Newspaper Page Text
2 FKW GWDSITI MILLER & SWISSHELM, W E S O O 3 HOgoods, AVE just received a large assortment of among which are the following: ALL KINDS OF MOLASSES, SUGARS, COFFEE AND TEA, 2 0 COOKING STOVES, NAILS, GLASS, OILS, WHITE LEAD, FLOUR, GRAIN, CORN MEAL, VINEGAR, DRIED APPLES & PEACHES, TOBACCO, POWDER, SHOT AND LEAD. ALSO, HAMS, SIDE BACON, SHOULDERS, PORK, DRIED. BEEF, CHEESE, BUTTER, LARD, BEANS, RICE, &c, &c. AL30, HALF BUSHEL MEASURES, WOODEN BUCKETS, STONE WARE CHURNS, MILK PANS, JUGS, &c, The entire assortment is for sale very low, for CASH, or will be exchanged on reasonable terms for PRODUCE, HIDES, MARKETING, &o., &c. Give r.s a call. Miy 20,1858. ^W^2STTE3D. IDES, FURS, GRAIN, POTATOES, BUT TER, EGGS, LAND WARRANTS, STATE SCRIP, &c, &c. MILLER & SWISSHELM. May 20. 1858. CLEAR TH E TRACK! E A S A E O I N "AT7 E have just opened a large and fresh r.s sortment of GR 0 CERIES, HA COX,' PORK, FL 0 PR, FEED, GRAIN, NAILS, COOKING STOVES, WINDOW GLASS, &C, &.C.. &.C. Which will be disposed of very low for cash or Country produce, at our new store, tit the iower steamboat landing. May 13. '58. MILLER & SWISSHELM Forwarding and Commission. E respectfully solicit the consignment of Goods and Merchandize, either for store age or for sale upon commission, at our new store and warehouse, lower steamboat landing. May 13, '58 MILLER & SWISSHELM. J. W. METZROTH, MERCHANT TAILOR, DEALER in Clothing, Cloths. Cassimeres, Vestings and Gentlemen's Furnishing good s, to the inspection of which he invites his friends and the public. F. TALCOTT, WATCHMAKER AMD JEWELER, Corner First Avenue & Welles St., LOWER SAINT CLOUD. TAEALER in Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, XJ Spoons, Spectacles, Gold Pens, Silver Thimbles, &c, &c, of tine quality, which he •will sell as low as any of like quality can be •bought this side of Chicago. Call and see. Witches, Clocks, Jewelry, &c'., repaired in good and satisfactory manner, and on reasona bl terms. STEARNS' HOUSE. I S new and beautiful Hotel is situated upon the bluff just above the Lower Ferry in ice town of St. Cloud, commanding one of ihe most beautiful views on the Mississippi river. The Proprietor assures all who may tisit this place that his table shall contain every bounty and luxury which can be obtained both at home and abroad. It is his intention to keep the above hot*i as a. first class one iu every res pect. SPECIAL NOTICE. THE ECLECTIC COLLEGE OF MEDICINE I N I N N A I O I O f\Mi E Spring Session of 185S will commence Monday the 8th of February, and conti nue ixteen weeks. A full and thorough course of le :turea will ba given, occupying six or se Ten hours daily, with good opportunities for atter tiou to practical Anatomy, and with am ple linical facilities at the Commercial Hospi tal. TI arrangements of the chairs will be as folio re:— T. E. St. JOHN, M. D., rofessor of Anatomy and Physiology. J. F. JUDGE, M. D., rofessor of Chemistry and Pharmacy. A. J. HOWE, M. D., Professor of Surgery. C. II. CLEVELAND. M. D., rof ssor of Materia Medica and Therapeutics. WM. SHERWOOD. M. D., Prof BHor of Medical Practice and Pathology. J. R. BUCHANAN, M. D„ Erne itus^Professor of Cerebral Physiology and Institutes of Medicine. JOHN KING, M. D., Prof *sor of Obstetrics and diseases of "Women and Children. fpt 9 terms for the Session will be the same .. ^tofore, viz. .-—Matriculation, $5,000.