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m^^m^m-^mJm j^t^eatmmaimmim "*^'"^^^'yLyj^lu VOL. 1. Published every Saturday, by ^i#ii^g..i.^.W|lj^la(t||iiriMij1i WESTERN APPEAL. F. D. PARKER, J.T. BURGETT^ EDITORS. S. E. HARDY, BUSINESS MANAGER Entered at St. Paul Post-office as second class matter. TERMS. Three Months, 60 six 1 0 0 1 Year, 2.00 Payments for subcriptions must be made in advance. Advertising at reasonable rates. The Colored Press Association meets in Philadelphia, July 8. The management will not be responsi ble for the opinion expressed by any of its correspondents. Neither will they publish any matter to satisfy personal grievances. Mr. Andrew F. Hilyer our talented young citizen has passed his examina tion at the Washington Law school, and has been admitted to practice at the Dis trict court bar, success to you Andrew when you get tired of Washington life come home, we will welcome you, and assist in giving you a "boom" in your profession. We are pleased to mention the fact that we will have another colored mem ber of the high school next term, Miss Florence Frinch having passed a very creditable examination, will enter that department of learning as our represen tative and a worthy one we will have in her, for if diligence and aBsidious efforts will accomplish the end, we predict for her the highest honors of her class when they graduate. We might say a word here to encourage the rest of our children attending school. The aver ages attained by them all was very exceptionable as they passed their exam inations with credit and in a manner that speaks well for the young men and ladies of St. Paul. Kentucky Coming To The Front. On June 20, Judge R. H. Thompson of Louisville city court, of his own acour cord saw proper to create a temporary Judge of the city court, and called a colored lawyer N. R. Harper of that city to preside, this is the first instance of the kind ever occurring in the state of Kentucky, and we call on all persons to notice the fact that Kentucky at last is alive to the advancementof the negro and is disposed to give them a chance where they merit it. Hon. B. K. Bruce ex Register is still in Washington and will remain un till October, when he goes to his home in Mississippi, we hope to be returned to his former place in Congress. We have secured the services of Mr. M. W, Lewis as correspondent from Minneapolis, and our readers may look for something rich from his pen, he was formerly the Chicago correspondent for the Cleveland Gazett. Thomas Hanly the blacksmith who shot and killed his partner Thomas Ryan in this city about three years ago, was sentenced on Tuesday last at Minneapolis where he had taken a change of venue. In sentencing him, Judge Lochren said The court is ofthe opinion that because of the weakness of intellect ofthede fendent, though clearly short of insanity, the case is not one in which the penalty of death should be imposed. It is therefor considered and adjudged that you, Thomas Hanley, be punished for the crime of murder in the first degree, of which you have been convicted, by imprisonment at hard labor in the state prison at Stillwater during the remainder of the term of your natural life, with solitary confinement upon bread and water diet for and during the last three days of the months of February, May, August and December-of each year. If the authorities propose to adopt the course pursued two years ago of im posinga fine upon the women who keeps open houses, $100, or more each month as was done on Wednesday in the Po lice court, we ask you not to look over the women of our race that keep open house but bring them to the scratch the same as other women for like offenses, and if they cannot dance the music, then they must get. The Hotel Astoria closed its dining room to boarders on Wednesday, the Ryan seems to be doing the hotels up in great shape, "Anew broom sweeps clean, but it takes an old one to find the dirt," is an old but true saying. Subscribe for the WSSTEBN APPEAL. rfjg^g^- THE LIFE-LONG AIM OF Frederick Douglass. By Solomon G. Brown, Washington D. C. May 25 1885 (Original) Whenever, wherever he chances to speak, It is with an aim,it is always to seek, In eloquences of lofty flights, To say a word for human rights. For public rights, not social, is his plea, All else will follow as rivers to the sea, That through creation man should be, Unfettered to full equality. Free as the air which God has given, A fore-taste of the bliss of heaven None to own or claim his toil. But he allo^ ed to own the soil. That no distinction can be right, No poor no rich, no black, no white, Each his own choice must denote, And every woman have a vote. The right to live and choose his mate, Such as his own heart to have may state, That heart and head may all be free, To worship God in liberty. Suppose he's black, suppose he's white, Suppose he's brown, suppose he's light Suppose he's short, large foot and hand, Long hair or short, yet he's a man. Full forty years, or even more, All over this land, and foreign