Newspaper Page Text
e Clarion. .ftS or SUBSCRIPTION: ft , gut Tils. " w , jtoSTa.- - - w -noma oe wmmm or pomimtr oruer . . P CaaU "S Ww. .. . -' . S 1 . .a MtU-hen rMiiooslNc lot Uxm. LC-,4tm to lend ich "uhscriNT 1 noUc r ' . . ...1 .k-i I '..1 -fcltaaal in nta-st.. fw-nins. as- rfer of IA jaurtoU wmri be n v, Bt one rear for the ua Mated : U - . f. a aa 11 . M A I OrK?' ' , , 5 CO U Wklv Herald. - J SO Arrwnifrarlt, N. V . I 50 r' Jtoathly, - 4 5 I, Weekly, - 4 7S V, Bazar, ( Weekly) 4 ti .. Younz IVi.lf, 'Weeklr) - 75 rmn--.oTi. Boston, (WesklTi, 3 or- Wwkly iiettld Ni.-"dit, Meridian;, t tlVcoril, (OintoB), Advertisins Kates. . 3 00 3 00 1 W. S W. 4 W. J K.13 . 4 . I if- h 1 00S1 75 t. V':l (rt ft o47 0O;i2 50 20 i 00 3 00 4 Vf r, 0l' 1 U" II 00 HO 30 ?, fK 1 Vl 6 '0 7 Sfl 12 VM6 W) l 40 In C J i 0J 10 00 17 0"20 00 SO , 0 00 IS 012 20 00. .t0 00' 4S H'l 10 OUT. OO 15 00 2" 00 S.5 00." 0O S0 1. 00,11 01: 17 30.33 0040 0O,60 o")0l . '. - J,- . -. nv t: 011 vi o(i ri." otkSo 'jo 1 10 IjfC.)! - .,, vi rtJr ftf'0 Ort-'IOO '1V '".Vl .li,a -.-'i..t tir.t inrtioil. Mil!'' berviM '; ';,, . 7 ten per cent. UI be allowed vTeed. n all contract f S10 jpnain..-- n y. j--rted t the rate pre- iX-'! " ' '" ' ,1'.- r K-rwinl. rt in-rtion ; Brit1 '' ' , i:,inl iiu-Ttion, and 75 cent foi iJ'-'-' ' . . . .i, rut! iaiKTtwl for a lonuar li ' ..,t,t niot i-Dd thci uf ?olid . . aadtaaa, to appear on locni pag!,. m y , ne .j, insertion. rflPTV. r :, l nSl, S hty will b.. BHBaana- ttoa reports come from was I he worins are ltriPPi,,g thc u-re, from the plants and attacking the MI, and it said that in many dis-eae-foturth of a crop will not b UW i- a prospect of a new postal Iterapfa company which may in the prove H formidahk rival to the festen Unioa The new compam ,rated June M, 1S1, by Henry .1 r..,.nt V'icp-Preaident, --ccreUry Fandrnw uiul amuel 1:1 a .Lii' a : AMV.00O. N. ;:. Circuit Court at Raymond, fiaerge C. Granbery, colored, is, two an ago, was elected to the position oi R.-pre-'i.tative from Hind, county, and Ltely a public .-ehool teacher, was con ". . 1..1. wt aMiMimd to three 1 ,.ctel 01 a iuivcij n tli eonnti -...II- 1 It. I It 1-1 1 111 HI 1 - 1. 1 ,. , f .iu. neun dpr- Mil BIHI LU sund that complaint was made Win by the friends of one int-i of hit pupil-. ' . m v-i-. riX ri.nesoondi nis report & bat the maniieatatkHH of public opin .had . v.v ii. nr.-. and otherwise lore IV" . ... , wa strong eflbrl next winter to estao li a Gowenuaent poata) telegraph cotk par. wh may be too strong to be re sUtoii l ilie system ..f dead head passei D embers of Congress. 15y the waj ;r anv member of Ommnm should m Bgmged in the dead "shoot bim on thc d P - l)ii-iri( :i:ivl- been arrested fm r of ronnz Sayle at Oakland, de county. They cm-hod hi his throat, stabbed him in i es, robbed him and kicked tlu a ditch. Jud- Lynch wa , t iii bis work, hut the (Jov-bi-ing apprized of ihe move- a dispatch warning against nroof is clear, thev will hi Tallahi null. .1. ...... , ni. nt, seal it. A tin convict id and hung if law. tried by due Sr. Loon Kepudlk ax: If the story told by tho New York Truth concerning the sehemhsft bargaining and hypocrisy hv which Stanlev Matthews was put on the Supreme bench of the United State- b to be believed, it is one ot tue most ikgracefnl in the history of shame cov (ring the Hayes and Garfield period Stanley Matthews' part in the great fraud fev which the Democratic party sni robbed of the victory it had wen in the election of Mr. Tilden estops bis from settinc un his character as kdefeiica against these damaging charges. lit is well to add. that Dorsey gives names and dates, and that his statement has not been refuted.) Illinois Centra!. The directors of tbe Illinois Central Rai!r..;id elected the following officers: Preside nt, James C.Clarke; Vicc-Presi dents. S. V K. Ackerman and Stuyve- saut Fish : Treasurer, L. V. F. Randolph ; Sei retarv. L A. Catlin. litional items will SUV ii'p. J ii: he interesting to our readers: mil j " roixrs. A large force of men has been organ ;. ,n -c-t ,!...,: Vmililinirs on the Can ton, Aberdeen and Nashville branch of the Bia .1 road. At AOeraeen, ei P.xl-t .,,! tortvillr. thi rlpOOtS Will lie umi anu . . t 1 1 nf r,ri,.i- i,l will cn.t i5.000 each. The rest of the depots wiil be frame build i n .w 1 l 1 fnnt iur:i uv 1 ' itvit . On the' Yazoo branch 23 miles of track hsvp linen laiil and. unless rain inter feres, the branch will be open for busi m isn Kor 1 . The" track of the "Big J," south of F-.t ruir. iu K..ino- miseil four feet for a distance of six "miles, and ballasted with rock. A short time ago a rock quarry was discovered at Bvram, on the "Big J," and up to date MOcax loads of rock have been taken from it. If the quarry holds out it is the intention of the company to ballast all of the Southern division with rock, and to make the road-bed Mill more solid than it is now. Telegraphic Postal Service. Memphis Appeal: The question fif telegraph service in connection ith the postoftice is widely discussed by thc pub lic press, and the outcome of the dis . cussion appears to be a follows: The pjv?ftftsiriot to buy the tsresent pri vate line, but mun . tss vw. It has the same right to build and operate as corporations have. The gov ernment lines should not be a monopoly; competition would check abuses on the part of the government and of the cor porations. The Western Union is a Monopoly injurious to the public in terests and to commerce. The telegraph hae can be largely extended with ad vantage; and quick postal communica tion U wanted to take the place of slow ails. The telegraph should be the poor man's mail as well ss the rich one's The postaire authorities aeree that there wonld be no important difficulty about dding a telegraph service, the letter carriers delivering the telegrams, ine tost will not be great and the sendee will ruT t nwn expenses, while rates will be lower. The necessary service will be SDoointed not bv the politicians, bat nntW tV.ii Pivil Service rules. The opinion is senersl that at its next i Congress most take same steps to ward checking telegraphic monopoly, sad for the protection and fntherance of general quick communication among the peopk. Vint Bale by the Jackson Bailroad. Orncs iLuaow Cwtux B. R-Co., 1 Kaw OaLSAsTa. Ann. 15, 1883. i EtJtTons PicxTUsn First bale new - " .vwiu ,uie vi-J s- . boa, shipped by John Evans to I- M Hosi'Oo. This is eight day earlia than last season, first bale received her August 33, 182. Yours troly, Dak. G. JtoaSY, Agent, At Dsaville, yfct Wm. Sheppr wnfle returning home with his tittta so in a wssbb. n.Li,r dead by t received this day from J-swi--ipped bv John Evans to X. PoRTfrE(iA8iOT Home Education. I find in my notes of oral lecture taken forty yearn ago in a distant Uni versity, some facta philosophically con sidered, bearing on the subject, indica ted in the heading of this; and am in duced to re-write what follows as an ap propriate Contribution tn rtimwt lit. ture at this tim arh --, ... ... . ml UMW UC doubtless considering the question of the selection ct a school for children and wards Tk i- . r. v Theeirliest friendships, the friend- ..:. n . . . ships which are naturally contracted when ".- ,.-- uwi 19 mm um.tuuuic u that feeling, are those among brother, and sisters. Their good agreement, the heart is most susceptible of while thev remain in the same familv, V O is I necessary to its tranquility and happi ness. They are capable of giving more pleasure or pain to one another than to the greater part of other people. Tkei situation renders their mutual svm pathy of ths utmost importance to their . . common happiness; and, by the wisdom , . . ... I of Nature, the same situation, bv oblic ingthem to accomodate themselves to one another, renders that sympathy more habitual, and, thereby, more lively, more distinct and more determinate The children of brothers and sisters are uaturallv connected bv thp friend ship which, after separating into differ ent families, continues to exist between their parents. Their good agreement improvps the enjovment of that friendship; their discord would di.