Avenue ^owth J. N. SEIXERS, Manager. Kntered at the Poatofflce In St. Paul, Minnesota, as aecond-claas mail matter, Jnne 6. 1885, under Ac of ConrrtHm, March 3, 1870. TERMS, STRICTLY IN ADVANCE: SINGLE COPY, One Year $2.40 SINGLE COPY, Six Months 1.25 8INGLE COPY, Three Months.. .65 remittances shoulJ be mado by Express Money Ordei, Post Office Money Order, Re gistered Lettei or Bank Draft. Postage stamps will be veceived the same as cash for the fractional parts of a dollar. Only one cent and two oent stamps taken. Silver should sever be sent through the mail. It is almi'St sure to wear a bole through the envelope and be lost, oi else it may be sto len. 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All head-Hues count doutole. ihe date on the address label suows when subscription expires Renewals should be made two weeks puoi to expiration, so that no paper may be missed, as the paper stops when time is out occasionally happens that papers sent to sub scribers are lost or stolen In case you do not receive any numbei when due, inform us by postal card at the expiration of hve days from that date, and we will cheerfully for ward a duplicate of the missing number Communications to receh attentions must be newsy, upon important sub^ts, plainly written only upon one side of the paper, must reach us Tuesdays if possible, anyway not later than Wednesdays, and bear the sig nature of the author No manuscript re turned, unless stamps are sent for postage. We do not hold ourseHes responsible ior the views of our coi respondents Soliciting agents wanted everywhere. Write for terms Sample copies free In every letter that you write us never fail to give your full name and address, plainly wntten, post office county and state Busi ness letters of all kinds must be written on separate sheets from letters containing news oi matter for publication SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1921. WOULD SEGREGATE AMERICANS. President Harding made a speech Wednesday at Birmingham, Ala., on the race pioblem, which displayed re markable misinfoimation on the sub ject due to the fact that he has evi dently studied from one side only. Of course Mr. Harding is right, when he says that the colored man shoukl have political, educational and economic rights, but he is wrong when he says that he is not entitled to every right to which every other group of Americans is entitled. The piesident has no right to say that one-eighth of the population of the United States must be differentiated any way from the other seven eighths. In his special message to the Con gress which met March 4, Mr. Hard ing said that he looked with favor on the idea of the appointment of an in ter-iacial commission to study racial conditions in the United States. Thcie was no need for haste in an nouncing his view on a question which could not have been studied properly the short time since he, in June, 1921, announced his intention to do, owing to his many and pressing offi cial duties, and it seems that the Piesident has taken advantage of an oppoitunity and thrust his views upon the public ear, for the purpose of cre ating a sentiment in favor of his ideas on the subject, which we*e evidently obtained from individuals and books favorable to the South but inimical to the real interests of the colored peo ple. The President erroneously con founds "social equality" with amalga mation. He says that amalgamation cannot be, but it exists, it has always existed and always will exist. The combined efforts of the law and pub lic opmion have failed to prevent the nixing of the races. Throughout the ages there has been so much racial mixing that today the scientists and ethnologists agree that there is no such thing as a pure race. In no other country on the globe has there been more racial mixing than in the United States which is the melting pot of the world. The majority of the people of the United States are mixtures of various races and the greater part of this majority is com posed of people with more or less Negro blood. The iracial mixing in the South is almost wholly illegitimate as the laws make marriage between the races a crime. Now as to social equality, that ex ists in some part of the United States and it is only in those parts THE SIN OF SILENCE of the country which have more or less of social equality that the colored people have- any rights which the white people respect. The very words, "social equality" imply that all rights are- secure. In the South there is neither equality nor respect for rights. The contempt for the colored man is largely due to his inferior social status, which extends through all hu man relationships in that benighted section of the country. Even at the speech of the President the colored people were segregated and the dis patches say, "In the white section there was a sileence which was abso lute and stony, only one light flutter of applause came when the President said, "The Negro should be encour aged to be the best possible Negro and not the best possible imitation of the white man." This seemed to please a few of the whites who evi dently visioned a "good Negro" of slavery days, who hat in hand bowed low when "ole massa" approached. The South has a queer idea of so cial equality. In the North "social equality" in its narrow sense, inti mate social mingling in private house parties, dances, pink teas, etc. In the South the idea is distorted so that it includes civic rights, hence the jim crow car, the j'imcrow school, the jimcrow library* the jimcrow park, the jimcrow telephone booth and so on ad nauseam. When Harding was a candidate for President, THE APPEAL