— n» $20,00. Demonstrator's Tickct,$2,00 Te Student is required to engage in dissec tion ne Session before graduation. Gradua tion, $20,00. Ticket to Commercial Hospital. •{optit al) $5,00. Thi lecture rooms are newly finished, neat and mfortable, and in a central locality,, (in Hall, Walnut Street,) where Students will 5 ad it convenient to call on their arrival. Tic ets for the Session may be obtained oi the %n of the Faculty, at his office, No 113, Smith Street, or of Prof. C. H. Cleveland, Secret -y of the Faculty, No. 139, Seventh Street, near Elm. JOHN KINO, M. D., Deaii. B. THOMPSON, WATCH-MAKER AND JEWELER, Main Street, Upaer Town, S A.lsTTI3:02Sr2",^C.T. W.ATCHESshortest Cloeks and Jewelry repaired on the notice. All work war Anted, and entire satisfaction guarant eed. ST. CLOUD, Oct 18 '58 Broke into my enclosure about the 10th of Oct., two pigs. The owner is requested to prove property, pay charges and take them 9-way. HDZR/TTO- S O E S* MARLATTa oara DEALER IN DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS 4f Corner First and Jefferson Streets, LOWER SAINT CLOUD. A.7 OULD respectfully inform his friends and the public generally that he has just re ceived and opened for their inspection, a full assortment of the above. ^Families desirous of procuring a pure article of medicine, or wishing their prescriptions fill ed with care and accuracy, will give him a call. Bringing with him an experience of eight years, and having acquired a thorough knowledge of medicine previous to his engagement in the bu siness, lie feels confident that lie can give satis faction to all. The Profession are invited to call they will find his stock to consist of all medicines in ge neral use. Prescriptions carefully compounded at all hours of the day or night. A.VERS Cherry Pectoral for sale at MARLATT'S DRUG STORE. TELLS' celebrated medicines for sale at MARLATT'S DRUG STORK. '7 ENNEDY'S new Discovery for sale at MARLATT'S DRUG STORE. ERCIIANT'S Gargling Oil for sale at MARLATT'S DRUG STORE. ARTIN'3 Concentrated Extract of Jamaca i.VL Ginger for sale at. MARLATT'S DRUG STORE. 1RAFFENBURG Medicines constantly on hand at MARLATT'S DRUG STORE. RAYMOND, OWEN, & Co., MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN SASiHi.DCCRS&OLINDS, Lower St. Cloud Minnesota. DOORd and Window Frames constantly on han and made to order, also, Planeing, Sawing and Turning of all kinds done on short notice. J. II. RAYMOND. J. II. OWEN. T:. A. SMITH. J. V. I I E CARPENTER, QTORE Doors, Circular or Gothic Head Sash, Blinds and Frames, or any other desired pattern, made to order on short uotice. Kiln dried lumber constantly on hand. N. 13. Doors and Sash for sale at my manu factory, on First street, near the Stearns House. M. P. NOEL, County Surveyor Civil Engineer, JOULD-respectfully'inforni the citizens of St. Cloud and the public generally, that he will promptly and faithfully attend to all business entrusted to his care. JgSsP"" Office near his residence on Third Ave nue, Lower St.. Cloud. E A S S HAFarming S. D. HYKE. O O I J. EBIERS0N, PROPRIETOR, rjMIE above house ha* been refitted and refur j_ nished and the amplest accomodations have been constructed for the reception of visitors the proprietor pledges himself to spare no ex pense to render his visitors comfortable. has been erected, CO by 35 feet, which can ac commodate 27 Horses and 18 Oxen, and there will always be a plentiful supply of feed on hand, and careful Ostlers. N E W S O E ILTIE-W O O S O W I E S Snni St. Cloud, Stearns Co., EI. Te lUpper E subscriber would respectfully announc^ to the citizens of St. Cloud and vicinity, that he has established himself in the Dry Goods business, in the building formerly occu pied by L. A. Evans, (and directly opposite Prcctor & Clarke's Hardware Store,) where he has just opened las large and well selected stock of Jewelry, Bonnets, Fancy Silk, Dry C4oods3 and Ready-mads Clothing. Of every description, and of the very best quality, which he is now offering for sale on the most reasonable terms. His entire stock was purchased in New York, at such prices, I that he flatters