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*t? I. VOL. 1. WESTERN APPEAL Published every Saturday, by F. D. PARKER, J.T. BURNETT, 8. E. HARDY, EDITORS. BUSINESS MANAGER Entered at St. Paul Post-office as second class matter. TERMS. Three Months, .60 Six i.oo 1 Year, 2.00 Payments for suhcriptions must be made in advance. Advertising at reasonable rates. The management will not be responsi ble for the opinion expressed by any of its correspondents. Neither will tbey publish any matter to satisfy personal grievances. Oh where is the Northwest Review? If the wide open policy is not the order of the day, the community would like to know it, for a free fight is a common occurrence now on Minnesota street. The Minnesota Exhibit has been packed and shipped and will be ready for distribution in a short time. We understand Indiana has had a test civil rights case. A colored man was refused the use of a billiard table, and the proprietor was fined $5 and costs, that is more than Minnesota can sav. Would it not sound better for the morning and evening papers of this city, in reporting any occurrence of the color ed people either here or elswhere, to use some other word than "darkies" and "coon," for though we belong to a despised race, we are not vagabonds or brutes, and are endowed with all the facilities for feeling, and aspire to become noble men and good citizens, and not the butt of ridicule at all times call a halt, gentlemen. We call the attention of the public to the fact that home, pernicious villian and blackleg, has been circulating around the city that we dare not say this paper was owned and controlled by Negro men and that it is not in the interest of the Negro race. Now we are not given to pay httle or any attention to these skul king vagabonds, because a barking dog never bites. This is the only paper owned and contioiled by Negro men in the north west. We call upon the authorities of this city to have the vagrant law, enfoiced, so far as the colored people are concerned, for though we have no names upon the roll of the poor house yet it is sad but true that there are men in this tity who have not done an honest day's work for years and yet they are allow to loaf arund and remain ilde, creating, mischief, and corrupting the good standing of the race, the time has come for action and we insist on it. SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT. We regret to announce that Mr. John W.Crowmwell of the PEOPLE'S ADVOCATE of Washington has severed his connec tion with that paper, after giving nine years of hard earnest labor to the inter est of his race in the journalistic field, we trust he may be as successful in whatever other avocation he may choose. The ADVOCATE will in the future be con trolled by Mr. C. A. Lamar as publisher and proprietor, Mr. Hamlin as man ager, Geo. Richardson and Rev. Walter H. Brooks as editors. NIG-GER. This is an age when all sober mind ed people lose Their gravity and drop in to levity cease from philosophizing and takes up the task of being funny, this is sad but true, this may be said of the Minneapolis neapolis Tribuue they have been deal ing in prize fights, and spellling nig-ger with two gg's for negro, now Mr. Tribune we are not in favor of prize fights, neither are we given incite prejudice in the minds of inteligent people, we admire the zeal with which you give news to the public, and we also admire the obtuseness of the negro who buys it, paying five Am erican cents to see himself soundly abused and maligned, perhaps the anglo African will learn some sense before the world come to and end. I suppose the Tribune will feel su premly happy when it has alenated the negro beyond civilization, suspened your prejudice aud give him an equal, chance and he will show that is a better promoter of morality than the so styled .reporter that drank the old stale beer hence the difference in the reports. DUTY OF PARENTS TO CHILDREN. A Discourse delivered by R. Knight, Pastor of the St. James A. M. E. church, St. Paul, Minn., June 14,1885. "One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all and in you all." The definition of this word as given by seveial eminent Lexicographers, is, that which one person owes to another, or that a person is bound by any natural moral or legal obligation to pay, do or perform, &c. The Bible tells us that the Christian has but one God, true and living, who by this appellation is highly distinguished from the Gods of the heathen, who were many. This one God is father of us all, being the author of our spirits and life, hence he is above all and through all and in you all. has given earthly parents as teachers and guides to their children, and from whom He should ever receive praise and thanksgiving. It then becomes neces sary to cultivate an early religious or Christian life, and thus prepare your children against offering offences to God or man. THE ANCIENT CHRISTIANS seems to have observed and enforced whatever of discipline was necessary to the cleansing, purifying and establish ment of good and pure home and public life. See to it then, parents, that the home of our own times be protected by the same earnest spuit which prompted them to the