-turl it. As thev seldom live in the sanif family, however, though of more impor tance to one another than the greater part of other people, they are of much lew than brothers and sinters. And as their mutnal ympathy is less necessary, so it 9 less habitual and, therefore, propor tionately weaker. The children of cousins, being still less connected, are of still less importance to one another, and so natural affection gradually diminishes as the reaction grows more and more remote. What is called affection i- in reality. nothirg but habitual sympathy. Our concern in the happiness or the misery of those who are the objects of our af fections: our desire to promote the one, and prevent the other is either the actual feeling of that habitual sympathy or the necessary consequence of it. Relations being usually placed in situation- w hich naturally create this habitual sympathy it is expected that a suitable degree o! iffection Rbouktake place among them We generally find that it actually does take place, wo therefore uaturallv expect that it should; and we are, upon thai ice.iiiiit. more shocked when we fine' that it does not. The general rule b -taldished lhai persons related to one mother in a certain degree, ought al wmy to he aSected toward one aaothe. in a certain manner ; and that there i dwsys the highest impropriety, and ometimes even a sort of impiety, in their being affected in different man ner. A parent without parental tender ness, a child devoid of all filial reverence ippoir monsters, the objects not of otir hatred only, but of our horror. Though, in a particular instance, the circumstances which usually produce these natural affections, njay, by some accident, not have taken place, yet re spect for the general rule will, frequent ly in some measure, supply their place. and produce something which, though not altogether the same, may bear how ver, a considerable resemblance to those Affections. A father is apt to be less at tracted to a child, who, by some means has been separated from him in infancy. ind does not return to him tin he nas zrown up to manhood. The father is ipt to feel less paternal tenderness for the ehilil. in such ca.e: and the child ess filial reverence for the father Brothers and sUter-, when they have been educated in distant countries, are apt to feel a similar diminution of affec tion. With the dutiful and the virtu us. however, respect for the general rule w ill frequently produce something which, though by no means the same vet very much resembles those natursl Affections. Even during the separation, the parent and the child, the brothers, or the sisters, are by no means indiffer ent to one another. They consider one another as persons to and from whom e fftata affections arc due, and they live iu the hope of being sometime in a situ stion to enjoy that' friendship which I i ought naturally to exist among persons I t Till thev meet. 1 sio lieilll uuuiiiii... - -j k..w,n the absent brother, are absent brother, are 1 ., ..i.r iV,o fsi-nr te treoueutiy iuv iu.uv brother. They have never offended, or, J" ..." - - - I if thev have, it is so long ago that the i '1!-L I nffensc s forgotten, as some cnuuiau omnsf T ' i v,,,v trick, not worth remembering, tvery accouut they have heard of one another, . j i s--i nf nnv tolerable II conveieu ui in. s Hood Mture, b been in tbe bigbest de- S aJ andl.voiable. Tbe absent son, the absent brother are not like other ordinary sons and brothers, but a perfect son, a perfect brother ; and but a pertect so p tne most ruiuuii. "r i me uiusi of the happiness to be enjoyeo. m u.c ... l ..ualinn nf alich Per- ... i i - , friendship and conversation of such per- sons. Aud when they meet it is often with so strong a disposition to concede that habitual sympathy which consti- ..... -u-r.:is. otTeet on that they are tutcs tue laui.ii .,s. , . ived it, and to behave to one another as if they had. Time and expeneuce, however, it is be feared, too freqoently undeceive them, upon a more milisr acquaintance they discover in one another s habits, humors and iuclinstions different from what .v w.trl towh eh. from want oi luc.' --. ' .1.- . f,m ant of the habitual syrnpai".', - , : :-. ,,rl foundation of What IS real priui-n"- r ,ir J1 the family affection, they can not'now y accommodate hem- have ver'-n the selves-, -yhave ncver- n -wtmitifVwiTTclraj rirsi uece-sariiy lorces that easy accommodation; and tnougn they may now be sincerely desirous to assume it, they have really become in- capnble of doing so. Their laminar cou- i Kosnma versation and intercourse w ' versation anu iuk.. less pleasing to them upon that sc- , t .,-it Thev mav con- count less ocmuvm - count. k -i ,rv-P the tinueto live mutual exchange o ces uu " ,t.. p zxl ,r and with each otuer Use, which naturally take place m tne .. e i who have lived !rje.d familiarly with one another, it seldom happens ' vWfr; the dntifil It is only, nowe, , , and the yi'rtuoas that the 5 rule hfithi. .leader satbonty. W ith the dissipated, tbe profligate and tn. ' r , trded. They ia, it is enr, trr are so far iron. . . m.3i : . . . . isj mt xans w Maly from one trans With PftTnro- another for tne 1 1a .oldnd dace ma remblanos of reai raj -j verv st !snd' -L v tbe alum test M,Tr'lon of interast, com- bb -i-t-T-z. tt .itaMtner. T J !fTT t distant g? 1TT at distant cot- heel, ot yonn aen of vonnc lease; ot .""" , fibrmit seems most C0U ee and tcate F B L The ' i"" 1 1 1 ' 1. - 1 1 Vol. Xlvi. pot them under the neceaaity of being dutiful children, and aflsctionate 1 .c j 1 . . , r . i brot ana sisters; te? inem eaocsic them in their own homes. From their , , . , andaaSS, routlv Pdsy to attend public schools: but lei Ihnr dwelling be aheayt at kerne. Respect for tneir Darents most aiwars impose a verv useful restraint uoon the conduct of children; and respect for children may frequently impose a no less useful restraint upon that of parents. Surely no acquirements, which can possibly be dorived f mm whit i called a nublic edu va.wisu. tou uia-r owi, v.. ..... j - . . tion for what is almost certainly and n i. r : - -j..- cation, can make any sort of compensa necesttarilv lost bv it. Domestic educa tion is the institution of nature; public education, the contrivance of man. It is surely unnecessary to say which is likely to be the wisest. In some tragedies and romances we meet with many beautiful and interest ing scenes founded upon what is called, the force of blood, or upon the wonder ful affection whieh near relations are supposed to conceive for one another even before they know they are at all rcl-tod Thi. fore of hlnod however. it is t be feared, exists no where but in trarra,liafi anil rm;i nff'ti . r.ven In tragedies and romances it is never sup posed to take place between any rela tions but those who are naturally bred uo in the same house; between parents 'US I.IUI'HIII, 1' v v . . To imagine any such mysterious affec nA .li .1.1 lirntlior. Ullii KlctPr 'tr tion rteiween coubine or huiius auu uncles.nephcws and nieces.would lie only too ridiculous. W. II. Head. Crystal SrntXOS, Aug. 14, 183. Koii Tirr. f'LAK:(i:.'j I.e( Me Kttu My Mauimu a Feet. .1 True tteUnL BY MAOOIE A. DOWXISU. Dedicated to Little Mary Went Griffin, Dry rirove.l The mother lav told and stiff in thc icy embrace at death. Her only child a p-xir little hlu; eyed larlins I .okeii up with tear stained tace ana trcm- ulini!ly asked: ' Please, let m ee oiy Mamma, "You cannot my child'' was the reply, "Your mamma U so dianged." "Then, pleas ma'am let me kiss mv Mamma'- feet." The cold mutionle feet wen- bared, and kneeling down the little one. I'-arco five minimer old, reverently claiel, then kied the feet ol the dead mother. The eal u; death KM on the brow o beautiiul and lair. Still shaded by the chotnut rings ol soltiy eunmg The eves that danced wiih melting love the la.hes hair: . ... brown and i..o(f . . flic i-urvini; liiw so wont to break in metouies 01 sone, .av motionlcs. foreverstill. unheedinir even now r baby'- pleadinga for a glimpse of Mamma s face or brow. 1 heu lei rni ki.-s ir.y Mmu.a's Icet," came iu lliat baby ioiie ,. , , Vi like beam M golden lubt an anget s lairy l"he lii-le .irpham sl.od dose by the mother s lone choice. ... ly bier, - , , ' ln ntjtu r-urN and saddened rars?, her violet eye: iu tear- - , picture meet to move a heart ol cruelty or, ilil teach each Iikuui how to b-el the knell 01 "JMwri juuf. Mease let uie Vim uiy Mamma ing i losi Ix'Hide 'iie htniMa 1'ier, sh.-i laaed the her head and cried ; abbM as a child alui- can , ami rare, 'l.-.i ..nil- make till" flowl so l'cei,'' uutl Uneol ieot, liowet d'.wn ;reat gulp ot oc in niuro bemiliful and fair; . , . . . . lirioveil as a child alone ran icci, an usanwa au.. So lonely, mother, ia-.her gone '. no friend to make u s. I It glail. PtoSM let me kis my Manmia's feet,'' (bo acretl kis vu eiven. . .... ... And sealed Sj weeping angel banrts wiiiini in' .,.,t.. f lia.von The little lip, art BOM and sweet, have bluilin tl" mouier - ciay . , , , 4. , ind hallowed it twneath the sod until the Unal Pwo Imil arms with truest love have wreathed the wearv one; . . . : rwo little hands have clasped those met wiih sacn tieial groaa. )h would that we, in life, should learn this Immbie To bathe, our dear old mother's feet with tears ol blew! a pure; , To wind around her drooping form our youug ami Vigorous arm. . . And lend to her declining years each day a brighter For lometh-e we must feel the blow that slabs tbe babv's heart . And -neellng clasp thc weary feet, ere ironi tue clay we part- Praying Against Time. Talking against time is common in Congress, but praying against time 18 the device of a clever Brooklyn child, who will know how to get her rights when she comes in sight of them. The fire burned low in the Franklin stove, the cat was asleep on the rug, and not a mouse stirred behind the wainscot its the mother wrote by a shaded lamp with a noiseless pen. All the house put on slippers of velvet when little Rose went to bed, for sleep and she were ene mies, and she fought him to the last evelash. Her voice came from tiie bed room now with no sound of surrender in it. It was better to be at prayer than ir, he asleeo. and of course no one could Jotfg-, j iAjrU ot ovj i g0 in tBe omuibus to see . r oi nnrl nil the aunts and i a. mil miji" -- - , Uieces and mothers. Keep me safe, for nieces anu nionicio. -- - . .. . 