Newspaper Page Text
1 1 *$$ DIBICTOIY OF M. X. CacacB.—Divin* service Sabbath, at 10J$ a. A »nd 7 p. a. Prayer Sfestlug and Class evary Thursday •venlng at V%. Sabbath 8chs*»l *t ll}*,oeloek every Sabbath morning. DAVID TICK, Pastor. Jttr*tik* Circulation of the Democrat la DOUBLE tlisU of a other paper pmbllsh.ed above St Anthon Valla tot Advertiser* remember thin. Mar For a btada »all at tbla O 0 of JO W O 1 0 A number of locals and some cor reapondence are crowded out this week, •we wish to devote alt Our available space tii the details of the late terrible tragedy. $&- See "For Sale," and notice of City election, under '-New Advertisements." .'*, I a JssT* Some interesting correspondence will be found on the first page. Also, very pretty poetical contribution from the pen of Miss Ninette Maine. of prairie fires could be seen from town, and ihe atmosphere has been strongly im pregnated with the smoke. We learn that Governor Miller will •tart East on Tuesday next. Fish are quite plenty in market. RIVKR OPEN.—The ice left the river at lower town on Friday morning, and the Mississippi is now entirely clear. CHANOK.—T. Eiwell, Esq., has sent to the proper officer his resignation as Assis tant Assessor of Internal Revenue for this District, to take effect on the 1st of May. He will be succeeded by Leander Gorton, Esq. TAKB NOTIOB.—We have just printed supply of blanks for the use of towns, un der the law relieving recruits and drafted men from paying taxes for bounties. Also, Summons and Subpoenas for Jus tices of the Peace. Town Clerks can procure suitable blanks for dog licences at this office, already printed. SUPPER.—The Ladies of St. Cloud will give a supper at Broker's Hall, on Monday Evening May 1st, at 7£ o'clock, in behalf of the Sanitary Commission to be held in Chicago, Mav 30th supper, seventy-five cents •re invited to attend. Admission, including PERSONAL.—Dr. W. It. Hunter returned home on Thursday evening, having spent the winter in Maine. I Chas F. Sims, lately engaged in theskill wholesale drug business in St. Paul, having purchased an interest in the Sank City Flouring Milts, lias removed permanently to this place. I •±m mmtmm UlST Do not waste your mon»y Duying anv of the worthless articles called GOLD Pans, which have flooded the market for Office, for upwards of twenty years, the l»»* •w.-jrewa when at lower prices you can get pens which are acknowledged to be the BEST IN THS WORLD. Avoid the shameless Upstarts whose lack of brains compels them to Attempt IMITA now, even to the advertisement. If you want ihe full value of your money, see in anoth er column: "The Teni is Mightier than Sword |T" Tows ORDERS, with or without •tabs, printed at this office on short notice. Call and see specimens. ST. CLOUD MARKETS C0KBKCTSD WXSKtT. Wheat, per bushel, $ Corn, *f Oats, Rye, Barley, 1 Hay, per ton, Butter, per lb Eggs, per dozen, Cord Wood, Beans, per bushel, Potatoes, Onions, Beef, per cwt, Pork, Kerosene Oil,«per g»l, Hides, green, per lb, Hides, dry, Flour, V" Corn meal per cwt. Buckwheat Q* Sugars, crushed, coffee ft P. R. Teas, Toung HysOn ft black, Coffee, 5 -A f'fi 45 a a 65 1 -,• ft m" 8 a 8 25 3 25 7 00 28 18 S E I A E Tan BarsAt Caamia, an Essay ef Wanting and In •tmetioa lur Young Men—published by the Howard Assedation, and sent free of charge in seeled envoi ope*. Address, Dr. J. SKILLEN HOUGHTON, How