Newspaper Page Text
r - - . i . l vivi ikv I: t ish mp. i i nifw fin VHri.isPTTiPTiTC i - Fnrrmnvii i ,. - -.. - - r--r:! C "tS- -. . - - s , , ! : - -Sjt"SS 5Sr ;. s A. - TV v a s s rir fl A D I Q V 1 The Yazoo and MUiwffi Valley ' " '''' IV v-' A j Itailruail ia coing n it way rejoicing. r -w-: -w - -".r - 1 1 tia crowed Ilijr 111 ark ; La a d?pt t OlltUl 'araal f th City of .ae.ioa Hentonia; a telegraph office, at Jackson .aaaaaasassiMiasMssassssasmaaBBMMaaMMaBi and several hundred additional work- !nnif rurnTP men are to be pat on the road at once. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Ju w,are Bot Untouch ni,ukn. I J" bt fr w. ?nf th r,d II u k v, kk. H i. i iimr. . lew day mce, which ia aa aaaarance tot iim v4 ah i ;u s .nri, (bat every thinir ia well established. Lfistri"! "iiya-l of tbs.ot.i ol j 9 Ut'i2u. " v" flutter! cornar baa a new and ery laui if u I thing among in manv Foa Dinner Aitq-x-t ra Diic ."'"I1. .Mk b".ai- ' bay window with only a single exterior H. H. MILLEE, jangle, but by the proper adjustment of MMMwmwas ! I .nirtitn within, the content are I reflected and the reflection reSected, till each thing ia multipled to any beholder fourfold, flutter La an eye for the beautiful and is an artist ia more than photography. Shall We Ha"eTValeTchool I Kin Print C'i.jiai.v: The want of a i.wt, i!. ; .. ir.i,ki. i-rnianenl first claw male achuol in to nl-!, r lli.laf arn.. s p. m , b-a.e. iarM,i in4in, i kt. as. , kn ji kvjn naa long oeen a matter 01 ir jMlcoi irrr. i,ii Minci. pne to toe people ot the Otate aim ol reproach to ourclve. A t l.nt there acenu a protuixe aad a xtenlinlity of a better atate of thing. A uuin'rierof patriotic and public apirit nl cititf n who hare purchaaed the old bliud ay!um, hare expended upon it in repair and addition (including a very Urge building with atudy hall aad two rtiiuiion roonin) several thouaand dolUr, and put the whole in c'targe of : ir-itn. .iiir 't "i'i urr. (r Udiideliu-h, one of the niut ia- J k..a ,1 : fi i m- Ann l .. m i . . , T!2CZ-?aSLZ. Imibirf aai atridia KiU1im4. l.w 14 pt m m , r tfvtit. n I ue"l n. I im . m: Ihrwh Innlil, mv 1 I p. m., , l t I JH m. 04M W Matl. arrive t 0 . M , WVf 1 I' t w a. J: n ., lital l. laUaa. k aa ft Co.eatai Bilra4. l Vo . Tiim mrriu r Ann. iu -. r k. a. I. M.J. 4i!f trri'n Jl,a I Ufa IniM ( Hi p m p. 4. f -,41.1. 4mf .f.i tn lr Nt-I-Klll hi , r,iM al J It p m. 14I WB4I. ni. !. II II. I ! . '.. n I l. .'.-. 1" I Ullaitl Ctr.l Estlroaat tmaiki M'rt"1 ril. Ptrf 1 - ribn'V rr', A tV- M M. 4 -M ail. afrl.-a li U'a m Mnl liiifi.irn... imif.. ili ari.'TM aa I -Ktna ari l l l v. i rrffr l-a 4 .' J. I. I. Ki ll', Aflil. i- w r. iim Ha W I .!' !"! I J v i hi koi, . I r t j I. I Hl. - Mall arrl- " F-a: -UnaJ , I'rMl aU'l i ii wsti it STEDTTAN & CO. Lot A I, Ml 'I I' til K Vr; I'ut up your ik-, Lay in your winter mipply of coal. Flr." ur plv t4 ml tlif- cold tn.irii '"(( -TUo Kpi- op il i fiiin h h ia li.'. n ii n di'ruoiiijf rep.iiri. Tlia Iii4titiitiou for tin? 1 1! i in I i,peii aouday, October fli4t. Water i, ne.irly all our ti--tern hi.e r.'iubed bottom. ' -.titde .? . A. I'. Campbell mi l iam My retnrnad boiiu but vierk. Col. J. C. Clarke. I'renidciit "f tbe I. I'. K. K., wa4 in Jai k.ll l:i-.t week. Mr. TIhm. U. Kelly b4 been vinit In f rieu.U in tbe city Ilia put few day. -KiyuUr tiaiuK lunnlnir on wln'dule time will 4O0U be put nil tbe YM i Knad. The contract fir Itiiiabing the out aide of tbe public buildiiijr ba b. en li t for '. If )oii want to Unb mi 1 trrow fut go .o Barlow, WiUoii C,i'. MitiUtrel bow to morrow nikbt. Tha Illiuoi Central, we learn, 44 bought out tbe N.tti'bi-1, .lackou aud (Joluuibiu Railroad. Barlow, WiWon tti Co'a Mammoth MioatreU at Kobim ni' (Ipera Hjihc, to morrow ( l'bur.ljy) evening. Ir. I.angb-y, tbe ellicii'iit Principal of the I 1 i 1 Iii4titute, 14 nt Inline u.'.iiii looking much improved in health. Mr. II. 8peiiglr i4 nukinir a new houte alnueat of bis bnililing on tbe cor ner of I 'earl and .'resident streets. f Mi4 F.llie Neely returned from tbe K HIM t'ity hint Friday eveuiuir, where idic has been on a visit for wine mouth pat. . A Welwter' l'iialiiiil)fed Ilictioiinry laoftVn'd fr the best printed ninv4inpe'r In the Stale, by Ilia State" Fair Associa tion. lU'scrvi'd cats for sale for Harlow, Wilson A Co's Minstrels tomorrow night, at Hunter A Harrington's ilni ator. Ne Mr. Men tier' card in another column, lie has just sotten home with a fall stock of all the latest novelties in his line. Our young friend Mr. TIhm. Helm returned from Avon Springs, '. Y., Htturilar night, looking much improvwl in healtli. Mr. J. W. Colemail, lieneral I'nssen grr Agent, I. C. K. It., of New Orb-ana, I.a., passesi through Jackson a day or two since. .Vvure your sct4 early for the Min atrel to amrrow nielli, otherwise you may not be able In obtain them for love or niouuy. Mrs. Win. Ciiobinan, of VicLsburg, atoppssl over in Jackson Monday, the auest of Mrs. C. llinckle. and left for Ler home Tuesday morning. Mr.tMlieIlilr.ini is getting things lit raadiuess t open a bMik store just north of the Hpenlcr House, in few Jays. Wa wish In in siicocks. Mr. Cari. Hiuckle after a pleasant aojoura In tha North has returned home. II Waa pleased with his trio and gl all tbe lataat hotel items w hile away. Wa are alad to aee Mr C. T. Kndd, Acent of the Cbicaxn I'-.iilroad at his pant again. He has been absent for aula wseks ou a visit for hi health. 0i Mr. tsentter'a return from hra trip North he brought with him the latest aiyle in jewelry, etc. 1-ook at hi Una) aliow wiudow and be convinced. IT. R.unlebiisb i conducting Ilia achool for boys in the College liroen Huhool House. Ilia permanent school house will te ready Mondav, K tuber flrt. Only tbe 1 VtiUH'rali.' and Itepubli can par lira were re-oa;niel by tbe State ' Commissioner! of i.K-ction in the ap poiatment of County Commissioners of i -lection. ble and distinguished educator in the Mate. Tliia gi-nilenian has called to his as sistance his son I'r if. Win. Kou lebusb, lute of the A. and M. College at Siark ville, aud Mr. It I. Willing, Jr., who praduati-d with the first honors of his class at the t'uiversitv of Mississippi last June. Alnaadr the great reputa tition of I'r. Itomlebusli i attracting students from abroad, and Imarder are oniing in from Ixiuisiaiia aud distant portions of our own auj ailj.iceul Hiatsrn Our streets are being enlivened w ith the presence of a 'number of well dressed and gentleiuauly young men from a dis tance. Tbe attendance of bova from I Jackson though promising, is by no means wliat It auoulil he. 1 would earn estly ur;;e the parents of Jackson to tmiii! forward and hold up tbe bands of those who are moving in the matter by sending in their aons at once. Let us see if we cannot build up and maintain a lirst-4 lass boys school in Jackson. Citizex. CPT. l'l'T Iirdi:m, Master of tbe State (Iran'e w ill add re the farmers and others, at I'liion Church, 4 niilvs southwest of Jackson on the Natchez Kail road a: 2 o'clock on Friday the 12th, and Raymond Sutu relay the 13tb dav of October. All are invited to come and bring t lit-i r baskets. L. F. At.Foan. Jack-m, Sept. 2oth, ISSl Mr. L. C., of Floyd, La., spent the latUr of last week tbe city. lie met his daughter, Mia lain.