himself cannot be undersold by any other establishment of the kind on the Up per Mississippi. He hopes by diligence and attention to business, and having for his motto, Quick Sales and Small Profits," to merit, a share of public patronage. All per sons in want of anything in his line will do well to give him a call and examine his stock before purchasing elsewhere, as he can sell as cheap as the St. Paul merchants. F. M0NT4. GEORGE F. BROTT, DEALER IN REAL ESTATE. S constantly on hand a large quantity oi and Timber Land also, town property in St. Anthony, Minneapolis, St. Cloud, Shakopee, Brottsburg, Syracuse, New burg, St. Marys and Mille Lac. lt T. JONES, A S I First Street, near the Saw Mill. WOULs respectfully announce to the citi zen of St. Cloud and vicinity, that lie has opened a Blacksmith shop, at the above place, where he is prepared to do all kinds of wo-rk in his line, and hopes to merit a share of r\heir patronage. BUILDING. THforming E undersigned takes this method of in those who may hava houses to build mills to frame, or carpentry and joinery, in any or all of its branches, that he is prepar ed tr take contracts, and do all kinds of work in this line, on the most reasonable terms and in a good, workmanlike manner. A. E. HUSSEY. WM. J. PARSONS, COUNSELLOR AT LAW MTNNEAPOIJS.Min. STEPHEN SUITER. HENRY SWISSHELM. MILLER & SWISSHELM, DEALERS IN REAL ESTATE, Water Street, Lower Town, St. Cloud. C. C. ANDREWS, COUNSELLOR AT LAW, SAINT CLOUD MINNESOTA. E S LJ^W OFFICE, River Street, near the Stearns House. HENRY G. KT.LBOURNE, Deputy Sheriff and Notary Public. Jlhh attend to Collo'iion of Debts and Payment of Taxes Land. Invest ments made for Capitalists. TwPlUy-nve per cent, per annum guarranteed. T. H. BARRETT^ Oivil Engineer and Surveyor,'. {rgpOffice on First Street, Lower St. Cloud. Maps of all surveyed lands, and plats of all the leading towns of Northern Minnesota, can be had at all times at my office. STORE. C. F. & W. FOWELL, E FA YE received at the St. Cloud Hardware j_ Store, a complete assortment of Shelf and Heav Hardware, Locks, Latches, Bolts, Butts, and Screws, Carpenters and Farming Tools, Planes, Saws, Axes. Hatchets and Hammers, Shovels and Spades, Hoes Mattocks, Nails, Glass and Putty, STOVES AND WARE, We have now the best variety of Stoves ever brought into the Upper Country, among which arc the famous Charter Oak, Diamond Rock, Shanghai, Wisconsin. Morning Star, Forest Green, and Arctic Air Tight. Our facilities for doing all kinds of work in the Tin, Sheet Iron, and Copper Department, are complete, —to which branch of the busi ness we call particular attention. ££'S£**=-_ CHEAP CASH STORE 11 River St., Lower Town, St, Cloud. E subscriber keeps constantly on hand a 1_ large and well selected assortment of Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Lady's and Misses' Bonnets and Hats, every variety of Glass Ware, Clocks, Looking Glasses, Violins, Brushes, Tobacco, Cigars, Yankee Notions, &.c„ inc., kc 11. Z. MITCHELL. CHAKCE FOR ALL OUT OF EMPLOY MENT, secured by the smallest investment ever before offered. Full particulars will be sent immediately upon receipt of your address and post stamp. This is no catch-penny affair, like many which have been offered Bast, but sterling va lue and of practical utility. Address, METROPt)LIT.