yreesMonry. Il " Msadsaippl I "V. j-tbiny-Aflb annusl Bessie,. Erf Kin. flrf .sn"r--i lecturer. j fasaniar. maid est - . . JLd Principal Sojourner, pro tern. ZL U..vIArch Captain. 155 'rtswad Multr 3d Vail. iMIW' tinea - .,,,,1 Master. 1st ail. rliiuilain. vro la. r Imi 01 V ,il DM 1 m Hi, 111 . ; r - T:n,l SrUtlBeL 0 I'aiton, B. a Trice, P. M Itman M.. U. N. Dickenson, Juo. LrTEBS EEPE3TED. fTxhis. T. Chamberlain. IYrYrtm" 1. auon. SWilliam rrencu. L. Lincoln, it .iw- Snrin J. M. Boon. fi Hubert Bradley. ,!, 1'. KU -las. T. Meade. CWiu. PrfaaAf. -R. C 1 atty, noaurnamp. Vo 12. I.renaiia v. r. lowier. Eg. Abstdtoa -B, B. Brannin.' f o. 20 l.liey. H. Herson. jjlj. T. lirtflin. Sanii" Ja- A. rainwater. , 'ui..k Hawk John Bedford. f-Ia at Howry. , r. i agio. Fulton Gee. Martin. -IL 1 . unuH Jo. SI, (. hulalioma lw P. Lauderdale J. -. 1'orter. -L. I). Menu. . M. Hick. . Jin. 72, .Satartin W. W. bumble v. . No. T-V-Win. ltaylis. fcl-t;. A. .Splvey. I Brand vwinu springs joiin A. lial- . , Water Valley Geo. W. Ful- 9S. Ashland B. T. Kinibroiuzh . I 31 Hindi 1). Cameron. Ji. c. luuicy. . 101 J. 1. Melton. ltr w. A. itiutxpte. No. lo." J. M. Iioberson. h,7Wni. Finaeld. ISo. 108, Moss lJoint T. A. Coul- -V. M. Savery. h- T. K. Pcttua. , Watorford A. D. Bailey. , 112 J. A, t coper. . (ireeuville W. 1). Ferrla. irers submitted their reports, which appropriate committee. Emoon was occupied In the consid- Ibed Constitution, to conform to nrescrtbed hy tne.uenoral Grand ton on which was deferred until hih Priesthood was conferred on Ion Monday night. I brief summary ol the business may be revived and all arrcaraees illcation is made within ninety earnest tribute of resDeet was lories of the General Grand Hlirh Bower, and William Thompson. 1 Sojourner, who recently died at nine session was occuoiod In the i proposition to revive Councils of Masters. After an elouuent and L in which Messrs. Savery, SiknhI, lit, Kimbroueh, Frenrh, Bowcn, i participated, the prbisMition was host unanimous vote. it" the Constitution was adopted kt meeting, reducing mileage and actual and m ccKsaiv exmmses. ire chosen Grand Ctficers for the ,Crand Hlah Priest. , Kcputv (irand High lYiest. km I King. hmiid ."sen ho. and ( liaiilain. Iir.md Lecturer. End Treasurer. jid aeeiMary, krlain, (irand ("ant. of Host. Irand Principal .sojourner. and lioyal Arcli I aptaiii. in, (irand Master :id ail. Irand Master 2d Vail. Irand Master 1st Vail, Inind lyler. rnest was chosen as special re- e General Grand Chapter in Au- nileneo Cmiimittee P. M. Sav- , Win, Kicburils. KieedE. Geo. DeLap, John. Y- 0. raxton, B. S Trice, N. W, wentatives of North Carolina and Hiards and Wm. Priestly, were r- ana honors, anil complimentary . uowry and ieeit. oliition of thanks to the Maon- (Itueiis of .lackson, und the rail- 9 01 tare, was adopted. Inned its business at H r. v. I. of the State Ledger has lals of his office to Mr. li. will publish the Brook- Mr. Ihililis is a practical table and experienced withal a gentleman of in- th. He will carry into rise the best wishes of his this city where he has pildhood. under the lead of Mr. In- have put books, pam- er printed matter unon this is rather overdoine The proper way is to r as practicable, the rev- I . i adopt it. 83 has purchased the p, and is keeping that f high standard where it r the good management overnmont has prohib ition of i American hog Pnv. on nepiiniit nf tf?r liis country. ledore Parlsot. lercial. an TT. pJBtot hn. dtlency of the Parisot ie of Piirisiit will bo fm wealthy corporation, i jicraevcnng aoiuiy, flnnM ... . i . 11 iiivu, anaemcuKi oy Co ot character and i mit of an insignifi- 3t intn uno nf til,. t Properties in the coun (lnyniiinj Ijt: : : : inns as long as the a 3 is. owurus me sea. Them With Forty ot Pole. - v.. . i Illinois, is coine to ne of Representatives ki Orant with hn rant Gcnpral "M I 111 J11I1 - I wtter hurry it through -"can uongreas, if pos xt Conirreas will not uPon it with f aYor. The OFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS Of the Board of Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Jackson. Jaczsoi, Mm , January 29, 18S3. .i m mciai meeting ot the Board of L ii .. fllue,n OI tM L'tv of Jacksou held Monday, January th," 1.S83, there were preaent, Hon. Jno. McGiU, Mavor Aldermen Ixwd, Spenglerand TaWor. aiurrmsa uisa presented the petition of J. 