Newspaper Page Text
The Clarion. WEUHESDlT, ACeCT 22, 1882. House, Farm and Garden housekeepers help. 8axt fob milch cows Care should 1 taken that milch cows baTe salt twice a week ard that tbey have ac cess to water alter taking the ealt ; because salt in its crude state is pois onous and will create a high fever in the stomach unless diluted by water. Apple jelly Pare and stew sour, juicy apples (greenings are nice) in enough water to cover them, strain as directed for currant jelly, allow a pound of sugar for each pouud of juice, put them together and strain, boil four or five minutes, skimming it thoroughly. Tomatao Sauce A quart ot to matoes, a slice of onion and half a doxen cloves. Cook ten minutes. Put into a fry pan two tablespoonfuls of butter, heat and stir in two teas- poonfuls of flour. Stir until smootn and brown. Add the tomato, cook two minutes, season with pepper and salt and pass through a sieve. Soap Take six pounds of potash, To cents; four pounds lard, 50 cents ; quarter a pound of resin, 5 cents. Beat np the resin, mix all together well and set a.ide for five days; then put the whole into a cask of warm water, and stir twice a day for ten days, at the expiration of which time you w:ll nave row pounus vi nuj. Canned Peaches When cannning peaches one cannot guess at just the nnmW of halves or quarters needed to fill the can. and su often after fill- Jncr the t-an several pieces are left in the svrun: if vou cook others and thev will drop to peices lly way to avoid this is to take out the nieces carefully on a plate, cook the other:", and. when thev are needed to help fill another can drop them for a minute or two in the syrup. Peach jelly tor a table yrna ment liolii.iiir is more elegant, Di-soiv sufficient water "ne ounce ofirimdaaf; fctraiu it; take half a doaen mrg tieaches and nam them; make a y rup of one powad -f situar and half a tiint of water. Into this pat the peaches and kernels; boil gently for fifteen minutes, then pkM the fruit on a plate, and cook the syrup for ten minutes, ami to is aaa m ism rlass and the juice of three 1. luons A pyramid mould i-1 very pretty lot this. Fill part ot jelly and wtea M nut in one quarter Of the teaches Place Mice and lei it harden, add more jell v and let it harden keep on filing the moulds until full, base of the mould be jelly. To TOUTS OKAPJ3 Plock th rluotcrs carefully, remove thoie thai areereenor bitten by insect or bias) ed, and tie them to a pole abonl tea feet Ioul'. and o firm KS not to bead much beneath the weight. Hani the poles with the rlusters ratpeade 111 a loft Wl fibawher. where there i; a free circulation of air, and there let them remain till freezing weather looking over them occasionally, am removing any that have begun to de cay. Then pack m dry saw aval, ii thrr. shallow boxes, and keep in eoo cellars. The French often keep them a number of months by dipping them in a thick whitewash, which on dry ing, covers stem and fruit with a thin white crust and excludes me air Crecy Sofp acx Ckctoss Put in about four pounds of beef, first cut ting off all the fat carefully, and boil it to a rich gravy soup the day before it is wanted, skimming and stirring it frequently; the day after it is boil ed skim offevery particle of fat; when about to prepare fos the table take sufficient carrots to make a quart when boiled, cut them up and boil them. And when perfectly soft mash through a colander into a soup. Stir in a quart of tomatoes, one onion cut in quarters and roasted, some green or dried peppers cut up fine, a bunch of thyme tied together (so that it can be easily taken out) black pepper, salt and celery seed. Cut up square pieces of bread and put into the soup. TnE USE OF lemon There are three ways of making lemonade To squeeze the juice into cold water-tuis is tne shortest way; or to cut in slices or let soak in cold water; or to boil the slices centlv. Lemonade is one of the best of drinks, and safest drink, for a peison, whether in health or not. It is suitable to all stomach diseases; it is excellent in sickness. The pips crushed may also be mixed with sugar water, and used as a drink. He ad vise every one to rub the gums daily with lemon juice to keep them In health Tiie bands and nails are also kept clean, white, soft and supie by the daily use ot lemon instead ot soap. It also prevents ehilbains. Lemon if used in intermittent fever mixed with strong, hot coffee without sugar Neuralgia may be cured by rubbing the part affected with lemou. It is valuable"", also, to cure warts, and to destroy dandruff on the head by rub bing the roots of the hair with it. Women and Harcotict, New York World s Interview with Pr. Meylert "There are two classes of women who become habituated to the use of liquor or narcotics, first, there is the poor under-class, who are driven to intemper ance by poverty, sorrow or abuse. Then there is the class of women who belong to what is called the best society. They are surrounded by all the luxuries which wealth can buy and all the safeguards which polite society can throw around them. Thev contract a passion for drink generally in social frivolities. HOW THEY BEGIN. "Thev begin with drinking beer and end in drinking enormous quantities of all kinds of alcoholic beverages. I have one patient who contracted the habit at a boarding school where a num ber of young ladies out of mischief used to surreptitiously smuggle in beer. Many of my patients claim that they were at first prescribed the liquor by their physicians, this is undoubtedly SPECIAL A LEGAL 50T1CE8. Ma. mnn