- who has been visiting relatives in l'ickens county, Ala. They left Sun day via Natchez, for tbe convent of tbe Sacred Heart which is aituated 30 miles above New Orleans on tbe river. His daughter will remain there at school. Mr. Maiseiigale reports the cot ton crop of West Carroll as aomewhat damaged, averaging a little more than half crop. ijst year the cotton of thU pari-h averaged a bale, while this year it will probably make a half bale. The gathering season has been very fine and almiit one-third is already harvested Tbe corn crop is very fine, averaging about 2! bushels per acre. The acreage in corn is larger than liefore since the war. Small crops, such as potatoes and -as, and oats are general, though cut very short by the drouth. This year he estimate will bring the people pretty well out of debt. The country is generally healthy. A Word About Dress booth. - We have nude arrange ments tlii eea aosi to hav an extensive line of all tbe late stylea in Drat Good and Trim mings to match; but they will not come to us till about the 10th of October. Pronounced Winter atylea are not out North nntil late, (about the 1st Octo ber), and when we propose to give you this aeaaoti ' style, we are compelled to wait thia late to get .them. Oar buyer write na about to tbi effect; but tell u that we will be repaid for the waiting, in getting what U to be worn this winter not what they wore iu the fall, but winter, or a winter or two ago. Jack son, and we might say it of ail this country, 1 generally one year behind the atyles, aud just because merchant usually buy in August and September, a month before winter atyles are estab lished. They are compelled to take what was worn before or fall style. Tliere are four seasons North, and we only have two, is why winter atyles are not out earlier. Thev wait until Fall trade is over, f'itv housci-: New Or leans, Naahville, Louisville, etc., dj not sond their Dress Hoods' buyer on until October, and ynu can't find winter styles even iu tlies-j cities earlier than we will have them. We can say just the same of MILLINERY: Wlnltt tjht are mrf an! yrt. We ask you to wait for our Opening aud we promise to abow you the GRANDEST DISPLAY of DRESS OOOItt, MILLINERY and of LA DIES' WRAl!, ever exhibited iu the State. Millinery Department. To this Department we have direct) d our greatest energy, as we have deter mined that it shall be the leading fea ture of our establishment, and we will not tie satisfied until it is the leading 44aLliLment of the country. . We ex pect to Dirlrttf Stylet as sue now do priret. We have secured for this season a Mil liner that trimmed for the leading houses of New York and Philadelphia We are satisfied with our selection, and so you will be as soon as ynu see her work. STUD MAN Sc CO. LOOK! LOOK! LOOK!!! Ladies' Dress Goods and Trimmings ! --a Velveteen in Blacks & Colors LACES, RIBBONS, etc. BOOTS AND SHOES For ill, both large and small. HATS, CAPS, Etc., GENTS' FURNLSHING GOODS, CLOTHING FOB GENTS, YOUTH'S AND BOYS, LADIES' CLOAKS AND DOLMANS, From Cheapest to Best. CARPETS AND RUGS to match. CARPETS can be made here or in New York as desired, and a fit for any room guaranteed, ranging in price from i't cents a yard to the fine-t BoPlT MT Seeing is believing, s come and look. No trouble to show goods, at WM. A. WHITING'S. 4 . v. SBITTTI - '. " - - , camrcit opposite oapitol, FIXE .WATCHES Al JEWELRY ! Silverware, Clocks, Spectacles, Etc., WALTHAM, Elgin & Rockford WATCHES, OLDEST, LARGEST AND MOST POPULAR Jewelry Establishment in Jackson, Miss. Sol Aireot for the Celebrated Quick Train ROCKFORD WATCH. Sole Aarnt tor the f avorite uuaninaiiun orAvi auuiid. ouic Agnu mc MEDICATED SPECTACLES, ETE GLASSES, Etc. WATCH BEP AIRING by a Scientific and Conscientious Workman. OEJUTTEXl'S Celebrated Photographic Studio in the Same Bail ding:. Tu. v. SELTTEE, seP20,'a-3m. THE OLD RELIABLE JEWELEK. AStSEKENIS. K0UINS0YS W. E raur, UI'EUA HuL'fcE ! .. Lews ft axd Mahaoks Thursday, September 27, 1883, Barolw, Wilson & Co. MAMMOTH MINSTRELS. Excels All Their Fast Efforts! VERY ACME OF PERFECTION I The Jackson Democratic Club. Bwinton'i Story-Teller. William Sainton, well known aa the war correspondent of the New l ork Times, and more recently a writer of achool text-books, is about to begin the publication of a Weekly to be called 8wintnn's itory-Teller, and consisting ezclusircly of choicest complete talcs, from four to six in each issue. He haa already enlisted the pens of manv of the star story-writers of the L'niteJ States and Knxluad. Wa think Mr. bwiuton right in liclieving that there is a keet -ly aud wiilly-l'elt appetite lor first-class short stories,, and if he works uu to his ideal, he should achieve a fluttering success. A paragraph is ifoinc the rounds of the press, iu which liev. Ed ward Kverette Hale, who it is under took!, is to contribute to tbe first num- Mure Perfurmera ! Mure Cornelians! Mar ViaUts! Mure Iuslnimeutaliita! Aad Mot Spei'ialft4 Thau hit Miuntrcl riitanr iu Eai.lenca, or Ever ma ExUt: aiaTRriervei Seat, now ou Hle at Hwstk UaauiNOTox's lruj Store. "BIG ej 99 A lVniocrutie (.'onaervative Club was formed last Friday uight in the Hall of ber of the 8tory-Teller a most amus- the House of Krpresentativeti. ,n8 nd debKhtful tale called "Crom- ti. f..n : i. .. l. a- wens ciaiuie, says. iic miiuM my; wen- wiccieu as oiucers: i .r Url i-a . . 1 Mr. K. S. Wilson, Presideut; Mr. Henry ,uch a Weekly.' I hare been for a lonir Strauss and Ir. W. C HoJgers, Vice-1 timeadvisingand prophesying tbe forma- I'resideuts; Hon. T. A. McWillie, "on 01 a magazine tor steries only." Tr..,w..r..r .l r. If If ir...., . I Jiara lwatn la out in ' .... j , chracterist:c utterance. trtl V. 1 .... allr-tli Sttrv.Tllr i. Kacl The mime on the ro'.l aggregated lo7. on a sound idea, for the reason that I, Messrs. fiilhoon mid Clifton adilmanrrl (wiioaiu a proline sourceot sound ideas) nave wonurrea a inanr a time, wbv thii ilia t'luli. A full utteuilaiice is ihaired next Fri day night. liiiliii-sliiin. nerroiianeas. rhe umatiaia anl Wfskreaa tliauppear with tha us o rarker a oiuifer luuic. onieboly didn.t start juat that kind of periodical, and so achieve swift aud certain prosperity. GRAND EXCURSION TO St. Louis and Return FARE ONLY $1225 ! aUcnriion Train will leav JACKS0V at 6:06 ft. H ., Saturday, Septr mber 29. 