'an vinous and spirituous laqw0r"' " me WM fileJ "ording to No farther business appearing the Board then adjourned. W1I1II JOHN McGILL, Mayor. M. M. McLxod, City Clerk. JAcasoH, Miss, Feb. 7, 1883. at a regular meeting of the Board of r ",u Alaemen of "e City of Jaekaon, held Wednesday February 7th, '1883, there were preaent Hon. Jno. McGill, Mavor Aldermen, Hull, Jonea, Lowd, Spenl'ler and Taylor. Absent, Alderman Hamilton. The reading of the minutes of the hut meeting was, on motion, dispensed with. Report of Officers. CITY CLERK'S MONTHLY RKPOET. Jacksos, Miss., Feb. 7, 1883. To the Honorable Board of Mayor and Al dermen of the City of Jackson : Gestlkmkk I herewith submit mv report of warrants and licenses, issued during the month of January, 1883 : CITY WARRANTS i: :,; ;: Jno. McGill, executive... H. Spengler, executive Ben. Jones, executive F. 15. Hull, executive M. M. McLeod, executive Isydore Strauss, executive Jno. C. Carraway, executive.. Jos. Patton, janitor Chas. Morgan, jailor B. Fitzpatrick, police J. J. Williams, police George Williams, police J. W. Washington, police It. G. Taylor, police Wm. Young, police Alex. Wilson, police 75 00 89 38 41 25 23 60 25 00 100 OO 50 00 5 40 16 00 37 50 20 00 37 50 27 50 27 50 3 76 5 00 E. Robinson, police 375 Peter Dickson, police a 7s Pat. Clark, police. 5 0 Robt. Isler, violioe. 5 00 6 00 Robt. Armstrong, police. J. D. Monahan, police.... J. J. Jones, police 25 6 25 J. proule, streets 37 50 H. Mayson, streets 21 60 L. Willis, streets . 2 Q0 H. Radigan, streets 5 75 E. Richardson, streets 100 00 Watkins, streets 8 I. Strauss, streets 19 20 75 50 rl. M. Taylor, streets 27 A. JUcuinms, streets 18 88 W. Cranberry, streets 4 80 Abe Holmison, streets H fiO G. D. Sid way, streets 18 52 Dameron & Swan, streets 22 78 A. Tyler, streets co 00 I. Strauss, streets, (corn and bay).... 147 80 v n '..! . 11 j. uciiiDj , i;7iiiciGrjr rcfiuirn ....... X oo W. T. Ratlin', clerk, recording deeds 9 75 Jackson Gas Light Co., gas and coal 40 00 Jackson Gas Light Co., gas 40 60 Unas. Morgan, leeding prisoners.... 57 00 A. Virden, jail 5 (K) B. Jones, hauling 2 60 C. Carraway, burying dogs 75 Total $1,245 96 SOIIOOL HOUSE WARRANTS. F. A. Wolfe, janitor $ 48 00 Jackson B. Society, rent 100 00 H. Spengler a Sons, supplies 5 87 Total $ 153 87 SCHOOL TEACHERS WARRANTS. Miss Annie Patterson 15 00 Mr. IS. L. Gilliam 50 Oil Miss Belle Campbell .... 0" .... 30 00 6 60 .... 25 00 .... 40 00 .... 35 00 Mins Adele McLauchlin Mrs. Sarah Dawson.... Miss A. F. Cole Miss Marv Johnson... Mrs. C. Halbert ... Miss Cornelia Lusk... Miss Sue Wilkinson.. Miss Emma Kerr Miss Sallie Patton Miss Nellie Carter Miss J. Henderson .... 40 00 .... 35 00 .... 35 00 .... 35 m .... 27 50 0 00 ....$ 415 00 Total LICENSES. Jan. 8, 18S3 H. Mailer & Son, re tail hijuor uealers, expires Jan. 8, 1884 $ 100 00 Jan. ti, 1853 Mrs. H. Cohen retail liotior dealer, expires Jan. 6, 1884 100 00 Jan. 9, 1883 Mrs. H. Cohen, mer chant, expires Jan. 1, 1884 5 00 Jan. 10, 1883 Henry Houston, dray, expirea Jan. 8, 1884 7 50 Jan. 11, 1883 C. Hinckle, retail li quor dealer, expires Jan t, 1884.... 100 00 Jan. 18.1S83-C. L. Croft, selling by sample, expires Jan. 'in, 1883 10 00 Jan. 18, 1883 E. A S. Virden, mer chants, expires Jan. 1, 1884.. 25 00 Jan. 18, 1883 Jno. Cleary, mer chant, expires Jan. 1, 1884 10 00 Jan. 18, 1883 Branson St. Gibbs, merchants, expires Jan. 1, 1884.... 2 50 Jan. 18. 1883 A. Virden, merchant, expires Jan. 1, 1884. 25 00 Jan. 18, 1883 E. v. Seutter, mer chant and photo gallery, expires Jan. 1, 1884 10 00 Jan. 18, 1883 Eyrich A Co., mer chants, expires Jan. 1; 1884 5 00 Jan. 18, 1883--John Conway, mer chant, expires Jan. 1, 1884 2 60 Jan. 18, 1883 P. W. Peeples, hotel, expires Jan. 1,1884 37 60 Jan. 18, 1883 Geo Lemen, mer chant, expires Jan. 1, 1884 2 50 Jan. 18, 18P3 E.B. Scott, merchant, expires Jan. 1, 1884 ...u 2 50 Jan. 19, 1883 Mrs. M. B. Johnson, boarding house, expires Jan. l'J 1884 2 50 t oneer. exnircs Jan. 20. 1 lJ WJ Jan. 23, 1883 Crescent Warehonsc I Olllllll 11 v. cotton weiirheii. cx- uireaSept. 1, 1884 10 00 Jan. 23, 183 Crescent Warehouse Piimiiniir trnirnna -(2. expires N..nt. 1. 