Ml tii.,1) "I'fr'i
8tw JH. (Staid glemamt
Thursday, April 20, 1865.
"Forever float that standard sheet!
Where breathes the foe but fall* htfortut,\
With Freedom's soil beneath our feet,
And Freedom'» banner streaming o'er uif\
Thousands created in Thine image
had yielded up their lives for that of
i.lie nation, and by Thy favor, after
years of suffering, we -were made tc
cry with joy, that ouf brightest hopes
were being oonsummated. But nowj
Oh God Thou hast stricken the light
from our eyes—Thou hast taken out
great, good and mighty ruler, our wist
On Sabbath morning the terriblj
news fell upon us—crushing, stupefy
ing, sickening. Men heard with
blanched cheeks, and the blood cold—*
irozen—in their veins. To believ
seemed impossible, and yet there wa:
no rojm for hope—the truth was only
too well established. Words were pow
erless'. In the formation of language
no such deed as this—the assassination
of Liberty's chosen son in a land that
boasted to breathe only the air of free
dom—had never been contemplated,
and the brain of man had framed noth
ing for the tongue to express that was
not viak and impotent. So, with
hearts sick and tears brimming over
from eyes that were only then willing,
they turned their steps to the house of
that God whose "ways are inscrutable
and past, finding out," or returned
wearily to darkened homes—the bright
ness of the holy day seeming in mock
ery of the black pall that uhrouded all
On Friday night, of last week an
nrmed assassin entered the private.box
at a theatre in Washington occupied by
the President and his family, and ap
proaching him from behind, sent
cowardly bullet to smite the brain of
the innocent, unsuspecting, great man,
and doits work of death. Leaping to
the stage, he escaped from the.theatre
—leaving his victim passing insensibly
from life to death.
Oh I it is too terrible—too hea
Such assassination would strike hor
ror to the soul of every man not steep
ed to fullest saturation in the poison of
disloyalty, because the victim was the
President of the United States the
chosen ruler of the peoplu the embod
iment of the laws, the jastiee, the hon
or of his country. Thus it would shock
him as a citizen. But more was the
sorrow ot those "who loved him as
ABRAHAM LINCOLN—-the father of his
people—-almost' as children
father of their home. The heart of th
nation had twined around, that great
body and taken it to themselves, and
the great soul it contained had become
a part of their soul and the bullei
every fiber in this net-work' of love wo
ven Ttj the people uhtil ty quivered in
agony. He had' given a life-time of
earnest and successful endeavor to their
cause, and they, were not. stinting in
their reward, infinitely precious, foi
its sincerity.
It is a useless wish, that Our Presi
dent might have lived to see the com
I-lttion of the work he had carried for
ward so nobly and well that it was all
calmly have said:
Like iMoses, his prototype of old,jh
was permitted
Land Only afar off, from the mountain
top—from the mouptaln-top of Liberty!
and Enlightenment to which, with th
guidance of the Almighty One,-he had
brought ht people up from thedark
Oh, God what precious blood doetj
Thou require with which to place Tbyj
seal upon the new born liberty of thel
love the ed, and i6 now about dying.
About the same hour an assassin,
^not known whether the same or not,)
entered, Mr. Seward's apartments, and
under a pretence of having a prescrip
tion, was shown, to -Secretary Seward's
that struck down his* life crashed along jick chamber, the assassin immediately
reshed to the bed aud inflicted two oi
three stabs ip the, throat and two in the
e. It is hoped the wound may not
be mortal.. My apprehension is they
will prove fatal. .-,n ,.:i,\ biMyilifiH
/The. nurge alarmed Mr. Fred Stward
whip was in an, adjoining, room, pmd he
ened to the door ot his fathers room
where he met the assassin who inflicted
upon him .one or^ more dangp.roub
valley where fetters were forged and
No pen can write an eulogium of
lives and will live in thousands upon
thousands of hearts, as the man whose
nature, knew no unkindness whose
honesty was their boast whose wisdom.
rnjness in the right, and purity of life
Had been denied only as he hadbroui
'tl.em from low estate as "the noble pa-Bo:30 this morning.
