OCR Interpretation

The radical. [volume] (Bowling Green [Mo.]) 1841-1845, July 01, 1843, Image 3

Image and text provided by State Historical Society of Missouri; Columbia, MO

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83016922/1843-07-01/ed-1/seq-3/

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For the Radical. Iudc, us cntiment and"
A confession of temperance faith re- j wishing us C0fi pCed.") But I say
cently graced your columns, of a charac- suppose we are guilty. Is it more sin
ter sufficiently gucer oUnterestm to slander one church than for
,crve attention. Those sentiments have preachers of that church to slander a so-
For Young Hen and Women.
We find ihe following cxeclleiit ar
ticle in 'The Offering,' edited by the
r aciory Oirls ol Lowell. It breaihes
My young friend,' said a minister
to a boy at u ramp inectinjr. do you
evpr think of n future stile?"
.o 1 never meddles with State af-
tlie liht sf)ii jt-cverv mother and jf'rs though brother John is a puli
n I daughter, father end son, should read
'Do you never think about dying?'
No, but I gncss oik Sally did when
wn often heard in convervati.m nn.l -.1- cietv nlm i riiri
, . .4 VI- ' - . J,, lilt. I a JIUtC II It. 11 S-. ..j - ! J .
: ( I. u l-ai?li1ll n T n,.t..f.n . . in I . . t A .1
jo ..... -v. v.j.u.acmain - sympathies ol our nature, a; tFrom whence ori-imled the idn
liadol iicoaomiaai public harrangucs; society composed of members of every j that it was derogatory to a lady's cih,'-1 fho g0' '' nales, for the turned
but i . uas me meru oi being the Iirst cnurcii in Christendom, unci non proiies- nny, or u blot upon female character a C0irs.
u hose boy art voif"
1 who has undertaken to propagate that srs of every rank and trade of eiviliz- t li.bor? und who was the list I
species of moral heresy, by aid of the cd a"d enlightened man. Dost thou no1 i s;'.v works lor a hung?
press. His ol jcctions'to the orlhordox fc,low we have been charged by high j SurP y' !'Ucl' iJeas "r"1 expressions
Upcr.no faith are, in the main, so 1 authority in thy ranks from the sacred j In-''!""1.10 'OW " r''P1 '.'n soil.
,. . , . ' ... '. !, ,. .:, ,, , . "!"e hns been, w hen ladies of the
siaieanu uUJ.u mat u wouia uc quite """ "Hypocrisy, -motives pure- ,rst ,.,.,. W(.re ,.custome,i to uusv
useless to refute them the millionth time, i 'i' selfish," tf '-insulting the almighty," j thi-uni li rs in domestic, employment,
but fur his appeal to that sacred volume ' C'orrible) of "claiming like Jo Smith a . I Ion, or Ulls us of princess who used
which i the acknowledged standard of ' "ew revelation." These and many oth-
jaurality for thristendum.
Vciilv if that book, by any rule of in-
of t!ic linen o! their respective find-
crs are hard savings IViciid W., and
would you blame us if like the worm
terprttalion can be tortured into a jusli- vou ,rea(l UP0I w iquirm a little nay,
ficalion of grog drinking, then indeed is j evc" if wc fc,ould Lite moderately? But
it tlcfcrii!g of the slanderous nppCla. j according toyotir own doctrine atemjxr
tioii given it by a catholic priest "a nose "'e l)i,c wou,d 1,e harmless tho' the tooth
tf wax." 1 WBS as poisinous as the sting of an asp.
The i;is ircd ulamc differs fnm most j 1)1 ALOG1ST.
books cf mere human authority inasmuch
a it faithfully relates without reserve ' month to the falls at l'lalte citv, has been j l'0i" dauyhwr Mary sat in the corner
or evasion the vices and misdeeds as 'demonstrated to be perfectly "practicable dauini; stockings. Tew American
..11 noWviri,,,., of mo nr.,1 ,,..i !...!.. : L.'.r.uc lonimes i ill support a woman Who IS
. ,.j nll,luum,MK, t. mcoa ;il(iV(, ,,1C i;.llls uf,.e. )a.n,;v.
io draw water fio;n the
When nnv feller ax.s Jit, tell em,
ye don t know.
Bankrupts Second Notic
U. S. District Couet, in BsuTcir,
Di-liint nf Minourj, Jane Term, 1643.
No. 714 Samuel W. Buiki. of Tike
cnunlT w on the 10 1 h of June If-43, le-
clurcJ a Diiiruit. ami the 14tli Sfpteiubei
next, ri t fur the Ix aiinof lit petition tor a
Go ra I (Inchtrpe nnd certificate theieo', at
the C'iljr of Jcfiuisou; IIk d nntl there hit
creditors nni! other interested ma j thew
cniie why uch discharge and certificate
ihoiiltl not be rranted.
