Newspaper Page Text
From Hie N. O. Delta. miliary Mot cuiuuf n. jjy a letter Irom the Adjutant Gcncr - j 0 tlic u. S, A, to Utn. Uaines, in oUr paper today, it will be seen that (he letter is instructed to countermand Ins ortlc for the several regiments of Moun ted Gunmen. This it to bo regretted; t,fcause it dampens the patriotic ardor of ollr citizens, to foster which, should BOw be the aim of those in whose hands military destinies ol the country are in a gtcAi degree placed. Adjutant Genkral'b Office, ) Washington, May 18, 1845. 5 General 1 am instructed by the Sec retary of War to acknowledge your let ;er, received this evening, of the 11th inst., and to say that he desires you will countermand your call for the ..several Regiments of Mounted Gun men," which you state were to rendez vous at Fort Jesup, on the receipt of ihis tins requisition win in cr.ere with the arrangement already made by . - I m r the War I department War Department relative to lh quota of Volunteers to be called into ser '. nf die Oeneral CJovernment from the several States under the new law. Tim Vountecr lorce called into the service from Louisiana Alabama on your authority, and which you have previously reported, I am instructed to say, meets the approval of tffe Depart ment. lam, General, very respectfully, Your obedient servant, Signed R. JONES, Adj GenM. Tn Rvt lfni. Gen. Gaines. Comm'flf Western Piv. New Orleans, La. Invasion of Mexico. We are pre mred to state, on the very best authori ty, lhat it has been determined by the government that General Scott is to march to the city of Mexico. It is not .....IkiI )m ... I I niiKhrtiniilo ... r. tun u IIIBI ou n i L'.ii ti.. mi. lit hi ,1 . I i i I ;eprese..i SlrU.C.. u,e xvm, . mo, he cannot recrmt in season I he ! laurels of that contest will be left to be j reaped by the sword of the gallant Tay LOR. When the main armv shall have been concentrated, the hero of Lundy's Lane will lead them the Capital of Mexico. We understand that a high military authority in Washington has expressed the opinion that the volunteer forces cannot be concentrated on the Rio Grande before the close of August of the open ing of September. The task of collect ing such force from our widely extended territory, organizing and preparing them for the field, cannot be effected, even with the most strenuous exertions, before :hat period. The army will consist of twenty odd thousand men, and will be jicvided with all that is necessary to in sire triumph. This measure will meet the approba tion of the entire American public. ' i The most vigorous counsels are now ine on most moderate, us they will secure an esr v and a or ions termination oi tnis unhappy contest. Phil, American. " ., . j Revenue Ca ters.-There were hir- ; teen Be venue Cutters in during i the paft Win'. I hey spoke and boarded Dt vessels; i.ey rencvcu .. OD . -ii-,- I'nciid a' and snilcrl .in ai'ore- 8! other vessels; and sailed an aggre gate distance of 20,354 miles. The l ition states that on Saturday last the loilowing Cutters were ordered to repair forthwith to the seat of war. Steamers Spencer, McLane. and Legare, schoon ers Ewinr. Iloodburv, Moms and t Eorward with an agtrresrate force of - - - - CJ -) Ul two hundred and fiftv men and thirty ave guns, ol from thirty-two to twelve ; . .1111 Kj u utniuvi T 'o i v i i i i . v. i w 1 1 , I , u ,"u'c' , , , , , I We have no doubt that these vessels will be of tery great service in the war with Mexico, by reason of their light i iralt of water. We hope that Congress vviil speedily carry out the proposed ! measnre of nnitinir the Revenue and Post Office Navies with the Nvy f roper thus placing the entire naval es - tabuthmeflt of the country under one head. Bull. American. Castle of San Juan d'Ulloa. What is certainly a singular fact, says the New York Courier Enquirer, the stone of which