Newspaper Page Text
The Clarion: Wednesday, January 17,188 s E CLARION." nemiuscences or a . 1 ftLinO ti'H .1 1 . . rambling" lnnuRn atresia v,.,r one day, I came across a " 7 u'. A :ji , l , street uremic mico, wuu j lOOKcU on gunuusij toe . "nvifltJrtB." Reader did v 1 an eviction in this srreat u expressed here, a dispossess? ! in Door and poverty-stricken where a heartless landlord lives 1 oa avflv. aim ueitner ktohi for his poor tenants, but right rich and prosperous metro- America, ana vet evictions are truant nere. mjhx yuu ver wit- . . J . n nrl hin-n ,i.wln,. . JI you UJU, iss , siy ucai b j for your fellow man, you will !h to witness another. To see .-iiimis hand of the officer of the i 1.; m nmnn ruaeiv taxe uown tho nu'turt's trom tne wall, take almost urea, ut icur iue luutr bless our nome, woricod in nerliaps, by some dear hand J 1 . . r now ueau auu ui rem,, uut Ol av. out of the way of want, of 4 1 V. . . ... . ' ll.U' 111! t.ll'l.J fl..tll 1 t niiirnpr. nni nim is Ul-i C01C1 iliiu rutiuvsB iiiiuu, not L..r t-,i-wlnrl liiur (Hipnfiillir nfT IHJiV LA HI, hwii v ,n v 1 U1M, :mar.-M IT iTlU 1 t M i hi tin . Vta rtll i'hnit7-ifkViwwl cri-iii- j l.nn rrmfyri: riprr frnm the 1 LaMjm in tlm (tnnnfpv mil Vitnl iirtil ionwtVMl ti f'VPfV -itturt. ... ..iwwvt tun ni limn iKiM ruwiii tivj - . 1 sleep in tins old cnair it nad I In mother, and it was hrniio-ht 1 v , - a with her she would not part vm when thev were well oft and I .. I, I At.. nAiu tha fnur he irood old tamuy uiDie, wnicn the record and history of three ions. Bunyan s rilgrim s Fro "The Lives of the Wesleys," few more dooks oi use nature, DOOX. wnicn at unit) muouivu iuj nrwy r !- x 1 i L". f it 1 t.. . T I was looking at this book the Drougnt out a very oiu man, u and emaciated that he could stand alone, and he bade the i to sit in the old chair until the nun ivtui my ..., . . . . . . . the nivir filil num. and iKiintmi' to Uhart asked him to wnom it dc . I could see that the question touched him whether from old the memory of which this ailed, or from other motives, altogether anyway, he could nil P TNI Ml It 1 LIUftL tun UiU KUIUV V" I III lit. . H"V" trembling hand, he opened t. -.d thfirA,-U--tV far leaf ne his name, written in a large, I I r ill ri im II k i ,i ti 1 1 rt i n Lucis, 582&-5830, and year after ill r. i a j. .. r u'ii l i asked him if this was his name, 1 T ' L . IS M III IMS six consecutive years, he nodded nnn nniillv miitftirp.( ut.rpnori-li tn that the best years ot his life seemed to warm up with the sub- ii mi pr iv s r 1 t as i-iit Kt't" M'.s irnll i im r i J rt xiti i" 1 ti"j-t1 i1i nn f n review iieiorc nisiuiiui aim incin- sir, I was a Mason when it j 1 T 11 . 1 i 11 . 1 - 111 i K 9 I on our meeting nights, and only lnmr i!w( Kami ufrmrirK. w. fni-tll V n i iii' inr rinrii -n' v 'inn I ki'in "o O . ' -- i ie aprons and paraphernalia, wild storm had blown over, and Death of a Twelve-Year-Old-Boy from the Bite of a Mad Hog. Special to the (J lobe-Democrat. Philadelphia, January 7. Harry t; i iii ii t i l iiiiT.crninTPM r.npn n ni.'iii. i ir :m I'll , and was very forcibly reminded . . -ii,m-iiiv iiinn'i ' i- " ' i vvj out oi nis nome into tne streei. him to sit still where he was; would come back soon and see could be done for him. A doubt i t i 1 1 . i disappointments, the many idle lie had received made him Ml f1 n ir umnori Hr IA11T I Will I nil nnii ii tin nrhi a I i u t i ill 1 11 ir tf be done for this poor old man. nil ill) r t it in vr im i tt lwhit j trri r v suort (listance trom the ecenc the storv of the eviction. "I 111 