has fcssa I t f taftrr FTOfMveBawyws mm nroorirtor to ttsadto, awl whereof he affirm. -Ed. Mx.D.sbts: "For many yeaialfcaTO snJTerod, toii iiy tor; ta mr bed aaa amm - . C k. miehi af tiu bedctotbea, to dating was the ajoay I 4wsd. trt w before these attack came cm mj kid ney, were aflertad ; before there would be soy pain In my limba or any swelling; of Joint or Units the color of the lecretkras from the kid neys would be very dark and the odor strong and feverish. The last attack was Tery serere, about fire yean ago, and I was confined to the hews several weeks, and was unable to attend to busi ness in three months. Daring the time I was confined at home and the time of my conva lescence I employed four of the best doctors that I could obtain, but none of them gare me per manent relief, for they did not go to work at the cause of the trouble. Having been acquainted with the proprietor of Hunt's Remedy s long time I was induced by Urn to give it a trial, hop in? that it raiaht reach the seat of the disease; and after taking one bottle I found myself Tery Cbesapeake ail Olio true in many instances, but the state-: much improved, and after taking the second I ment of the victim of these habits can i was feeling better than I had after any previous not always be relied upon. Most of j attacks, During many months previous to taking those who contract the habit claim that ! the K.medv my hands and flap's wod be much . , .. . gTcllen and stiff every morning; my left side, in Uiey m learneu uie proruea ui vuc , ioll of ,,oln,ch and spleen, was very lame drug from having it prescribed by their i and Kntitire at times I would be taken with physicians. severe cramps over the spleen, and be obliged to "W oul'l you, tlien, aavise pnysicians , M,f,ly mustard or cayenne lasemporary reuei ; to abandon the use of narcotics f j I was rery nervous nights andcould not sleep ; I 'By no mean". Opium is one of God 8 j was obliged to be very particular in my oiet, ana greatest rifts to man. I would, how-! J M" m Let ie ever, advise physician to use more care in prescribing. 'Almost evtrv phvsican lias many cases of intern iterance among his fema'e patients, home of the cases in my pr.- vate practice were peculiarly pitiiu . Their recital fa all their particulars would be horrible. It was only a few weeks aso that two ladies walking along an avenue in this city picked up a young woman, richly dressed and of rehned ap pearance. be was intoxicated. Learn ing her address they conveyed her to her home, rme belonged to a weaitny tami ly in this city. Hhe has since been re claimed. HOW OfflTM IS FIRST TAKEN. "In opium cases the drug is generally at first taken to relieve pain, and then as soon as its properties are learned the habit generally fastens its hold upon the woman. There are three forms of the opium habit. It may be smoked or taken through the mouth or hypoder mically introduced. The latter is the most common form. The woman, pcr h.iji., sees her doctor first use the yringe; thru she gets one herself and begin- its use. She BOOB discovers, how ever, that the diise of one-eighth to one quarter of a grain administered by tlit physitian no longer satisfies her, and she inr rcssfn the quantity, This is gradual, of course, but rooaitfae stooant token daily would Ik? sufident i-j kill a stroog, healthy nan. FrAa five to eight grains f morphine is a fatal d"-- for in'' uuaecustoned to iti use. I haTe taken Hunt's Remedy systematically ail these things have changed; I have no swollen hands or Ilmtw, no pains or cramps in the side, can at all kinds of food, sleep soundly and get thoroughly rented, and my kidneys are active and perform their functions promptly, thus taking out of the system all the poisonous secretions which contaminate the whole system where the k ktoeyi in not act efficiently. My friends, what Hunt's Bmiiidy has done for me it will do for all of you. I believe it to be the only sure cure for all diseases of the Kidneys, Liver, and Urinary organs. Respectfully, E. R. DAWLEY, ibi Broad Street' -THE .KEW- Souihern Trunk Line FOB WASHINGTON, Baltimore, Philadelphia. AXB PTOBW YORK ! lie Only Line Running Its fTatire Traia with PULLMAN SLEEPING CABS! -Louisville to Washington, -AXD- Washington to Sew York. Without Change ! Without Transfer ! Pstswirss- thrrssh I lie PAJIOIS BLUE CSBASS REGION of Kentucky. sar Passengers from the South make elysc Con nection with the solid train of the C. & O. train at Louisville or Lexington, and pass through all the beautiful scenery on the C. A O. by daylight. Tickets on sale at Principal Tieket Offices in the South. W. J. BERG, Southern Traveling Agent, Louisville, Ky. II . W. FULLER, G. P. A., Richmond, Va. ras ma bit. "The aaWi niu.-t be QtNMfauted with the utwiot rcgtUfuritr. Hoftclt. r' Stomach BUMTa, ly incrrdii!) llie piivsii-ul viil nower. and rendertna function'' rrsnlar and SCOTS, the II i and Uti r ailments alualilr. and it afford a .-nvc d.- airaniHt malarial fevn besides mnoraw all trace" oisnch di?e;i-" from the JWW For sslc l.v all lnis: and lc( l v fit-nerally . FOR THK FARMKK. Hog cholera is raging about Sr. Joseph, Mo. Delaware count v. !"a ha seven tr creameries. Hen-roosts hottrd not be placed too high, and a standing nlank with slats should be provided tot an 'elcvaior." The American Dairymen reeom- mends peat-moss ftr lwdding. Thorough drainage lies at the foun dation of all good road makiug. An application 1 coffee-grounds is Said to add to the thrift of flowering plants. When washing out the manger a lew drops of carbolic acid in the wa ter corrects the sourness. If farmers would publish the mis takes thej make, it might be of more value than a record ot their uoocas. It U claimed that corn is the most suitable food for hens sitting. . The requirements of a sitter differ from those of other hens. Keeping quiet and without raueh exercise, not much is required to sustain life, and their food should be of such a nature as to digest slowly. For this reason whole grain is preft r.