this fortification is :;ow constructed, was obtained trom one of the quarries among the Highlands on the Hudson. A large number of heavy guns, some of them Paixhans, j have been mounted ; a force of about .t000 men is there ; competent and skilful English and French engineers have the duection of the works, and i iIip ,hnln ; under the command O fnor.nn nr nPnns iv hn murdered Wm. I n i ii . j f. 1 ' I ..... . .r 1 1, nK aal o ,n c "Jell. IJKAVU, Ullc ui mo o""-0' "ni bravest generals in the Mexican nervice. ! The President of the United Slates, ;;ays the United States Gazette, has a perfect moddel of the Castle, with U its parts, appendages, additions, floating batteries, &c, furnished to him j r to an American officer for him, by the very engineer that superintended t-w Work for Mexico." Frinity Church, New Vork, which1 has been so mnny years in building J ' ws consecrated on die morning of the ' no Journal oj l ommerct -says: r'l'ong before the hour appointed, the House was ciowded with those Who ! dispatches for Commodore Connok. were so lortunalc as to obtain tickets Mr. VV. had expected to find convey while hundreds of spectators lined J ance at Pensacola, but there being no Broadway, and crowded the buildings, i suitable vessels in port, Commodore waiting the procession which was an- Latimore sent him round to Mobile, nounced to move at half pa6t 10 o'clock, j with a request that the collector would At a quarter past 1 1 it arrived, preceded dispatch the Revenue ("utter, as the rea by the police. The beadle, in surplice diesl means of communicating with and cap of office, was followed by 108 j Commodore Connkr. boys of the Trinity school; then came mmmmmmmmmm the bishop and clergy, 141 in all, wear ing surplices ; the students of the The ological Seminary, members of Trinity church, etc., succeeded ; and a body of police brought up the rear. Hundreds iwiiuwvu wmi me nope oi getting admittance, at least within the enclosure, nihj, mIIamm .1 .....I. . I. I. r . . crowded around the closed iron gate, .i . .. . nrHSNiif nrinii in tinn .... ....... ....... , Itt mMiJZ i .PP"ed. I he sermon was deliver- I . ,u "B"crunng services eonuueteu by Right. Kev. Bishop McCoskry." j TK Tariff. The New York Ex The ad valorem principle recommen ded by Mr. Secretary VValker, is un popular with nearly all our importers, many of whom, if not a majority, are anti-tariff, free trade men. Ad valorem they know lead to frauds, and make it almost imnnssihlo hnnpstlr to militant " . V by them. besides, thev are aware 75: .7, . ,. , . that the system will bring about all sorts oi innumerable disputes anu trounies. As an instance, that neither American nor Foreign importers here, wish to do business on this system, we are informed that the importer of silk goods, almost without exception, have signed a remon- strance against the application of the ad valorem orinciole rule to their bus- i . .1 ii i i j mess, and that tins will soon be laid bff()re Cf) hjlRg been forwarded J, Washington, already Indian Disturbance,' The Galves ton News, of the 23d inst., states that information from Indian Point, near Port Lavacca, has been received, that a party of one hundred persons, mostly Ger mans, with a large number of baggage wagons, on their way to the settlement of Mew Braunfels, had been attacked by a large body of Camanches an(J compelled to fly for safety, leaving their wagons in the hands of the Indians. Arming our Packkts. The packet ship Saint Mary Captain Foster, run nuig between this city and New York, lias been armed, and a double compli ment of men put on board, and we un derstand it is the intention of the pro prietors of the Union Line, to arm their ' other fine shins, so that they can protect thcmsfilvs from the small nirnticnl .rui. isers. f.V. 0. Bulletin. I - I uruers nave oecn received, as we un 1 deistand, for rations for four thousand 1 i . I men (mostly mounted) to be provided immecliatclv at Fulton, in Arkansas, m he a retldezvous Tllis f wq g (ff f lha( remote fr()ntier( . .... anu to keep the Indian tribes in check. IN. O. Bulletin. Arrived of a Chilian Ship. The Chilian ship Maria Helena, arrived at i l I .t .. i-i . . vi-, i T.ica OOi' mal f.nm I.Sipil lUll l, ,,1.1., - . 