Newspaper Page Text
ri- The Clarion: Wednesday. April 4, 1883, eClarion. Fraternities. , Grand Lodge of Odd Fellows will , on the first Tuesday in May. p Burrill, the ex-Grand Secreta L Grand Lodge of Masons of II- L has been found guilty on a eharge fbdclement of Grand Lodge funds e amount ot seventy tiMtusaaa aoi gnd bas been sentenced to imprison- in the penitentiary iur nve years. more mini unmus penuing it him. iie appears to nave de his familv, and been guiltv of serious "indiscretion-. ' Hasonic Mutual Benefit Asso ciation. had lont our unwritten ritual. Four or five of us sent for Hro. Ira Car penter, then sojourning in Now Orleans, and paid him Iarglv for a thorough course .of lectures. .Soon after, old Bro.Carnegy (still living in this State) taught us a few innovations (I never ad mitted they were ameliorations) dictated by the delegation to England composed of himself and brothers Delafield, of N. Y., and Moore, of Mass., who also sup planted the old niimitorv of Webb Cross, and others by the ' Trestle Hoard." Hut we ultimately" reached B degree of perfection in the work in old "Harmony" and "Andrew Jackson," which often, elicited the commendation of visiting brethren. My colleagues on that Com mittee were "Bros. Ccoper, Craig, Ken drick all gone but me! As to non-affiiliated Masons, I have always thought they ought (when able) to contribute something to the support of the Lodge within whose jurisdiction theyabidi say $1 a year. Let them be duly enrolled, and notified when pay day motes, and if delinquent, without sufficient excuse, be suspended, and The Home of Jefferson Davis. .Masonic Fraternity of Mississippi. thi' :imiuai meeting 01 toe lnree- kf this Association, neiu on tne 14th mrv 1883, the unaersigne(tvcre np- s committee to prepare a state- j treated, living or dead, according. Inciting torwi iw claims to an in- If 1 mistake not, twas I who conferred H meiiibersnip. we submit tlie the degrees on Past Grand Master Ilill- yer, .Speed s father-in-law. At any I rate, I know that I was mainly the cause of his removal from Aberdeen to Nateh j cz in 1849. With fraternal regard, u. A. i.acoste. IUILK0A1. eiainis to an We submit L-flv as possible: The Association has been m exist- Ihree years aim has now a solid kership o! about six hundred. It lias paid nearly ninety thousand to the widows and orphans ot , i i tv deceased niemuers. Tiie payment ot this large sum has Iriously inconvenienced any niein- ltributmg, and its distribution has ;d must timely help in times of pe- neeci. As the benefit is increased or de- according to the membership, : anxious to have a total strength (ill make the benefit at least two awl oonars. vui oi tne nine and ainnatea Masons m Mississippi re:isi!iaoie to nope tuat at least membership hundred will have Association. The Association is economically ed. All the expenses are defrayed small amount paid anuuallv as rthus far not exceeding one dollar Tiie (Jraiid Lodge of Mississippi bas again appropriated live hundred dollars to the Protestant Orphan Asylum at batches. Bro. P. M. oaveiy, of Pald wyn, has been elected Grand Master, and at his installation into office was the re cipient of a basket of Sowers sent him by a lady. Savery was initiated in Oxford Lodge No. 33, In 1864, by Past Grand Master, J. M. Howry who also enjoyed the pleasure of installing him as Grand Master. This privilege of con ferring the lirst and highest honor on a Mason is one, perhaps, never before en joyed, and hence Bro. Howry can have the laurel, unquestioned and unchal lenged. Voiteof Matonry, Chicago. mi C -11 i n , , ine inn amount, collected on i pi,;i1.,lr.ll.i TCornr.l .1 Assessment goes to the beneficiary, r t. , , . Assessments are made monthly. kcludes all deaths officially report- The Association has been repeat- Icudorsed bv the Grand Lodge, sees in it an agency for the dis- ton of practical and systematic re- As a business proposition we end it to your impartial consider- As a system of co-operativo insur- we believe the scheme perfect. 