observance of the most val uable of all blessings to man. Once a mother was left to the care of several children what to do, was, with her, the great perplexing question, but while in the spirit of meditation and prayer, the angel of peace and consola tion appeared and bid her to be contented and trust God in the abundance of faith the result of her obedience was the joy of a pleasant and happy-family of ebUaV len to bless her declining days of a long and interesting life. When Mrs. Penn commenced to train her son William, disappointment sur rounded but to startle her into thought and to spring suspicious of this world's vanity born for abetter as all are, she soon discovered that this world was not the place of her rest, a land of shadows where hardly anything is but trouble, and nothing certain but death, instantly she gave her heart to God she sought an equal happiness for he son, who proved a great blessing both to himself and those around him in the world. Many examples of the result of early piety use before us Timothy knew the scriptures from his youth Joseph was but a young boy when he interpreted the will of God to the heathen king Samuel worked before the Lord from childhood to old age Josiah was but eight years old when he ascended the throne of Israel, Daniel knew the Lord from his youth Francis Asbury, second bishop of the M. E. church and the first ordained in the United States, was trained by pious parents, at an early age was placed in good schools, and hen between six and seven commenced read ing the Bible regularly, with the histor ical part ot which he says he was greatly delighted, and at 14 years of age was converted and at 18 commenced preach ing the everlasting gospel. Lot the cardinal virtues, justice, pru dence, temperance and fortitude, which even the pagans supposed and taught, be your guide the sunday school and house of mercy, here you will find an able body of good teachers and officers who are ever ready i a CHILDREN'S DAY. The exercises of the Sunday school fr the building of this chapel were were very interesting and were listened principallU in New York City, to with marked attention by the many ajird the great interest demonstrated by Last Sunday was observed by all the Persons present supt.! Mr^. Taylor, the colored shows a greatChurc era o"f lurches of the Methodist denomination fS^ S S^ churches of the Methodis denomination as Children's Day, and exercises were held by them of a very excellent char acter, at St. James A. M. E. church, which was beautifully decorated A T-iu -I-. -ir i i i -i avuuui. xiiu singing wins exceptionally Pastor, Elder R. Knight delivered an fine, and, taken all in all, the efforts of eloquent sermon, text aThel the school gave responsive exercises. S Jf*?^ 1 7 ea dutv of teachers,'' which was an instruc tive and an excellent paper. Mr. Wm. Queen made an able address to the school. The wa exceptionally the day were a grand success, and all went to show the great improvement made in the last year. PORE WITE TRASH" "What der ye take me faw? Do I look like a gentleman that worked fer a liv in'? No, sah, I hain't got down to that yet!" These creatures will become extinct after a while, as they are too lazy to per petuate their existences by becoming tramps. The streets of Washington are wide and wellBhaded, and many miles of the principal ones are paved with cement which renders them as smooth as a house floor and hard as a granite rock. I do not wonder that men who can find something to do in Washington are anxious to stay, as its climate in winter Bring your children to and its lovely land and water scenery in summer renders it a delightful city for a home. _, Among the finest residences are those and willing to assist you in shaping their of Windom, Blaine and BenJJutler. The May the interest of latter is empty because no one cares to future destinies Children's day in the church of our choice, move on and on through the world, in spurring and rousing all to thrust in the sickle and "gather in the sheaves" until the knowledge of the Lord shall be known among the nations as the waters cover the sea, and, as the crowning light of the king of day, may this good work go on, till men be con strained to say, "that a nation of good children is born unto God in a day. The mission of christian and non christian parents will be more forcibly discerned, and presenting these at the Redeemer's feet the sight to him will be more imposing than the seven wonders of the world, richer to him than all the kingdoms of earth. We hope to see the day when this church and school will have so advanced in sacred literature and in numbers, that a thousand voices may be herd pouring forth songs of praise to Him, whom to know aright is life forever more. And, when the days of the years of our pilgrimage are at an end, we shall go up from the land of clouds and sorrows to spend eternal years with our friends and loved ones upon the mountains and highlands of an unfading day. rent it for $12,000 a year. (Spectator) JAMES G. CLARK. COLORED PEOPLE BUILDING CHURCH. evening, the Stringer Lodges, A. F* and the new building being densely packed,. All the participants in the ceremonies were colored except the Rev. Mr. Avers, of Baltimore, Rector in charge. "This church is the only Episcopal church for colored people in.the State,and is the x._x, Bishop of Mississippi, who has received the earnest support of the venerable ST. PAUL MINN. SATURDAY-JUNE 20. 