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fl li i I ... 5 ri51ifHr nnn II. II. WORTIIIXLTOV 1-Mltor. COLI MIU S MISSISSIPPI, SAITHDAY, AH21ST 0, 1830. W. l SMITH Publisher,. VOL. r,::r.:No. 4. TJlfc DK.MOCUAT R flBLlSHED EVEliT SlTlKUlV MoRNlNG At $5 per annum in advance, or 5tj at Cue end ol the year. Nt subttenptiol wi!l be received tor a . irrm thin tii iimiiliii.-aiul iiii w;!il.e .ii"'iii tod, (except at liif dfcs.retnu ol E-litor ur lib Iisltor,) until all arrvanu hafe Uen paid up. Aivet!eiknts wil'v.w. ! t l p.-r ji:iiv, (S lilies or kso) ibr me first insertion, and 00 cents iiir each subsequent insertion. Advertisements not mi rite I with the nmuVr o!"m e tjm. will lie pnUu.ieJ until linbid an I ehar ied iiccorthmr'y. Publi-atioas of.t pernmal nature will be chai i-.l :tle price. , of anv WKcie-rm'in!r Kmk, will ! received ivineii(. The E litr will truaia.'iU e the sat oi'tniiisin ttinu' them by mail. taa.-tters to tlie KJiior or 1'iilii, slier on business connected with the ollice, inusi In- post paid, or ihcV will lint be taken from the oilier. POETIt Y. anon the whole house, jiid.-e and jury, couust 1 and client, gvtator ;J! wne smficd in tear lie closed his arpiniciits. Lis elouieut and his imprest e appeal to ihe jury walked out, mid die jury without leaving their box give the "old man" i.T k his farm. A TV X I V. -?' a.-s, t, JIT'S- Kruin the liie!' biir. Lin oa the l)tal!i, of James-" 31 A I) 1 S O X . He is nine! the last of that noble band. Whose spirits ilhiuiiiiM their own lov'd laud And the lialo ot ijlury ipicncli il e en ntrx, Whose radiance eiicirvled each I'a trio, orb w. Statesmen rest your toils are done : Patriots sleep the !oai is won " Hut U t not their hallow J tire On our altar-stone expii".. ,, Fan it with the warrior';, breath, 1 Kre his eye is closed in death : Feed it with the safe's worth, (Urightest fem of liidatr earth:) Shield it with u nation's w, . (Drawn from liv ing liaims above :) Nurse it with untiring .cal Ye who prize your country's weal Who the "helm of State'''sl,all bear, Guard it with miecnsini; care, (iive your standards hijh to wave O'er your honored Statesman's iriave, As a siL'n.ii proud to shed KcVreiue o'er the mighty dead As a beacou-liiit to bind l'nhoili millions to their kind. S.tdlv loll the requiem Ik 'I, :hwi'H last hi'ur to tell ! Deeply hid the cannnii roar Woitli and Wisdom to deplore. Clierish'd (lowers must fide and die, Fairest scenes in nun lie. Death still claims the victor's Kiwtr, In palace, liekl, or Sylvan bow r. July 'lit.t, l-vSti. o V ( 31 A X . i e are stars ol the inj;ul ye are ornrso tlie morn, Ve are dew-drops whose lustre ilhumucs the tiiorn; And rayless liiat miht is, that mornia iinhlest, Wlieu no Iroin vuur eve liijiiH up .'ace in the breast. And the sharp thorn of sorrow sinks deep in the heart, 'Till the sweet lip of woman nsKiinirrj the smart; 1 is her s o er the coucllol inisloittuir to bend, In loudness a liner, .in liruiness a friend. Aad prosperity's hour, be it ever contest, r nun woman receives tioth relinemriit uml zeM; And adorn'd by the hays, or euwrealh'd with the willow, :ller smile is our meed, and Iter Imismiii .ti i r tiilloivt BV A I -Til OK IT V. L.S OF THE l .MTE! STirs, PVSSKI) AT THE I'lKST SLsslON OK THE T t.VTV-101 KTH ( O.VUI11.SS. d'l No. :56. X ACT to regulate (lie Deposites of the jmblie Ilioliev, He il tncrtetl lit lie Sr'iate ami House of lien- rtseutnticit, of the tailed ltit,s uf .hnertra in Conji-e.s.1 as:e,Meil, Thai it shall be the dutvuf .i t .. .. .t uie reeretarv o ti:e I reaviirv to se eet as soon as may he imclicnhlc and employ as the depo.-itoi ie of the liloiiev of the Tinted States, sue!) of the banks iueorpoiated by the several States, by Coti- frress lor the D, strict of 'olumhia, or bv tlie L ril.ilive ('oiineils of the resnei tive Territories for Territories, us nmv be loi'iited at, iidi ieei:t tlms SfcCT. 3. .In J if if ftirllirr tmlfhil. That !) L ink -hall 1k sehx'ted or ei.ntmo. d as a place tt ijeposite of the public montv which slu'l wt re- l! '!U its notes :ld bills on demand in sjeeie: dutll anv bunk be w'.eeled or eoniino a u'Vr aid, which shall after the fvHirth f July, ii. the one th"U-an.l eiht luindred and thirt-si. issue tr pay out any note or bill of a less d- tio initiation than'fiNe dollars, in.r shall the notes -r bills of anv (Kink be received in pavinriit of anv debt due to the Tinted Stall's sliul!, aticr the saiil fourth d..v ol J.ily, in the war ;' thousand eii;!it nun trt ,1 au.l tmity-si, is-ue any note or lull of a less deiioimualioii than live dollars. Skit. C. .Ltd be il further e muli ,, Tint the S cretarv of the Tr'HMii ' shall be, and In- is hereby auihon.i d, and il shall be his dutv, when ever m his judgment the miiiic shall be necessarv or proper, to require of any bunk so se'ect' d and employed as aforesaid, collateral or additional se curities for the safe ki epin;: ot'the public inni't vs de;osted then in, an I the faithful pcnormanie of the doties leqiured by this net. Sr. tT. 7. -i id le il furl her irjW, That it .