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Til M tf V '-J Vl 1 if m to & BY GEORGE V. HARLOW, VOLUME I. TERMS. The Chrosicw is published every Sat urday morning, at Two Dollurmyct annum, invariably in advance. ' Advertisements will be inserted at the following rates, to wit: For every six lines or less, first insertion, fifty cents; and for each subsequent insertion, twenty-five cents, payable in advance, or upon first in sertion. Standing advertisements, every six lines or less, will be inserted as follows: Three months $3 00 .Six months 5 00 One year 8 00 Advertisements not marked with the number of insertions, will be continued until forbid, and charged accordingly. Announcing candidates for otlice, five dollars, payable In advance. Any person who will procure us five subscribers, and forward the amount ($10) shall be entitled to a sixth copy gratis. Letters on business with the office, to ensure attention, must be post paid or free Money may be sent by mail at pur risk, if a receipt is first taken from the post master. Job work must be paid for on delivery. Actor anil Uoosier. "Once upon a time" not a long time ago a peculiar comedian, of whom nothing further need be said than that he is fast losing his early pretensions to shape and beauty, and that his name is Torn Placide; once upon'a time and, if there be any curiosity as to the spa Bon, we might aa well say "during the fair'- this wag of a fellow was descen ding the Mississippi in line spirits and a sporting coat. There were divers queer characters on board the steamer, with whom Tom, while amusing him self with their peculiarities, Was with al a great favorite, but none of them "cotton'd" to him more kindly than an elderly "Hoosier," from the innermost depths of Indiana, and who was now visiting New Orleans for the first time. This russet looking antique, whether it was from the comedian's sporting but tons, or his habit of concluding contro versy wiuV'Fll bet you,"&c.,fully made up rns mind that I urn was a gentleman sportsman,tmd whenever he saw a'small game going on, he was careful in no ting the skill and quality of the players, gp "size of their pile," fcc, and bring ing Tom the items. The "gentleman sportsman was very much obliged, of course, though he didn't exactly know what to make of it; when, one day, the confidential hoosier took him aside, told him that there was a "smart chance of a pile" on one of the tables, and that if he liked, he (the hoosier) would "go in with him in cahoot!" Tom was very much amused at this, but told his proposing partner that he was mis taken that the fancy coat covered no "sportsman" but a player. "Swan to gracious!" exclaimed the old contriver "one of them fellers that tumbles! seen em, once, mor n half naked cuttin' up down to Madison." Tom didn't trouble himself much in explaining the difference between a the atrical show and a circus show, but told the story of the cards, &c, about the boat, and rendering the old fellow quite an object of interest to the passengers. Next to the card playing, the object of anxiety to the Hoosier was a very large and singularly shaped pine box, which lay in the "Social Hall," containing nothing moren or less than a big fiddle, and which was owned by a very reser ved and gloomy looking German, on his Way south, professionally. "Plus." said the Hoosier-he was thrice familiar with Tom, after learning that he belonged to a show-"what on airth hev they got in that' box; its the onhumanist shape I ever see in all crea tion!" "Hush," said Tom, mysteriously; don't you know?" "No! I'm nigh'ly dead a guessin'." "Bodies!" whispered the comedian, with a strong expression or loathing. l J?lr7j"of' .1,- ....... I -.1 fiini tvuucu me Bianicu en quirer; "not ra'al human bodies!" "Bodies!" repeated Tom, at the same time applying his handkerchief to his nose; "taking them down for dissection; belong to a doctor on board." The Hoosier turned away, opening his eyes and shutting his. nose. At length he enquired if they were "Niggers?" White woman and two children,' was the reply; 'one on each 6ide of her ac counts for the shape of the box.' At this moment the haggard unshaven vio linist approached, and the thoroughly 'sawed' victim made way for him as if he had been the cholera incarnate! Goes about diggin,' on 'em up, does 'An in he!" said he, between his teeth, and in a suppressed voice, "why, it'll breed pison!" and out he went to the 'guard' to take a long breath. Tom told this joke, also, among the passengers, who carried it on, hig hly amused; making wide circuits whenever they had to approach the box.using their handkerchiefs, and expressing much in dignation at the captain for permitting that description of freight to be brought un der the noses of his passengers. Some talked of leaving the boat, and others of lynching the doctor, till at length the captain, who had also been put upon the fun, approached the crowd then gathered ahout the bar. 'Phew!' sniffled the- captain, 'it's very warm in here, gentlemen, phew' aim ne nulled out ins handkerchief. 