5t is far cheaper and fullv as relia- Ithe ordinary life insurance com- The Association has made a IrecOrd, and will be a grand suc- the brethren who have been to see how it would turn out, w turn in, and apply for member The terms are simple: applies- ledicaj examination, must not be Ixty years of age, a membership fee I dollar and no assessment until a I occurs. It vour ijoilge rsecretarv blank application, or bv-laws, to the Secretary, L. B, Mosby, School Teaching Follies. IS p rings. Fraternally, W. O. Paxtox, R. C. Patty, J. L. POWElt, Committee. Anniversary Proclamation. Guanp Lqixju, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, Of th a State of Mrssissipri. J hum those presents shall OOJBB, Greeting: ere as. The Sovereign Grand sof the Independent Order of Odd vs has ordained that the 20th dav Irilshall beset apart as a day of il thanksgiving throughout our Wisdiction, and ierkas. It seems eminentlv right f roper that the birthday of our observed in a spirit of Bgiving for the many years of con- tsvor and protection vouchsafed i fellowship by a mercuul l'rovi aad for the blessings of peace Prosperity enjoyed by the member- ivcry where at the present time: SKKF0RE, 1, J. Li. I'OWER, trrilllll Irof the Grand Lodge of the Inde nt Order of Odd Fellows of the state piasippi, by virtue of authority con- i upon mo by law, do hereby enjoin all Lodges under this jurisdiction p order for the due and proper ob- ceot the sixtv-tourth Anniversa- Hrl Fellowsh ip in America, 'on the Pay of April! 1883, by setting apart fay lor thanksgiving and praise to ptyOod for His wonderful mer- our Order and to our individual prship. e at the City of Jackson, this the py of March, 1883, and of our Or pe sixty-fourth. J. L. Power. Grand Master. P- McCoWN, Grand .Secretary. Far bevond any text book for use in the schools is a method of education that will train a child to use all its faculties, to express itself correctly, to think clear ly, and to observe for itself. This teach ing cannot be left for the finishing of the high and grammar schools. It must be put in before the age of 10. It must begin with the youngest class. That child is much better fitted to make its way in the world who can frame a clear sentence in reply to a question, or can describe plainly what it saw, or what it likes best to do on a Saturday holiday, than if it had all the cut and dried ques tions of the text book, or even the more deceptive formula of an oral drill by heart and to order. Words and things are the two pillars of the school edifice; yet, instead of intelligent use of words and the observant knowledge of things, too much of the precious early school time is wasted in the absurd memorizing of rules, which are neither words nor things in the true educational sens:'. We are sure that the tescUers ol our public schools, who have been too long hampered by the old ideas that "rules," grammar rules, arithmetic rules, spelling rules, phonetic rules, etc., are the first and essential lessons for the eager young intelligence or the dull vacuity of a ''backward" child, will gladlv welcome a new order of things we are confident that a general order which allows each teacher the freedom of her class will be most grateful to all who have interest and euthuiasm in their calling. Fiank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper. The Sunny South! How little can those whose live have fallen even in pleasant places "due North" realize the indefinable charm of the Sunuy South ; its soft and caressing climate; its vivid and wondrous vegetation; its peculiar and attractive scenery; its winsome and gracious people 1 So new is it, yet so old, so much of the polish of the aMSfM rtfime, with just enough leaven of the rush of the nineteenth century to add a special and pungent piquancy. That the South was dear, very dear to me, goes without saying; that I longed with a "precious yearning" to revisit it, an abiding desire; and when the hour in my busy life arrived that set me free for a brie! holiday I realized how delightful was the respite, even though its dole of days was oi niggard and paltry measure. with the glamour of the Sunny South j upon me, its sunshine in my eyes, its, voices in my ears, its charm in my heart with the recollection of my gracious Ad all too flatteriiigjreeeption, fragrant as sweet blossoms in my mind I feel j how little my pen can do, even inde-l scribing something of what I have seen during the days that passed with such