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Western appeal. [volume] (Saint Paul, Minn.) 1885-18??, June 27, 1885, Image 2

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VOL. 1.
Published every Saturday, by
F. 1). PARKER,
Entered at St. Paul Post-office as
Becond class matter.
Three Months, .60
Six i.oo
1 Year, 2.00
Payments for subcriptions must be
made in advance.
Advertising at reasonable rates.
The Colored Press Association meets
in Philadelphia, July 8.
The management will not be responsi
ble for the opinion expressed by any of
its correspondents. Neither will they
publish any matter to satisfy personal
The ax has this time visited the cus
tom house in the shape of a collector of
revenue. One Bier-man has been ap
pointed by the so-called brokerage
systemall's well! to the victor belongs
the spoils.
All persons wishing good, first-class
colored help, would do well to apply at
this office.
The Governor refused to release Col.
Bend from arrest notwithstanding the
fact that he was petioned to do so by a
large number of citizens both here and
in Stillwater and Minneapolis, perhaps
he N\as right but we hardly think so.
M. W. (iibbsof Little Rock Arkansas,
a colored man who made money enough,
selling boots and shoes, to enable him
to study law, was admitted to the bar,
and lias just been elected Judge of a po
lice court. This is not bad for the so
called negro-persecuting South while
Massachusetts refuses to pass a Bill for
the protection of the. rights'o*f colored
people in public placesiJST.3Y,.C'hj:aii^
West Point is likely to have another
cadet in the person of Wm. T. Andrews
of South Carolina, making if he succeeds
in his examination, the third colored
boy in the academy. Cadet Young pas
sed a successful examination in his class
this first term, as it was thought that he
would fail. Cadet Anderson holds his
own very creditably in the Sophomore
class, and is making a fine record.-(N.
Y. Freeman.
While the civilized world is being
agitated over the possible spread of the
choleia from the shores of Spain where
it has created such havoc, it would be
well for the health department to look
after our city, not alone Swede Hollow,
but the dump of Eagle street, and
several vacant lots along one of our prin
cipal thoroughfares,Third street, where
people living in the vicinity, all the
winter have been throwing their gar
bage which becomes very offensive at
times, and ought to be looked after, or
we may have cholera here in our midst.
Let the question of what kind of treat
ment colored men are to receive, when
carrying on business in this city in a re
spectful way be settled now. If the
council proposes to order the issuing of
special and discriminating licenses to our
business men, let them tell us so. But
if they propose to make us pay the same
as they do other nationalities doing the
same kind* of business, then we don't
want their officers instructed to tell us
to move from anv locality, simply because
we are colored men, when white men
doing the same kind of business are not
disturbed. Gentlemen it is no use try
ing to stop us, you may try to hamper
us and throw all kinds of obstacles in
our way, but we will come to the front
in some way, just the same as a running
river will work its way around any ob
struction that may be in the way of its
proper course. Let the authorities in
quire into this matter.
Mayor Rice has again displayed his
firmness of character and manliness,
by refusing to ^give his sanction to an
ordinance that upon its face was mon
opoly, and a shield for those now engaged
in the Liquor business to carry it on
for a", time to come, and as it were,
every person no matter how proper
could not possibly break the barriers to
gain an admission to the secret circle.
Now that the matter has been returned
to our city Fathers, let them consider
the rights of all citizens, and pass an
ordinance that all men can respect.
Secure your help from the Apr-EAL
To the People.
The question of the licentious disposi
tion of the colored race in this city, has
been broached 18 the authorities. -The
reason given for allowing it to be carried
on to such an unreasonable extent, was,
that it was but recently that they had
the privilege of doing and acting as they
felt inclined. Now how in the name of
humanity do you expect a people who
have always been under a restraint, and
who were forced, generally speaking, to
submit to the vile passions ofan inhuman
master, who taught them by their vile
treatment, to create a desire to do wrong
rather than right, morally, to ever do
anything or become,any body so long as
you encourage the immoral actions of
the race, and sit silent and smile at the
vile nature of their actions, in open de
fiance of the law. Now we speak for the
better thinking portion of our people
and demand that the laws governing
this city, as to its morals, be as stringent
ly^enforced upon the colored man and
woman, as the white man and woman
that those who are doing what they
know to be in violation of law, be forced
to come within its pale or leave town.
