Newspaper Page Text
I OF M.E.CmjaoH.-Divine aerrice every Sabbath, at 10J^ a. and 7 p. m. Prayer Meeting and Class every Thursday evening at 7^ Sabbath School at 1 1 o'clock every Sabbath morning. DAVID TICK, l\wf:.r. 9 or a in O W O a Office. Town ORDERS, with or without stubs, priuted at this offioe on short uolice. Call and see specimens. g£^» VtsiTiKo CAKDS printed in the la *,. 9 style, and at St. Paul prices. See notices of "For Sale," and '•Lost. The card of Drs. Tolnian & Whee- l««k will be found in another column.— BiflEnre physicians of long expericnc and established reputation, and are worthy the confidence and patronage of our citizens. RAIN.—from Mouday evening until this morning a light rain fell almost eontinu I Olisly. Riven OPKN.—The ice in the Mississippi Was broken yesterday from Sauk Rapids to the Islands, a distance of two miles. The river will doubtless be entirely clear in a few days. t^ CAUCUS.—The Citizen's Caucus on Sat urday eveuing passed off quietly ami hav fmoniousiy, resuliing in the choice, regard less of party, of the ticket given elsewhere *«s elected. All are good men. SNOW STORM.—At daylight this morning :*raP'd fall of snow commenced, accompa nied by a violent wind which steadily increas ed until it blew a perfect hurricane. Sheds Were blown over, and, we doubt not. con •iderablc dam ige done—although we have •ot been out reconnoitering very extensive ly, The storm continues unabated as we go to press this afternoon. PERSONAL —YVIM. J. Parsons, Esq., re- I turned from Washington on Mouday* eveu ing. We are pained to learn that Dr. J. V. Wren, of Fort Ripley, has beeu afflicted with a paralytic stroke, which deprives hiir of the use of his left side. Dr. Tol man has been summoned to attend him. QUOTA FULL —On Mouday, tie day the draft commenced, the last man of the forty two called for from St. Cloud, muster ed in at Capt. Keith's office, and the town Js clear. Scarcely another town in thebeen St.ue, of equal «ize, has filled iis quota un der the last cali. A great portiou of the credit for this success is due, aud is freely awarded. Lewis Clark. Chairman of the Board of Supervisors. He has been unlir ..Ji'% *n labors to raise money and secure mien, and has accomplished both without any avoidable expense to the (own. aWHEAT.—Whor. 1 ilie highes-t prices were ir.g offered for wheat, manv of our far •^Jtaers refused to sell, holding on for higher figircs The market kaa been steadily fall in] aud while prices for grain cannot be Y«ry low, vet the difference between now and six moir.hs ago would, on a few hun dred bushels, make quite an item. This large surplus of grain will, however, find in great part a home consumption, and tlm* sa?e the percentage required for transportation. QUERY, AND ADVICK.—"Is there a foun dry at Hastings '.'" This question was ask ed us by a gentleman who came into our office last week, coupled with a request to see Hastings paper. A diligent search failed to discover the advertisement of a foundry in either of the papers published in that place. Remembering, however, to harrilleen the advertisement of a foundry in the Minneapolis Atlas, we turned to that paper and furnished the gentleman with the address of the firm to whom it belong ed. If the old Hastings foundry has been rebuilt or a new one put iu operation, we would advise the proprietors to let the fact be known. THB TOWN MEKTIXG.