vnrv rwinrnrwl hrrtlrnn Miinis 1. Tri o . F ., ,,.iti- run. I rl til (V It l.i. ,i(l,wi..n.itliit - ii iii I 1 1 1 L - , -r wiv...v..1, key from his Docket, he took me tltsv i t l.VJ .'licit in- r r it 1 1 i i m ii .ii i Hint nrnrt n.,itl.' 1 A. A..v ,..i.i..,. ior he had always an eye to you see. "Here, my boy, we " " win Ulall AAA 111 11 AIO The store is let from the first n ; v. .. roiling out his grocery wagon, ne i ; . a v . r n. i. .. ... ... ,i mil it t nn - bv uuu aici ncrw) aim iretuminur to the old fast Master. the family had been put out in V n I.. iftnnmwr of a broken heart at the loss nu.sband : and I found, later on, OeOnlv mpnna if BllTwialcllCfi the family had was the small pittance 1 "y the liovernmentr generously ' pension and what few pennies 1 people could parn at basket-mak- lttde they had learned in their 1 on the old farm in the old home- ms came in the eves of both the old people as they spoke of the old home. "We will never see it agaiu.' sighed the old ladv, scarelv able to sup press her sobs. ' No, mother," answered the octogenarian, "but our next home r" rruiren,V U1 "a be! mith, ldof twelve years, who had tKr.;J-" lanaloM WU1 u been a cash bov at Wanamaker's Urand me street. : n . j- j : i f?t.Vi 4 conTer8t, the little terrible paroxysm of hydrophobia at his I 1 t .. v thl1& Mnpng to parents' residence. He was taken sick our brother had been placed ir. the gro- 0n Thuiwdav. On Friday the disease eery wagon, and we now helped the lame developed rapidly, and the victim went gin imu me o a aame into it. the into spasms. His mouth and th uruiner nimseu mought that, with the aid of his stout cane, he could manage to walk with us, and so the procession started toward the little store, which was to be their temporary home until other arrangements could be made for them. On arriving at the house I found that the wife of my good brother had pre pared a substantial meal for the poor family to which they sat down with evi dent surprise and great relish. If as we are told, it is greater pleasure to give than to receive, it is indeed supreme pleas ure to see a worthy and half-starved family, sit down to a good and hearty meal suddenly prepared for them. Mv good German brother, however, could not stand it. With the pure and holy diamonds of charity glistening in his eyes, he winked and blinked at me until he made me go "niit" him around the corner to his own store, and there he brought out a bottle. "1 feel very bad, Bro. L. , und I dink you do, ton.'' We then returned to the old man, and taking him aside, subjected him to a rig id examination, which proved entirely satisfactory. He also showed us several old letters and documents dating i way back to those stormy times when Mason ry and anti-Masonry were important po litical factors in this and other States of the Union. When we were satisfied on this point, we started out to visit several brethren in the neighborhood, members of different lodges, and we soon interest ed enough of them in thisanair to enable us to form quite a large committee, and we also collected enough money to en able us to hire suitable apartments to put the old people into, and all this be fore any of our lodges had met ; and on this point the committee came verv near having a row, for mvsclf and my Ger man brother claimed pre-emptory pro prietorship over these people; while an other brother claimed that as he was the only W. M. on the committee, he would claim them for his lodge. How ever, we agreed to attend to it until we would hear from our brothers in the country. With the aid of the