1883, BEACUIXIi STLOns NEXT DAY. ONLY OXK SKiHT (H T. Ticket, (odd t re turn oil Keirtii.-r iraiua until ui-luiier la, proximo. - lata vyywiuunj is uuw uaereu tfj lue GREAT JACKSON ROUTE to visit 8. Iauui dtiriug tbe cuntiuumntj of it ajrrmi fuit rAiit, ma iu witntus the maniQ mt bagpiuit o( the (r-lttmi "VKILKU PKO rHET.V adiiipUr onU et,talHl by tlie tridirnlfd aM!tl:M.'ietiM ui ew Orieajii. ltcua,embrr for th' icOUSDTKIP. For further InforniatiuB call al IU kel OAtva, at Chhtii Ilepot, Jackaan. . J. W. COLEMAX, ATC. P. A., New Orleaii. C. T. Sl DD, Agat. aeo le.'ai-td. . - MlTimers'Stoci fOFALL KINDS FOB SALE BY CV; Jaa III III THE STATE FAIR Opens October 29, and will Continne Six Days ! $6,000 Cfered in Fremiams! $3,000 Offered In Speed Rim Tht Boat Baca Track in tha South. now Open for Tralninj Porposea ! rt CALL ATTEXTIOS TO orB LIBERAL Flwiin lot lire !Kfc at ait kiasis- VrrK.-lv ia araa tu aeaj aacnethiax to exhibit. aa4 make tbia a fair vkurk will U. .ie)itat4e tt 04ur eiatr. The Laaiea we ktww wUl leaa) tkeir ai4 ia ak- iaj emtilaWa dnplaTl IB their aeeeral iHrpart-aaeats. All arUctea aavaS4 be fsa-wanaed ta tbe Secretary. Arraareaaeata will be ua.le with Railroad, for atic tan hat xuuxi4 irtu. For Preatium Lial aai further iaiaiaaatiaa. ad- drs L. VIRPtX, PaeatnaxT. U F. CHILES, Sm a.TalT. F. A. Wolfc. ) DR. STROM'S PILLS! The Old, Well Tried. Wonderful Health Renewing Bemedlea. STBONG'S SAJtATTVE PILLS tok raa Litu. A apeeiT rure fc Ueer Cctapiaicl. Eep;laUD tb Bowels. "ParifriBf the Biood. iieaiiiing tra ilaia nal Taiat. A perfect ear for aKK SuMCItl, Cosnir.nox. asn DTsrirsLa. ... STf"i ? FECTOBAL FILLS iamre heautbT appeute. cotsi dreoB, rtnnl; ol ow howeia A iirereiiieue fori oids aad ltBeuatia. A raa noca aos to Irxnat Fsnai-K. sawihln aasi knrmi the assreoaM t?, an4 pTiaa v.eor awl bwiU to ever. oi tha aoa. sal b tr eiH. For PaouhteR, etc.. addrrsa E. HuMA f ., Box fcM, New Voik ilT- Cllasll2r., B3cMs5i fcr Eestsnsn 4?EI.F-rKSTRl"CTOR la 5inl aat PoaWa 1-aaaona ebaui aiaitwe aitsl aaallT eoaa- ,telMait. A. leas-iw caa toaxh it. ulj text book pubii-hed aueciaJiy adaotea to Soothera e M Kbta. a il lakes up tu A tail to owsiuesa of the Matlwra coaalrr aierehaat, crop aaortaw:iB. eottoa ahipaaeut-s, eu. Haimeiy m :u 0014 mad aenl pusl-wlii, ti. l'wAnl to learaera. Aa drea tr. U. 4. HAMBKll-S PaiKriral. Montteelto .xtaoemy, -smmw, - J. H. Opknk.l, Ol BON LI.1LY, ep.S,'s:: Board ef Coatrot. Roanoke Cotton Press. a-,l 1 -.Tflaa- 4 ASHION CATALOGUE For rail and Winter i88j-4. BENT FIIBK To aaenae arodinr. full Baiue and aldresa- (up Mm iitbocrapbed Kabwa Pla aud a bo re I. to baautilul Wood Fnera.iuca. illustration lb earjt latest uoseltiM ia Lavtm.' aad V uaaren a suiia ana amks, t oderwear, turant wots. Hosiery, i.eui. unstatunt: ttooas, latow. r mnrj iiwu, . n w . , Jewelry, W ttcbea, Boot, aad Mloe. nair taooo. etc . etc. rrit'es lowvr tnau iws. 01 any .11m bouse. M. C. F. KOCH 4 esS, x" Avs. A iwra s.. Sew Voaic. DlYOKCfcS. No pu'.iliclty: residents 01 aUT Mate. Ieseni04l. Non-MUiort. Adrx-e ax Aonlieation. -r slam-v. W. H. LKE, An y. Broadway, k'. Y. aeu., w-iui. -"aasav rilrlF. BST. AXI) TIiarST TRI-So M APE! I U-9 than h iter over other une HundreiH in v1m.I nte t hth tt-ara anJ hor puvfr arins. NiafeC" y baitf by hmad latter lliM uy giu cava uk. aj.1-2,$3 -iw. l. I . ."T AM ANTE, Jaiksok, Misja, ST. LOUIS, MO ara.5, ai-ly. SOME SAY 50, OTHERS 60 DUSHELS OF OATS PER ACRE MADE BY Tllli USE OF Royal C Brai; Fertilizer Last Season! MANY SAY 20, SOME 25! Bushels of Oats per acre wliore Fertilizer was not useJ. A cain of over 100 per cent, in favor of the ROYAL" C BRAND, at a cost of from 3 to 4 dollars per acre. These are not our statements, but those of tbe beat Planters in the State, whose printed certificates may be had by writiog to the Factory. Ou and after September 15th we will be prepared to fill orders for the coming Oat crop. ftyVrite for Catalogue and Price List. GREENS FERTILIZER WORKS, aug.W.'SWm. JACKSON, Hr-S. 3. I. SID WAY, Hardware, Saddlery, CAURIAOES! The Md Reliable TENNESSEE WAGON. A IX SIZES IH" BS, SPOKES. KIMS. BOLTS, J Iron. rSttvl, ButUliug aoi Bridg. Holu. The Trotting-Bred Stallion AflLL STAND AT BROWNSVILLE FOR THE f f Kmll ScAiua, eouueDi'iuc SsiTKMiikK 1 itJ Diiiiiaf November 1. IMS. PtcK $15.00 (or Seanuo. rab at time of mt- ice. or 40.00 to ioMir foil. KJiitwooJ i a bluud bay, 16 hands bigb, fiae bone aod wuci. aud 6 years oia. fCDiaaax Sire, Todd, Huuter'a Mambriao, 1t Mariuo, vbotw sire aad datu n Uitb by itie f rvl Mambrioo i biel, dam, ltixie. by Little Arthur. Fur further particulars, addreas A. U. A A. I BRADLEY. Bolton. Mia. Regist?rd in Bruce s Atuerican Stud Btok aa der bit uam. H. F. BALEY, Weioheb. R. GRIFFITH, Propbiftor. CITY WAREHOUSE, JACKSON, MISS. ESTABLISHED 1843 1 Offers New Advatitaaea to Fanners Bringing: Cottou to Jackson. New Scalet. t New Wagon Yard ! NEW STOCK SHED ! COME AND USE THEM. cowHissitnEirs sale, TTKDEK A IECKBK OF THE CHAN 1 oiirt far llu Klmt Dislrlnl o Hind. Counts, I Y'' i icauvrvai auircu mnt l Q inc eaafc I ol O. A. Llcon v. t'atherine Spencer at al. No. 421, I I, tha uatlersiKBad- Oinnubutiuiier. authorial! I. said tleoreo, will, ma Mondav, tmk Utn ut or k-roHK. 1HH8, at the front, eastern door ol the Citjr Hall, in Ja.-katHi, MiM.isi,pi, aell at tiublk auctioa. to the highest bidder for cash, the folk, lay land aad raiie ia said counts aasl Iiistriet, Ti: the ne-. nw and aw4 e-4 and ue'J ae', and IT A Colored Congregational Church. X.w York, Spt. S, 183. Tlit- Aniprican MiaHionarr AsMK'ialion aokinmlfditcsi the receipt of one huo tlreil dollar from citizen of Jackson, Misisitii, fur I'uiigrcirational church of Jui kson by Rt'V. ilia. 1.. Harria, Hoostoa, W'edneadas, mhioh will be acknoligid in the t heater. TlmradaT, I'omtnittoc according to their bet judg-1 Oartliacc Tkorsdav, nient. II. m. IlUBBAltD, Koiriaaka, t riday, Treasurer. I Durant, Moadas. I l.finrt.. T II va.l . T The alMive eiuUins it-self ami bow Black ilaa'k, Weducadas, Pablic Speakinr. addreaa his (r ing liinea ami Seaator J. Z. Georva w i luWH'ilit.'ha at t'ut follu ilacea:. Carrolllon, Salnrdar, I, tuber H luona, Taeday, " I mil, rnnradav, Wallhsll, r.itrdv, ' I'ittsboru, FridT. " Pnatotor, Satardar, ' New AlnanT, Uundar, American Misi.narr for oember, iouiaiue. r rioar, ml faithfully applied agreeably to your ?1huilu!l1l surJy. ,lir,-cti.rif expreed 1. or if vou feare KiMdphi'ftT. the aiiliiatiiD of it to the Executive u.m.r.Jiiu ...)n..,i. C. . 