—At the Town Meeting on Tuesday the following officers were elected by ballot: Supervisor*—Lewis Clark, chairman, H. J. Fowler and John Schwartz. Town Clerk—G. S. Mattoon. Tnasurer—J. M. Rosenberger. -Assessor—6. S Mattoon. Justice of the Peace—B. Rosenberger. Cotutable—A Gilmore. Overseer of the Poor—H. J. Fowler. The following were chosen viva voce: Psmndmaster—§. B. Piudty. Aad Overseers of Highways foi each of the «evett districts in the township. It was resolved that no swine should be allowed toranat large in the town, and thai the Supervisors should procure a suit able pound. Fhre hundred dollars were appropriated for Toads and bridges and for contingent expenses, $400. Fl»ES-—On Sabbath morning, about daylight, Thomas Alden's slaughter houue, located near the lime yard, back of lower was burned to the ground. The les were communicated from the fur fcace, in which fire had been left the night previous. The loss amounted to $1,000— {•eluding a lot of dry hides—with no in earance. This loss falls heavily upon Mr. Alden. and sweeps away the results of al it a year's industry. the same morning, L. P. Gaylord's dwelling house caught fire from sparks that fell.on the roof from the chimney. The roof was burned through in several places before the fire was extinguished. About the same time, sparks from the chimney fell among some straw used as ^banking" around George Stabler's house, Ulio in lower town. Theflameswere promptly but down but a few minutes later discovery would hare resulted in the loss of the building. James Biggerstaff's dwelling, near the bridge by the lake, also caught fire that morning, but no special damage was done. MARKING DOWN.—Burbank & Co. are marking down their goods to amazingly low figures for the times. Gold is falling, and so are the prices of their goods. They are determined to giro their customers the ben efit of the decliue, regardless of cost. Pur chasers will find a first-rate chance for bar gains. Bo not waste your money buying auy of the worthless articles called GOLD PKNS, which have flooded the market for the last few years, when at lower prices you can get pens which are acknowledged to be the BEST IN THE WORLU. Avoid the shameless Upstarts whose lack of brains compels them to attempt IMITA TION, even to the advertisement. If you want ihe full value of your money, see in anoth er column The Pen is Mightier than the Sword." WE will procure the Prairie Farmer or American Agriculturist for any of our readers desiring them. Both are good ag ricultural journals. May be found. DEMOCRAT Office has been removed to the Post Office Build ing. This will be found a more convenient looatiou, aud weshall be pleased to see all our old friends and scores of new ones. Our facilities for doing Job Printing are uncqualed in Northern Minnesota. O W O Having one of Gordon's best Job Presse es, a large stock of new type and a full as sortment of cards and stationery, we are prepared to print posters, circulars, bill heads, letter-heads, ball tickets, business, wedding and visiting cards, envelopes, la bels, programmes, blanks, invitations, or almost anything desired, in good style and at fair prices. A call is respectfully re quested. S E I A N O I E S TIIE BRIDAL CU-IMBES. an Essay of Warning and In struction for Voting Men—published by the Howard Association, ami sent free of charge in sealed euTel opes. Address. Dr. J. SKILLEN HOUGHTON, How ard Association, Phil uli-Ijihi.i, I'a. v7u30-ly ltlSKKKS: WHISKERS!—Do vou Want Whis kers or Moustaches! Our Grecian Compound will force them to grow ou the smoothest face or chin, or hair on bald heads, iu ?ix Weeks. Price, $1.00. Sent by mail anywhere, closelv scaled, on receipt of price. Address, WARNER CO., vl n34-ly Box 13S, Brooklyn, N. Tt A CARD TO INVALIDS.—A Clergyman, while residing In South A:::v. U-i as a missionary, discovered a safe and simple remedy for the cure of Nervous Weakness' Early Decay, DNeases of the Urinary and Seminal Organs, and the whole train of disorders brought otl by banefutjiud vicious habits, tlreat miinbvrs hare already enrol by this noble remedy. Prompted byftdesire to benefit the nfKk-tcd and unfortunate, I will send the reripe ior preparing aud using this med icine, in a sealed envelope, to any one who needs it, Free of f'/cir./'.