late Dr Austin I had searched the old records and found that Wor. Bro. Sherwood had been Master of his Lodge as stated, had surrendered the charter to the then proper authorities, and that in many years after, the charter had been reis sued, and an entirely new lodge had been formed, with new men and new material ; but that they were good men and true, and the doctor said that he had no doubt if I would write to W. Bro. , the present Master, I would receive a favorable reply. I did write, and promptly received a most fnvrnMvim swer, The Wor. Bro. wrote, thanking me for kindnesses shown to the Past Master of his teige, and as a happy co incidence, told me that hisipwn father, who was still living with hi ill, wasvone of the rive faithful brethreti who kept on meeting and struggling in those ad verse times, and wound up by enclosing a check for twenty-five dollars, with the promise of more to come, and if we would only keep and take care of the aged couple and their family up to June ( this was May ), lie with others in their Masonic neighborhood would come dow n to the city, to Grand Lodge, and would see if they could pursuudo the old couple to come back to the country with them, and on the word ot Masons they shall never I be in want or wit hout a home as long as God spares them. And our good broth ers from the country came down in June and took our proteges back with them, found them a home there, and there they are now, keeping them and support ing them out of the funds of the differ ent Lodges and out of the fund of Chari ty, great in the Masonic heart, and when upon parting with us the W. Bro. asked for our bill, my German brother brought out the bottle, saying: "I dink you feels bad, better have somedings; we have ho bill here, it is all for Chari ty. Only when our New York boys come to the country, do likewise unto them." WANTED. T WILL PA Y I ASH FOR A SMALL IMFKOYKD X linu, or a HMll Uly of ibhkI l&ml; vhioli ran he itim vr. The laml muni ! iimr tkcC. St. U and K Ol a K . aud the iloinliT u( Jarkaon, Miw.. preferred. Ad lnrn S., thia im,v ji.t,'S3-U. ME KC HAN IV VELDS OF TRUST. Real Estate Tax List for 1884. Personal Tax Lists far 18SS. pasms. tils mouth and throat be came parched, and although he would complain of thirst the sight of water would cause slight fits, and finally he re fused to drink anything. The spasms increased in violence every hour, and a physician was sent for. The doctor did not at first suspect that his patient was suffering with hydrophobia. The parch ed condition of the throat, however, led the physician to ask for a glass of water, which he directed the sufferer to drink, in order to test the condition of the bron chial organs. The sight of the water caused the patient to tremble, and when it was put to his lips produced a violent and alarming spasm, lasting tor a con siderable time, and causing the doctor to suspect the real nature of the disease Dr. John Agnew was summoned, and a consultation was held. It was learned thai three weeks ago young Smith had been bitten OB the hand by a Miiall blaek-and-tan dog belonging to a lady custo mer. The dog was perched upon one of the revolving seats provided for shop pers, and snapped at and bit the lad as ne was passing along the aisle. The wound was very slight and no great at tention was paid to it at the time, a druggist to whom he applied for reme dies remarking that it was only a scratch and would heal in a few hours. Appar ently the dog was not mad, and was taken home bv its mistress. As soon as the facts were divulged to them the phy sician informed