-ed, and com is thought to be much the best, Soft food of any kind is soon digested, and then the hen becomes hungry, and either leaves the nest too frequently or be comes poor. 1 he advantage of com over other erain is that tt is more oily and not so likely to stimulate the production of eggs, and, being nara ana compact, is aigestea mucn slower than other grain. The Breeders Gazette say;: "It is the opinion of many conservative and observant men that we are to have moderate prices for almost all agri cultural products for perhaps two or three years. Of course no one can predict trices with certainty. Any one jof several causes may produce high prices, bat the probabilities are that, with average crops in our own aad other countries and the preva lence of peace, prices for all neat staples will be lower than they have been for two or three years past, la the line of live stock, this country has a fall stock of all classes horsas, eattle, sheep and swine. Good prices have caused attention to breeding; there have been no destructive epi demics among our cattle, aad, pretty certainly, a larger number of females save been bred this year than in any former one. There is no need for discouragement, bat we do notadvise anv one to heavily involve himself no. stAvaay "i ke ns sv.fpm in 7,M,(i working order, and i r -r. !SMR" take it! itapaiust diw-ase. For coiisliatioii, d- V , , i lMnjr simi rheumatic i.i , iui in-' nuMi nm-t no couimueu, i swsliln it hit been beraa. The patient, after taking the drag, BUS an hour or so of stapor, aad the rt of the day b misery. If the eastern iuy dese i oaultted the vie- j liin sufnr? terribly." "Can the habit be cured and bow T I asked the reporter. "!'. euro i- MMsiMc Thf puticat , must sxprcss a desin lr a cure, and then be nlaoed under restraint and un der social influences favorable to refor mation. In the ease of intemperance I shut down immediately on the use of stimulants. I endeavor by the use of ionics and medicine to supply their place and build up the system till at last the craving for drink no longer exists. Then 1 hope to send them away with moral stamina sufficient to keep them from again indulging in the use of stim ulants. 'Tn the case of the opium habit, I sometimes continue to give them the drug after taking the patients in. But f daily decrease the doses, till gradual ly I suspend them altogether. Then I supply the place of the opium with other drugs of like nature, such as 'Can nabis indica,' cocoa leaves and sometimes strychnine. After a while I suspend these also, and then by restoring her general health the patient gradually loses her desire for the drug." A well-known physician, with a large west-side practice, said that the list of his patients includes many a well-known actmsa and the wives of many prominent citizens. The wife of a popular clergy man is known to have been under the treatment to effect a cure of her appe tite for drink. After some solicitation this physician consented to give the par ticulars of a recent case which ha ter minated fatallv BniMipEIHEst' THE GREAT Through Trunk Line Without Change and with Speed Unrivaled SHORTEST AND QUICKEST ROUTE from Memphis, Milan, and Humboldt to th NORTH & EAST Dill I Hill P1DC Without Change from rULLmAll uAflO above citi to LouU ville, and but on change to principal NORTHERN AND EASTERN CITIES. THREE TRAINS DAILY Bj this line, making SUBS CONNECTIONS AND QUICKEST TIME COM Bin 8D WITH aits courosT. rMIPDlilTC Seeking bomes or. the LmlUnAil I O He Oi this read will receive special low rate. See A grots or this Company for rate, route 4c, or write C. P. ATMORE, G. P. &. T. A. (() Louisville. Ky. General Directory. STATE GOVEBNMESIT. P.OBERT liOWRV, ... Governor (i. I. SHAND8, - - Likit.-Oovkhnok P. H. IjOwrv. - j-rivaic .-tcrcuirj Hk.vry V. Mvkks, - - Secretary of Mate. vVm. L. Hkmisgway, - - state Treasurer Sri.VBSIER Gwin, - Auditor Public Account T. C. CaTCHJKOS. - - Attorney -General J. A. Smith, - - Sup t of Public tducation. Ioun M. Smvlik, - Swamp Land lonmiissioner. E. i. Wai.!., (omuiissiouvr of ImiuigTiitiou and Agriculture. I J. L Poweb, ... - SUte Printer Wirt Adasis. - ,Siatp Revenue A;ont M ks. MakY Morascy. - - State Librarian. PURIFIES THE BLOOD Eradicate MaleHel Poison.Pre-ronts Chills ft Fever. Intermittent ft Bil ious Fever, Cures Ague ft Fever, Indi gestion, Dyspepsia. Nervousness, Loss of Sleep, Female & Summer Disorders. Recommended k Used Tjy Physicians. SOW Free of U. S. Liquor License by all re liable Druggists ana Dealers. PRINCIPAL OFFICE & LABORATORY, 24& 26 N.MAIN ST., ST. LOUIS, MO. THE SI PRF.3I F. LOUBT. J. A. P. Campbell. - Chief Justice. II. II. ClIALMEttf, - T. E. t.H.PI-.R. Oliver Clivtos, ----- Clerk. The semi-annual terms commence on 3d Monday of October and 1st Monday of April. REPRESENTATIVES. H. L. Mi liirow, Van. H. Maxsjm;, U. I. Money, - O. R. Singleton, -C. E. Hooker, Jas. K. Chalmkr!, First District - Second Kistrict. Thirtl District. - Fourth District. Fifth District. - .