- Flense ini-loie a post-paid envelope, addressed to yourself. Address, JOSEPn T. ISMAX, \7n3'j Station D, Bible House, Sew York City UNIOS MILLS Flour and Feed Store. HE Proprietors of the above Mills have .hiding," constant 'P11 E \_ opened a Store in "Gorton's tiuilding, on Washington avenue, Where a supply of IFILOTJIR,, &c. &c. The highest price paid in cash for wheat. St. Cloud, May 2Gth, 1864. *6n44 CLEARWATER MILLS Flour and Feed Store. A heavy stock of X, XX, AND SUPERFINE SPRING, AND WHITE WINTER WHEAT FLOUtt, BRAN, CORNMEAL AND FEED, AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, Next door to N. P. Clarke's store. E. J. BAKEB. St. Cloud. Dec. 13lh, 1864 v8n21-ly (J *1 ROVER & BAKER'S HIGHEST PREMIUM S E W I N A I N E S Will do a greater variety of work, and with greater rapidity, and have taken more pre miums than any other Machine in use. S. E. GEE, Agent, v7u2& No. 242 Third street, St. Paul. R. O. STRONG'S C-AJR,:F:ET ZHLA-XJUI, 225 Third street, St. Paul. vEALER in Carpets, Oil Cloths, Mat tings, Curtain Materials and Trim mings, Upholstering and Furnishing Goods, Window Shades, Wall Paper, Mattresses, Feathers, &c. »6n40-ly ST. CLOUD BOOKSTORE J. M. ROSENBERGER, BOOKSELLER, STATIONER rf NEWSDEALER Has always on hand a fine Assortment of a a S a —AIM— THE LATEST PAPERS & MAGAZINES THE STANDIRD SCH00LB00KS, And everything usually found in a first class Bookstore. vttnl8-tf J. W E O MERCHAN A I O W' OULD invite his friends and the pub lic to call and examine hit New Stylet tj Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods. Partic ular attention paid to custom work. ALL KINDS OF Print! ir Neatly and Cheaply Executed AT THE Democrat Office CARDS. PROGRAMMES, BILL-HEADS, POSTERS, ^EIF-dD CIRCULARS, HAVD-BILLS, RECEIPTS, ORDERS, ETC, Printed to Order and on S O I a NOTTd^L ... ••:':'-. .'. I Orders for all kinds of Ruled, Book, or Pamphlet Work, as well as Binding, filled AT BT. PAUL PRICKS. Orders from the country solicited, and satisfaction guaranteed. •MMMMgnhpi ••'.£ ALCOHOL, .*m & L. G. DATENT MEDICINES. WHOLESALE A N E A I DEALERS I N Drugs and. IVIeciioiiies, AT BROKER'S BLOCK, Oat stock of the following goods is full: All the popular Patent Medicines of the day, equal, ire trust, to the demaud, at E. W. A L. G. SIMS'. OTATIONERY. Paper and Envelopes—all kinds and qualities, at prices satisfactory, at E. W. & L. G. SIMS*. AMPS! An endless variety, at prices defying competition, at Also, Sole Agents for Chickeriug's cele brated Pianos, of Boston and the United Piano Forte Makers, of New York, the best ano in use for the money. Also, Agents for Grovesteen St Co., Caleuberg & Yaupel, and J. & Fischer's pianos. Sole Agents for Prince's celebrated Me lodeons, School Organs and Organ Harmo niums also. Mason & Hamlin's Melodeons and Cabinet Organs. The Abate Instruments are all rally Warranted for Five Yean. We keep constantly on hand the ONLY FULL ASSORTMENT or Sheet Music and Musical Instruments Of all descriptions in Minnesota. Our stock of Violins, Violincellos, Con tra Basses, Flutes, Fifes, Flagoletie, Clare ncfts, Guitars, Banjos, Military Drums of all descriptions, Brass Instruments, Accor dions, Strings, etc., is complete. Church Organs, Melodeons and Pianos tuned and repaired. Orders attended to with Promptness. vfin28-ly LAXD OFFICE, ST. CLOVU, MINK., 1 GLASS, TXJXMPENTlPiTE, TOBACCO AN CIGARS, E W. & L. G. SIMS'. RUSHES, Of all kinds, from the delicate Infant's and Ten-cent Tooth, to the V'ge Wall, at E. W. & L. G. SIMS'. LAVORING EXTRACTS. All the genuine brands, at E. W. & L. G. SIMS'.' MUNGER BROS., M«sic J^ foalel-s, Conoert Hall Block, Third Street, SAINT TAUL, MINN., Sole Agents for Steinway & Son's celebra ted Pianos. Messrs*. Stcinway were award ed the First Prize Medal for their Pianos over *2W others at the great International Exhibition. Loudon, in 18f2. March 3d, 18C5 To JohnShealer: O You are hereby notified that Ansholm Holler will appear at this office on the 17TH DAY OF APRIL, 1865, at 10 o'clock A. to offer proof to show that you have aban doned your Homestead Entry No. 411, made at this office on the 19th day of September, A. D. 1803, upon the se section 24, and ne section 25, township. 