W. G. M.
July 1st., 1943. ln.O.
In Clarksville on the 13th inst , by
'j 'the Rev. Richard Bond, Mr. Henry T.
''"t,.. s. r... r.i..i. li.M . it
wash w it!. ir -n 1. .r .i j ,i. ;,.. ! lveill la "a wwair, au oi mis
?pi in
The famous l;iorcti;i ucd to
spin in the midst i.f hi r attendants;;
llie wife of Ulysses, ait.'r the seige ol t
Tioy, Cinplueil lierself in weaving)
until l.er husb uid returned to Ilhica.
'And o lattpr limes, the wife of j
(it-orgc 111, of J'siflaud, l:as linen iej)-
resen leu i.s sin -i.tiiiiir an evening i.i
The nair.itioiiof riattc iici from its j lietii'i.inp pocket handkerchiefs, while
The san e divine penman w ho describes j uJat Cul. Woods.
the glorious plan cf man's redemption, j
lirs.Le niir eniliilit iie vili 1.. rm-ii I t-t't- N 1 l.Ul-Vi
J.'MiOS M. U;tV.
nf murder, sacrilege and crime. But i
! Cashier of t! e S ate Uat.k of lii iiana.
-i I,..!; .i. ..)..' .t ilA .,t Ir nf I
the good aian always finds his virtuous i j r, U s. !
decdsapproved and rewarded, while the I .-( .",.,., (..jj sq l,i;s ,, i;,e Ni.He
vicious have the most fearful denuncia- i;;...k ,,f Imli: 111 .i:r in ucu
True, wicked actions and these
1 1 .i n i. i
, t . . . I . - i i . i 1 l "
liens ana juugincms pronounccu against, winoti. irom un-n ge. eiai :i'm-.n.Hni-,
C ili-iii iti ii to ileccive. AUiOi.i;m
he ( ii'jinv iur oi filling in the budy ol
.HUI9. June 2S.
Sules nf flour were made en htunlaj nt
4 fur comiliy hrandr. We hear of
iinpeitiint suits u f C i I y iii!l;.
t'tiriidt'ruli!e s!e uf wrl.rr.t u-ere ninde aj
7 a b2 cculs l.er ointiul The t.ck in "ii-
kct is light.
Snles of t(ibTo at the Haiitcis' Wure-liuii-c,
on Siitt:rdaj i
1'i.nd : 5) h!..ls I ill 3 I ). 2 at 2 O l, 1 nt
:t 1)0, 1 at !! Vi.1, 1 at 4 00, 1 at 4 ID, 1 at 4
10. and I ul 5 ( 0.
Kefiist.l : 21 hhds. 2 at 81 r''. 1 ' 1
ut I TO. I at 1 70, at 1 ,, 1 at 1 fcO, 1 at
t II i
wU.t tiioiiL'til it i.t'iicLUi lier to i 2 10. 2 at 2 0J 1 nl 2 .". I at 2 60. 1 at 2
i! I, or pi city white hands with man- iyo, l ,,t 3 4n. 1 at 3 50. lai :;ui, 2ut3G3
n:.l labor. :;11!i i.l!i she possessed her j j , j Hl 4 Ui un,j 1 ,t 4 jr,.
inuii ! sefise. in ci.uosiii 11 coiopan
j ion t )J v ii!i I im through al! the 1 -jhiils
of lilt, would sooner clumse orie
C. S. District Coukt, im Hamcr urTcv,
ji'trirt nf Misruri, June Trrm, 143.
j;a fj''i llufford K. Brandford. of I'ike
coimlV, i u U,e 13th June 1S13, declar
ed Uaiik.op! ..- th" 14th Sept. next, set
for the hearing" oelilion for a final .In-
. 1 ...,.i.,:,. Il.t 'cof. t the Citr
of JefiVrso..: then ami hi
,,...1 ,.n.. .1 .....i,.'iri"'l w
sin;h d;ch:ircc and certificate a.ou.'
he gianted.
T.ato, J A SON HAKIUSOX, Cw,'i.
Do n & Gale, Sols.
Jul. Ut, 1-43. Inr3rj.
Di.tri. t of .!likolll!, June T11111, 143.
No. 2fl- Aitl ur Hem, uf I'ike connlj,
was on the !4iii Juna 1-42, declared
L';,i.UrU.t. ami the 14th .vV.t. Is4-, et for
the I.eMiuir of I.i ctitiou lor a cni.1 di
cha gc and certilicule thereof, at tho City
of JelTeisuii : then and there his creditors nnd
nt liers ihlrresled iiiBjf shew caii"e why Mich
ditchare and cert finite ihould mil be grunt
ed. Te.te, iOS II ARKISOX, Clerk.