10. 11. 11 IS. 17. 18. IV. . TI 23 24. 'Jo. 21. . 80. ill. lion 16, and ar4 ds'a and tie1 aud IS area in swl4 of Svotii.ti ,7 ail in Township 4, Kangel, , mn i h uuiwnnipit, ,i l.iaBIfll. A. G. MlMIKK, (.'oainhviioner, Jackson, Mi.... -Vpt. 2, ls:i-4w. a a I i THE ANNEXED Horizontal Cane Mill, wi ra THREE LAEGE E0LLEES. Twelve Inches Lex, and 12 Inches is Diameter; Larger than asy Mill kor the price, and WKiGHlSG IS(M iillR. IS OFFERED FOR OSLV $90.00 CASH! D.Iivei-fil FCEE of Freight, in any p:trt of llie State, l'or .1 small ad ditional amount a Puller can be at tache J to thia Mill o as to run it with Steaui or Water Power. This is the cheapest Case Mill ov.r sold iu Mississippi. Addrens, G. D. BUST AM ANTE, Jackson, Miss. SS5enJ order ia at once. FOR SALE ! A COl S TRY KEWSPAHKR AND PRINTINi J Okfick. Well efiUMuhrnl tu oiul the Unt lo,UU In the Sutc, uJ just th opening for a live, energetic man. Type and nniwaea new and uitab.e fr job work. Offic builtiiiie and lot in eluded in vale. Rfvun for selling bud LawtHh mnd a desire U chanjfe vocation. Teruiaeasr. For tivulan, addrns ''J. F-," Box 91, JackaKrti, Mil FOR SALE. 1f.fl ACRR4 OK LAND FORTY" IS T-'OOD, .V7V and sixty In cultivation rood fence; com portable dwelliujc: aood tenant and out-houaes. Sit uated about a tulle northwest of Clinton, conve nient Mi Mississippi College and Central "Female Insulate. Auidy to DR. WM. WHITKHEAP. aep.VSI Clinton, Mias. IOK BALK T we nice lwellinsa and Ixts oue on President Street, the other on Nortb Jenerson. aiai-.'l.'s-VlL Apply to E. K. JiTS. - FOR RENT. OTORK HOUSE US MAIN STREET, OtX"C O pied at preaent l.jr llilzheim a ishellon. 1 or lemi. ele., apply to E. M. PARKER, aiuMVU-l-J At Capital flale Bank FOB BENT. TSCRNISHED IilSlMS. KEAP. THE Bl".1INr8 A fiortiao ol Jat-k'siu, lor trMHIeuicn. Lnqtttra ai VLaainw tirtit is. aep.l,'a.l-2w-'. Fair Lawn Institute, SUte Street, Jackson, iTlsa. TTUI Rojtm September I7tK 1SSX THOSE PREFAKCC TO TEACH EFTTrVE Special Inatnulka Ur their work, i EeaaooaU. C r trs-R, jalylS.'SS-Saa. AawiataVnaiii. MISSISSIPPI COLLEGE. Clinton, Hinds Co., Miss. The Oldest College in the State. Vaaaber at Stu,!cnts Last Session Naaaberot Cadets in Military lumin,.. , Settwrn Opens Srptcaiber lJ, nr l Chta June 27th, 1,. Christian Educatiou the End anJ Aim of the Institution. Xttariplia Proaapt and Rid; Intrurtion Tbor ourB Moral Mitrouudiua I nsurqtrd. 1 i.ks. RuaOHABLE. Student Keretved al Any Thne. aTWrite t IVesidy-ot W. Wens, f ,r i i-i-Voju,. W. T. KATl-in. july2S,'3-3a. Presiditit Board oi Tr--,..:-.-. Where to Lodge in Loni$iIle! e tdtn9nd. formerly of NitcKex. hat ar- noTHI h.T H-ii-Be, at 77 Uel t?MUtit iMi IKiiax aud HrvaL ia4 la Miii.Bf aitendintj ti? KU"itiu. Iar ihe Mdra(e im M l.Bo. TIk tatisn i" oifircani. ana witttm a Hat WinUtrt !, tH I W I. K n-'. her fTvend in Nai htT. and la Vol. J. U rNtwrr, oi iHK "l .ltlt. . ata(l,"6J-i. I- t- NA KMI. THE CLBRGrY ! PAI1FUL CASE OF TETTER. I have fur -'"tor :vear len amlrrt (riu Ilt Ttl I KK. It dri.iv'J iti-i. di tit-rent Umu of Uiv bajdy, esteudiuje t'iu tft iJ bend, vh inx ttaem lo it. u tutiraiiiv auJ to itms . it wt painful lbt 1 w- ?otuiellei to wear India Rub ber glvtei (Iav and mbt iur muntbi i tawe .Vttr cvntU:ug tbe tt hyfirtu, aud usiuf all tbe n?uietii w biv-h aie t y notu-e uhotit n 1 Caiu:itNic-d I be e ot It- TS M'K IH. and mm buppT to tvav tba.t t litre is v,ar.vly a wiiit M the distae It tt. At u time in 'li year bavr 1 vl t th rfli-t and tiwlaui Iniiu Uiae. ana i beiiullY ret.'ouiiuafUd riwm Sjatvihc to ail tn.t- larlr ainuted i J. K. BKANHAM, Vitvti, t.r Bronchitii and HtaisUi'i Sore Tbraat CD RED f I tu laid low bv an attack of Rrvmrhiiis and Minixter's Sore lbnaat. mud uiv lile ma aliuiMt do- tuwired of, when tuy doctor -wild try S. S. S. 1 hei- tateti hr aoni time, but t was airaia oi wmi it- iDinenilv laid aside trom tbe a.'IiTe autioa ol my miniatry, I dtx-idttl to kv reiamiUm a fan trUl, aiid aftor ieiaeverinT in it ue I found euci idfle relief, and ant enjovinit exrelieni beaJlh. I .mi t Warlr of tbe ooinion ttiat Sailt'a Soe-itic ii .me of tbe best Alterative aud Wood furihen In exiktem, and 1 take pleaturv in rHom mending iti Hue curative tfuahtiea to otltr amK-teJ aa i 11. . . Il FV.t . 1" . HOLLINS INST-TTUTZ. Botetourt Spring, Va. Thk Fortieth Vwuoa opeotNl i:h !.! nmur Crow tmrleen diiVwnl Swie. and rk l .u t!te jOb of June witb a briUUat I wiaveHei,: " iuncoTeanauta aauoitnced oue prar a?o bstr Un m comtted and will, in a tr ., v tbe 6niabi4 tottrbe. Tbe 41at w " will njva on tbe inii tr t-- TKMBKit, witb iarilitle more aiu!e and o'ni-! i than tkavboad baMWansIvalduriiut o.ui t ' u oo hlatory ul tf tuvoraniu j rars. Lstewtive ldteri couj - aie rvdd. f..fn. i fj)(Udi Iaitajuace, i:ng11sb l.ttcrre. Hi-it, Latin, (rnuan. Fivn.-b, MJcu-tK-. V. t iu 1 Science, Elhf?. Tb Ihtpoi ia;uut oi Mt-i,' &t Art are lullr eutjaed aad Cviu. ttrd unit t!. Watt standards. Ibe woik in tbe vl.-iaiu,ci.:-1 - eeiveatb bigbest encouaiaiu tiuiu the b-M Tbe School ia ma with tevnty Oil,, rj u i Toawbenv. tlirU aud Young I-aJn ire r.-.-i .- J - r a auugle eaioB or tor tbe full fe.ud o: c! .l l.'e Tbe Woaiity en)? tbe adrauta miU wrnt--lain climate valuable Biiduiual ijUi-. aud t'. oat iv-tunm,u uerv This awbowl wholly di-oobiO auJ d-i v tl e agent?; y4em tor atsutintt ov:K 1 l.t wnvj tjoolt-B U.T gh it and b.y in a. li... iiJ uuJ.r icdueoee oi a very ditVtx-ut t-luirtir ti- tl. praferrtd by thir paieat. Aunt fr t 'iu iai iri retreoc. P. O. -BOTKFWlfir SlBlSi, V . PrDot, Cloverdale, Vaiiey K K . HAS. L o Ki:. jutyll,'W-Jui. Su(ieriuteudeut. 1 1.000 Reward! Will be paid to anr Cuenilst aba will Cud, on an alysis ol Ks) bottle, ul t. . . on particle ul Mercury, liHde of Potassium, or aai Mineral sua- stance. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Draarer 1, ATLasta. lis avr Write J.,r the liltle Bouk, wbivbwillbeaiailed tree. Price: Small size, f 1 .00 per battle. I-ar liie (Ouldinj double quantity) S1.I5 buttle. All liruc- tiatl sell it. II II "1 A7 1 30,000 FOlt VS t X P.FXiULAR MONTHLY DRAWING will iS W take place in the misimc Hal l.. MA solcTaarLK BviLUlKO, In Louiasille, ky Thursday, September 27. 