1 limi Alflrirnrp.t anri I 1 Want 10 RO anu swa- b, V, - ,. Don't let it hail, or : see what icau see. Don't let it nan, or fnr T want to ITO iu the : S 1 1 0 ' . lil 1 .. 1 1. , .v.. - - omuibus to see Aunt Margaret very i i ...J .,11 tin. .Hints and mucu inueeu, aim n nieces and mothers. Make me well so ! ncn in the omnibus; please do. , mndpa and grandma, Aunt Kate I uLuio nrl fr. t'harles Swan. nun auiii 't"" . , ., BlM, p,p, and rnaniii, and 11. .1 jd. j. & I a 8brt anfi tBen the wideawake, defiant voice went on : "Keep grandma from dying before she here. Don't let anything happen t h L)on t let' any Dears or , wild t I 1 Jim , 1 ueusia .. r sj m .randnia and Mr. Charles Swan, and Aunt Kate and Annt Jtohnu- m nn. uiess srramipa ami id be ain: fQ apple8i I long for triilk. i , , , i mne to ne eoou. - ,t miiit t . . . , T t L had not niu ."-is " some wa wng molM T long for white bftd , lonf t0 be a woman. I thank OJJ U hereffor it grieves him to have W"na htVi and he buys me things lKJiitia ilit, -o to sleep. iniu.. r-.'--- I " A vn A yawn, a wu.1"" "'. then silence presently announceu mai, I . ... ... w answered, and that tne iiwi. pi.j. " r , rejgoed. Editor's Drawer, in Har- per's for September. Soma Autumn Styles. A WAIXIWG PKESS FOK A IJtTLE OIW., WITH NOTES OF OTHKH COSTtTMES. A pretty walking dress fr a little girl ;. mile of" dark royal blue camel s hair- -- , tbe understirt is clodi JJQ yruffle8of dark. U " , . i .t i.vt deep shirred i velvet, .tuuir , I V ,..j a v nf the camel's-hair I v bodice, of dark-blue WZStlwmi with . plastron "-f,' relret. A small panier sad collar oi -- - opens in a ". j Kfi r cane of j-ohae velvet, over which tarns the n of the leraev. Tbe cape toWetto ftoi swings of jmjnSLrvz eons nnisn w "" ''".-" "Tl to., are set np each side of the open jket. fancy cloth. Of rr , V: ahowa hevond a I TI skirt .-f i blocks and embroidered s,ur-!SS w 1 dmjck u m r. . . . . ing of brown velvet. W fiSfam! Odah otimrwith a huge B w--s, - d " WWL T. A Hrt hnt in exacuv T A lanre ss""' -".. ri , - . tara-orer cauar cux tt wotaerea, as are ma ' 1 eiose coat sleeves. . ..Tl.. . atrlW referred tolis S VUl .t :.i.y tc. nnW WW wnwui - winafli3 1 , - , , . .1 . if. hi 1 ' "Bums -' ' t' ''-.' n.,,1. Jacksox, Mississippi, Wednesday, August 22, 1883. No- 34 JFFFF&M. .US' IEHT "rL,(utesat -. I . itni ! TO JUDGE BLACK'S PBETENDKD "SECESSION SECRETS." The First Shot at Fort Sumter Who is ResDonsible for it The following is published in the Phil adelphia Times of the 8th inst : To the Editor of the Times: Various cirumstances which would be tinecessary to relate here have delayed this notice of the public utterances of Judge Jere miah S. Black. Under the ad captandum title of ''riecession Secrets" he opens his unwarranted attack upon myself thus: "Mr. Davis now caargeshim (Mr. Buc hanan) with timidity because he did not evacuate the forts and let secession have everything its own way. That is ridicu lous. Mr. Davis also makes a sinner of his judgment when he expresses the opinion that if iu utter had been given up no other State than South Carolina would have gone out. In truth and in fact Mr. Davis and all other Secessionists desired that evacuation for the sole pur pose of making their predetermined de- purtuiL" easv auu sate, oucu a cuuspic uous act of concession would have been an acknowledgement of their right to secede, and they would have tumbled out as fast as they could formulate their ordinances. If Mi. Davis will tax his memory a little he will recollect easily enouzh that his object in trying to influ ence Mr. Buchanan in this direction vvas to remove an obstacle from the path on which he and his constituents had made up their mind to travel. South Caro lina tried to bully the President. Others, including Mr. Davis, tried to coax him. It is no evidence of timidity that he resisted them both." TiirlorA Rlnflr tifroin sunmps tn rl- 4 scribe mv conduct and to assign to it a i I - i t .. i rl motive wnicn l pronounce uiterty ime inexcusably false, because if he had de sired to know the truth he could have learned it by conference with either of his associates in Mr. Buchanan's Cabinet with whom i held about that time fre quent and unreserved conversations, believing, as I had reason to do, that he. like myself, desired a. peaceful solu tion of the issue-: which then threatened our constitutional fJnion, or he might a 1 P he nil in it 1 motives bv ! ha vp rounu rvaat were reference to the speeches I had made during the many years I had served in the two houses of Congress or by an appeal to any other source purer than his own imagination. It may be well that my opinions were not of sufficient importance to him to induce a search through the speeches of my many years ot service; out winie nis uunu was so actively engaged in the affairs of Charles- aetivelv engaged in the aitairs ol UUarles- ton and my proposal in regard to it, it i ; t,t l. .n,-,4Wl that he ttonbl look 1 . -t!ii . - .V i ;n iiif 1 1 I :u l-tiit li u un i yji 111 1. 1 ill i in tue t Hired nuties .enau ., T . 1 1 , . 1 ' . of January 10, iStll. The pending motion being to print the special messsage of (he President of Januarv 9, 18G1. 1 said: 'Had thc garrison at Charleston, rep resenting the claim of the Government to hold the property in a fort there, been called away thirty days, nay, ten days ago, peace would have spread its pin ions over this land, and calm negotia- t woil.nmvXe,r the order ! , s.-i ... . n-j-i xr-I day. Why was it not recalled'.' No reason yet has been ottered, save that the CJovernment is bound to preserve its property. And yet look from North to South, from East to West, wherever we have constructed forts to defend States against a foreign foe, and everywhere vou hntl them without a garrison, ex cent at a tew points where troops are ; ...... ....... , t?lZteT:tt:L&?d coast fortifications there merely for the purpose of discipline and instruction as irti leris-s Yo will find all the other i for 1 in ti.e b ol TrtknWan ornZ'tXt -dtfoa moSd nn.l oatriotie oeonle standing safelv . At a. Tt . Ui; J'!I ..I I. i."l " . wishes aud opinions, the position was distinctly stated which Judge Black now treats as something new and makes the basis of a .slanderous misrepresenta tion. With like recklessness of assertion he denies that Mr. Buchanan ever enter tained an idea of public property at Fort other than that of the fort with i its contents, and yet in the very begiu- Iltllg Oi LllU 1UI I tBJH'UUCllVC ... 1... .ii.-i letter, of Gov. Pickens to the President the Governor wrote: "In relation to the public property of the United States within Fort Sumter, the Hon. L W. Hayue, who will hand you this commu nication, is authorized "to give you the pledge of the State that the valuation of such property will be acccouuted for," etc., etc. tnwuj s.i...f o i ij..,u i ....... n fit nartv tn T ....... K,, Tt,rrt nioi.l-'- fjoiiiitiel'ltioil ui ouuui i-aiui.i.n .... trusted with the protection ot either al nr nomnniil tirrmertv of the United k trusted w th the 1 1 . ... . v I 1 f . t States." She needs no defense against u. 1 1 i-nlmr aauortinns which l"c ;" ciiaracterize this revelation of so-called secei0n secrets, merely noticing the cunning excuse whieh is offered for the denunciation, i. e.. that South Carolina had previously seized "everything in and about Charleston except one fort." It will be remembered that the Govern ment of South Carolina resting under the assurance that both Federal and State Government would not attempt to make a change so as to disturb the existing condition of affairs allowed the unoccupied forts to remain as they were, and forlnire to seize Fort Sumter when it was without a garrison. She remon- " na-V . ., 8 . ... .. ...i .1 1 la 1.1. , nucu havimr dismantled it. sniked -tr-risrt when tne trarnson iu r in .uuui- . . ,. .i.j . the guns, and burned the carriages, was : removed under cover ot nignt to run " . . .. . -A Sumter. Could there have been a more hostile demonstration than this? Was it honest to conceal tbe fact that therefrom followed the seizure of the unoccupied forts? The order resulting in this change of status is one of tbe claims Judge Black makes for service rendered to tne Hninn it mnv deserve to be followed to its consequences and viewed in con nection witn contemporaneous eveuia. Itoccurred when South Carolina, hope ful of a peaceful solution of all pending issues, had sent three of her most dist in sniished sons as commissioners to visit &. . 