Slosji::i, S. I.
Jul I t. 1-43. l3.-.
Steam Packet, Twice a Week
The fine New anJsplendti Steamer.
Wit i Evans" Safety Guard.
M. LITTLETON, Master. .
rniiK rroprietor built this boat expressly
X for the trade between ST. LOUIS and
k-KfiT.Tir unit hns commenced her reeolnr
trips, nnd will continue entirrlg through tb
oi leaving St Louia every Wonday
uli.t FriddV at 4 o'clock r . M., aa reiuru
inpwiil kave Keokuk every Wednesday
and Siilurdarat Oo'clock, A. M , Warsaw
at half past C, Quincy nt 11, Marion City at
12, Hunnibal at 1 o'clock and Loniinna at
4, the same day.
This boat beinjf very ligh!, nJ having su
perior accommodatioui, the proprietor-hopes)
by strict attention to merit and receive a lib
eral share of patronage ; and beinf favorably
known in the trade, he will abide the future
success of his Boo by bis own exertion to.
render his numerous friends comfortable.
Juno 21th l!)t3, 34.
i linn
e-.i i:
habits which lead to w iekcuncss and
crime, are sometimes recorded as his
torical incidents, without comment or re
buke. Hence we read of theft, Llse-j
hood, liijuor drinking, polygamy, and
tlivcrs other c-istoms and vices of the
ttmac - ni' from I li I 1-if tnr ol mil n.t itiff. ; t'J
weak, vicious or designing men, or men
who have not given proper attention to
the question in all its hearings, arc ena
bled to draw a superficial argument in
favor of practices which the whole len- ; rue
nor and suit it of the Lihle condemns. : 1 1'
And thus arises the script urc evidence
in favor ol grog drinking Paul advie'I
Timothy to liiAsea little wine" as a medi
cine rrjo we may guzlc down as
much whiskey as wc think won't hurl
us hecause wc love i'."1
Thus reasoncth liplers inebriates
and their "aiders and abrtors." Nay
more some of them sacrilegiously in
voke the sacred name of religion in de
fence of this habit which IS the legiti
mate parent of the Ji'eo suCcrin un
der w hich humanity groans.
I have not time friend W. to show vo
1 i'l v i.l not !'nr n c!osi mrec-
vit lie
i i!ll'll p:1-S,
:(ncr;d icrcr.ihhui
,1 ri.irlii'tihir in ticc
nn.ls. T. l.e able lo earn one's
I V hihiiiiiij with her own
hands, should te leckoliCii nmoit.! fe-
nuihi I'CConip'isl.tnent-,; miJ 1 Impel
tin ti.ee is not lar liis'nnt when none!
loiC I'l'.-llCi! to i C Cii
,il!id to it
i of my ci'itntry women will he :ish:im
: cd to have ii k ti w n that ihev are bet'
- I 1.i vii i-.I in i'cl"' iltH'v-. lli:sii t'li'V
is an.t i".tsii-e.s men. i i.e inn , ,, --1i;i:, ,.,,,
rtrr ll.n-i liie "pnuine s-20"s cr ' 1
1 1 hints at piu ate !ule. Keciii -ed ut the
Uwe 22'
Nnv Vokx, June 15.
.Mniiev turk l;ae iii-ii to il:y. Money
1 has ti-cn i.ir.-it-d i:i"ie !ui-tly on Die marUcL
1 i:.-li ul.i and to.div ihm ever hi fure.
t " "
Nitvt hoeheeu suM in the ;ticet nl 3 pir
j rint. and in .iri un ways money is plenty
I t tl.nt lute fui ti rim m.t tio !on;. We hove
I i u i it ..f hi ti...tl.',.i li.iir.n fur ii term ol
:iies i 1 el iiiti. " .liiiii.o ii e novi i.;:!,i in iiiai.v cases . aD-urJ anil ... i ....... n -i.:..k
- , .1 . t.l!9.1( .....I. . ...... H "
st:,t" u' ,re,a,c ":,,e nlr,J. 1 "'-' r,","Hr!K,n'' ii" "t"'0 tc ! a, Cr.t nt-d-.v r,oPer-
I st trie lUiliO wo k nrouii.l the Ii.L'-jp,isl o!ti l:i v, oy t'mse U'idi'r wlio.el
.iieinnt ilitnct cnoiiph. In tin-1 c.niirol it i nt pro ent, pctn destined ! " ., ,,. ,
. . . I ,t . ..f w!i '.i n- . i 1 i.hii i-r.ilinr Ixtter, if an v thine, .uicli-
icll :ionii'i lit.' I'l-uti.eliniice ol .i i.i-j ( i;:ve as intuiv ColilllCtin' decis . , .