'Gentlemen, isn't there something very unpleasant aDout here; ' 'Pretends not to know what it is!' muttered the Hoosier aside. Barkeeper,' continued the captain. wuai me ueuce is it pnew so queer U. aV. - -I - - 1 nerer 'Reckon you don't know!' exclaimed the Hoosier, stepping forward, and al . most quivering with indignation. 'Know! certainly not, said the cap tain. 'Wall, you've got that box too aear the stove, mat s ait: A perfect scream of laughter rather stumped the old fellow; but a removal of the 'lid of the coffin' was necessary be fore he could be convinced that the body, nueeu, was only that of 'Old Kosm the Bow.' Tie paid 'the liauors' willin?lv. cussm his old cat' lor not rememberin' that 'Plas.' was one f the show-folk varmints!' St. Louis Revaillc. From the Nashville Orthopolitan. lien. Zaeiiary Taylor, The Commander of the Army of Oc cupation. Recent events have thrown this gen tleman so prominently before the pub lie, that we feel disposed to gratify the the strong desire, expressed by many, by giving some of the incidents of his life. li ffl 1 . t .1 uen. i ayior .entereu me army in 1808,immediately after the attack on the Chesapeake, and has been in the service of his country, from that time, to the present; having entered the army as a lieutenant of the beginning of the last war. For his gallant defence of Fort liar rison,on the 5th September, 1812, Pres ident Madison conferred upon him the brevet rank of Major, and he is now the oldest brevet in the army. In 1832, he became the Colonel of the 6th Infantry; with this regiment he went to Florida in 1836, where he was always foremost in danger. On the 25th December, 1830, Col. Taylor at the head of a detachment of about 500 men, composed of parts of 1st, 4th and Gth regiments of U. S. Infantry, and some Missouri volunteers, met a- bout 700 Indians, under Alligator, Sam Jones and Coacoo-che, on the banks of the O-ke-cho-bee. This battle was sought by the Indians, for the day be fore the engagement Col. Taylor re ceived a challenge from Alligator, telling him where to find him, and bantering turn to come on. Uol. J ayior desired nothing better, and immediately pushed on at rapid march to the expected battle ground, fearful that the wiley Indian might change his purpose. The Indi ans had a . strong position in a thick swamp, .covered in lront by a small stream, whose quick-sands rendered it almost impassible, but Col. T. pushed tnrougn tne quicksands and swamps in the face of a deadly fire from a conceal- ed foe, driving the Indians before him. I he action was long and severe. The Indians yielding the ground inch by inch, and then only at the point of the bayonet. After three hours of bloody coniesi, me inuians were routed and pursued with great slaughter, until night. 'nu: 1--. .1 t ! e una waa ui lasi Bianu me inuians ever made in a lanrn hndv. ami Om nnlv stance in which they voluntarily gave p. - J m Ulll J ill' I battle. Though Col. Taylor won the day, it was at an expense of 139 killed and woundedmore than one-fourth of his whole force. Two colonels (Col. Thompson of the 5th Infantry, and Col. Gentry of the Missouri volunteers) fell at the head of the troops. Cant. Van Swearingen and Lieutenants Brooke and Carter, also fell in the engagement. During the whole of the engagement, Ur . I nvlnr rrmninM nn hnr hn..h water fame umwtrtth to facr, jw the heart of KOSCIUSKO, JII., THURSDAY, JLWE 1, I81C. passing from point to point, cheering his men to the conflict, and exposed to the Indian rifle at every moment. The spirit with which the commander and all his force entered into the conflict was exhibited in some verses written on the occasion, by a soldier. "There's battle in 5-011 hammock black, There's lightning in yon cloud, Hark! hark! to the music, comrades dear, for ihe Indian yell is Jouo; For the Indian yell is loud, my boys, And the rifle's flash is free; But the field of battle is o ir home, And haypy, happy men7 are we; And happy menarewe," &c. For this battle, Mr. Poinsett, Secre tary of War, rendered merited praise to all engaged, in his communication to Congress. The brevet of Brigadier General was conferred on Col. Taylor and he was given the chief command in Florida; which he resigned in 1840, af ter four or five years arduous and inde fatigable service in the swamps and ham mocks of Florida. After his retirement from Florida, he was assigned to the command of the 1st Department of the Army, including- the States of Louisiana, Mississippi, Ala bama, (fee, with his head quartets at rort Jesup, Louisiana. Tiis position gave him the command of the'Army of Occupation. The usaire ol tn.e service would have lustified the n - . ., . uovernmem in assigning to mat com mand either of the six general officers of the Regular Army, whose rank is higher than his. Lut it may be fairly presumed that the character, gallant services and great experience ot Uen. P., aside from his geographical position, pointed him out, as the appropriate commander of an ar my, which was to plant our flag upon the banks of the Rio del Norte. Gen. Taylor is about 50 years of age; is a man of much general informa tion, an excellent and tried soldier; a prudent and skilful commander, whose trait? of character are, a " wise prccau-j tion in providing for the hour of trial, and a fearless, reckless courage in bat-1 tie. He is a Kenttickian bv