-ixth District. OXE FATAL CASE. "She was the wife of a wealthy Eng lisiimau who uiea several years ago several ot tier enuuren are grown up and settled in lite in prosperous cireuui stances. About sixteen vears ago her physician administered chloridine, which he introduced into her system by hypodermic injections. Experiencing uie renet ironi pain ana the pleasure able sensations which followed its use. she asked the physician what he was giv ing her and unfortunately he told her "When she came to me, or rather was brought by her children, she was a men tal and physical wreck. She could not irticulate a coherent sentence. She had lust nearly all command over herself She looketl and acted like and to all in tents and purposes was an idiot. "Mie grew better, and in the course of several weeks became rational and the imae-e of her former self. "After she had been in mv house nearly tn-ee monun ana her mmd and health had regained much of its former strength, some one in the house, or per haps a visitor, shewed her a bottle of cologne and tempted her to drink it. She did so. It made her furiouo. fn her frcti7y she attacked a servant and wrought herself into a terrible nassioB. Some one I should like to lcaru who the Bend was then put some morphine witliHi her reach, ihisputher into a taper, out of which she did uut rally. She was a woman of many accomplish ments and had clesrlv been accustomed to the Itest society." MEDICAL: BARKER'S GINGER TONIC Contains Ginger, Bucliu, & many of the best medi cine known, combined into a remedy of such var ied powers as to make the createst Wood Purifier & Bist Health S Stnnglh Restorer Ever Oted. If yu have Dyspep- ia, Rheumatism. Pad PARKER'S HCough or disorder of ih - Krdneys.tomiich, !o els, or Nerves, Farfc 5 'GingerTonic. wScoqi mence to cure and bui'd you up from the first do-c,& ncveT intoxicatef. -V. A P si.-es at drmggisl-. LrgeiTtngb'jj itil titf. Iper nstst lot'-Ie urajntK" or amm m pmam, cr iTpty yon. If. AT5 C13. UNITED .STATES OOERTX The regular terms of the Tnited .stat,". ( ircitit Court commenee at Jackson on the 1st Mondars Viav and November. Itoliert A. Hill, Julire: Jai. M. McKee. Tlerk. The Piatrict Court of the I'nited States for the Southern IMstrUt commences at Jackson on 4th Mondays Juue and January. Archie Mctiehee, Clert. Fur the Northern Instrtct. at Oxford, on 1-t H davs in June and l)mbcr. Geo. A. Hill, Clerk" HINDS COUNTY CIRCUIT COCRT. First District, at Jackson, on 1st Mondays Janu ary and Julv 24 davs. Second District, at Ray mond, 1st Mondays February and August 24 days. Thos. J. Wharton. Juilse; S. Livingston, Clerk office at Raymond ; A. K. Orecn, Deputy office at Jackson. HINDS COF NT Y CHANCERY COURT. First DUtrict, at Jackson, on 2d Mondays March md September 12 davs. Second District, at Ray mond, on 3d Mondays February and August 12 lavs. r.. u. t'evton. Judge; w. 1. Katun, t nanoerj Clerk office at Raymond ; A. Ci. Monro, Deputy ace at Jackson. Its lasting fragrance makes this delightful per fume popular. Thrr is nothisgjike it. Insist upon havmg r loreston Cologne; on every bottle OPIUM Hsbit easily oared with CHLORIDE OF GOLD USUI . F.EELEY, M B., SUtCtBN, b. & A. H. H. A-W2.varzy niino. OFFICERS HINDS Col NTY. II. Thomas, Sheriff. 1. H. Brown, ----- Trea-stircr. E. E. Perkiks, - - - Asssessor. V. T. Ratliff, ... Chancery Clerk. 3. LtvistiSTOS, - Circuit Clerk. will t. t oi.lins. ------ surveyor. Thos. I. Hunter, - - - Coroner and Ranger. 9l?PKitvIS0R.s. E. 8. Middleton. 1st District: W. H. Chichester, 2d; C. I). Newman, 3d; N. II. Suiitb, itn; i. t. Mcttae, ith. Magistrates. Win. Bell, fl. A. Work. lt Dis trict ; J. J. Blrdsong, C. T. Harrison, I. E. Davis, 2d ; i. is. t olling. L. . huner. :ta: j. t:. rarrar. J . I. Hunter. &2I. Thumeu. 4th: John W. Ration. S. P. Mead, 5th. C. 8. SE N ATORS. POUTJ3 HORSE AND CAT" LE POWDCRS J. Z. George, U CJ. C Lai Term expiree March 4, IRS". Term expire March 4, lgg9. CITV GOVERNHRNT. Johx McGill, - - - - - Mayor Aldermen Messrs. H. Spengler. J. S. Hamilton, W. So ::. u win die i it t .L7c, tvts or U so r Taylor Benj. Jones. - il. M. McLeod. - E. H. Reber. - Isydore Strauss. J. C. Carraway. Ryan, for whites; Toney . it !iia-. l o.i-r ire ostnl in rime. r twtTiWI,!'tr STRENGTH to vigorously push a business, strength to study a profession, strength to regulate a household, strength to do a day's labor with out physical pain. All this repre sents what is wanted, in tne often heard expression, "Obi I wish I bad the strength!" If you are broken down, have not energy, or fee! as if life was hardly worth liv ing, yon can be relieved and re stored to robust health and strength by taking BROWN'S IRON BIT TERS, which is a tree tonic a for ail wasting diseases. ji N. Fremont St., ! During the wi I was jarwm the stomach by at of a shell, aad hare i tronkerersiaee. About four rears ago it brought on parajy as, which kept me in bed tlx months, and the best doctors in the citrakl I could not live. I suJcrcd fcarrallT from iudigaatk, and foe mat two years could not cat solid food ard for a large base was unable tor BrvwR'sIronlltlriisnd i able to get i BROWN'S IRON BITTERS is and nre rwedy for ' WW if WIH pretclt fiHt IS FlWta r'Ttttr- I'owm will . irsui , rm.. . rem- arm r. ase me Duller arm e ' wreet. ttmm lowdr wi't ears or rrerent dnwet crkST lol l I ,.II!M WILL OIV; SATlsTAClIOI. fold e .'erywherc DAVIS T. FOUTS, Proprietor, s.LrifOB.a.MP. ON 30 DAYS' TRIAL THE TOLTAIC BUT CO. Marshall. Mieh.. will send DR. DYE'S CELEf BATED ELECTRO-VOLT A10 B FLTS and ELECT KIC AFPLIARCES on trial for SO davtt to men ( rotinp or old) who are afflicted with Bsr tous DebiUty. Last