. .' . . ... it .. i-...- n ! !. I .1 . I . "jm 'no e!l inviy hi 5.) s O !.
1 . !i ! ! : I i : t : 1 1 " l.C 1 1 Ii n u I.l . .t, 1 1 r in-11 In- 1 1 ft 11 1 t 111 ri-lil irm r f
Cash Store.
L r t! CONK, would inform the
li. ,.uld'.c"tl.a.".e Us formed a copart
er,hipin burine... "'' "
slock of groceries, a food assortment vl
Dry Goods, Hard Ware,
Crockery, Drugs &c,
and will kaep constantly on Land a general
unsoituient of mch mticles as are adapted to
ihe wants of tl. country all of wbiota ill
I.e told so low that those wishing to por
cba;e I'nnni. t(il beinp plMied with Ihe prt
Cf. He has also on tand a well selected
i a.sortu.eni of
j Fashionable Bonnets,
I rrru rheon. Call aad examine.
11 iwtiitr Jre n. Mo , Jane 24, 1S43. If.
Wi.iriN?; n Xt.iv ? p.rr.'ts. The
ratl;rr narrow
11.11; " sin urn! 11 e ' nVl ,n m:il. v
IMIE fast running passeneer ricamcr
a- U. S. Mail Boreas, T. M. Fithian,
Captain, will leave St. Louis, every
Wednesday and Saturday evening at 4
o'clock, fur Keokuk. On her return, will
1 1.. ...-. v. :.i.... . Ut...,,!,..
lean. xi'uiJiuiiUii.ii.1 1 ijii.iv 1 .'ft.'iii..., 1 -.. . . 1
... 1 r.t t -n . m -l 1 ' counts will ho plucta in
cvcninir at o, and (.larksville at 4 o clock 1...., ... ..,
-' . , U1.U IUI WIK1.1IUII
on same day. As the Jioreas carries the j
i . i. uu d, she can be depended upon
to leave regularly and punctually, at the
hours appointed.
May 27th 1S43. 30 (f.
4 LL those knowing themelses iodcbtel
t ti u.e, would do well tocallaud settle,
either l cah or note, otherwise their ac-
the ha oar 01 mo ui-
; er.
i!.:il the fiiis
.her ol
1 .. : 1. .. 1 ;..!. i n t.r-iKT... iii.-
n'i mi 11 . 1 i.n (. j .
.t i- mote in the c.oi.inerleil llian in
I . . . . . Wheal. l 1.1 a I 1S.
1 tla te'o. as wcie 11. a !e imuer me late 1
!h.i.iki:ipt:.ct.or under the present I There h. b.-e.. .li. in potfc, cLiefiy fron.
law in rcL-ardlo the etdUtuiei.t of :ili-! ,! c ''" r..i!i,.ll,,h, pe-tlo.
I.e oi tinllie, dors not hold coo.l ;is l" pns in theaimv. IS". it hm since, "h'" il.t inthc in.iinin at
the hill examined heie. The rm-.n- ! .-ei.tVmaii in thia citv, was nmlcted lut ?" cc 10 w,,i,'h " "! ",,"iM
cifci's are (tiled itpon iliJu-rcnt Ij ;:m-, , a fll)C f,.r oicrelv fiidorsinir his P'i". V, i u.e, $-ij :, TheMocUo,-
ches. TI e cii or of ihe paper is some-. diunp ,,n n new sp:;per sent to ;i li iend. lard ii In M iujio Snuly i.i cionjumce oj
.h:tt lijl.ter than tlie p'i:uine. nr.d now v e luivo :i Mtnilar ease, tried '. tue m i nt free suli s.
; ! lieloiP tbe I'. S. I lislri.:! t'otirt at I Jos- j Tine l.ai l.irn a lurje l.uines in sf t-slitisr
A-na.-lt. e I ear that i rtspec !..,,,,, p,.:.!.,.. ...,e u decisii'ii. iot (.;:; 1.1 rf fm ti.e Li.n.n iian.ei al J aJ-t
the 11 verse of the one "iven Icie.; m, ai.il fis..o 53U a 0 "u
was made. V c copv it from the los
EliH tub:i'iiLi.r liiii in" t 1 Li 11 th.ir--
w a
vrcri" hnlv of this city, whiie
nrr .il,.i,.. ll-n KTlTTt. .1 ."Ci .1 1 1 ill H i - !
c.l by a fi-Mlra-m, a few ix ctiiiif." ; p,.