1883. A LiWHL IX'TTKBT AND FI DHAWItT chartered by the Leyislaiitrpof Kentucky, and twice .lt-laFfd leml bv ttte hitrheat lourt in the State. tiond givia to Henry Couuty in the uia of ftiuo.uou tor Uie prompt pmyiueut ot an prittrs aoio. k EeTolation in single Number Draw IDE'S. aT-Krery tii-kct holdt-r hi own miierviir, can cait out the nit tuber of It ia ticket and ee tbe cor reafioudinir Buwlerott the tag piac-d in the wheel in bt prtHtfUc. Thete drawiag will imi or rm the lat TbnixUr of every month. lUa-t the luavgtuU oral Septeuiber .N-heiiie: I Priee. Stt.W) ; Vrzi V'""- h StO.Otiu SCHOOLS Okikixo Coauoetent and K.iper.r-ni-r.1 T.-..li4-r, rnut'iial or Awtant, ran Miire tbt-ut lt nlviuK to tbe t' Musi St uimh. Am st t. Ve ba rctrtsts-rrd with many rif-ioiuUl tarhra, and w ill f urui'b any Scbtud vr I amiiy an Imttrffkltar tr tbe !v-blatir ar ol lwt !( ot hktrwe. If tow nerd a U-aa-ber. wnd In v.ur ii-i'ii- catioua be tore our tool tt-aa-brr are ktvatf-d. Itwhera aonljrtnff for aituationi ibaiz-u notbmc antsnai ItKated. W. It. rum,, au li, iwv-oai. r. U Dui 14, Braudun. Mtia. Huntsvllle Female Seminary, HTJSTSVILLE, ALABAMA. THIS U)SQ I'STAbl-lslirD sriltH.l. uu 1 iota l.abitt. aOurds advantaav, in I a - tiun, inCiiatale, la pruslmity iu to Mlr,.l distri-ts, in complete organisation of it. iH--art wents, anil in toe eavwac; oi it. iea tir i ui particulars addraas J. II. Li .I V. JACKSON COLLEGI ATCAC ADEM Y. THE FIRST SEKSION OV THIS 1 U lkiva and Voi-m fi.!. at Javkawa, Mim , will open ptambar IStb. IfiSl. A new building, aaoai deairabiy Wted end cow, plete in all iu atranremetita for the aix, of a, hundred and ntty atudn9, will be 6ui-hei and every tbinc done to icc Una Training o.bot4i on a permanent baia. Tbe objeet of thia Arademy ta to prefT rotb either for entering tolietw propr, or to fill w-ll their platL-ea in any of tbe buainma rrlationa ol life. None but exprrienred or Iborotighly 4ualiled in troctora will be wniployed. hludrnu from a dlttar will have atH-vred to them all the rvwtrainta and couifofia of borne oiUi the family of the Principal. For particular information, fo i. Boinle bush, at Brandon, Miaa.. until ptemlier lt; aiiei that time, at Jatkaon, Miaa. julyla,M-3m. 1 Prin - 10.saiu 1 Priae - .Vw 2 Priw2, "rtee' h fUW 5 Prixea 1,00 or b S.WJU lNiJriir-a ltaieVfa Ib.Oun 'ail'niurs .'- cb lO.tlOW ,V0 Prtr 20e'ch lO.OUO looOl'rizee lOe cb le.Oiaii 9 Prize, -toueaih. Approximation Priatea...- 2,7'W Prises 2i0et-b. Aitintiiuation Prizes..... I.huo Priaes luueach, Apirxiiatetun Prise.. .. K Falne Mare for Sale. V KIN E YOl'Xti MARE. Fine Saddle animal aud Hrood Mare. Apolr to i. l. HIVTAMANTE, Agent. Jai-ku, Mis., rVt. Ii, 83-4w. FOR SALE. 1JINIS CYJI'XTY BONDS, ISSUED TO K-, J. Ku Prizes. tU0.0UU Whole Tickets $2.00 HaWei, $1.00 27 Tickets, j0. 5 Tkykts, f 10. Remit moner or Bank Drait in Lcttt r. or aend bv Gsureipi. 1ost ("end by BM.iTi.KEb LrrrKM on pot OFFii e ORDift, uutil further mrtice. OK- s ol S and upward by Kxprt-aa nt our ex peiia-p. Atfdre all crdr-rt to J. J. IHH LAS, iaOuiRViiie, Kr. aH.p.j,S.V.1. (.REIMS' BANC LADY AGENTS WANTED FOR MADAME GRISWOLD'S AFRT'I,ASS BURIiLAB AND FIRE-PKflOF SAFE, as aoad as . Original coat. t700. PrifvFluu. Apply to SalYUE A STEWART, jan.l,,'l-u. JJXMMtM, JLaa. OFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS Of tie Botrd of Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Jackson. HOLLY SPRINGS, MISS. Vie Ixu fnrrow, m of Iui laaa, after pouiliug a wk willt Mr. O. 1. buatainaiito, and visitmiT hrr old friaJ in JrkDii, tlepartetl MouJay fur Brookhavrn. Our ol.l tiuia fritmJ Jolio MclVun all i having a boom on niat-hinrrr. M ka tIJ sTeral tnins during the pat few day and a lo bi dora well L ia always aellia them. -Prof. J. M. UnfJ i lirere.! hi lec tara n th "Miaaiuu of Life" last Sun day evening at th Methodist church, li waa ia and near the city for a few day, tha guet of Dr. .. R.' Jone. If you want to laugh and ts a pleaaaut avening, go aud c tiarlow, Wilaoa 4 Co' Due Miuatrel Company at the Opra lloiiae to iuorroar ui(ht. The lnt and best company in Amei lea. We resrivt to learn of the aad acci dent which occurred to Touimie Fenrn whila out hunting Saturday, from the arvidental disx-harire of a cun, which caused him lh lo of two finger of hi right hand. TWt fail to aee the (fraud parade of Barlow, Vilm A IVa. Mammoth MiMtrel, lo-morrow noon. Ther are iarai t fiua auuaii'iana in their lirasa band, tad forty all told in the company. tecursj your eaU early. . M rearvbody that can send some thing to tha Slate Fair Tor eihibition. There, ia pleuty of room and even if rou don't get the premimn it will ha aatia f actios enousH to know that you are helping to build up home industries. lev. M. K. Sprtdesi, the highly es teml lsis.r A the liapliat church in thia icity, will return home from hia auaamar trip thia week and will occupy hi pulpit next Sumlav, morning and ia5 i. . V' ara lla.l to Warn the trip ha hsen erv beneficial to M r. proles ad family. 'r. McGinnia' buildina wa total 1 ustime.1 by fire on last Monday na- at ahtiut ti o'clM'k. Tha tire Urn, . riven promptly, but befare .k. rer on the around the tire kJ aiwienander complete headway. A wait of wter f r the tire engine la one of tlm. cause of the toUl drs.1 ruction of tha totldinc 1iTi'IJtt Twin Sister," Ma?; i lull. I'.n.k'est rave an excellent M,(min.e last nkht at the tiwra House. Their rendring of tha N in u . 1,roV and -Oobt.1 Hong 4-lec-t.oa fr Mascotte waa of apecial ex Cllenc. and doe great cred't to their ora watMTfil Unt and the training the haw haJ. fa. U HKMiaowar, . Chairmaa Stat Vtm. Lx, Com. THE FLREREC0ED. Jaiksouville. Ala., wa nearly . de troved bv fire on tbe 14ih instant. Lo $.ri0,.00. Insurance $10.00. Cpt.T. r. Person wi.hei to call atua- CarUcley Caatle, near Farfar, Scot- . I A 1 I a I 1 ill. T a.'li IUU1 liua tc kit naw Hala. Ha ha iu.t received 'ana, uurusu uu tue nm. wr awo.vw. alar; MortiBat of th latest (trie of At Duplio, Ohio, the Pitubnrg Hoop iu narreii nora were Durnea neu. ir. that the etlbrt to interest the people of Jackson in behalf of a Congregational church i not altogether iu vain. It ia very probable that the Association ' nami'd will very soon erect a church building here. Hats, bought at very low ffures for th I Los 70,000. XAEHIEI). Jackson, Hiss, September 22, 1S83. Jackson, CITf PR0PEKTY FOR SALE. riSHE CSIlF-KSIUKED OFFERS FOR SALE HIS I House and Lot, North Jackson, fonsistinaol ire icresof gTynnit, with sutmtsntial lHiildinKa,cisterns, pasturage, lmtt trees and all appurtenance lor coo senienw and comfort. Tksms Haasanabla. E. BAEKSDALE. aep.6,'82. ' - At a aprci.l meeticr of the Board of I A HOaminor nnd Dav Srhfifl tflf YnilMCT LaflieS f with dwlmi! above and asrdeo kt ia Maror aud Aid rmcnol the Citvof Jackaoa, I O t Btar21,'S3-tt - Apolr to at. K. . Buslut-sa House on State Street, rear. Jaiaa. held Saturday Sept 1 1833, th.rewe