1113.. HWltl (11- a.L ia i i... tl:. .u i paraiso, in iecemuei iai. ino-isuie first Chilian ship which ever visited the ! ' . n'a wnt ,im nnt 111' CT Wl . L ' .1 1 I I. I I I'.ll'v . ... ..I.v .11. , Ulb nwi so late as those previously received. vj y Sj(n , a costly Wedding Ornament. It is slateij in pari8 papers, that there is now to be 9een j a jeweller's shop on the Lone to be worn by the Prlnews Olu ; of Russiai on her wedding day. The j j (i,auVm is worth 10,000,000f. This I diadem is to be nresenied to the bride bv I her imperial father. 1 .J J Increase of the Army. The passage of the bill increasing the number of men to 100 in each company of the United States Army, and die organization oi a new Rifle Regiment; will make a total of some fifteen thousand American troops, when fully organized, Four Thousand Dollars Reward. This sum is offered by J. G. Gest, of Xenia, Ohio, for the apprehension of the , , 1' ,,. v . . . .. . 1 1 .. ... 1. ........ . i. .-. . . o ., i . oict'ie aim J .i. ivniiicjr, 01 -vcmi.i, uu inc 3d day of August last. Nat. Cow. Lord Cathcart took the oath of office as governor-general of the British North American provinces, at Montreal, 0n the 24th of April. r A cannon ball bearing date 1771 has Ibeen disinterred at Hempstead, L. I. Disi-a rein i on Ciimmoijokk I 'ivn, TNl Mobile Jlegistrr states that Purser Watson had arrived in that city, and would sail on the 87th for Vera Cruz, in the Revenue Cutter li'olcatt, whh MARRIED. At the residence of Paul Cngle, Esq., near this place, on the 9th June, by Judge B, M. Wells, Mr. H. .1. Flanxaoas to Miss Emzaiiiltii Cable. i ii. f... otiV. tfi i ir I J I 9 ' J ( rjpshtw to Miss Mary I.. Bradford, In Monticello, May 28th, Eb-tiezer Ford, I nf Marion county, to Miss Juliet A. Swift, ..r . t. i . 1 ' .in nuiin i m.u . I" Natchez, Mav 26.h, Joshaa W. Kellv tn Miss Susail T uichardson, both if Wit- Kinson county. At Rural Grove, near Natchez, May 14th, r ... i : ' ifclll i.'ii i! tar i In Warren cou-, May l4lh.(Jabriel M. Flower, of Adams coun.y, to Miss Martha A. Mackey, of Warren. , I.I. . ' 1 II 1 1 ' I Hit .1. (MM. V 1 ft. It. in mis county, June otn, Mrs. neither, and will be in receipt of, the latest Phila consort of James Fletcher. delphia fashions; and will guarantee gene- In Marshall county, May 12th, Dr. S. S. ral satisfaction to all who may favor him Tulloss, in the 31st year of his age. 24th, with their patronage, which w,!l be most jtirs. jviary jane, consort oi nr. Arthur ft. 'i',,.!,,. i. .u- ok, v. r l . V V V v w, V , f I In Grenada, May 28th, Lhappel Gee, son pf Jjamel Kusser, in the Uih year of his , age. ID Yazoo Citv. Mav 16th. Dr. James Wright, aged about 35 years. At Beatty's B!ull,-in Madison county, May 31st Mrs. K. B. Latham, aged about 70 years. At Monmouth, Mav 19th. Sarah Eliza- 1 beth, daughter of John A. Quitman, aged about 12 years. NOTICE. THE Partnership heretofore existing be tween the undersigned is this day dis solved by mutual consent. G. W. COMSTOCK, AMOS TIMS, June 8,1846 JOHN TIMS. The business will be continued by the undersigned, who will sctt!c all contracts connected with the above firm. He would inform his old customers and the public that he has now on hand a sup ply ol Leather, which he oilers on accom modating terms, for cash or hides. Tannery 1$ miles nonh oi' Kosciusko. June 8,1846 23w6 JOHN TIMS. P. S. A SHOEMAKER waited. Attention! THE subscribers to form a new Volunteer Corps in this county, and all others who wish Jo join, are