-iin-e. w:is luMOOSiV ntlackeil t y son.e
.it' t'ir liail sis'eihoi i!. ui rl iiiueh iujur-
il in 'i'1-oii nnd dies-;, her U 1 1 u L I ; ,
-i. I'trted Slates is'. S. ti. Urat-j
how much you are mistaken in soppo- 1 1 t.,-
I'l'huc co lias hi'CIi d ill this Hi t k, and pii
rr of Kentucky leaf rail.ir Ioui-i. .hunt
f.U I lid, t t li .old lr mi. lion al .tier
Will.-I. nrtea .-Mates o. v.. '- ,-, .,c ; f...,,,! t for n.. irhaiilnbie
.- i, n !u- M rillii'' iii loiinc on - i iM'Y- "I v l f ... .
.tinjrpiov..! rec-eaM v.ben the Imi. p i;os,n Ath.s. .loected i.y bi n tol' ..,...,,.,,,,... , , .,..
l,l'llJ0 .... 1 1. n in I .iinivv i!!i Kv.. :ir:H '
, . f) iuo; 'Jt'ti h:iles Ki-iitiirky dew-rutted nt
leii 'Slled 111 the llostoll post ollice.
i i - i .1 . V ., I . . I. I foe a 1 0'. 0 uios.
1 Ins wa selected, out ol a liuiilied
.... . . ,1 ! t imiixnati, Jui.e Jl.
iinil.sr int n iv s. :;s a lest case, UnTe
!...:. !.;,. It il. lnin .mi.a-it. I''ut. fiircs l.n , e eiven uay. tnd a-
. An exu.nnaii. n ) a L-cnih inan in I
w;is I.l it: l.eioie justice
sin?-vou arc a friend cf temjicraiiee in !.,r, M -in,) the :iL'L''f 'vus hminvl ti
the "true meanins of th.e word," so lonr i . im i'i "00 t nnwer the rharfcs.
ucvnrir onncionrs is-ill nllnw Ifillt.lvlti S ca 1CI ! V d I V t:.'",S lliat
the" pernicious example cf temperate f : f l.-awl.v-ar.-f. i to , ,ie , Mllli(.;it 1)V whllfIl . hoot l orm-h!,, wc t:ike., ,e,.erd,y ul c;.-
drinking in face of the well known fact
that U is the sole cause of drunkenness, j
And your objections lo laying mcnun-j
der obligation to praciiee total absti
nence, may be answered hereafter by
6omc school boy. But your complaint
of injustice deserves a passing notice.
I am not aware that the friends of tem
perance have practiced injustice on any
man or society of persons. If wc are
not "wise as serpents" we have strove
lo be "harmless as doves." Justice to
ourselves has compelled us to repel some
cf the numerous slanders that have been
propagated against us Justice to the
great cause of benevolence in which wc
are engaged has required at our hands a
refutation nf the absurd though spec ious
arguments that have been used in op
position lo temperance. And i', in do
ing this wc have unavoidably sometimes
it,.. ,.' iir-i-tpi- nl i.r citv. w lii'-h siiou'.il
11 a!iC those in powei h'ush -for them
selves. I ii not woi deiful that,
with f.tiy-lwo CT,st;ih. :nl :oj
A .1 v I! ii rv "l i i:nrd of fif'er'n li en, it is
-til! !an -eioiiL' lo "n'k ihe streets oi
the Capt 'l 'f '!"' T.ruil';d Sluice?
Washington ('ilv Copitol.
.';0.000 rot.'Xfs of Tobacco Pks
TU,vrn,Vp tepr.t to lentil thai
Missis- I- I" Sie ens Co. of this
.-. .nnly. sustained li e lo S of about
lii'iv liioi.s'iad pi undsof tobacco, in
cli.'d na spacious tol-.icco house and
i-nput ieniH'c.s.o:i Wedne.-d iy last.
The disaster nascmsed by too much
ImstcinTu'uv'ho t,.bacc. to pel it
....Mo- fnr market. Mr. Stevens has
already .hipped 40 hogsheads. Nine
lllj.mei.l were les
onl I i io li.ilar.ee
ii nd i
o'hf is n ail v lor
i-iie.l frni 1 1 the H ni.t'S
was in process of preparation
loss Mislaliie.
a l .... I A aT
it vvas sent, anil tins lntemlin lo i " v
'convey ail idea." Ilv n(:reeii ent ofj U'hitkry. Pahs on Moudny nt lIKnnd
counsel', for the purpose of carrying f Oeidai at lfo.
:he ctii"ti n uj) to the Circuit Court, ' U'ktal Our uiillns r.n.tii.ui in pay K5c.
N if iivili e. June 2'J.
The liter i f.ii!in slowly , H ilh ahout Ctc
ft i t n iiler on HarjM-lh shoals.
