%J "Wfll'&bte of our subscribers who in tend 'W$&I? in wood, send us some dry fuofcc. .^Jjare very much in want of it and cannot keep the oinec going unless wo gcfe some more soon. Tni: new grist mill at Kingston in Meeker .County is said to bo doing a fine business and turning out a superior quali ty of dour. Furmevs-in the Soutb West of Stearns County will !dxu\ it convenient, as the mill at St. Cloud if not able to do nearly all the \ovk offered. D. W. INGERSOLL&CO., A?.F. sow BECRIVISU AN EXTENSIVE t^TOOK 01? sura tk mvi 3D E "2T-C3- O O S FOR a and Winte Trade, Embracing everything in the DRY-GOO I) S IKE-, AND AT FRIGES TO DEFY COMPETITION. COUNTRY MERCHANT S Will find this the best place to purchase their SUPPLIES. TUB ATTENTION OF CITY AND COUNTRY PURCHASERS Is particularly invited to this SPLENDID STOCK IN TIIK CORNER STORE OF THE STONE BLOCK, On the corner of Wabashaw and St. Antho ny Streets, on the Bluff, next the bridge St. Paul, Minnesota. BCSINESS or ST. PAUL.—Visitors at the store of Mes «i Ingersoll & Co. might very naturally enquire where :he ladies c^ni-5 from Whip constantly throng'their store, but when they pries their goods it will no longer bo a matter of surprise, that Delaines at 12J cents per yard, and good English Merinoes at 25 cents per j'ard, should draw customers* We are informed that their sales so for this fall are larger than any previous year. dcc,lG,1858. IDES, FURS, GRAIN. POTATOES, BUT TER, EGOS, LAND WARRANTS, STATE SCRIP, &c. &c. MILLER SWISSIIELM. M-iy 20, 1838. CLEAR T^iE TRACK! E OARS AR E COMING!!! 7 E have just opened a large and fresh as sor.uient of GROCERIES. BACON rORK, FLOUR, FEED, GRAIN, NAILS, COOKING STOVES, WINDOW GLASS, &.C., OuCi, & Which will be disposed of very low for cash or country produce, at o-ir new stove, at the iower steamboat landiu?. May 13 '58. MILLER & SWISSHELM Forwarding MI* Ciniuiission. WE-respectfully THIS solicit ii« consignment of GoodsandMarchaudue, either for stove age ar for sale upon commission, ar our new •tore and warehouse, lower steamboat landing. May 13, '58 MILLER & SWISSHELM. 'T^*1T?/^ '"^K- P. TALCOTT, WATCH3IAKSR AKB J3WELSR, Corner First Avsn-ie Welles St., LOWER SAINT CLOUD. T\EALER in Clocks, W-atehes, Jewelry, \_) Spoona, Spectacles, Gold Pens, Silver Thimbles, &c, &c of fins quality, which he will sell as low as any of like quality can be bought this side of Chicago. Call and see. Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, ice, repaired'in good and satisfactory manner, and on reasona terms. 8TEAR3W MOU3S. new and beautiful Hotel is situated upon the bluff just above the Lower Perry in Ihe town of St. Cloud, c?ommfinding one of the most beiutiful views on the Mississippi itver. The Proprietor assures all who may -wisit this place that his table shall contain every bounty and luxury which c*n bo obtained both at home and abroad. It is his intention to keep the above hotel as a-first class one in every res pect. M0^ iRTGAOE S A E E A HAVING »"E«vN MADE in the condition of a certain Mortg irom John Townsend to Daniel Baldwin dated the sixteenth day' of June A. D. 1857, and rem-d-lm ihe office of Register of Deeds for the County of Sherburne and State of Minnesota, 011 the lGth day of June 1857 at 5 o'clock P. M. in Book "A" ofProfessor Mortgages, on pages 111. 1:2, on which there is claimed to be due at the date of this notice the sum of nine hundred and twenty four Dol lars and nosuit or proceeding at law having been commenced to recover the samJ or any part thereof —Notice is hereby givanlhat the prem ises described in said Mortgage, tio wit. The North East quirte? of th-. South West quarter and the South half! of ihe South West Quarter of Sec. No. three (8) and the South East quarter of the South ilvt quarter af?