shore, His plea has been, and will ever be, To bless this land, all must be free. Socially kind, polite and free, Respectful, courteous, as one need be, His manly form, his pleasant face, His fame is known in every place. All hail to nature's noble son! Yes! Frederick Douglass is the one, Whose plea at home or foreign shore, Has filled the cup of freedom more. God grant that in the years allowed, His tongue of fire mav cry aloud, Until the blight of racial strife, May be rooted out by noble life. The Pioneer Press of June 30, informs its readers that the Civil Rights Bill passed by the republican Legislature last winter, was a farce. We know the Press is glad that a flawror loop-hole has been found, where it is made possible for all offenders of the law and insulters of colored men, (when exercising their rights as men and citizens) to escape punishment. Had the Press with true spirit of republicanism, when this bill was first proposed, taken the proper course in its criticism and showed where the faults were, without holding the measure up to ridicule, perhaps some of leading representatives, (who at election times can always know you and cause you to be treated as a man for the time being) would not have taken the bill and passed it from one to the other until it was passed out of existence, which compelled another one to be drawn, but not so severe in its nature as the first, and this is the result the first real case that comes up for trial or exam ination, it is declared of no force. Now this is the way the republicans have been treating us ever since we have ceased to have a champion in the halls of Congress. With Wendell Phillips, the last* of that school of great advocates, passed away, we have had none who dared to step out from the throng and say or advise wha$ should be done for our further benefit no, but like the Pioneer Press they, as the represen tatives of republicanism in this section, declare that we are doing well enough, and we are always wanting something. Yes, we are always wanting something, and will continue to call upon advocates of rights and liberty, until we get what we want and can care for ourselves, for we are now like a child that is beginning to walk, so long as you hold its hand its steps are rapid, but let go and you will find it is wavering and hesitating with uncertainty, encourage it and it will re gain confidence in itself and so go along without your aid, so it will be with us just aid us a little longer and you may be at liberty to let go your hold, but in the name of humanity don't hamper our progress with measures as bright as gold but as hollow as a gourd, and, to be frank, if" the republican party of this state, or any other party, expect the support of the Negro in the future, it must bring forward some measure that will benefit them and not do them more harm than good, as this contemptible act that is a disgrace to the statutes of any state claiming the record that this state claims for dealing squarely and rightfully with all men. Changed Hands. The Silver Moon Restaurant which opened a few week ago under the able management of Mr. Frank Webb has passed into the hands of our worthy townsman Mr. Fielding Combs Jr. The new proprietor will spare no pains to make it first class in every respect to satisfy the wants of his patrons, Mr. Combs is an old resident and a worthy citizen and we hope that he may receive the patronage that he so richly deserves. On Thursday evening July 2, about 25 members of Stevens' Lodge No. 113 A. F. and A, M. Banqueted at the Hostelry ,of one their fellow-members Mr. Field ing Combs Jr, at 878 Minnesota street. The boys' feasted plenty. ^JWWMflftiMWMftwMlui IIUI.V^.MEIIIMJ I iNii-iMuimiii, ^g,i ij .urumwi nS..,- ii,.L THE DAY WE CELEBRATE. The advent of the Fourth of July is evidenced by the profuse display of fire-works in our many store windows. The youth of the period, the promise of the nation's defenders of the future, are already aroused and up in arms for the fitting ceremonies of the day we cele brate. The demands of these paper and powder warriors must not be overlooked and come what will, the "Fourth" must be celebrated by them in true republican spirit, that the fires of patriotism kindled by their forefathers, may never die in their young hearts. The festivities of other occasions may be ignored and other pastimes be denied them, but never the privilege of powder-begrimed faces, burned fingers and scorched clothes, on this annual arrival of as im portant an epoch to young America, as was the day on which it was inaugurated to our forefathers. This year, although the authorities may be more strict in prohibiting the use of fire works in this city, it is formally conceded that the youngsters will be permitted to migrate to out of the way places, for the indul gence of their fun, while the more prudent, but not the less enthusiastic, of larger growth and years, will partake themselves to parks and suburban pleas ure grounds, to gratify his inveterate thirst for bombs, blazes, blue lights and