triot as the Savior of the Nation—
"and his name will become more and
mdre sacred as rt is hallowed by these
.memories confided from father to son,
and from mother to daughter, «,,-«
-To add, if possible, to Uifl terrible
[ness of the blow, the same dispatct
[brought news that, about the earn
[time with the President's assassination,
fa murderer obtained access to the had
[room ot that most.illustrious of! Amer
jicaiti statesmen the last decade of years
^hat known, William H. Seward, rush
upon him where he lay hopelessly
ill, and inflicted woundsin his face and
throat that resulted in his death.
son, Frederick. Seward, Assistant, Sec
etary of State, was also mori
wounded.. ,, ., .,.' .:-. .*
The cup is filled to
Let the nation weep, and God-lik
must be their nature if their tears have]
not the bitterness of gall
LATER.—It is with feelings of pn
found gratitude that we read the con
,tradiction of the announcement ot Se
etary Seward's death, and the assur
ances that he is steadily growing bet
tcr. The universal prayer is, that he
may speedily be restored to pen
ealth. ,'•'•.'•.
AT twelve o'clock o'oloek yesterday
the grave received the mortal remain:
01 ABRAHAM LINCOLN. Business was
suspended .generally during the day
throughout the loyal States.
THE, revelation of eventa prove thai
the assassin of the President wa*
Wilkes Booth, one of those vilest of all
reptiles—a Northern Copperhead.
PRE«IUENT LINCOLN- was fifty-six
yAars.ot age at the time of his death.
[Froia Oiir Extra of Sunday.]
To Major General Dix '"•"'..
AH 8 -WAfc-DBV^aTiiutBT '''1^ "V
Yt.ASHINOTON, April 15,-1:30 A. M.J
Last evening about 9:30 P. M., ai
Pord's theatre, the President, while
tting in his private- box with Mre.
Lincoln, Mrs. Rodgers and Major Rath
burn, was shot by an assassin, who sud
lenly entered the box and approached
ithind the President bm
The assassin then escaped upon the
stagfl brandishing a- large dagger
The recovery of. Fred SeW
OB doubtful!
hut finished, and to see. the people of
his nation gathered under the growing i»f no* probable that the President
branches of the tree of Peace^-whosc fffl
through tlie*ightr
first fresh garlands were already wreatk jO*n/ ©ralft aiidlwifi Were advertised
ed about his brow—when he might to b« at the theatre this evening, b*i
he started for Burlington at six o'clock
"Lord, now letlest thou thy servant
jpartiin peace For mine eyes have Cabinet meeting ai.which Gen
een thy salvation, which thou hast Grant was present the subject ot th
prepare.* beforeVthe lace of all people.'**?** '&the o°untry Md the prospeei
to view the PromisedlPrie9ldejDt
a 8
6 a
ul, and spoke very kindly of Gen. Lee
nd others of the•• Confederacy.
|1 .' .Secretary of War.
ifye-Star ExtridL says: At 7:2d' o'^
jlock the President breathed bis last
closing his eyes as if going to sleep.
April 16—10 A. K.
Abraham Lincoln died this mornin
at 7:22. '£:%.^'•••••
(Signed) E. M. STANTON,
Secretary of War.
CHICAGO, April 15.
.. A dispatch just received from Wash
ngton says Secretary Seward died at
WASHINGTON, ApriM6, 11 A. M.
The Star $xtr* says at 7:20 o'oloek
Secretary Seward bS
the president breatjied bisJast-yclojMng did|n*t start for^eMhdatre ^o^1l
J. WHkes Booth the As
sassin of the President
WAR DCPARTMCNT, April 16—4:10 A. M.
To Maj. Gen. Dix.
The President continues insensible,
and. is sinking.. Seorerary Seward' re
mains without change/Frederick Self
rd's skull is fractured, in two places,
besides a severe cat on the head. The
ttendant is still alive but hopeless
Major Seward's wounds are not danger*
It is now ascertained with reasonable
ertainty, that two assassins were enga
ged in the horrible crime—J. Wilkei
Booth being the one that shot the Pres
ident, and the other a companion of hiay
eyes as in lalliiiar to slecn. minutes afterS'oclock,
'Speaker CoUa* was\ at. the White
House at the time. The President sta
ted to him that he was going,
•..-..r.-.-j' •••.••:«•.