1 .1 tt J J . A.L.. and comer wnn tne rrraiueui. mwn proof cannot be needful that South Car olina had no design to attack Fort Moul trie or take other aggressive action. Mr. Buchanan with the Keen peroep tion of a patriot desiring to avoid civil war, saw the danger which this move ment portended and with the sensibility of a man of honor shrank from the impu tation of bad faith. Therefore he wrote to the commissioners of South Carolina on the 30th of December, 1860: "When I learned that Maj. Anderson had left Fort Moultrie and proceeded to Fort Sumter, my first promptings were to command him to return to his former position and there to await contingencies presented in his instructions." The President then proceeded to notice the -arxtrHv-orj-nrrino- events which followed this act, for which it is now known he was not responsible To enforce the propriety of retaining a tort Doui to ;. .tu. Ki.r and eitv of Charles- Urn after it had ceased to be regarded . a, J. 1 1 . there ss a means os aeieoOT, w. w. considered a menace only maintained to destroy, Jdoge Km -nertjtimt the fort "beioagea to whs 1 l. r; a fr hv than thev bad 1, rK. nmrwrtv rirht to a wui "r- .r -r-i a-. it, wtacb was not tPr est degree nv couvn vstvuh. . .kirn of Soatb Carolina to t oTaiMsiao of im undoubted riarht of ,T .,. -- a narbt which i ot propeny wwj w w w I am led to inquire into the verity of tbe assertion. . From wham did the States buy the stteT lira atom M r n !L at maul th harbor of Charleston were within the Territory of Sooth Carolina, and the ex-Attorney ..-. 1 mn Kj )n to hare known w- v th me to (usavida for the de fence of certain twrts and harbors in the - i United States, March , iih. " .ut that no tncss Shall bfi 9 here such lands are tbssroperty of a tate. It follows therefrom that tbe a eoctld not have Mrchased these - i tes from South CaroUsia, bat we are not i this niav( taetimcny. CLARI to be found in the Sut- Large of South Carolina, vol. n ; is flu Minx ss follows -r . .. , ! , tun is we ncror iecwwa, . , Qf the JV Xorthern meD wi,0 did not South Carolina, which we omit.) concur with Judge Black in his war- The aenerous costidertce which South i Ifgettins. measures, I will cite first (Sinab!adi AsGovemment is man-! J, State, Senator S A. Douglas of ifested in this deed of session. The con- j VhnoK. who w,l not be .uspcctcl of ditioa. imposed were only such as would 1 P hJ Vthlfin leave the State free to occupv the sites I of March, 18C1, offered in the I nited for purposes of defense if the United tota i Senate a resolution rcomm.d StatessouldfUto fortify and garri- j the withd rawal of garnso.j . from son within the specified time. Bu as forts tfain lhe h'A ,,f ,atcs a general proposition, it will be scarcely I (Here follows extracts from Mr. Doug denied that if .a giant be diverted from ; h d from 0ou gcott and the end for which it was made and ac- , cepted it thereby becomes void. In thc Gen. Robt. Anderson thc officer m com deeds of session made by New York and mand of Fort Sumter, advising the Virginia, with mire caution than was . .,, " . ... v -- exhibited bv South Carolina, specific ; " J Tl..,.. xr- roservauoiie were uiauc. xnu.- York, in granting a site for tbe Brooklyn Navy Yard, recites: "The United States is to retain such use and jurisdic tion so long as said tract shall be applied to the safety and defense of the city and port of New York nod no longer." Vir- mni. in oxlinir flip site f if Krirt res. Mon- guu-f . . ..., roe aud the shoal kjoown as the Ripraps, I , , . . 1 1 .L.. II .1 .1J .1... i nrnvirl in the dead that "should the i tue .lurai, said United States st any time abandon I as the instigator of the measnves which said lands or shoal, or appropriate them j he, like others, should have anticipated to any other purposes than those indica- j would result in a conflict of arms, aud ted in the preamble to this act, that the j offers in evidence of his zeal the argu land in that case shall revert bj and re- j ment pressed upon the President for the vest in this Commonwealth." employment of the army and navy, tin-. hl iut forth that tbe Gov ernment of the Urd States was solici tous to obtain those lands for the pur pose of fortification and objects of na tional defense. To deny that a State possessed eminent domain is the growth of recent davs. Even so late as 1836 Massachusetts declared that "The sov ereignty and jurisdiction of the Common wealth extends to all places within the boundaries thereof, subject only to such right of concurrent jurisdiction as have been or may be granted over any places ceded by the Commonwealth to the United States." If the same rule of rights holds good to the States equally, then every reservation recognized and accepted "in the cession of one State must be regarded as binding in relation to all cessions of like tenor. So far as the United States might purchase land from an individual, It would not there by acquire either the jurisdiction or . r ,:...... tnA In il,jrl nf cession CAcuipuuua c ..." VI- - ' would hold subject to tbe laws and iw r.f tlio cnvpriilirn State. Then' I submit, unless there was pro prietary right to the Brooklyn Navy Yard and the Watervliet Arsenal, there was none to Fort Sumter. As a sample of Judge Black's dis courtesy and unwarranted invective to wards a" State 1 cite the following sen tences : "tue tiemano ior wc emtumiuu m : Fort Sumter and the surrender into the ! hands of South Carolina was, take it air The demand for the evacuation of i ;. 11 tlia mint imnnrlent thinfr tn the i ... , ... 1 c - i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I nil. wiinu. . ....... . . j insultingly insisted upon its surrender j m hAr avnwodlv with intent to use it for ! !.:..--.. f tvnrlA .inth am mil : UOCbllC Jim pws... t.j . . . . men to which it belonsred. and now Mr. 1. ..... , I mi.nUM Onr.jiri-t the Govern Davis complains that this absurd de mand was not acceded to." How far such epithets may be excused will be best understood by quoting the language employed in making the de cial envoy of South Carolina, in abaUer to his Excellency, James Buchanan. mand, lheuon. Isaac w. nayne, spe to his Excellency, James rweuanan, President of the I nitetl States, written at Washington, January 31, 1861, used the following language : "You will perceive that it is upon the presumption that it is solely as property that you continue to hold Fort Sumter that I have been selected for the per- thA il 11 1 v unAn which 1 T . 't ' n, . mili. tao demand the surrender of T'Zl U t lts Attorney Gener ctaun for the State the exercise of the undoubted right of eruinent domaiD and i0 P1 tlfe Sute rJ$& rights of property w hteh may arise from Tiif Piririwr in iiic vhuiu .-vvav the nublic peace, and it is submitted that i on her part there is scarcely any consid- i erationof mere property apart from j honor and safety which could induce her to do aught to jeopardize that peace, , still less to inaugurate a protracted aud j ki-., -,-v-ii wr iti.Tiitr.iat.imr. a vou do, the idea of coercion, avowing peace ful Ininntinn anri ATiirAvainir a natriot's 1U1 lilLV ... . .- m- ... i t.i!i ..a:r. borror tor among tnose, uu uye ; it is hoped that on runner consiuera- tion youvill not on a mere question of j projieriyreiusevue T pttllK-lliT llUDt vaio a vw3wa.s..s. ... - of Houth Carolina, which honor and ne cessity alike compel her to vindicate. Only one who is seeking a pretext for 1 . 1 , : ......I.,., t. Ssf.ataa IIllV UUO HUU IB Oiataaajj a jyas,s-as ... . hostile demonstration against. the State coulU have touna insult 111 tms temper-; ate appeal and have called for the army ! and navv to perform such acts as nat- J raa. ... Tiji... a. -!nl 11 1 1 . , aaa j -s . .v. - urallv would and finally did lead to civil war. Where does he find authority for thc assertion that the application for pos session of Fort Sumter was made "avow edly with intent to use it for hostile purposes against the Government to which it belonged?' Where unless in his own extravagant estimate of the power of the fort and by ascribing to South Carolina such hostile feelings as he manifests when in the memorandum he claims to have presented to the Pres ident he exultingly refers to Maj. An deisou having occupied Fort Sumter with the assertion, "He still commands the harbor. We may still execute the laws if we try." If .r nnAr.Mrv to retreat that no resistance had been offered to the execu- I " ' . .. m, . tion ot any civil proce.. k n TTnitjad State, officers in South 1 ..wa . ., eamlmi who eon Id renuire aid lor tne .....,.. -r- , t . execution of the laws. Ihe fort might be efficient to obstruct the commerce ot i.rv v w - nis.