Let the authorities show a disposition to
purify the race, and they will have the"
sanction of all good citizens and the
blessings of the race upon their actions
but let thorn sit in silence and allow this
thing to continue longer, and they will
find that, instead of St. Paul becoming
in deed and act, the Queen City of th
Northwest, it will become the helb hold
ojf America, and decent and respeetablc
people, of both race$, will shun it the
same asif it was a viper of deadly poison,
or an epidemic of the wrorst
Convict Labor*
The associated Press dispatches of
June 20th gives a very thrilling account
of the atrocities committed upon de
fqnseless colored convicts, in South Car
olina. These repeated occurences show
how fondly we are cared for by our
^southern friends. While it is true these
outrages aje not committed by the true
hearted southerner, yet it is within his
knowledge for no efforts seem to be made
by those in power to remedy the evil.
The heart of every man and woman
either North or South, who haszens,
any sympathy for humanity, ought to
revolt against such action, and the
masses should lister themselves and see
to it, that even though a man be com
mitted to a prison for crime he should
be treated as a human being, and not as
a brute. The prison bosses of to-day
are the same cruel overseers of slavery,
who stands more in need of the lash
and shot gun than those whom they in
flict it upon. It is hoped that the press
throughout the country will take up the
question of convict labor and agitate
it to such an extent that the Legislatures
in those states where it is carried on will
be compelled to repeal the law grant
ing it and give to the convict such pro
tection as a human being though a crim
inal deserves.
A Change.
As we are advancing in intelligence,
their seems to be a premeditated desire
on the part of our so called friends to
hamper our progress, for although there
was an institution of learning establish
ed by an act of Congress for the bene
fit of the Negro race it seems to be about
to pass to other hands. When it started
it had a full corps of colored teachers
transfered from Oberlin College, and
after the first senior class of the college
Department graduated, some 4 or 5 of
them were given positions as teachers,
and subsequent classes graduated from
their charge with credit, so it was in all
the several departments, but we were
progressing too fabl for our dough faced
friends in charge of the institution and
as fast as a change could be made after
Gen. O. O. Howard was removed from
the head of the University, Howard
University which started with 400
scholars enrolled, began to dwindle
down to what it is to-day, and
instead of learned, and capable colored
men imparting knowledge and enlight
enment to their more ignorant brothers
and sisterswhite men who have no
interest in the race other than the dol
lar, that they are enabled to make out
of them, are put in thexpositions of pro
fessors in the several departments, we
speak particularly of the recent elec
tion of the professor of Greek. Now
if they propose to continue Howard
University as a school of learning for
the colored race give us capable intel
ligent, honest, and earnest colored men
to control the affairs and infuse the
knowledge to be gained by attending
there, and you will find that its mem
bers will be increased, the interest in
the institution revived, and the colored
people will gladly herald the day when
they can proudly point to one of the
greatest institutions of learning, that
America can afford under the control of
the intelligence and cultivation of the
A Step Forward.
In another place you will find men
tioned, a notice calling upon the young
gentlemen and ladies of the race to meet
and form a literary society. Now this
is what is so much needed here in our
midst here WB are, enjoying the best
educational facilities that any state
affords for the enlightenment of its peo
ple, and we have been, and are remain
ing idle, doing nothing by which we may
advance in a literary way. Much inform
ation can be derived from such an
intercourse, and it is to be hoped that
every young man and woman who has
the advancement of the race at heart,
will attend this meeting and organize a
society, the effect'of which will be seen
and felt in this community. Let every
body turn out and encourage the pro
moters of this enterprise.
Why is it Thus?
How is it wrhen
In your last issue, under the captious
heading of "How they treat ministers,"
appeared an article reflecting in a dis
paraging manner upon Pilgrim Church.
AVhile it may be true that in a great
many things there could be much im
provement made in our church, in this
instance we must state that you certainly
have been mis-informed as to the facts.
The brother whom it is alleged was
treated so un-Christian like, wras
colored men of means
appear in papers published by white
men that they laugh and cheer at it no
matter what the charge might be, but as
soon as he is given to understand that he
is doing wrong, by a paper published by
one of his own race, he gets off the
handle. We will just say here, that we
are publishing this paper in the interest
of the people, and whatever is done by
them' we shall endeavor to treat all
questions affecting them, as we feel so in
clined. It is our aim to fight for the
establishment of morality in this com
munity, irrespective of races or party.