184 30 00 T.n ou iH:r Holit Sninnels. lunch Ktanil. exnires March 1. 1884 10 00 Total fl 00 Respectfully, M. M. McLeod, City Clerk. CITY COLLECTOR'S RETORT. To the Honorable Board of Mayor and the Citv of Jackson. Al GKNTL6HEN I haye the honor to report the following as my collections for the month of January, 1888 : Clty $808 W Bond and interest - 306 66 av.l 153 41 pjre ... 76 93 Street and road 20 00 Damages - " A in uvq vw"--- I'riviliacrP ......... t w w Total il619 64 LIJTT OFPEIrlLEGSS COLLECTED. .a Hon retail liauor deal- ..3..:.:;....:.. - Clarion: Wednesday, February 14, 1883. Hannah Cohen, retail liquor MO 10 Heury Hoaston, drar.........'!." Mr llan&ah Cohen, merchant 6 00 II. Murphy, lunch stand .. 10 00 Chris Hinckle, retail liquor dealer. 100 00 B. H. Dameron, wagoa-... 16 00 Helm & Griffith, merchants 7 60 W. T. Simmons A Bro.. Butchem. (1882).... ; E. A S. Virden, merchants John Clean-, merchant Saasuel Lemly, dray..- Lemly 8on, merchanU A. irden, merchant E. y. Seutter, merchant tad photo grapher Eyrich A Co.. merchants Brunson A Gibbs, merchant John Conwav. merchant 60 00 25 00 10 HO 7 50 10 00 25 00 10 00 5 00 2 50 2 50 Sal. Dreyfns, merchant 6 P. W. Peeples, hotel 87 M 1 nas. u troft, selling t.y sample... Geo. Lemon, merchant.... M 00 2 60 E. B. Scott, merchant 2 60 Mrs. M. B. Johnson, boardin? house J. Winter, Jr., selling by sample W.J. Brown, Jr., auctioneer. .-. Albrecht & Scott butchers (18821... 2 50 10 00 12 50 00 00 Geo. Fergnson, dray 7 v.resceni warehouse Company, cot ton weighers Crescent Warehouse, wagon Creseeut Warehouse, wagon B. Bearlcw, street vender 10 00 15 00 15 00 5 00 Adam Holbert, peddler on foot; 2 .VI tobt. Samuels, lunch stand .' 10 00 Total privileges 280 00 Verv respectfully, E. H. Rkbkr. City Collector. sexton's rcport (white.) Jackson, Miss., Feb. 1, 1883. To the Honorable Board St Mavor and Al dermen of the City of Jackson ; Gcntlemkn As Sexton for the white people, I herewith submit a report of inter ments iuthe City Cemetery during the month of January, 1883 : January 10, Mrs. Marv Armstrong, age 33 years, swamp fever ; Hinds county, January 17, child of Mr. Jno. Mixell, age two hours. January 20, Mrs. Maggie S. Miaell, age 27 years, hematuric fever. January 24. Mrs. Vermelia Connnil 57 years, malarial fever. January 27, LrnestmeTapley, age 7 years, congestion of the bowels. Very respectfully submitted, Phillip Ryan, City Sexton. sexton's bkport (coloeed.) Jackson, Miss., Fab. 1, 1383. To the Honorable Board of Mayor and Al dermen. Gentlemen I have the honor herewith to submit a report of interments of color ed persons in the City Cemetery during the month of January, 1883 : January 8, Eliza Shelton, age 60 years, heart disaase. January 9, Ben Johnson, age 60 years, con gestive chill ; pauper. January 10, Lulu Ruffin, age 9 years, pneumonia. January 14, Lewis Clark, age 70years,par alysis. January 16, Peter Johnson, age 24 years, pneumonia. January 18, Julia Temples, age stran gled. January 21, Jack Anderson, age 22 years, congestive chill. January 24, Lucy Bell, age disease not known ; pauper. January 23, Rosa Warner, age five months, pneumonia. Verv respectfully submitted, Tony IUk.n'kh, City Sv'xton. REPORTS OP COMMITTEES. Alderman Spengler, Chairman of the Com mittee on Claims, reported the following accounts an correct and recommended the payment of the same : SCHOOL. E. Watkins, stores $ ir, 40 Jos. H. Morris; coal 53 00 E. Murrell, repairs 2 00 Lucinda McMillan, janitress 6 00 Louisa Walker, janitress 5 00 Oeorgic Williams, janitress 3 00 Total 63 40 CITY. lerrv Kellev, streets $ (5 00 4 00 W. 11. Taylor, streets Hunter A Harrington, medicine for prisoners 2 05 50 70 1 50 Chas. Morgan, feeding prisoners Jno. C. Carraway, burying dogs etc.. Total $ 73 85 On motion, the accounts were allowed and warrants ordered to be issued in DAV mcnt thereof. A petition in regard to the storage of coal oil in square No. 1 South, signed by owners and occupants of property in said square, was presented, read, and on motion referred to the Committee on Safety. rue petition ot J. W. Albrecht to retail vinous and snirituous liouors. was submitted and filed according to law. On motion, the sum of JoT.oO was allowed to B. W. Griffith