\N AGENCT, •5a Ypsilanti. Mich. 0. W. CTETISS. H. C. 1ESTEK. CURTISS & LESTER, DEALERS IN REAL ESTATE, Winona, Minnesota. TTAVE for sale Prairie, Timber, and Bottom Lands, in Southern Minnesota. Lots in St. Cloud, Winona, Minneiska, Wazeca, Carolia, Altona, &o, &c. Guarantee 25 per cent, en monies invested with them. Negotiate loans on farm securities. &c. STEPHEN MILLER. HENRY SWISSHELM E A E S A E AGENCY, ST. CLOUD, MINNESOTA. TPIIE undersigned offer their services to loan money upon best real estate security and to purchase and sell property cither real or personal, for a reasonable commission. They have now for sale, at low prices: 20 quarter sections of good land. 50 lots, (some improved,) in St. Clou.d 20 in Nining^r addition to St. Paul. 20 in Niuinger ciiy, 10 in Mound cifv, Illinois. MILLER & SWISSHELM. St. Cloud, May 13, 1858. JAMES F. KENNEDY, a on a a SOLICITSf the patronage of all persons need the services of a practical Mas will give universal satisfaction his diaries are as reasonable for work as it can be done by any one. SCHOOL DISTRICT. "VTOTICE is hereby given that the Commis _1\| sioncra of Stearns County, M. T., at their last session, established School District number three in said connty, with the following boun daries, to wit:^ The fractions of sections 12, 13 and 24, and sections 14 and 23 in townhips 124, north of range 28 west. E C. S I and Plasterer. His long experience in the them the responsibility of saying what n-oI above branches of trade assures him that he I shall bo made of the fnud they arc require, to JOSEPH EDELBROOK, Clerk of Hoard of County Commissioners. TH COLLEG JOURNA OF MEDICAL SCIENCE A.EMonthlyEMagazinoLoThe 48 pages, conducted by the Faculty Eclectic College oi Mediciue, is published at One Dollar a Year, payable in advance. The volume of the Jour nal commences with the year. Communications for subscription or for specimen numbers, should be directed to ,Vf Dr. C. H, CLEVELAND, Publisher, 139, Seventh Street, Cincinnati, 0 ST. ANTHONY BOOK STORE J". S E I A a WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN BOOKS, STATIONARY, WALL TAPER, FISHING TACKLE, POCKET CUTLERY, FANCY ARTICLES, TOYS, &c. OPPOSITE THE FALLS, ST. ANTHONY, MINNESOTA June, 10, 1858 vollnol3,ly DEALER IN BOOTS, SHOES, A N CLOTHING, E tion AS lor sale a large assortment of Booth and Shoes of the very best quality. Custom Boots Constantly on Hand. All kinds of custom work done to order :i the best manner. A good assortment of Ready made Clothing for sale cheap. Just received a good assortment of SPRING & SUMMER HATS. Persons in want of any of the above named goods cannot find them cheaper elsewhere. THE PRE-EMPTION LAW 1. The settler must never before have had the benefit of pre-emption under the act. 2. He must not, at the time of making the pre-emption, be the owner of 320 acres of land in any State or Territory of the United States. 8. He must settle on and improve the land, in good faith, for his own exclusive use and *»enefit, and not with the intention of selling it on speculation and must not make, directly or inuV^Cctly, any contract or agreement, iu any way o?* manner, with any person or per sons, by which the title which he may acquire of the United ,'^tatcs should enure, in whole or in part, to the benefit of any person except himself. i. lie must be twen.y-o'ne years of age and a citizen of the United States or if a for eigner, he must have declaieu his intention to become a citizen, before the proper author ity, and receive a certificate to thb't t.^'ecC md make it be an inha E S I exclusive bomt: a.nci tho .IL at the time of making applications for pre-emption. (Un- t?»£ sheriff of the sail county of Stearns, to til lately a single man might board with his nearest neighbor, but (lie same is now required of a single as a married man, except that if the settler is married, his family must, also live in the house.) 0. The law requires that more or less im provement be made on lie land, such as break ing, fencing, &e. but pre-emptions aie grou ted where a half-acre is broken and cuclcsed. 7. It is necessary that no other per: ••n. en titled to pre-emption, reside upon the land at the same time. '.'