Vitality, and kindred troubles, guaranteeing speedy and eomplete rworminii ot healtb aad nianlv riiror. Ad dress ss shore. N. B. Ka rik iaffiirred. at 30 Javi trial is allowed j'83-ly. Q. Iowd, F. B. Hull, Wm. 7ity Clerk ... Cit I'nlleetor and Assessor Jtv lreasnrer 11 cy Marshal ... Cats Sezwos - Phil. Barnes for colored. STASDISG COMMITTEES. fin !.'e J. S. Ilaiuillon. VT. Q. Lowd and Wm. D. Tav lor. Pub'if BuHditMi F. B. Hull. H. SDeneler and Ben Jone. yiancr s Win. II. Tavlor. J. S. Hamilton and F . null. I'n-uotil'fiin and Griwanerj V. It. null. J. Hamilton and Wm. H. Tavlor. ttaiM H. Sneneler. W. U. Lowd and Wm. II Taylor. .Ntrr nen. jone. t. is. nun and H. Mierutier. TVrfiw J. S. Ilaiuillon, F. B. Hull and Ben. , e"1 H. Spensler, Wm. H. Tailor, and F. B. Hun. Bridtm H. SnengW. W . Q. Iwd d1 Hen. Junes fjaneterv . . J. . Hamilton and Men Jones. OmKKT. B. Hull. J. 5. Hamilton and Wm. H Tavlor. BetiU Lhuer Petition W. Q, Lowd. H. Bmmtkt aaa nea. Jones. SOCIETY DIRF.CTORV. New Advertisements. Pearl Lodge Jfo. 23 ( Mason ie Meet Sd Monday meat ox eaen menu James Black, W. M. ; Chas. MORAVIAN SEMINARY, FOR YOU L4DIES, BCTHLEHEM, PEMNSVLVAHIA. ESTABLISHED 1785, AND IN SUCCESSFUL I L. (raxtoa. OematatT. jacason Boyai Area inanier o. e. Meet 4tn Monday night of each month. Robert Bradley, II r. : w. s. inailaii Meets toa. Scribe. I Commaadery No. 1, Knight Templar Monnav ami at eaca aooaui. Jo aeiMU, t.. i. ; inirer t uiton, ttecoraer. Jottn OP KB ATI ON EVER SINCE. Apply to CV. J. BUCKENSOERFER. COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS AMD SCBCEOMS, an nunar an I Hoaor. Meet Sd Capitol Lodge No. It, L L O. F. Meets everv Thursday night. H. Q. HStneim, K. U. : W. A. -. seereiarv. Choeuw Encampment No. Uftft F. Meets 1st and Sd Fridays. H. . Hllzheim, Chief Patri- A. lr. Moore. Bcriue. I Lodn No. SS. Knights of Pvthia Meeta 2d and 4th tacaiava. H. G. Hilzoeim, C. C. ; EM. Parker. K. of R. aad 8. Central Lodge No, 7S4. Eaidita of Honor. Meets 2d aad 4ta Fridays. Byron Lemly, Die Campbell, Betwrter; G. E. Galeeran, Dictator; C. C BALTIMORE, MO. The aractleal advaataass of this school trnaand. Clinics beldatnty Hospital, Maternile id isarrtaad Woaaaa H-iih Voaar to tab school Fhndolai LADuaiary won reqnirea jvctt asaiseat. ay fy far a catalogue lo im. inuna unt, aa) a. Miwy asja No 163. KaanVta aad Ladies of aad 4th Wednesdays. Mareellus sr: n. u. miz mm Lea Ossaaefl American Legion of Honor. - 1st aad Sd Tueadava. H. M. Tavlor. G. E. Galccxaa, Secretary. -Meets p-IVOJtCES. No pabUei jur man. vmmnxm, n Appueatsaa tar stamp. ,js. a. anv Advice aad H. LEE, AtfT, 2 MirruoDcrr Cacacsj Rev. C, B. Gallovav. T. P.. saador. rMthath arrea H a. bk, aad 7. a. Pray ar BSBetJaaavei Wdbeaoayabt.ahjafh ScaaaL Car mem. Rev. Joaa Hoatcr, D. VawsaaiMr AdvertistBr Baraaa, 10 tt, . T. aasjs.'ss-lm. pastor, "ahlith an i iwa It a. a aad 7 a m. Prayer meeting e-rery Taw lay night. Sabbath School S a. a. J. L. Power, Saacriatcadeat. BerttM I SaMaOiaerrtae HIRAM SIBLEY ACO. I x$ Tiinuiis H. F. 11 a. a.. aad 7 a. a iacevacvllamsaaay aizfat, at 7 a'cteck. Baaaat,Sa.a. Bcva Iszaei. CoyeasKATtos. So Catholic Cacac a.-Rev. H. (XmmMm i7z aM tuffs Mass, ta a. az lat-a-a. mm Seed: asoraaajst a csse. TkalU. strand 7 jbT Friday eveatiaa; service OawlSYiaa Oacaca-. N pastor at present. READY IM JULV I CATALOGUE St PfHCE LiST. B.Y. t7sMS3RAIM STREET. FTBUC 1JST1 LTTIOXtV Lor z vie Astlctl Dr. T. J. MjtchaH. San la Dbav sjtp Dcata lasitl Hsoit. J. R- Dsfcjaa, i ras Bus a. Dr. W. S. Laaghry, RniiSllisali . pirriTioN THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND BOARD of Aldermea of theTowaef Bolton. We, theon- efnaeas aad wfjat voter or saaj town, res- v reeommead to roar nonoraoie oooy l. j. HiiDui wher and suitable DersoB to carry on the bosiaeas as Retail Liquor Dealer, and pray at yon nasi lii lli iaw In ir" toe earn ia less quantities than ose pint, bv Lis complying with the law gov. erniag tai saie": T M Black Jiub Walton, Joe J Btrdaaaa-S B Shofoer. B H Well, W Jones, JO JoneaTwiU A. Jon L G Laiaon. D A MeNeiil, C H McNeill, J HDSss, W FCaflry, John Gaddls, Wm Mailer, u i. a juicnct, j Alexander, a t- rep- r Jian- Wil- Burt rm. lie McKay, Hick Haasrd, Epbrarm Koberts, was Jones, Jake Simmons, Dick Uuaer, Henry John son, Albert Fobs, James CWsob, Fuller Crudup, Alfred Jackson, Jerry Ross, Campbell Anderson. Esau Schwartz, Morris Schwartz, Reuben Ware, John Rowland, Napoleoa Winneld, Wright Jack son, Bisb. Simmons, Wat Smith, Tom Young, Han ihal Dixon. John Green, Ambrose Newton, George Williams, Gilbert Satawhite, Charles Montgomery, Briss Holly, Pink Williams, Tom Adams, Charley Barnes. Jim Johnson. Jim Chambers, Wiley But ler, Alfred Brown. Tom James, Harry Peyton, John Hubard, Harrison love. ang.8, 83-Sw. H. 1TUDLET COLEMAN Special Term Circuit Court THE STATE OF MISSISSIPPI, 1 Hikds County. j IN THE riRCITT roCKT IN AND FOR THE First District of said County, July Term 18S3, Julv l -:li. 1 Okiiesed, That a Special Term, beginninzon Mosdav, the 3n dat of Septeh BEa, 1S83, be held for the disposition of all sueh case on the eiril docket a- were triable at the pres ent term. A true ropy from the minntes. Witnees hit hand and the Seal of said Court, l. S.1 this ith dav of Jnlr. A. I. 1883. ' S. I.lVlNtiSTON, Clerk. julyi",'i3-6w. By A. B. Gksex, D. C. CHAKCEBT XOTICE. THE STATE OF MLSSISSIPPI, , To Mas. Thkodosia Jones and Sws MAN C JONL: J YOC ARE COMMANDED Tt) APPEAR BE fore the Chancery Court, First District of the Countv of Hinds, in said State on the Second Monday of September, 18,s, to defend thesiiit in said Court of Willie B. Perkins, wherein you and others are defendant. W. T. RATLIFF, Clerk. Jackson, Julr, 2S, 18SX. augJ,S3-3w. Notice to Creditors of Bollia Rose, Ifcsceased. ALL CREDITORS OF SAID DECEASED ARE hereby notified that on the 7th day of May, 1883. the undersigned was appointed Administrator of said deceased, by Hie Chancery Clerk for the First District of Hinds county, and all creditors are re quested to present their claims and register the same within one year after the first publication of this notice, or the same will he forever barred. WALTER H1LLMAN, aug.l.'