for right of way through lot 54, Whitfield survey, continuation of Mill street. On motion, the sum of $160 00 was allowed to Geo- Muh for right of way through lot 8, west Jackson, tor Ularke" street, north from Capital street. On motion, the sum of S2o.60 was allowed B. R. Jordan, deputy sheriff, same being reward for arrest of criminals offered by the Mayor and expense lor telegram. Alderman laylor submitted the follow ing: jHesolofl, That the salary of the City Clerk bo and the same is hereby fixed at $400.00 per annum, and the resolution was adopted. Ho ottieial bond ol h,. II. Ucber, City Col lector, was presented, approved, filed and ordered spread upon the minutes. Th City Marshal reported certain side walks ji being out of repair, and the matter wns referred to the Street Committee for thoirwtion under chapter 4, article 1, Re vised Ordinances. On motion, the Street Committee was in structed to take neeessary aetion in the mat ter of purchasing a street through north end of the Blind Asylum property, from North street cast to Jeliers 111, continuation of Asy lam street On motion, the Board adjourned. JOHN MoGILL, Mayor. M. M. McLeod, City Cleik. A Medicine of real merit prescribed by many leading physicians, and univcrsnlly recommended bv those who hnve used it, as a true tonic is, Brown s Iron Bitters. In contemplation, if a man begin with certainties, he shall end in doubts; but if he will be content to begin with doubU he shall end in certainties. liacon. The talent of success is nothing more than doing what you can do well, and doing well whatever you do without a thought of lame. ixmgteiiow. The best government is not that which renders the individual happiest, but that which renders the greatest number hap py. gh. P. LHi Uoa. Correspondence of the Clarion. THE CHARITABLE IXSTnTTIOKS OW KATCHKZ THE PROTESTANT ORPHAN' A Y M M. ST. MARY'8 FEMALE ORPHAN ASYLUM, DEVEREUX HALL BOYS ASYLUM. Xatvusb, February S, Its. EDiroas Culeion : lleia oilM beta again I resume my obaenraUou oi the eoierpriaing rltr of Satchee. First, I nill k other charitable inntitutions, la which he sua pre-eiuinentlr alone in her glair he whole State of Mlwbsippl, thlu Tirtu llj oomHutiuK her food people the lusier parents oi the easaleaa little orphans of the Stale consigned to their eat, how oubie- the trust! how (rand the mission to be the almoners not on It of the temporal and physical wants of these little orphan., but also to be the guardians of their moral training, by which their youthful minds are impressed with pure morals and the truths of religion, and they are saved from temptation that would end In Urea of shame and of tire, and are prepared, as nun aad women, to make good members of society when atnt out from these noble institutions! TttK NATl'ttKZ PROTKSTAST "Wins ASYLUM. ThU Institution iu which the Masonic order has of late years taken so much Interest, li venerable with atre, baring been founded as far back as the year 1816, within a few days only of 67 years aso. Hundreds of orphans hare found a home within Its walls, and been reared to usefulness. As is always Uic case where suffering humanity required aid and comfort, woman was on hand to alleviate the cry of tho orphan, so this UutttaUsa was founded by ladies entirely, who adopted a Consti tution on the 12th of March IS1G, the last artii of which reads as follows: "With an humble reliance on the blessings of Him who Is the Inspirer of every benevolent feeling, the subscriber embark in this enterprise of charity. May it be the means of res cuing some youthful minds from the paths of igno rance and vice, may it cause some widows heart to "sing lor Joy," aud they will be amply rewarded." As Tub Clabiok, of the 8th of November last, gave a brief insight iuto the workings of the institu tion, I herewith quote what it said, as nothing can not be published too often that may do good to such a cause "The Asylum is not under the control of any denomination. It Hoard of Lady Managers In clude members of all the Pros tea tant churches and of the Hebrew congregation In Matches. There are about fifty children in the Asylum at present, most ly girls. Orphanage of respectable parentage are the only terms of admission. Children without father