explosions of all hues and magnitude, where elaborately constructed pieces representing many novel situations and combinations of the harmless explosives consisting of scenes from nature, mottoes and tableaux, many of which partake of a national and historic character. Thus will the day be spent by young and old, reviving the times that tried men's souls until, perhaps, midnight draws its cur tain, or thunder-storm scatters its fires in dismay. COLORED MEN ASSERTING THEMSELVES. DES MOINES, Iowa, June 30.The first political convention of colored voters ever held in this state has just been held in Mahaska county. The attendance was large. The session resulted in the nomination of John Priestly, a colored man, for represen tative. Representative colored men made speeches, and all claimed that they had been under the control of the Republican party long enough, and that unless the Republicans would adopt their canditate for repiesentathe they would bolt the straight Republican ticket, placing a straight colored ticket in the field this fall. The Republican cam paign in that county looks precarious. They have but 500 majority in this county, and cannot well spare the color ed voters, who number 1,200. The position taken by the colored voters of the state of Iowa is a correct one and asserts itself to the Republican party that taxation without representa tion is unfair and unjust, and it will be well for the leaders of the party in our own state to consider this question seriously, for they have ixromised several times to reward the negro voters of this city and state with something more than a janitor's position, and have broken faith each time. Now gentlemen, be as true to your black allies as they have been to you, and Minnesota will continue to be the Banner state of the Northwest. If you fail to do something for us, then the result must not be charged to our unfaithfulness, but to your own neglect and indifference of how the 2,000 negro votes are cast. Doubtless many who visited the New Orleans Exposition this past winter will call to mind a very remarkable and handsome picture of work in the color ed Department, the Toussaint L'Over ture sofa which won much praise from the thousands that visit the Exposition, the lady that done this remarkable work, Mrs. Sarah Shimm, we regret to announce, past away after a brief illness at her home in Washington and a host of friends mourn her loss. The family have our sympathy in their bere avement. The injustice practised by monopolies toward the laboring man is making itself felt all over this western country, at this time, and the laboring man has stood the imposition until patience has ceased to be a virtue. While we do not advo cate strikes or any kind of labor strife, because more harm generally results in place of the good that is intended, but aristocratic nabobs muBt be given to understand that laborers have rights that are to be respected, and wants that must be met. The Masons are making very exten sive preparations for the meeting of the Grand Lodge, here on July 16,the parade and reception will take place during the week at college Hall, and a fine affair i&anticipated. It is hoped that all citizens will assist in making this meeting a grand succeaa. Mi-". i Jim ,,ii^falMl.H Mt ST. PAUL MINN. SATURDAY J^LY 4, 1885. NO. 5. OUR CORRESPONDENTS. Washington D, Cj June 23 EDITOR^F WEsrEKN APPEAL. SIRS: Permit me to congratulate you on your new venture, yottr worthy sheet has thus far presented a bold front and comments itself to the patronage and high appreciation of all lovers of pro gress. While the west and northwest do not stand! in need of the reformations so essential to i proper government at the soutflf, yet your efforts, appealing to the bette| sense of the people of the north to Aee that in no portion of our common4eountry shall the rights of Am erican citizens be nullified or abridged, may do much to bring about that reci procity of brothej-ly feeling at the south and other parts 01 our country, so essen tial to proper social and political organ ization. Your effort is a mark of high appreciation of the duties which devolve on you as citizens and as colored men. The norih must be aroused to a sense of its duty^toward the humiliated, disfran chised, though taersistent, progressive and hopeful Negro, and the louder and clearer vou sound the tocsin, the sooner will liberty-lovikig people be aroused and the better Will it be for the race. Keep up your gallant fight. Let your banners always hang on the outer wall and by persistent and inteligent agita tion and by healtjhful cooperation we will reach the high Mace of civil, political, educational and material equality. GEO. H. RICHARDSON. Our Minneapolis Correspondent. MR. EDITORSIR Minneapolis has a colored population of some eight or nine hundred, many of whom have homes of their own and are in comfortable circumstances several are said to be worth from five to fifteen thousand dollars. We have no beggars and but few laisy people among us, and we are informed of but