122, range 30, and will then apply to enter the same tract himselt, under the Homestead Act.-:- .. T. McCLURE, Heghter. mch9-6w- C. A. OILMAN, Receiver. To the Unmarried. GRACE VAN EVERY, the gifted Clair, voyant and Futurist, can, by the aid of the Horoscope, produce a Perfect Likeness of your Future Part ner, giving the date of the happy event, leading traits of character, occupation, whether rich or poor, Post Office address, and other val uable information, if desired. Send by mail, prepaid, One Dollar, and Red Stamp, with a full description of your self, and I will return the likeness, with the abore information. Address GRACE VAN EVERY, v7n33 P. O. Drawer 636, Detroit, Mich. TO CONSUMPTIVES. Consumptive sufferers will receive a val uable prescription for tLe cure of Consump tion,' Asthma, Bronchitis, and all throat and lung affections, (free of charge,) by sending their address to Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON, .. SIMS, pHOICE PERFUMERIES. I I \nTwtivyi PUTTY, LINSEED, LARD, WHALE AND COAL OIL, WHITE AD, BENZOLE, Lubin's, Mitchell's, Glenn's and Jaques' Extract of "Pond Lilly," "Rondelttia," &c, &c at E. W. & L. G. SIMS'. O I E SOAPS, DENTIFRICES, HAI DRESSINGS, DYES & GLOSSES, A complete assortment of all the stand ard brands, at E. W. & L. G. SIMS'. O E I E S In cdnnection with our stock of Drugs, we keep a good supply of Groceries, to which we invite the-attention of the public. E. W. & h. G. SIMS. Leather! Leather! KESSLEll & RIEHL, Importers, Tanners and Carriers, ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA, A RE now receiving and will keep con stantly ou hand the largest and best stock of Leather and Findings in the State —consisting of SPANISH SOLE LEATHER, OAK SOLE E A E JLotttliei* HARNESS AND BRIDLE LEATHER, Tampico and Maddrass, Morocco Splits, Shoe aud Saddle Skirting, Belt and Lace Leather, FRENCH CALF SKINS, S in COUNTRY KI S I N S 6,000 Bushels Plasterin Hair. Also, a general assortment of all kinds of Findings, &c. Please call and examine our stock as we will not be undersold by any house in the State. Particular attention paid t« orders. tfelr Cash paid for Hides, Furs and Deer Skins. KESSLER & RIEHL, No. 306 Third street, sign of the "Black Bear." T6n40-ly BOOTS AND SHOES, Leather and Findings, JSL O. SMITH'S. Men's calf, kip and stoga custom Boots. Men's calf, kip and stoga Eastern Boots. Men's calf, kip and stoga Brogans. Men's calf, kip and stoga Balmorals. Men's calf Congress Gaiters. Boys' Boots and Shoes, all kinds. Youths' and Children's Shoes, all kinds. Women's calf and goat Shoes, all kinds. Misses' calf and goat Shoes, all kinds. Children's Shoes, all kinds, copper tipped. Ladies' serge Congress Gaiters, No. 1. Ladies' serge Balmorals, No. 1. Ladies' Slippers aud Buskins. Sole and Upper Leather. French and Domestic Calf Skins. Shoe thread. Nails, Pegs, Wax, &c. Plastering Hair in any quantity. Alsof/ a good assortment of Men's and Boy's Hats, of all kinds,. The above mentioned goods have just been received from the East, and are for sale at surprisingly low prices for the times. CALL AND SATISFY YOURSELF. Cnafe paid for Hides and Caiftkin* •6n41 E.C..SMITH. 8'iit JAPAN, PURE WINES AND LIQUORS. 