$$! ftiDe**'** 0**1/ Pharmacy,^:
).?c tf Washington Ave., Dotroit, Minn.%V?
)rugs* and Patent) Medicines kept
B$^ Constantly on hand. Also a fine
Line of Toilet Articles.
Physician's Prescription Compounded
All Mail Orders will'Yeceive our
Prompt Attention.
For tickets, time tables, or any in
formation in regard to the lino. appl\
to any ticket agent in the Xorthwest
or toW H. Dixon, Ass't Gen'l Pass.
Agent, East Third street,St. Paul.
A. V. TT. Cavpenter.
Fen'I Pass. & T'kt Ag't
Geo. IT..HeaiTafd.
Poswell Miller,
Cten'l Manager,
J. Tucker.
As&t, Gen'l Man.
Ass't Gen'l Pass, and
Ticket Agent.
Sewing Machine Agency.We have
been appointed sole agent of the
Light-Riming New Home Sew
ing Machine for White Earth
and vicinity, IWe are now pre
pared to furnish you a first-class
Machine^ warranted perfect in
all its parts and as cheap as cash
can buy. Uonieand see us.
If you desire to purchase a sewing machine,
ask our agent at your place for terms and
prices. If you cannot find our agent, write
directtoneareataddreaatoyoubelow named.
CM u2!
we LOUIS. wo. ^Ti:S1irS.i&A-siuiraAnaeMXAi..
THEO: itl. BEAULIEtf- Agent!
JK&-~-^I fo the-Family, School, or Professional Library.
W W lV I ^^.-II' .I
Besides many other valuable features, it comprise*
A Dictionary of the Language
containing HS.OOOWords and 3000 Engravings.
A Dictionary of Biography
living faots about nearly 10,000 Noted Persons,
A Dictionary of Geography
locating and briefly describing 25,000 Places,
A Dictionary of Fiction
found only in Webster's Unabridged,
All in One Book.
30 00 more Words'and nearly 2000 more Illus
trations than any other American Dictionary.
Authority in the Gov't Printing Office, and with
the D. S. Supreme Court. Itla recommended
by the State Sup'ts of Schools of 36 States, and
by leading College Pres'ts of the U.a and Canada.
Thti -HeW York "World says: Webster is al
most .universally conceded to be the best.
TheBOBtOB Globe Pays* Webster is the ac
knowledged standard in lexicography.
fhOlAtlajttaOOttgttfatton says: Webster has
^longbeenthestandtfdauthority in our office.
Tho Chicago inter Ocean says: websWa
^IJnabrldge^hasalwaysoeen the standard.
The Hew Orleans Timet Democrat says?
he HeW YoA TrlBfflte says: It is recognised.
as the most usefu^xteHng "word-book." C
the English language all over the world*
Sold by all Booksellers. Pamphlet free.
C.A MIRRIAMA CO.,Fub'rs, Springfield, Mass.
J?White Earthf^Uuly 1Sp1889.fJl
Published Every Saturday.
Subscription 2,00 per year, In Advance,
Entered in the Post Office at White Earth" as
Second Class Matter.
Local and Personal.
Very Rev. John Shanley and
Rey. Fitzpatrick of St. Paul, made
a flying trip to the reservation on
Friday and returned the same af
ternoon. lv.,'
Jacoh Deitling, agency black-
smith at the Red Lake reservation,
paid White Ear th a flying visit on
Tuesday and returned to his field
of labor on Wednesday.
Simon Fairbanks and Julius
Brown, two bright young men
who have been in attendance at
Lincoln Institute, Philadelphia,
during the past six years, have re-
turned home to sp.end their sum-
mer vacation.
Pending the coming negotia-
tions, between the S. Commiss-
ion and our people, circumstances
will of necessity make it an impe-
ritive imposibility for us to pub-
lish The Progress during that time.
And we beg our friends and pat-
rons to please be patient with us
until such time as we are again
enabled to avail ourselves of your
kind attention and generour court
Have Signed.
Our brethren, the Red- Lake
Chippewas, have accepted the
measures proposed to them by the
U. S. Commission, and upwards of
two-thirds have signed the agree-
From what we learn of the, to
be, new arrangement, we have ev-
ery confidence to believe that our
brethren have made a good bar-
gain, and earnestly trust that the
same good prospects may be at-
tained by our people of White
Ti Baking -Now.
The first brick kiln manufactur
ed by Mr. W Norcross, to be
employed in the construction of
the Catholic mission school build
ing, and containing about 175,00,0
bricks, was fired' on Thursday.
"Billy" has every confidence to
believe that his White Earth brick
venture will be a success in every
way, and that the brick manufac
tured will be equal in grade to the
best in this or any other state.