ard Association, Philadelphia, Pa. v7n30-l WHISKERMoustaches kers or Our Grecian Compound will force them to grow on the smoothest Slewor chin, or hair on bald heads, in Six Wee*» Price, $1.00. Sent by mail anywhere, closely sealed, on receipt ol price. Address, WARNER A 'CO,, v7n34-ly Box 138, Brooklyn, N. 1 A CABS TO Ixv A A Clergyman, while residing la South America as a missionary, discovered a tad a a simple remedy for the cure, of Nervous Weakness Decay, Diseases of the Urinary and. Seminal s, and ihe whole train of disorders brought on by baneful and viciousi habits. Great numbers have lean already cured by this noble remedy. Prompted by a desire to benefit the afflicted and unfortunate, I will send the recipe for preparing and using this med: ieine, in a sealed envelope, to any one who. needs it, Pre* of Charge.'' Please inclose a post-paid envelope, addressed to yourself. Address, JOSEPH T. INMAN, T7n80 Station D, Bible House, New York City A. "'PHE PE N 19 MIGHTIER! A SWORD. THE GOLD PEN—THE BEST OP ALL PI PENM Morton's Gold Pens, THE BEST PENS IN THS WOXttk On receipt of any of the following sains In cam, the rabscriber will send by return mail, or otherwise, at lirected, a Gold Penor Pens—selecting the same aooord ing to description, vis: GOLD PENS WITHOUT OASES. for 60cents, the Magic Pen for 75 cents, the Luck 1 th Always-Ready Pen for $125 th« Elegant Pen tad for $160 tb* Kxcelsior Pen.—These Pen for$100thee. pens are not numbered, but correspond in sties te numbers 2, 3, 4, 6 and 6 respectively. rflK SAME PINS IM SlLVEn-PLAtSD IXTtNOlON CASKS WITH PENCILS. For II00 ths If agio Pen for $125 tb* Lucky Pen Tor $150 the Always-Ready Pen for $2 00 the Elegant Pen, and for $-2 25 the .Excelsior Pen. '. These are well-nnished, good-writing Gold Pens, with 1/Uring the past few days the blaze iridoemin points, the average wear of every one of which will far outlast a gross of the best, steel pens although they are umoarranUd, and there/ore not ex changeable. MORTON'S WARRANTED PENS. The name "A. Morton," "Number," and "Quality," are stamped on the fallowing pens, and the points are warranted for six months, except against accident. The numbers indicate sUe only No. I being the smallest, No. 6 the largest, adapted for the pocket: No. 4, the smallest, and Nov 10 the largest mammoth Bold Pen, for the desk Long and medium nibs of all sizes and qualities Short nibs of Nes. 4, 5,6, and 7, and made only of first quality. The long and short nibs are fine pointed the me dium nibs are broad coarse business points. The en gravings aru iac-similes of the sizes and styles. OOLD PENS, WITHOUT CASES. For $1 25 a No. 1 pen,lst quality or a No. 3 pen 3d quel for $150 a No 2 pec, 1st quality or a No 3 pen, 2d quality or a No 4 pen, 3d quality. For $200 a No 8 pen, 1st quality or a No 4 pen, 2d quality or a No 5 pen, 3d quality For S3 25 a No 4 pen, 1st quality or a No 5 pen, 2d quality or a No 6 pen, 3d quality For $275 a No 5 pen, 1st quality or a No- 6 pen, 2d quality. For$350a No« pen: $450aNo 7 pen $575 a No8 pen $0 50 a No 9 pen $7 20 a No 10 pen—all 1st quality. THE SAHE GOLD PENS, IN SILVER EXTENSION CASES, WITH PENCILS. For $200 a No. 1 pen, 1st quality or a No 8 pen, 3d quality. For $2 50 a No quality or a For $3 00 a No 3 quality or a N,o 5 pen, 3d quality, For $2 75 a No 4 pen, 1st quality or a JVo 5 pen, quality