Further ^rtic(aairs|
\iii\ Secretary of War
WAsaiMOTOR. April 14.
President Lincoln and wife, with oth
er friends, visited Ford's Theatre, foi
the purpose of witnessing the perform
ance of "Our American Cousin."
It was announced in the papers that
lien. Grant would also.be present, but
that gentleman took, the late train of
cars for New Jersey.
11 The theatre was densely crowded, and
verybody,seemed delighted with the
scene before them, During the third
ct and while there was a tempo
ause for one of the actors to enter, a
arp report of a pistol was heard which
-. um
"Sic semper tyrannuJ'
He immediately leaped from the box
ihich was in the rear tier of the stag
leneath, .and ran across to the opposite
side ol tho stage, making bis escape \.
6aife,and made hisescape in rear of ifeidj.he bewilderment of the audienS He?ns«ted on going up alUiough re
die theatre. The pistol ball entered
back of the Piesident'a head, and pen- Wji -..:' ,, ,,..„
IThe screams of Mrs. Lincolnfirstdi
closed the fact tp the audience that the
etratcd nearly through the head. Th
wound is- mortal. The^President has
been insensible ever bince it was,inflict-
ui l&inJ«i
Qn a hasty examination it was found
that the President hadbeen shot through
the head, and baok of the temporal
bone, and that some of the brains were
hue eJdgBod
I He was removed to a private house
^posite the theatre^ and a .Surgeon
General of the., army and other surgeonf
were svut for to attend to his condition
On examination of the President'!
x*, blood was discovered on the baok
of the cushioned rocking-chair in which
the President had been sitting, also ion
the partition and on thefloor.L
whose name is not known, but whose 0Oor about three seconds after the a,
sassin had passed out. Col. Stewart
got to the street just in time to see htm
escnption is so clear that he can hard
ly escape
It appears from a letter found in
fell through then'became the accomplice
backed out until Richmond could
heard from. I Booth and his accomplice
were at the livery stable at six o'elock
last evening, and left their horses at
ten o'clock, or shortly before that hour.
Booth's truuk that the murder
planned before the 4th of March, but affair was a preconcerted plan.
fair skin dark hair
It would seem that they had been
seeking their chance, but for some uq
known reason, it was Wot carried into Whoever he was, it is plainly evident
effect until last night. One pf them
has evidently made his way to Balti
more the Other has not yet been traced, of escape to the stage. A person not
familiar with the theatre could not pos
bly have made his escape as.well and
ii il'FAVtl fl
President had been shot whenall pre* S-W TO -V
ent rose to their feet and rushed toward
ho stage immediately, I exclaiming,
0»ang'liiiu£' »i )bljG ni i)\A isaq
The excitement was of the wfldesl
possible description, and of course there
was an abrupt intermission in the the
atrical performances. iljBioHod
There was a rush toward the Presi
debt's box, when, cries^-were heard
•Staud back and give him air" "Has
any one,stimulants
A common single-barreled pistol was
found on the carpet.(i, A'military guard
peace was discussed. a
been removed.
It had been previously announ
that the wound was mortal, but all ho]
ed' otherwise. The shock to the ooi
munity was terrible, At midnight thi
Cabineti Messrs, Sumner, Paifnsworth
udge Bates, Gov. Oulesby, Gen. Meigs
•Ool. Haynes and a few personal friends
[with surgeon Borris and his immediate
istants were around his bed. The
sident is in a state of syncope and
totally insensible.
The blood oozed slowly from tjie baok
of his head. The surgeons showed ev
!ery possible effort of medical skill, but
all hope was gone.