W don't know of any one to
whom success could more fittingly
bestow her favors than to W
Norcross, that iss if hard, honest
and earnest labor enters as a crite
rion to deserving worth.
Lost in the Flood. i?W
^Mrs Madaline Brown Vfi" New
Cambria and mother of Ven. Sis
ter Lioba, 0 S B. of St.
diet's mission, it is now
ed, was one of the victims of the
floodJ The *,._- f,
of the lady was dise*
ered, as was thousands f others,
many miles from the scenes of a
once happy home and 'mid the
community in tendering to th
Venerable Sister the humble trib-
It might be thought by some
dowed with all the rightnsd citizens-
the courts outside of the reserv*
tion Rather let us have ^J^fe
A County by Ourselves
comprising the whole of the White
Earth reservation, with a judge
and juries of our" own, ^a nd unlike
the present reservation judiciary,)
giving, say, the like jurisdiction
to the court as is given to the mu-
nicipal courts in Minneapolis or
St. Paul. Then, too, we need
some kind of a record for transac-
tions among our people such as
other counties have, except it
might be'.sitnplified very much so
as to be less expensive.
The site chosen for the school
buildings lies directly east of the
church and parsonage.
They Are Doing
It may be of interest to our
readers to know how much the
Church is doing towards promo
ting education on this reservation,
especially the Catholic church.
A few days ago we were gracious
ly permitted the privilege of ac
cess to a large and well filled store
house adjoining the St. Benedict's
mission school. Here were great
piles of boxes, barrels and flour,
and an endless yariety Of useful
articles pertaining t6 the home,
kitchen, school room and garden,
etc. A large range with full equip
ment and including a baker's oven
particularly interested our atten
tion.^This fine piece of culinary
that we at White Earth, have all flying at half-mast, bowed in grief
i iMi TII i .1
and still we do not get many things sympathy wither, Minnesota in
that are needful for our welfare, mourning the loss of one of her
Some of the things we are prom- favored and worthy sons.' -:Hon.
ised under the Dawes bill, is titles Edmund Rice is dead.^'He died at
of the United States, have. Aa cit- friends his end
zens we must have "i
ht AMf" ^."".T' Vf
W hope these things may- be
brought up in the council to be
held with the Commission. 3
A Se Back.
Oweing to some misinterpreta
tion of portions of the contracts in
connection with the furnishing of
building material to be employed
in the construction of St. Bene
dict's mission school at this agen
cy, the erection of the buildings
will necessarily have to be delayed
until next summer. Th founda
tion only will be put up this sea
son. And we learn that Rev. Fa
ther Aloysious has already received
instructions to proceed with this
part of the work at once. Con
tracts for the excavation and the
furnishing of stone for the founda
tion walls, etc., will soon be let
and the work pushed rapidly for
ward to completion before the
heavy fall frosts set in.
furniture alone cost $675.00. An4 -T.X
we learn that a duplicate range ol
this pattern, size and make
the generous donations of benign
late Johnstown disaster. The body Philanthropy) has been deposited Fsh .l
To-day the National colors are
need with Uncle S. a a and humble Amission to the
Guardian, but not so, for we are mandates of an inevitable destiny
i i i i i ,i "Jf ouu'er win accompany ia"hooWitfree.T*or
obliged to ask and demand, and which is the common lot of a 1 him on his return to Whit* TWV 53f00-
pray, and then repeat over again, death. And White Earth ]oms her where the will soon establish
White Bear Lake on Thursday,
and then we are to be all made the 11th inst. Surrounded by those
citizens-^sui geueris-a be en who hold the dearest place in the interested in the coming nogotia
tie of kindred and a few anxious
distin 8
death of Hon.e Edmund Rice is the
butshal weobnged to re.orfc fo career, of a record ppUr because awe bffl and relating to allot
ot the thoroughness of its worth
A career grand 'unostentatious
and rich with the unfading re-
splendency of noble deeds grand
in life and which remains hallowed
and beautiful in death, whose
lofty grandure shines transcend-
ent atv the portals of the grave
and clustering endearingly within
memory's sacred sanctury long af-
ter their being have mouldered and
crumbled into dust.
Hon. Edmund Rice was the only
living brother of Hon. M. Rice
Wah-be-mah-noh-min, Ch'n of
the S. Commission now among
us, and like his brother, his name
and many good deeds towards our
people have won a 'warm spot in
the bosom of the Minnesota Ojib-
was who loved and honored him
as a friend and benefactor, as a
At the suggestion of Col. T.
Whiting, M. D'., who is the only
member of the S. Commission
now present, the flag was lowered
at half-mast in honor of the dis-
tinguished dead.