the relatives that in their opinion the lad was suffering with hydrophobia, and although he might live several days recovery was improbable. From Friday until Saturday afternoon the patient suffered with spasms at fre quent intervals. On Saturday afternoon he appeared to be somewhat better, and when the doctors were examining him he asked for water. The physician hand ed him a glass of milk, of which he swallowed a few drops, and was immed iately thrown into horrible convulsions. The paroxysms did not last more than two minutes, when the patient, who was being held by his father, fell back upon his pillow dead. Why He Paid. Detroit Free Press.l A certain Michigander who had long succeeded in dodging a certain creditor, was a few weeks ago cornered iu the office of a mutual friend, and the credi tor began : "Sir? you have owed me $25 for a year past, and now I want to know what you are going to do about it?'' "Well, I'll think it over." "there will be no thinking it over, my friend. If you don't pay me, I'll sue vou. "tou will?" "I will, sir?" "Then you'll be certain to get a judg ment. The party which brings the suit always gc the verdict before a Justice. Knowing this, vou will take advantage of me?" "I will." "Very well. Now, then, I deny that I owe you a dollar." "You do?" "I do, sir; but in case you want to bor row $26 of me for a week, here it is." 'I don't care whether you call it pay ing or lending, so long as I get my money," replied the creditor, and be made out a receipt in full and took the money. At the end of the week he was asked to return the loan, but laughed at the absurdity of the request. Suit was begun to recover it, the mutual friend used as a witness, and the plaintiff re ceived judgment in his favor, and had a clean receipt to show for the debt. Justices and Miscellaneous BLsJaks a full uaorUneul always oa tend. Addraaa CLARION OFFICE, Jacksoh, Mm. Sectarianism. tt does seem strange that professed Masons will ever dream of introducing in connection with Freemasonry, some df the oeculiar tenets of the church to which thev happen to be memliers, and of oimosing with might aud main all efforts to purify the ritual from sectar ian allusions and interpolations. ii there is auything that distinguishes Freemasonry from every other lustitu tion on the eartn it tnero is any one thinir more strongly or forcibly lucuica ted in its teachings than another it is than with the religious and political rminioriH of its disciples, 1 reeinasor.ary I . . . i nil l,.f has nothing to uo. iney arc icn io mu uarticular bias of its membership; but within the hodv of the Lodge such sub jects are excluded. So tee were taught, .i ii ... L.1- : ... and every otner mason ai ms f he were properly instrucieu. Liet us have one place at least, as Masonry promises, wrm, wiierc men, Masons, as living souls striving to gain fi,o aonio end. we can meet with the as- .iirnnr. that no church dogma, no creed except that of doing good, can ever us turb the fraternal quiet of our peaceful sanctuaries. Hebrew Standard. Tn act nnritrhtlv. as Masons, needs a ar.nArlntive decrrec of excellence, for in . . . " i '- that station we Become emiiw v the world in civil and moral conduct. The most intelligent Masons are not always the best calculated to rule and govern the Lodge, or ui buswmu mc m8 nity ot tne instuuuuu. Manv a mm. debilitated infant, fretting and wasting away daily, often unable to j:i W. intu. nuiv be rescued from an tin- timelv graxt by Da. Mofybtt's TErrainA trJkina ifenfcn). all Druggist, keep them.' For sale by Byron Lcmly. STRONG FACTS