-hall be lawful lor the Secretary of the Trca-airv, to enter into cou'Mets in ihe name nnd for and en heliulf of the Tinted State-, vvith tlie said banks so selected or employed, whereby the said banks shall stipulate to d" and peiform the several du ties uml services prescribed by this act. Sr.tT. 8. ,-ud Lett further tnttt-leilt That tio bunk which shall be selected or einploved us the place of deposit of the public money, shall be dis continued as such depository, or the public money withdrawn therefrom, except for the causes here- malt -r mentioned, Hint is to say: it, at anv tune, anv one of said bunks shall tail or ri fu.-e to per form any of said duties as prescribed by this net, and stipulated to be performed by it- contract; or, il any ol sum banks shall ut tiny tune icluse to ptiv its own note.- in specie it demanded; or shall tail to Keep in its vaults suen nil amount ol specie as -hull he reqinrl bv ihe Secretary of the Tleasti' ry, nnd .-hail be, in his opinion necessary to ten (h rthc said buuli u safe depository of the public moneys, having due regard to the nature of tin nisiiiess transacted bv the hank; in any and everv or convenient to the points or place's at which the revenue may lie collected, or disbursed, and m those States, Territories er Districts in which 1 there are no bunks, or in which no bank can lie employed as a deposite hank, and within which the piihlie collections or uisbuisenieiile require, a de pository, the said Secretary may make nrniiiiie ineiits with a bank or banks, in some other State. Territory or Dis.'rii t, to establish mi agency or agencies, in the States, Territories or Districts so destitute of banks, us bunks of depo.-ite; and to re ceive through such agencies such deiio.-ites of the public money, as may be directed to be made at the points designated, and t ) make such disburse ments as tlie public service nmy require ut those points; the duties and liabilities of oveiy bank thus . I l: 1 t ... i csi.iiiii.-iiui" ion Mien aueuey io oe Lie same in .,. , , , ,,, ,., . ,.. , ,.! i k,.,.ri,,,.. .a nsniH! It, lis :l')lnil- IK !im (1i itntln mwl li-ihili. .1 m .1- ... 1 -','--... -.'..- ",.,..., ,( 1 re usury 10 (liscoiiiiiiue any suen luinU us a nes 01 ie nsiie muiKS eiier. v. tltuler tile tirovi- .1 , .,; , I .;,i..i... r, .... ,i u; t . . . I II !' Sll -I , , llllll ,, ItllltKl,, infill il nil. I'lllllll lliw- I From the Baltimore Patriot. ANECDOl'K OF JEN. HOUSTON. About two years ao den. Houston, in company with two others, tell .asuil!e, lcunessee, lor Texas. Thev travelled several days throiwh marshes and over mountains, (imoiijr christians as sious ot tins act. J'ronde:!, I hat ut letist one such bank shall be selected in each State and Ter ritory, if any be found in each Slate and Ter ritory willmi: to be employed us deposiloiies of the public money, upon the terms nnd conditions here inafter prescribed, and continue to conform there to; and that the Secretary of the Treasury shall not suli'cr to remain in any deposite bank, an ..C .1 1 i: .i i . aiiioiiiii oi oie piioiie moneys more mull equal to (inl;,nce of any ol iiiiec-ioumis oi uie amount ot itseapilal stot K ac- ,,;.,, f i. mihlii .....n.. . ..:.i :.. c. .. i .i i i .i iuuiij iii, i"i u itpnfv,ei nine man iiiay iieu( - eessary to enab.e linn to make the transfers requir ed by the twelf h section of this act; and that the banks so selected1, shall b:', in his (minion, safe de insitories ot'the public money, and shall he willinir to undertake to do and perforin the several duties and services and to conform to the several con ditions prescribed by this act. Skction 2. Jind he il further enacted, That if, at any point or place at which ihe public revenue maybe collected, there shall he no bank located, which, m the opinion ot the Secretary of the Treasury is in ti sMb condition, or where nil the bunks at such point or place shall fail or refuse to he einploved us depositories ol' the public money of the United S;t, or looomply witli tlie condi tions prescribed by this act, or w here such bank shall not have sullh'ieiit eunilal to become tones' of the whole uniount of moneys collected ut such point or place, he .-hall and may order and lieys which it may have on deposite ut the time o: such discontinuance. And in case ol the ih-eon tiuunnce of any of .-aid bunks, it shall be the duty of the Si(reteiy of the Trea-ury to report to Con press iiiinif (liatelv if in session, uml if not in ses smn, then ut the commencement id its next si s sion, the facts nnd reasons whih have induced such (liscoiituniain e. Ami in case ol Ihe iliseon- said banks as a place of de nioiicy for any id' the causes ncrem neioie provided, it snail l.e lawful lor the Seeieturyof the Ticus-iny to deposite the money thus vwlhdiuwn in some other banks of de posite already selected, or to w lect some cither bank as a place of deposite, upon tlie terms and conditions prescribed by this act. And in default of any bank to receive such deposite, the money thus withdrawn shall be kept by the Treasurer ol' the United Slates, uccoi dinj to the laws now in force, and shall he subject to be disbursed accord ing to law. S'l.i.T. 9. he il further ennrleil, That un til (he Secretary of the Treasury shall have select ed ami employed