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I KOXCH SKO (WIOMI4 r.. tV. ?.j.ulou., Uaiior. Thiirndar, June II, !!. Common School. We had hoped the course adopted ty the Board of Police, at its last meeting, for obtaining the sense of the heads of fami lies in this Towns-hip, in regard to the mat ter of levying a tax for the support of Com mon Schools, would have been concurred in by the citizens of the Township general ly. Indeed the only ground which induced the Board of Police to postpone levying the Tax, was an understanding that neither the friends nor the opponents of the measure should take any active part for or against it : but that a person (8. Durham) selected for that purpose, should tanetwo petitions, one for and one against the measure, and go to each head of a family in the town ship, and simply ask each one whether or not he or she is willing for a Tax, not to exceed in any case the State Tax, to be levied on the citizens and property of the Townsffip," for the support of Common " Schools within . the Township? But it would seem that the opponents of the mea- !. . . ! sure are noi witting 10 hsk its late upon so fair a plan; therefore they have gotten up a petition setting forth all sorts of grievan ces.and (we will forbear using harsh words) very incorrect statements. We have been re quested to correct some of those misstate ments, with which request we most wil lingly comply, being always anxious to serve the cause of education to the best of our humble abilities. The School Turnl of this Townshipa rising from the sale of the Sixteenth Sec tion, is about forty-four hundred dollars. By the new law the county Treasurer is made the Treasurer of each Township, respectively. Thus they contend, by what authority we Know not,that the Treasurer's commission for receiving and disbursing this 4400 dollars, at five per cent, will amount to 220 dollars. But is such the fact! We most emphatically say, No! This fund is all secured, and bears interest at the rate cf eight per cent. By an order of the Board of Trustees passed last winter, and which will probably be renewed by the Board of School Commissioners.all those indebted to said fund in a larger sum than two hundred dollars, are required to pay jn annually ten ! lira3.V night, and during the entir6 day per cent of the principal, until each debt- j " KSTTnaay-j or who is indebted to the fund in a sum over two hundred dollars, shall reduce his indebtedness to that amount. The a mount which will probably be paid in for a few years under this order, will not ex ceed 220 dollars annual!-. The interes is about 350 dollars annually ; and there will probably be paid in this year about 400 dol lars, the amount of a Judgment the Town ship ho'ds against Kichard IIoss ; which will make in all 970 doliars, which amount may possibly, but not probably, be swelled to 1200 dollars by payments of principal made by borrowers. Assuming this 1200 dollars then, as the amount which will be paid in and disbursed in one year, and the Treasurer's commissions will only amount to sixty dollars, at the five per cent which they have seen proper to allow. But where do they get the authority for allowing the Treasurer this five per cent for receiving and disbursing Certainly not in the Com mon School Law. The Legislature never intended, by passing this law, to mane the office of County Treasurer a sinecure, which would be the case if he was avowed live per cent commissions for receiving and disbursing the School Funds of the differ ent Townships in the county. There are about twenty-four Sixteenth Sections in this county.and allowing each Sixteenth, except this, to be worth government price, and they would all amount t 22,800 dollars, and the commissions, at fire per cent, to 1140 dollars; and this, too, in addition to the Treasurer's perquisites from the county Treasury. But to go Mill farther, and take for instance one of the rich cotton growing counties, where the land is worth at least five times the amount set down for this county, and thfe County Treasurer's com missions on the School Fund akme woud he 5,700 do.ars!!! the greatest sinecure of an office in the State, or even within the U. Statesor the commissions on coun ty taxes woud swell the amount to about 7000 doZars, and this is a greater .a'ary than the Vice President of the United States receives, or any other officer in the United States, with the exception of the President, (which is no sinecure) and the Governor of Louisiana, if indeed hit a.ary has not been