doubted that he would give colored people a square deal and was not disposed to support him but we were reassured by letters signed by Chairman Hays and Secretary Miller and many lead ing Republicans, as well as the .jim crow campaign bureau that he would be just to his allies. Also Editor Wil liam Monroe Trotter said that he had had a personal interview with the President and he had promised to aid in eliminating segregation. Then came a speech to a number of colored delegations from the Harding front porch, which began with, "Fellow Americans" and ended with, "Colored men, America will not fail you." These assurances caused THE AP PEAL to give candidate Harding enthusiastic support. Our support, probably, had little to do with the To sin by silence when we should protest makes cowards out of men. The human race has climbed on pro test. Had no voice been raised against injustice, ignorance and lust, the in- quisition yet would serve the law, and guillotines decide our least disputes. The few dare must speak and speak again to right the wrongs of many.Ella Wheeler Wilcox. seemed to forget his promises. Se gregation in the departments at Washington was continued, three or, victory, but is mentioned to show that whether they are black or white, red, this paper was not prejudiced against yellow or brown, should meet in all him. human relationships without racial Soon after the President assumed' differentiationssimply as AMERI- his duties it was noticed that he lously avoid is the development of group and class organizations in this country." He argued against the very thing which he has previously argued for. There are just as many differ ences between the individuals of any one race as their are between the peo ple of any number of races. The idea of race differentiation in any form in the law, in the functions of the government, and in public asso ciation is contrary to a just concept of a democracy in which all men are presumed to be equal, and is repug nant to the highest ideals of the Christian's God, who is declared to have made of one blood all nations of men. If Mr. Harding is right, Christianity is wrong. If Mr. Harding had had the time to study the question and he had studied it with an open mind he would have found that in France, Spain and Portugal, there have never been any racial hatreds founded on the color of the skin and the same is true of South and Central America. In these coun tries, unhampered by class and color distinctions colored men have risen to the highest places in every branch of human endeavor. There are more full-blooded Negroes in Brazil than in the United States and, counting the mixed-blood population of black, Indian and white, and the pure whites, the population totals over 30,000,000 who live together in perfect harmony, without any public differentiation of race. There are no social barriers whatever in Brazil and it is a com plete refutation of the idea that there must be social bars between theme and women who are citizens of a country. Color differentiation means the as cendency of one caste and the degra dation of the other. Social equality does not necessarily mean amalgama tion. That should be a matter for individuals to determine. During the coming disarmament parley, the Japa nese will be treated with the greatest social consideration. They will be wined and dined and received at every social function, meeting people who in their hearts hold hatred toward them, and in spite of all the social mingling it is safe to say that not a single marriage will result. In a democracy like ours, all men, CA NS. four jimcrow colored men were ap- sium of views of colored editors in pointed to jimcrow government posi-' various parts of the country on the tions. Colored youth were segregated speeches of President Harding in Bir- in the army training camps and col-! mingham, Ala., and Atlanta, Ga. ored men were not allowed to enlist, One of the strongest of these is an the navy. In every way the Hard-' editorial from the Richmond (Va.) mg administration has stood for the Planet, by that fearless journalist, segregation of colored citizens and it, John Mitchell, Jr. Referring to the is sad to relate that some jimcrow desire of President Harding to have men accept this jimcrow settlement more "negro" leaders developed, The of matters. iPlaret says: THE APPEAL does not believe, as! THE SOUTH IS FULL OF THIS Mr. Harding puts it, that there is a JIM CROW LEADERS. We present in this issue a sympo- (KIND OF LEADERS. DR. BOOK- "fundamental, eternal and unescap-'ER T. WASHINGTON DID HIS able difference between the races." PART IN DEVELOPING THIS To do so would be to challenge God KIND OF LEADERSHIP. IN LAT- and Christianity. It is a distinct de-1ER YEARS HE REALIZED THAT parture from the ideals of the found- HE HAD GONE TOO FAR, TO THE ers of the Republic who declared that EXTENT OF ELIMINATING THE "all men are created equal and en-. PRINCIPLES OF MANHOOD, dowed by their Creator with certain' WITHOUT WHICH NO RACE CAN inalienable rights, among them life,'RISE TO THE FULL HEIGHT OF I common American citizenry? liberty and the pursuit of happiness."' AMERICAN CITIZENSHIP. After his argument in favor of a Thfs is a strong statement yet it is distinct place for the black and col- absolutely true. No single thing in ored people, Mr. Harding tells us that the history of the colored people in the "one thing we must most sedu- the United States has done so much as long championed. 