tlie said tianks as places ot de a-ithorize their Treasurers, or the coiiietcnt au thorities to receive tht same on ihe terms luri iu specified, and the Secrrrarv of Ibe Treasurv .hall deliver the same to such 1 reasurer, or other 'lipvlcitt authorities or receiving certificates of thin lbr, signed by Mich roiiipa t ut au thontn s, in such tor mas nmv be prt scriU-d bv the Secretary af.irsaid. whi h ci itifn ates shall t -press the usual and Iei;al obligations, and pledire the faith ol the State, for the safe ki-cin! and re IMVimiMlu reof, and shall picdje the faith of the M.i:es n ciuiji the same, to pav the 4jO"'ies nnd every pint theic"f, fium' to tin,e!r li ver the same sl'.ail be reti'iirt d bv the Seen t.uv of the Trea-ury, for the purpo-e of di frav in anv wants ot the public I ica-ury, bevond the iiioount of the five million- aforesaid: I'roritlrd, That if any Stale de( lines to receive its iroprtioll of the urphis aloresaid, or the terms before name 1, the .one shall be deposited with the other Slates, 'Urcehiii to accept (he miiiic on deposite, in the 'I'cqioitioii a fon -aid: ,mI in oi iik io',''n r, That win n sa d moil' y, or unv part thereof shall be wai ted by the said Secretary, to meet the uppro piiitions madefy law, the same shall be tailed tor, in rateable proportions within one vcar, a- lieuilv tls ColiveiiK lit v mav he. Iroin the ihlii lent Stales, with vvliu h the saiiic is deposited, and shall lint be culled for, in sum- exceeding tell thoii-aiid lollan;, Iroin any one Slate, in unv oik month, without previous notice ot'thuty days, for every additional sum id" 2. ,( tit , w Inch at unv time tnav be reunited. IS. .linl he il f u rllfr f muted, That the said deno.-iles shall be made with the said States, in the following proportions, and at the follow inir time, vi: one quarter part on the lint day of January, eipliteen bin, died and thirty-seven or as soon aflcruaid as may be; one quarter part on the tir.-t day of A'Uil, one tniaiter part on the first day of Julv,tuid one (piarler pait on the fnsl day of Octobi r, all in the same Si ( t. If). .,.( he it further (iiiu ltd, Thnl to ("liable the Sccictatv of the Tieastiiv to carry into cH'oct the provisions of d,is m t, he he iiuthoii.( to appoint lint e ( a iks for his I i puit incut, the one al a .-iilai v of ( lie ihousiuid six han dled dollars per iinmmi, and the reuiiiining two at a salary of one thousand dollar' each pel annum, and to pay ihe said ( leiks quarter yearly, out ot any numcy in the Tieasuiy not othctwisc. uj-ro-piiatcd. J A 31 T.S K POI.K, Spealtr of Ihe e' lirpreitfntulivrs. M. VAN lii l!l,.N, Vice President of Ihe. l uihd Slulet, and I t'ri liileul of Ihe S utile. approved, LV.d June, ro(i. . AXDUF.W JACKSON. 'did tin re suatt h Uxn the brink of tliuiser, fmie tor huiisi If and safety for Lis emmtrv. The dastard who Iui-ts ft hind may Lve to latiin upon the fru.ts of his riciiamy, but wi t u he dies lie rot in infiuiy, to the joy of all whilst the noble hctovt'h " f' i-his 'Mil the btilvtt.k of a peo ple's hi'crty, will find a ru b reward for toil and valor, in the thanks of a jjreuHiil bun!, and the smiles of its hi.'h-ttiiu d beauty. If he fall in the holy cause, lie will still survive in the ctions of his comrades, and his name will gather glory wilh the ihiiltt of nes ' Kach ImJe r.!!. each numntiiu river, Hoas, iniiiirKiiir with Ins fiaint- lor ever." C-Jizem of the littl l.uiuls ! V nil are looked to lor aid in this second stri:r:;!e for independ ent c. our contributions, hen tofore, iuivt not been proportionate to your population. Tt w of vou have part" i a'ed in the toils and glory of the ,-tnfe. our homes have been exempt from the i alunuties 1 1 wu'. l or that exi motion vmi are indebted to the -gallantry of your more exposed .... 1 . . .IT "ill ami Mitit'iiuir coiuiirviueii. ttnaiever iircmn stanees may h ive n strained vou Ik fore, then- can remain no reasons to withhold you now. We know your ( oiirii"c. 1 our skill in arms is familiar to all. Vour ciiuiitrv leqiiin s the immediate e hibitioii'of both h I both he displayed when the jrreut uml decisive Itattle, which is jiemlinir, HU he loii-'lil mid lexas is r ree, ov ereern and In pendent! Hold not hat k, I adjure you, bv every principle ol honor, ol nttitnde, ami ot patriotism. Il any man unionist you piove re creant now let him be stimati: i d ; treat him as an outcast ; and let u nuliou's contempt re.-t like a Muck cloud upon las mime. 1 he ( nil let ull obey, and all will he well. AIlll ABU. U' IS. MM Ml, .Veoi-lWutTo Ceiii. the .li :mj if 7tjts. Ve!as(o, June '27, ISISC. I. . Huiu, June -1 ill, 113C. On our arrival at this pliicc we fooiitl iioilifl'ienl ty in discovering the irround where Kaimiiiand his gullaiit liuiul wi n shot by older of Siuita Anna. .Most o their botlies were burnt il, et there were many bones mid some entire skeletons scat tered over the plains for some distance. It had loin been deli rmiiied that us soon as practicable Hie iiiiivai oi our urmv l.ere, llieir remtuns The President ol Texas H. G. Burnet, La Lssiied hid ProclHiiiation, in which be exhorts ti t . people uf Te Xim to be united in tlieir own move ments against tlie enemy. The follovuiig ait the onlers issued t the People of Tcxaa : X . -!, Datid G. Kiksh t, I'rttidtitl of riirii public of Texus, by and with (he advice arid run- suit uf (lie Cabinat, have ordered and decreed, and do hereby order fud decree, that every ablu lushed man in Texas, being over the age of nix teen and under that of fifty year, do forthwith r ' port Imnsell io Uie proper nm.