or a No 6 pen, 3d quality. For $460 a No 5 pen 1st quality or a No 6 pen, 2d quality For $572 a No 6 pen, 1st quality. aToSaSRi-K.No 8 0 AL The public Having held a situation in the General Land charge of the Pre-emption Bureau, Mr. offers his services in the prosecution of claims before ihe Department, under the Pie-emp Laws, Town Site Act of 1844, &c lie will also attend to Mail Contractors' CIiima, business before Indian Bureau, &c. of Claims for Indian Depredations—Sioux, £c KEFER8 TO Hon. A. Ramsey, TJ. 8..Senate. Hon. M. S. Wilkinson, C. Si Senate. Hon T. A. Hendricks, U.S. Benrte, and late Com missioner of the Land Office. Hon. Wm. Windom, House of Representatives. Rittenhonee, fast 'k Co.. Bankers, Washington. Hoo. H. M. Rice, Minnesota. Hon. O. L. Becker, "..-., Hon. John Wilson, Third Auditor TJ. S. Treasury. Hon. Geo. C. Whiting, late Commissioner ef Pen ns»and now of Dept. Interior. A. 8. H. White, Esq, Dept. Interior. Also to the District Land Officers getter- 85 a 1 00 ally, and to all who have had land business a 1 00 st the seat of Government for years' back Charge* moderate, A retaining fee expect 1 1 0 a 1 15 id in every cote. .140 7 00 eer' '-15 12J 4 00a4,50 a 0 0 §,, a 50 4O0a5O0 a 1000 1 5 0 1 5 0 Office No. 5, first floor "IntelHgen bnildings,'7th street, Washington '. v7n82-eht NEW Eating Efouse F. O N I Proprietor The undersigned has fitted up the second 603ouse, S 1 WHISKERS!—Do von want Whii 1 60 a 2 OoHfloor of his new building on Washington 'enue, four, doors above the Fletcher for an Eating House, where Fried, Stewod or Raw, BEEFSTEAK, HAM ANJ ^EQfOS, ," !t. 3 0"*"". IK SlLVZa-MOUSTlB DCSK-HOLDECS. For $275 a No4 pen far $325 a.Vo5pen for$400a No 6 pen: f»r $575 a No 7 pen: :,:"'• or $7 a No S pen for $S a No. 9 'pen and for $1 a No 1C pen. The "1st Quality** are pointed with the very beet Iridoemin points, carefully selected, and nbne of thU quality are sold with the aligkteta imperfection which and the closest scrutiny can detect. The "2d Quality" are superior to any Pens made by iim previous to the year 1860. The "3d Quality" he intends Shall equaltorepect to durability, elasticity, and good writing qualities (the nly trueconsidr»tions) any Gold Pens made elsewhere In regard to the Cheap Gold Pens, he begs leave ay that previous to operating his New and Patented Machines, he could not have made as Rood writing and durable Pens for the price, had the Gold bees N A O W E S A E O lust Friday, while furnished gratuitously. Parties ordering must In all instances specify the "Name" or the "Number" and "Quality" of the Pens wanted, and be particular to describe the'kind they irefer—-whether stiff-or Umber, coarse or fine. F. H. Dam, George Marvin and M. Kerna were at work on the roof ..of Burbank'c new express office, the upper staging gav way, and they were precipitated to the ground, a distance of twenty-two feet, bringing with them the staging and a half thousand of shingles Mr.- Dam had his left eye injured and one leg relieved of a considerable portion of the cuticle. The others sustained slight injuries. They all owe their eseapw in if great measure to mud-hole into which they were plunged. The sight they presented to lookers-on w» cather ludicrous. & 5 All -remittances sent by 'mail in registered letters .re at my risk: and to all .who send twenty cents charge for registering) in addition to the price of goods ordered, I will guarantee their safe delivery Parties sending gold or silver will be allowed the nil premium on the day received. ,. -,... .. TO CLUBS.