inexorable swiftness,and can but jot down the flotsam and jetsam eddying upon the BOW full tide of my memory. Among j my most pleasurable reminiscences a j visit to Beauvotr, the stately home of j Jefferson Davis, is cut in boldest relief. I'cauvoir is a stately man -ion, remind ing one ofan old Knglish home. It is approached by an avenue of superb and venerable trees. At the gate, in a spirit of true Southern courtesy, Mrs. Jefferson Davis awaited us. Mrs. Davis is statues- nil' and stately. Her elegantly shaped head sits upon her shoulders as though biseled bv Phidias. It is so exquisitely touted that one cannot refrain from gaz ing, white her every movement is the impersonincation of dignity and grace. rich mass ol hair, whitened, alas: not by the hand of time, is wound in a mat iVe coil at the back ot the beautiiuf head. Her figure is stately, and the lose-fitting black dress, with its Wat- teau plaits, clung to'her form as though to caress it. She wore no ornaments whatever, save the circle of gold on her fine and shapely hand. Her manner is ) winsome as to completelv absorb one, and as we walked up to the inailor-house. beneath the arching boughs Ql lordly trees that stood like sentinels presenting arms is we passed, 1 telt its fascination to the full. Ascending a stiep flight of steps wo were ushered into the reception nm. an apartment at once as elegant as is cozy. A bright log fire smiled at us, and great easy-chairs received us With open anus. .Miniatures of many generations gazed at us trom the walls ; and books, old and new, were at our . Pictures ami port of work, and all the knackeries that bespeak refinement and ulture blossomed in this charming old room, ami, as it to complete tin1 picture, huge, shaggv rsewlouiidlnnd dog be fore the tire sprawled, who even in sleep ever and anon wagged his bushy tail for EAILEOAD TIME-TABLE. Vicksburg sad Meridian Kailroad. doing Ij,; IViiiffr. arrive 10-nS, p. m. lcte 10:Iii .m ; Wt Freight, rri rr S.30 . ni ; l.-avos SrSl . Ill : TThn.iurh Krritfht. rri 1 U 11 m., leavrs 3:J(ip. ni. Going Wmt Mail, arrivr S:!0a. m., leave. 3:Ui. m.; KxpreM, leaves 7: a. m.; arrives fnmi Vickburg 5 Ui. ni.; Wav Frvight. arrive Vtl p. in., leave 1:16 p. m ; through Freight, 8:45 a. m. . . . i ni. JOHN SCOTT. Cen. Manager. R. K. Kawoktii, Suriaienl.'!H. no. W ., I ... Ageut. Katchec, Jackson & Columbus Railroad. TRAINS OOlNtl KAST. So. 1, Mai', dailf Arrlvp at Jackson tlOSVJt. Umvm Satehi't IM p. m. Ha. S, freight, daily except Sunday !.eave Natch ez iHN u. tu., arrive al Jackson .V10 p. m. TRAIN OtJM KST. No. 2. Mail, daily Ibarra Jackson 7:00 a. in. Arrive, .i ( KatdttM li:0p. m. No. 1, frcifht, daily exipi Sunday -Ix-ave Jaokaoa al 8:tM a. in. Arrive at Natchei o:ti p. ni. K. P. Krost, tlen'l Sup't f. O. JllllNS.IN, t.. 1'. Ag't. Illinois Central Bailroad. TRAINS lll'INCI IUIU. -Kxpr.., arrives 4:0O leave 4:o-'i p. m. -Mail, arrives ISlSS leave ttstt a. in. Way Kit., arrive .":0o leave ,"i:0." p. m. QMX4 snnw. -rxiircss, arrive I0:2t leave 10:'2"i p. ni. LtJJ.VL NOTICES. So. 407. Mail Lettings. MKDKAL. THE BEST REMEDY run Diseases of tiie Throat and Lungs. Ayer's NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Tost Office Df.vartmi n i ottto V,ihinrtton, A C, Mareh 1 id this IVartiiiciit mil H. ISSJL i.r carrying the mail Mate u.ii tho rmtes, and ao'onling In 3v vnLt.iti ifwa. - 1 -T - i the vnit.Ni prrTrkTjnr a a.v i v ui iui aehed- ule of arrival and departure ISMttMSd b the I'. );ni uietlt. ill the State ,f Mi IRSS, to Ji mli. ISM. I.islai Julv 1st, ilh selied- lilfs id a i rival and a Mail, arrive :!:'.-. -lea v 7 Way Vr't, arrive 7;i!i - hat vol sol a. in. t . T. lit iii, Ajo iit. M. Sin-API., (ieti. Sup't. W. GoidDCAH. A. 1'. kit. . V. CLARRK, l'rest. and Ueo. Mnn'sr. lep.utare. iuslmetiotis to SM" r DOBtrax't and iK'iids, and all luutioti nill he furnished uni Seeond Awislant l"ttinatcr en. ml. 11. heel bits pom a Past Grand Master. Pal P. O., St. Louis City, Mo., March 12, 183. ) E. Brother : Many thanks for the lodge Proceedings of lat year, nented so considerately by you skpteb nf firuiwl Afnuter Sneed pictorial and bimrrnnhieal). and Epressive address, the latter has "Of of an original mind, while it the most loyal Masonic spirit. 