Alahini i money 14c tli. The ili niaiiil
'in exehani;e is inerea-inij; the kijjhl nile
oonliillies at 1 per cent piero .
i HO
'l 50
1 110
JuJ.e Spr.ij
w minir of
:uc d culed
haii'O on ii
that dt i e
puper was
not a iolutioii nf the law; that it
was not within the ineat.irg nnd spirit
ol the prohibitum. Accouiintj lo ar
r.niL'enieiit, Mr. Ilexter, for the Unit
ed Sjia'rs, took exct ptjin io this opin
ion, :md in this w ay the whole subject
will le brought before ihe Cncuil
A man at Apalachicola, Florida,
lecentl v drank, on a wager, n quart
nf whiskey in less than ten minutes!
He died in about two hours after
wards, was in a state of intoxi-
JL the Utick Tarsiu in ll.ii plate forme-
y occupied by A. t'Oi, will emhisce tlie
pre.enl oppoituiiily ef ;i inj to the cilueu?
i.f Howling Green, vicinity, and community
generally, thai all ho may call upon hiiu
shall he uccoiiiii.oituteii t.n the most moder
ate teoiK. lie ll.tlti is iiiiutell tint his ac
c iiii.iiiii.l ii I i oiM a re tuph iis will pive general
salisf.ietsnii. Hut nt Ihe fume time an wiiild
T In lhc-e u im n.:iT t'avor h.m with their
.4tro:;ai(j, ti.iit I.e t ill espeot piincluality
on Ineir piul, t.theiwi.e I.e will uot to utile
tod.i llieiu or himself justice.
l.iar.tini; lodius; p r week, .
r.iiarjii. without lo.iil'C;.
M.HI w ilh hnrie, supper lodging ami
hreaLl.i.'t, . . .
A sincle mi a! w ilh r hoi.e fnl.
ile t-au hut it v ii j I hiincelf of the present
meai.s of rclurniei; hii Ihni.k to thoT who
Saie and aie now pMtrcui.iiif- l.i.-n. yet he
ill tii'iireforward he under the nhsoliile ne
cessity of enacting Iii -t lee for Lourd al the
close uf every ttvu tteiks.
r. nit A MI AM.
How line fiiecn. May 27th 4:1- SO tf.
T"H.L be sold, on the i 7th of
June next, hi the late residence
of Thomas ('haiiibeihiin, deceased.
on Indian Creek, nil ihe personal es
tate of s;.id deceased, consisting of
horses, raltle, hos, slieep, house
hold and kitchen furniture, one waj
on and a sett of black smith's tools.
&.C.. on a credit of 1 2 months, on nil
sums over two dollars. Bond nnd
ecuiity for the ptirclnse nu n?y will
be ieiuii'eil.
May 27i.-i, lf.43. 3w30.
The new anil sr.lcndid liht draugh
steamer MISSOURI MAIL, M. Lit
tletoji. Master, will leave on tlio ord
clay of July next, al 2 o'chick, P. M.,
cation at t! c time he made a waecr. i for e abovc port an, an i,1(crmccliatc
Should not the man w ho took up tl'e , flings: Leaving Clarksville, at -1 o'
w aer be held accountable ior bis life? j cot.) a. M., on the 4lh July, Lnuisia-
" na, at 5; Hannibal, at 8; Marion City, at
1Ik.atiiokai.kvolutios.ahi sni.niMi. , p. Otiiiiev. at 10: LafJranze, at 11; Tul-
' i t i ... .1 ki.riniis: ni.'inei.
placed our opponents in rcdiculous ..Ui- l0 s,l3rPs tl. "uiversal sympatioes ol I lid at nitur?, '.n l '-, y, at 12, M ; Warsaw and Keokuelc, n.
.., .. :, , - i n.nio.'.tv. iraris AIo. Cill. nin, me i.in iiiMimi, j , r. m., una arrive ai .hiw,ii car.y
IIIUCS, 11C UU1V ICiriCt Lliai till ill. won. n.t; ... i.
upon us the necessity of doing it.
And now clar V n tenr1 f-ir yniir
private car. The dialogue was no "fix-
limu n. ai'ed 105 years. Urow n w as the afternoon of the 4th, returning on
AlovrHKNTi.x i Um.atio.n to tiikSanij i a ,);1tive of I'i-ince. Ilecamc to this ! the Qlh July.
L-lll-LsM'S. Miuoymeis.i.nrii-titri.1 (.()UI)trv w,t, t;cn Lafl ette, Ii nil I V or rassaur apply to me vupiaiuor
..,i.,.es i.f P. .ston. have k'ned a peti
the I'nitcd.