or mother preferred, but In exceptional cases, they are received when the mother Is living. The asylum children attend tho public schools In Matches, and are required to attend Sabbath school and church. A most excellent lady (Mrs. White) is In chaise as matron, and the Lady Manager have frequent meetings, aad give the interests of the in stitution their ersonal and patient attention." And thus for near sixty-seven years the noble ladles of Natchesha vo kept their Asylum open to the Orphans, at times they have been very hard pressed for funds to pay the expenses of the institu tion, and their brave hearts have been sorely tried, when In spite of all their sacrifices It seemed almost impossible to keep up the institution, but just then some liberal person would come to their rescue and the crisis would be nassed for the time la.lno in he renewed again aud to he similarly overcome. This should not Iw the case; those ladies should be aided ny mo people 01 the wnole Htate, and tho burden not allowed to lie borne mostly bv Natche. There was a iinivcrsnl expression of regret 1 11 Mississippi when the Ijmdenlale Orphan's Home was forced to close Its doors and disband Its precious charge for tho want of support. Let no such fate ever befall either of tho Asylums hi Natchez. I cannot cJoM this iconic trliiutc to tho .Spartan bund of ladies upon whom hnve fallen the 111 mi ties of the s.imi. i fnumt. ers of the Natchex Protestant Orphan Asylum, with out giving the names of the officers at'leust to the reaiu rs 01 me 1 iik i i akion,; their names are Mrs. Agnes uoa, rrcsment: Mrs. Kata N. Mfnoi -crc-tary; Mrs Mary IL Klemmlng, Treasurer; Mrs. White, .Matron. ST. mart's or phaji astm-m. Ill a much larger huildi fB. with a Inrcre there story brick dormitory, mid other accessories to luaxe 111c minutes happy ami contented Is found the Catholic Orphan Asylum of the above name, con ducted by those noble aolfsiacrifloing women, lh world over, the Sister of Charity who took charge 01 mkj liisiiMiiiou on ino OUjH 01 January , IK7, a little over :! years airo. The Inn Mm - ihnn ,, much smaller, but was gradually enlarged to Its prose in iinieiisions. 1 wo great houclacturs, Dr. Mercer and Hr. (I'lielllv. have contribute,! h towards enlarging the institution, lis mode of suosisllng out-ule of its giiiilen and receipts from sewing ni the children, is principally derived from charitable contributions which committees of ladies of Matclic gather in throughout tho whole (State. Natchez, however, as Iu the ease of the l'r.,1, sin til Asylum, contributing far more than anv other town. Children regardless of creed are received. an that is asked is whether thev are ornhans mol arc is.or, and to the cnslit of the Institution 110 child has ever licen. refused admittance because mil a I 'allelic, neither are children 0 I'frotestant par ents obliged to beeanu) Catholjpi, and If over the eiiimren au 10 is liaptir.ed ( atholirs, consent cither parent Is first obtained, if llvim The luiiulier of children received since St. Man 's Asylum was estahlisheil, amounts to MH, of which linmlsjr only 42 died In the institution, a verv small peroentage Indeed for such a long 1 1 anil I he very best endorse lit of how well lhcn...,ll.tn.t, are taken care of by thu good Sisters A lady friend who wont through the whole establishment to-day Informed me that It was the very Hrfertlou of cleanliness and neatness. Some sixty orphans are in the Asvlum at oressent. all irirls. the i..,i ,,,, ,. iiaving necii provided wun good anil decent homes 1 for It bet ho. dut y of the sisters ami brolhi rs not onlv to care for others, whilst under their immediate supervision, nut also to provide them with good stations in life, when thev leave the estshllsl..ni ana thus many young women raised In the Asy. iuiiis 01 finoaes nave done well, and to-day are In aftttietit circumstance. St. Mary's Asylum is now under the charge ol Sister Thlrsela, a most amiable lanv. who is wnoiir devoted to her .. n.r... t school Is taught in the institution for the younger children, while the more advanced attend Bt. Joseph school, near by. thus the educational a wen as me spiritual interest ol the children are well cared for. The people of Natchei feel much pride In the