A great many people are asking what jiarticular troubles Beown's iron 111 iters is good for. t will cure Heart Disease, Paral ysis, Dropsy, Kidney Disease, Con sumption, Dyspepsia, Rheumatism. Neura'gia, and all similar diseases. Its wonderful curative power is simply because it purifies and en riches the blood, thus beginning at the foundation, and by building up the system, drives out all disease. k Lady Cured of Rheumatism. J. W. BEATY. AGENT FOR THE QUEEN INSURANCE CO RKlTlNlf AMERICA AMKVRA XCK (O. Georgia Home Insurance Company, AXD GENERAL AtiV.V V VOU THE New Orleans Insurance Association. I Hi s ( OMI IIV AH CITY PROPERIl AT A KIMS- stable Ruiri as muj other Rropeaaib Caaapaataa. GIN HOUSES UNSI RKO. OFfllG PE4RI. NTREKT, i:lt OPKR HOIE, IA4 KNO. :niffiNNirii. may24,'2- Hr.--, , FOR SALE Mississippi lands for Sale. COKHTIEH. A. in-. Rankin M0 Neshoba W0 Winston 111. i A i tain fiOO T. K. S .1 w 1118 M HUH ta 7 KHT Carroll 4lH) 17 1H m-.ii I tai Leflore..?. 40 li.ll'alMl U.V 1401 2k.; 8,4C fif-Hl llaltimore. Mn.. May ?. : My health was much inatu i 1880. atttred by Rheumatism when I commencad taking Brown'a Iron Bittern, and I scarcely had strength enough to at tend to my daily household duties. I am now using the thiru bottle and 1 ana 1 am regaininc strength daily, checrtutly recommend it to all. I cannot aay too much in praise of it. Mrs. Makv K. UnAsiikAK. ijl Pcatasaa(L UrriiHtla Tallahatchie. Total acre.. M. A. Mcltn, BKI., of UOtliayllte, I A unit for Winston I'uuutv Ijinds. I'. I.. Aiulrnmn, Kmi., of Knartiwko, 1 Ai-fiit lor Attala onnty IaiihI. Hum' liinili arv all lu-axilv thiili'ml. ami an uikh! ot Ion and corn nioilurluir liiniU.. RMhoM and Winalon hayc aome nine its wi'll a other tinilvr i . i n them. Conl in laid to Inn i Uimi rtiYiitly du- uovcifU in v ii i. mi nullity. for term apply to IT. I I'.lt I", II A ll.l.l , atiK'KMlni Jaikwin, Mink. Kidney Disease Cured. nirg, kidi Christiauburg, Va., iStr. g-t tried Brown'a Iron bitten, which from which 1 could ncy disease, ;et no relief, I cured me completely. A child ol aine, recovering from scarlet fever, had no appetite and did not seem to be able to eat at all. 1 gave him Iron Bitter with the happiest results. J. K.VLB MuNTAOUSl. Heart Disease. Vine St., Harriaburg, Pa. Dec a, iWv After trying different physicians and many remedies for palpitation of the heart without receiving any benefit, I was advised to try Brown'a Iron Bitten. I have used two bot tles and never found anything that gave me so much relief. Mn. Jus-nib Hbss. For the peculiar troubles to which ladies are subject, Brown's Iron Bitters is invaluable. Try it. FOR SALE ! A N RXCELbKNT r A KM One and haU mlleaol ; Miidlwm Million, MilMiiipl. Conlalnn sunn Eleven Hundred Arm, "(Ml cleared, 400 Tlinlvered, rlnlil in the U'st Sim U rrv, Fruit and Vesretuble district, on I hlciigo, H. laiuis and New Orleani U Imai . fan la- made A MNI STUCK I M.M two mtkii ran Urfnturh it: fine cane for wintering stock; laimtory frame limine, H rooms; all tuns- ary out Iioum'H lor 10 or gn lalmrern; nve hue cue terns, llietnrm Is MismitlMc ol m nig illvtiieii inn two farina, W0 acres each. For naill. ulnrs, aiiply lo I,. I. .Mi nlpuiuiv, .ir., .lackMiu ; t,. u. Hall, r. t'nrtluu,i', lAWte eotintv ; I'.niiuetl U NivaK, t. Moiilgonierv, .".r., Mmllnon Million, Mis .l,'2-ani. St SMALL FARM FOE SALE. VKUNtlN, ..iii iii jiin one mile ot the Jucksnn and Vnm M AIHStlN Comity, with I lly i.. mad. Ormtalna 140 acra nf land, ISO cleared, iimi hO in limner. lwelllni? house, thni' nililns mid twi einteniH. Title jwrfeet. Tertuf Sl.vrn (Hlu-eii Hun dred llolluin.) Tor Inlurnintlon itddress, MlUs. r.iVI.MA IIAMIT.I., dec. U,'n2-lw. Jackson, Mum. Be sure and get the Genuine. CITt 1'KOrERTY FOIt SALE. Mil, lNDKt8ltNK0 OI'l' KHS FORWAUi 111!