Bishop Marty's Illness.
Rt. Rev. M. Marty, D., one
of the members of the S. Com
mission, now here, to negotiate
with our people, contracted a cold
when on his way to Red Lake some
three weeks ago, which gradually
developed into an aggravating na
ture. ^And a few days previous to
his departure from Red Lake and
on his return to this agency the
indisposition manifested serious
features, and when he finally ar
rived here on Tuesday the*Rev.
Gentleman was a very sick man.
He'was at once conveyed to the
Catholic parsonage where every
thing was done to make him com
fortable and alleviate his agony
and suffering which were intensi
fied by a tedious journey over a
rough road, covering a distance of
some 180 miles, through the s-ultry
heat of a broiling sun. A the
time of our going to press, this
Saturday, ,we are pleased to note
that his condition, is' much im
proved and the fairest hopes are
entertained for- his speedy recov-
ery.#.**k .v
All on Fish. &
i-.j i i with St. Paul parties and sab- cateh and see so mueh fish in all
ject to the incidental expenses of the elongated span of my born
these two missions. j- days before! W had to catch
This branch of the Catholic Btf- 'eni in spite of ourselves, and to
reau Indian mission, mainly, keep them from gnawing the bot
wreck and rum wrought fey the conducted under the Benedictine torn of our boats through in their .Eiertrie
terrible incursion of th.e resistless priesthood, is doinc noble work' ''frantic, efi&rts to SPITP tht rlaintv P1iaise:
&**' City .Detroit
"Bob" Auliln of St. Louisiana
ourn &
led the van of a party of fisher-
been furnished the Red Lake missJ
ion school as also upwards of virginity of Twin and Islet Lakes
$2,000* worth of provisions, and this reservation, recently
house and school furniture. A in speaking of their luck, etc., on
fund of several thousand dollars their return, plethoric "Bob" ex-says:
(a major portion of which being claimed in the exuberance of his
men who, invaded the piscatorial
rW LA^I. J,. 2 5 nowe work trantiesenenrts'Hilliar to seize the dainty
"B the great
and its benig.n efforts everywhere, morsel of & Denni
including stock: etc*, were, alike struggling for the elevation and compond phosphorescent evok
.wept away and loat W ^in tt. general wettare of the Red ee, tjonary frog and fly bait' and the ^S^UoScS^nSe
community in tendermt to th rrm.VorT i f_-L.M i.i _*- i i KW,H'IJ.:
marked wit, a spirit of philanthro- contents_ oi\ ,.our lunch. basket?
I knew what i was to
"f x*iu, Hussion maini Kee mem iro gnawing tn Dot ,speca mention. All wlio have used
Hon. M. Rice left for. St.
Paul on Thursday.
Maj. Shuler, S. Indian
gent, left for Minneapolis on
dy,i Mrs. Shuler, will accompany
iK l&WUrUyE**
ment of lands in severalty:
"AKTICLK 7. As soon as the loca
tion of the reservation set apart by
the second article hereof shall have
been approximately ascertained, and
reported-to the office of Indian affairs,
the Secretary of the Interior shall
cause the sai-\e,** be surveyed in con
formity to the system of Government
surveys, and whenever, after such
surveys, ANY INDIAN, O -THE
MALE OR FEMALE, shall have ten
vcres of land under cultivation, such
Indian shall be entitled to receive a
certificate showing him to be enti
bled to forty acres of land, according
to legal subdivision containing the
mid ten acres or the greater part
thereof, and whenever such Indian
shall have an additional ten acres un
der cultivation, E OK SHE shall be
entitled to a certificate for an addi
tional forty acres, and so on, until
have been certified to A NY ONE IN
1)1AN and the land so held by AN^
INDIAN shall be exempt from taxa
tion and sale for debt, and shall not
be alienated except with the approval
of the Secretary of the Interior, and
in no case to any person not a mem
ber of the Chippewa tribe."
[Every Indian, male and female
who hold certificates or otherwise
have claim for land, on this reserva
tion, have acquired the same by ant"
through the above clause and treaty
and which treaty is still in force.Ed.
"One Fare for the Bound Trip.'*
The St. Paul, Minneapolis and Mani
toba Railway will sell tickets on July
2d, 3d, and 4th, good to return up to
July 5th (inclusive) between all local
points within a distance of three hun
dred miles, at one fare for the round
trip. All particulars on applicatioi.
to the Company's Agents.