1885. NO. 3. *Mi Washington, "Where every ^prospect pleases and only one man is vile. Washington is the most beautiful and the most cleanly city on the American continent, not excepting Denver. It contains not far from one hundred thousand inhabitants, one third of whom have African blood in their veins. The latter vary in color, all the wav from the i w,. +1 4.u i. i. "poor whites," who are sprinkled quite liberally through the less respectable portions of Washington, as they are al ways ready and glad of something whereby they can earn their living. These "poor whites" are really the saddest to contemplate of all the re maining relics of slavery, and are a "pe- culiar institution". They may, in the words stolen by the secessionists from Byron, "be conquered but never sub- dued." No, never, never, never-r-r. They can be seen on most any warm day hanging around the long bridge which leads from Washington across the east branch of the Potomac to Uniontown the same bridge that carried Booth safely over after he had murdered Lincoln. Some of them will be "trying theii luck" at catching small fish from the bridge with a line held in the hand, as they are too poor to buy a fish pole, or too lazy to cut one in the bushes, and havje not sufficient ingenuitv to jasten_a. line on one if they had it. How they manage to get worm impaled on a hook for bait is more than I can comprehend, though I believe they first stick the worm on one end of the hook and leave the creature to do the rest himself by endeavering to wriggle away from his indolent captor's tobacco juice. These ragged "missing links" areas respective as a nest of young, open-mouthed tur key buzzards to everything except a chance to earn their living by work. But ask one of them if he would like a job by which to earn a little money, and a sudden change sweeps over his entire system. His drooping shoulders will become erect, the tobacco juice, which usually runs down his chin into his thin beard, will be concentrated and ejected in a vigorous squirt, and looking you over with an expression of mingled con tempt and astonishment he will answer- *raised vit held on the 21s inst wi vic %li^J^ advancemenpeople ^i th e8Sa of the Episcopal tha race Th that would tend to elevate us as a race, and not make us the butt of ridicule at all times. All persons subscribing for the WESTERN APPEAL. was no Gentleman. unn Q+c,+i. -^i i ii" known donors, said that he would retain gent as the middle, non-office holding the stick, which appeared to be genuine, classes of the city. The poorest of them and gave the umbrella to Mr. Dodge and are far more honest and useful than the theeumbrellPat hat to Kehoe. Dodgeuntil hoisted the incidents of the dinner of e 0n coal black negro to the octoroon, who the Sinclair club in New York was the shows scarcely a sign of the Ethiopian presentation of a hat, umbrella, and hill cars, all on easy terms and a large either in skin or featuresand, as a blackthorn stick to the president, James class, are nearly if not quite asintelli- The latter in thanking the un- th a and sat beneath it the end of the banquet, while Kehoe wore the hat. While flushed with enthusiasm and wine, he removed the hat, and rose to respond to a toast. Mr. McCarthy placed the hat upon Mr. Kehoe's chair. Kehoe dropped into his seat at the end of his speech, and looked for his hat, winch he had left on a chair at his side. He accused several parties of stealing it, and finally arose in his indignation and began, to search for it. McCarthy held the crushed tile .aloft in the gaslight. Kehoe snatched it from his hand and luefully gazed at it. The whole table was rippling with merrimeut, but every one exploded wrhen h. G. W O. O O. VICKSBUKG, Miss., June 7.The cere- was elected delegate to the District monies of the laying of the cornerstone Lodge. 8tate A. M., Thomas W. Stringer, Master, largely attended. The report of the Officiating The music(for theloccassion secretary and treasurer shows the was furnished by the choir of St. Mary's TrkiJa,i u~ A Chapel and Bethel African Methodist Household to be good financial con- Episcopal Church, and was exceptionally color delivered. I was entirely wrothy the ~na time and place. Then followed a collec tion in behalf of the chapel, when an an appropriate hymn from the choir closed The Household meets the first Wednes- the services. Th throng was immense day in each month at 602 Spruce street. It is sure to come without any regard to civil .service rules another republican official has been displaced, the appraiser W result of the indefatigable labor of thie staunch democrat, Mr. J. O'Connor TOI'JSSTI?