- Ileum-mill l"t. North JaekMili. edllslslllisi of nvi arre.s ol grotintl, lino siinslantlal inuniin;;s, eisre i ... -1 ii i " fruit trws ami till appurn-UBUcca lor oon- vellleuce illHI Mnan, Tkkm Ki-iumnable. E, ISA KKHDALh.,'2. SKW ORLEANS. CITY HOTEL, Cor. Camp and Cnninioii Mii-r-ai NEW OELSANS. MUMFOHD & WATSON, Proprietors. Klt 3.SO per lfT. MISCELLANEOUS. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE WKEKLY An Understanding Wanted. Wall Street News. lie entered the library with a twenty- ent ciirar in lun mouth and his hat on his ear, and called out: "bay, guv ner 1 "Sir," answered the father, us he wheeled around, "who are vou speaking to?" "I I that is, I'd like a $20 bill." "What of it, sir?" "I Shouldn't want to give my note." "Give a hundred of them mid thev wouldn't be worth a whiHing." "And I shoiildn t want one of my cred itors to come to you. It thev did I d throw em out ot the window. "How ean I sustain my position with out money ?" inquired the son. " Yuu have none to sustain, sir. They looked at each other for a long moment, and then the young man re moved his hat, threw away his cigar and humbly said: Say, father, lets come to an under standing. Lend me five dollars and take it out ot my next montli s allow ance, wont you i Maine's Oldest Democrat. Iiiddeford Sentinel.! The Hon. Mark Dennett, a respected resident of Kittery, is now in the 97th rear of his aee. Soon after startinar the Sentinel last March, we received $1 from him by the hands of u neighbor. Last week "we received a letter from the old gentleman, written in a plain business hand, which we take the liberty to copy, as follows: Kittery, Dec. 12, 1882. John Hantcom, Eq. Sip.: When I took your paper I thought $1 would pay for it as long as 1 should live to read it; but I am still liv ing and able to read, therefore please find another dollar herewith enclosed Very respectfully, your and your fath er's and grandfather's old friend, Mauk Dennett. Aged 96 years, Aug. 23, 1882 GLOBE -DEMOCRAT, GEORGE A. CLARKJ- I SOLE AGENT. the BEST and MOST POPl'lAr. Mewing Thread of Modern Tlaica. BEWARE OF miTATlOXS. J 111". CALK 11Y Enlarged to Tn Pages, only E It YEAR NKm-WKIOKI.Y. per tfiir 3.00 mi.WKKKI.1, "r ya-sir. 00 Your 1'iMtiiiaatrr will n-i-olye yirtirHiiliwrliilloii, or HdnM GLOBE PRINTING CO., ST. LOUIS, HO. Hi nd fur Sample ('4iiy.j imr.ll, 8Z-lui. W. A. WHITING, JACKSON, MISS. TUTT8 "EXTlCTORflliT la eompoao'l ot Herbuland Miiciliiguioua prod-ni-ta.wUiou permeate thnaubatance oftbo j.uuei, eiuectorataa tliu acrid matter that collect! in the lirouchial Tuls,un(lfurnisi soothtnsr eoatlnsr, vim li relieve th lr ritaUon that rai,.n the cough. It cleanieo trie lungs of all impurities , atrenffthevia them wncu e.nieeuiaii uy uiseasc, invit atea the oiroulauun of tho blood, and braces ll utTyouatTatera. Kllacht eolda often end i coaiiunpUon. 1 1 la danrrretii to neglect them. Apply tne rtmedy promptly. J. catof tweTity yvir warrants the a"x-nion thai no remedy haa ever been found thnt lu a prompt in iUeffetMTUTT'8 EIPECT9RAIIT. A alsistla doae ralaea the nhlearm. suMui i i .flimmation.nud it ti apeedily riirr-a ihemo.t 1-stinate cough. A pleasant cordial, chil dren take It readily. For ( roup It la lnralmablo nn't ahnnld be in every family. In 5o. and V Bottles. TUTT'S PILLS aaBaamBaaaaaaanza APT DlrTC?TLY..QW TrjE LIVEg. Cm re a hills and Vever, Iaepaia, Melt Headache, Ulllous Colir .t onatlpa- JACKS0N. Notice !