-ter i lticer of Li r sptctive Municipality, and enrol himself for mitw, tary duty ; and that as soon an a company of 6 ' men shall tie enrolled in any .iluim ijiality, they " shall proceed to an election tf their ievetal of ficer', and shall f irthwith march to head fuarters, first reportinjr their organization, and a complete eoiiipanv, to the Muslir Ollice of ihe M utile ijtality. Ami it is further ordt reJ and decreed, that the Muster ollice in each Municipality, shall make out a full list of Uie iiBities i.nd age of every male citizen in his Municipality, whether absent or present, a certified copy of which list shall ba transmitted to the War Department, And he shall also keep a list of every man within hia IYlunici pality, who enrols himself I'or military duly, a copy of which record shall be forwarded to the DW pailmciit id' War, at the end of every month-om ihe' promulgation of this decree, lie shall also send Io the same department copita of the m eiaT" coinpiuiies returned io him. It is further ordeied and ch creed, that all of- riJA'..v. Address of (ii rieial I.amvh oh iiKsuining the Com iiiiiud of llio Tt xiati Army. Xtitl irrv of Texas : On Hssinnincf the jrloiioiis respoiisibility ofleiid inI you to the field of battle, 1 urn deeply im pressed vviih jrrntitudi; lVrlhe trust eoiilidcd"; unc ft el most vividly, that Io command nil army ol heroes in the caiiH" o reedoin is tlie Liehest of all privih 'ires, mid to conduct it to victoiy is the most eliilmilitr iintl exulted honor. lheeiidiiy who so reeeuily retired, terrified from our bolder-, ate nlioui to countermarch u" jnwiie ot 'hr j'l'.hhc mi'iiry, in conlormiiy to lut;-T ns with teiiiioreemciils fonnahilile in count, hut fieers, non-commissioned officers and privates, bc loiiyinij Io ihe Te.xian army, who may be ei:t on fuiloiiiih or otherwise, do immediately repair to in iii'ivsc I flu ir iespe( live posts, uml report ihcniselvea for duly, on pain ol foifeitnijr their commission!!, if commissioned elhecrs, nnd their pay and bounty, if noii-eoniinissioiied or privates. Diuient Valesco. Ihe 'JOifi dav of June, S26. 1AWD (J. ULU.XiiTT.i'm. A., St relaty of M ar. From the Natchez, Courier and Journal. We have received a letter from Capl. Teal, dated Miitiiinoriis June Gth, and an cxpiesa from (Jen. Husk. ('apt. Teal says the Mexicans ar& rcinforciiiir Filanola at the Neuces, and Uie forces, when muted at the hitter place, will be upwards of 4U10 men. A pint of them Cavalry were or dered to uo w rit ward for the purpose of detlrov- hould he collected, and it 'day set tipart for their I iniX " '"" ii drat and yovth. Captv T. says that tio pniuuen art to be In hen, but to bi hilled, mid that 41 liu more ure to mid from Vera Cruz uml land at the ('opinio or the mouth of Uie Prasos. (Jen. Husk's spies hnve discovered the enemy advapcitijj from the Ncucrs and he (Ktik) has comnu need his retreat and has reached the (uiidiiloupc. fNiiita Anna is ut Vclasco, at the 1 uml oursiKes, it is ordered that ti e t-kektons n'outh of the l'msos under (he tare of Captain rotter; aim is onicied to M. .lugutine Clexas) for safety togeihcr w ith ull the prisoners. Texas now needs men for war. Gen. Grem is in Uie field with Colonel Houston, together liiukimr ft force of about 700 men. When I left St. inn nil w it it nil tin honors til war. Accorilmly, on Wcdae-d iv the 1st inst. (a'ci'.eral Husk issued she follow iutr older : " s a token of resperf im well to the memory of the men who fell here a sacrifice to the treiich- t y ami bad liiith of our em mv as a dutv which we owe to the relations of the unfui tiiimte ileceas- nirce oi Biioui vu men. mien i leit OU f a .1 i .. . . . . y iXiiBusiiue, mo iieoine were uinuna out almost en . . t ,!.:..!. 1'. ... R riiii -li l. lliunaz t mum lit ill o (l I oo llieil Will IlUirCU . BACON. well as savages, without any thing veiy mterctinir direct the public money collected at such point or or marvelous crossmi? their path. place to be deposited in a bank or banks in the Late one be uititul moonlight evening thev en- sauie State, or in some one or more of the udiu- tered a village, the county town of , State ( cut Slates upon the terms and conditions hereiu- of , where they took lod'in''s for (he iiiu'iit; after niescribed: Provided. That nolhiusr in this tlx news was very so in spread over the town act contained shall he so construed as to prevent that Gov. Houston, Iroin '1 ennessee, had hdven ... lodtfitijis at , w here, in a short time, he w as , jjreeted by judge atid jury, counsel and client, (the court bciricr in session,) by the iiccompli.