reduced under the new Constitution of that State. :4 But to thow that the Legislature did not inlaid, and h xot made the office of Coant Trcasuer, or of School Commis sioner, a sinecure, wc here insert the Sec tion of the law regulating these officers pay, to wit; ' Kkc, 14. Ik it further enacted, That Ravi I school coininiHstniierit and .said treasurers! shall not, themselves, either directly or in ilutt iU, be ih UrmwtM of anv monies belonging to aid school fund, and tmtl re crive tttch emnpnisation fur their trrvicet iu the (HMirdg vf police of tfuir rexnective coun tin may order and ullou; to be paid out of tne school lund Whore now, reader, is your objection to the Common School Law, on the ground that it takes nearly all of the available funds to pay the Treasurer's commissions! Indeed, for our part, we don't believe you ever had any objections to it on that ground; that it was all subterfuge; that your objection lies deeper and nearer the heart. . We intend to continue this subject in our next, and would simply ask of those who are opposed to the measure, to pause, examine and understand the matter better before they sign the petition against it, lest by so signing they should put their names, and give credit, to thai which is not true in point of fact. We have heard of some who are so bittery opposed to the Law as to threaten jrKyiptian -to some of those in favor of it, and even repudiation itsef. To such, we woud say. curb your passions and remember that by so doing you woud ony "bite off your nose to spite your face." "Persons iving in gass houses shoud not throw stones." If a majority of the heads of famiies are in favor of the measure let it go into effect; and if a majority are opposed to it, then let it drop. The ma jority must rue, and it is better to give way to tnem, tnan to stand out against them and bring down upon our heads the maedictions ' and execration of all just and good men. Our coumns are open to a we. writ ten communications on this subject, on ei ther side. Let the peope have ight- Photr actko Mketing. The Methodists are now hoding a protracted meeting at this pace. It commenced on Saturday ast, and has afforded encouragement suf ficient to induce the Eders to keep it up to the present writing, and we understand it is the. intention to hod on for severa days onger yet. Hep is much wanted, and has been sent for. Extensive Preparation for War .Inns for the Guff Defences. -On Sat- BiYihe l1rttsburs Chroni 1 1 " r . i.-.,ai;.ig numoer 01 wagons were em ployed in conveying arms and ammu nition of various kinds from the Ar senal to the river, where they are being shipped on board the steamers Talisman and Hatchee Eagle, and directed to Forts Monroe, St. Philip, and other defences on the Gulf. Hundreds of box es of rifles and muskets, together with immense quantities of mounted artillery, etc., have been ordered by the govern ment from the Arsenal at Pittsburg to our Southwestern frontier. We under stand further that the utmost activity at present prevails at the Arsenal in order to furnish the requisite amount immedi ately. The workmen are employed (lay and night in casting balls, preparing cartridges, and manufacturing arms of various kinds. A correspondent of the Baltimore American, writes from Washington as follow "The President has ordered 43,500 men in all, to be enrolled and made ready to be called into the public service at any moment. I Ins includes the troops already called out from the southwest, and the additional number will be from other sections of the Union. New York will be called upon for eight regiments, Pennsylvania for six, and so on. 'Two millions of money more you will observe have been asked for by the Chairman of the committee on Ways and Means to feed and clothe 8000 men added last week to the rank and file of the Standing Army, and for the Oregon regiment of mounted volunteers." Commander of the Gulf Squadron. We find the following paragraph in the Richmond Enquirer of the 10th: "A gentleman just front Washington informs us that Com. Perry has been appointed to the command of the Fleet in the Mexican GulfCom. Conner having been placed over the Ordnance Deparment; and that it is most probable that none of the volunteers from the Atlantic States will be sent at present to lexas. Ihey will bo received, and disciplined, and held ready for action." ' War Steamers.