1 curious to know if the substitu- "Board of Custodians" will rto he an imnrovement of the old 'f IHstrir.t. rinniiiv (.r in.l ISfim- The lrthy person with the function l J " vmvi au T- nv " ' a l.0K. A., commends itself to mv tiun. But onf!tii!in fiin't nerform W properly. You will require at " such lecturers, and each one 1 "'.receive a fixed salary that will him to devote hirnaplf psielusivelv MCUDation trip wtuilo vnar round. MisHiwiinnni Viavn n liri 'hl any uite m the union of. I speak from cx Forty years ago, Natchez President Davis's Genealogy. The Cincinnati Commercial (iazette prints the following letter from Jefferson Davis: Bi'ADVOlB, IIakuisont Co., Miss., ) April 12, 1883. M. Duncax, Dear Si:- Yomsof the oth ultimo, arrived at this office during my absence, otherwls it would have been sooner acknowledged The reason you give for th" inquiry makes it a pleasure for me to reply was born in what was then Christian county, Ky., for when Todd county was ent off of" Christian the dividing line run through mv father's house, and the room in which 1 was born is, I have been told, in Todd county. My father was born in ( Jeorgia when it was a colony of Great Britain, his father was an immi grant from Wales, and his mother was a native of Georgia, my mother was a na tive of tSouth Carolina, and her father emigrated from Ireland. I believe thi covera the scope of your Inquiry, ant will. I hope, be satisfactory to you vour former letter of inquiry was re ceived the fact is not remembered, but many such inquiries remain unanswered lwuMiniMv beinr a private member ot so ciety, and having no wish to lie anything ..Up. unless, as in vour case, sonic reason is given for inquiring into my genealogy (ab a ri'iison.'ihlo. supposition that the ..l.ieet is to add another to a collection of an toL'rai.hie letters. Be assured that no UMunftP-t w.-is intended toward voii, an believe me to be as a son of the same soil with vourself. Respectfully yours, Jkffersox Davis Tun people of KiiIey and ttppai If -mi:- niinnnnnnVn nnrl fill in uuGuupuMi ttUU umu uowi:. ml. RAILWAY. thk .-b:w Southern Trunk Line FOR- WASHINGTON, Baltimore, Philadelphia, ash - NEW The Only YOItK ! Its Knt Ire ifi.lijiu ......... costly knick- Llne Kiiiiiiiug Train with PULLMAN SLEEPINa CABS! Louisville to Washington, AND Wasliington to flew York. Without Change ! Without Transfer! jPlNiM ihrcHKll llif I'tHOt S 111. I I'. GRAMS i:i:(,iio or flilciitucky. fob3t,'SS4wr. l'KOt L A II ITIOX. vrro o if kvat,i. WrTEREAS, It apir by information rMtnld bv mr. that the Ii.IIiiwIiik iianii'il IVuili'iitlnry riiiivlota ui.1,1,' ih, ii . at ill.' tinn ntiilfr.nn tin plnivn bt'liiw mi'iitiiiiiisl, ami nr.' ntill at Nov, llii-n', I,'l' I.OW1IV, linvprnnr of MthatMaMt, iVi oHiT the alxivi- n wanl fur tlie ar r,sl anil itcllvi'iy of tho saU eonvirta, or S'aUXI .a.'h for our or inon of th.'iu. Sai.l rrwanl Liuy alilt' by Hamilton, 11,,-k in- A Co , Uumtmci IVnilfii ii in Ami 1 l murwivpr, irauiri nil otllcn. of tliia Statp to lip diliKinit in their MtHl arnt aal.l filHitivi ronvlota. itven iimli'r mv han.l anil kM itri'Ht S'al of thp i, .1 ie. ..i!n.,, at .larkixiii, tall 1'Uh dy of lL' s ' Mun h, A. P. I8S3. I ftOBKRT LOWRY. !ty tho liovrrnor: IIlxky ('. It rMS, Sscrctaryof State. PKStltllTION: Albrrt Sri ly - K ii,.sl Oi tolior, IHS'2, from M. A ('. Railroad ..AgBlOj lu-iht r fort sits IBOn roin pli'xlnii bright mulatto; liair black; evp hawl ; Car OB h'ft t'vi'brow. BOAlMtneod from (jm I'oiinty, 1.1'wia 'ni)i. nt'r- l.i an'.i .lanuarv 2,i, lS.s.'l, from M. 8.1 It. It. It. - Ai :tl ; hi'lKhl !i feet; loinph-x-ion mulatto; hair ami ryi1. bliu-k ; knot on fon lload tW ton oySj I'd l 1 1 btKUjr mkottttM. Son ti'iiril from NoxuIk-i' county. Parltl Mill BMapcd februan 8, IStS, Front Bo kiimA Hamilton, It. R. Ark 20; lii'i(lit o fst .1 iBfihOB; coiiiplcxion, hair tttd cvck black; near on Mi t it left foot; MM iimlcr b'fl eve; tlilr.l finder on left haml dofernud. HstHonoBli from K in kin coil ii I y. W'iirrcn rilihll BiMiSBtril l-Vbriiarv lsnn, from Kosciusko A .MmtiIim'H 11. II. AgcltO; liitiubt 8 foot SW Indies ; eomplexloii brown ; halrainl eyes black ; very Hiiiiill enr ami moiit li ; larue eves; Near In cen ter of hrcant; aevprul MSI on back of rUhl haml ; tin, sens on joint of lint tinner left haml ; MUM senr on ftgM HI ami left nrni iuiile. SciiU-nci'il from Monroe county. J Wenlcy llrown -fj aiM il March I, ISSS. from M. T. A It. It. B. Ago 0: height 5 fool 1 inches ; eoiiiplexioii, tnaUttnj hairtilack ; eviw ilark Imiwii ; t wo near on forehead ; long aear on right jaw ; miuill acaral corner right eve ; near on right elbow; aiiinll mole mi loft brenM j one mole on point lef! IMntdar ; "car on loft hand; large near from burn on lunble of lelt leg. S'ntrniM'il from lfayotte oounty. iiiar.UI,'fi:t-;lw. f&iT PsstMUBBIl from tho South mako elono t'on- Very hospitality. Mr. Davis' Uiatrif'd ! neerinn with tho solid train of the t '. A 0, train al IiuLsvillo or Ixiiigtou, and pas.H through all the bcatttlhl scenery uu the ('. A O. by daylight. Ticketa on aiiie at Principal 'I'ickot tUbeos in the South. JAMH.S 0. WfNHT, II . W. Fit I.I.Kit, Oon'l W.Mt n Agent t. I'. A., Uichmond, Va. LfttliSvills, Kv. pnimtv- are nil aM OVIT Col. W. 0, Flllk ner's new plav, the Lost Diamond, per formed at the Hi pley Opera-house. The crowd was larire, delighted, enthusiastic, ami the proceeds, appropriated to cliarit able purjKjses, far surpassed all expecta tions. Col. Falkner i a wonderful man. Vivid and romantic as is his imagina tion, he surpasstnl himself in preparing the Lost Diamond. It is said the play reflects credit upon the drama, and is worthy of repetition in the first theaters of the conntrv. No entertainment ever jriven in lliplev has been so popular and profitable. Wo understand it is to be L.,t.,rl in ncveral North Mississippi towns, and as the proceeds are to be ap propriated to charitable purposes, the Lost Diamond, if performed in Mem u: jrino- the snrinar or summer months, would be liberally patronized by our people. Memphis Appeal, -'ytn angter is on a visit to uoauvoir tne lectric lights in the household her two beautiful children. After a delightful chat, Mrs. Davis vol unteered to show us her husband's study the workshop in which he tinned the "History ot the War and in winch he passes so much of his waking hours. I his sanctum is a veramneii tniinting with a conical roof, standing apart from the manor-house and in the midst of magnificent trees. The interior pre- enks all the rude reality that actual work ever imparts, and is lined with two tiers of bonks. Everywhere are evi- enees of Jeff Davis' individuality in the form of pictures and statuettes. Mr. Davis will not permit any profane bands here, and everything must remain as be leaves it. While he is closeted in bis sanctum no one mav disturb him. This iw is Draconian. Mrs. Davis almost apologized for the condition of the grounds, which were quite mHtmobme, owing to the tlinieuity ot procuring labor. Beauvoir, as is known, was tin gift to Jefferson Davis from an ardent admirer, and a right lordly gift it was. Of my reception at Beauvotr 1 may nut speak' more. The sweetest and gracious worus Airs. IJavis spoke to me, wnen claiming me as a Southerner, found their tbidmg-place. ihey dwell in my heart with the recollections of this queenly lady and of beautiful Bcauvoir. Good Advice to Young Men. Senator Brown, of Georgia, writing to j vouna: man in Atlanta, Qa., says: "Please accept my sincere thanks lie the present which you send me of a pair of niters, I suppose they are called, made with your own hands. You state that you are 17 years of age, and that tbev are made bv yourself ; 1 trust that this speaks well lor your iuture. it many thousands of the youth of the Southern country would engage in use ful pursuits of that and like character instead of passing a great deal of their time in idleness, as some do, the country would be . in a better condition. Alway recollect that all labor that is useful is honorable. In whatever position a voung man is placed, if he has health be lias it in his power, by his labor, to make himself useful ami respected; and I deliaht to see the voung men of Geor gia laying aside all false pride on this subject and going to work manfully to make a good living and make themselves useiui citizens. SSI LHLQULsyiLLt: & nashvili c r rJJ; THE GREAT Through Trunk Line i 1 " Without Change and with Speed Unrivaled SHORTEST AND QUICKEST ROUTE From Memphis, Milan, and Humboldt to the NORTH & EAST Dill I ill U nanC Without Chan from rULllflHH l.