$3-lw. Administrator. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. INSTATE OF MRS. CATHERINE GILES, DE j ceased. Ail persons having claims against the Kstate af Mrs. Catherine tiiles, are hereby notified that Letters of Administration on said estate were granted hy tHe Chancery Court of Hinds County, (First District l. State of Mississippi, on July 25th, ls.i, and all claim against said estate must be pro bated and registered by the Clerk of said Court within one vcar. or thev will lie forever barred. CON. SllEEHAN, Administrator. auz.l,'83-4. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. ETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION ON THE IET' lut' ..f l KASI.ES Tavlok, deceased, having been, on use 2d day of July, lss:;, granted to the undersigned, t,y the chancery lourt. for rirst 1ls trictof Hinds county. Mississippi, ail persons hav ing claims against said estate are hereby notified 10 exhibit the same, and have them registered by the Clerk of said Court within one year, or thej will lie forever 1 jar red. jaly35,'83-4w. L. F. CHILFS, Adm'r. MKDICAL. THE BEST OF ALL LINIMENTS FOB HAN AND BEAST. For more than a third of a century the I Mexican Hoitang Liutment has boon I Known to minion s an over t uo woria us I $ I 0 s a 4 s H - - M 18 and 20 Union Street NEW ORLEANS. ' Corn Mills, mmmm Cotton Gins, jl Cotton Presses, ttMtlAm in . v it SH i upeinng, rnueys, tjr I - Shafting Fnmns tc.,H Ittt SEND FOR CIRCULARS. "aSBMMajSsaMaagag rKKOuii t1 afirs- irr tor These Engines snd Boilers require no foundation whatever. The entire weight is brought clown low-maKing u very rigid, w nrewnutu; sar u,vin, aotgj . ... .. . ... ... T . SS L . I 1 ... 1 1 . . 1. . ... .. . , , I , . . r W 1 1, f I. II, III.. Hurt, '1...' 1 , ,1 ',. 1 , , " 1 v.' .!. , , . ... in nnriar a npa vv man. i noner nan a n ruuaiu-itvu iauic burn eithek Wood or Coal. It is tested to 150 Pounds Hydrostatic Pressure, and TIIE ABOVE CUT REPRESENTS THE "Semi-Fixed' Enginb and Boiler, io, 15, 20, 25, 30 and 40 Horse Power, For Saw-Mill and Cotton Plantation Work, we believe it to BEST ARRANGED PORTABLE OUTFIT IN THE MARKET! '"viiu ahnnf. lanre, and eaiJ FULLY GUAEANTEKD! The Emrines are Simple and Strong. Thev are furnished with Automatic Stop-Action (tovemors, Heaters, Pumps, and all Trimming treeeasarv t rai r. tj.m ..T-j u.i i: ,u .n.i u rwrfr-lv aafp We carrv all sites in stock here, readv to ship at a in mienl n itict !l I.-T r.npine anu ixiiitrr is itrnuru uciuic ic?ug j . ... ... ng hnishetl and run nice ciocK-worK. O O M I R B THE 1 O T-j Ju O W I i IMilC ij Prioes of " Semi-Fixed" Engines and Boilers Complete, ready to go to work, and delivered 00 Qina New Orleans QUARANTED : 10 Horse Power With Cylinder 7 inches in diameter by 10 inch stroke, with Chimney and all fixture 15 Horse Power With Cylinder 8 inches in diameter by 12 inch stroke, with all Fixtures and Chimney, 20 Horse Power With Cylinder 9 inches in diameter by 14 inch stroke, with Chimney and all Fixtures 25 Horse Power With Cylinder 10 Inches in diameter by 16 inch stroke, with Chimney and all Fixtures Prices of the 80 and 40 Horse Powers, will be named upon application. At the sbove named prices, we will sell, jov.u.,. December l.iih, li3,fji can give good acceptance or endorsement, Hearing interest, ror an casn wim me oruer, or i..bu on ampuiem ui mv -. i , ium i; 'i-.iuiig above pt ices. ft When vou Durchase an Eneine. buy by the Dimessioxs and not by the rated horse-power I ! Some deahrs will ofitr you a lO-borat () ,w i Knirint, ssii tribe 12 or 15 horse power, but if you wi'il compare the inches ot the Cylinder and the Boiler, you will have a belter i.h-a of what v. mi are salting Th beat pfe your goods from a responsible house. Write to as for Prices and Circulars of what you want. ertt ,11.- rkar rof I kafl. he 11" - ;iur b a. lion irly no - pkl ion 1 1 iX H. DUDLEY COLEMAN & BRO., New Orleans, the onlv safe reliance for the relief oil I accidents and pain. It la a medicine I above price ana praise the bast of Its I It is a medicine I and pain, ae and nrais I kind. For every form, of external pain I UN MEXICAN I Mnstansr linknent Is withont an eqmol. I It penetrate flesh aad muscle to I I the very bone making the oontinu- anca oi nam ana lnnammation imoos- I sible. Its effects upon Human Flesh and I the Brute Creation are eauailv wonder. I i ui. me mexicnn MUSTANG I Liniment in needed bv somebody in I I every house. Every day brings news of I I the agony of an awful scald or burn I subdued, of rheumatic martyrs re-1 stored, or a valuable horse or ox j I save d by the healing power of this LINIMENT I which speedily cures such ailments of I I the HUMAN FLESH as I Rheumatism. Swelltnars. Stlffl joinia, louuacua muscle, liurni and Scalds, Cut, Braliei and Sprain, Poliouom Bites and Stlns, Stimieas, Lanmcu, Old Sores, Uleera, Frostbite s , Chilblains. Sore Nipples, Caked Breast, and Indeed every form of