§«fe. No. four (4) in fh kvnsSic Lro. thirty Jour (34) North of Range No. thirty 130) West wiil be sold at Public Auction in frotit'oT the offing of F. E. Baldwin in Clear Laics Township in said Cqanty on the twenty eighth day. of January 1859 at 12 o'clock M. to satisfy the amount due on said Mortgage and t|o costs allowed by law: DANIEL BALDWIN Mortgagee. Dated Dec. I6th 1858. F. E. BALDWIN Attorney ee23,6w ZDIR^TTGr S O E S. EVIARLATiT, i)EAIER IN DRUGS, H!EDICINES,£CHEM!CALS &c Corner First and Jefferson Streets,^ LOWER SAINT CLOUD. TTTOULD respectfully inform his friends and the public generally that he has just re ceived and opened for their inspection, a full assortment of the above. 7 Families desirous of procuring a pure article of medicine, or wishing their prescriptions fill ed with care and accuracy, will give him a call. Bringing with him an experience of cightyears, and having acquired a thorough knowledge of medicine previous to his engagement in the bu siness, he ieels confident that lie can give satis faction to all The Profession arc incited to call they will find 3iis stock to consist of all medicines in ge neral use. Prescriptions carefully compounded at all hours of. the day or night. A YEIIS Cherry Pectoral for sale at MARLATT'S DRUG STORE. 7 E S celebrated medicines for sale at MARLATT'S DRUG STORE. T7 ENNEDY'S new Discovery for sale at I MARLATT'S DRUG STORE. 1 fERCHANT'S Gargling Oil for sale at iVi MARLATT'S DRUG STORE. •MARTIN'S Concentrated Extract of Jama lYi. Ginger for sale at MARLATT'S DRUG STORE. (J 1 EtAEFENBERGE Medicines constantly on hand at MARLATT'S DRUG STORE. RAYMOND, OWEN, & Co., MAXtJFACTTJKEUS AND DEALERS IS I SASHe'DOORSABLiNDSJ St. Cloud Minnesota. |~\00R and Window Frames constantly on I hand and made to order, also, Planeing, Sawing and Turning of all kinds dofte on short notice. 11. r.AYMoxo. J. n. owi:x. n. A. SMITH. M. NOEL County Surveyor Civil Engineer. \TyOULD respectfully inform the citizens of V'V St. Cloud and the public generally, that he will promptly and faithfully attend to ail business entrusted to his care. J^f° Office near his residence on Third Ave nue, Lower St. Cloud. THE EMERSON SPOUSE, J. EHE11S0N, PROPRIETOR. rnil E above house has been refitted and rcfur nished and the amplest accomodations have been constructed for the reception of visitors the proprietor pledges himself to spare no ex pense to render his visitors comfortable. has been erected, 60 by 35 feet, which can ac commodate 27 Horses and 18 Osen, and there will always be a plentiful supply of feed on hand, and careful Ostlers. N E W S O E JSTIEW G-OODS O W I E S In Upper St. Cloud, Steams Co.. BI. T] rPH E subscriber would respectfully announce J_ to the citizens of St. Cloud and vicinity, that he has established himself in the Dry Goods business, in the building formerly occu pied by L. A. Evans, (and directly opposite Proctor & Clarke's Hardware Store,) where he has just opened his large and well selected stock of Jewelry, Bonnets, Fancy Silk, Dry Goods, and Ready-made Clothing. Of every description, and of the very best quality, which he is now oifering for sale on the most reasonable terms. His entire stock was purchased in New York, at such prices. that he flattei-s himself cannot be undersold by any other establishment of the kind on the Up per Mississippi. He hopes