-toamn ar! aid in the doubtful re i.H in th rlnnrtt.TUI re- sort of collecting duties outside of the harbor. To such small dimensions shrinks the boasted power by the pos session of that fort to execute the laws. The old friends of Mr. Buchanan, among whom I am one, if they accept this self laudatorv exhibit of Judge Black, will be glad to learn that Mr. Buchanan pre- " , , ..i 1 that Mr. Buchanan pre- - - o . . .1 a-a - .- .a. .K an luwar tn the (jommis - p.., via "- ,. - . .:- sioners of JSouth Carolina as was .consis- ,. .:! ' ?Z .J 1 policy ot peaeeana jyereignty, ana in . tont. with his avowed rFvrvfc - a ;a ' ..- tnw Ssta taa win memorv ot an wnicn roiiuweu mo awu less rejection of fsism negotiation, the country I think has reason to regret that he was ever turned from the course his wisdom aad patriotism dictated. Those friends, moreover, trill be sur prised to learn that he was no master in his own house, hnt according to the statement of Judge Black was controlled bv bim on most important occasions. What shall be said of the fidelity of a l. k . . i .1 ; . ; rKa ralMl faf & Mil - rpaa.a nuu uviumg stitutional adviser to a President, should daim after ne was uoau to nave nnwR his correspondence aad an official message the most significant parts of them, ana to senu imu u uw wuim with accompanying laudation his criti cism on the conduct of his chief, aad all this under the guise of defending him from s suspicion of having yielded ku own h tter iudzment to the violent antagonism of others? Well might Mr. tSacaaasn, It W wrs re unmg . crv At ittru tftuQrunu : aad ms oia friends respond. Shame npon the mi- . 1 5. . lal M na.a. t thi. f -UodatOTV revelation iniorms ua tan vren. gum W.. - . . a. . n had discovered bim to be a soldier of native endowment, albeit, like Job's .far, but there tan ymmasa or. was from star omy, tuooga oru-ur, U.n 4-mna Ward, who merV ad his wife's relation, to the war. This vaiimst Jadge wan ready to it wiU be remnmaernq tmutne uovernor the President that the State .t atteasnt to send rein . . r . r.. - . dins: "If the P-esident intends it .1.-11 . n it nraosr. to lit i.m-nr will feat henil to rnrd itJ Yet this smsthe net which having urged upon tbe The nai m with th daraliaa for The the withdrawal & the fstrriaoa from a 7 i-iii--MM-w-W-MWssneaMi i i t Fort Sumter, which Juase It.ack ?n- fort Sumter, wnicn juoge macs en- deavors to discredit bv ascribing to its .j . :. ',, dearors t ; u t-t,mca - lin-iv i -.. it -. - -a . nlsri sSnifitar iriitirfl tr first : ! - Be presents it, r-onunel to -jon merit nier. evacuation of the Fort.) Mr. Davis proceeds : Avoiding the evil example of Judge Black, I will not impute motives for his slanderous attack upon me. which would have been more offensive if it had been less demonstrably false, nor ask why, when rewards are so lavishly poured u jon those who are accredited with efficien- : - -1 . . . .' . ft nit rnn'tu c iu tue var 1101.111 111c .-vuiuviu w.-t , he Dresents himself before the public der the Door pretext mat 11 w am the officers of the I iiitc-il States iu tho j execution of thc laws, knowing that no ' case existed or could arise under exist-: ing circumstances, there being no Lnited States officers in South Carolina by whom civil process could be issued. Thus insidiously and treacherously AiA V, - ,flT..l mil tbe letter nnrl the spirit of the United States Constitution j he had sworn to support. Not onlv did j . i . that instrument, as rresiucnt nuctiuiui ; uuutr a tiui-iit:iiiiim oiu .i.imi.c nun, admitted, give no power to the General at the corner of one of the streets in Government to coerce a State, but this t Florence. Ralph Alverton was out negotiation of a power to coerce is fur- j early in seareh ol a breath of fresh uiorn ther enforced by the limitation on the j ing air, before the glare of the June day power to protect a State against domestic I began. A few Florentine women in lace violence i. ., "that the power should I veils, holding fans between their faces be exercised on application of the Legis- j and the sun's rays, bad passed and re lature or of the Executive when the 1 passed him on their way to church or Legislature cannot be convened." Nor! market; but it was an English face is this all. Tower was delegated to Con-! which arrested his attention, greas to provide for calling forth the "Vmk, Btgtorimt ntot" clamoured militia to execute tbe laws of the Union, j all the flower venders together, while suppress insurrections, and repel iava- each thrust their handful of dewy roses . rl n . r .1 n.niWiMnla hw 'iVinrin 1 iliea" toward the. fair faCP Sions. louraw tnmi mm m umn fiumo ; of the constitution or the debates of the I convention, general and State, by which . it was adopted, power in the Executive j Department to employ the armv and navv forcibly to enter a State not an : ,..i;n. K, ..iMiinit the urotest ' oi its authorities, or to perform a duty Hl'l'ii. ni."ii. ...... - t for which the constitution empowered -.-... i.. bmnlnir tli.i militia the lUc -""g's w ... .... - seems inconsistent with the workings ol auy honest mind. Not only was the ( Vinirress the derOSltorV of the DOWer, . 1 " . .......... forth to aid in the execution laws. Thus did the founders Ki, t the ml itm W:i-t he (orce LO I lled f th id the stand- Union manifest their distrust : : :.. ,ln ing armies u.s iumi kh m-- .......-.-.' ., ius to free govern ment. ow let it ue remem-1 bered that Congress hadj not calb-d i forth the- militia! that the fvernor of South Carotfha had not invoked the aid j of the Federal Government ; that no j civil process had been resisted ; there ,' . .. .L. C. i was no insurrection against- me sate, anil nn nrfiswct of All invasion. eXCCDt by such usurpation as Judge Black ad vocated. President Buchanan had in his message and in his correspondence with Carolina officials distinctly disclaimed the power of the United States to coerce a csiiiii;, mm. I am Jlivi oi m.- ...... . to learn that it required much press, re i . ... i j. ii. l a Shun aiifl 1 am irlau at lllis nil'- nan to bring him to consent to those acts from which 1 ihn thought sprang tne civil war. To learn what might and what should have been done it may be satisfactory to refer to the conduct of the patriots and sages who at an early period admin istered the General Government, the fundamental law of which thev were laro-elv instrumental in forming, and rcrp v 11 . r 11 iiit i i.t i i stZ,i Three eases of insurrection mar Jhe peaceful history of the State Gov-; erntentl, two of which occurred in the j State of which Judge Black is a citizen. ; oinn. hn m.k ot i n !i r rec 1 1 on ma i in 1794 ;n the western countirs ot t'enn-; 9lvania va8 an organized and violent .L:.. i. the Tailed i States President Washington issued a ! proclamation requiring the opposers of L laws to OmT the laws to 'ET.'" sition ot tne uoernors n . ;..4- . ua Jersey. Mary ami ana v irginia fr. l.dyof militia to sustain thevU ; onjce ap to aisperse inM.ryc . It will be observeu that rrcsioent i ... . " ,WB ..... .. ... .i... C! Washington urcw militia irom uie . , ?ai.. : ..a nA jn VU1CI1 IUC lllslU T I Ctll u V I U . 1 . . . cava froln the bordering States. The militia ; nf Pennsylvania was led bv tue governor of thc Stkte, and the whole proceedings uuder the wise adniinistmtio.i of Wash- . . . .. . , .-, . . ...j inirton, was iu aul oi tne. Diaie au "61".' .. ... c I ii maintenance ot rcststeu processes oi j" utt 1 The other of the two cases of insurrec- tion referred to, occurred in 1799, under "be administration ol the second Presi-M dent, John Adams. Armed resistances having been made in several of tbe northeasteru counues oi renusynama 7"". " V XT . r to "to execution of the laws by the Lilian Vane. Her family, who were very proper civil officers of the United States, poor had consented to her wish to come the President issued a proclamation or- to Florence to paint. She lived at a dering the insurgents to disperse and P.von-the tasa Chmra-wh ch ha asserting the constitutional authority pened exactly to face the studio. occa to call forth tbe military force to sup- pied by Ralph on be opposite side of press the resistance to the execution of the Arno. V htle they were talking of thelaws of the United States. In con-1 her, Lilias hersel arrived with some nection therewith the BecreUty of War, j other people, who bad been invited. March "ft im, addressed a letter to the Ralph .Alverton made up his mind Governor of Pennsylvania, as follows: "To suppress the insurrection now ex ; th.. counties of Northamnton. I P , r . ; iniiui. aaa ' " .... 