external dis- ae. It heals without scar. For the Beotb Cbsaxioh it cures Sprain, gwinny, StlfT Joint, I founder. Harness Bores, uoor ta- I eases, Foot Hot, Screw Worm, Scab , Hollow Born, Seratehes. Wind- aalls. Snavln. Thrush. It I nc bone. Old Boras. Poll Evil. Film noon I I the Slaht and every other ailment I I to which the occupant a or the I I Stable and Stock Tard are liable. I The Hezlean Kswtanw T.lnlmentl I always cures and never disappoints;! ana u is, poeiuveiy, THE, BEST OF ALL LINIMENTS FOB MM OB BEAST. JACKSON. LOTTERIES. T. A. ILER, $30000 2 STATE STREET, 58th Popular Monthly Drawing. In t he City of Louisville, ob Friday, August 31st, 1883. Thw Drawing otvuron the last ilay ot each montn (Similar excepted.) Ileiieatedatljiidicatfunahy FSO eral ami State Court have placed this Com pan y beyond tlie controversy of the law. To this Com puny helosBU tin- Boh honor of having inaugurate iceoaiy plan oy which their drawings arc provi honest ami fair lieyond ipiestion. N. B. The Company lias now n hand a lane capital sad reserve aad. Head careful! v Hie Ht of prizes for the A.ii"ii!st Drawing : JACKSON, MISS. Walthm I, Elgio Watches Are the st'inditd time-keepers full Mock always on band, in GOLD AND SILVER OASES ! NTCKLE STEM -WINDERS. $5.50! Large and handsome stock of Fine Gold and Boiled Plata Jewelry. All fresh Stock .' Sets of Jewelry all the way from $2.50 to $40. lo SPECTACLES iad EYE-GLASSES 1 Prlxo 1 Prize 1 Prize 10 of $1,000 each 20 of 500 eacu .sso.non . . 5,000 . 10,000 . 10,000 100 of 8400 each JlO.Ooo 200 of 50 each Hi.iHlO 600 of 20 each 12,00" 1.000 of 10 each 10,000 APPROXIMATION Pr.IZES. 0 Prize JS00 each.... !' Prize 200 eadh. .. Prize 100 rah 1SI80 Prizes. Whole Tioksts, 82. 37 Tickets, $60. 2."00 1,800 900 F1!X,4M Half Tickets, 81- 55 Tickets, 8100. Remit Money or Bank Draft in Letter, or end bi Kxnrem. DON'T SEND BY REGISTERED L TKK OK l"OST-UFKICE ORDER. Adddress all or ders to R. M. BOA RDM AN, Courier-Joi riial Building, Louisville, Ky. apri.9,'83-ly. DENTISTRY. Scientific and Durable Dentistry. ! J. S. Kxapp. D. D. 8., R. J. Millks, D. D. 8 Late Ieau, N. O. Dental College. DRS. KXAPP & MILLER, HAVE REMOVED FROM THE CORNER OF State and Capitol Streets, to the Silvar-Plated Wars and Cloeke' " a,'lc na n sis., -uveri'iaiett ware ana uoexs. oycr Lei,better,8 Drns storCt Always on hand at Bottom Fiousks wherf wil, tMen() practlce o( Rogers' Tripple Plate Spoons, Forka , LENTIST2Y in all its BRANCHES. I hare a very large stock, and can suit any Eye -A Nil 1ST FUS.SK. Large stock of heat quality .4aBaPaK flBsa and Knives. air If you hire any REPAIRING you want done in tuy line, Remember that this is head quarters for Rlliabi k Wop.k. july4,'83-Cm. J. F. Hu-ctee, M. D. a. K. Hakrinoton, M. D. AtknfafS HAD SCROFULA FOB SEVENTEEN YEARS ! I have saScred from Scrofula about 1 7 years. The disease belne: mostly confined to my legs and ankles my shin bone were covered with i.aroe t lcess and on k mass or rotten flesh, asd the odor almost rXBKARABLE. All ipniedie and treat ments which I tried failed to do me any good. At last I beean taking i. S. S.. continnini for ihnut four month, and f AM CERTAINLY WELL. I took S. 8. 8. under the supervision of a physician of 28 years' active practice, by your order. Previ ous to lasimr a. . 1 at time could scarcely wane. Now, 1 ( AN WALK ALL DAT, AND I HAVE TO TUASS . . .. ASU IT ONLY, FOR XT CCRE. THOS. M. FABXAND, 54 Foundry St., Atlanta, ;. I have takes with (real benefit S. S. 8. for c case of Eeaecaa. file eruption has entirely disap peared, and I am well. W. J. ROBINSON, Member N. Ga., Conference, Atlanta, Ga. If yea doubt, oo me to see, snd we win CURE YOU, or charge nothing ! Write for the little book, free. Ask any draagist as to our standing. ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS REWARD wiU be paid to any CaeasJst who will Snd on analysis of 190 bottle S. & 8., one particle of Mercury, Iodide Potlnm, ar otker mineral substance. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Proprietor, Atlanta, Ga. Price Ssaall Siat, S1.00. Large Sae, tl .TS. IT Al l. Dat V G GIST'S. (Xa. acTx.) Mail Lettings. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Post Office Deuartmeat, WtuUngtm, D. ., July 10, 1883. PaorosALS wiU as received at las Caatcset CMtseaf this Dmrtaseat an til r. af fTi issis 1ST, 18SS, tor carrying the maU af ass raited the Khedule af arrival sad aajsitlwis tsccifted by tae Departowat, is the Ststca af Xsanatas aa4 Hiasssippl, neca Jaaaary tat, US, to Sum seta, IMl af jsalus, wish ussilalis af arrival sad fcflauii, iastxaciioas to bidders, vita ias esatratto aad awadu, aad all atfcer aeoassary ia- iU be iaratoaei apoa application to ihe Seeaad AjsatalaaV Iattsator Goaeral. MEKCH AMTV WTWT l We TaxLtrt, for 188. PertMi Tax LiaU for 1888. & Misrellanenn. m.-... 1 Ail who it iaaaaat araiae lACOn, MUM. ItweJgh.iSS-s. iseW.nUy s.uaad ta Vrr OMOaUlitmaT. H-lft, .,.. atat; HataBtoa, HasJsa a Os laaaaa. KENTUCKY J? . . " L11 . tMtapwknL Tra ar r aaaas KW waiSt L i 1 van -aeiiirTirTiP' far vars-r uawl TtasE W. sOTBS I Sl.ini K DN BWTIIat wtn. asra a. Ramara ca, fwlwa. Ma, I - ... - , 1 I saraaatiiaa trW btoatohed apoa applieataaB to tae 1 S"x: . ilW waaii I.i.TT. " V i, 1 tW. Hoam atT. CartoAu I FTn-ir , "TWJaS oanaaa. i SlBk Bo8, likSttiSiS ir-tc ! ?T,'S?t!S FotWVriittiaAT. A link J??Jl Hunter & Harrington, DRUGGISTS, Near SSUTTZB'S Corner. Opposite Capitol, JACKSON, MISSISSIPPI. KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND A FILL Uacaf DRUGS, MEDICINES, OILS, PAUVTS, LIQrORS FOR MEDICAL USE, Fancy and Toilet Articles. SOAPS, PERFUMES, and everything usually kept In a first-clan Drug Store. THEIR SICK IS THE RED POST AND BRIGHT MORTAR. SW Prttcripliam CmrfnOf Compounded Dmp and decSl.