-l; tl female, as well as the backwoods rustic, all of whom received the salutation of a ;ciitleuian and scholar in the person of Gen. II. There was un old man, with his iiiteresliii'r and beautiful d ui'di ( 'undress at unv time from passing unv law for the removal of Uie public money from any of the said h inks, or from chaiiiriii the terms of depo site, or pievcut the said banks at any time from (lecliiiins anv longer to he the depositories of the ter, who seemed to claim the attention of the pen eral more than nil tlie otiier visitors. I here was public money upon paying over, or teiideinitj to pay, tlie whole amount ol public moneys o i hand, r,mik to Conen according to the terms ol its agreement with the saitl Secietary. Skct. 3. Add he il furthei enacted. That no an expression in the old man's look (tillering from hank shall hereafter be "selected and employed by the rest he looked a lanuafii! which said, "can the Secretary of the Treasury as a depository of you help uie!" ami echo answered from the hcuv- the public money, until such hank shall have first nig breast ol the (laughter can ijm lirlp! inniished to the said Secretary a statement of its 1 he old mail, many years aao, had taken up a condition and business, a list of its directors, the i .il'! . t'ii . ... . . . ... larsje iracioi lanu in mat county, on wiik ii no set- current once of its stock: and also a conv ol its ,.,i ,,. , ..t l t n ;.t ;.. .n. . . 1 t t rt .. ..... . . I I l"l "io, ri ,n .-in ii iMiur. in iiiioiv fill, i in. on .1 I u.,th laiw a.-nainn fumita. ....Int.,.., al.v.,,,..!, .... I .1 III :. I. .1 .. :..( : . 1 . .. lieu nil" in- ", cuu niinii, uiioii-o in- cuuiier; ami, suen inner mioi iiiiiuoii us dustry, he had converted into a very extensive and may he necessary to enable him to judge of the profitable plantation, but had, inadvertently, omit- safety of its dominion. trd trt e.nter it. Some time previous to this event, Skct. 4. Jitd he it further enacted. That the a "knowing one" ascertained that the old man said hanks, before thev shall be enuhed as the depositories of the public money, shall aj;ree to ,1 could be ejected, and lts;iilhi loo, set to work, had thfi farm tillered in his own mime, rot a writ of ejectment, had it served, and in an hour the old man and his family were turned out of "house and home,," almost pennyless. The old man entered suit in the court for tlie recovery of his lost home, but having no money, he had mo In. uds! (how true.) The General listened to his tale of woe, and I itiinated that ho would heip on the morrow, as on mat day the case would be decided. It was a delightful morning, the sun shone cheer ingly, but the old man scarcely -felt his influence, true, he thought a little light had broken in on the jrlooni of his mind pcrhap3 he may come to my hel;., but alas! 1 have no money, and counsel do not oiten lahor lor nought diniii;; these reveries .-ourt was called the Counsel for the defend- I uf ''pened an appeal to the jury on the UgaHhj Vis elienfs claim to the farm, and labored long x autid hard in defence of his plea it wai thought . ( -y tbat his argtf.nei.ts were incnntrovertitde , "--duruit this time there Hat the old man no foetid to console him the Governor was not J there he had not been as cood us liisi(ii'Hiion 4, -the Counsel was about closing his appeal, and in nil probability the decision would go against the plaintill iiark : a rustlin: noise in heard wove is in the crowd a tall genteel personage enters the eld man lifts his eve and recognizes t j the Governor lie steps forward, introduces hini- self to the court, volunteers f,,r tba old man all ieyes were upon him, and when th words "Gen tlemen of Uie Jury" fell from his hn the current t of opinion began to change, there was an unction in the words to winch the inmate of that house were unaccustomed he proceeded elo juently, fr elingly his words fell on the listeners like Uie rushing of many waters the white h -uvlkerchiefs of tlie ladies were oon hrotchf irt'o r""'tis''tion the stern jurors -were seen to throw away the briny provisions of this act, flic several State and Dis- tnct banks at present employed as depositories ot eposi- (lf. money of the I'niled Slaies, shall continue to he, the depositories aforesaid upon ihe terms anil condition upon which they have l.ei n so employed. It!, ,1ml he il further inucld, That it shall he the duty of the Secretin y id' the Treasu ry Io lay before Congress, at the commencement of each annual session, a statement of the number anil names of the hanks employed us depositories of the public money, and of their cotithlieu, tual tin" amount of the public money deposited in em h, as shown by their returns ut the Treasury; uml if the selection of any bank as a deposiloiy ofllie public money he made y the Secretary of the Treasury, w hile Congress is in session, lie shall immediately report the name and condition of such and it any such selection shall he made during the recess of 'ongtess, he shall report the snnfe to Congress during the lirst week of its next session. Sr.CT. 11. dud he il further enacted. That w henever the amount of public deposiles to the credit of the Treasurer of the United States, in any bank shall, for a whole qearter of a yiar, ( x- i . i r I .... i .i ceed tlie one-iotirili part ol the amount ol tlie ctipi- htuiks shall