—A discounted 10per cent will be allowed on sums of $12, of 15 per cent on $24, and of 20per cent $48, if sent to one address at one time, address A. MORTON, No. 25 Maiden Lane, New York CfX&!h$!L A O N E WASHINGTON, D. C. SAUSAf^E, .- PIGS' FEET, 1 &c, fto.,: Can be had at all hours, served up in good style. ':'/l:''.\\- All kinds of fine liquors at the bar, the first floor. & ',". The public are invited to 1 .. ..,. ',.§ :Fi MONTI. 8t. Cloud, March 14 I|fi5. v7n84 DATENT MEDICINES. All the popular Patent Medicine* of the pen*M e^a1' t^8t*Jr° 1 pen 1s quality or a No 4 pen, 2c JS. -W.: L. (i 81 MS TATIONERY. Paper and Envelopes—all kinds qualities, at prices satisfactory, at W. 4 L. G. 8IMS*. LAMPS. QROCICERY, GLASSWARE, LAMPS, MIRRORS, GROCERIES, &c BEING now in receipt or my Fall and Winter Stock, which has been selected with care, purchased at. olose figures and Special attention given to the collection with reference to the increasing wants of his section, I would most respectfully in rite .purchasers to call and examine my assortment. ,}•• In Dress Goods I have a fine-line, consisting of French VIerinoes, Crape du Chenes and Amures, Mpaccas, Paramattas,' .Tartan Checks, Poplins, Plaid, Striped and Brocaded Mo hairsj Printed and All-Wool Delaines, ftc. a££ Ladies Cloths,' Fur Victorines and Capes, Misses' Ermine Victorines and Talmas. Hosiery and Gloves, Ladies' Vests and Drawers, Wool Hoods, Nubias,' ftc. Bonnet Ribbons, Ruches and Flowers. Business and Over Goats, Pants, Vests, Undershirts and Drawers, Gray and Fancy Wool Overshirts, Jackets,- Buck I Mitts, Qloves, Gauntlets, ftc. feg jJwapwsfl Saxony, Fur and Cloth Hate, Seal, Ntt tria, Plush and Cloth Cape, ftc. HKjIJ ••••''f"''- 'i\ w'C Trunks, Satchels, Blankets, ftc. Boots and Shoes. A good assortment of Men's and Bo B|bts, Ladies', Misses- and Children'! 8hoes and Balmorals, Buffalo and Cloth Overshoes, Lace Mooceelhe, Oil Tanned Boots, ftc. Crockery, Glassware, Laops, Mirrors, &o.—a very large assortment. Si wmm f*f»omm— E. W. & L. G. SIMS, WHOLESAL E AND RETAI DEALERS I N Driags and. Medicines, AT BROKER'S BLOCK, SIT. GXaOTFT}, lULTSTlST. Our stock of the following goods ii foil OIJLS v-^i^iqrsia:, GLASS, An endless variety, at prices defying «C^ytiw-Jtoi competition, at :i* WH E W. ft L. O SIM8'. S E S, Of all kinds, front, the delicate Infant's and Ten-cent Tooth, to the hnge Wall, at E. W. ft L. G. 5 I S FLAVORING EXTRACTS All the genuine brands, at E. W. ft L. G. SIMS'. t: •«.: S I J. K. BENNETT, in STATU awe rancT Dry Groods, CLOTHING, H-a«T Mx O S BO0TS & SHOES ftc All of which will be disposed of at thi very lowest market rates to a GASH. TjnlO-tf T: %. BENNETT. PUTT^ LINSEED, LARD, WHALE AND COAL OIL, ii ALCOHOL, TOBACCO AN I O CIGARS, WHITE i-JAD, JAPAN, PURE WINES AND LIQUORS. QHOICE PERFUMERIES. and Lubin's, Mitchell's, Glenn's and Jaques Extract of "Pond Lilly," "Rondelitia," &c,ftc,a 3,:•:'.Ei.W.