re quested to meet at the Court House ID KosciusKo, on Saturdav next, at ! H o'clock A. M., for the purpose of adopt Iftg measures to carry out the object in view. June 11 NOTICE. "YTOU will find your account in the hands j of William Roy for a fw days, when all those who are good it ill be tuerf those who are not, and will not pay, will please call on Mr. Harlow, who is authorised to receipt them; as 1 wish to owe nobody and for nobody to owe me when I leave. You need not think that I have forgot your ac count because it is small or old, for you are the chap I shall pup. June 4 22w3 ALEX. ROY. tdmin istra tor s Notice. "VTOTICE is hereby given that the under FtI signed, Administrator of the Estate of Benjamin B. Kirkwood, deceased, has filed in the Probate Court of Attala fionntv. Mis- - - --- - j MMippi, his petition to surrender his Let- iters, and will at the August Term of said - - , . Court present an account of his adminis tration, so fUras the same has extended, for allowance, with commissions, and apply for a final hearing of said petition JOHN VV. ANDERSON, Adm'r. June 4, 1846 22wl TO ALL f rabcIIrrs.Iantrrs.Cralirvsamj otfjers. Prices Reduced: CJINGLE Feed for Horse, 30 cents , , "igm aim morning bo cents Horse feed night and day 75 cents I Horse feed by the week, per day 50 cen Single feed of Hay or Fodder 16 cents Boarding Horses per month, in advance I $10; at the end of the month $12; if nol ' paid punctually at the expiration, $15. Horses fed by us always held liable for j charges until settled, & sold at our option, j We have also made arrangements with ! a good House, that persons stopping with us can be accommodated with good Rooms and Beds at reduced prices, viz: Supper, Breakfast or Dinner 30c Lodging, Supper and Breakfast 60c i'0K'"S. "Pr, urcaKiasi uuiner ,oc By the week les . ss rates, per dav 00c Horses, Buggies and Baggage sent to and from any Hotel or other place in the city without extra charge. Horses, Mules, Negroes, and other prop erty, bought and sold on Commission property or proceeds subject only to per sons placing the same in our possession or their order. Instructions strictly adhered to at the Yaxoo City Livery Stable, by BLACKMAN, SCOTT & Co. Yazoo City, May 27, 184G Mtf JOIN I,'. (JILLIMND iffoi m y ounM llor at Law , KOSl lVSKO, MI. Orrirr. at Huntington's office. April It, 184(1 Him:) Wanted A Journeyman Boot anil Shoe maker. For particulars enquire of W. D. ROY. Kosciusko, May 7, 1846. Wultona Springs, THE UNDERSIGNED is now prepared to accommodate boarders ami visitors to the above celebrated Springs, on reason- ! able terms. A. E. L0U6HBIDOE. Feb. 21, 1846 8:6m JLand Agency, W. HARLOW offers his services to non-resident, Land holders, as agent for the sale of Lands lying in the county of Attala, or (or the payment of taxes on the same. Kosciusko, April 16, 1846 15 TAILORING. . j H ""aie naviog permanently located h,me1 " .in ln of. SOiU!1f0' ! ann"'' u h f'nds, and the public f;cnciauy, uiai ne is piepareo. to receive and execute any work in his line of busi ness, upon the shortest notice. He takes thankful v rece ved. C II A Ii G E S . Cloth Coat fine $10 00 do do plain 8 00 Jeans coat 5 50 Merino coat fine 6 00 do do plain 5 00 Cottonade. or Linen coat 3 00 Cloth or Sattinct pants 3 00 Jeans pants fine 2 75 do do plain a 25 Vest fine 3 00 do plain 2 25 Shop in front part of the Printing Office. Kosciusko, Jan'y 24, 1846 4:6m THE STATE OF MISSISSIPPI, ATT.4Lyi COUNTY. Rebecca Myres, Attachment for vs. C $385. Washington Wainright. j lteturnable to Circuit Court, March term, 1846 ORDERED by said Court, that notice be published, that unless the Defendant in the above stated attachment shall appear, give special bail and plead in said attach ment, on or before the first day of the term of the Circuit Court, to be hoiden in and for said County, at the Court-House