In the family of JudeeJ. W. C. Watson md ,rnnfliiCtdbvhiadan!?hter. Miss E. D r, . . a . a a . ' . Jno. hcuul flavor; Alder- , - . . ' I AbUUs.Ui alUtAaLsa.I-oeu. Vs i.rx. present, Hon me Hamilton, Spengler, Taylr and Hull; A Darn i, a mermen 1.0 a a and Jones. Watson, aided by the best teachers-in tbe Departments of Literature, Music and Art. taJir'poa8 foKUiD" Light, Fuel and Washing) with tuition in tha English' Branches, and in Latin when desired, per Session of twenty Weeks, J100 Ot). Modern Languages, Music, Drawing and Painting, at customary prices. The Setosd Annual Session OJje.V WJEMfESDAY, HEPTEMBER 19th, 1HH3, a9For Circulars and other information, adJres the Principal, or Judge J. W. fX Watsjok, Holly Spring. Miss. july25'83-3m. spirituous liquo-s Jno. L. Kisher. and Co.. l-anitol street ; Win. r. fa&ks. Pearl street and K. K. Avenna: E. Short. Slate street. Tbrr being no further biuineaa, the Hoard ailluuraea. .'X. UoGILL, Mavor. M. M. McLtoO, City l lerk. JQQQ BUSHELS BUST PROOF RED OATS PAISTED WIKE. at 7 cents. - - GALVANIZE! WIKE. al It rent. bUOL'bUEii BHOWKE. For fine Hats go to T. T. Persons. A vigorous growth of hair ia promoted sad youtmui color restored u spplvia i..,k-'. u.;. it.i Situation Wanted. BY A PRINTER OF TWELVE YEABS EX parleaw, lu aoat good eoitnUT ssbspssr - &te. Ua4erstaads cTrythius; l Isj dsai aa mem rowul and job room. Ouod n,lreiH-ss siren reard iag sooriets, sjualiai-aliwoa and strict business laiat. Address IU.AS1 r o.snnr-it, sp.lf.-Jw. EoaciiblLo, Miaa. FoibiJ drtiakro aostraaw in Tour familv. Parker's OinifiT Tome ia aa iavigorant l bat I aever Mtuxicate. . . -, - cash and raa be sold accordiagly. Waihinjtou County Fair Herem- .. - Mac.l.m,Smith R.sAt Daw We have received the premium list of anbill United Presbvterian Church, on the Washington countv Fair, which is the 5th inat., by the Rev. D. Macewan, bold November 7, 8 and 9, next. We of Arinitya. C',u.""h' Clapbam, i i. .i.- i -u .t i i v ti London, uncle of the bride, assisted by believe thia i the third annual fair held ' t w t u- t...m by thia aassociation. Success to it and Smith, to Helena Jane, eldest daughter all similar enterprise. In no other way of Richard O. Rosa, Esq. Glasgow ia such a stimulus give to home indus- raia trip,. 1 he fortunate groom is the nephew ot sink.., ihe fount... head tbe eoar. of Mr- J"- SntJl of Glasgow, Scotland, all evil. It is th worms that bas desu-oytd I on of Jackson former residenta who the heahh of yo.r ebildU Oiv. Shriaer-. nM w,fm ia the hearts of JscV. iDtiian Vrrraitug brior it u too laic I r OnU 2 rtnts a boitlv. oq people, old and Touns. 1 HE fr iBfAf taw-msara t Vint K Varirlt nni y k nave receiTra ar ursi numofr oi i . - . , LA T 1 t a tfasiaaiwsr- I KaljeatlM iiaTJ WtOUtras r v --a- I In San Antonia. Texas, Sept. lth. line aevoteit to tne niatory ana interest J8SS RT j. j v torseT ,b4 uim of tue business, it renects creait apon )rme jjotMOn. LETTER LIST. the enterprise ot it puousiiers, uoo. n. Mi- Don j,M manT friends here Morrill A Co., of Jew York, Boston, i.a .nnrK-i.ts. fc.r manv rirtues and Chicago, San Francisco and St. Lii,,.; qu,it5e9 nd wish her a life Mr. J. SI. Lewi. Summit, Pike eonntv, j of joy and happiness. M is., sari : "Iw bottle of Brow.' Iro. jn 0,, W gept. 17th, ISoi Alfred tter. compile!. earea m. ot ovapeps... of j,'ew Orleans, to Mias Cometarr Phenomeaa. Mary M. Provell. of Iwndes county . , A c I , . . . In Sardis, September 17, altar On the last Saturdar in August t . 0 . f: ,s.j. it.: R. I'.rook. of Phelps, N". Y discovered r : i. "n )-V.., r,v. a singular abject m the constellation of TiUe f. Au oth JtA R BurB,jJe to uraco. lie was not ""am as to u. Mi- Carri D. Alexander formeriy of real character, but on Monday nght MifdapippL Frof. Uwi Swift, Director of the M ar- Waltet.Vltit In Monroe cwuntr, ner OWrvaUry at Rot-hester, h. ln Sept. 14. 1883, Wm. Walter U Mrs. Tali verified it by aieans of the large War- White, ner telescope a being a comet. It is quit larfT, nearly round, and moving DIED. tlowlv westward. Mr. Brooks re- , 1 reived a special prize of $2.50 from Mr. Tnoir-Ncr Magnolia, Misav. Sept. W arner some two enontti since ana u 18 igj, Wnl. H. Inoir, age 70. there i no prior claimant will b en-1 havian 1 McCoaab CitT. Sept. 13. titlea to tbe - prise on the present W. J). I)Tidson. diacovenr. - I T).. .,,, i wv. n. .W It Monday night about miduight, the lg Mi- j hiM( Keb(,7 ' . mat., froi. rswitt, oi rector oi tne Vrir. N-., f, A List of letter remaiainr in the Post office at Jackson, Hinds county, Misa.. furl tha week endiug aepteuber 2o, 15.5 : Aadersoa, Thornton Jones, Julia Brasley, Mrs J as. T Jones. T. K. Bowman. J. H. Lee, H. E. Byrd, Miss Frauds Lee, fallie Briton, Wiley Logirae, Crrrie Brvant, Juo. Mioah, Sallie Carter, Mis M. Maraboen. T. G. Crosbv, Wm. Marshall, Dr. Milton Davis, W. J. MoCot, Jo Davis. Lime Moore. Manervia Fields, Annie President of Natchez Foster, Eliza School. Foot, Wm. Reese, Miss Jennie 2 uibson, Mrs. lathgamKoasea u. a. Gidden. Mortoa Racers. L. Gladden, Kitty r'earvr. Mra. Lnti Garner, Hia Seldra, Thoav A. Gordon. W. II. Shepperson, C. C. Green, A. W. fims, Tbos. Grav, Miss M.J. Si ma, Louis Hariri, Mi Ellen Turner, SUie Harris, Mrs. Annie Vance, Solotnan Harris. Mrs. BettieW ilson, 8. S. Chile White, Adam Jackson, Mis Raxie Williams, Mis Hattia Johnson, Amos (coL)W vatte, Mr. L4ils Johnson, Rebeera Wilson, Mrs. Angie Joaea, Mrs. M. II. w nitungtoa, Mia M. L. r L ( lisa Maav rails, aa Mttsie Tai'aK-r at "Fair lass institute,'' ve base ssassased ussaav- stcesol ror. nssrEL. "-a tjl V aep.Ii,9-2sr. C. I. LI SK, A.C. LLIL. Central Female Instilnfe, CLUfTOH, Enm CO , MISS , Ect. Waller EillnoB, LL. D.f Pres'i. lirHO WIIX SffD rATAtifavf E, OR GIVE f V thsrr lUaavTSalttlstfa ntfttdUtg IsMt lOtrtllOU 'tl, Oft pficIUeJ. 1 Uu in tc mUU-H IiiMltulMs Urt tit v)u. aitufa of VoUbf lAairTV, Altai U llfanul tkUps-iJtsf Ul I U Ma t s)r jtMltbat. i r yr b r-n. It tu lus-va m'otr prv. penatatt, tliliuc tl liiaiauf aittawiitiutii wr pupil U IfarvHT aitsswHaSsi fdar tlf. Ammt tbm Kur ntur- ftvuiiHirf-ri tnsirt aotl TasUftssOar b i mrm A Mii ; Ittsy lau.14 aasi -Maiau. Lat-r1atar ,( ib Hwi iA .ssriaaWaUk : -ita-al HaCai V a Hit -a. pus to ) A ty dasftm, ikf avr iot t-t4 bv miLitttu KirlMift At j patratttw. 