by diligence and attention to business, and having for his motto, Quick Sales and Small ^Profits," to merit, a share of public patronage. All per sons in want of anything in his lino will do well to give him a call and examim- his stock before purchasing elsewhere, as he can sell as cheap as the St. Paul merchants. F. MONTI. SPECIAL NOTICE THE ECLECTIC C0LL5SE OF ffiEDiCKIE, I N I N N A 0 I I I 0 rpfi Spring Session of 1830 will coran-,:- 1 on Wednesday.! he Oili off ebruary.aiid conti nue 1 ixteen weeks. A full and thorough course of le jtures will hi given, occupying sb: or se ven hours daily, with good opportunities for alter tion to practical Aur.torny. The arrangeiucuta oi the chairs will be as follows:— T. E. St. JOHN, M. D., Professor of Anatomy and Physiology. J. F. WDUE, M. D., Professor of Chemistry and Pharmacy. WM: SHERWOOD, M. D., Professor of Medical Practice and Pathology. J. R. BUCHANAN, M. D., Emeeitus Professor of Cerebral Physiology and Institutes of Medicine. JOHN KING, M. D., Profrssor of Obstetrics and diseases of Women and Children. The terms for the Session will be the same as heretofore, viz.:—Matriculation, $5,00.— Tuition, $20,00. Demonstrator's Ticket,$5,00 Every Student is required to engage in dissec tion one Session before graduation. Gradua tion, §25,00. The lecture rooms arc newly finished neat and comfortable, and in a central locality,, (in College Hall, Walnut Street,) where Students 'will find it convenient to call on their arrival. Tickets for the Session may be obtained or the Dean of the Faculty, at'his office, No. 85, Eigth Street, or of Prof. C. H. Cleveland, Secretary of the Faculty, No. 139, Seventh Street, near Elm. sTEr-HKtf MIM-EH. HENRY SWISSHELM. I E & SWISSHELM, DEALER S I N REAL ESTATE Water Street, Lower Town, St. Cloud. 0. C. ANDREWS O N S E O A A W SAINT CLOUD MINNESOTA. E S XJ.A."W O I O E Iliver Street, hear the Stearns House. HENR G. KXLBOURNE, Deputy Sheriff and Notary Public. ]TTILL attend to ''Coil* tfon of Debts and 'V Payment of Taxes A Land. Invest ments made for Capitalists. Twenty-five per cent, per annum guarranteed. T. H. BARRETT Civil Engineer and Surveyor, JBg|»Office on First Sheet, Lower St. Cloud. Maps of all surveyed hinds, and plats of all the leading towns oi Northern Minnesota, can be had at all times at my office. HARDWARE STORE C. P. & POWELL, at A. J. HOWE, M. D„ Professor of Surgery. C. H. CLEVELAND, M. D., of Materia Medica and Therapeutics. JOHN KING, M. D., Dear. W E received at the St. Cloud Hardware Store, a complete assortment of S a a a a re Locks, Latches, Bolts, Butts, nnd Screws, Carpenters and Farming Tools, Planes, Saws, Axes, Hatchets and Hammers, Shovels and Spades. Hoes Mattocks. Nails, Glass and Putty, STOVES AND TIN-WARE. We have now the best variety of Stoves ever brought into the Upper Country, among Which arc ihf famous Charier Oak, Diamond Rock, Shanghai, Wisconsin, Morning Star, Forest Green, and Arctic Air Tight. Our facilities for doing all kinds of work in the Tin, Sheet Iron, and Copper Department, are complete, —to which branch of the busi ness we call particular attention. CHEAP CASH STORE I! River St., Lower Town, St. Cloud. rpiI E subscriber keeps constantly on hand a large and well selected assortment of Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Lady's and Misses' Bonnets and Hats, every variety of Glass Ware, Clocks, Looking Glasses, Violins, Brushes, Tobacco, Cigars, Yankee Notions, &c„ &c &c II. Z. MITCHELL. STEPHEN MILLER. HENRY SWISSHELM E A E S A E A E N ST. CLOUD, MINNESOTA. rpiI E