-.ft h. Q. SIMS'. npOILET SOAP8, DENTIFRICES, HAIR DRESSINGS* DYES & GLOSSES^ I A complete assortment of. ail the stand ard brands, at E. W. ft L. G. SiMS'. pROCERIES. In connection.with our stock of Drugs, we keep a good supply of Groceries, to which we invite the attention of the public E. W. ft L. G. SIMS. Leather! Leather! KESSLERftRIEHL, Importers, Tanners and Carriers ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA, A RB how receiving and will keep con X\ "stantly on hand the largest and beet •took of Leather and Findings in the State consisting of \&ANJSi[ SOLE LEATHER, 0 A SOLE LE AT HER Tfjt*er a HARNESS AND BRIDLE LEATHER, Tampico and Maddrass, Morocco Splits, Shoe and Saddle Skirting, Belt and a -. Lace Leather, FRENCH CALF SKINS, "i S qaujfTBiY gfkrNS i,000 Bushels Plastering Hair. Also,' a general assortment of all kinds of Findings, Ac. gad oJ lsl04 Please call and examine our stock as we will .not be undersold by any house in the '.Particular attention-paid to oraert, Leather and Findings, saT" K* ., irH-'•'..•. .' Men's calf, kip and stoga cn&tom Boots. Men's'calf, kip and stoga Eastern Boots. Men's calf, kip and stoga Bregans. Men's calf, kip and stoga Balmorals. Men's calf Congress Gaiters. Boya' Boots and Shoes, all kinds. Youths' and Children's Shoes, all kinds. Women's calf and goat Shoes, all kind*. Misses' calf and goat Shoes, all kinds, .'.. Children's Shoes, all kinds, copper tipped. Ladies* serge Congress Gaiters, No. 1. Ladies' serge Balmorals, No. l. Ladies' Slippers and Buskins. St. Cloud, WOOL, 50 Cash paid for Hides, Furs and Deer Skins. KESSLER & RIEHL, No. 306 Third street, sign of the "Black Bear." v6neO-ly MerinoBOOTS 50 lj$\ Sole and Upper Leather. ,-... French and Domestic Calf Skins. Shoe thread, Nails, Pegs, Wax, Ac. Plastering Hair in any quantity, tJ.tJa .-•• A' I .-' Also, a good assortment of Men's and Boy's Hats, of all kinds. The above mentioned goods have just been received from, the East,: and are foi sale at surprisingly low prices for the*times. CALL AND SATISFY YOURSELF. O psvtet for Hides Calfsktn ^r6n4l E C. SMITH. J. G.m H. C. BURBAN & Co. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER* IN Dry Goods, Ready Made O O S S O E S E A 0 A S Groceries, Provisions. &c. & •Jnst HeoeivcBd I POLL AND COMPLETE STOCK OF Spring and Summer Goods! Staple and Fancy Dry Goods. Brown and Bleached Muslins, Cotton Flannels, Denims, Ticking, Hickory, All Wool Fiannels, Linen and Worsted Damask, Domestic and Lancaster Ginghams, Philip Allen, Sprague, Merrimac and Union Prints. Hoop Skirts, Balmoral Skirts, Cotton Velvet, Plain and Fancy Velvet Ribbons, Tafta Ribbons, Black and Figured £ilks, Brocades, Chints, Coberge, Plain and Rep'd Merifioes, Mous. de Laines, All Wool Delaines, Scotch Plaids, Alpacas, ~l...i.'- French Corsets, Laiies' Vests (silk and worsted) Dimity Bands, Ruffling, Plain and Fancy Shawls, and ah Immense Assortment of Hoods, Nubia Hoods, Scarfs, Sontags, Tripods, ftc, Embracing all the latest styles and selected with great care especially for this market I35T E I E E O Heady JS/CacL Clotliiiig I We offer our customers one of the largest atock ever brought to Northern Mnnesota Hade in the most Substantial Manner! CONSISTING OVER COATS, PRESS COATS, BUSINESS COATS, PLAIN AND FIGURED PANTS, PLAIN AND FANCY VESTS, WOOL JACKETS HEAVY PLAIN AND FANCY WOOL OVERSHIRTS, DRAWERS, MX RINO UNDERSHIRTS, OVERALLS, HECK TOES, WOOL SOCKS, RUBBER SUITS, *c. *c BOOTS AND SHOES FOR LADIES' A N GENTLEMEN'S WEAR! Embracing Plain Calf, Pebble Calf, Kid. Goat, Glove Kid and Serge Balmorals Congress, Kid and Lace Gaiters, Kip and Calf Custom Made Boots, Boys' and Youths' Boots, Children's: and Misses' Balmorals and Gaiters, Army Shoes, &£ JE3L J± S -A. iST 3 O A I S A large and tcell-telected Assortment of GLOVES1AHD I A J. tar, Buck BOXES. MINNESOTA CHEESE. 