- Mr. King, of Geor gia, from the Committee on Naval Af fairs, reported a bill on the 20th inst., in the House, praying an appropriaion for the building of thirteen vessels of war twelve iron steamers, and one iron sail ing frigate. The average cost of the of the steamers Is estimated at $400,000 each. fW. O, Bulletin.' Tl IT T T- BTII1 - - -may 3BL From the X. O. Delta.) Troiii the Scat of H'nr. Late Arrival Matamoros taken with out opposition Mexican Soldiers Desertins in trrcat numbers Addi tional particulars of the Actions of the Sth ami U.A Indian Disturban ces, 4"C. . . The steamship Telegraph is just in From the following synopsis of the lat est news from the seal of war, it will be seen that the Rubieof, or rather, the Rio Grande, is crossed by the advanced !i vision of our gallant army, and that the enemy flies beforo them deserting their towns and forts, and permitting them to fall into the possession of our army without a defensive shot. The glorious and well-fought battles of the 8th and 9ih, have struck .terror into the enemv, and decided, it w uld appear, the fate of the campaign. 1 I his is not what our brave fellows war.l: they would like to meet foemen wdr hy of their steel ; but will they? Point IgAira, May 16, 1840 Messrs. Editor I have been at this point for two days, and during that time have been trying to pick up information that would b& of interest to you and your reaters. I wrote you a tew lines immediately after my arrival here, be fore I git ashore, which I find to be in many respects incorrect. I received the inform.tion I sent you from naval officers wio barded us immediately on our ar rival off the point. I find the facts of the two battles fought with the Mexi cans on the 8th and 0th instant to have been more sanguine, and the loss on the part of the Americans to have been much greater than was at first reported, and that of the Mexicans to have been some thing less. The loss on the American side was 480 kiled, wounded and pris oners, including 20 or 30 officers ; and on the Mexican eido from 1200 to 1500 killed, wounded jand taken prisoners. The Mexicans have been much under rated by the American people. They stood their ground like men filling up their ranks as fast as they were mowed down by our artillery, in whole platoons. This victory is considered by milita ry men here to be the most brilliant ever achieved on the American Continent. Gen. Taylor was at the head of his ar my during both engagements. I have just taken a look through the hospital-; the sight is truly heart-rending. Among 'other horribly mutilated person, 1 btiserfed in otio ward seven men with but three legs among them. I here are several Mexicans among the wounded who aip laken as good care of as the Americans, and are regularly at tended by tne amy surgeons. An express arrived from Gen. Taylor this morning the purport of which is that the Mexicans have all retired be yond the Rio Gnnde, and fortified them selves strongly at Mutamoros. Gener al Taylor is concentrating .ill his forces so a3 to make an attack on Matamoros, which will take place in a day or two it will be the most important battle during the campaign. " pol. Wilson of the IL S. A., left here yesterday for Barrita wim lour companies ol regulars and two companies of volunteers, of the Washington Rflgiment, (Capts. Stock ton' and Tobin's.) There are at this point two companies, (regulars,) 1st ar- tiiery under tne command of Lieut. Hooker; eight companies of the Wash ington Regiment, and Cnpt. Head's com pany, ol the Jackson Regiment, all un der command of Col. J. B. Walton, and Lieut. Col. H. Forno. The Volunteers are well and in good spirits. The Louisiana Volunteers are eager for the fray all well. Yours, S. The relative forces of the two armies on the 8th and 9th were 1700 Americans ; III I T -f"".'--'- out the fire of a gun. Nothing fur thcr ha been heard of the reinforce ments that were reported to be on their way to the relief of Ampudia. Capt. Symplon found a Mexican a few days since in a thicket. A soon as lie was discovered he threw away his arms, saying that he had been fighting a month with nothing but bread and water for provisions, that he now wished to sur render to the Americans, as he would fight no longer under the Mexican gov crnment, and that two thirds of the whole Mexican force wishes to do the same. The steamer Sea arrived there on the 19th from New Orleans, filled with volunteers, the steamer Atabama left on the same day for New Orleans. The steamer Telegraph is expectei here this evening. W hen Capt, Wrigh left there she was then raising steam to get oil she was slightly aground. crcu , , gi'. 