two being cared for by the county, while we pay into the treasury something in the thousands. We have two churches, Methodist and Baptist, and both paid for, two Sabbath Schools, two lodges, Good Templar and Masonic, a cornet band, a number of first-class barber shops, several dress makers, two hair-dressers several laun dries, two boarding houses, and one saloon, each of which contribute to this great northwestern metropolis. Our A. M. E. church is presided over by Rev. C. W. ^ewton, the Baptist by Rev. A. Brown. Both report encourag ing work in t'bieir respective fields of labor. We have two Sabbath Schools, one under the supervision of Rev. Newton, the other, a mission, under Mr. J, L. Neal. It is named in honor of its founder, Neal Union Sabbath School. The two united Thursday in giving a picnic at Lak3 Harriet, where all le turned from the woods happy over their day by the lakes and their unity. Rev. C. W. Newton leaves us August the 3rd for the conference which con venes at Chicago. The Elder is Bishop Brown's secreiary. He leaves this com munity with the best wishes of all who know him, and doubtless a petition will follow to call 1dm here again, where he has done such noble work the interest of the church, and the cause he repre sents. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Oliver of Chicago have taken up their abode with us, and opened a first-class lodging house at 427 and 429 Hennepin avenue. Mr. F. L. Anderson, of St. Louis, Mo., our only representative in the high school, passed a very creditable examin ation^ next year he graduates, and will take up the udy of some profession. The stand taken by the APPEAL against vice and immorality, meets the hearty concurrence pf your many readers here, and it is to be hoped that its columns will continue to cry out against the wrong, not only political but moral. Our police officer, Mr. G. Brady, is said to be one of the most efficient in the service. Somebody says a St Paul lady, well known in tie society world, is soon to take up he]' abode in a well furnished house here, as her future husband's business, wiich is a splendid one,, is here. I [Dr. J. E. Henderson, who has been in our city the past two weeks, the guest of our geniat Will Turner* leaves us in a few dajjs for an extended tour in the north and west. The Doctor is a grad uate of on of the best medical schools in Chicago, where he has been prac tising for the last two years, and meeting with much success by hard struggles, Dr. Hendeison has now a place second to but few of his race in the profesion. He secured the second prize in a class of thirty. He is a frequent contributor to medical journals, being, too, the only colored physician in fhe northwest who is a member of the "Medical Association of Chicago jmd the Northwest. LEO. Secure office. our help from the APPEAL V5 WORTH WHILE/ Whatever Is Worth Doing at All, & Worth Doing Well. Prince Albert Victor, the prospective heir to the throne of England, made his maiden speech the other day to an as sembly of lads of his own age. "What ever is worth doing at all is worth doing accurately," he said* "whether you sharpen your pencil or black your boots, do it thoroughly and well." A young lad who was a pupil at Rugby school was noted for his bad penman ship. When his teachers remonstrated, he replied: "Many men of genius have written worse scrawls than I do. It is not worth while to worry about so tri vial a fault," Ten years later this lad was an officer in the English army, doing service in the Crimean war. An order, he copied for transmission was so illegi ble that it was given incorrectly to the troops, and the lesult was the loss of a great many brave men. A few years ago the keeper of a life saving station on the Atlantic coast found that his supply of powder had given out. The nearest village was two or three miles distant, and the weather was inclement. He concluded that as it "was not worth while to go so far expres sly for such a trifle," he would wait for a few days before sending for a supply. That night a vessel was wrecked within sight of the station. A line could have been given to the crew if he had been able to use the mortar, but he had no powder. He saw the di owning men perish one by one in sight, knowing that he alone was to blame. A few days af terward he was dismissed from the ser vice" The experience of every man will sug gest similar instances that confirm the truth of the young Prince's advice to the lads of his own age. Whatever is right to do should be done with our best care, strength and faith fulness of purpose. We have no scales by wtoch we can weigh our duties or determine their relative importance in God's eyes. That which seems a trifle to us may be the secret spring which shall move fhe issues of life and death. (Youth's Companion. A POLITICIAN'S SUICIDE. NEW ORLE VN, June 30.A. J. Dumont. late naval officer of this port and chair man of the Republican state central committee, blew his brains out to-day at his home at Algiers. Family trouble is said to have been