-HflO nh' vociti.a to Louia- vllle.and but uue , i..u to principal NORTHERN AND EASTERN CITIES. THREE TRAINS DAILY By thiit line, making SUBE CONNECTIONS AND QUICKEST TIME .'Wf.lWD WITH f" RBI f n fl SITf Seeklne homea on the (.HlllinHn 10 Hne of this rood will receive special low ratoa. ?!o Afcuti of ttil? Company for ratu, rontoe a ot wni j p, fli G. P. & T. n. Louisville. Ky TRUST S.U.K. By vntttji ok tiiic provisions or a tf-rtiitii li.'..,! In Trut i' by T. T. Stock ton, on UMftAlt day of Murrh, Isal. t.i Mettll tn rims. E. HdM. 0t Hymntt of toanain Indebted- wrw Ihi'ii iii di. rili.'il, which ih'i'd In mi rrwrd In tho office- f ihc I'liniicory Clerk ol the Unit Il- trlct of IlimU comity, t .luekHtin, Mifnliwliiiil, in lleeil ClNik o. li, . - T . it I - i i -1 ... I in,. tmt, or one of tliem, ill pNMtd to Hi ll, In front of the t'itv Hull, in the City oi Jackmn, ut nubllo mit- cry, to the hlheKl hiilder, for i uh, on TvMmV. Illlll HAY III' Al'lill., ISM, I lie loMowlllL' dew 111" property, ?inmicii in the Ptnt DUlriet of Hindi, eoiihtv, Miwlaeippii end iwirftt paWtlntilai jt di'wrih.'d M follow., to-wil : All (hut purl of the BU of Sv nun K oi ,M';4, tying touin oi un nnenM, .mciC' .I t'oliiiiibu.i Itailroad, end the Khj of th fjM (except twenty aci'en III the Mint liw.-st cornerl, am: l:'4 of Ne'4 of Section n, T. o, It. 1, Kat ; MM K! of Nw'.. mid V !..o Ne1,, mill 7 'i acre.. In nw . in Section !l, T. rt, II. I, Kiwt. Kxceiiliiitf, however tlioiHi lots ofl' of the lunil Hold by Wure to Ihoiol lowinti uiinicd iiervons, lo-wit : M arm to W. W Porter; ai-res to ; 1 acres to Norfolk l.vneh ; and '2 uorei to r. n. e Admni. AImi, 5h acres in the sooth end of the W 1 , ,,f the Sw 'iof nee, g, T, t, u. t, Eatt, 'the Hue to tne above dt serilssl iiroisTlv Is believed i , 1, but the un dorsimied will only i-onvev sncli ns as is vcMed in lliciu bv Die deOQ in Irusl aforesaid. E, M. PABKKR, j II W. ii!ll III II, Tmtteel. In iiisaif tiie )iiiU tnoonrr ocmb "tie nml r.'lialde rvintily is iin.ihmlile. AVEtt" Chkrei PlKVHUL it Ml. li :i ri liioily, ami ntt otUraomineDtIyBM its tic iiiiitnl.iiro ol Um iiildn'. It is a aci HttuW contbtniitkM of tlie toetllclnaJ irnici- plrti and curative vlr- tliee Ol tlie uMM ilrti2, cbeinirUy ttflHtttl, ni imcb iMivver to insitrn the ptntntt (vossiliUl eftii b-ncv nml nuiloriu ity of result. It trikes at the lottasisttoti of nil pulmarmrr ilncnson, HfTorditiK rmint ndief niol i upld cures, nml in iolapte.1 to pnt tents of itty .i or either sex. Iteing very imlataWle. the younsest children tnke it rondily. In ordimnr 'ottffhs, 'oll. Sore Throat, BronoEitts, IttUiicnxn, Clerro'innn' NN l Atthnin, Croats tun! Q t.trrh. th.- effects of Aykh's CMMRV I'kc ioiiai trs taagicti, nod multitttdst Mrs an- iiuallv presftrved from serious illtuws hv Its tmiolv and faithful use. It should Iw kept at hand in every household lor the pro tection it affords in sudden attacks. la Whooping-cough .mi Consumption there is no other remedy so elhcucioos, soothing, nml helpful. Law prices are indiiceinents to try some ol the lasnv mixtures, or syrups, made of cheap and ineffective ingredients, now offered, which, a.s thev contain no curative ipinlilies. ran sffottl only temporary relief, ami arc sure to deceive ami disappoint tho patient. IMssnssn of the throat Mid lllturs domain! nclive and effective treatment; and it is dan gerous exponmrntiug with unknown nml cheap medicines, from the great liability that these diseases may, while so trilled with, become deeply seated or incurable. Usts Avku's ('iiKititr I'kctorai,, ami you msy confidently expect the best results. It is n standard medical preparation, o known am! acknowledged curative power, and is aa cheap as its careful preparation ami Hne) Ingredients will allow. Eminent physicians, knowing its composition, prescribe it iu their practice. The test of half a century has proven Its absolute certainty to cure all pul monary complaints not already beyond tho reach of human aid. Prepared by Or. J. C. Ayer fc Co., Practical and Analytical Chemists, Lowell, Mats. SOLD BY ALL IlKfoolsTS KVIRTWUCSI. nmm ointment IH A SPKSDY ASP Fl'KK CCUIC FOB Bltntl or IHrnlhi't