thereof, on the 2d Monday of September next, judgment wilbe rendered against him, and against the garnishee summoned in said cause. WM. B. THOMPSON, Clerk. Apri 29, 1846 17:4w Taken Upf ON the 15th February, instant, by John Craft, (living about seven miles north from Kosciusko,) a dark brown Mule, about thirteen hands high, over twelve years old, no marks or brands perceivable. The owner is requested to come forward, prove property, pa charges and take him away, or he will be dealt with according to law. LEMUEL BOWERS, Ranger February 28, 1846 U MILLINERY. Mrs. IUNkcep, of Canton, Mississippi, informs the Ladies of Kosciusko and vicinity, that she will clean and repair Braid and Straw Bonnets, in a superior manner. She keeps always on band, a large assortment of Trimmings, Fancy and Mourning Bonnets, &c. Panama Hats cleaned and pressed. Orders lett at the Store of Mr. Mosby in Kosciusko, will be sent to her. Canton, April 1 1th, 1846 15:3w. Land for Salef fpiIE following described tracts or par- eels ol Land lying in Atta'a county, the title to which is good and will be war ranted, are offered for sale on accommoda ting terms, viz. S T R north-west quarter 11 14 6 north-west quarter 25 14 6 north half 26 14 6 east half of south-east qr 31 15 6 north-west quarter 31 15 6 south-west quarter 33 15 6 For particulars enquire of Isaac Win ston, Co umbus, or G. W. HARLOW, Kosciusko, April 23, 1846 16 NOTICE. LETTERS of Administration having been granted the undersigned by the Hon. Probate Court of Leake County, Mis sissippi, on the 11th day of May, 1846, on the Estate of Oliver Harper, deceased, therefore all persons holding claims against said Estate will present them duly authen ticated within the time prescribed by Law, or they will be forever barred and those who are owing said Estate will come forward and maae immediate payment. CATHARINE HARPER, Adm'x. Carthage, May 21, 1846 20:6w Taken f . BY W. B. Claitor, about eight mi es northwest of Koscius ko, a gray horse, about 12 years old, about 15 hands high, with a large wind-gall on the left hind hock, no marks or brands perceivable; appraised at twenty five dollars. The owner is requested to come forward, prove property, pay charges and tane him away, or he will be dealt with as the law directs. LEMUEL BOWERS, Ranger. May 21, 1846, 20w3 DR. .1. A. NASH WOULD most respectfully inform the citizens of Attala and the adjoining eoimiies, that he has just received from Cincinnati, Ohio, and will continue to re ceive, as they are demanded, fresh and gen uine Botanic Medicines, many Compounds and mixtures of purely Botanic Medicines that have never before been offered for sale in this country ; and for cash will sell to families genuine Medicines cheaper than any Botanic Medicines, previously sold in this country, and for a small fee will give out such directions with the medicines as to enable families to manage all ordinary sickness without the calling of a Physician. He will keep constantly on hand cathartic anti-bill ions and quinine pills, atjue tonic, cordial for diarrhea, compound syrup of sarsaparilla, hepatic, liqu'd, No. 6 emetic linctures, female bitters, &c. &,c. In confirmation of the efficacy of the above Medicines when rightly and timely ' administered, he would remark, that he has administered the above Medicines to upwards nf two hundred patients within the last twelve months, without the loss of hut one single patient, where he attended from first to last. It alfords me pleasure unspeakable to console myself with the idea that the suc cess that has attended my fonacr practice bespeaks a glorious and successful future for J. A. NASH. Kosciusko, April 16, 1846 15.m Ranger's Sale. I WILL proceed to sell, at public vendue, to the highest bidder, before the Court House doer, in the Town of Kosciusko, on Monday, the 6t day of July next, the following