Irotestant and Catholic Asylums of their citv and well thev inav. for thev are u. n eon. ducted and are doing an immense amount of good, which me cute nuouio recognise ny nis-ral appro priations to their support at the next session of the Lagtslatara, The Stale educate her sons free nf charge at xford and Starkvilln, that they may not grow up In ignorance, how much more claim have me orphan 111 Hatches upon the Statu, who have no parents to provide for them, anil save them from growing In ignorance and vies, too. Thev are from all parts of the 8tate and abuuld be. helpeil by ,11. . ni-.VKitfaa half,. If the girls ar" well provbV-lI i in tho two Av liinis above dcsorlhea, so are tin-tioy in Itey ereux Hall, condnelee by sev.11 members of the order Pf Cbristluu I't i ilicrs, utiiii r the direction of tin, tin r outhraii. Here are t llovs iroui fi ve vears old and upwards, and Iho happiest Uliin toUows I ever saw together so atlacheil are these ertllilon to the Brothers ami the institution, thatea' li'iie fellow, seven years I. j,u nt anxious to pi homo wlta his own niotl" r n in n asked tlieiMieMnui. Thev eo- joy kishI health and the Urn me dial there had not lcri tiou for the seven years that he had Isaii 1 nunc, ted with i I This sylnm was 1 bartered January 25, isgs, 1ms had as high as 6:1 orphans under Its charge at one time, an 1 then as low n- 11. It has Its own school in the institution, m l tbo boss are taught Industry by ts'lng made to work me hour each day in the arS' 11 . from the sale of vegetahh from the sardeti nf the insiitiltiun 81 -o-'i was dei ivl Awards Its sujstrt last year, certainly a very good shriwing. Al I ", years of age the boy are provided with goiwl homes out aid thill make room for other orphan boys to bo received la the Institution. The build ing and ground of Devereux Hall are very exten sive, and by their admirable training of the hor in it, the Christian Brother are doing much good ami should he liberally sustained. Both St. Mary Asy. lum and the Hoy Asylum are under the watchful care of Bishop .tarmaen, the learned Bishop of the Diocese of Natchca, and a most allahle ami courteous gentleman. In conclusion, and a an Incentive to the generous to give o( their subntane to either or allot t he noble institutions, I cite for all three In Ita own beautiful words, the appeal of the Protestant Orphan Asylum for help as follow: "This institution cares for orphan children, supporting and educating them. It depend for It niafutalueiioe wholly upon the good will of charitable and generous people. Contribution will be promptly acknowledged, and report of same published at Anniversary in April." Yours truly, O. It. B. If yon are miserable and medicines have not helped you, do not giT op, but try Par kr' Ginger Tonic. VDMONXY REeUNDEQ iL Perfect Corset Secured At Last A combination of C01 lid W i k Spkinox, Whalft hone and Corset Jean, which la pronounced br ladles The Perfection of Corsets. Fits perfectly a greater variety or forms than any other. Yield readily to every respiration, and Is equal ly comfortable lu any position assumed by the wearer. Warranted to retain Its perfect shape till worn out. By it you secure a more graceful figure than with any other Corset. Please give it aainglwtrUl and you will wear no other. What Leading Chicago Physicians Say of It: Chicago, Oct, 25, lsfMk 1 hTr "m,nwJ BH' Health Preserving Oor so. and believe it I In every respect beat calcula ted to preserve the health or the woman who wears It. It does not seem possible for the wearer of uch a corset to be Injured by tight lacing. It should recieve the favorable endorsement or the Physicians who have the opportunity of examining IL Jambs Nvia Ily ua, I fully endorse what Or. Hyde says la the abova Bot- W. n. Brroao. . . . , . Cbicaoo, Oct. It, lsto. ? bavweaamlned Ball's Health Preserving cor set aad believe it to be the least injurious to the - vuioi a uavv een. A. J. Baztkb, If. D. I do no. advta. . '"A fa 00 sx-and she giijreJiv will-Tad viae " 7.7" xseaiinrreservingcoraeu, Iriih -i,.",k,l3r ,0 do ,ow nJury than any other with which I am acquainted. A. Bbbvks Jacksow. For sale by A. VIKlMiM. feb.H,'t3-lni. TUTT'S iPECTORAWT la oompoaed o Herbal and Muciliiginoua prod ucts, which