1 - . .a- . ' . 1 . t.a..- duces anu .uonigouici... ... P-nn-v.ania. jn oppositiun tue ciaic ui to the law.s . tw'rnUed States, the P resident has ... . i thought it necessary to employ a military force, to be composed in part of such of the militia ot rennsyivauia trflu- ii and atst of nrcnarstion will enable the militia ot rennsyivauia ssiiseBtiua- u tnurvh with nromnti' The .sacaaa a " - . . 1 , , , is' mm'- i " i a. ... . at a I ' 1 ! - corps ot militia nrt uesireu on mis oc - casion are the troops of cavalry belong- ing to tnts euy anu ..u. nus.p v.a.aa 6 , nf philadaaloh;. Tckit. UI l.a.1 I.'"" ... s.. I ' ; ... .-. i .. Uliester, .onigoiiierv imu ii" - " - " - , -. troons I have thc honor to request unester, jininguiiiei r ..a... These troops I have the honr to request Excellency will order to hold them- '. readiness to march on or before selves in readiness to march on or before the ath inst., under the command ot Brig. Gen. McPherson. I have the honor to be, with great respect, sir, your obedient servant, James McHkxey." To his Excellency Gov. Mifflin. Thus it will be seen that the two first Presidents of tbe United States, alike con spicuous for devotion to their cause of the colonies and mnuentiai in tne torma- tion of the constitutional union ot tne States, lcoked to the militia as the mili tary force to be employed to suppress insurrection and overcome armed resist ance to the execution of tbe laws and anee to tne execution ui mc m with due regard to the sentiment of the itm. s J. Jal f1 .. .ni.annr.nnoa s. rif Arri(l CUUUl UUl J aaaau j.aai-j---, 4sv amnlnp tK rnilit.i. nf tno State lUSb W -aJaJ .- - to which the offender? belonged, and : . t at- . af I. s.,aa iv.iitinrii.iila tn neat o 11 iv . a... . ..-.v. -...... w the scene of disturbance, it Judge Black objects to the examples cited as applicable to bis ease, so much the fas. Via aaaa U it IHTIti. that tO .UIW, -v aavaaa . -- g ' , sustain it he had to disregard the limita- twos of the coBsuiution, ana so outrug. of tne constitution, ana so ouvragu . . . . a - i .1 the oeopie ot soatn arouua ana taose of thVcctig-nas States that thev could . TTv . . - .. not be retted upon u ausvatu tue miiuii rf dk-Generi Government, tbe jnst of which thev had learned were derived from the consent of the governed and for that consent they turned to the compact of union. coacxosiox, WKan it ahall nn Innrfr he nortnbtr tn have instixatod and aided in the prose- asntlran nf th war atrainsit the Southern tea. when the sober second thought t taa peep is snau nave luea an ac count of wasted treasure, of sacrificed - . a . . 11 l ., fives, of aland saddened by the wail of tte widow M t&c orpoan, ana tat, nut 1 dill at 1iiiniini f thnan innrw. principles of free government for which f I ... l.i.. . , . VCr as IDS WHIIalll .waj.. ...- - sra aa- Revolution ; aao w perpcme wuu Union was formed, then, when con- Kevolution ; ana to perpetuate wnicn hm fooaoauun aaa tratsraity tne of our political structures, the ot nes-umt wicnaaaa towara .r..1 MantliWi asf tlsA nn.irnt Heseoted by Sooth CaroUns may re eave tbe reward due to the wiadota aad patijirtniTn of his conciliatory policy. ON - - - t . .t. ..i... .lc T ri"fir the I'.iuament I i mai U u which may be rendered upon the onpo-1 it i-vlirr of his bellicose adviser, nose , . v j . - - - . rQ I militarv laureLs were gathered so r j from the field ss to be unstained bv ; either tbe blood or the smoke ot name. JEFFERSOS DAVIS. ! BE-tcvqin, Miss., July ), 18SS. wBvr Sometime hew n.r you are. Some times how dear you are ; Then, then, so far, o far. Like some far star you are. -vine times, through you, through you, I ee the gray ky bine. And feel the' warmth of May In the December day. Sometime, sometime, I let All burdens fall, forget Ml cares, and every fear, fn your sweet atmosphere. Then, then, alas, alas! Why does it come to pass. Before the hour gea by. Before mv dream doth die. I drift aud drift aw.v . Oat of your light of day, Out of your warmth and cheer. Your blessed atmosphere ? Why does it come to pask ? .a las, aud still alas ! Why dotli i he world prevail. Why doth ths spirit fail. Aud hide itself .war Behind iu wall ol clay, biuee time began alas! Whv doe it eome to puss? -Xora Peiry, iu Harper's Magssdt September" for ACROSS THE RIVER. She was buying lilies when Ralph Alverton first saw her in Italy. It was i .i . i : . . ,i ..l.i . . i ii v. " .v , . . V i ii of a girl with hair of thc same golden red color as Carlo Dolce painted for his "Angle of thc Annunciation." Ralph Alverton. the artist, could not help thinking of that picture as he watched lier. lines in uano, turn .twa uum m- . . - , lnno- atone ledsre of the l'alaO Stl'OZzi. which serves as a nower stau in me la Tornabuoni. The tall slight figure, in her quaint costume of sage green, went over one of the bridges to tbe other side of the Arno. And Ralph went home to hi- studio on this side of the river. He had taken a fancy to the angel painted by Carlo Dolce, and a few days later found him seated with canvass and .P. .. .T. easel before it in tne ganery oi tne rim . sswbib coftyrai. nan .inrauj oeeu m nm there; another easel, with a half finished sketch stood bv the picture, and there was a high stool left vacant. It was not long before it was taken posesuon of by its owner the girl with the hair and I : I. - . 1 . . . .,,,rr.l -.I' tlio ,ii..ttini the urauw, mc "f " ...v resemblance showing stronger with the removal of her hat. Side by side worked the two English artists all the morning with no exchange of words. The next day he came with the fixed purpose of winning a word from ..... r--- . easily found in some appeal about their .. .4 ltsfairl Kit a her "rave lins. .-Mi opportunity was common work; it was toiloweu oy a mutual contemplation of each other's painting. Ralph considered his own im measurably the superior of the two, but he did not say so, and talked be cause he liked his listener. But the con versation was brief; the artists were dis creet ; and silence resulted. " Ah, Idlias, so we have found you at last!" cried a grand-looking matrosdy lady, who, with double eye-glasses and P.nerleL-er'n o-u ide-book. entered the Salle o : ' ' . . hortlX gn, the hour or closing fthe was followed by ' fJ"Jnw people, w ho came up and shook hands "uu lUL fa" '""Y, 1 ' j ' T ton, are you here? n0 of surprised voices, and then there was a repetition 01 greetings. traveling, one comes across menus in tne TL'2EJ&1Z ,Tf the nartv. whoni thev called "Mrs. . ,,. M ihniurht ' wprf. st:i, iiv y t I L V" a ffmaTavV ' ,,f What a " . r iir , tnnio-c i nincirlence. that I should find -o - . j J , mv two fneuds at work on the same . .. Ml I P'tttTFaS. ' . "7 " ir T Y ; n Jtors suddenly grciv ; interested in the "Angel of the Annunciation and in n.1.1 unnt hpr V1 r t ;jil vnn nut tin her - -- -.'.,, irloia-nu anil rrfiv'f llor crltli'lMmrt Wit h all i e."r" , , " . v t lie freedom of an amateur who kuows nothing about art. "Will I you come and 3ee us this evening at he Hotel de turope, Mr. Alverton? she asked, I a they left the wllerjr. Ralph accepted and came, in Mm. in evening uiame naeo uer Crymueu. Lilias did not make np her mind so quickly. She was quiet and silent, with a grave, sweet look which somehow con nected itself with the Angel and the Lily. But when it was time to go home lli.h ottered to escort the ladies back to the Caso Chiara. This was the first, E." lite vow villain. a lata w xs vitc uiat, . but by 'no means the last time that he waiif with lailias along toe river side : .u.,a tl... Ho-hta, ol rirtA a nA nrrraa trip ; f .,. r . y..-a i ijtiUKv wist; vauain w -. usm. m ' . . the other gle They often met in the rooms of mu- tu1, ir,enas, wnere tne evening wouiu ! v J Ji i.- u-,- c, i.- SUVUVi AUll HWU, n UAH. VI aaaau r, ' .. . . . , . ; nened, or did not nappen, tne enu was i, ,-mp 0iWar! Ralr.h Alverton took . peneu, or axa not nappen, tne enu lhe me always; Ralph Alverton too i care of Julias across the river, and lef i fa,W at the Casa Chiara. left One day, bv special arrangement, the Calvons and Lilias paid a visit to Ralph's studio on the Lung Arno. Some of the party lavished a good deal of ecstatic admiration on hi3 paintings, which he received for what they were worth; but the- few words uttered in Lilias' low. steady tone, and the flush of animation aid interest on her otherwise clm face, were things ha treasured. His studio was filled with original designs. As a rule he looked down on copyists, but he had continued the copy of the "Angel of the Annunciation' making his work last just so long as the time -alias toot ; - .