51? *8f Washington delivered in Atlanta, Ga., in 1895. Since then the descent to hell has been swift and sure and the depths were sounded when the other day, Warren G. Harding, President of the United States, stood by the side of the Grady monument in Atlanta, pro nounced a eulogy on Henry W. Grady, the most bitter, dangerous and insidious enemy of the colored people that the country has produced, de clared that the race question must be settled by the segregation of Ameri can citizens. Lured on by the enthusiastic recep tion by the South of the B. Washing ton speech and the white man's "good negro" pat on the shoulder, the jimcrow leaders' tribe has increased so enormously that it is now a men ace to be reckoned with in every com munity in which there are a hundred colored men. Before he died Booker Washington repented in bitterness what he had done and longed for life to wash out his unwise course but it was too late. Although it may be news to many, it is a fact that after his death an ar ticle, written by him, was printed in a leading magazine, in which he re pudiated segregation which he had so No greater calamity could befall the colored people than the harvest ing of a new crop of "jimcrow negro to prevent the full attainment of citi-, the President of the United States did zenship as that speech of Booker!not know it. The Southland is full made a complete surrender of the doctrines and principles of the Re-i publican party as taught and prac-' ticed by its foundersLincoln, Grant, Stevens, Sumner, Garfield, Harrison, McKinley and Roosevelt. These men not only preached the doctrine of civil and political equality of all men irre spective of race, color or creed, but'j reduced it to a practice in their ad ministrations. During the administration of Grant, colored men were accorded every right and privilege due to every other group of American citizens. Their voices could be heard in Congress, in the legislatures and in all the coun cils of the party. They held high po sitions of honor and trust, and the same was true under Garfield, Harri son, McKinley and Roosevelt. President Harding and the Colored American. (From the Boston Guardian.) In regard to President Harding's speech at Birmingham, Ala., on Wednesday of this week, October 26, 1921, we would say this Republi can President that, persons of color born in the United States of America, most of whose parents and grandpar ents and great-grandparents were born in the U. S. A. see no reason why they should be expected to be willing to be simply black people and not fully and wholly Americans, any more than Jews born here are expect ed to be willing to be simply Jews, Irish simply Irish, Italians simply Italians, and so on with the many race varieties here. We demand that there be no dis tinction put upon us for race or color in public matters that is not put on every other race in this, our common country. We know as the white Americans know that there is no es sential difference between human be ings, and just as much superficial dif ference except in color or feature be tween white races here as between Americans of color and those called white. Nature has amply proven this before the eyes of all Americans with the aid of the white man's imposi tions upon colored women. We ob ject to being made the only everlast ing aliens in our own land by any en forced separation in the public life of everlasting protest. The crux of the matter is this: Why does not President Harding ask us to be good and true and efficient American Why did he not ask white and black to be alike one uniform ele ment of patriotic Americans, none trying to be good as white folks, none to be good as black folks, but all one of this kind of leaders. Dr. Booker T. Washington did his part iri devel oping this kind of leadership. In later years he realized that he had gone too far to the extent of elimi nating the principles of manhood, without which no race can rise to the full height of American citizen. He declared that the race problem was one noticeable in Africa, in South America, in the South Seas and of the world. Just how it can be a prob lem in Africa, the home of the Black Man is an amusing situation and a most interesting one. If the black people belong there, what are the white people doing in the land of the Ethiopian But then this is raising another question. It seems to us that President Harding might have cited quotations from that Holy Bible upon which he took his oath of office and he would have found therein funda mental principles, the observance of which will settle all problems, racial and otherwise. The foregoing is an excerpt from a three-column editorial in the Planet, Richmond, Va., edited by Hon. John Mitchell, Jr., which is too long to print in full. Th .o den leaders." America comes at a time when si lence is no longer endured and upon a subject wholly uncalled for. 'Twere A Complete Surrender. be (From the Atlanta Independent.) ton andmkept silent than to advocate The Harding administration has an Unite Part th ca den i Ne Preslden Ha S statu first uttanc th Th il- hSpoken.P th (Froe theer Denver Star.) tter that he remained in Washing for l re un-Americanism. The mandhas so-c tn suffered enough from alle friends of the Republi- States advocate Whey does the Presi- social equality as a cause to the black man, when 8 millions white man's amalgamated sons and daugh tern make up one-eighth the popula- the country. It must come over our tors for the passage of the anti- The President in Alabama. (From the Richmond Planet.) From the way our distinguished President is handling the situation, we were just as well off under Presi dent Grover Cleveland and President Woodrow Wilson as we expect to be under President Warren G. Harding, whose praises we have sung from one section