80 boxes' of "Western "Reserve." at J. C. $ H. C. BURBANK CO. 50 BOXES' DE LANDS CELEBRATED Chemical Saleratus, at J. C. $ H. C. BURBANK|- CO. 25 BOXES FRESH PEACHES. 25 Boxes Green Corn. 16 Boxes Fresh Tomatoes, at iT. C. #H. C. BUhBANK$ CO. 35 ANI) SHOES, WHOLE, HALF AND QUARTER Boxes Raisins, crop of 1862, at J.C. & H. C. BURBANK $ CO. BOXES ASSORTED CANDY. 25 Boxes "extra" Fancy Candy, at J: a jsr. c. BURBANE & co. I BBLS. CARBON OIL. I 5 do Kerosene Oil. I 10 do Burning Fluid, at .'.: J. C, &H. C. BURBANK $ CO TIERCES RICE. 10 BBLS. RICE 10 Sacks Dried Peaohea, 30 do do Applea, at fjQjf )U. C. BURBANK CO. 1 0 CHESTS H. TEX. 10 chests Imperial,Tea. 20 do assorted Black Teas, at ic and Tarn, a I I I I And a Groceries and Provisions, WHOLES -YLE AND RETAIL, J.C. H. C. BURBANK GO. BBLS. N. O MOLASSES. 20 bbls S. H. Syrup. 20 kegs fijto -do "-^T! 10- do Gbldtli\HaTZy 4Q de Amber do, at *J.C, JST. O.BdRBANKZ CO. BBLS. SODA, BUTTER, PICNIC and Boston Crackers, at J.C.&H. C. BURBANK CO. 150 BBLS. HALD BREAD, at J. Of H. C. BURBANK£ CO. QARD1NES. 80 cases and boxes. 60 eases 2 qt cans fresh Cove Oysters. 10 do de Lobsters.* 10 do do Salmon. P,•. J.C. 2/. C. BUEBANKfCO RINTERS' INK—ALL COLORS. For sale by J. C. fH. C. BRUBANR$ CO IMLialaieslOtCL. ARDMITTS.. MITTS E A E A CLOTH A Sc A N & O.'JS BBI S. MESS PORK, at J.C $ H. BURBANK .J- CO\ 400 BBLS. FLOUR, at J.C.$H C.B URBA NK $ 200 1 A A SKS. G. A. SALT, at col BBLS. SALINA SALT, at J. C.$HC BURBANK $ CO 1 UK) J. C. $H.C.B URBANE «J- CO\ 100 50 BBLS. SUGAR—REFINED NO. Prime, and Porto Rico, at J. C. $ H. C. BURBANK $ CO. BBLS. CRUSHED AND POWDERED! Sugars. 50 boxes Mould Candles. gjj 35 do Star Candles, at 35 J. C. 4- H. C. BURBANK $ CO. BOXES PALM SOAP. 35 do German Soap. 10 do Castile Soap, at V. C. $ H. C. BURBANK $ CO.] ASSORTED TOBACCO—COMPRIS ing all the favorite brands, a J. C. H. C. BURBANK $ BOXES SALERATUS. 10 do Starch, Pearl and Corn, at J. C. $ H. C. BURB AJNKic CO BBLS. COMMON, BOURBON AND Rye Whisky. 6 pipes Holland Gin. 6 J-do French Brandy, at .8 J. C. 4- H. C. BURBANK $ CO 125 KEGS OF NAILS AND SPIKES 100 boxes assorted Window Glass 10 gross pt flasks 5 casks Prunes 5 casks Currants 8 cases Nutmegs' 20 matts Cassia 60 cans Mustard 10 bags whole Pepper and Pimento' 10 ens English and French Mustard 60 bbls Vinegar SO boxes Babbitt's Pure 8alerat«s 30 coils assorted Manilla Cordage 86 doien Bed Cords .' 15 boxes Vermicelli aud Maccaron 80 boxes Starch' 10 dozen 2 and 3 hooped Pails 30 dozen assorted Tubs 500 boxes G. D. Caps—and Eln andC Coke's water 600 lbs bar Lead 50 sac shot J.C A- H. C. BURBANK d- CO St. Germ., at., St Cloud Minn. O. WILDER & CO., MANUFACTURERS OF 2^t TJ "VEX) PATENT A PETITE ORGMS —imv-i a»„.. MELODEONS* BAILEY & PRIMROSE BLOCK, NO. 230 THIRD ST., ST. PAUL, UlHH ALL INSTRUMENTS WARRANTED FOR FIVE TEARS. We confidpntly believe that the LA PE TITE ORGAN,, because of itj artistic ex cellence and adaptedness to the practical iwauts of the public, is destined to be more widely used, both in private houses and in hurehes and halls, than any other large Imusical instrument. Without detracting from the merits of the Piano-Forte, which stands confessedly in the highest "place as the interpreter of certain classes of music, [superiority may be claimed for the LA PE- ITE ORGAN in that to some extent ii unites the powers of the Piano jrith those jof Jhd Church 'fJrgan^.