undersigned offer their services to loan _l_ money upon best real estate security and to purchase and sell property either real or personal, for a reasonable commission. They have now for sale, at low prices: 20 quarter sections of good land. 50 lots, (some improved.) in St. Clou.d 20 in Nininger addition to St. Paul. 20 in Nininger city, 10 in Mound city, Illinois. MILLER & SWISSIIELM. St. Cloud, May 13, 1858. JAMES FJXENNEDY, Ilason and a OOLICITS the patronage of all persons in O need of the service of a practical Mason and Plasterer. His long experience in theportunities above branches of trade assures him that he will give universal satisfaction his charges are as reasonable for work as it can be dune by any one. THE COLLEGE JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCE A Monthly Magazine of 48 pages, conducted Ji by the Faculty of The Eclectic College a Medicine, is published at One Dollar a Year, payable in advance. The volume of the Jonr nal commenc-es with the year. Communications for subscription or for specimen numbers, should bo directed to 5j£ Dr. C. K. CLEVELAND, Publisher, IZQ, Seventh Street, Cincinnati, 0. E®* REAL ESTATE SALES.—The ioilow irtg is a list of the sales recently inado by our olj and enterprisng land-dealer. Col McKenty. WAS-IIXQTON COUNT V. 30.30 acres in Section 6. Town o0, Range 21, at $5—§1.51,.50. 177,9*j aores in Pection 3, Town 30, Range 21 at So—$839,80. 12'.!,01' acres an Section 3, Town 20, Range 21, at W,rk-$£f 45 ores in. Section 3, Town 30, Range 21, —200,'?:). '10 FILLMORE CQVNTY, loO acres in Sections 3 and 4, Town 102, Range 8, at #30—$1600,00. HOUSTON COUNTY. 240 acres in Section 10, Town 103, Range 5? at $5—$1200,00. 480 acres in Sections 11 and 12, Towft' 108, Range 5, at. $5—§2400,00. Supsaion, WISCONSIN 20 lots in "McKenty's Addition," at $100— 52800,00 COTTAGE HOMES Lots 12 and 33—$1500,00. Cosio. Lota 2 and 3 of Block 30—$600 00.. HUDSON, WISCONSIN. 60 Lots in McKenty's addition—$1500,00. Total amount of sales, 13,286,75. We are glad to inform Col. MeiCenty that he does not make all the sales. Mr. Freeman this present month sold a claim eight miles north of St. Cloud foi $1,000j C. Moore of Grand Lake refused $1,500 for his, twelves miles west of this. A one fourth interest in 180 acres, one mile East was sold for $800 and claims are in demand at prices almost'equal to those of 18 months ago. 1 -mmmm^m GEO. T. TKJIPLK. UEArrBK, TE6V1PLE&BEAUPRE, STOBAGB, FORWARDING & COMMISSION MERCHANTS, DEALERS IN GR0CERIES,PR0VIS30KS& PRODUCE, XOWEIR, E E E ST. PAUL, MIN. AGENTS FOR LftFLIN & SMITH'S POWDER. dec9wly. COAL OIL & LAMP JJ JutJs vJ 3 2 AND 3 3 OLIVE STI1I.ET, S A I N O I S fflOw FOK THE SALi: OS' THE PRODUCTS OF THE BRECKENRIDOE COMPANY, THEIR liefin ed Illuminating Oil gives the cheapes & most brilliant light E YER INTR OD UCED, And is NON-EXPLOSIVE, INODOROUS, and will NOT CONGEAL ia any climate. 000 E®» ILLUMINATING, LUBRICATING BINNACLE and other Oils, in lai'ge and small quantities. A large variety of Coal Oil Lamps, eai*- racing many new and improved patterns for Families, Public Buildings and Conveyan ces, Chimnies, Shades, AVicks, &c, at whole sale and retail. Address G-. W CURTISS 3 2 & 3 4 Oiivc Street, St. Lou fi^ ONLY DEPOT OF THE BRECKENR1BGE COMPANY IN ST. LGUIS. a novl8,wtf TH m, 1 A TTORNET AND CO UXSELL OR AT LAW, No. 2 1 4 STREET, Washington City, D. C.