4 ktainsrlst, Li tri ftr , r krrnmi.:ar-a Htrj LsaWMM ftk lt. a prubl I oi nrmriy a bait oi ittmr ; Lzftutvm. v,wirtm "-' M lata. let if Rllad Cal fcf fl' UUll aTJj laVT rfl U jat K MAiAaU (.RhUUI.n k CO., Or ft Gri Am, 2J BrMdwaf. IS. T.: Mm. an K. A 4MIWWOLD. A v ibuar w . &.43au Wa , 93 Bi-elwar. Nw Trtu BEfeT CORSET IX THK HOBLD. Prtaaaaaaefa DclUht ia Fiuias trie aa! 1 hsayf cmo,um lratilllT. i'mfmrt.HrmfJkfmlmv t4 CsWaaasC M fwiaaM be-.n. j.avJ. 11 .tr Slyi (M ingiM mxm asAaated 10 aiL riftunM rera aasraa Physician "Wanted. rpHECITIZESiSOPiltAKtVIIXK, MISS, ABE I X uaairoaa ol ba in a rlivsWia ioeate km tbsir auiisst. tarloniaer lasniasiiass. adareas- ti. C. Mil kit, str.12,'BS-li. Meadesdie, Maa SOITIIWICSTEHN Prsstjteiian Univgrsity, Sfiaaiea or 14M-'M. B CO las sxr-rsataaa 1st. JUDSCX FElIJalE I1TSTITUTE, HAPiIOiT, &LL, KOBEHT TRA.ZEB, President, Sessioa begins October 2d, 18SS, with full Corps of Teat hers. tin 10th I AVarncr tHsaervatorv, Kochester, X. Y discovered another cvnuet ia the same constellation with tha one recent-1 lv found by Irof. IVooks. It is mov iiiv almost directlv toward the earth, and hence show very little motion, so that Prof. wift found it diiBcult to verify and wa unable to do so nntil last Saturday night. The two comet will very likely cross) earn other a omits in their rmtrss and their appearance o nearly together, and within so short a space of time is a most singular lacr. Co to Casttliaa 8priag at aay aeasoa at tb year aad be tared. Price, father of J. R. Price, ef Okolona, lUker In Sjardis, Sept. 17, 1SS3, Mr. P. B. Baker, of cramp. t'ugh er rope, alts., ts;jt. h, Lewis Pugh, sj 'iti, Matthews In Copiah couotv. Hiss., Sesit. 17, ISS.t, Laurin (Dolly) Matthews, ot swamp fever, age 24. J. . k. haectal Basiaess Jioticea. The State Fair AstociatioB offer 2 for the best registered Jersey heifer bred ia the Galf Bute. Dr. W.E. Oat of Yicksbarg adds tlO to this aa a special premium. Sow is the time to go to CastUIaa Springs. Wsasaatisa asst PlaMari Kat lasMia. Tmk Laont Am Socuttt or St. inat'. Canrarm propose tkrosriB( osssi tbe Baeaarv esery atteraas WedBesdsv, front t to U o'ektek r. at. Wejiaaiaf with W edBeacUr, icjsst 1st, aad serr- tn tiabt refresbiaml proceeasas aaaset be an- Persoiu callior lor anv of the above let-1 pronnated ta aartiatlT rebsuldioz tb BeeWv. ters will please aay "advertised. 1 jnlTii,"S3-u. HHi il arkra r si i - - VaaTIUaB crBissia, mmwt saic saciim A ,1.. f 5K.l. mra cured nr maaagemeat ai lol v. A- uhkiw as oe- , . , greatly benefited by the water-of CasUBaa c4" arevems resort. Springs, ' - I The State Fair Asseeiatioa offer $10 for Miss Jo-SIE Vaa Hook baa engaged Pro- the beat f ve poaad of batter made ia the feasor Hani pel to rise nasic leawaa at ber Galf f Utes. Dr. W . E. Oate of V lck .burg father's residence ta aay of her pupils wba affers a special preminn of i fat the same. may desire it during sehaol hoars. Somebody will get $ lo for 5 poinds ol halter Sr. "' v or 3 per ps-r pas ad More coccisU premiam for the Stat Fair 1 e. Watkiaa altera a aweciat pawraj exhibition wonld enastar; 4ar borne peo-1 On Grand Charter. Oak Stave forth best pie to da tfcir best. Let a do all we eaa U j sponge cake and leaf of bread, cooked ea a bsild p this institution. ; I Charter Oak Stove by one pertoa. A a aieial nreailnaa aft W. J. Bradahaw offers a of the twenty va dollar for the best aula eolt choice Rio eoffee for th bt loaf of light- ander two yea- a aid. Tbe State Fair Aase-1 bread. eiatioa eSara fifty dollars, ao there is i'j offered for ta young animal that has bo pride of ancestry nor hope of posterity. ESLUS SiHi'sToiiiuSymii FOR THE CURE OF FEVEI7 and AGUE Or CHILLS and FEVER, 110 ILL BILIKUL DISUSES. Th proprietor of thii celebrated mdi-e-a jnstly claim for it a superiority over all rniedie ever offered ta the far th SAFE. CEKTAI3. SPIED I and FEB KAjr ST atrre at Ague and Fever, ar Can J aad Fever, wbetber of short or Iocs? ti.i inr. Es refers ta th estira Waiter aai Soadtern eoBntry to bear aim testimony ta ta truta ot ts assercuni uui ta aw -. - - ascuLTrr - - ' Rev. J- .K. WADliEL. P. D.. U Outav- Eav. J. B. SHEAEFE, D. t. . i. COFFMA.N, A la. 1. W. t At.IiWtLU A. X- M. D. E. B. MASSIF., A. V. . F., t. B. J -. Kv. ltOBKKT flllCE, It. l. t.oarsea lull aad tssraaa isawaMe - Sessi lor Cataioirae. jae2;,'a-'taa. LADICS' XHCPPIAG AGESCY Lou ImTllle, Kentucky. rpilE rfacmonB, FoaKan.T or Sittsu a atd isr sears past restditic t Lonissiiie- K, ill sise aroasirf au eareml attesttiosl a all arli- ls I sal jaiaaissirrt unw aaar snsh narrh ia tbe l.i ! -ti i :f asarket. Hie bas bad roaaui alias eanei is at ia simatoiaa utr kv Imi. kasrssi waere to t tbe test, a tbe best Urraia. Hea .matw Kid be i awr aeat. o aaaossat ot im- l sw. i inn to assasnr nter". If aar- ( pin, it sriil be at once ntoraed. r refers to her tneuos is suttkU, mmo ts Mr. and Mrs. J L Poar. a, a-auuun. 3lis tU.A 717 daeatsat , lmiasUle, Ky. Very low Eatet, Darin the eoadaaaaee oi the ft.ik whatavtr will it fail ta mzm if tha dire- I ExfanU, at LouisviUe, Kv, (eommeoeint . :-i a-n i i ..1 ..1 mriA mitt I Inm.l U : " 1.. . baptist Record please copy. At tiiioxi. rsppt. : Harvey, age 70. ms, Mrs, feter Lumber ! ! Lumber ! ! I Mr. A. A. Folkes wishes the pablie to kaow that he hss the finest lot of lumber and building material ever brought to Jack son, which fee srHI s- l mt bottom price. Uiller and Didlake offer a pciaJ prta-f ...TI. . . .." - " la. of a t.e tof kaive. aad forks, fssr F " baa pcitB.a of darntaf, aa tidy, pulow opiate th w Orleaa Depot, shams rebUd I dress, Jao U.'M Sato. , s , Tbe State Fair Assacistioa offer fco for th best registered Jen e y bull calf. Dr. W. E. Oate, of Vicksbarg adds tlO to tins a a special premiam. Thk nter of Castiliaa Springs are tralj sraadeilal far the core f most chronic dis- , aad saeh aa are bronght abeat by malaria. Let eserTbody follow th example ot the libera! gentlemen and cifera special pre- asiaBi aa something. Eaeanrage the State Fsir by words aad deed. , turns ar stxtctly fsilowsd and carried oat. In a arrest many cases a sxagta oo aas eeea scS:cieat for a can, aad whela tami lie bsve beoatrcrsd by a single bottle, with a eeriect; restsrsuoa f th general h salts. It is, however, pradest, and ia every aas scr eeraiin to ear, if it a ia aenUB&ast ia saalier dose for a wk rtw after tha nisnan haa beta chaekad. mor apaaially ia dtfiaslt and loBr-vtaadin; eatea. Era ally thia metririna will wot raotur iry ait to keep th bowel ia good order. SaatUd tha satiaat. however. leoaira a eathartia madias, after bavinr takes tare or four dose of tbe Tonic a naal dose of BUXX't Aneoat 1st, sad eontinainr KM) H.n i ti.. iiuraif ar aatueuu Jlaxiroat sriil aell Ex eorsion Tickets from anv of its iiaiiaa. o. Loaisville at one fare for the round trip These Tickets will be on Sale ererr dsr from L. dc S. stations and will be ood it) dajs, allowing ample time to viit the Great. o Tpotatoi ever neitt ia tbe booth, and second only to the Centennud at Philadel phia. " i,'M-l. Port Gitson Female College. (Ukdes tbb Aitaphc. or thk Misiimpi A UAL Co'FCU!li.l M. t. C'HL'BCH Soi'TH.) PORT GIBSON. MISS IMMKDIATKLY ON THE IH IVIU K. NEW Orirana mnd lexaa K. K.. aotl only aa huur'i run Iron Vk kburf. BL'iLiH.xufs itnumodiuui, .vUTa-niftdt' stTatuirfil. Otl uf UrH k. RooasP 'fiupltHy Bad bab...