The parting of his family with the
dying President is too sad for desorip
tion. TKe^^
Everybody there was so excited that
arcely an intelligent word, could be
thered, but the facts are Substantially
Ittraeted attention but! suggested noth- fflM1 »wn answered by a col
Bred servant, he said he had come from
Dr. Vicde, Secretary Seward's family
physician, with a prescription for the
serious until a man rushed to th
front of the President's box, waving
ong dagger in his right hand, and ex
claiming:.. .. •-..., •••.-.•,
Mrs. Lincoln had not been well, because occupied Mobile on the 9th. Spapjsh
the papers .had announced (hat Geperal
Grant was to be preeent, and as Gen
Grant had gone North, he did not wis!
the audience ta be disappointed.
He went with apparent reluctance
and urged l.... Colfa? to go with him
but, that gentleman bad made: other en
gagements with Mr. Ashmun, of Mas
sacbusetts, aud hade him good-bye.
After tho President was shot, Lieut
Rathbone, who was in the box with him
caught, the assassin by the arm, who im
inc5iately struck him with a knife, and
unt his"horse and ride away.
This operation shows that the who!
large moustache. Laura Keene ant
the leader of the orchestra declare that
they recognized him as J. Wilkes Booth
the actor, aud a rabid secessionist—
that he thoroughly understood the the
atre, and also the approaches and modes
was at its wildest height, reports weie
circulated that Secretary Seward had
also been- assassinated. On reaching
Secretary Seward's residence a crowd
tad a military guard were around the
door, and on entering it was found that
the reports were- based on truth
About 10 o'clock, a man ranga bell and
Secretory, at the same time held in his
hand a small, folded paper, saying in
mswer to a refusal rttt he must sec
the Secretaries he was entrusted with
particular instructions concerning the
enter the chamber. He pushed the
servant: .aside, and. walked heavily .to
ward, the Secretary's room.
theatre, and mounting a horse "Pectfully informed that no one could
He was there met by Fred Seward,
rf 0
rotary, making the same representa
tions which he did to the servant.
What further passed in the way of
iv is not known, but the man
struck .him on the head with a
severely injuring the. skull and felling
bim almost senseless
The assassin then .rushed into the
chamber and attacked. Mr. Seward, the
Paymaster U. S« A., Mr. Hansel, a
messenger of. the Bute Department,
and two male nurses, disabling them
He. then rushed upon the Secretary
who was lying in the bed in the same
room, and' inflicted three stabs in th
neck. !.?i.He bled profusely. it^9(j
The assassin rushed| down s*aira
others although both the Seoretary
and the Assistant Secretary .are verv
severely injured. '..,,
.... ecrctaries Stanton and Welles,^and
hailbeen placed in front of tho private %m W ..
pother prominent oflioers of the Govern
ment called at Secretary Seward's house
They then pvobeeded to the house
|Where he was dying, exhibiting, of
burse, intenseanxiety and solicitude
iias n(ii*m &
rtr a
An^immense crowd was gathered in
front of the house, and a strong guard
was also stationed.
There isevidence that Secretary Stan
ton was marked for assassination. On
the receipt of the intelligence at th
War Department of the attack on the
President, two employees of the depart
tary. Just as'the^ approached'the
house, a man jumped out from behind
a tree box in front of the house and
rah away. It is well known to beth
QU8tom of the Secretary to go from the
Department to his house between 9 and
12 o'clock P.M., and usually unattended, caution/
CHICAGO, April 10.
A Cairo special says that our force
Fort was captured with 3,000 prisoners
Three hundred guns were captured in
Mobile. The garrison fell back up the
river to Chickasaw Bluff. General Wil
son captured all of Roddy's command
This report has since been.confirmed
Washington, April 16, 8 i. M.
Official notice of the death of the
late President, Abraham Lincoln, was
given by the head of this Department
lumped from the, box as before stated. :,. •«.!