Webster's Unabridged was first pub
lished in one volume, it was a compa
rative small book. Some years aftei
an addition was made of 1500 Pictori
al illustration, a Table of Synonyms,
and an Appendix of New Words that
had come into use. A few years later
came an entirely new revised editioi
of larger size, with 3000 Pictorial il
lustration then after an interval of a
few years, a Biographical Dictionary
of nearly 10,000 names, and a .fiuppfc
ment of nearly 5000 new words wer
added and now there has. come. anoth
er new and most vrluable addition,
Gazetteer of the world, of over 25,00t
Titles. The work is now not only th
best Dictionary of the words of the
language, but is a Biographical Die
tionary. a Gazetteer of the World anr
a great many other good and useful
things in ifca many valuable Tables.
I Consumption Incurable?-^
Staul the following: Mr. c. H. Mor
ris. Newark. Ark., says: "Was down
with abecsft of lungs, and friends and
pliysieirm* pronounced me ah incura
ble Mwismaptive. Began taking Dr.
'KinssNrw Discovery for consump
now my
a1 thirdon
Electric Bittern.
This remedy is becoming so well
known and so popular as to need no
.specia mention Al wli have used
sing the,same song
gttUM $SS. to $58.
W learn that Ms la- JiWtSBWC
(tops" knee
id Book free
on ms return po vv nite J^artn, rapier. "Warranted for6
themselvesy 'mi the comforts of
housekeeping., ^^fp^'^^fi
~r2* '/A***
For the benefit of our brethren
8, 1867, connection with the
S. Commission,
peacefulo. The we publish Article 7, of the Trea-
ty proclaimed and ratified April
reference.s to your re
Bpoiwibility er"postmaster,
i i i ic is only necessaryvtosendbanksnmfro
merenant or
express agent and fheOrgan
will be shipped promptly on
ten days' test trial.
circular free to alL
Be sure to write me, and tan mosey,
walnut eases.
Mention Paper where tki8
is feea.^^v.
's{V I
Reelected Mayor April 0, 1888, by a larga
Washington,: Warren County,: New Jersey,
Land Boilers and Fanning Mills
for Farms and Elevators.
The best, cheapest aad strongest Land
Boilers and Fanning Kills in the market.
Send for price-list and. circular before
AGENTS WANTED, (Only $2.75.)
pr Barrels of the Universe a graphic description of
the wonderful things in Nature ftrHHmr adyentnre*
on Land and Searenowned discoveries of great ex
plorers. Published In English and German. 868 pages,
^lustrations. A QBEAT BOOK TO SEIi. W
Uuted drcnlars and extra terms to agents FKHE.
A new invention for making1
Coffee and Tea, better than any
thing now in use saves of tha
Coffee and can be used with any
Coffe 3 or Tea Pot. Sample will b
aent by maiT for twenty eents 1B
stamps. Acento Wanted to
send for ftal partfculars of this
and other fast selling ajrtteica.
Forahee MeMaWn, Cttttmaa^Jk
S385 Sed CMd Watek.
Soldfor I.nntUltely.
Bwt SSS watck In Uw world. I
ParfMt UsMkMpw. Wsr-J
mud. Heav
Anything Produced
bottle, am.
overseon the work my farm
It is the finest medicine ever made."
Jessie Middlewart, Decatur, Ohio
'-had it not been for Dr. King'?
New Discovery for Consumption" 1
would have died of lung troubles. Was
given up by doctors. Am now in best
of health." Try it. Sample bottles
free at Henry Rice. Rich wood.
Ask your dealer to show
our rifles.
Illustrated Catalogue sent
FREE on application.
Solid~~Soldladies iHwuingCaieay. Botb
land grow' met, with works
.and cue* of equal nlae.
lOnePenoabudi lo
ealtly ean Mean on* ftee,
_ stiur wit*, anr large and val
oable Mae of Bonaehold
Sttmple s. These sample*, as
well aa the watch, wa aead
^^a)a aad after yos have kept
them in year heaw for stonths and shownthem to those
who may Hare called, Ihtyhaceawyear owa propwly. Those
who wrKeat onea- ean be aie_af laealiiay the Wstteht
The beif and ifmplest
Strongest Shooting.
All sizes from 22 calibre
to 45 calibre.
bas won more
irizeat Target
Jhootingr than
all other makes
of rifles put to
We guarantee
Our Goods
JP. O. Box- 0 JB
o-f A pure medicine does not ex
is claimed. Electric Bitters wi11 cure
all diseases of the liverto and kidneyst,
wilt remove pimples, boils, salt rheum
^aranteed da aU tha
bloodI WilI driv malari_ a from
Lyman's Patent Compilation Gtn-Sigui
AU prices from
$15.00 up,
Stand without a
rival for accu-
racyand killing
orsmall game .f" A
40 Fer Cent*
Reatocttois. 1st
fflMD, W-vage Catalogae
BPeldiefleia, Qty