Pilff, UxmarrhtmU, 8ri, Ulr -rn, Tninnrs. Itrhimj of the 1'nrtn Fis tulas um oil gvndVwi thsriitc ; alto of iiurnjf, Own, Frl.mi, f'ner Soret, &uM lltad, Ttttet, Sore 2Vtj(it cfc. Atlanta, Oi., A tig. S5, 1877. A f;rrsn exnerlenres.f twenty-live year In nelt- ln this olntiaenl, hiiiI durliiK tbsi time bavlnc closely watched IU WleclH, nml hnvliiK tbi't.sitl- ii,, ,, , ' inv irienos huh neiviinors to conurin my cinildi ti oi it', merits, I became fully satisfied of. Its value, and t have boiiitht the exclusive rlirbt 1st mas and s. II It and ofTerlt to you nstlio bain reea edy lii Hie woibl, esfwclally lorall forms of Pllea. VIE AD THE TESTIMONIALS i This Is in certify that I have tried I'ryor's Ptb Omtiiii'iit In a eaite r.f piles, nod atato that It Kave more relief chnn unytblnic I have ever tried. Ifur ther K(al" Unit as a remedy for bums It Is un paralleled. I also used It for a case of tetter tn mr Feat, n twenty yearn' standing, and say that It SB I lie drst I bliiu that I have ever tried that itave m more tiuoi tnomaatarv relief. I consider now thst 1 mil cntireli-relieved from that distressing rtls- eaee, jolt M i. M kwsom . Troup t'.iiinty, Ma. IWIXLXs ! Aiumoiiiated Ularl For Sale. A Cheap, i.atltiK, Fertilizer! A Rare Exception. The practice of iiuffinfr "patent'' niodi . , . .1. . cines is nimpiy nDominnme, anu we ui- courage it. Dut nil rules have their excep tions, nml we make one here. Hunt's Rem edy, the great kidney and liver medicine, has proved itself to be a valuable medicine, c ipalde of doing great geod to tmfftrerl front complaints of the kidneys, bladder, liver and urinitry organs. It has cured thousands. Whiit men wnnt i not talent, it is pur pose ; not the power to achieve, but the will to labor. I,.., rvi iiiiAvi i in. up ill trissl Hour lrrels, .".olbs. each H bar- tor tit) cash. Arrangement mav Is' made with ( not. J. II. Odeneal, t the I'aiiital stale Bank. Jackson, Miss., to get the HeftiUatroa time, until the crop Is made, or longer, If desired, without in t o -I One ton s barrels sill lie put on cars of V. A M K. It., for tlO.Se. The east rate of trans portation is very low one cent per mitt par ton. $7 .7) per car load to Newton. OnaTbomaad Tons now for Hale. For information as to using the KertUUer, either in I iiniiaallm. one barrel, with ti, sor it) barrels of home manures, enquire eilher in i,rsoii or by letter, at (.'apital Htale llanlt. or of K. K. KTIIK KI,AM. At Itroualier A Hniwue's Keed and Kurnishingstore, near tlie (Jlty Hall, jacssos, suss. Of Marl will lie inmlshcl at Jackson, to partlr n .ring to ne it on their gardens here. ( m?m9m. falsi I BUBA J. Mi Havks. j V 1 Kit i; OK A PKCRKE II A l)K IN THIS cause bv the t'liam erv oiirt of l-'irst District of Hinds County, State of Mississippi, al tin) March Term. 17. the undersigned I omniissioiier, ai IHilntcd by said imrt iu llil cause, will, on the IHh day of Ajirll, ISH.'!, within legal hours. In front of the City Hall, iu Jackson, Mississippi, expose to public sale to tho highest bidder, for cash, the fol lowing descrilssl lauds, lying ami being ia Hinds county, Mississippi, bi-wit: The S'A, Section 12, and tho VV)-- Sw' aaUOB 1, In Township live, Itange one, West ; and the W",, S!',, Heetlon 7, T. 3, Itaiige I, Bait, containing esQ aerin, more or lass, The lauds will lie sold subjeisl Ui the dowerof Mrs. Hliza J. Meltaven, and will t sold In pareoLs of not evceesling IW acres each. S. It. 1 IIOM s Having tmen Rflllcted for ten years, at Intervals, with linn distressing malady, the plica, and attar rnaiiv ItienVet iihI trials of toe remedies In common use. I commence.! a anon nine ago in use your rue ointment, t experienced Immediate relief. From the rell.1 experienced In my case, as well as from (lie reputation so rapidly acn.ul red by your Ointment In th: vtclnltv. I have no hesitation In expressing the opinion that It 1 the most efficient remedy tor plica ever luvcntcd. O. A. niT.I., i n mini 8i This Is to certify that I used Prynr's Ointment in a case of severe barn, Blra that to n very few davs It waa entirely relieved of all Inllamuiatlon, and heal"! rapidly. After thellrst application of the ointment, the patient suffered no pain what ever. V.. J. MOIlflAN, f.aOrange, Ua. ltythn ndvloo of Mr. VA'ynn, t used your Pile Ointment on ii servant girl who hud lieen sinter ing fof eight years with most aegruvaled cn,se of piles. Mia improved front the very first oajrvi Ma of vour ointment, and before usln ( tho bos she was entirely recovered. U. W. FOHTKIl, Cuiuctii, Ala. Th!" . 