I •this morning to Andrew Johnson, Vice
As the assassin ran across the stage]
Col. J. B. Stewart, of this eityf'who
was occupying one of the front seats in
the. OT chestra, on the same side of th«
house as the one occupied by. r. Lin'
coin, sprung to the stage and followed
ijm, but he was obstructed in his pas
sage across the stage by the fright oi
ne of the actors, and reached the back
The person whofiredthe pistol was
a man about thirty years of ago, about
»-, ed acting Secretary of State during the
five feet nine inches high, spare built, ,. .... °. ». a ,»,
7-" i.'-, -.*! disability of Seward ar.Secretaryu
President, upon whom the Constitution
devolved the office of President. Mr
Johnson, upon receiving this notice,
appeared before Chief Jastiee Chase
and took the oath of President of the
United States, and assumed its duties
and functions at 12 o'clock
The President met the heads of de
partments in cabinet meeting at the
Treasury building, and among other
usiness the 'following was transacted:
1st. The arrangements for the funer
al of the late President were referred
to the several Secretaries, as tar as re
lates to their respective departments.
2d. T. W. Hunter, Esq., was appoint?
TO-. V'.''""^i.' Seward remains unchanged. He is do.able
When the excitement at the theatre ,. ,r.
ing.well. 1 here is noThe
NEW YORK, April 18,
The latest dispatches represent Sec
retary Seward to be improving. Booth
aas.not.yet been arrested. .-,
the Cabinet. It gives interesting
dents which. lead to conclusion.—
The arrest of suspected parties in New
York is announced.
On Monday, the 10th, Jeff Davis
was said to be in Macon, Ga. It is
said that Leo is endeavoring to prevail
Oin Davis to give up the contest.
The surrender of Johnston to Sher
man is again reported. It is probably
correct, though not official.
Lee surrendered about 16,000 men,
pieces oi artillery and 700 wagoos.
The soldiers of pur army are greatly
a he
^assinaUon, but they
ife counselled to calmness. Quietness
seems to be restored again, and matters
wonted firmness and tranquility.
Gold closed at 148.
Th* Recant, Vteiortea—Hla Theory ot
Reconatraction—The.JUoulstana State
Org«.nla»tlon Advocated.
mounted his horse at the door and rode ^jjijeUyf^sd,from the upper window of
off befcre an alarm could be sounded in the Kxecutive Mansion, to.an'immense con
President had done.
It is believed that the injuries of the
.An inexpressibly mournful interest is at-
his so
Fred Seward,Mr.
the Assistan
3d. The President formally announc-
Secretaries of Departments and his Cab
inet, they would,ga on and discharge
their respeotive duties in the same man
ner as before the deplorable event: that
had changed the head ot the Govern
mept. All business in the Departments
was suspended during the day. Sur
geons report that the condition of Mr.
improvement in
Mr Fred Seward. murderers
liave not yet been apprehended*
See. qf War
tached to these remarks of our late beloved franchise "iipon the colore man
President—the last ever spoken to the peo~
thfl same manner as the assassin of the course of persons,who had flocked thither mitted to the Union, to perpetuate freedom
to celebrate the recent victories:
""•Secretary are not fatal, nor those of theft? gladness. of heart.: The evacuation offland
Petersburg and Richmond 4nd the surren
is being prepared and will be duly promul
gated. Nor must those whose harder part fined when, where and how.
tofcqui,. ..to hU conditio,. ,„d th«o fe?£~*J^$X%&
'Teard of the assassination of the Presi- others. I myself was near the front, and dency to bring Louisiana into proper prac
had the high pleasure of transmitting much
of the good newi to you, buttoopart of the
honor for the plan or execution is mine.
brave'man, all belongs. The gallant hav
As yet, whatever it may become, that
question is had as a basis of controversy,
and good for nothing at all. We all argtN
that seceded States, so-called, are. out ol
The Washington Intelligencer thinks
the murder of the President the result ^heir proper practical relation withr the Un
•*—.—' JL.jjTi._/.i L- t.i. sell at PobUc auction on SATURDAY. "THE Jf
of a oonspiracv which included uot on- 1 *,
stood ready, but was not in reaeh to take hearts and nerve the arms of 12,000 to ad
an active part. h«re to their work *ad argus for it, aed
By these recent successes the re-inaugu- proselyte for it. and fight for it, and feed
ration of national authority and recon- it, and grow it, and ripen it to complete
struction which has had a Ian* ahara rf ^°®c.e88
thought from tae first, is preaaed much The colored man, too, in seeing all uai
more closely upon our attention* It is ted for him is inspirited with vigilance and
fraught with great difficulty. Unlike tht energy. Grant that he desires the elective
case of war between independent nation! franchise, will he not attain it sooner by
theie is no authorized organ for ua to treat »»Wg the already advanced steps toward
with. Noon* man has authority to gir« it than by running backward over them
up the rebellion lor any other man.. w^HGoacede that the new government of Lou-
the rebellion for any other man W L/0n
ment were sent to summon the Score-Bumply must begin and mould from disor- isiana is only to what it Hbould be as tb«
ginized and discordant elementu nor is it »gg to tht fowl. We ehall sooner have the
a small.additional embarrassment that we fowl by hatching the egg than by araaah
loyal people differ among ourselves as to ing it, [Laughter.]