allow anil pay lo tint tinted Males, mr me use of the excess of the deposite s over the one fourth part of its capital, and inteiest at the rale of two per centum per annum, to be calculated, for each quarter, upon the average excesses of the quarter; and it shall be the duly of the Secretary 1 ? j jt arop the Judge changed his position iieciuenHy receive the same, upon the following terms and f the Treasury, at the close of each quarter, to conditions, viz: First. Each batik shall furnish to tlie Secretary of the Treasury, from time to time, as often as he may require, not exceeding once a week, state ments setting forth its condition and business, us prescribed in the foregoing section of this act, ex cept that such .statements need not, unless request ed by said Secretaiy,cotitHin a list of the direc tors, or a copy of the charter. And the said hanks shall furnish to the Secretary of the Treasury, and to the Treasurer of the I'nited States, a weekly statement of the condition of his account upon their books. And the Secretary of the Treasury shall have the right, by himself, or un agent tip pointed for that purpose, to inspect such general accounts in the liooks of the bank as shall relate to the said statements: Provided, That this shall not be account with the batik Secondly. To credit as specie, all sums drpo' cause the amounts on deposite in em h deposite bank for Ihe quarter, Io be examined and ascer tained, and to see that ull sums of interest accru ing under tlie provisions of this section, are, by the banks respectively passed to the credit of the Treasurer of the United States in his uccounts with the respective banks. Skct. 12. Jlnd he il further enacted, That all w arrants or i rders for the purpose of transferring the public funds from the banks in which they now ure, or may here-ilter he deposited, to other hanks, whether of deposite or not, for the purpose of accommodating the hanks to w hich the ti ans. for may be made, or to sustain their credit, or for any other purpose whatever, except it he Io facili tate the public disbiii.-i incuts, and to comply with the niovi-ions ot this ad, lie, mid the It eble in spilit mill puissance. '1 la y i ome for the liclh.-h purpose ol desolating the loveliest ot n .1 II l ... I . : i iiioiisanti laiius, aim sunning our luxuriant In Ids Willi the blood of the ( nltivalois. I ... ..C I . .. .1 i a. oiiiiiii iii oi milliners, iney nope to gain liv overwhelming force, that which they cannot a t hievc. by valor. They boa-t that they will re the late ingloiioiis defeat, of their arms, or . . ..: I. :.. o . .i. . .i poiisu m me mit in a ; mill w,f y will US lie- volid the Sabine, or give us a grave this sidi V ...: i .i... i' .!'. .. .i , i on, miii.i-i .,, Kiio i ue imjiiiv oi tin ir v aiii-M lon- oiis boastings, iis wtll us the fi rocious ( haiat ttr of their vv in nil c Their eiuelly end p"ifu!y wire Miflieietitly ex en phhed in their hoi ud iiia.-siieres ut Ih.xar m il I.ahahiti, whil-t their shami (til rout mid di-cmii-fituie id the Smi .Jacinlti stand as a perpctun monument ol their unexampled pusilluiunitv mid (laslannv coialuet. Audacious iiionsteis hat thev have the willingness to murder, is apparent their ability to ( onqiier, (l ey never have shown. I heir numbers can mud them noihiuir ami their threats ot extermination, instead of mlimidaluif! onlv invigorate the nerves of the bold and lice them come. J heir return is bailed wilh iov hv every manly voice in Jcyus. Another opportunity is ullhro'ed to vindicate our rights and avenge our wrongs. The greater tl i'. . .. ... . I . n'l i .ii loree, me in uer ine Harvest: i rioii" i everv an il' grass on Ihe hanks of the Jiriivo bristle into a bayonet, it shall nof save Uicm. The very ghinci i' . C , i ... 01 a iieeman s eye, is a shield ol I'erseus to the monsters of tyranny, 'i hey have to fly, or fill, before the vinitii of an binned people, ik ived ill ihe cause of Liberty and vi iipariee. and nones ol our iiiuniereu countrymen I c rol Icelt d into one place in front of the foil uml buiied wilh all the honors of war. Til OS. .1. HUSK, Hiig. Gen. Coin's- On the evening of the ensuing day, the boires having been collected, an older was issued for ihe ceremonies of the following dav. ic following morning being I'ridav, June Ihe today or to-morrow. Gen. Houston's wound is lid the army were parad. d within llio wulls of the K1,,lllllg s'uwly. He is in hue spoils. CVtnn and I'ort nt the hour unpointed, mid nt nine o'clock, "' u ""' oue wore lime ! i am on my way with arms reversed, the procession moved slowly 'r froops nt Ixiishvillc. 