" ' . . i ...... r
J ..' (T,;e Tl ,. c , r.iil.r.i rrnrc- :i.m to tl C riesiacui in
.,ii. r , Si ,ies renuestinu that tlie lecent
s;rnt.-.tinn nf thr-suhsuoiee uf coiivcrsa- 'ie rt io - .
lorn-lit in several battles during the Clerk, or to Elias M. Block, Louisiana,
revolutionary nr. i July 1st, 1S43. Iw3j.
-The Alton Telegraph of
.r ,l, S..ndwich Islands by F.scapk. Tl
tions that have actually occurred ce-. ,. ' t.,,,i,.t nmyl emade IhcLsl Saturday . says that two con-
- - r . I i . .1 f
whether Great uriiaui sancuwia i p iaiai m i
iween tee'-totalers, their r eh' govs oppo- j , 0T- ., , (,.i,n mnication from tl
sers and inebriates not all at one timet Amc (.aa , ,he British povei nment.
tis true, lut for convenience sake was i '',js niovement is piem iture. Lie
represented as one conUnuous discourse, f1)re ourcvemment takes coFnJ
and Ihi. J. oil r. "fivinrr nn" VOU Can Ol tlie U.iair, ll e"
- - - e -i- i
pledge with truth. The word "deacon
vvai used merely to represent church
members. Such men should be thank
ful for being shown what kind of men
re their most zealous supporters in
their opposition to temperance.
And now dear W. let me enquire in
ih ,i..i:t manner in the world
vie.is escaped fiom the lVnitenliaiy
during last week, in the middle ol "the
div. They were employed outside
the walls, piling staves, in direct vio
lation of the law, ol ihe Legislature
JuneOTth 143.
3i :m.
final Settlement.
Rjyu TICK ii hereby given to all persons
JLxlj eoneerotil or in any way iuterefted in
ll.ee-tate of Noah III ni'r'l, ilcc'd. that the
undersigned Aitin'r of said deceased, will
make a final settlement of said estate, at
Ihe neitt August term of the County Court
of I'ike cotnilr.
I. I KE D. I1ENDR1X, Adin'r.
Juuc 31. 143. 4wo4.
AtSnshiistratcr't A'clicci
JVTOT1CK is herel.y f iven, that the nnder
11 signed has ot.taii.ci of ttie ("e.-l: of the
County Couit of I'ike Cr.iinly. letter ol j
AHiiiiniitratirin on the etste of Thomas J
Chaml erlain ilereu-eil, dated Alay 1643, j
all perons milehtetl to ptitl est.tte Hr8 re
(jii'ted lo make iinn.ediate p:ii it.ent. All
persons having: claims aaiu-t sni-l estate,
are ieiiie.ted lo exhihit them properly si is -Itientinuted,
within one lear from the dale
of mid lelfeis or tiny may he precluded
from hariri any henfit of paid estate, nnd it
not exhihiled nithin three tears, they will
he fi.reeer harreil .
Kit I'll. llltAN'STKTTIK, ) , ,
M. R.CHAMIlKliLAlX, , A " '
May 27th. 1843. 3w33.
procceoums u
Should it "be her determination to
keep possession of tho-e islands, it
may become the duly of the Amen
rati itfovetnment, jointly with thai of
France, to remonstrate a-a.ust the
proceeding. Iii against ihe policy
Jiftl-.n ITniied States to establish co!o-
rlnies; but it is equally; against our in-
li ' s- ,,,J ., Ulan. I
wbo began this "warfare." Ah, now I j to permit the Sandwich Islands
Hiuut." i
, church j
f il.st Kncrlish COV-
period we
t.mB colonies oi ureai sj.ii.hu
But suppose wo have .landercda church , t ti(lie will develope tne mien-
tions rl me i:'""" t ' v j
fc vnn nand on your moum.
But suppose wo have slandercda
(which I deny, for thank Gad there aro (
mymenof ierjing integrity and m- the sueci; ; .h.l
klWeinthe church to '.rhieh you -hjuld .c.-na.n T..,
Postmaster general. -The follow
ina is an extract of a letter to the
Wheeling (Jazette, dated Washing
ton, June 1 1 :
"M mere all the reports to ihe con
trary, Mr. Win. Neil, of Ohio is to be
Postmaster General. An amicable ai
rangemenl has been made by which
Mr. Wicklitfo retires (perhaps to get
some other office.) and Air. N. will
take his place before long. This you
may depend upon as no mere rurnor
a house A at been taken in this city
f r ih? netr. Pottmastrr Grra!."
Public Sale.
WILL he sold on Saturday ll.eCth
day of July next, on the prem
sies lately occupied by Ualph P. Pet
tit, deceased, two miles west of Lou
isiana, on the Bowling Green road.nll,
the person d properly of ihe said de
ceased; consisting of horses, cattle,
hogs, farming utensils, corn in the
crib, grain in the ground, household
furniture &c. A liberal credit will be
uiven, which will be particularly m ule
known at the lime of sale.