the mode, manner and measure of recon-
reports of attacks upon myself, wishing not
bdge that I amAmnchceMuied W
sand as it does.
throughout the country resuming their quite all that is desirable. The question
s, will it be wiser to take it as it is and
lULfuucu ouhun ment, civil and military, regard to thost HundredanSof
aJxty-five, tte how of Ten o'ciict in
ly Lincoln and Seward, but the States, is to again get them„i-.p to that. pro-p —-^-Stearns.County,.to.
"esidentandall the members of
not only possible, bu ineven
met It givethiinteresting inci- this, withoutedeciding ore
decidingt or considerin,
hethe thes State hav ever been out
ihe Union than with it. Finding them
selves safely at home, it would be merely
mmflterial whether they had been abroad,
Let us all, doing acts necessary to. restore
the proper practical.rclations between these
States and Ihe Union, each forever after
innocently indulge his own opinion wheth
er in doing, these, acts he brought Slates
From without into the Union, or only gave
hem proper assistance, they never having
been out of it
It is also satisfactory to some that the
elective franchise is not given to the col
ored man. I would, myself, prefer that it
Were now conferred oh the very intelligent
and on those who serve our cause as sol
diers. .Still the question is not whether
ihe Louisiana government, as it stands, is
help to improve it or to reject, and disperse
Can Louisiana be brought into proper prac
ticable relation with the Union sooner by
sustaining or discarding the new govern
ment. Some 12,000 voters in the hereto
fore slave State of Louisiana have sworn
Uegiance to the Union. Assumed to be
the rightful political power of the State,
they-held erections, organized a State Gov
eminent, adopted a free.State Constitution,
riving the benefit of the public schools
equallytoblack and white, and empower
ing the Legislature to confer. the. elective
franchise upon" the colored man. The
Legislature has already voted to ratify the
Constitutional amendment recently, passed
by Congress abolishing slavery throughout
the Union.. ,,"'.' ..!. ,ir. •., ..-.: aoan»,*M!
These 12,000 persons are thus fully com
in the State} committed to the Very things
and nearly all the things the nation wants,
Wo meet this evening not in sorrow, but and they ask the nation's reorganisation
... ^^.._ «..
.«iv— amistamje. W* have rejected and
pUrned them. We in fact.say to the white
sab,, you are worthless or worse. We will
tever help you or be helped by you. To
the blacks We*say this cup of liberty which
Jer of the principal insurgent army give man you are worthless or worse W will
hopes of righteous and speedy peace, whose never help you or be helped by you
Joyous expression cannot be restrained.—
In the midst of this, however, He from
whom all blessings flow must not be for
en. A call for a nation's thanksgiving chances of gathering, the spilled and scat
ered contents- in some vague and unde-
If this course, discouraging and paraly
tin.. both to white aud black, has an. ten-
To Gen. Grant, his skillful officers and government ol Louisiana the converse of
all this is made true.,. We sneourags the
tioal relations with the Union, I have so far
beeh unable to perceive it- If, on the con
rary, we recognize and tustain the new
BtruetiWfif^1^^'^ "''•'"•••=••-'••v'*s"^:" Je'ct"'our vote' in favor of the proposed
A. ».». ruf.. m*p- m** S S W S S S
supposed agency in setting Up and s.eking *ga"»st this.ftrther than to say thataueh
to austain the new go-yernment .of Louisiana
In this I have'done just so much and no
more than the public knows. In my an
nual message of December, 1863, and ac
companying proclamation, I presented a
plan of reconstruction, as the phrase goes
wbiob 1 proroieed if- adopted by any State
ould be acceptable and sustained byHhe
Executive Government of the nation. I
distinctly, staled that this was not the paly S S S S
plan which might posMbly he acceptable, each State, and such important and suddetf
and I distinctly pretested. that the Bx- Ganges occurmwrneS^te«, rtdalsoneW
Ccutive elaimed n¥ right to say when or *ndA unprecedented as the whole.ease
whether members should be admitted to S S
seats in Congress from such States. This safely be prescribed as to details _or oUat
plan was in advance submitted "to crals^ Bach exclusive and inflexible plarf
the Cabinet and approved by every mem- *a™*7
W it.-One of them suggested that I otfmay
importantyprinciples, and must be in
that connection apply
praviously exempted. It does not" adopt
Apprenticeship for Jreed people, and is si
lent as it could not well be otherwise about
admission of members to Congress, so that
as it applied to Louisiana, every member
of the Cabinet fully approved the plan.