—will at attend. with promptness and fidelity, to all business entrusted to him in the courts of law and equity within the Districl of Col umbia, and before the Court cf Claims,and the Supreme Court of the United States, and to the prosecution of claims before the various departments of General Govern ment and before Congress. will give particular attention to Claims before the General Land Office, arising under the swamp land and graduation laws pre emption acts of September 4, 1841 Aug-county us 2G, 1842 March, 3 1843 May 8,18 46 the municipal act of May 23 1844 mail contractors' act of March 4 1855 and under all other laws. E S S I TiEAJCKR IN BOOTS, SHOES, AMD CLOTHING, HAandfor S sale a large assortment of Boots Shoes of the very best quality. Custom Boots Constantly on Hand. All kinds of custom work done to order it the best manner. A good assortment of Ready made Clothing for sale cheap. Just received a good assortment of SPRING & S E HATS. Persons in want of any of the above named goods cannot find tbesn cheaper elsewhere. N. N SMITH,. a I a E a Jg^rOlhce on River Street, opposite the Ferry, S A I N O ALTown persons desiring to invest in Lands or Property in a part of the country which is unsurpassed in soil, and rapidly filling with bona fide settlers, can find favorable op by applying to the undersigned. Property for s.ile in the towns of Hartford St. Cloud, Newburg, Rrottsburg, Mille Lac and all the best paying towns in this part of the country. N. N .SMITH. NOTICE OF CO PARTNERSHIP. rphe undersigned have this day purGhas.-"' X^ the entire stock and interest of Messrs Dunwell & Hartshorn in the Grocery and Lum ber business in fit. Cloud, and associated then selves under ike name and style of P. Lamb & Co. for the purpose of carrying on the said bu siness, and iiojje by strict attention to the'Want of their customers to receive a liberal share of Patronage. P. LAMB. W. BLAGROVE. St. Cloud Sept. 20 1858. T. JGNSS, A S I First Street, near the S a Mill. ATJOULD rej'pectfully announce to the citi sens of Sc. Cloud and vicinity, that he has opened a Blacksmith shop, at the above place, where he is prepared to do all kinds of work in his line, and hopes to merit a share of their patronage. GEORGE F. BROTT, DSALER IO REAL ESTATE. HAFarming S constantly or. hand a large quantity and Timber Land also, town property in St. Anthony, Minneapolis, St. Cloud, Shakopee, Brottsburg, Syracuse, New burg, St. Marys and Mille Lac. ltf BUILDING. THE undersigned takes this method of in forming thosie who may have houses to build mills to frame, or carpentry and joinery, in any or all of its branches, that he is prepar ed to take contracts, and do all kinds of work in this line, on the most reasonable terms and in a good, workmanlike manner. A. E. HUSSEY. E E E & E N E N A I A N E S NORTH-WESTERN LAND & COLLECTING AGENTS, I N N E A O I S WM. J. PARSONS, COUNSELLOR AT LAW MINNEAPOLIS, Min. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. O O A E S A E E A HAVING BEEN MAIK in the contlitionB of a certain Indenture of Mortgage, executed and delivered by Sylvanus B. Lowrie, of the Coun ty of Stearns and State of Minnesota, unto Col. T. L. Alexander, of the United Spates Ar my, party of the second part, in said Mortgage named, bearing date the twenty fifth- day of January, A. D. .1858, and duly recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for said County of Stearns, on the seventeenth day of February A. D. 1858, in Book "A" of Mortgages, on pa ges 16 and 17, whereby the said Sylvanus B. Lowrie, did grant, bargain, sell and convey unto the said L. Alexander the following described tract or parcel of land, situated ami being in the said County of Stearns, to wit The North West quarter of