. No one is permitted to remove from his own land, and make pree-mption iu the same state or territory. 5'. The settler is required to bring with him to the Land Office a written or printed appli cation, setting forth the facts to his case of the 1st, :.'d and 3d requirements here mentioned, with a certificate appended, to be signed the register and receiver, and make affidavit to the same. 10. He is also required to bring with him respectable witness of his acquaintance, who is knowing to the fact of his settlement, th make affidavit to the -1th, Oth, Gth, 7th and £te acquirements here mentioned, with the same set forth on paper, with a corresponding blank certificate attached, to be signed by the land ofli. 11. The pre-empter, if a foreigner, must bring with him to the land ofdee, duplicates various departments of his naturalization papers, duly signed by ment and before Congress the official from whom they were received. particular attention to Claims before the A minor who is the head of a family, or a (Jeneral Land Office, arisintf under the widow, may also pre-empt, their families beiiifrr I ~-o^««* i„r.c..: *, ,, ,' swam land and. graduation taws pre requiredt. live o"- the landi. °"u*"#tp no -t The settler i8 required to hie a written de-1 e.upturn acts of September 4, IM1 Aug- claratory statement of the intention to pre-j us 2G, 1842 March, T,he,fec re "i 5 re ter. for fining a declaratory statement, is one I J? jRj O S J? ±il O TJ S THE ST. CLOUI) DEMOCRAT Tni ST. CLOUD VISITER will not be fhe or- gan of any party or sect, but the members of any can be heard through i's columns in any article of suitable length and sufficient literary merit. The first page will contain tales, poe* try, anecdotes &c und western readers will always find a summary of news gleaned from Eastern exchanges, while a large space will be devoted to giving Eastern readers correct information about the great North-West. In this department we expect the assistance of several huudred local reporters, farmers and their wives, Red River traders, lumbermen, land agents, surveyors, hunters &c, men and women who dwell in the land, walk up andriodicals, down and go to and fro in it but wc will use all possible dilligence in making personal observations and not mislead our readers by false or exaggerated reporfs. On all moral andpolitical questions the Vis I iter, will aim to deal fairly by those who dif- I if it it but the editorial department will' oi the editor 1st. The Divine law is th Supremewillf all lands created by its author. 2d. All men are created free and equal in their right to life, liberty and the pursut of happiness. od. The Bible, and fhe Constitution of the United States are anti-slavery and human chattlcdom is unconstitutional in any associa tion professing to ret eive either ar- fundamen tal laws. 4th. Paying taxes is as unwomanly, as vo-! ting and is a privilig which should be exclu in I sive'.y confined to "wite male citizens, of this ason and other countrie," until women share with contribute to the public treasnry. TERMS Single copies $2,00 per annum: 2 copies $3,00 5 copies for $7,00 10 copies for $12,00 20 copies for $20, all strictly in ad vance, and no papers sent after the time ex pires for which it has been paid. Single cop es Sets. Letters on business to be directed ithe publisher. JANK G. SWJ8HKLM Editor. BEEDE & MENDENHALL, A N E S NORTH-WESTERN LAMD & COLLECTING AGENTS, I N N E A O I S N. N. SMITH, a in a E a Office on River Street, opposite the Ferry, S A I N O ALTown persons desiring to invest in Lands or Property in a part of the country which is unsurpassed in soil, und rapidly filling with bona fide settlers, can find favorable op portunities by applying to the undersigned. O A E S A E W E E E A S default