The Mayor has said that he is not in
favor of prize-fighting in any form, and
that he had stopped all such exhibitions
in Market Hall, and would do so in any
part of the city where his jurisdiction
reached. We say, good! Mr. Mayor, it
is an evil that is fast gaining a foothold
here, despite the fact that many of our
more peaceable and law-abiding citizens
disapprove of it. ^Perhaps some of our
contemporaries see the fallacy of the
steps they took in aiding the defeat of
the bill that was up before the legislature
last winter, relating to this very subject.
The growing evils of the city are of
such a nature, as requires all good citi
without regard to race or nation
ality, to seriously consider this question
it is an undeniable fact that the God of
Mammon has taken hold of the masses,
to such an extent, that they have lost
sight of all else but the warning has
come, and it is for you, as men having a
respect for your homes and families, to
awaken to the situation, and it is hoped
that the Mayor's efforts in this direction
will be supported by all, without regard
to party.
by a prominent sister of our church to
partake of the hospitality of her house,
until the evening service. "Render unto
Cresar his due."
John H. Hickman.
St. Paul, Minn., June 22, 1885.
We cheerfully give space to the above
correction, and express our pleasure
in so doing, for we had always thought
and believed the members of Pilgrim
Church to be a set of truly hospitable
people, and when the news came to us
we could not refrain from making the
remarks published in our last issue,
which I am glad were not correct.Ed.
Another one of our promising young
men has fallen victim to the Dem
ocratic ax. J. D. Kennedy Supt. of ware
houses at the Port of New Orleans, has
been identified with the politics of the
of Louisiana for some years and
has been the means of establishing the
fact that the young men of our race must
be allowed to come to the front, and we
hope the future has in store for him
something rich. It is hoped that the
young men of the state will so bind
themselves together, that their effort
will be felt and their demands heeded
in all the coming contests of the Lone
Star state.
The sentence to ten years imprison
ment and fine of $50Q of Chas. A.
Buddensiek, a New York builder, for
putting up a row of houses that, before
it wap finished, fell and killed Louis
Walters, a farmer, ought to have been
more severe, so as to serve as a warniug
to other builders who are putting up
houses with cheap material. It would
be well for the city authorities to visit
the old stone building down town, that
is propped up to keep it from falling, or
they may have a heavy damage to pay
for their negligence.
A Good Showing.
The National Council of the A. M. E.
Church commenced I at Columbus on
June 22, Ten districts were represent
ed, the Ministers present represent 40,000
communicants, 2,500 traveling preachers
and 2X),00 sabbath school children,
4,000 sabbath schools, mid 10 Colleges,
and 9S 000,000, or $10,000,000, worth of
property. The session will last during
the week. i
At Now York on Jiine 24th, Rev. Dr.
Samuel David Ferguson was consecrated
a, bishop of the Protestant Episcopal
Church. Presiding Bishop Lee of Del
aware, was consecrator, assisted by
Bishops Stevans of Penn. and Littlejohn
of Long Island. Bishop Ferguson is the
first colored member of the American
House of Bishops, he was born in
Charleston, S. C. 43 years ago, and em
igrated to Africa with his parents when
six years old. He was educated in that
country, and was ordained in 1865. He
goes to. Cape Palmas, and his official
title will be, "Missionary Bishop of Cape
Palmas and adjacent Parts."
The question whether women should
be admitted to practice law in the courts
of Oregon was recently considered by
the Supreme Court jof that state, and,
under the law as how existing there,
was answered in the negative. Similar
decisions have, within a few years, been
rendered in several other states. The
general rule, under state authority, is to
exclude women from the legal profes
sion, simply because they are women,
without any reference to their qualifica
tions, to practice law as a means of liveli
hood. Their sex has been deemed the
decisive objection. The result is that
the practice of law has been, and, with
comparatively few exceptions, still is,
the exclusive monopoly of the male sex
in this country. This monopoly, in the
absence of special statutes otherwise
regulating the subject, is based on the
common law of England, which has al
ways been stern and rigid in excluding
womc from the legal profession.