of this country to the other and whose success we had prayed for from the time he was nominated up to the time that he was elected. He has not exactly gone back on us as his supoprters, but he is giving voice to some Strang utterances, which sound strangely like those of the Democratic leaders, whom we have been opposing. President Harding says that there must be such education among the colored people as will enable them to develop their own leaders, capable of understanding and sympathizing with such differentiation between the races as he has suggestedleaders who will inspire the race with proper ideals of race pride, of national pride, of ^n honorable destiny, an important par ticipation in the universal effort for advancement of humanity as a whole. country Ifofththe colore thi tio woman was good enough to give birth to their children she ought to be good enough to marry them. Why did the Supreme Court uphold jimcrow laws of the South? Was that social equality? Why do depart ments at Washington discriminate and segregate the colored employees? Is that social equality? Why dodge the issue? Why do the lily-white Re publicans bar colored men and women from voting? Is that social equality? Why doesn't President Harding em ploy colored men to positions they have held since 1865? Is that social equality Thousands of our sons lay asleep upon the torn bosom of France who died for this country of justice that you portray as a barrier to the so cial life of our race. We will stand ready to defend our race in the sunshine of whose society -we are ever happy. We want equal ity that is given every other citizen under the Constitution. We will ac cept nothing less. The President has spoken. Let the historians write: "Failed." President Harding Runs True to Form. (From the Philadelphia American,) President Harding, in his address at the semi-centennial in Birmingham, Ala., on Wednesday last, nobly sus tained his unenviable reputation as a discreet follower of sectional senti ment. When he addressed an audi ence in Ohio some time ago, he in sisted that the colored citizen should be given the equal protection of the law in the exercise of his rights as such. In Alabama, he claimed that there could and should be no such thing as social equality between the races. Not one word is he reported as uttering, in favor of equal protec tion of the law, the enforcement of the Federal Consttiution, nor against lynching or the roasting of human be ings at the stake. He did not even as This kind of education has been in a permanent treaty alliance with the operation for nearly half a century. British empire wMen independence is We are dumbfounded to learn that' grarifed. the moral support of his audi- lynching bill now before Congress. About all of these important things, he was absolutely silentand why? The President knew that such matters as enforcing the law against murder, mob violence, peonage and the right of suffrage were unpopular subjects to discuss in the South hence, he journeyed all the way to Birmingham, Ala., to tell the folks down there that social equality between the races were impossible. Good news and glad tid ings, we fancy, peace on earth and good will to all white men in the South. The President's mental ba rometer is unerring in pussyfooting on the race question. We do not agree with the President that our ideal should be the best possible black man, nor the best possible white man, nor an imitation of such but rather the best possible man stripped of both qualifications. If the President had discussed the race question from the standpoint of equality before the law, the equal protection of the law, equal civil and political rights and one standard of citizenship to be support ed and maintained by the law throughout the nation, he would have deliverefl a message to the people of the country and those of Alabama in particular, that would have been well worth the effort. EGYPT TO BE FREE., A special cable from London says that England will soon give Egypt independence. The question of the abolition of the protectorate is said to be the basis of a discussion now go ing on in the British cabinet and also COLORED AMERICANS MUST ACT. The Dyer Anti-Lynching Bill "has been reported favorably by the com mittee of the judiciary. It is known as the DYER ANTI-LYNCHING BILL H. R. 13. Now is the time to flood Congress with telegrams, letters, even personal visits to Washington. We must let this Congress know that a failure to bring the Dyer Bill to a vote will be regarded as a be trayal. We must let each representative know that a vote against the Dyer Bill will be known as a vote for lynching. GET BUSY, COLORED AMERI CANS! ANTI-LYNCHING BILL APPROVED. The Dyer Anti-lynching Bill re ported favorably in the House of Rep resentatives at Washington Thurs day provides that the county in which the outrage takes place shall pay |10,000 to the family of the vic tim. Representative Dyer of St. Louis, author of the bill, gave notice he will press for early enactment. The bill defines a lynching mob or riotous assembly as constituting "five or more persons acting in concert to deprive a prisoner of life without au thority of law." States or governmental subdivi sions failing to protect a person against such act shall be held to have denied the person of his guaranteed protection under the federal Consti tution. State, county or municipal officers failing to make all reasonable efforts to protect against a lynch mob or in failing to arrest and' prosecute mem bers of such a mob shall be tried in federal district courts on felony charges, and on conviction be subject to imprisonment not