- . to hm f AlC v T3 ft Meet ns at the Certosa to-morrow," said Mr. Calvon to Ralph; "Lilias has promised to accompany us on a round of farewell visits we wish to make to all the principal sights before leaving Flor ence. For leave we must this week if Eustace does not appear. We have waited long enough for him ; the heat is becoming really insupportable." "Eus-tar-e." n a son of Mr. Calvon and had j m hnt wh ; i - , business appointment m London had ; nttherti. debtved him. , r , , .. .v - ! Ph Alverton felt sorry thst the viu crr own sake they were pleasant friends still more because it would mean a cessa tion of those constant meetings with Lilias. . In the middle of the cloister garden of the Convent of the Certosa there ana a a a- W 11 U tt. whttt . T . looking"' asked Ralph, leaving the rest I to toilow tne mons wno actea as mow- . StS-aSSa auu t-VUIJUJ mm V-mm wv " WS W MMJ-Of stooping over the well's side, was gating J T at- Ua Amr alaCl U'jn u wimHl .uav a i a . vta.-. I was trying to think of a wish."' she said, looking up with a smile. "These old wells always give me a childish fan cy to wish ; they make one think of the ' r, j V ." j t?'1 wtsntng-weiis in wnicu one nsea, ss s .t . . . ,. ,. t !. wk. T . " aatat ..! siui..nv. .. aaas.a mm ijiuw Quiucrn. There was nothing in the words ; whether it was the tome, whsther it waa omething she read ia hi eyas ss they stayed find ar - ' HT tl - - - -1 - - A -J . in the air, Lilias could not have ! Udd; but there, by the convent wall, j she nested for tbe first time that Ralph loved her. Together they leaned over the old stone side, anil looked down into the 1 1 .. . 1 - ( . . i low the waters reflected against a back-! ground of blue ky, across which ati ! that moment a fleecy cloud was sailing ; Ralnl. wth wns that the dav mhrht ' I come when rtorence s river should . v. n -! .Km, 1,1 ! divide them no longer. Lilias wish that ' the morrow might brine Eustace jCalvou to Florence. So, silently, the i two contrarv wishes were sent down the old well Ralph guessing nothing of how lh yjj- wil4a dashed with his , . . .1. ... .. .. town; iias just tuasviwu -- -j j, sr,Culd not agret . j m.-.. ,. ilic nnv r- a. s. v it .asi - - , : jen joj,, the carriages waitiug iu the , , fa enlraiiw ad they all Jro.. to plorence. And the sole ;i ..,..I . l nnminrlftil of UIV1C UilVai HV aaas ..... - - - - - . : silence-bound monks, unmindful of the world s love stories, came out at unset to draw water at thc old well, which to them was nothing but a source of com mon usefulness. A few days afterwards, in the early morning, the artists were left standing on the platform, from whence a pile ol luggage from the Hotel 1' Europe had just been cleared, waving adieus to the express train going north. Both were sorrv for the departure of their mutual friends ; both also had special cause in their regret. Lilias would have liked to have met Eustace Calvon again ; she would have described him as "an old friend nothing more f ami so when he did not come she was not broken-hearted but bore the disappointment very philo sophicallv. Had they met that Summer the old friendship might have rijeiied into something stronger, but business claims detained young Calvon for three days longer than" the patience of his re lations could endure, aud when he was free it was in the Engardine not in Florence that he joined them. Mr. Alverton soon made thc discovery that the old ladies the chief occupants of the pension where Lilias was living were most charming aud delighful peo ple. And so it hapcued that at last his evening visits became a scarcely les - ,.,,.tna than the nm)eaincc of the 8 o'clock tea tiay with its two large teapots of watery tea. It was never a dingy, never a poky place, that salon, t.i Ralph, for tbe girl with the golden glory nair oi tne angei was tueie, aim m presence made it seem to him an earthly paradise. And somehow, even though the surrouniung- were a crown in oiu maids in smart evening caps, bad tea, and a cracked old piano, Lilias learned better every evening what the wish was thai Kalpb'had at heart ; and her own wish faded out of memory. Eustace was far away, and bad never been more than "an old friend;" Ralph Alverton was close, and made her understsnd that he would not be content until he reached a higher standing than mere friendship. Lilias surrendered. They settled it in so many words one day at the far end of the Cascine where Lilias had been left to wait for a friend. The friend was late in keeping her appointment, aud Mr. Alverton happened to arrive instead There, on a stone seat just beyond tht monument to the India Prince, I.ilia. promised everything required of her, while some light fludy seeds from a tree overhead fell, scattering at her feet, and eddied lightly around north, smith, east, west, like emblems of uncertainty, but words were said which sealed two fates, aad close beside them flowed the yellow Arno, which soon should separate them no longer. Happy days were those which followed : happier" dav wus that to whieh they looked forward iu the following June. But before that day which was to give them to one another, came Eustace Dal von to Florence. And with bim came discord between the lovers, now it be gan, how it continued, who wits most to be blamed, none but themselves could ever guess; but Eustace Calvon uu somehow (unintentionally) the center chord which caused the jar. Ralph grew jealous, suspicious; showed heat and hastiness. Lilias was proud, resentful and turned cold as ice. The whole Oil von party had returned to Florence, and Ralph chose to disapprove of them all He complained that Lilias lei herself be monopolized by them, that Eustace talked too much to her; that he would not endure it; he would not stand it Lilias conscious that no cause fur wrath existed, and finding Eustace simply friendly and civil, resented such Injus tice, and affirmed, impatiently that "no one should make her cast off old friends.'' Circumstances and misunderstandings helped to widen the breach, until the Climax was reached one day in high words on the Ponte di Carraja, where, without farew ell, they parted she across the hridtre to ono side, he across the bridge to the other side. 1 ttvided ! yos, they had chosen ai vision. A great crowd blocked the bridgeway and lines on either side the river s em bankments a black, silent crowd, w hich all the day long hangs over the parapets, watching thc water below. "A boat upset two men drowned tho bodies are being searched for." So passes the news through Florence. Lilias learned it on her way homeward at midday. There passing along the Lung' Arno she learns, too, the added rumor, "One is an English artist." "Let me take you home," says Eustace Calvon, finding her with blanched lips adrift in thc crowd. lie Jeaus ncr nir ther up thc river Bide, and guides her faltering steps across one of the higher bridges, which is deserted. Neither speak their fears in words, but before many hours have passed all Florence proclaims it for them : "Mr. Ralph Al verton is the name of thc missing Eng lishman." Eustace hastens to his room only to find tbe report confirmed: "Mr. Alverton went out with a friend iu an open boat; it was thought they intend ed to sketch on the country banks." All day thc search is made ; all thc day, from early morning to late night, the blackness of on lookers is there. Night comes, and still they hang over the bridge's parapet a motionless, sad dened mass, spell-bound to the snot. But tbe pleasure and the business continue; strangers come and go from palace to church to see the sights; car riages drive out to the Casino to listen ti-. tl, band rilr-flsaut iniorOIUDtU par mm v 1 i j . t e a ties make the evening round of the cafes, and afterward walk back to their boteb or apartments by tbe side of the river irf.n.-.ith whose moonlit waters the dead t ,i,dn her balcony alone in i ",;,- t, .,... ' ' I" lUtJvU K - I 1 the second da; 1111. iiiwwM.g... a I - - - thai aa.asnd rlnv9 search has been as 1 nut less as the first; the crowds have dis persedthe people have gone away -.l.-t" tn ttaaair .--!':. lll4 ntlt ff'M li sa . i. " - . - upon the cold, silver-radianced water flowinar ever onward; the line ot briKhi lights fling tbeir reflection across the -;.-- -.n fithf-r nitrhta. hnt one window on tbe other side is darkened there iliiniaa nn cnod nieht .i--nal there. Across the bridge come hurrying with swift, noiseless steps, a weird proce3siou nf those whose office it is to carry tht 1 1 it... -Anfi-rnrnltv a. f tViaft uu .aai. av. .v.. ......... v. Miericordia disguised figures, robed in . . . . , , ... , a , biacc irom neao to loot, oniy mt -.. I.U.laa Tan anil tun t lip v an vjva ' .... -. . -- r carrying lighted torches before and af u r the corpe. some among may ts noble or citizen have just been called from the dance or feast to serve, as the have bound themselves to serve, at a' times of necessitv. Another minutt they have hastened1 away on tbeir mid night mission ; the dare of their torches is seen no more. Lilias, standing mute, unmovable in tVu mnhnlicht. remembers bow on that bridge two days before she had parted with him she loves; recalls the proud hard words which have been their last. and tries very hard she tries to realise that beeween them now runs the River of Death, and that before she can whisper the word "Forgive:" she must wait until she, too, shall reach "the olher side." "O Ralph, if you were here but for one short moment, I think I could make you understand: men, as u in au-ner to W hal.