has been made in the condition of the payment of a certain mortgage executed and delivered by I). W. C. Dunwell and Mary Dunwell, his wife, of Dakota county, in the State of Minnesota, and William E. Hartshorn and Sarah M. Hartshorn, ins wife, una William Colter, of Ramsey county. State aforesaid, to II. M. Gorin, of the State of Missouri, which mortgage is upon the lands hereinafter descri bed, and was tfiveii to secure the payment of the sum of $5,947 88-100, with interest, on or before the first day of January, A. D. 1T8, and which mortgage boars date the eleventh day of November, A. D. 1857, and was duly recorded in the office of Register of Deeds of Stearns^ouaty, Minnesota, on the 18th day of November, A. D.. 1857, at 7 o'clock P. M., in book A of mortgages, on pages 227, 228, 220 and 280, and the sum of$17,590 89-100 is'now due at the date of this notice upon said mort gage, and no suit nor proceedings have been instituted or had at law or otherwise, to recover the debt secured by said mortgage, nor any part hereof— Now therefore by virtue of a power of sa'.e contained in said mortgage and of the statute in such case made and provided, notice is hereby given, that the lands and premises lying in the county of Stearns, in the State of Minnesota, v.vd described in said mortgage, as follows, to wit: The equal, undivided one-half of lots num bered one [1], two [2], nine [9] and ten [10], in block numbered D, and of the hotel and furniture thereon, in the town of St. Cloud, according to the plot and survey of said town, as surveyed by John L. Wilson, and on record in the office of the Register of Deeds of said county of Stearns aforesaid, and in the county of Denton, together with all and singular the furniture, tenements and hereditaments there unto belonging, will be sold at public sale by he *ughest bidder, for cash, to satisfy and a if'-- amount now due upon said principal Interest, secured by said mortgage afovv. id, ,*ud the cost and expenses of sale ai'.iweJ by lav/ at. the front door of the fc .".-, ,. Ju.uso. in said county of Stearns, on Monday, the 1'lMi day of December, A. D. lc J'', ten o'clock, A. M. of that dd\ Dated October •!. 158 K. M. GORIN, Mortgagee. VAS ETTHX a OEVICKR, Attffineysfor Mortgagee. oet 21-lawtf. i\i. liiuilxuUiS, A TTOKNEY AND CO I 'N8ELL OR A LA W, N o. 1'.! 4£ STRLET, Washington City, D. C—will at- attend, with business entrusted to him in the courts of law and equity within the Pistricl of Col umbia, and before the Court Claims,and the Supremo Court of the United .States, and to the prosecution of claims before the 01 o}n-.! 1 140 th'e municipal uct oi mail contractor? act of and under all other laws, L'd. i'or granting a pre-emption the register NOTICE OF CO PARTNERSHIP. and receiver can receive fifty cents. rphe undersigned harye this day purchase I 'he entire stock and interest of Messrs Property for sale in the towns of Hartford St Cloud, Newburg. Brottsburg, Millc Lac and the Publishers, all the best paying towns in this part of the I LEONARD SCOTT & CO., country. V.N.SMITH, V... «4 Gold st.. New York. Dunwell & Hartshorn in the Grocery and Lum- hQr business in St. Cloud, and associated them selves under the name and style of P. Lamb & Co. for the purpose of carrying ou the said bu siness, and hope by strict attention to the want of their customers to receive a liber, share of Patronage. J.) never represent anything but the conviction* ,. I-I ,i -4 •Hi great political parties of Great Lritian—"lug Consequentlyeits creed be. lat P. LAMB'. W. BLAGSOVE. St. Cloud Sept. 20 1858. BLACKWOOD S A A ZIN E AT I THE 111 I S E E I E W S I SCOTT & CO.. New York, continue to publish the following leading British Te viz 1. TUB LONDON QUARTERLY, (Conservative.) 