The Supreme Court of Illinois, some
years ago, refused to grant the applica
tion of Mrs. Myra Bradwell, the present
learned and able editor of the Chicago
Legal News, to practice law in the
courts of that state, basing the refusal
solely on the fact that the applicant was
a woman, and so construing the laws of
that state as to exclude women from the
bar. Mrs. Bradwell carried the case,
by writ of error, to1
the Supreme Court
of the United States, claiming that the
decision was in violation of her rights as
secured by the Eourteenth Amendment
to the Federal Constitution and, in
Bradwell v. The State. 16 Wall, 130, the
court passed judgement upon this speci
fic question. Mr. Justice Miller, in stat
ing the opinion of the court, took the
ground that the
i power of a state to
prescribe the qualifications for admis
sion to the bar of itjs own courts is unaf
fected by the Fourteenth Amendment,
and that the Supreme Court could not
inquire into the reasonableness or pro
priety of the rules it may prescribe. The
right to practice law in the courts of the
state is not, as he said, one of those
privileges or immunities of citizens of
the United States which the states, by
the amendment, are forbidden to ab
ridge and the question, as to state
courts, was by the Federal Constitution
left to be regulated by state authority.
The Sup'reme Court of the United
States having so interpreted its second
rule as to exclude women from the prac
tice of law in that court, Congress, by
the act of February 15th, 1S79 (20 U. S.
Stat, at Large, 292), provided that "any
woman who shall have been a member
of the bar of the highest co\art of any
state or territory, or of the Supreme
Court of the District of Columbia for the
space of three years, and shall have
maintained a good standing before such
court, and who shall be a person of good
moral character, shall, on motion and
the production of such record, be ad
mitted to practice before the Supreme
Court of the United States." The effect
of this statute is to place women on an
equal footing with! men in respect to the
right of practicing law before the su
preme tribunal of the land, and thus to
abolish all discrimination against the
former on the mese ground of sex. The
question of sex is wholly ignored, and
the right of women to practice before
that court made to depend on other and
different considerations,
And if this be good rule in respct to
the Supreme Court of the United States,
we confess ourselves unable to see why
the rule would J,iot be equally good in
respect to any other court whether State
or federal. It is (not at all probable that
many women wojild actually enter upon
the practice of law as a profession if all
had the right to do so. The number of
female lawyers would not be so great as
to involve any p'ossibls harm to human
society or to the general order of exist
ing arrangements in respect to family.
The qualifications, whether in the way
of acquirements or character for admi
ssion to the bar would undergo no
change it would still be at the option of
clients to select their own legal counsel,
and they would do so in the exercise of
their best judgment with reference to
their own interests. Competency and
ability in the profession would, as now,
be the rule of success. The best lawyers
whether men or women, would com
mand the largest business and reap the
largest profits. Society would go on and
the family would go on as they now do,
with no disturbance in the relations of
the sexes to each other, or in their
feelings toward each other. Women
would still be women with the distinctive
peculiarities which Nature assigns to
them, and the same would be true of men.
The idea that some great evil is to be
averted, or some great good is to be se
cured, by excluding women from the
legal profession, is in our judgment the
merest moonshine imaginable. To abol
ish the exclusion would be simply open
ing the profession to both sexes on equal
terms, and would thus destroy the mon
opoly now so generally possessed by the
male sex and if the latter cannot stand
such a competition, then this fact is a
good reason why the exclusion should
be abolished, and just as many women
as choose to do so, should, on equal
terms with man, have the opportunity
of trying the fortunes of life in
the practice of law. We do not
believe in the theory which says to any
women that she shall not be a lawyer,
or that she shall not be a physician, any
more than we do in the theory which
says to her that she shall not be a mer
chant. We can see no good and suffi
cient reason why Mrs. Bradwell should
not be permitted to practice law if she
wishes to do so and can stand the neces
sary examination as to her knowledge
of law and what is true in respect to
her is equally true in respect to every
woman. We would, in a word, break
down the monopoly of the male sex in
regard to the practice of law, giving to
both sexes an equal right, and then
leave things to take care of themselves
under natural forces. If female lawyers
should prove a failure, then let them
fail but if, on the other hand, they
should prove a success, wre
should have
no objections. We believe in giving
women a chance to try their powers in
this field so far as they wish to do so.
(N. Y. Independent.
Carry the radiance of your soul in
your face, let the world have the benefit
of it, let your cheerfulness be felt for
good wherever you are, and let your
smiles be scattered as sunbeams on the
unjust as well as the just. Such a dispo
sition will yield a just reward, for its
happy effects will come home to you and
brighten your moments of thought.