1 .1.. Pte.aenT.3T and 7000 Mexicans. I write in camp, on a chair, or bed. or anything, or with any thing I can find. The information I send vou. von may rely upon as being as near correct as any that can possibly be had, as I use all industry t procure full and correct information, and if you can so condense or shape it as to make it publishable, it will do me great pleasure to serve you vou may probably appreciate the disad vantages underjWhich I write. Yours, truly, G. W. S. From the Galveston News, May 21. The pilot boat L. M. Hitchcock, Capt. Wright, which left this city with Capt. Snell's company on Saturday morning last, returned yesterday, having left Brazos Santiago last Thursday at 0, P. M. - Wo" get the following infor mation from Capt. Wright : Gen. Taylor crossed on the 18th; took the town of Barrita, with little or no resistance, on the some day. On the 19th it was reported that three thousand men had crossed the river, and none of the volunteers had yet gone over. Gen. Taylor was on the other side. . He intends, as we understand, to proceed immediately to the city of Mat amoros, which he expects to take with- From the Galveston News, Extra. Dlataiiioro!. Taken. The steamship Telegraph has just ar rived from Point Isabel. Through the politeness of her obliging clerk, we have been furnished with the following information: Reports, that on the 17th inst., a de tachment of 300 Regulars and 350 Vol unteers proceeded to Barrita and took possession of it, and established a mili tary depot. Its the night of the 9ih an express arrived from Gen. Tavlor, staling that he had crossed the Rio Grande and taken the city of Matamo ros, without opposition, the Mexicans having fled from the city. The Mexicans, from last accounts, were deserting their ranks in battalions Two American Regiments, with the exception of about 350, having marchpd a few days previous.were stationed at the Brazos Point, awaiting the orders of Gen. T., and it was thought they would eave on the 20th for Matamoros, via the old Barrita road. Col. Mcintosh, Capt. Page, and all the others that were wounded in the ac tions of the 8th and 9th, are at Point Is abel, and were recovering. The Telegraph is just 20 hours from Point Isabel. Capt. Auld, of the Telegraph who has had opportunities for obtaining cor rect information, has given us 6ome in teresting particulars in relation to our army operations which we have now scarcely time to elludo - - - . . . The escape of Capt. Thornton, at the time his company was so badly cut up, is almost incredible,. After carrying him safely over the high hedge enclos ure, into which he had been decoyed, Ins norse bor6 him swutly over several other fences and deep ravines, swim ming the Rio Grande above Matamoros, then passing down below the town on the opposite side, in attempting to leap a broad ditch he missed his footing.when both horse and rider were thrown. By the fall Capt. T. was so stunned that he was suon after taken up by the Mexi cans perfectly unconscious of what had happened. ' After the battle of the 9th he was exchanged, and restored to our army. iapi. a. mums tne wnole number 0 our killed and wounded must amount to more than 300. Besides the wounded taken to.St. Joseph's, there are now a bout 40 at Point Isabel too badly wound ed ta be removed all but three, it is thought, will recover. There are three Mexican prisoners having but one leg between them all. After being shot in the arm, Col. Mcintosh received a bay. onet wounu in tne moutn, which passed through one side of his head. There are hopes of his recovery. The condition of, the brave and es teemed Capt. Page is melancholly in deed. The whole of his lower jaw, with a part of his toncue and palate, is shot away by a grape shot. He, how ever, survives, though entirely incapable ol speech. He communicates his thoughts by writing on a slate, and re ceives the necessary nutriment for the support of life with much difficulty. Ole does not desire to live, but conver ses with cheerfulness and exultation upon the success of our arms, and con cluded an answer to some inquiries con cerning the battle of the 9th, by writing: "We gave the Mexicans h II." All our accounts represent the Mexi cans as having fought on the 8th and 9th with courage and desperation that would have reflected credit upon the troops of any nation. They were near ly in a state of starvation, and had been promised the ample supplies of the American camp, in case they would secure the victory. They met the charges of our troops manfully, and stood the destructive