permeate) the substance of the Ijungs, cxpeetorntea tbo acrid matter that oollect in the llronehiui Tubes, und form a aoothUr coating, width relieves the Ir ritation that caiiMoa the cough. It demises thelnnaraof nil Impurities, strrngthe-i'i themtvnenenfeobleil by cllseaae,luvmi -ate the oiroulation of the blond, and bracts tho xicrvou system. fJllsrht eolde often end lit consumption. Ule dangerous to neglect them. Apply tho remedy promptly. A teat of twenty year warrants tho assertion that nortmoiy has ever been fonnd that Is ns JaW.'l inflammation, aud it use speedily cures the most obstinate oough. A pi oaaant cordial , ehll rtren take tt readily. Tor Croup U Is aavnluahlo end should be In every family. nml'l Itou.e. TUTT?9 PILLS ACT DIRECTLY ON THE LlvSg? Cure Chills and Fever, Vyapepilai. SlekUeadnehe.BUlons Colle.Conatlpa tlon, Hlieumwtism, l llrs, fnlnllntlonof tho Heart, IMaatness. Torpid ldvcr, ana Iremnle IrresrularlUeS. If you do not "feel very well," a eingle pill stimulate the stomach, i otoretlte appetite, impart vigor to tho system. A NOTED DIVINE SAYS: i)B.lurr: Dear Sin For tn year I havo been a martyr to Dyspep is, Cc-nstipatlon and l'ilc. Lost sprlngyonr pill Were recommended tome; I ued them (but with lit tie faith). I am now a well man, have pood appetite, digestion perfeot, regnlar tool, pile gone, and I havo gained forty pounds solid flcslu They are wurlh their w. ii-blm gold. fiBT. B. I,.BIMrRO?T,T.culvine, Ky. Ofllce, A if Murray St., R'exv York. 1H. 'fPTT'S M AMI! A I. of tscful Jlti elptsi lti:E ti appllcntlvn. ) The State Ledger, JACKSON, MISS. Price, Per Year, .... 4U.30. HAVING BOtTOBT THE t tiMKT NKWspa Vxn without it.- aaset or liabilities tlie un dersiKiml will move the husitic and material of The Broohhaven Ledprer to JacVsok, and ooatiaua the DttbUoawn ol We paper under the name of "THE STATE LEDGER." It will be issued Saturday, February 17Ui, 1883. The pnimr will be eight psges In form ; Democratic in politics, hut not of an ultra typo. All opponents will be courteously treated. Tbo Interest of the State will bo advocated, and the news of the day. published. Personalities will never be Indulged In. It shall lc tin-proprietor's aim to make a live, re liable, clean and readable ncwspajier. Hnhserlption Hooks srw now en, and the pat ronage of the public is solicited. RespeetfwBy, M. II. hi.nkv. Jaiksun, Miss., Feb. 7, ls:i. DI880LLTI0N of CO-PAKT ERSHIP, THIS IS TO HIVH KOTIf'K TIT AT "TtifJ'CO pagtnerinip berebifura existing between A. A. Polices and P. ). llllzliu, In tile Lumber businnss, was by mutual couseiit, dissolved on llielstdarof the present month. All parties Indebted to the late firm will come forward and setth Immediately, and are costof collection. I'. li. HILZIM, a. a. mLK&i. Our upcessnr Is Mr. .' ' RgPtT) worthy geu tleuian, who will continue ienim sh .,t our old stand, wberu Mr. A. (.'. KKitn, an rfpnrlenved bnn Ik,: in in, will be found ready to attend to the want of eswbimcrs. A yard has also I 1 1 established In VYest Jackson, where Mr. A. A. I'olko-, ot the old firm, will represent the iuurrrstsof Mr. Rsdtw, A complete sb k of Luinb r and lluildiiiu .Material of every description, etc., always on hau l. tobVrMui. Wanted, a Situation AH DRIJMMKK 01 bALESMAM IN A tiOtlK r. i sines- House. Am well acquainted with the business men in a hiv pirtion of this ute. i an furnish the best of references. Was engaged in the Commission business iu New Orleans lor a num-ls-r of years. Address, J. It. AHAMH, fell., s; In. . .Iai-ksos, Miss. NOTICE J 8 HERKBY OIVKS THAT TUB BRITTKII America Assurani-e (Vinipany, of Toronto, Can -a, will withdraw it deposit trots the Mtate Treas ary, on the 7th day of August, lss'l. Wjf. L. 1IKMINOWAY, feb5,'S.V6m. Ktate Treaaurer. 