the South West quarter of Section two (2), in Township No. one hundred and twenty-four (124) North,'of Range twenty-eight (28) West, containing for ty acres of land to secure to the said T. L. Al exander, his executors, administrators or as-Bran signs, the sum of one thousand dollars.and in terest thereon, according to the conditions of a certain promissory note, fdated August 1st, A. D. 1857, due, one year after the daie there of, with interest after uatc until paid at theBarley rate of two and one half per cent, per month, payable at the office of George Ottis in St.Potatoes Paul and Whereas, there is now claimed to he due and unpaid upon the said Mortgage, at the date of this notice, the sum of one thousand dollars principal, sum and interest on said principal sum of one thousand dollars at the rate of two and one half per cent, per month, from the 1st day of August, A. D. 1857 to theDried date of this notice, in the aggregate, princ'pr.l and interest, the sum of fourteen hundred dol lars, that in a proceeding at law to enforce the payment of said note, a judgement was render ed in favor of said Alexander against said Lowrie, for the sum then due on said note, and mortgage and costs of suit, and that an execution upon the er,id judgement has been returned wholly unsatisfied Now, therefore, notice is hereby given, that by virtue of a power of Sale in said Mortgage contained, and pursuant to the Statute in such case made and provided, the mortgaged prem ises above described, will be sold at public vendue to the highest bidder for cash, by the Sheriff of said County of Stearns, on Saturday the twenty-second day of January, A. D. 1859, at two o'clock P. 1\\. of that day, at the fr^nt door of the Office of the Register of Deeds for said County of Stearns, in the Town of St.Window Cloud in said County, to satisfy the amount then due on said note and mortgage, and thePutty, costs of sale. T. L. ALEXANDER. Mortgagee. GEO. L. & E. A. OTTIS, Attorneys for Mortgagee. Dated Dec. 3. 1858. dec9w6w. O A E S A E E A HAVING BEEN MA»B in the payment of the sum of Three Hundred and Sixteen Dollars and Sixty-three cents, principal and interest which is now claimed to be due upon a certain Indenture of Mortgage executed and delivered to* J. W. Siinonton of Harrisburg in the State of Pennsylvania by Edwan W. Foreman cf the of Meeker in the Territory (now State) of Minnesota on the Sixth Day of July A. D. 1857, which said Mortgage was afterwari re corded on the 17th day of July A. D. 1858 in the oince of the Register of Deeds in and for said county of Meeker in Book of Mortga ges at pages 92 & 93. No suit having been commenced for the recovery of the sum secured by said Mortgage, now therefore, notice is hereby given that in pursuance and by virtue of a power of sale contained in said Mortgage and of the statute in such case made and pro vided, the land and premises described in said Mortgage and lying in the county of Meeker aforesaid to wit, the South East quarter of the North East quarter and the North East quarter of the South East quarter of Section Nineteen (19) and the North West quarter of the Souht West quarter and the South West quarter the North West quarter of Section Twenty(2f) in Township One Hundred and nineteen [IV.) North of Range No. Thirty West of the'fifth principal meridian, and containing One Hun dred and Sixty acres according to the Govern ment Survey, together with all the hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto in anywise apper taining, will be sold at public auction at the office of