In the meantime the farm on which
he resided, will be offered for sale
but if not sold it will he rented.
N. H. All persons indebted to the
said deceased having any demands a
gainst his estate will please call and
have the accounts settled.
WM.V. PETT1T, Executor.
July 1st, 1P43. 1 w35.
Administrators Notice.
TMFOTICt: isLentir tien that the un
Lviu t!orii;neil has taken out letteis of Ad
ministration nn Ihe estate of I!r) :mt rirnwn,
deceased, late of Montgomery county,
Mtsoiiii, heuiiu date Ine liilb day nf
May 1H4!1. All persons, therefore, in
dehled to the e'tnto of said deceased, lire re.
quested to make immediate payinent;nnd
all persons having olniins against said estate
nre ietiiesloil to exhibit them properly au
ihentiealetl, within or.e year from the date
of said letters, or they may be precluded
fm in having any benefit of said estate, and
il said claims are not presented within three
years, they will he fmeier hnrred
May 37lh. 1W-13. 3w30.
Final Settlement.
ALL persons concerned or in any way inte
rested in the Estate of Mnredith T. Shep
herd, deceased, late of Pike county no., are
huruhy not ified that the undersigned Adminis
trators will make a final settlement of tho es.
tate. at Ihe next August term of tho County
Court of aid county.
ANDKElVSHEPrlEItD. ) . . ,
June 17th. 143 4-33.
"TOTICE is hereby given, that th
' umlersigped has obtained from
the Cleik of ihe County Court of
Pike county, letters of Administra
tion upon the Estate of Andrew Alif
(ord, deceased, bearincclale the 25th
May A. I). 1843. All persons hav
ing claims against said estate, are te
ipiesied to exhibit ihem in one year
from the date of said letters for al
lowance, or they may ho precluded
from any benefit of said estate; nnd
if such claims are not presented with
in three years from the date of said
letters, ihey w ill be forever barred.
May 27th, 18n. 3w30.
Spring and Slimmer
rwHH undersigned at 02 main street, St.
i. Louis, ii3 reccited by late arrieals
is exteiiore and splendid assortment of
Spring and Summer Clothing,
nitiiitifactiired expressly for the western
trade, nnd made up under hii immediate di
rection hy a Wholesale Clothing House in
the eity of New York, with which he is -coi.uce.ied.
T.ie stock lTonipri.es every ar
ticle Usually kept in a clothing or furnishing
tore, and a" lhee goods were bought low
for cash diiriur the winter, he therefore can
and trill sell at lower prices than any other
house in the iiy of t. Louis, tineffr any
ers are invited lo call, examine, eoii
JoA-c for themselves. M. BROWN.
t-t. Luuis, Juno 20th, 1843. 54? Min.
stwet. tf 34.
Original Painting by thefirtl Jif alert of lUe'
Art Original Dt)igntOrijt inal Xatien
We i flVr ns follows:
I co,.y Lady's Hook nnd lcopy rCoi!ey'
("eulre-tatle Crnameiit, contain ju; 13 ele
gant ruezzolint and steel I'npia ,-io?., for :-
2copi-!S Lady's ltook &. INjupie (inuci's
Centie tuble Orunrcent, containing 13 cle
gent ii. txotint and steol Iii j(;rnin(,'' for 5
'luopics Lady's Hook a jid :) du. do. do. 10
(s do. io. ilo. 4 do. do. tin 15
I I do. tin. do. & do. do. do. 20
:t do, do. do. Ifl do. do. do. -Ill
The Centre-table.. Ornament is the fi;st of
the kiln! that hasr ver originated in this ccun
try. ami, of coin se. came from the office of
the Laity's Hoe.b, from whence all other de
signs and ulos.s are copied.
We have now on hand tenorigtnnl Pint
iugs, hy tb.e most celebrated artist of tne day.,
Addrc,i, L. A. GODICY.
Tulilirher's Hall, Philadelphia.
Jur. e 17th, L14X 3w ?Z.
1" UTICK is hereby given, that llin ud
it riciiigned has nhtaiuetl fioru th Cferlc
of the County Court of Pike county. Ma.
letters nf Aduiiaiitrrttinu upon thell.tute of
I.oyd Foul deceased, bearing date tho
Mrd. day May A. D. 1843. All percent
having cluiuis against said estate, are re
nueiled to exhibit them in one year from
I the data of said letters far allowance, or
they may be precluded from any benefit of
said estate; and if such claims are not pre
sented within three years from the dnte oC
said sellers, they will be forever barreJ.
JNO. O'REAR, ....
MARY FOR IX Admmtslr
lyflh 19-13. ?w2T.

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