exceeding five years or a fine of $5,000, or both. Persons participating in the lynch ing mob are liable to imprisonment for five years. That the strenuous activities of the N. A. A. C. P. had much to do with this favorable consideration there is no doubt. A MISGUIDED MOVEMENT! THE APPEAL has noticed in sev eral papers the organization of the Federal Employes' League composed of colored federal employes, which we believe is a great mistake and will only serve to increase the segregation now practiced in Washington. There is already a Federal Em- TT ployes Union which no color lme' Men and women, do not segregate yourselves. f&f Iff* I "HUMAN NATURE'S FOULEST BLOT." My ear is pained My soul is sick with every day's report Of wrong and outrage, with which earth is filled., There ia no Mesh in man's obdurate heart. It ctoes not feel for man: the natural bond Of brotherhood is severed as the flax That falls asunder at the touch of fire. He finds his fellow guilty of a skin Not colored like his own: and having power To enforce the wrong, for such a worthy cause Dooms and devotes him as his lawful prey. Thus man devotes his brother, and destroys: 'Tis human nature's broadest foulest blot. Cowper. ft,VE NEW BOOZE RULES The wets throughout the country are jubilant over the action in Con gress allowing, under-the new rules affecting beer, wine and liquors con siderable modification. The new rules cover comprehen sively the use of beer, wines and spir ituous liquors as medicines. The amount of beer a physician^ may pre scribe at one time for the use of the same person is limited to two and one-half gallons, the equivalent of a case, but no arbitrary limit is placed on the number of such prescriptions a physician may write or the same person may obtain within a given pe riod. Two quarts of wine is the limit put on a single prescription for that bev erage, but otherwise the regulations are the same as for beer. Spirituous liquors are limited to one pint within any ten-day period, and alcohol for external use is limited to a pint to the same person at one time. Prescriptions for these medicines may be filled only by a licensed phar macist who is also a retail druggist, or a licensed pharmacist in the em ploy of a retail druggist. And the anti-prohibitionists feel like they can enjoy more "personal liberty" than they have been allowed for some time. So far as Minnesota is concerned there is a state law that will prohibit very much indulgence and there are other states that will not be mate rially affected. The only states where the state laws do not interfere with the pre cription of beer under the federal reg ulations are California, Connecticut*, Massachusetts, Missouri, New Jersey,' New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Is land, Wisconsin, and in some sections of Maryland and Louisiana. Many permits have been issued for the manufacture and sale of beer in Wisconsin and Milwaukee has 5,000,- 000 gallons ready now. Both wets and drys are considerably wrought up over the situation and there is much speculation over what will be the ultimate outcome. Mr. Harding Down South. To the Editor: The colored man, according to Mr. Harding in his Birmingham speech, "should seek to be the best possible black man, and not the best possible imitation of the white man." This is the Harding standard for the race. We admit that many respects the white man is a poor model for imi tation, as in lynching, discriminatory practices against his friends and his arrogant assertion of superiority by birth and color, but why does not Mr. Harding advise us to become the best i i i .possible men, and forget distinctions bot Sl eknowa is drawn and to which federal em- course,h wed how har it i ployes of all races, creeds and colors are admitted, so the "formation of a segregated organization is not only not necessary but positively danger ous. It is not surprising that Perry W. Howard is the president of the or ganization. The article refers to him as a Special Assistant Attorney Gen eral, which he is not. Mr, Howard is Special Assistant TO the Attorney General which is quite a different thing. It is a segregated place. How the^men who have gone into this organization can hope to eradi cate segregation by segregating them selves is not clear. The colored fed eral employes should become mem bers of the union which is open to all and work in harmony .with their brother employes of various races, creeds and colors. H Good Coal Guaranteed Weights Prompt Service Place Your Order With THE C. REISS COAL CO. ^______ __. GARFIEL 5341 8 5 E 4th GARFIEL 5341 Pi" yp &3$8fa& ,-rti^*k*i^sw!'*,*"$* & -KTI S' fromedmerits? i^SM&&%MM' tavoifdeOo logical and -aatp the sam time offending the South while a recipient of its hospitality, but it does seem amusing, as well as pathetic, that in the same speech he says: "The one thing we must sedulously avoid is the deevlopment of group or class organ izations in this country." Gee, but it is hard to straddle! J. MILTON SAMPSON, Dicertor of Research and Records, Chicago Urban League. Chicago. "The Georgia Peach" (From the Chicago Whip.) It is reported that Henry Lincoln Johnson will soon be confirmed. He may be confirmed by the Serfate com mittee, but he will never be confirmed by the celestial committee which passes upon the fitness of men to en ter into the land of eternal reward. Lincoln Johnson, in his own heart, knows that he is not a fit represent ative of the colored people in Ameri ca, and any who know of his activi ties Chicago preceding the election of President Harding will agree. Yet fate sometimes plays a peculiar card. L&&&4&3& ,AT it M^4 *sp