fire thst was pour ed in upon them without giving way, until the works were incumbered with the dead and wounded. The Bremen barque Carlos Williams was cast away near Galveston; vessel and cargo totally lo?t; one woman and two children drowned. IFroin the Vash.i.,i.. to the measures of ConKrei Z orous prosecution of the war with M' co. Wedonotdonh,n,n, .l hMe'- . "" meiaro. ill be public mar rest ,,i .... .. "e ie v. , national honoi, and t a speedy term.nation of the wa L not apprehend iha, half the amh ? number of troop, will be immS mustered into service. True ' and a due regard to the higher aiS interests, however, make it , ,1, 1 bie.h.t.rBhrf,b.i5; active sernce, extraordinary . fij '"J point of numbers, and so laree thai U cersof the highest rank willli' ty be , command. From ,he character of the corps-parlly of J? lar troops, and more largely of VfZ teers-it seems natural ,ha, ,,. m in-chief of the army, should take and we presume that Gen. Srott will s a matter of course as.unie the cm,tllirul. We understand that the volunteer troops to be immediately c,(int0 vice will be taken from the Slate nearest to the scene of operations, ,1( for ,, the necessary orders have bern N.u.d Measures have also been Inker, to ,ate' the residue of the authorized flirfB ' ganized, to he called into the servi ,.r their country at t,he shorte. t nmi,.. ;r the public exigencies require. We im. derstand that portions willt r..,i!.i .. from caeh State and Territorv, f0 that an opportunity sifTorded to all her gallant sons to particinate in th do. fence of their country. Military Arrangements The of. fers made to the President, and to the War Department, of the services of vol unteers, ihe applications for appointment as officers, and the inquiries as to the strength, organization, etc., of volun teers, are so numerous, that it has be come impossible to answer them with promptness. The following is there- ore published for general information: The President has deemed it best to call for such volunteers as are required rom particular States, through their Gov ernors ; as, from their generally superi or information, they can best judge of tho relative efficiency of the different - corps, and which of them can, with the greatest facility and least expense be embodied for the service for which they are needed. The President has no pow er to appoint officers 0 volunteers the law requires that they be appointed hy the proper authorities of the Slates, im the manner prescribed by their laws. The offers of services, and the applies-, tions for appointments, should therefore be made to the Governors of the Slates and Territories. Those who propose to tender their services should be first enrolled and or ganized in regiments, or battalions where a battalion is designated in the quota cal IpH fnr from a Slate. When this is done, they will' tender their services through the Governor of the State, who will give notice thereof to the President, or Secretary of War. They will be duly informed of the a cceptance of their offer by the President and notified to be ready to be called into service when the puhhc exigencies may require. Their pay will commence when actually called and mu tered into service, and not before. Volunteers are required by law to fur nish their own clothing, and, if cavaby, their own horses and horse equipments; hut none under the rank of a commis sioned officer will be received into ser vice, who i vears, are under eighteen or over .forty-five; and no hnrw.PW . such as are perfectly sound and m gooQ condition to render effective -service. No particular dress is prescribe' for ' unteers. Thev are at liberty to adopt such an uniform as they think jwp. but it is MlviBHhle that those entering tne service adapt their dresj, as wclls rnjy be, 10 the nature ot the service and tne character of the country and rJ'ni'"c ' which they may be called. w nrn. led into service, they are aimed nuj quipped at the expense of tne in states. union. , California.- The Mexirr-n WflJ who arrived at St. Louis rn tne i- from Chihuahua and Tort Lurrim;. presented that a strong 'hLt. manifested among the people ol nia. to throw off the Mexican oihr y. and to come under the governm .1,- nunA at(.. ! that the diPP0S,ll0.n IIIC K1IIIV-M -vim.-- t,p0 IS of the people in the upper" decidedly in favor of a mJ 'ff form of government, and that Bart if in particular, would gladly ijrow J 1 alleWe. . Nothing had from the gulf coast, . nou. ' -- for ,een leaving tne cny Matamoro-. iV. O. Bulletin. OTWIIWWfl