the Register of the United States Land Office in the village of Forest City in said county of Meeker on the fifteenth day of Feb ruary A. D. 1859 at ten o'clock in the forenoon of that, day to satisfy the amount, then due upon said Mortgage toge-ther with the costs of said sale. J. W. SIMOXTON, December 1st 1858. Mortgagee. MORGAN & MCNAIU. Attorneys for Mortgagee. dec9,6w DISTRICT COURT FOURTH DISTRICT. State of MINNESOTA, STEAIOJS County*.' SAMUSL L. HAYS, "i against Summons JOHN W. LOCK. To the defendant above named You are hereby summoned an required to answer the complaint in this ac tion, which has been filed in the office of the Clerk of the Court, for the County aforesaid, at Saint Cloud, in said County, and to serve a copy of your answer to the said complaint on the subscriber a Ids office in Saint Cloud afore said, within twenty days after the service cf tliis summons on you, exclusive of the day of service and if you fail to answer the Skid complaint within the time aforesaid, the plain tiff' in this actien wiil take judgement against you for the sum of three hundred and ninety dollars, with interest from the IStfi day otthis Septmeber 18581 and for the further relief demanded in said complaint the plaintiff will have his damage? assessed by a jury, or the amount he is entitled to recover ascertained by the Court, or under its direction and take 'udgement for th,e amount so assessed cr ascertained. C. C.'ANDREWS, Plaintiffs Attorney. Dated St. Cloud Nov. 5th 1858. nov. 11, law Cw. time and place any business to do before said Court are hereby notified'to appear. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the said Court at Sauk Rapids in said Benton county this 7th day of December A. D. 1858. ST. CIO? E A I PRICE CI ^REATT CCKSBCTEp t»E:»5iy, !»V I E & S W 1 8 E il'C M. Grocers and Provision tie::'.! r% i* St.tlctif! WEIGHTS or GHAIX.—The foihw5i t-.lU of ^ic weight of various ii ilf» l.» bur-hcl.Dirj be of interest to our readci *,— *t\ hud, U,. IU Corn, (shelled, 0 1li- Ci.jn wh the t«J., Vi 1L* Rye, 56 lbs- Cats, 2 11.t hu\it\, «iG u«k wheat, 45 lb# Svrttt Poistotj-, AG 1 Leant, 60 lbs Bran.20lbe ChntrSwd. M.lte IUn Seed, 45 lbs Timothy S««id, 4» Is hi.*}-, Hii*. toes, GO lbs Oriiftnjj «7 1U i2he Ui»- Feed, Mlbs Dried Peaches. 23 II.K Dried Ai Im. 24 lbs. ST. C1.01 r. Die. Flour Extra, per bbl. do Superfine, do Extra, bags, do Superfine bag, Corn Meal per bag, per. 100 Wheat per i*ufcii. Corn per bush, Oats per bush Buckwheat per bush per bu&hc!, Bean's Pork, Mess per bbl do per lb, Bacon Hams common per lb do do Canvassed Sides clear, Shoulders Beef Codfish Butter per lb, Cheese per lb Eggs per dor. Raisins per lb Currants per lb Dried apples paired per lb Dried Peaches, unpaired. Maple Sugar Crushed do Brown d» Tea, Young Hyson, do Gunpowder and imperial Soap, Cast Steel per lb do Family, per bar Candles, Star, per lb do Mould, per lb Lard, Tobacco, K.EW O O S IS I O O BENTON COUNTY. N ACCORDANCE WITH AN ORDER JL OF Hon. Edward O. Hamlin Judge of the District Court for the Fourth Judicial District State of Minnesota, there will be held in the Hall in Day's Hyperborean Hotel, at Sauk Rapids in the County of Benton in said State a Special Terra of the said Court for the said chattledom is unconstitutional in any nssocia county of Benton for the trial of civil and I S J86P. $7 50 7 00. 9 75 to 1 25 ~$1 l* -r £0c-«u] 00 30c(i 35o 25cTy3t'« 40c(,rCI Glass, per half lox, 81IO Other sizes in proportion. per lb, White Lead per lb, Linseed Oil. per gal, Whale Oil, per gal. Kerosene or coal oil Molasses per gal, Vinegar, per gal Stone ware Churns, Wooden Buckets, do Tubs Corn Brooms Salt, per sack, of 200 lbs* do lb do Dairy, sacks, 9 £5c(i/4 70i «,».?. 