-SNtL aay Terms Cash. may9,'83-ly. TIME IS THE TEST ! Dr. A. H Hilzim's Dental Rooms, Over Stedman & Co.' Ptorc, Core State a d Pkakl Ptreet, JACKSON, MISS. WTkctii Extsacted Withoct Paix. Price lo suit the time. Hundred of fillings Iii the Teeth of my patron, ptrftrt as when placed there ytart ago, attest the durability of my work. rnrrj n. as V 11 YOU Wjia.lXT A Portable, Detached Portable, or Statioi With Extra Large Boilers, and the best ever brought to Mu A Grist Mill; A Cane Mill; A Cotton Seed Oil Mill; A Press; A Cotton Seed Crusher; A Saw Mill ; any Urn MACHINE I, V For Farm or Shop, write me, or call upon me. 8taj"'I will sell the other makes and slrles of Fajlnrs ss om i a Orleatip, Memphis or St. Lotlis. Try me ! W THE ROANOKE COTTON PRESSS." 1100 alone $6-1.00,; and remember that I aell noshiniily u-.i.,.!-. SJM thai ! Iiava ths went of the people oi Mtfiwippi for the last 17 years lor wiling ilii-a gut Bargains, sua outer .Miii'tuiurv. nirsy-i umu - Miipi-kh in aw part 0V W direct from factory. Q. D. BUSTAMAi Mississippi Machinery I.Y J. W. BEATY. AGENT FOR- THE QUEEN INSURANCE t OF ENGLAND., V. BRITISH AlfIRIA ASSI IIA ml a -mrw w m W aS CIKntRAaL HMWOfT roit 'I'll i ; New Orleans Insurance Associatioi iNi iti'-s i oi i v A3ii n v PKori.itiv at t ontilile Rate nm any tker i:'-iouii' GINT HOUSES INSURED. STATU XM OVIIK VAm t AW. KTATB ntii JACitMOX .lltMI may21,'82- cli of i i id vi UIM T. ,w. (run Kti IANDRETH PEDICRE SEEDS Mra, s H.i ... latstoi Vowid, IFriBC THE U. S. MAIL BRINC The mot extenslye Sead Grower In Amerira, loundminRI, IropuPoaa -"" mrwirnibBuvAiaJbuuiiiE, Aditro BRINCS US TO YOUR DOOM Amerira. Founrlel 17KI. limn u roSSM Addrt-sK slujily LAMJItKTII, fIlILAl)ElJ1 JACKSON. . YAHWfflKLE&CO. LAND AGENTS. Dr. Gee. K. Harriagtoa. Pr. Jaw. F. Uuatar. Ors. Harrington ft Hunter OFFER THEIR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES totbeneooJeaf JACKSON aad vtehittv. Osvtca AT TBKia UBVS BTOBB. OS DTATB OTBKKT. OrrO- rra Camtol Socaac AtafatDa. HaaanraToa can be foand at U rasweoee ea state streei, aaa i"u nuii at Mas io, SLen Building. R. K. JAYNE, Real J&rtate Agent, JACSMOX, MISSISSIPPI. HAS SOME VERY EXCELLENT LANDS, IM DTOred and I.Tnimnmv1 mm well mm 1 . . Pronertv tor sale. Parlies diKlHiu ir. u.n ,., ,,r ehaie will pleaae addre, or call on him at bi trace, Koom no. b, over Capital State Bank. ass-He will also eive special attention to the Col lection of Claims, the navment mi Htmtn ( It.- ..,! Countv laze and all buidae pertaining to rial estate. 8rsro cost wmioi'T SAi.E.jgsf Jan.l8,'gs-I y. ATLANTA, GA., MANUFACTURERS OF COTTON GINS, FEEDERS, 00N-LEN3EES- COTTON P2E3SES. SAW MILLS AND OIL HILLS. e. b. conroRT, OB ataan. CM. K. ataKTZ. JOHN MARTZ tic SON, Stats Strest, JACOOH, KIM. Maauikewrers of tVWX CANDY, Wbols- ssis aaA XstaiL arOtaVn Solicited, aad will receive careful atten- mar28'SS-lT. JAS I HARRIS ATTORNEY-AT LAW, "II ILL PRACTICE IN SUPREME AND Faosaal. Cocbts, and ia tae Oreait Coarta of IfTaaw sa4 adjaiafaa Ca tie. C. FAIRMAN, Attorney-at-Law, JACKSON, MISS. Ja Us taafat, FasVral aaA stasr Coarta. aasyVSS- JHU SL M ARJ'iltf, fuitfr, tiier aid Paptr lupr, JACKSON, MISS. WIU Attend to all Kinds of Land BSlaesS, before V. 8. Laad OAee, Au ditor's Office, and Svirnn Ian.l (MRm. ud 1 ,,, Map and Field Note of Land ia the State. W"Anvbalneentructed to y care will receive aattei ted . maris, i the: motes portable BOOK-CASE Hataaaataaly as to JO uullasH vfaMij km it.. iMiaiBetB BSSraSMB-r a well, the Utter either u In. .fli. i . .n-. . ' I IV TEKiV AT1U IN a i j Cotton Exposition, ATLANTA, GA 1881. Saw Gin and Seif-Feeder, EXHIBITED BY E VAN WINKXE Sc CO.. oinvVj.l' B-'t. 2 IM ortMMUl , s prlaa, BarroXctn8: Rick' T' s"dea, Mia. ; W. E. H. I. KIMBALL, IM , n. Alo, Firnt Premium at tae Stmth Carolina Htm Fairs aad tne f ieorjria Fair. OUU Tbi tiin i an Iron Frame, Steel Shaft m tbiagof very beat material, aad all warranted Fob Sale mr Pearl River Foundry anil Ag ricultural Works, JACKSOH, MISS . JHAS. WILLIAXS, Prtariefr. Hall's Safe & IM The Oldest and largest Safs racturiBic Establish in c nt in MANL'KAtTL'ltL Till. HM.V AH1 Burglar-Proof and Proof Safe made Hall's Patent Combination Hall's Patent lovetailed Ta Grooved Bnrglar-Pw Hall's Patent Concrete Proof Safes. Vault Work. Jail Woi Bank, Stats sad County Trsu"' (hast, and every olsst f Desired ws Mannfsttsrt. Wit Mass a ,sraiLTf Fire and Burglar-Proof for Jewelers' Use. Prices as Low as the L Ttn Bv,i,l K. lthi' ' Hall' HALL'S SAFE ft LOCK J. L. HALL, Factory and Principal Of CINCINNATI, 0. branch BOOM: lew York. Chicago, St. Lou'i, Clt lonitvUIs. Ssn FraBeiies. aplisi IUa tlhJkvmjS adjiiated'toaay VfkTitT' aaaia. sa4 afl aVredat afaxr tbi nuca of aeo mtam Ilbrarv table. Mac oa carton, it I. mmZZT Maavr Iamn. Mlalrtiw. iMvefooadthat it filb "the loae SlIi nat wbo aav fewer beofc tad it an unnU ass it praiae it, aad Ibos wbo hav. l lVotice I Hotels ! EvI4SDS house. -AND-. Chamberlia House Theael erring a Uberal aetVSWt to IK. u. . akasaal rrwnnr de- R W. PEEPLfS, fttsstai. ULB MILLI0I OFTHI For FLORISTSl AMAT Dak. BEAUTIFU Cfrttaagss FREE 1 HIRAMSIBlHttl ,.T.a .aa. A kJaU State 1 Mpwia ' " rsawi lyon&healvj a Mosrse St..CWesfs Shan sla Oft aja imiii W hmmmmmmi' W to 2Qf. 'ttfflETi NEW OBLEaHS- CITY H0T Car. fan a aid Cass jriW OBLXAJ? MUMF0&1A WATSON, , mr L