3 To Avoid Any Baukrupky, I WILL SELL MY ENTIRE STOCK AT FLHOT cost Csll one) Call all, for Haboains. Ieb7,'5-im. At MBS. 11. KAUFMAN'S, 5 HOLME'S LINIMENT , rut MOTHER'S FRIEND I Oae of the creetest eomf oru to those expectbaC io be ecu fined la a remedy upon which Implicit ooa adsoco oaa be placed -one that wUl produce a ! aad quiet daUvery-oao that wUl control paia sad shorten th duration of labor. Such Is 'TKa ktora aa FaiasD." Try It aad what A Blaasin: it la to SmJTertin Fonaaloa. This Llatmeat whea used two or three weeks ba. iw nnuiaui, proancas a woaaerrat as atlvsly llttls pain, aad wf a vwy savy aaa auiea laser, diuea to recover quick ly - or In other word to haves a ood awttiac up. Uudsr iu an. labor will otdlMt ftfy occupy much less than the usual time, aad thesuflerin bs diminished beyond ax press! oo. The ooediUon for which this rtmedy la offered kt of uch a charactar as to forbid a lon array of cer tificate. Those Interested to Its lis ail lasaiefit fully rafarred to the hundred who have uasdfL READ THE TESTIMONIALS : I moat earnestly entreat every male ei pectins; to be coo Sued to ose tbo Tbb MefaaaW Fat awn. " Oouplsd with tbts tntrssty, I will add that during a lare obstetrical practtos (forty four years), 1 have never known tt to fall to 'prodoos a safe and quick delivery. H. J. HOLM XS, If. D., Atlanta. Oa. A lady from one of the rouatle of Kiddle Oeoa aia, who baa been acting as midwife for many years, writs : "I have disposed of all Twa Mot h ma Faitmi you sent ms.sod I amDELlOHTBIk WITH IT. In every Instance where It baa been used ita streets have been all that I could ask. I CXINSIBKB IT A UBBAT BL88IN'J." A eratleman writes : "My wife need your Moth kk's Ksiknu at her fourth confinement, and her testimony latbatshe passed through It wttb ons hslf of tbesufisnngof either of her former confine ment, and recovered from It iu much leas tlmav She bk recommended It to a lady friend who wast about to be confined for the llnrt time, and aha ays: I RAVE nkvkb IRINaNY tilsB rasw THBOUOX THIS a KKAT TK1 A 1, W IT II HU MUCH MASK AND SO I.lTTIJS tMTFKKtKQ The name ol al I these, aud many other, eaa bo had by calling st uiy ofne. lis vlng bad ths forsaoing remedy Thobooohlt TBBTBnln Atlanta and vicinity , I now offer it to my patron as possessing superior merit. I am permitted also to refer to the following well known etUsensot Atlanta: 0.8. Newton, Win. M. Crumley. Jr., W. A. dregs sod p. Bala; all of wbosa are ready to testify to the menu of the prepara tion. Price U.0psr bottle. Prepared by nttRw for tale sea yassi t. ioq leavae la a. Know That Brown's Iron Bitters will cure the worst case of dyspepsia. Will insurea hearty appetite ' and increased digestion. Cures general debility, and gives a new lease of life. Dispels nervous depression and low spirits. Restores an exhausted nurs ing mother to full strength and gives abundant sus tenance for her child. Strengthens the muscles and nerves,enriches the blood. Overcomes weakness, wake fulness, and lack of energy Keeps orT all chills, fevers, and other malarial poison. Will infuse with new life the weakest invalid. 37 Walker St., Baltimore, Dee. rB8r. For six year 1 have been s treat sufferer from Blood Disease, Dys peptia.BndConstlpation.and became so debilitated that I could not retain anything on my stomach, in fact, life had almost become a burden. Finally, when hops had almost left me, my husband seeing Bhowm's I kom Birraas advertised in the faper, induced me to give it a trial, am now taking ths third bottla and have not frit so well in six yean as I du at the present time. Mis. L. I . G&irt w. Brown's Ikon Bitters will have a better toni effect upon any one who needs " bracing up," than any medicine made. K3 CURES WHEN ALL OTHEB REMEDIES ML. After 'if inc treated by iilivsieians for a long while in vain for a severe Hlood Dis esse, I cured nijsilf with 8. 8. B. ;. U, BATtxiri Bichmonrl, Va. Havo scon P. 8. 8. stop the hair from falling out. in short time. Wonderful ef fects iu all Hlcin or Blood Diseases. W. H. Pattebsos, Dallas, Tex. 8. S. 8. cured me of Scalp Sores, Sores in Nostrils and Ears, after everythint; known to the medical fraternity had failed. Jmo. 8. TauOaut, Tel. Operator, Salamanca, N. Y. 8. 8. 8. tor Catarrh t sure cure. Cured me after all other treatment had failed. C. C. II' UN-, GreencasUe, I ml. One gentleman who had bean confined in kl. V....I -I .,.!, . ,;k M. .,.,-;., I II 1. a . matism, has been entirely cured with 8. 8. 1,000 REWARD Will be paid any chemist who will Had, on analysis of 100 bottles f. 8. 8., one par ticle of Mercury, Iodide Potassium, or any mineral substance. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Propr'-, Atlanta, Oa. 019 BT A1X DRl XJCJIUTH.