Cheerfulness clears the mind, gives tone
to thought, and adds grace and beauty to
the countenance.
Smiles are little things, cheap articles
to be fraught with many blessings both
to the giver and the receiver, pleasant
little ripples to watch as we stand on the
shore of everyday life they are higher
and better responses to the emotion of
the soul, let your children have the
benefit of them, those little ones who
need the sunshine of the heart to edu
cate them, and would find a level for
their buoyant nature in the cheerful
faces of those who need them let them
not be kept from the middle aged who
need the encouragement they bring
give your smiles also to the aged, they
come to them like the quiet rain of
summer, making fresh and verdant the
long and weary path of life, they look
for them from you, who are rejoicing in
the fullness of life.
The closing exercises of the graduating
class of the High School, held at the
Grand Opera House Wednesday eve.
June 24, was a grand affair. Thoughtful
essays and orations were delivered, that
reflect great credit on the participants.
A vast audience were present, the
building being filled from pit to gallery.
is the time for the colored citi
zens of this city and state to test the
Civil Rights Law, and see what virtue
there is in it, A colored gentleman and a
friend walked into Donnelly's saloon on
Wabaghaw Street on Thursday evening
and called for refreshments which was
refused them, now if ignorant contem
ptible saloon keepers are to be allowed
to insult respectable colored men simply
because they wish to purchase of them
the same as any other person, wTe
respectfully ask the law makers of this
state to erase the farce from the statute
books, and herald the news that Minne
sota, once the home of the free and
brave, is now the sheltering abode of the
weak-kneed nabob. Give us a full and
fair test of this law, Mr. Egan, and let
us see howr
much of it was meant, when
it was placed upon the statutes.
Terms 5 cents, per single copy.
$2.00 per year. Terms cash in Advance
The first number of the WESTREK AP
PEAL, came to us in a beautiful dress. It
is a six column folio, edited by Messrs.
Parker, Burgett, and Hardy. Mr. Fred
erick Douglass Parker, is an Ohio man
born in Cleveland. To the gentleman
editors we wish them all the success
their enterprise richly deserves, "come
early and stay late."
(Cleveland Globe.
The first number of the WESTERN
APPEAL was received this week, with
its patriotic sentiments.
(Washington Bee.
The WESTERN APPEAL is the latest
venture in the newspaper world. It is
published at St. Paul, Minn., and starts
out under fair circumstancesSilver and
gold have we none, but such as we have
we cheerfully extend our best wishes for
a long life and prosperity.
(American Baptist.
The WESTERN APPE\L. published at
St. Paul, Minn, by F. D. Parker, J. T.
Burgett and S. E. Hardy, is the latest
addition to colored journalism.
(New York Freeman.
Advertise in the APPEAL.
The ball given on Thursday evening June
25, by the Old Time Boys Club was an
enjoyable affair and was well attended.
A splendid supper was served by our
Avell known Caterer Samue 1 Black
We regret to announce the serious ill
ness of our young friend, Miss Mary
Godott, who was called home some time
ago to attend an imalid sister, and we
hope that she may speedily recover and
return to her many friends here, once
Persons desirous of buying a home
for themselves will do well by calling at
the office of the WESTERN APPE VL before
purchasing of any other agencyYou
can save money and will find it greatly
to your advantage to examine our list,
which is the most extensive of any cheap
property there is in the city. This prop
erty is sold to suit the convenience of
the richer, and there is no reason why
every colored man should not own a
home. AVe have two lots 40x100 feet in
Stinson, Brown & Ramsey's addition,
cheap small payments down, the balance
in monthly installments. Two corner
lots, 100x150 feet, in Summit Park Addi
tion, one in Ninninger & Donnelly's
Addition. Four beautiful modern built
houses within two blocks of St. Anthony
hill cars, all on easy terms, and a large
list of unimproved property. Call and
see for yourselves.
Third and Cedar sts.
Room 3, Lambert Block.
Real Estate,
A splendid opportunity offered to all
who desire to obtain homes for a little
money, four blocksfrom University Ave,
and one block from Western Ave. For
terms apply to,
Joseph J. Allen,
Ryan Exchange,
Lainda Cigar A Specialty.
C.W. BAPTIST, Prop.,
Fnr me.
Office, Cor. Third and Cedar Sts.

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