2. TH E EDINBURGH REVIEW, (Whig.) 8. TH E NORTH BRITISH REVIEW, (Fre Church. 4. TH E WESTMINISTER REVIFW, (Liberal.) I 5. BLACKWOOD'S EDINBI'IUI MAGAZINE. (TO These Periodicals ably represent the rec Tor and Radical—but politics forms only one I featur' of their character As organs of the most profound writers on Science. Literature, Morality and Religion, 'h-i.yy E I I stand, as theyto have ever stood, unrivalled in the world of letters, being considered indespensible^to the scholar and professional man, while to the in telligent reader of every class they furnish a more correct and satisfactory record of the current literature of the day', throughout the woi Id, than can possibly be obtained livm any o' her source. O I E S The receipt of advance sheets from the Rrithi' publishers gives additional value to these, lii prints, inasmuch as they can new he I ]ir!-ed in the hands of subscribers abor.t as soon as the original editions. 1 'J' E It S E A N N M.. For any one of the four Reviews, 3 00 For any t-\vo of the four Reviews, WO For any three of the four Reviews, 7 00 For all four of the Reviews, 8 00 For Blackwood's Magazine. 3 09 For Blackwood and three Review? 0 CO For Blackwood and the four Rev'.eifs. 10 00 Payments in all cases to be mad' in advance, Money current in the State whei.*e issued will be received at par. O I I A discount of twenty-five rer- cent from the I Clerk of tl'C Cou above price will be allowed to Clubs ordering S dnt Cloud, 1 four or more of any one or iore of the alcove works. Thus Four copivs of Blackwood, or of one Review, will be sent to one address for $0 four copies of the four- Reviews and ofI Blackwood for §30 and so. on. O S A O: E In all the principol Cities and Towns, these each of the Reviews. N. B. The price in Great. Britian of the five Periodicals above named is $31 per annum. Remittance for any of the above publica tions should always be addressed, post paid, to ST. CLOO RETAIL PRICE CURRENT. COKRECTKD WEEJLT, BT I E & S W I S Grocers and Provision dealers, Lower 6t.Ch»dl WEIGHTS or GEAIX.—Tho following table of the number of various articles to a bueLei.mgv be of interest to our readers,—Wheat, 60 1W Corn, shelled, 66 lbs: Corn on the cot), 7«. th/ Rye, AG lbs Oats, S2 lbs Barley, 40 Ks Ruek whtat, 4o lOs Sweet Potatoes, W fle Beans 60 lbs Bran, 29 &s Clover Seed. 60 lbs Hen Seed, 4f lbs Timothy Seed, 45 lbs Irish Pota toes, 60 lbs: Onions 57 lbs: Blue Grass Sc.J. 14Ibs Dried Peiiches, G3 lbs Dried Anpk* 24 lbs. ST. CLOUP, Oct, 28 1858 Flour Extra, per bbl do Superfine, do Extra, bags, do Superfine bag, Corn Meal per bag, Bran per 100 Wheat per bush, Corn per bush, Oats per bush Buckwheat per bush Barley per bushel, Beans Potatoes Pork, Me: per bbl do per lb, Bacon Hams common per lb do do Cuuvarted Sides clear, Suouidera Dried Beef Ccdfish Butter per lb, (!hce?e per lb P'j.'gs pe:- doz. Raisins per lb Currants per lb Dried apples paired per lb Dried Peaches, unpaired, Maple i°ugar Crushed do Brown do Tea, Young nyson, do Guupojvder and imperial I Soap. Cast Steel per lb do Fen ily, per br.r Candles, Star, per lb do Ivie-uidj per lb Lard, Window Class, per half box, SxlO Other sizes in proportion. Putty, per lb, White Lead per lb, Linseed Oil, per gal, Whale Oil, per gal, Kerosene or coal oil Molasses per gar, Vinegar, per gal tUiptness and fidelity, to ailj t'tone ware .'huni3. Wooden Buekete, do Tubs Corn Brooms Salt, per eaci do" lb do Dairy, Powder, Lead, vcv ib, r-er 11. General Govern He will give May 8,i ,„. J. ., .' i' ooking stoves with, fixtures completeS25(u S?o empt, before he can proceed with his pre-emp 40 the mtimeipal act of May 23, 1844 N- 50 0 70 50 $1 (•.» '.) I4c(- 1"4 1 3 l'« 17c£ 2 1 7 loc^, 17« 16c(aM 1 00 U'i SOc -4Cc(,« t'-c 11@ 12 1 50 1 50 $2, 