The message went, to Congress and receiy
ed many hearty commendations of the plan,
written and verbal, and not a single objec
tion to it from any professed emancipa
tionist came to my knowledge* until atter
the news reached Washington that Louisi
ma had begun to move in accordance with
From about"July, 1862,1 had correspon
ded with different persons supposed to be
interested in helping the reconstruction of
the State government for Louisiana. When
the message of 1863, with the plan before Safnt Cloud, on
mentioned, reached New Orleans, Gen.
Banks wrote thathe was confident that
the people, with his military co-operation,
ed that he desired to retain the present would reconstruct substantially on that •*'t
plan. I wrote to him and some of them tip
iry it. They tried it and the result
known. Such has been my only agency
in getting up the Louisiana government.
As to sustaining it. my promise is how as
before.stated but. as bad promises are bet
ter broken than kept, I shall keep that as a
bad promise and break it whenever I shall
be convinced that the keeping of it is ad
erae to the public interest but! have not
been so convinced. I have been shown a
letter on this. subject, supposed to-be an
one, in which the writer expresses re
gret that my mind has not seemed to be
definitely fixed on the question, whethet
seceded States so-called are in the Union
or out of it. It would perhaps add aston
ishment, to his regret, were he to learn that
since I have found professed Union men
I be duty to make some new an
to the peoplsethe
of the South.—,'goes
I am considering and shall not fail to act
when satisfied thai action will be proper.
the emancipation proclamation, except in
parts a Louisiana that 1
should drop the suggestion about appren
ticeship for freed people,- and that I should
omit the protest against my own power in
regard to admission to members of Con
gress, but even he approved every part and
parcel of the plan which has been employ
ed or touched by the action of Louisiana.
The new constitution of Louisiana, declar
ing emancipation for the whole State, prac
tically applies the proclamation to the parts A" LIGHT LUMBER-WAGON,
sand Eight Hundred and sixty-five in an actica there
in pending, wherein Charles J. Scholia is Pi^ctiJf
and Edward Child's is Defendant,fortfca sum oi Two
Hundred and sixty-five and 76%-lCC IoHara ia faTiw
of said Plaintiff, and against neftmuais:—I have
this day levied Upon tne following Real i's:at3, and
aU the interest which the said E'iwar£ ..Childc now
lias or has had in the same since ha docketing and
rendering of 6aid judgment as aforesaid: to wit, Lot
number five (5) in block number three (3)in the town
of St. Cloud City, according to the surrey of th«- asid
town made bv T. A. Curtis, and recorded in the r£ice
uf Register pf Deeds in and for said.Steams County,
sther with the dwelliag house andother buiidisajs
nnd improvements theroon erected.
Now therefore notice ia hereby given that I will
sell at Publi auction on bATCReXi"
ry-SEVESTH DAY OF MAY, one thenaaaa
the forenoon said day at the front door of the
,.. ... 3our' House, o* said the hiehest
DellCte that It is !,idder for cagh, the one undivided half part of the
fact easier to do laid property or so much ofthe said moietv thereof as
•^-ay be necessary to satisfy said execution with the
terest due thereon, and costs.
ratification would be questionable, and sure
to be persistently questioned, while a rati
fication by three-fourths of all the States
would be unquestioned and unquestionable.