-ntt.n crv. some one who. un noticed, has with rapid, uncertain steps a . .1 : 1 1 .1 !- pOSSea twice or luim imu un; uiutir ny, pauses and looks np and calls her name, Down in tne trout vestibule, still lett opened to the street, with none near but Kaa a4 katfilan asa.n.irtr. uH 1 as. ma the glad news that all Florence has been a,0 .a saner a mistate, tnat jtaipn nas come home from bis prolonged stay in tne campagna; that tbe River of Death has been but tne a ream or two aaa aays ; and that Raloh "understands" already. and has corns to make her understand. Jfo river need longer divide them. "Will you come to me there on the other side"!"' Ralph asks once more. And Lilias answers, "I will come." The new atria af sssntiemec rrasBUU. the arm of tfaetr ladv companion in walking, may be the lat-rf agony, but is not generally ad mi V (Claricn. SELECTED MISCELLAKY. 1 nr. or to Of Til- woaLo. Thi jrdn day from Batatas sgf of a... la- 1 belitvc We nerrr aball graw old. ncTtr morc u,., eonim, r apleoJor f,aje; Lt ua be ieve no Living man or maid Shall ever lie their lenrih beneatli the mn Thst love shall nr-Vfr like a drriua ball teld. , i float from ths mrrry sWicr-.t info shade To-day let l.fe be as tho- Tm a isles. Of !ovr hiil.!ea froro the world ay. In e tr.bns where ib- luisk-ffioged night ingales. Haunt th- dri. hollows, and toft fountain piy; Where ...- it j iuuguhtre never pal s. Its scarlet lins to eep for yerdy. Justin 11. Met artsy. Time and I again-t any two. Phillip the Socond. The most difficult thing iu life is to know yourself. Thale. luoir . Seven Stories of Noted Women. Two ladies contended for preced ence in the court of Charles V.; they appealed to tho monarch, who like Solomon, awarded, "Let the eldest go first " Such a dispute was never known afterwaids. One of the nrincipalgraces of Sarah Duchess of Marlborough, was a pro digious abundance of hair. One day, at her toilet, to anper her ord, she cut oft'her comniaudiug trcsc and dung them in his free. NoOaluaa, the sculptor, was a par agon of parsimony. In his house candles were never lighted at the commencement of evening, anil when ever be and his wile heard a knock at the door, they would wait for a sec ond rap before "they lit thc candles, lest the first should be a ' runaway" and their caudles should lie wasted. When the Princess Charlotte ol Mecklinberg came over to be mar ried to CJeorgc III., she was guy the whole voj-nge, sung lo her hart-si- scnoru and left the door other cabin When she first caught sight open .f St .Tami.' Palace she turned pale The Duchess of Hamilton smiled. dear Duchess," snid tht Princess you may laugh.' You have beeu married twice but it is no joke for me. While Frederick Morel, the greut scholar utid printer, was employed on bis edition uf "Laba-ius" one day, ho was told that bis wifo w:ts suddenly taken ill. "I have only two or three .cntences to translate, and then I will come and look at her." A second message informed bim that she was dying. "1 have only two or inree sentences to translate and I will be there by the time you will" replied tho philosoppher. At length he was told ihat she was dead. "1 am very Borry" said be, going on with his work. "She was an honest woman." The marriage of Racitie was an act af penance neither love or interest bad .my .hare in the union, -lis v ile was a good sort of woman, but per haps the most insensible of ber sex, aud the most proner person in tho world to uiortily the passion of lice rary glory and ti.e momentary exul tation of literary vauitv. It it scarce ly creidble, but most certainly true, since her own son relates the fact, that she never had seen acted, nor read, uor desired to read, the traga dies which rendered her hutband so celebrated throughout Europe. She had only learned some of thoir titles ;n conversation. Maria and Elizabeth Gunning, who ippeared at the court of George 111. --one at tbe age ol 18 anil tbe other 19 Were two girls of surpassing neniity. "They nre declared," writes 1 Walpole, to be'ihe hautlfomest girls n earth." They can't walk in the park, or go ti vaurhall, but nuch crowds follow them that they are generally driven away." One. day they went to see Hampton Court As they were going into the Ilea" ty Room another company arrived. The housekeeper said; "This way, ladies here are the beauties; The Gunniugs flew into n passion, nnd asked her what she meant. They Went to see the Court and not to be shown as a sight themselves. The younger of the sisters became the Duchess oi Hamilton ; the other became Endy ( 'ovenfry. The Mad-Stone. Whim informed that achild of Dr. A. M. Dealer, of Jastier county was bitten about three weeks ago by a mad dog. The dog showed every symptom of mad ness, and another Hog nitten ny nun about the same time died with hydro-, phobia. Dr. Dozier sent nt once to Hon. A. R Carter ot this city, tor a man-stone, applied it to the wound, and the child recovered and is now perfectly well. . l I If "I a lhe mau-stone wnicn .ur. warier I,.. . Vwv.ii in hi nriH-cssinn for fortV-Ji.s. years, and was found in thc maw of a deer killed in Terry County when he was a small boy. His father gave it to him and he has kept it ever since, It i a smooth, oblonfr, ovai-snapeo wm-, somewhat smaller than a hens egg, and if a hrntvn cnlnr. It anneals to be form ed in lavers. ami where it has been used. thejoutside layers have been rilert througn lasvirirr a fmflcc about a half inch in diam eter, that is applied to the wound. The stone is saia to on porous, anu wut-u heated in warm mil - or water, and placed on tbe wound, adheres to it, and absorbs thc poison, and as soon as it is SDSiracteji loses its adhesiveness anu is i.-ea Dr. Dozier who is a practicing physician of many years experience, aud a very intelligent gentleman, nas great tuu iis virtues and thiuks it a sure remedy for hydrophobia. There are several art -stones m tne state, out tne one owu sd by Mr. Carter is tbe onlv one we know f in East Mississippi.-! Meridian Ob server. Harris is a heroine and mar tyr in the eyes of the Mormons. She is confined iu tbe penitentiary, near Salt. Lake City where she is daily visited by men and women high in the Church, who continually exhort her to bold firm, and not betray" her Saviour in tbe bands of the Gentiles. In the Mormon belief, a woman's husband is her only Saviour, and she cannot lie raised after death except through him. Belle's case is a test one under thc Edmunds law. Sev eral vears ago a saint named Clarence Merrill took ber for his third wife. She has borne two children, whose paternity has never been questioned. Merrill is being prosecuted for polygamy. Belle Harris wa9 summoned as a witness. Were you ever married? She refused to tnswer questions as to her marriage. Jonsequentlv she was adjudged guilty f " a" . 1 . 1 a . )i contempt ot court, anu wrnvmrnrnwrn t ." a! An tn be imprisoned r . - . until sni'. snouia oecomc a ith i.n... mi ne--. Equalizing he Taxes. The Board of Eouuiixatinii. composed if the Board of Supervisors and reaL; owners in each supervisor s district, emm tered upon the discharK' ol its uutics on Tuesday last by taking up th.- pcr-'pal roll for the first district. The Uutrd settled the average value of cattle, tdMen and coats at 7. $1 50 and ct -uai. . J tpectively in tne orucr name i. owuae imnnllr flftunmedat f 1 IK T heart although the "average hog i supposed to ne wonn more man uic "jr uwp, and the bnnrd did not interfere with the popular estimate, mtmm Xr !. n Tlaasm naAti nf R-aK. m m . J 1 Tit t J ".Z tatauy poisoneu urmcii mn vmjm mm hv takinr a wiUMrlassf lib Of Carbolic acid thronch mistake She intended to take a glass ot outer spring water, tne krattlo i-nntainin- which was kent UDOn i tho name ahelf with the carbolic acid i bottle, and resembled it. Knowing that tVaa littiir n-atasr wus unn MMBt in tl iaiaa .hi. , lwuifrht i.Kn nn 111 drink tl r1avn nl.l.-Jclv 1 tno auicklv for hi . a ? . own good, one sunereu roe tniw mm pains, ana .uuuusu iu j.i .aa ware administered and four physic . l . . 1 1 a - , ar r-alUl in. her life could not saved. mmm The death rate of New Orleans, dur Ing the present year, has been: White J na. nnii rnl V. If. This IS abont SOU) J for the whites to that of most large cl tic oat tne neavy mortauty ot taa nmrfti that it is snMHia the mini pie the pale reaper gets ia his I t. M m mmret ftsesasai