1 1 i certify that I Imve used Prvor's Pile Ointment, and esr that Ills, In tttj opinion, the Beat reo,oM. for piles Ve presented loth" pllhtle. I my II Is ;,,,ni a positive application ol the remodv on my o , i, person. THOU. II. M"jtlAN, Troup rrwetr.oa '.. u bv oil rtsoferi In rSAftrtHit, I'rlrr, FIFTY lKH U't f. Nrnt lot moil on rfrtiti of r- , , It It. J. r,UVIMt:i.r, Atlnntu, G. For MU rvcrmhere. MWCELLANEOUN. (Viuu)lMioncr. 1 UUSTEfc-S SALE. vnnri: 01 Tin: provisions oi-- ItY I) certain Deed in Tnust, exei utclj.v Marv Imle- crts and Annie -;. Iligglns, on the sb day of l-el ruary A. I)., laH2, to Sol. Dreyfus, I rustee, Insecure to I'. Hart a certain Indebl.sliiess therein inetitionH. which said deed of trust is raesnM in the ( Ssanoery Clerk's office of Rankin county. In Heed Book No. ML page UM, the mid. rsigned substituted Triistis', will priK-eed to sell, on l-'atnAV, TIIK 'JOtii iisy tie Aratb, UKS. in front of the Court House d.s.r in the town ol Brandon, Bankln county, Mississippi, to me highest bidder for cash, the laud lying in said itankln cooniy, and described as the west half of north-ast ipiarter and the ,iith-eaat ipiarter of oorth-.-iLst quarter oi section thirty-one.' in township five, range two, ea-t, logeiiier wltli tin- appuri. n- anci-s thereiiiilobelonginu' I shall only refSW b title as Is rested In tne as Trustee, though lb- title to said land is believed to Is- good. V. iuk'K, substitnb-d Tnurtee, . llrandon, Miss., March Al, UWH liaHfl.'UMt CHASCEBT XI MMONS. Tlli; STATK OF KOM issippf, TO J0. llKSNl.VOTOS. f YOi; A HE COMMANUKI To AITKAB ltl fore the Cbaaeery Coart, First IHstriot, of the I onntv of Hinds, hi ai, I Slate, al Hubs., on th Fisirr M'ixdav or Mat, INK, to defend the suit in said l our! on arohni: lleniilugton. wherein ran an a defendant. W. T. HA1I.II F, Oerk. Jackson, March 2S, lSS.-l-3w.. My overworked wife was restored to per fect health by Parker's Ginger Tonic. Pas tor Elgin M. . Church. II. II. MAV KM, JR., ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Jackson and llazlcharst, Miss. 1K0MIT ATTENTION IJIVKN TO ALL BC8I ness entrusted to me. Special attention paid to business In Supreme, Federal and Tnlted Statist Courts, and to business in adjoining Counties. Spe cial attention given to the Collection of Claim-. Address either ol the above place. Jsn.J, IMHfb NOTICE 8 IIKREIIY OIVKN THAT TUB HHITISII I Aiuerle Assurance oinpauv, ot Toronto, r.m Kiln, will withdraw Its ilejs.sii from the Stale Tu as tir, on the 7lh d.iyol August, lsst. I W M. I,. IIKMINOW A V, f,b.V : ' State Treaoin i IaBiTa4 COTTON. SKA IN, VUASSKS. vrlilTA BUCfa. ara the lara- iwnwnkwn wars and nit .sdaalara nay- ;wneret bam faenUlee 'for IKST HKEOSL 'rnls ewd Farm at Manual - orr, d esr rip . anltwrw w Itiraim.Oraas- aoaum of Showwttaas or VDUKC tjpring .ol,.. if,FWd. Oardari. Vbnrsr' and fna Heeds and Flanta, PttKB. Mbv'i Furmrrif a Imismu ainrets. imltsjUWnGsr,!,,!,!,,, 10 rente. HIRAM SiBLEY A. CO., Seedsmen. Meafcaatar, M. T. and tkUecw, in. MILL & FACTORY SUPPLIES or ai l kinds, belting, hose and PACKING, 0!LS, PUMPS ALL KIND, 1 10 N P:'rL. FITTINGS, na .v s C00D3. oTEam gauges, :. E GOVERNORS. Ac. Send for ; !i;t, ". H.DILI INGHAM A CO. ,',-m U i :trcet. LCU15VILLE, KY. POUTZ'S HORSE AND CATTLE POWDERS 1 11111 . PamT3lilet Printing, Oca faailitles sre oomulata for tlta prompt and accurals printing of CUloua, alinutea, Hy lwt, Itrlefs. ate. Laiiaiatas faroiaaed an appllas Hob. AdSraaa, Iowa DjttABAi.B, Jaekasa, alias. Ho lloitse wtll die of 0 Rl If Kr,ni7's I'owut r. ars os.'-l lr. time. rotor's Powderswlllnirenn li, relent llool Fout't I'owdcn will pre, o t;ies i Fowls, toutics Powders will Ineren.,. tlie nesntltv of milk and erenui tv, only per ceut, and make tho butler firm and sweat. Font1 Powders will cire or prevent almost stkst Disuss io whicli Horses and I attic are ribjeet. l'oi T7.' PownrSt WILL GlVS'BATUr ACTIO. ISold evMwbera. PAVID E. POtJTZ. Proprietor. SALTIMOKZ.MD. IF