^Thompson. Assistant NOW IS A nnal dedication WHAT THE EDITOR JWOJILD LIKE O SEE. Achorar society formed by some of our yoangmenand women. Alive literary society amongst us. A more univeresal desire among our people to advance intellectually. A greater desire to seek such things -^-HWK. J*' We republish a letter from the Phila., Sentinel, of June 6 inst. for the benefit of the members of the oider living this city, to show that the lodges in the city of Brotherly Love is in a prosperous condition, and it is hoped that it will awaken an interest and result in doing much good in that direction. Good will Lodge, No. 1025, Norris town, celebrated their 42nd anniversary on Wednesday evening, May 27, at Michs Hall, Main street, with a concert and reception. P. C. M. R. Jones de livered the anniversary address. All enjoyed themselves. We believe theie are about three of the founders of the ldge now living brothers N. Currey, WilUair and Bruff. Others have taken their places. Among the leading lights in the lodge at present is T. F. Simth, J. Dorsey, J. Taylor, J. Marshall and others. There are also Chas. Nichols and Starkey, members of the lodge. But since they have gone up higher they forget the vine from which they came. Better look after your old mother you may want to return home some day. The last B. M. C. was composed of 252 delegatesone of the largest and did less. Three hundred and six lodges failed to make their annual report to the S. C. ofM. The general laws should read: "Lodges failing to make their report shall not receive the pass word." How abont the $500 fine Mr. S. C. of M., for lodges failing to report. The Philadelphia delegates must have gotten lost in. the debates at the last B. M. C. Well boys you must do better the next time. We hope the next B, M. C. will keep an eye to bustness. Whole amount paid, to sick last year $37,'.757.82, for funerals $21r002.45, a mount invested, value of property and funds,$343.196.60. Last Wednesday we dropped in to see old Unity, 711. The lodge was well at tended. One new member was added to their roll. P. G. M. Henry Boyer & meeting last Wednesday. I twas members were elected* ne cUtxo fine. After the Masonic rites an oration and two admitted to membership. Thre ^LwoJ^^f^T^f members. Each siste W new by-laws were presented and placed th fo ni 0 xu+v, _. brother should procure a copy, of customs, Mr. W. L. Wilson, by a i bi until all offices held bdy par,-d wo are filled by trie an flll ffica l, tlsa Bishop Green, oitbiagtate. The funds hungry democracy. THE TIME TO HOME CHEAP. colore he slowly and deliberately remarked "Gentlemen, fun is fun, but the gentleman who sat upon that hat is no gentleman, and I can vselt him.(Hatter and Furrier). GET Persons desirous of buying a home for themselves will do well by calling at the office of the WESTERS APPEAL before purchasing of any other agencyYou can save money and will find it greatly to your advantage to examine our list, which is the most extensive of any cheap property there is in the city. This prop erty is sold to suit the convenience of the richer, and there is no reason why m TO list of unimproved'property, see for yourselves. uwu. a home. We have two lots 40x100 feet in Stinson Brown & Ramsey's addition, cheap small payments down, the balance in monthly installments. Two corner lots, 100x150 feet, in Summit Park Addi- tion, one in Ninninger & Donnelly's Addition. Four beautiful modern built houses within two blocks of St. Anthony Call and WESTERN APPEAL OFFICE, Third and Cedar sts Room 3, Lambert Block. COMMENTS OF THE PRESS. The first number of the WESTKEN AP PEAL, came to us a beautiful dress. I is a six column folio, edited by Messrs. Parker, Burgett, and Hardy, Mr. Fred erick Douglass Parker, is an Ohio man born in Cleveland. To the gentleman editors we wish them all the success their enterprise richly deserve, "come early and stay late." (Cleveland Globe. The first number of the WESTERN APPEAL was received this A\eek, with its patriotic sentiments. (Washington Bee. A glance at one of our Business house. The Domestic Laundry located on the corner of Rice and Martain Streets this mamothe establishment is conducted on modern Bases haveing been refited and improved at a great expense is now prepared to do any and all kinds of woik in connection. They have ad ded a clothes cleaning and Dye works. Mr. R. D. Smith the proprietor is very courtious gentleman, and wolud be pleased to meet any one desirous of haveing any work done in his line to give him a call. Heal Estate, COOD LOTS FOR SALE CHEAP, ON BLAIR STREET. A splendid opportunity offered to all who desire to obtain homes for a little money, four blocks from University Ave. and one block from Western Ave. For terms apply to, Joseph J. Allen*. ROOM 28, UNION BLOCK. G, W, Baptist, DEALER IN FINE WINES LIQUORS AND CIGARS, 415 ROBERT STREET. Subscribe Fnr rriEF Office, Cor. Third and Cedar Sts. (Terms 5 cents per single copy. $2.00 per year. Terms cash in. Advance. Go! Go! Go! This Week, to DICKINSON'S MAMMOTH Department Store Cor. Fourth, Fifth & St. Peter Sts ST. PAUL This Week they offer prices that are sure to draw: in MILLINERY, BABY CARRIAGES, HAMMOCKS! HAMMOCKS! BEST MAKES! LOWEST PRICES! CHINA & CROCKERY, Lawn Tennis! All the celebrated brands in Racquets and Balls. Complete Sets. NETS. ROPES. POLES, SHOES, MARKERS, ALL SOLD SEPARATELY. CROQUET! Full Hardwood Set, only 95c. Highly painted sets at $1.25, $1.50 and $1.75. CLOAKS, SUITS a SHAWLS, SHOES, AND 6EKTS' FURNISHING GOODS, l~