00 :o (j? sec S5c^/ ~.,!ti 1 25 30c(7f -':u 00afl 50 30c(S 40c 5 £0 •200 lbs5 ji. a G. D. per box. Wafer Proof keg, lb, ,-„., do Nails, Dry hides per lb. lh 40c(«60e 50c(«e04 ir.c 50i£7 5U ti Oi 'ci ii Crackers, pc-r lb. 12jc@lS* A LEXANDRIA. XOUGLAS COCXTT. This town is beautifully located in one "f the finest Agricultural Regions in the ISorth West. It is in the centre of the County ar.d is admitted by :dl to occupy a natural Point for Town. Farmers in qusst of Superior Land—of claims combining Timber. Water, and Praiiit: Invalids seeking hcaltfa atd a comfortable re treat where hunting and fishing may he indul ged in to any Lxttnr.. t»r«li.e lover of tW'beau fiii in nature vi.i at Alexandria find their ^'T cral ta-tes gratifie Situated on fhe State Road to Breckinridge ''atfdFort AbercroiLbie—equaly distant from eitiXer—under the management of men poscsn ing be utmost cnurgy, Alexandria bids fair to bo one of the largest inland towns in Minn esota. The Country to the South and West is PraivK in ttii? finest proportion while to t.\" .North and East tlhre extends in unbroken b«uV of TV'oodland the "greater ]cr tion of it behtk tfgood size and quality. The Prairies M'.'l Lr.kcst in the Vicinity c serv: r-articular m^ntionS "Eden Prairie is ten miles lour and f?o!ii ms to one and a-ba'f miless wide, v. ii tir:ber along the sides and ic well watered. It offers supurior ihciliti..- Ir, Farmers and at Many points along arc beauti ful building spots mi the-shore of a beautiful lake. "fJavdtn Door" and "Sedge"' IV iri»« are also worth ii attention of Farmers being ofmodeva'e size: high upland, and entirely enclosed with timber. These Prairies n'l di verge from the Town Site and are aecexsibia the Si ate Road. Lukes '-Agnes*' and -Wi nona sk: rting "Eden Prriirie" charming boflirs -,!• picturcsuue beauty canii! of vata" surpastK-d arc Lai: iins'" s•(: Within one, two and three :i ii L. Hoiacdieu"'' ''Carlos" and "Iiar tinp aii«l forming a sheet of water )M',' esicnt. These lakes are grardand bcauth'iil. A", ng tlcir banks arc tbonsf.nds cfclaiiTS—^ cuntry capable of Burp^rting dorse trl* '-v and to those s-cokin? us i-: th? \W is iited country possessing es tr\ r.'^H-- attrac ions. The Company offer the cut: i^berai i:. iucpments to actual fcttlerfi on the Tc An Site. Letters addressed to the Executive Committee. John Ball, Wm. Kinkcad, or Judge regory. Alexandria, or to George F. i'.r. *. :. (.'loud, will he promptly answered _'•..-' ndiia, Sept.'601858. DISTRICT COURT ForRTii DISTHICT. State of MIN.NF.SOTA, STI:ABXS County^ SAMTJKL L. HAYS. 0/iainn: I Jons W. LOCK. Summons To the defendant above named You are. hereby summoned end required to answer the complaint in this »c tion. which bas been filed in the office of th« or tp%c svaa works will be deHvcred TBBR OP POSTAGE,— (dollars, with interest from the lfth day uf When sent by mail, the postage to any part of! Scptmeber 1858 and for the further the United States will be. but 24 cents a year demanded in said complaint th» pln»nt:ff will for "Blackwood."'and but 14 cents a year for have his damages assessed by a jury, or the the County aforesaid, County, and to sewe I copy of vcmr an^.'-er the'said complaint-un the subscriber isoflice in Saint. Cloud alwio said, within twenty days after the Berries -f this summons on you, exclusiTe of the day of service: ar.': you fail to answer the 8-aiJ complaint it! in t!ic time aforesaid, the pl.ib'. I tiff in this actien will take judgement aptingt t' three hund.el and ninety amount, he is entitled t* recover asceitaiceJs direction *nd i*£e by the Court, or umtec its judgement ascertained. judgemen for th* amount so assessed or1 C. C. ASDBKWS.. Plaintiffs AUowie^ .-.thlS.1)! .• 8| Dated St. CloudNov nov. I Cw. I .• A 1