15 j. & H,c. BmBANK & Go WHOLESALE AND RETAIL tt&USkd Iff Dr Gooffs Read Mad Clotiiig BOOTS, SHOES HATS 0-A.DPS Groceries, Provisions, 4c k*. I ^eW^Cfo«**V Miuueaota •Just Received I a FULL AN C0IM.ETE STOtt Of Spring and Summer Goods! Staple and Fane Dr Goods. Brown and Bleached Muslins, Cotton Flannels, Denims, Ticking, Hickory, AU Wowl FiannelST, Linen and Worsted Damask, Domestic and Lancaster Ginghams, Philip Allen, Sprague, Merrimac and Union Prints* Hoop Skirts, Balmoral Skirts, Cotton Velvet, Plain and Fancy Velvet Ribbons, Tafta Ribbons, Black and Figured Silks, Brocades, Chintz, Coberge, Plain and Rep'd Merinoes, Mous. de Laines, All Wool Delaines, .Scotch Plaids, Alpacas, French Corsets, Laiies' Vests (silk and worsted) Dimity Bands Ruffling, Plain aud Fancy Shawls, and an Immense Assortment of Hoods, Nubia Hoods, Scarfs, Sontags, Tripods, Ac, Embracing all the latest styles and selected with great care especially for this market IiN" E E And PiU BOXES HNNESOTA CHEESE. 30 boxes of "Western Reserve." at J. C. H. C.BUJtBANKJt CO. BOXES DE LAND'S CELEBRATED Chemical Saleratus, at J. C. 4- //. C, BURBANK $ CO. 25 BOXES FRESH PEACHES. 2d Boxes Green Corn. 25 Boxes Fresh Tomatoes, at BBLS. CARBON OIL. 5 do Kerosene Oil. 10 do Burning Fluid at 10 TIERCES RICE.' 10 BBLS. RICE 10 Sacks Dried Peaches, 80 do do Apples, at CHESTS Y. H. TEA. 10 chests Imperial Tea. 20 do assorted Black Teas, at 25 BBLS. N.O .MOLASSES. 20 bbls 8. II." Syrup. 20 kegs do do 10 do Goldti. Jo 10 do Amber do tt I I E Ready IVIacl Clothing We offer our customers one of the largest t,tock ever brought to Northern MnUesofa Hade in the most Substantial Manner! COXSISTINO OVER COATS, DRESS COATS, BUSINESS COATS, PLAIN AND FIGURED PANTS, PLAIN AND FANCY VEST8, WOOL JACKETS HEAVY PLAIN AND FANCY WOOL OVERSH1STS, DRAWERS, MERINO CNDERSniRTS, OVERALLS. NECK TIES, WOOL SOCKS, RUBBER SUITS, 4c. Ac. BOOTS AND SHOES FOR LADIES' A N GENTLEMEN'S WEAR! Embracing Plain Calf, Pebble Calf, Kid. Goat, Glove Kid and Serge Balmoral* Congress, Kid and Lacs Gaiters, Kip and Calt Custom Made Boots, Boys' and Youths' Boots, Children's aud Misses' Balmorals and Gaiters, Army Shoes, &c H=3:.A.TS A.1X1D A S A large and well-selected Assortment of WOOL, GL0VE8 ANDMTTTB.. JTUTRIA, GLOVE 8 AHD MTTTB Fur, Back and Tarn. I 1 aim I mmmjgtggjm O S O I S I S A Groceries and Provisions. WHOLES VLE AND RETAIL, A &z A N & 00.«ST 100 J. C. 4~ H. C. BUhBANKf CO. WHOLE, HALF AND QUARTER Boxes llaisins, crop of 186*2. at J. C. .£ H. BURBANK $ CO BOXES ASSORTED CANDY. 25 Boxes "extra" Fancy Candy, at J. C. d- C. BURBANK 4- CO. 100 J. Ct$ 11. C. BURBANK $ CO J. C. 4- II. C. BURBANK# CO J. C. «*r 6. HJRBANK4 CO. Ofj A BBLS. SOl*A» BUTTER, PICNIC /C\J\J *"d Boston Crackers, at J. C. 4- H. C. BURBANK 4 CO. 150 BBLS. H.ALD BREAD, at C. 6 BURBANK CO. QARD^NES. O 30 cases and boxes. 50 oases 2 qt cans fresh Cove Oysters. 10 do do Lobsters. 10 do do. Salmon. J. C. #H. C. BURBANK# CO PRINTERS'bINK—ALL COLORS. For sab) J. a u. c. BRUBANK* CO •9 ft O E E A E CLOTH BBIS. MESS PORK, at J.C fU. *, BURBANK $ CO 400 BBL& FLOUR, at J.C.$H C. BURBA NK J- CO BBLS. SALINA SALT, at J.C.fHC BURBANK CO. SKS. G. A. SALT, at J. C. //. C. BURBANK CO BBLS. SUGAR—REFINED NO. 1 Prime, and Porto Rico, at J. C. 4 H. a BURBANK $ CO. 100 fflm* BBLS. CRUSHED AND POWDERED Sugars. 50 boxes Mould Candles. 35 do Star Candles, at •A C. 4- C. BURBANK & CO. BOXES PALM SOAP. 35 do German Soap. 10 dn Castile Soap, at 50 J. C. 4- H. C. BURBANK $ CO. QX ASSORTED TOBACCO—COMPR1S QfJ ing all the favorite brands, at J. C. C. BURBANK* CO BOXES SALERATUS. 10 do Starch, Pearl and Corn, at S. C. Hf C. BURB iXKf CO ioo J. C. d- C. BURBANK .j- CO. BBLS. COMMON, BOURBON AND Rye Whisky. 5 pipes Holland Gin. 5 j-do French Brandy,'at J. C. #H. C. BURBANK CO 125 KEGS OF NAILS AND SPIKES 100 boxes assorted Window Glass 10 gross pt flasks 5 casks Prunes casks Currants 8 cases Nutmegs 20 matts Cassia 60 cans Mustard 10 bags whole Pepper and Pimento 10 ens Englishand French Mustard 50 bbls Vinegar 30 boxes Babbitt's Pare 8aleratns 3o coils assorted Manilla Cordas*. 35 doien Bed Cords 15 boxes Vermicelli and Maecaron 30 boxes Starch 10 doxen 2 and 3 hooped Pails 30 dosen assorted Tuba 50C boxes G. D. Caps—and Eln andC Coke's.water 500 lbs bar Lead 50 sac shot J.CJtH.C. BURBANK CO St. Germ. St., St Cloud Mian.