• while-its •capacity for thefitexpression of sacred and home music, to which Americans are chiefly at tached, is entirely superior to that of the I'iano Forte. Add to this the fact that it can be furnished AT MUCH LES£ COST. The Instruments manufactured at this stablishment combine all .the vceni ira rdvements, and are WARRANTED PERFECT in every respect and should ary repairs be necessary before the expiration of YEARS from tho date of sale, Mr. WILDER holds himself ready find willing_'•:•• make the same/rtte of charge, provided the injury is not caused by accident or design.. St. Paul. September 16, 1864: v7nl4 DR. E. COOLEY, Agent at St. Cloud. UNION MILLS Flour and feed Store. S*£jOTte/i ii- E Proprietors of the above Mills have opened a Store in "Gorton's Building," on Washington avenuer where a constant supply of Ac. A May be found. The highest price paid in cash for wheat St. Cloud, May 26th, T864. v6n-!4 CLEARWATER MILI^ Flonr and Feed Store. A heavy stock of x, O XX, A ND SUPERFINE SPRING, AND WHITE. WINTER WHEAT :F:L.O-T3 :R,V BRAN, CORNMEAL AND FEED, IT WHOLESALE ANO RETAIL, Next door to N. P. Clarke's store. E. J. BAKEB. St. Cloud. Dec. 13th, 1864. v8n21-ly R. O. STRONG'S C-AJE6JPET JH^JLTJ, Third St. Paul. DEtings225Curtainstreet, AI.ER An Garpets. 0»- Cloths. -Mat Materials and Trim ings, Upholstering and Furnishing Goods, Window Shades, Wall Paper, Mattresses, Feathers, &c. vCn40-ly ROVER .& BAKEB'S. HIGHEST PREMIUM [SEWING MACHINES jWill do a greater variety of work, and with reater rapidity, and ha*e taken more pre |minms than any other Machipe in use. S. E. GEE, Agent, |»7u25 No. 242 Thii& street St.ipaul. JLivery, Sale and Boarding S A E ROGERS A GILMOBE, Proprietors. Having received a new and splendid j*^»« Stock of Carriages arid Buggies. we are prepared to furnish Pleasure-Par-*" ies Excursions and Funerals with outfits on the shortest notice. Horses suitable buggy or saddle can wayB be found at our stable. If you want a Horse and Buggy, a Team, if a Team and Carriage to go. into tlto country, or from one end of it to the oth er, call at our stable, where you oan be accommodated at all times aud at all heurs. N. B.—We are prepared to furnish reg ular and transient O A I For Horses, at our stable, at reasonable rates. .We would respectfully stau that Billy" Young, whom all knew to be ov fait in the business, v. ill bo ou hand at all hours, night or day, to wait upon custom ers. For particular*, call at our office. T5n52-tf ROGERS A GiLMORE. nn& S S Tho undersigned has lust erected large and commodious stable on Ihe eor neT of Lake Street and Pe-ry Place, oppo- site Clark's store, near the Central House, which he has filled with livery stock, com prising a. number of ,- r\ er «, frlIN# HOTRBBS, Suitable for oither riding or driving, and variety ot. ... A N S O E I E S For single or double team. Commodious, elegant carriages for pleas ure parties always ready. AU orders for teams for excursions, Fu nerals or a Journey will be attended to promptly. His stock ia of the be*t kind, and he in vites his friends to call. L. B. SILSBY. St. Cloud, June 23d, 1868. v6n*A-lj I