the cause. He was forty-one years old. After his term as naval officer expired. Some months ago he went to Central America, and had but recently returned. He has fre quently complained of heart disease and threatened to kill himself. He returned yesterday from a visit to his father-in law in Point Coupe parish, and to-day again threatened to kill himself. His wife took his pistol and locked it up in a chest. Dumont forcibly took the key to the chest from her, obtained the pistol, and while she was endeavoring to take it from him, stuck the muzzle of the weapon into his mouth and fired with almost instantaneous fatal effect. He leaves a wife and two children. Domes tic infelicity, it is said, caused the act. Dumont's father alBo committed suicide. He was a member of Maximilian's army in Mexico, He has been chairman of the Republican state central committee since 1874, and a member of the last two national Republican conventions. (Pioneer Press. The above speaks for itself and is much deplored as Mr. Dumont was one of the most cultivated gentleman in the south and was a staunch advocate of Republican principals, his death will be a loss to the party in his own state and the young men have lost an earnest ad viser and hearty worker for their rights.Ed. The Iiast of Earth. The funeral services held on Tuesday last over the remains of Lt. Col. W. P. Gentry of the 25 U. S, Inf'y. who Died at Fort Snelling June 28, was solemn and impresive scene. The services were held at the Post School House the Rev. M. N. Gilbert of this city officiat ing. Four Companies of the 25, U. S. Infy. constituted the escort. The Casket contaning the remains borne by six Non-commissioned officers followed by the Paul bearers (consisting of the officers of the Department and the Loyal Millitary legion of this state fol lowed Jiy the escort took up their line of march to the silent city of the dead) which is not far distant when the last sad rite was performed according to the usual Millitary custom. Subscribe for the APPEAL, give it to your friends so that they can read it and subscribe for it. Read our list of adver tisements. Terms 5 cents per single copy. $2.00 per year. Terms cash in Advance. COMMENTS OF THE PRESS. The first number of the WESTREN AP PEAL, came to us in a beautiful dress. It is a six column folio, edited by Messrs. Parker, Burgett, and Hardy. Mr. Fred erick Douglass Parker, is an Ohio man born in Cleveland. To the gentleman editors we wish them all the success their enterprise richly deserves, "come early and stay late." (Cleveland Globe. The first number of the WESTERX APPEAL was received this week, with its patriotic sentiments. (Washington Bee. The WESTERS APPEAL is the latest venture in the newspaper world. It is published at St. Paul, Minn., and starts out under fair circumstancesSilver and gold have we none, but such as we have we cheerfully extend our best wishes for along life and prosperity. (American Baptist. The WESTERN APPE\L. published at St. Paul, Minn, by F. D. Parker, J. T. Burgett and S. E. Hardy, is the latest addition to colored journalism. (New York Freeman. From all parts of the country we hear the glad tidings of the birth of colored journalistic enlerprises. This time we are glad to hail the advent of the "WESTERN APPEAL," published at St. Paul, Minnesota, and edited by Messrs. F. D. Parker and J. T. Burgett. We extend the right hand of fellowship to our youthful contemporary, and wish it a hearty "God speed." The "WESTERN APPEAL" is a good name and chimes in well with the Advocate. May they walk hand and hand to the betterment of our race and the credit of Negro Journalism. (Washington Advocate. Advertise in the APPE\L. NOW IS THE TIME TO GET A HOME CHEAP. Persons desirous of buying a home for themselves will do well by calling at the office of the WESTERN APPEAL before purchasing of any other agencyYou can save^ money and ^ill find it greatly to your advantage to examine our list, which is the most extensive of any cheap property there is in the city. This prop eityissold to suit the convenience of the licher, and there is no reason why every colored man should not own a home. We have two lots 40x100 feet in Stinson, Brown & Ramsey's addition, cheap small payments down, the balance in monthly installments. Two corner lots, 100x150 feet, in Summit Park Addi tion, one in Ninninger & Donnelly's Addition. Four beautiful modern built houses within two blocks of St. Anthony hill cars, all on easy terms, and a large list of unimproved property. Call and see for yourselves. WESTERN APPEAL OFFICE, Third and Cedar sts. Room 3, Lambert Block. Heal Estate, COOD fcOTS FOR SALE CHEAP, ON BLAIR STREET A splendid opportunity offered to all who desire to obtain homes for a little money, four blocksfrom University Ave, and one block from Western Ave. For terms apply to, Joseph J. Allen, ROOM 28, UNION BLOCK. Ryan Exchange, FINE WINES LIQUORS AND CI6ARS, Lainda Cigar A Specialty. C.W. BAPTIST, Prop., 415 ROBERT STREET. Subscribe Fnr lire* Offi, Cor. Third and Cedar Sts. If