1 wish to return ui 2a . toward the p,,ce of burial. ly l Texan is safe. Gen. lhmlup has 6U0 ' On reaching the pi nve, (.'en. Husk delivered a tr,KT ""' '"'y o march. mm tJioit hot Hflinc nnd rtocntiit adtttCMi. , - loon With esleern. u I'cltaw Soldiers In the order of Providence, .I, hi . .i. . we lire this dav culled upon to pav the last sail ollice of respect to the remains of the noble and heroic baud who, battling for our sacred rights, Hive fallen In 'lit a I h llie ruthless lumd of the tyrant. ' I heir eliiv'i'lroli 'oliducl entitled thrill to the heiiil'i it gratitude ol die people ofTc.Mis. Will i- onl unv further interest in the country than that erase. ' - . i , i , .. . . . .... which all noble hearts ft el tit the bare mention of " p navo " l,,"''ri '"e Arena,) which liberty, they rallied to our standard, relinquishing he dictated, signed, and franked, on Monday rve- the ( a-e, peace find comfort of then homes- h av- "in' 27l,, twelve or fifteen hours bcfoie in" b( bind liu m nil llo v In Id dt ur, their mothers, "ifl !,,,,ln It linw 11 the it arks of his style, mod- fisfers.diiiighterH nnd wives ihi vsiibiecled them- ' sty nnd benevolence. The signature is sonie- K(s to fatigue and privation, uml nobly threw what confused find blotted, though legible, indi- t.n mselves Ik twei n the people of J exits ami the eaimg n riimo iiemmous iroiil (lehlhty, It is cer- Mh. Taiusox. The Fredericksburg Are mi, of Friday last, says, it has heard of but few particulars' of the (losing scene ofllie life of this venerated mid able stulcsman. Though reduced Io the last dcgire of weakness, his mind colitm: ned unimpaired until within a few hours oflus de-. untie nro ... . . . ... - i un; ii vi i-ioii.s ii liu-- ..., ... , ... ... -..... --- constniea to imply a right of tne ,lP:, ,ijit,d ulld dc lar. d to be ill. gal; and ii oi any private inoivtuud. or moiviunuis in Ml n lin.d liirW. noses of equalization under the provisions of this sict. in pon-riiiience ot too Bleat un acciiiriulahoil sited Uierem to the credit of the Treasurer of the 0f rlcnosites in unv bunk, such transfers shall be United States, and to pay nil check's, warrants, or Iimu(, t ,,,, "st deoi.ile batiks which ure con- orans, uriiun on such deposiles, in specie it re- hi,l,.ri-d sale and secure, and which can receive qmrod by the holder Uiereof. the moneys to be transferred under the limitations Thirdly. To give, whenever required by the in this act imposed: Provided, That it may be Secretary ofthe Treasury, U.e necessary facilities lawful for the President of the I'nited States to for transferring the nuhlic funds from place to direct transfers of the public money Io he made place, within the- United States, and the Territories from time to time to llio mint and branch mints of Ihereol, and tor distributing the same in payment the mted Mutes, lor supplying meiat ior coimnq. of the public creditors, without charging couirnis- Sect. 13. Jlnd be it further enacted, That sions or claiming allowance on account of duller- tn,, moriey wliich shall be in Uie Treasury of Uie ence ot exchange. United States, on the hrst day ol January, eigh Fourthly. To render to Uie Government of tlie teen hundred and Uiirty-seven, reserv ing the sum United States, all Uie duties and services hereto- of live millions of dollars,' shall be deposited with f,,rp rermirod hfc'lnw to be wrforrned bv the late the several Sfittea, in proportion In bV'jr remeetive Batik ofthe United States and its several branches representation in the Senate and House of Hepre or offices. seiitalives of the United States, as shall, by law, lairily the very last time he had a pen in his hand. Wc understand that he hfl, ready for the press, to which it will be forthwith given, a Report of the Troccrdings of the Convention which formed the Federal Constitution, taken at the lime, w ith notes, Sic, and a compendious history ofthe events which led lo the cull of that Convention. Tho woik will make two large octavo volumes, and be published ftiiiiultaiieously in this country and in Fnglariil. It is hazarding little to pay, that no work of" greater interests and importance ever is sued from the American press. His correspond ence and other writings will he published, from I, evt'ry blade shri.ks of the dying, that they were 'hot.f., d , to time, uml will constitute amass ofthe . 1 . I lllliol I'll lllllllll IWt Itllol lata) i n ... it. I ' ("miik ui no i mum in me language. He left wilh the exception of legacies to the iimoiint of thirteen thousand dollars, including one of $l5im to Ihe University, and another of 5-t(H Hi Io the Colonization Society the whole of his estate to Mrs. Madison, who is constituted sole ext tutrix. tllole. legions of Santa Anna, litre, unaided by rein forcements and far I'toin help uml hope, they battled bravely with the minions of a tyrant ten to one. " Surrounded in the onen nniiie bv this fearful i odds, cut oil' from provision and even water, they were induct il, mull r the sacred promise of reci ly ing the tiealiiK nt usual lo prisoners of war, to sur render. They were hunched buck, nnd for u wm treated wilh the almost iiihuriinnity and hur- baiity. They were marched out of yonder Fort, under the jiren iice oi getting provisions, nnd it was not until u.e iiiing i i imisheirv. mm the iheir approaching lute. Some endeavored to make their escape, but thev weie pursued hv the ruthless caviilrv, find most of th in cut down vvith their swojils. A small number of Uicm now stand hv the irrave. a hare rt nnmiit of that noble band. Our Soum.iiH ! Your country calls vou to her de- tribute of respect is due to them. It is due to the a- , I . . " . I .1 I our homes, your firesides the scenes iiiolhors, si-lers ami wives wiio wci-j) mcir unium .aiin'i iti ir new tihfinl 77i. tiC,... TT rj.tys, and future urtieipiitiotis-mT' ly end, that we should mingle our tears with theirs. ,.