- Hotels ! EDWARDS II0USI, JACKBO, 9IIMM1MHIPPI., AND Chamberlin House, KI-: Vtl-a. MWHIXWPPI. Am ffectire medicine for kidney dis eaaei, low ferem and nerronf proatration. and well worthy of a trial, it Brown's Iron Bitten. VHalBawaflaHaVwlm - xMrBfelAiawW Mrnnavr-" I Tt Miitrr Big Bwd, you em lu t Uttlti 'olT Whftt Ml you f" MUa Hrntt "WtHI, ; you wr I m out wtiii Hi" Inifi ImI night, got kind, i tnUvd." Mranar- " H uppwiai o from aim look, of your MM?' JHgr irAf MIlrlM.'ifrrUtMilyl1 mTbptwt; i" mi knidt-r ' -wvlUd up,1 and it U hd bulimt tn kukt,' And Ihu (Uu to tvrrlbU." Mi a$ia r " If you will rt m boltlr ( Bailor' ftlin Ai t i . nt, ou or two dfMI Will pill tv lieal on yuu Iliat your ftivud would rocogn.w." Jklff Mend " Tit M Mr ihnig 10 gt rtd of U tlua punt aud nuring." Tin murvtlona rnidy rurM hc tvrriblp Tintvd iirhoi, clnn tho m-ih.i.u. unload th i unlorkii tht llvr( roltv cnnotlpotinu l ono, and givoa tho hllo rhooeo to go. It ho bottom tho tKtulr and totidrd i.-r coofttinolion, bil 1 1 naiirHM . hu k hodvrbo, borthurn, Mid wtomoflta. ojtd oil dtoooooo Mquainj u root ittco oiid plvMOu. rurgdllvv r phyvfo. It ur nouoooto nor gripoo.orto In otto or lw loura, and to Jut a i.K'.nul auti iorrvaUinf o drink, that orybodT IIUooll. It unrlouda and rrxtto th Uoin. ftulota tk norvoa, nl to o tfno a no for tho beadorna of ladlra. II mitlgatva Ihtt tigi of rheuw&Uant ni. gm, roltoro Ktdiity and uilnary trnublvo, aod pain In th hark. ! i dytHlitca It aoti llko a charm, and. ha no oqual tu rurliu a tvifiiotou AoM. It to highly rwrommndod for prrma who nav.i, for rnvronoHto, clrrka, intMihaturii, factory bund. lu dnt: , tooobaro an., oil pi rOoM wkn lood o eloaly t iinliiod lifo and aro ontijoot to litadchf , dtaaniMaa oiid lorpkl bowvtii. If you aro trouMod it MftfM timguo, 0M hralf), loo of appotUa or gon rral aluggiabnoao, BalUy'a rialtno Aportont will euro vou. if porform bottr work than pll) to mor rlroaant ond palatahlo. ond to much cbapr, in toot It i o regular family iiiodicin cheat within tioolf. It oparkloo and foainu tut Ukr a glaaa of .1 - Jo water, ond to ju-t a nleaaonl. 60 cnta and aold t!iywboro. J. I. IaoiorH. A ('c, Proprioloro, LoutoriUo, Xy. A WOMAN'S RKMKDY. At eortatn ogeo and poriodo 01 wnman'a llfo, tboro) lomeo n itoin irnuhlea. at:ho, fotna and anfforingo Thoae rotnploim hi id knegiitorittoioopardii tno Kirl'o lifo cit iitcvii. Mnd fellow up and haunt tho married woman until after I bo1' turn of llfo.' Homo bavo hoadacht-, awluitning of the Leo, mental and bervoua roatraiioo, btanehed rbtaka, bloodleai llpo, Ufolooo eyoa, clouded beaut: whllo olhern ttfT-r with painful Irregtilaritlco, uterine dlo pla waoAtO and Viooyo, hyatarical apaama, pbyaicoi pinHtrntion, cbronm Iciiomrbuta, obloroato, ant prfO oiuflf, Uiaa of aprfftlto,tjvaiiMn dtoooe, kidney aflao tl'iim, which In uutntruu cftaca end in ejiUptr tlU, n ivulatuna. invauity and death. Three art enrri'lv tho roottll f i? attention. All femalat nuw (lie '-Lie ui coniplaiiite wo ullinfo to. Now, lodti et, all theae MOtioN a can bo avi tied and ourii. We bae pruuf frruu 1 iiunda, Dt, lroujKOole' KnglUh Komale Pitteia will ure Toil oound und well il Make you hoallby Md happy -will m.tke you tv 1 lik a ni w woman and no mistake, hold by all Di.gaJtoM at 1.0n. Bond 'our addrra fur ocopv rf Df. tVoirgool.i Fnnitff I'.odicol Adviaoi.ff to tt afMetttt, P. I T ' " I f tt ' nrietora. Lottiailt 1, tlon, Bbtamauin,rtli, PalpltaUon of xi In pa la: arl 1 testates the appetite.impnrts TiRar