described stray property, viz: One Mouse Colored Horse taken up by William Prestridge. Saul Horse is about 13 hands high, 12 or 13 years old, with a small snip on the end of Ins nose, some white on the left hind fopt, some kind of brand en the left hip not understood; appraised at twenty dollars. One clay bank co'ced Horse taken up by Jclfrf Jolly. Said horse is about fifteen, hands high, nine years old. with black legs, mane and tail, left hind foot white, small lump on the right side of the belly, blemish in the left eye, no brands perceivable; ap praised at twenty dollars. One dark bay horse taken up by Stephen Flowtjrs. Said horse is about 13J hands high, supposed to be five years old, has a black mane and tail, a small white star in the forehead, branded on the right shoulder with the letters E K, appraised at $27 50. One chesnut sorrel horse, taken up by Doctor H. Hughs. Said horse is about 12 or 13 years old, about 13$ hands high, has i three white feet, and is blind in a manner in one eye, no marks or brands perceiva ble ; appraised at $35 00. One black and white speckled or spotted j Bull taken up by Jacob Lott. Said Bull is ! about six years old, small size, no marks j or brands perceivable; appraised at five oonars. One pale red Steer taken up by John Craft. Said steer is four or five years old, of rather small size, marked with an over bit in the right and a split in the left ear; appraised at five dollars. LEMUEL BOWERS, Ranger. June 4, 1846 22ts WO TiCE Respecting the rc-upening firr private entry of lands in certain districts in the States of Mississippi and Alabama, included within the limits of the Choctaw cession under the treat) concluded at Dancing Rabbit creek, in September, eighteen hundred and thirty. THE Lands within the limits of the Choctaw cession of September, 1830, which were withdrawn from private entry (under the act of 22dJune, 1838) pursuant to public notice issued from this office by order of the President on the 23d July, 1838, to await definite action on the Indian claims arising under the said treaty, will again be made subject, to private entry, at the undermentioned land offices, as fol lows, to wit : At Columbus, in Mississippi, on Monday, the twenty-ninth day of June next. At Augusta, in Mississippi, on Monday, the eighth day of June next. At Jackson, in Mississippi, on Monday, the first day of June next. At Grenada, in Mississippi, on Monday, the eighteenth day of May next. At Demopolis, in Alabama, on Monday, the first day of June next. At Tuskaloosa, in Alabama, on Monday, the first day of June next. To Pre-Emptors. Every person c'aiming the right of pre emption to any of the lands withheld from private entry, as aforesaid, who has here tofore filed the declaratory notice required by law, and who has been prevented from making payment by reason of such with drawal of the lands from private entry, is hereby notified to furnish the requisite proof of his or her right to complete pay ment for the same at the proper district land otlice aforesaid, without delay, lest the same should be disposed tf as other public lands. Given at the General Land Office, this fif teenth day of April, A. H. 1846. 19;6w JAS. SHIELDS, Commissioner. Taken Mp, ON the 18th day of March, 1846, by Job Massey, about 18 miles east of Kosci usko, two steers, viz: one of a yellow color, with a white face; about seven years old, middle sized, marked with a swallow-fork in each ear, branded PL on the right hip and TH5 on ihe left; the other is about six years old, middle size, cream color, marked with a swallow-fork in the left ear and a smooth crop oil' the rip ht. branded same as the other; both appraised to 24 dollars. The owner is requested to com forward, prove property, pay charges and take them away, or they will be dealt with according to law. LEMUEL BOWERS, Ranker. June 4, 1846 22 3 I