birth, and all tint that word implies, He is an Amer ican in heart, and stamped with all the elements of a hero, by nature. Under his command the flag of the Union will receive no dishonor on the banks of the Rio Grande. A Giant Chain or ISaili oad. A bill has been ordered to a third reading in the U. S. Senate to aid the State of Mississippi in the construction oi a rail road from Jackson, through Brandon, on the western boundary of Alabama. As it has received the sup port of all parties, without reference to locality or politics, and was passed to the third reading yeas 28, navs 8 we presume there can be no doubt of its finally becoming a law. The aid is to De given by the grant of alternate sec tions of the public land along the pro- PsetI.road- VVe e Phased to see that . w I there is a prospect, amounting almost to a certainty, ol tne passage ot tins bill. The rail road is a link of the great chain between Charleston and Vicks burg, and when completed, the commu nication from Portland, in Maine, to Vicksburg will be entire, with a few trifling exceptions. It will be one of the noblest thoroughfares in the world, and a means of consolidating our Un- and bringing its opposite extremes into closer fellowship, will havo an im portant political and social influence. It will be the means, too, of adding to the value of parts of the chain ol road nw Cached and comparatively useless. Thus, with a terminus on the Mississip pi river, the Vicksburg rail road will soon become of great importance al the southern link of the giant chain, which, running through Mississippi, Alabama, and the Carolinas, will ascend along the A tlantit seaboard through Portland, and eventual v to CnnaHnf ' 1 ; - . VJorlh American. - A California Farmer.- A gentle- man writing from California, to the ed ttorof the St, Louis Reveille, remarks that his btock consists ofabout 4,000 head of xen, 1700 horses and mules, 3,000 sheep, and as many hogs, and all pas ture themselves without difficulty, and on'y require to be attended. This ho l,a8 done by four hundred Indians, His annual crop of wheat is about twelve inOUSanU DUSlie 9 man to man." From the N. O. Bulletin. Congress. - "". ' 1 he Senate took up the bill for the prosecution of the war with Mexico, on Thursday, the 12th instant, and, af ter a long and interesting debate, passed it, with some trifling amendments. On the evening of the same day, the House received the bill from the Senate, and concurred in all its amendments. The amendments, as made by the Senate, are unimportant. They strike out the provision requiring the officers ' com manding the volunteers to be chosen by the Senate. They also reduce the pay of the private soldier to eight dollars per month. On the same day, the House took up and passed, with a slight amendment, the bill from the Senate, providing for mo organization ot corps of sappers, miners, and politoniers. A part of the day was also spent in discussing the West Point Academy bill. The bill for prosecuting the war with Mexico passed the Senate by the follow ing vote: YEAS -Messrs. Allen, Archer, Ash ley, Atchison, Atherton, Bagby, Barrow, Benton, Breese.Bright, Cameron, Cass, John M. Clayton, Colquitt, Corwiri, Crittenden, Dayton,Dickinson,IIouston, Jarnagin, Jenness, Johnson, of Mary land, Johnson, of Louisana, Lewis, McDuffie, Mangum, Morehead, Niles, Pennybacker, Rusk, Semple, Sevier, Simmons, Speight, Sturgeon, Turney, Upham, Westcott, Woodbridge, and Yulee 40. NAYS- Messrs. Thomas Clayton, and Davis 2. Senators Berrien, Calhoun and Evans, being in their seats, did not vote. The other members whose names are not recorded above, were absent. When Mr. Crittenden's name was called, he voted "av.except the pream- C 1 .1:1 'iT- IT l uiu. tou uisu uiti iur. upham. The following is the b'ill as it has been agreed upon in the two House's. AN A (IT lynviilinff ,fnr lha uuuun. tion of the existing war between the United States and the Republic of Mexico. Whereas, by the act of the Republic 01 Mexico, a stale ol war exists between that government and the United States Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, I hat, for the purpose of enabling the Government of the United States to prosecute said war to a speedy and sue cessful termination, the President be,and he is hereby authorised, to employ the militia, naval, and military force, of the United States, and to call for and accept trie service ot any number of volun teers, not exceeding fifty-thousand, who may offer their services, cither as ca valry, artillery, or riflemen, to serve twelvemonths after they shall have ar rived at the place of rendezvous, or to the end of the war, unless sooner dis charged, according to the time for which they shall have been mustered into ser vice, and that the sum of ten millions of dollars be and the same is hereby appropriated out of any money in the Treasury, or to come into the Treasury, not otherwise'appropriated, for the pur pose of carrying the provisions of this act into effect. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted. That the militia, when called into ser vice of the United States, by virtue of this act, or any other act, may, if in the opinion ol the President of the United States tho public interest requires" it, be compelled to serve for a term not exceed ing six months after their arrival at the place of rendezvous, in any one year, unless sooner discharged. Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That the said volunteers shall furnish their own clothes, and, if cavalry, their own horses and horse equipments; and, when mustered into service, shall be armed at tlfb expense of the United States. Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That said volunteers when called into actual service, and while remaining therein, shall bo subject and articles of war, and to the rules 6hall be, in all respects, except as to clothing same footing tho United and pay, placed on the with similar corps of States army; and in lieu of clothing, every non-commissioned officer and pri vate in any company who may thus of fer himself, shall bo entitled, when cal led into actual sen receive in mon ey a sum equal to the cost of clothin of a non-commipsioned officer or EDITOR 4- PROPRIETOR DUMBER 22. vate (as the case may be) in the regular troops of die United States. bee. 5. And be it further enacted That the said volunteers so 'offering; their services shall be accepted bv the President in companies.battalions.squad rons.and regiments, whose officers shall be appointed in the manner prescribed by law in the several States and territories to which such companies, battalions, squadrons and regiments shall respec tively belong. Sec. G. And be it further enacted, That the President of the United States be, and he is hereby authorised to or ganize companies, so tendering their services, into battalions or squadrons: battalions or squadrons into regiments; regiments into brigades, and brigades into divisions, as soon as the num ber of volunteers sholl render such or ganization in his judgment expedient; and the President shall, if necessary, apportion the staff, field and general o'f- ficers among the respective States and Territories from which the volunteers shall tender their services, as he may deem proper. r Sec. 7. And be it further enacted, That the volunteers who may be receiv ed into the service of the United Stales by virtue of the provisions of this act, who shall be wounded or orthervvise dis abled in service, shall be entitled to all the benefits which may be conferred on persons wounded in the service of the United States. 0 Sec. 8. And be it further enacted. That the President of the United Slates be and he is hereby authorised forth with to complete all the public armed vessels, now authorised by law, and to purchase or charter, arm, and equip, and man such merchant vessels and steam boats as upon examination mav be found fit or easily convened into armed vessels, fit for the public service, and in such numbers as he may deem necessary for the protection of the seaboard,lake-co3St, and the general defence of the country. - ox. t. Awa uo n TuiUier' enaexcu, That, whenever the militia or volunteers are called and received into the service of the United States, under the provi sions of this act, they shall have the organization of the army of the United States, and shall have the same pay and allowances, and all mounted privates, non-commissioned officers, musicians and artificers, shall be allowed 40 cents per day for the use and risk of their horses, except of horses actually killed in action; and if any mounted volunteer non-commissioned officer, musician or private, shall not keep himself provided with a serviceable horse, said volun teers shall serve on foot. A PROCLAMATION Ity the President of Ihe United States of America. Whereas the Congress of the United States, by virtue of the constitutional authority vested in them, have declared by their act, bearing date this dav. that. by the act of the Republic of Mexico, a state of war exists between that Gov ernment and the United States:" Now, therefore, I, JAMES K. POLK, President of the United States of America, do hereby proclaim the same to all whom it may concern; and I do specially enjoin on all persona holding offices, civil or military, under the authority of the United States, that they be vigilant and zealous in discharg ing the duties respectively incident thereto: and I do, moreover, exhort all the good people of the United States, as they love their countty, as they feel tho wrongs which have forced on them the last resort of injured nations, and as they consult the best means, un der the blessings of Divine Providence, of abridging its calamities, that they ex ert themselves in preserving order, in promoting concord, in maintaining the authority and the efficacy of thetaws, and in supporting and invigorating all the measures which may be adopted by the 'constituted authorities for obtainiuf a speedy ,a just, and an honorable peace". In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand, and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed to these presents. Done at the ci l. s. ty of Washington, the thirteenth day of May, one thousand eight hundred and forty-six, and of the independence of the United" States the seventieth. JAMES K. rOHL, By tho President: ' 4 J. Buchanan, Secretary of Stati . " tal 1 ? H Art.