13 Hc{«,l ".i J0« t« io« tir@& 17« 9k •dim Ue 25c tu 1 K-0 2f« 12*. Si lit 2tc -10e(«:6t at a &* n(§, is, 1 br 1 W $ 2 W 70 S 80c-. 25i (a.40«i 1 24." 30C@35IT- Ot(*,l 3vc(«,4be. 5 2J2*c S5ijg,4te 60c(«««€ Powder, per lb, Lead, per lb, Shot, per lb. I'.c Gun Caps, G. D, per box, 10c do Water Proof Naiis, per keg, 5 iX-('i 7 C-'i do per lb. 7 its Dry hides per lb, r. Cooking stoves with fixtures conjplctt-5T2" «*3 Rice per lb, 1. Crackers, per lb, 12K(«l.r-« MILLER &SW8S6t-2ELMy UAVK just received A large .•iss5rinicui of goods, among which arc the following: ALL KINDS OF MOLASSES!* SIVAHS, COFFEE AND TEA. 2 0 COOKIXG STO VES, ~NA fLS. GJ,A8.i,i "IIS, WHITE EA D, FL 61' K. I.'A IN, CORN MEAL. VJNEii. IR. DRIEDAI'PLESti I'EACHES, T'/iACCO, POWDER, SHOT AND LEAD ALSO. HAMS. SIDE BACON, SHOULDERS, lOtiK, JUttKi} B&KF, CHEESE, lUlT'iEU, LAHD, BEANS, RICE, Ac/ftc. ALSO, HALF BUSHEL MEASURES WOODEN BUUKEi'S, STONE WARE CHUKN^, MILK PANS, JUGS, &c, The entire assortment is for sale very l»w, for CASH, or will be exchanged on ieison:»'.le terms for PRODUCE, HIDES, MAilKE'ilX i, kc, kc. Give ys a call. May 20,1858. PROSPBCTITS OF E ST. CLOUD DEMOCRAT *TKE ST. Ci.orn VISITER wiil not he the or gan of any party or sect, but tin- membrrs of anj' can be heard through its columns in any article of suitable length and s-ufneient literary merit. Thefirstpage will contain tales, poe try, anecdotes &c: *and western readers will always find a summary of news gleaned from Eastern exchanges, while a large space will be devoted to giving Eastern readers correct information about the great North-West. In department we expect the assistance of several hundred local reporters, farmers and their wives, Red River traders, lumbermen, land agents, surveyors, humors S men ami women who dwell in the land, walk up and down: and go to and fro in if: but we will use all possible dilligenee in making personal observations and not mislead our readers by false or exaggerated reports. On all moral and political questions the Vis iter, will aim fo deal fairly by those who dif fer with it but the editorial department will never represent anything but tie conviction* of the editor. Consequently its creed will ha. 1st. The Divine law is the Supreme law in all lands created by its author. 2d. All men are created flree: and equal in their right to life, liberty and the pursut of happiness. 3d. The Bible, and the Constitution of \W United States are anti-slaverv: and humiit S on criminal eases and issues of law, on the second tal laws. Monday of January, A. D. 185'J commencing at Eleven O'clock in the forenoon of said day at which time and place all persons having J. H. O S I E S dec9,4w Clerk District Court aforesaid. MGTSUBSCRIBE FOR THE CLOUD DEMOTEAT.~m S2 professing to receive either as fondann-.n 4th. Paying taxes is as unwomanly, JU» ting and is a privilig which should be exclu sively confined to wifem«!ccitizen*, ofth,*? and other countrie," uulil women sbnr? virtt them the responsibility of s^yn* .••» n** shall bo made of the fnud they are re-.aired to contribute to the public trea&ry. TERMS—Single copies B±:.C per annchi: 2 copies $3.00 5 copies for $7.«V: copies for $12,00 20 copies for$2C. all strictly in art ^vance, and no papers sent after the time ex piree for which it has_ been paid single cop» ics Sets. Letters on ^business to be direct•» the publishes: JAVF O. n-rtt-ATATI XMtTWk