- fumihJ. acvltt upMrl of exjwritotvtl atxl atitsr-'- fill lv4'br. Terms in k?ffaat ith th iiiu. 'EJtT iSEJsftlOS Ort3. OW MX DAT, hr-PTtaU-IR 17TH, lJMkJ For further iaforaatinn ad'.rrirt jnlylhtWm. Kit v. T. t. UKA DKORi. Vi u CORSETS, aSsvWfa s fSNO tHIPT SUPPORT!. WHITWOBTH FEMALE COLLEGE, BHOOKHAVET-, MISS. Will He-open September 19, 183?. riiHfcRE I A Fl'I.L KACTLTY OF F.XPI Hf X Kxcr.f Tt8s-b4irt. unUr-r u4 iupiln Jrtv to XtM. No bova sill I rrlTii. l MiisK' Htpkl., I Vf. FirO-tHaa iorH turn tm 1 itr aturv. An, and Mtie. baxa; ca iuw aoaMtu cail witb auneritjr advtritaf t-, NORMAL ltrAkTMLNT r Vnv.rimx Tkachkm will ma Dr. a Svn ialtt. Tbe Youna: La.l in iW bunrUing lajtuiDt have lb be-st srsna, u. r. JOHNSON. D. D, jutf ll83-an. Prei3al. Para., la. Slass atraet. t tucaco. WTO. T a I I, Trm&M., N Y . aUa a Cm-, sit Mm Susm, f.a. Citr, Ma. sept. 12, &3-&4..e.sr0. fDLCATIOXlL. TEE n.YEESlT! CF TEE SOlTH U lmt4 at KF.W AHFF., TFN V . upnm nm .v kA . absWr tt ibpax'tal patrfnacrot the Ht4w)a tbe Pntaratut Fpsarfai tm h in The Sttitb and wantbvsevt, enVra tbe aiibis-vt iis-of aaliti btaat advaafcaWr-a. boik mmx aad asdue-mtaarnati. tn ita raiaaar tvaMt aad ita oilcrnie and lavwiwl- '-ai Ifaartaanu. For Uae aeciai cUisM oi tnw sLUvaraiijr lor bMXnman. apif U tUtunsfetU w Lbar ov. awTTTT of tbe rMrai Bua. tt tow. i ne i ainy-r inn t wn-fimir T-r t-iua 1 1 t'Dir, Hurt em a ax 2tnu. fybKhl Kl,lJ.-s. Prd-nt BaarJ ot TruttH. Geo. Wstrrriaxft, ttcmMtj. Ju.r.4,Wi-4in. Cbascciror. Sewaiaee, Im. a, ai-lni. I. li., Vwt- AICISTA FEMALE SEilHAUV MTAIMTU1, VA. afiu Kary 1. Baldwia, Friaeipat. Orasa Ssjrr. 5t Ctxsi Jrjfa ls. TTTTtSCRFAHSKD IX ITS IX-&TK1N; IV ITS Il isstldiao aa croon.1. ; is ita avsaerai aispoims. aaenta ass saiiiiarr arranametu ; its full turps M soperksr sd eiberieel teaetarrs: its narirailnl a4satasa ia JtuMe, Mister Lane-'ae... 1 i.m no, r .ue Ji rts, fhrnral Canuae so iBairsurtH l tbe 1 bears and Practice of Bnuk-aeryia. Tbe ini.natm (Oorts asade tu secare beahh, eussbsrt aa-i basasitiesB: iu fisiswaiuaB Uiextrasacmaee: iu ,Laa aatass swlid M.-buursbiii. i-'urfull partsiiaaa ap- pij w t myifai aw , ai.Marassa. & I A. k 31. College Xurscries MISsfSsiIJlJI. FFFR FOR BALfc ONLY THE 'Bt-iT l VraxVtkea of Apple, Peair, Peaches, Grtpe, Strmwbernefl, Etc. AU Troea and Vixea arc gromng cm the 0,Ver9 fmpvBaia, art tnt W uiue aa4 mi.l tlm N i- tftea la Uae neat iawti tiMitwa. aenaa iu FnjavIkA and terms to ftofT. J. i. COIMAVT, SnDenntendest of orerie-w. Acrkcultlaxai iAnmt, Mmt4rp.. MraFtailjyiEl., s rilaiwatlwai, Tirstwia. T r Caasaaiatioa Cared. An olJ physician, retired from rciic havine had placed in his hands bv an l irf WW, si ia. iBsis, a na,j, boss si uu, a .1 -1:. " . . , - , , - ' TEGCTAELZ f AXULT F3XIA will be an i muauonary the formula of a simple tcient. I vegetable remedy lor the speed v and per- B SIX'S ti "?TIXA is tbaeldaad manent core of Consumption. Bronchitis. reiiauu r;tr.-- i-mnan ox ta Dloosl vutrr, Annmi ana an inroat and Lriin; ;ai th Slog f and Bcrof .!-. 9 &od Pt2riis. t-L J0HX ECIX'J TEGETABtl a70SM SsIdJl ia prepared ia tha ferm f cavady Sxops, attraauv ta tha sight aad piamant ta tha tast. ssmrs Tome SYtt'p, . BULL'S sahsapaf.:lla, BULL'S W3HU CESTE3YER, TSm Poftatar Bamedie o xttm Cay. PricltaloaM,S11 aisss.,lorTSTTU.E1 ST, Ariertioas. also a tMxitive ami ran' i . 1 entire for 7ervooa lability and Nervons Com plaints, after havine tested iu wsnderful curative powers in thousands of caes, has felt it his dnty to make it known to his stiffen tie; fellows. . Actuated bv this mo tive and a desire to relieTe human sug'er ing, I will end free of charre to all who desire it, this recipe, in German, French "'", i." luu ui recur, n iorpreriar- using. ni oy niau bv addresaing with stamp, nsuiinjt this pa'per W- A Notes, 14W Power'. Uock, Eoc he'ur, New i JeHerson College. Hick School Far Ban aad Taoar Sea. Located Six UHi from Salekez and Tuo MJe from tie XJ. & C P.. P.. J. S. BAYMOVD, PsarcirAL. , Paur. Jaaca ass X. '. H.tru, .. SS1HTSST-. Cnassaaialeaisssi sritb Katrties br TeleiAwoe. Ti mr nil"! Its trwsa iu Sri o luiuaid. Seumos 1S8o-'o4 Opess 6th Sept. BVa bd Iotiie Taitioa. Foraisbed Bioss, Wssbis;a Lisbu, t'ase linndred an l iiTs-(er Dvliars an Fills reata, SI ,7 v.. per nraswa a 7e JaWas, sjasa'bie seasi-aaaoaltT ta adrsnts'. Far Cstaiusmta fi'i pansrtilars.'ss tlas PriSKipaL J. a. BAVH'iM', Waaaunctoa, Aaaass Cuimtr, Xass. jalrS,'S3-Iaa. Orry Brrrcvtr.tmrm. 11- fsaeaf tie Fia-r Sriio.u, torn Vorso is th I sitko MiTia. iNursmndiDss bBaouiol- Cliaisle asr paal fnw baodred and siiiv baaMinr iwptls lrrtbl Mte.. Tf-KM- A).W Tilt BI--T IS THE IM'iS. Bosrtl. Viaiu. Etirii.b Cusrse, Latin, FrssK, rerms. lastraaseiitai Ma-H-. -., lor stboUk-itr rear. Imas rieptemwa U Jane, at iH, For -iaJoM-s. write U lev. M. A. HAtKI.-. 1) D.. Presideat. jclyll. ii las M.fSKiS, VlllulXla. III'.'s'IiaVIH.K FEU ALE ' COLLEGE, If atattaYalle, Alaasaiaaia. mm RTY-For rtii pessiav BF.r;isi fp. JL unuS, ls-1. So Causae ia Use tmub bas iuiTased sorapully in tlie ii't tliree rears, pre pares! to rise instruction ta sii Df-tiartuiats o( Fe male. iueoutk. A t iiri.tiae buttle wr putuiA. r or Cata;ue, srilh SrtA'lsL I tit ctHESTs, a4 rsss Ki.V. A. B. JvSUL A. M., juiy2S,,-2ia. Prasiisul. THE niYESSITT OF MISSISSIPPI, AT OXFORD. Xeit Sessioa Oyeas 27th Sept. lis?. ratiMsM Free to itsrr-ybody bur Zastr Student. OPTS TO BOTH FXFJ AI.IKF. Tb t,eapes ralserstts t Uii. Coootrv. All til IsrpartBSttta art ia ansaial osntrstaj Law, Licrarr. Nranube aa4 PrefaarsMrr Isrpart aseata eaiKlarse as beresotare. Far Catalosrass re mm4 iasnaatita applf as OS. A. P. TsrasT, CbalMr.Mr. etienal iaslaeesasBts bans ta wBf aod sm- soar an ricb alike. - Tf. M. srLLIVAI. jalss.'SS-Saa. Sacrwcar, Buar i Tm-iees. Stukilile Female Institute. th SciMvm U'jin Srpt. 17, 1S3. THlf rSTTTCTIOV OFFERS FXCFLENT adT8ata?a as t aerkina; to vi-; tbrir di.uhur. tftUtsfai oat a braat b of tbe M. k. K K. IC, aud aaa yn tba 1 - A. S. H IL, aofsu tie lo every portion of tb state. Ttia Jr 1. -v a t foiiarte, TOfittatr A a Otrra ai ex :. or i i ber. ft of wboia are apvaajr the ? m na j the b Norm! ?rTisjia ta ttte i. itiieM u.t, lSumlerca p'isnJ bvtt wi(o id. i or lurtbtr lawin. it roa, a-tsl i -r rais'-'ar. I, ta. feJLt,i.LR1 iT!as4!il,