to th system. the Bean, ltlaxlneas. Torpid J.lrer, and lietnalo Irreaularitles. If Trry well," a aingl pill stimulates tli stomach, A NOTED DIVINE SAYS: Da, Ti-tt: Ifar Kin For Un ytara I haro fcsn a martyr to Dyspepsia, t'onstipatioa and 1 iles. Last spring your pills Were recoanaaended tome: I used thsui (but wr.hlittlefaith). Iam now a wall man. bare good, appetite, direatloa psrfaet. mralar stools, pile gone, and I h gain Lslr Truer llniiwe an- nfti nil to the ptihlic as fully de- m-ryliiK a IiU-ral slin-- of palrmiaiie I . VI . 1'E.r.ri.M, 1 niprirwir. oeM.'W-Jf. MRS. V, MURPHKY" HAS Jl XT BRi'KlvaO A MOST COMPLETE WTOCK OK Fashionable Millinery ! !nrcLUimra bvbbtthwi that n attw AND 8TVUKII IN linxiitn amu ma i r.umi.. Htatis, Frailieia, flow-rs l.iK-s-f., Kt-. State Street, Opposite the Capitol, JACKSON. oct. M,'a-m. MEDICAL CESTBOES AC THK Kimi t'tlSliUKHHIOVAIi DIHTUKT I will examine appli' anta for lii-enao on the Nee- ond Monday In Msn-h, .nine, M,-pu-inier ana liecem tier, at the 'lty of .fai-kaon. Mine. 1H lUiHTKItT KKI.IX, Jarkson, UK J. W. BKNNKTT, Brooknayen. apr.lVW-ly. ymt 1Kb, regular iiwii, uiivw ,uu a , ained rorty pour.-.aaoliaiicsn. iasy are wouu aeignt in goia. nEV.n.l..HrVPPON,Un!aT1,Ey. O Are. UK Mnrrnr t . . IV ew Tnrk . TUT. TPTT'S HANDali of I scful lBeeIMa I'B on annlleatlon. JAS. L. HARRIS, ATTORN EY-AT LAW, JA'la,MO.. IIMMIKMI1PI. ILL PRAfTICK IN HI 'RK.MK AN1 RfaWaUL OOtiatt, aad In th Circuit Courts of Hinds and adjoining (unties. Jajjrw,'- In a rompmin'1 f)f tho virtues of aarinrmrll la. ntilUngia. maiiilraki'. yellow lUx k, with tlio iouillr of potanli ami iron, ull powerful blooil-niHkinr;, lilotxl-eleanxiui;, anil life-suw. tainiiiK elaOjarita. It in the pureNt, safi-Mt, and moHt efli-ctual iiltenilivo metlftilM known or available to tits pnlilie. Thu acl aacM of utediatoe etui cbMntatr have never prtxluceil ho vahiahln a HNMajr, nor one ho potent to euro nil iliseaHeri MWtitiM from impure IiIoihI. It CUrU Hrrofula anil all bcrofulous IlscasM, KryKlpelae, Rose, or St. Anthony's Fire, IMinples and 1'aee-nriiln, 1'untulen, IMolelies, Holla, Ttimoi's, Tetter, Humors, Halt Rheum, Heald-heiMl, King-worni, IJIcera, Sores, RbeumutlHin, Merrtirlul Disease, Neuralgia, Female Wi-uk-ncsses anil Iri-efrulnrltiea, Jaiitulit'e, Atl'cetions of tho Ltvar, HyHpepsia, Kmaeiation, and iaeueml Debility. I3y its sear-iiini; and i-leanaiiif; itialitl(H it pinu-1 out tin- foul corruption, which contaminate the blood ami ennse derange inent and decay. H stltntilati-H and eullvena the vital functiOM, promotex enenrv and Ktrt-nfrth, renton-n and preserved henltli, mid indiM-s new life and vigor throughout Iho whole xystem. No mlfefaf from any dis ease which arises from Impurity of the iilood need despair who will give AYKitg Sarsapakilla a fair trial. It is folly to experiment with tho numer ous low-priced mixtures, of cheap muteiials, and without medicinal virtues, offered as blood-ptiritlers, while disease becomes more firmly seated. Avau's Sarsapakilla Is a medicine of such concentrated ruratlvo power, that it is by far the best, cheajiest, and most reliable blood-puritier known. Physicians know its composition, anil pre scribe It. It has been widely used for forty years, and has won the unqualified COUU ilence of millions whom it bus bcneiited. Prepared by Or. J. C. Ayer 8c Co., Practical and Analytical Chemists, Lowell, Mass. SOLD r.Y ALL DUtluaiST IVRnYWBKRI. Blank Books. OK EVKRY DErJCRII TION, MANUFACTUKEO loonier, and In tiest style. At CLAR1UN BOUK BINllKRV, .IAI KSON, MlsS. Address TOWKK HAKL. i1 A I I.'.