I repeat the question". Canfcofditrfanabe
brought into proper practical relation %Uh
the Union sooner by sustaining or discard
ng her new State Government What na*.
been said of Louisiana Will apply to other'
a ncw
a phrase
A BUGGY, ahdj |£##1
Inquire of
39-lt. P. C. RANSOM.
Pursuant to the provisions of the Act of
the Legislature of Minnesota, entitled "An?
Act to Incorporate the Town of St. Cloud,
nd to repeal a former Charter, of said
Town," approved March 8th, 1862, Notice
is hereby given that an election will be
held in and for the Incorporate Town off
Between the hours of 10 o'elock A. M., and
4 o'clock r. M., of said day. at the Court
House in said town, for the purpose ef
electing a—
For said Town, for the ensuing year.
By order of the Town Council.
Recorder of the Town of St. Cloud.
St. Cloud, Minn., April 17th, 1E65. 39
endeavoring to answer that question, 1 have court, on the seventeenth day of April, Oss Thou-
purposely foreborne any public expression
upon it, as it appears to me that the ques
tion has not been, nor yet. is, practically
material, and that any discussion of it,
while it thus remains practically' iramate
rial, could have no effect other than,mis
ohievousty offending out! friends?
Execution issued out of and under the seal of
the District Courtforthe Fourth Judicial District of
the State of Minnesota, in andforthe cecal? of
Steams, upon a judgment rendered and docketed in
ap20«w Sheriff of Stearns Co. Minn.
Wa. J. PABSORS, Atty.forPlaintiff.
Dated St. Cloud, Minn. April 20,1666.
Concert Hall Block, Third Bteeet,
The amount of constituency so to speak,
on which the Louisiana Government rests
ould be more satisfactory to all if it con
tained fifty or sixty thousand, ot, evenjgole Agents for Steinway & Son'4» celebra
enty thousand instead of twelve fv-
ted Pianos. Messrs.~
8teinway were award
ed the First Prize Medal for their Pianos
269 others at the great International
Exhibition. London, in 1862.
Also, SoleAgents for Chickering'r cele
brated Pianos, of Boston and the United
giano Forte Makers, of New. York, the best
ianoin Use for the money. Also, Agents
or Grovesteen & Co., Calenberg & Yaupel,
and J. & C. Fischer's pianos.
Sole Agents for Prince's celebrated Me
lodeons, School Organs and Organ Harmo
niums also, Mason & Hamlin's Melodeons
and Cabinet Organs.
The AWre Iartroneats an all rally WamBtsi
a Rvs Yean.. ..,.,,- ..,
We keep constantly en hand the
Sheet Music and Mailcal Iastruieito
1 Of all descriptions in Minnesota.
Our stock of Violins, Violincellos, Cen
ra Basses, Flutes, Fifes, Flagoletls, Clare*
lefts, Guitar*, Banjos, Military Drtuns ot
all deccriptiens, Brass Instruments, Aooor
iions, Strings, etc., is complete.
Church Organs, Melodeons .and Pianos
tuned and repaired.
Orders nttemded to with Prom
1 v6n26-ly
these,your old masters held to your lips weB I will commence on the 16th of April,
will dash from you and leave you to theBc»*tr»ting Colts/ Having had two yearss
experience in the business in this place, 1
can warrant satisfaction.
I T- SMtTfisON,
Ons mile from St. Cloud, on the Clearwa
ter -road. v7n36-8»
pueatet of tne JVereous, Seminal, Urinary ami
(I 5V«fm«?-new and:- reliable treatment—ia
porti of the Howard Aasooiatidn-iaent by r-v-.tHrbsal*
ed Hitter envelopes free of charge. Addret^, Difi 3.
SKOISN HOWOBTCN, Howard Association, Ko-2 souta
Ms S street, Phtladalphia, Pa. vSaSl-ly