( k wf .j,.,.,, tlle demise of tl.rSun " at nts of domestic happiness, and all In that mass ol bones find liagiueiits ol h s,,inEt0 fjtv wfcifti had sunk to ri- L .Now, here is something "new" about this same "Sun" of Judge White's. A Mr. A F Cunning ham, who appears, from his advertisement, to have been an heir, in expectance, is suddenly cut thort, finite the death of the Judge's only hope, of ull he expected to get ofthe "specific contribu tions, promised to be made by the party. And it "lias uccome necessary lor mm to render tveh of your formt the endearments of domestic hai-i the hopes ol future coinpeh nco and peace, sum nion vou to the Held. 1 on are summoned, too. i .i ..-..' t . .... ny nit: s urns in j ravis arm arinni, and their gallant companies, whose blood has cemented tin foundations of our freedom Their flesh has been food for the ravi ti, and their bones have been whitening on the prairies, until vour pious patriot ism gathered those scattered relies, with decent sepulchral honors, to a soldier's gtave. Hut their glorified spirits still hovering around the home of their patriotic devotion, calf upon yon to sustain the independence which they ha- c consecrati d by Uicir martyrdom, and to recompense, with merited vengeance, the wrongs they have endured from a pi ifidous and (la.-t.-ud enemy. Shall Uie call be made in vain? Shall we turn a dmf ear to the voice of our country, and the beseeching cries of our murdered brethren 'I Surely, there can be no one so insensible to guilt and shame us to look w ith iiiditlerence, upon the desolation of his own country. If there be so foul a blot upon hi inanity if there be one in the w hole limits of our land who is mean enough, when his home is in- iiitiuy u mother iiiwhl see her hod, many a sister, her brother, and ninny a wile her once beloved i i i i ii . i . . . . mill IiIK ( lionaie iiiisiianu. i.ui we nave a conso lation yet to offer tin in. Their murderers sunk into death, on the plains of San Jacinto, under the appalling words " ilemeriil t r I .a i'ahiu." Many a lender uflu donate woman, will re member with ti iiif'ul vc, Lit ISahia. I!ul we have anotht r consolation to oiler it is, that whil ihertv has a habitation and a name, tin rous deeds will bo handed down upon ii.ii win u a, ( Vj)0!.i,i,)n 0f tle wlot, concern .and partv as ir ( naval- w ill leave no doubt upon the public miiid, as to"1" ' ihe blight )ir (lis) illtPJ!ri,y. Therefme he will. 'aoorf r t Harri s ol tastorv. f .,..i i: i i.i. i. j ..rt-a i f- ' I piiunsii it ociii unci, eillllieu. 1 ne lilse. imiu' "We can still ofll r nnother consolation, .SWa and Uowiif'all of that Great Political Luniinurv -,' the mock hero, Ihe, black hearted murderer the tun with notes annotations and sketches ot' ? is n ilhiii our group. I ea, mid more ne must re- I character ol some ol the Urtut men who h nJ main, tortured wilh ine Keen pains oi a corrod- tributt d spccilicallv toils powerful rays. ' Pricfc'5 II . 1 I 111 I t at ... .... . TT iM. I :i I.m.iI:,. riil ululi tho tiliiuH if thno uhom I lnt tiut Viu iMiniT.K!. u III t.nt ;u a . - i ""i in x i nun viruier Kiir uc, Mian mmr io mo hiiu m iimcie oi cr?8 Iran mc lute biop-aphy ol the further of tho f.iiix, his fhi sink ihto tho lowest oVjjlha of in- "Sun," Judge White, did. - fumy and riisgrue.o." The whole ennccin of the cstahlkhment ofthe During tho delivery of this nddress the General j "Sun" is no' to he sx posed and too by one' of :' tii i . . - i . i nan ui' iiiiiii.tiru aiti'iuiu 't iii. ii"n ajiiiv. i " --.-..v -i:iJU uiu.l iiifj ""ntiin, vaueii .y an msoinit toe to seek salety in dw- l)C ke i)( hm m iu th(; caUHP of would not-dared not, is now to be bioucht be . """"""" : uiu rtiy t limit utit ''-'i i;t ... 1 ..I J A J- 11 r,... .1,,. Morn llm lnilihf. I nnl . iV. r.. X. ... reereuiu! reure io tne mm e ni tini.imv. nru . mi . , ... . . . . t 1 i'u ui iii-iiu ui'-ui ui"; unuu incut ji n ivu i 4Ji wuun-j Illia illlll It sully no more a beautiful land, whose blessings I 1 . . n.K . rrm,rf,sa ,inJ to he, before hi friendi ar do Vl ne ong to uie wave ana virtuous, j .et then every involl)ll,iirily tht,ir wea pons the more exult not in the fate that wait hun-no,w rathe, patriot soldier, every worthy citizen who abhors f , tf , of San M it him for ,eUi fce Z"' the IKOrie Ol trilltor. Iirul I'f.tllf inna (ho ulu nnillm I J . . ... . ii . ', .. attww dl. ol coward, rally to tlie call p unfurled banner of freedorn- iinpatient zeal to the theatre of his nation's glory, - v ... .v.v ...a,,, fi , tf (hp 8C(m,g of San,jllcllltohaj not pity him tor lotting hunlf be made a cabnaw of ind contemns the vile epithet ro,n)Prtt((,u for the brutal murder ol' their friends But it was tun own seeking, and ke will have e call promptly, around tho m .....J Uck lo W vvli U U he can. l,et ofhertr - 'eedornlH him repair with th(,ir SAMUEL DEXTABJ. take warniiigftomth.-fate that aw aitai Jutl1Ui.' theatre of his nation a clorv. 1 .: j. r,.. r --.'. . " ... r Vd-de-Cum Gallatin (MiD 1 y. 4 ! 1 at (