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tf-i' 3-" g0iT ' ' 11 " "' ' " i r- ' i i . i. i - i i i - . . - i ii - . i in .i i i . i ' ' - jlOS B. CORWINEJ f iAnvAvry ani union' now and forkvkr onk, and inskparablk.'' . -' EDITQIt AND PROPRIETOR VOLUME I.. ' w ""LEXINGTON, JIOLMES COUNTY, MISSISSIPPI, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2L 1810. 7? 'NUMBER 10. THE WHIG REPUBLICAN, rlBLlHED EVERT THURSDAY MORNING, BY AMOS B. COUWINE. TKRAlS. Five Dollars in advance, or .Jix Dollars at the end of six months. No script ion will be discontinued until all ar ranges are paid, except at the option of the -viisher. Persons wishing to discontinue, t ;! please give notice therof in writings subscription received for a less time ; i.ui ix months. -Advertisements inserted at the rate of ) Dollar per square (ten hnes or less) for lie Lrt j'.crtion, and Fifty Cents a square .r l:ici continuance. "Advertisements which are not limited , n t ii e manuscript, as to the number t f inser C r-, v. ill be continued until ordered out, and :.irjd accordingly. ,V .-Articles -f a personal nature, whenever ::..tted, will be ch:irg'l at the rate of Two Dollars foreverv ten for each insertion. i.!,tieai ('irculurs or Fublie Addresses, lor ,er.efit of individual a;ne rates. fc-Announcing Candidates for office, will Le Tex Dollars each. OCrAll Job Wont must be paid for on de 1 Aery. frT-Postage on letters must le paid, or they will nor be attended to. A G E N T S . The followiMg gentlemen are respectfully -i- !-ted toact as Agents for the Whig Ke- . can. Persons havfiig business fur us, or : ptj dosirous of subscribing for our paper, please call on any of these gentlemen at :., r respective places if residence and it will iv-.: with prompt attention. .v...r. i, Ci: N. 1). Coleman, P. M. F. Mai: st. iialk. .1. .1. Moore, (U. Hal!,) S X. (J. Nye, II. Eaton Keys. P. M. : : ) 11. M. A: S. L. CouwINC. : : ( John W. Morris, u, : : Post Master, : : S J- H. Rollins, ' : : : '( C. E. W. Nilson, 7i, : : : II. B. Oliver, Und P. O., J. C. Cltieu, : I -1 i - r :. K r. Ur: -i, : -rif ry, .SCO, r :u : Mather cv: Elliot, Any (ooi Whig, I). IJakrett, ( Fostch, James Howard, R. C. Perky, l S.vmvei. Esk:iide, J . w . l'.KKi;cr. T. L'f KIIAKT, P. M. Dr. JuNks, P. .M., ic. : Dr.. Lkgrand, : GlLLASPIE. -II nek, POETRY. CUPID'S win;. A NEW SOG, BY SAM I.uVLU. T :. .iirt of love was feathered ftrst 1'rvra fully s wing they-sy, . 1 i . lie tri.d his shaft to shoot In beauty's heart ore day. He missed the maid ?o oft, ?ti3 said, IFs aim became untrue, And beauty laugh'd As his last shaft lie from his quiver drew, "In vain," said she, " Ycd sheet nt me, Ycu spiteful little tiling; The feather on your shaft I scorn! . When pluck'd from folly's wing." But (.'unid soon fresh arrows found, And iitted to his string, And each new shaft he feathered from His own bright glossy wing, lie shot, until No plume was left To waft him to. the sky, And beauty smiled . . -" Upon the child, When he no more could fly. "Now, Cupid, I am thine," she sard, 'Leave-off' thy archer play, -For beauty yields when slie is sure LQve.wili Est fl Va w ay - M1SCELLAHE0US. x Incident. When Ogden HoiFman was acoressin" the Whigs it Boston,; on the 10th of September, 'speaking of. the encouraging projects and -of the majorities for Gen. Har rison which were" promised hy .the delegations from the several States, "and what say you -men of Massachusetts,'' added he,- "how "it a majority can you giv-. tiute'" "Ten thousand," answered some one iothe crowd. "Ten" thousand," .-says "Hoff ," nm "is that. all! I have a good mind to act t'. part of an auctioneer.-. Hoes no one say ro're than ten thousand!'?,' "Fifteen - tlious I ad "-cried another". ' "Fifteen thousand, iif t"en thousand, twice and a-going. Who says 1 Vto're1" "Twenty thousand'" responded' a iX -r(j. .Twenty thousand, .then;-that is right," ' ' put Massachusetts down - at :. twenty thous 4j Extravagant as .'that- - number - was i f ia-rht by many, at thc time, the. promise i I i fS, c;,irincd.'and moro than fulfilled. The j f irr turns show a majority xc turns majority for the-Harri- raovc.r .tho Van Buren of CURE OF A IIYPOCONDUIAC. VNow, my dear, said Mrs. Woodsum, faint ly to her husband, 'the time has como at last. I feel that I nm on my death bed,' and have but a short time to stay with you. Hut I hope we shall be resigned to the will of Heaven. These things arc undoubtedly all ordered for the best and I would go'checrfully if it was not for my anxiety about you and the children. Now don't you think, my dear,' she contin ued, with increased tenderness 'don't you think it would be best for you to be married again to soir.c kind, good woman,', that would be a mother to our dear little ones, and make your home pleasant for all of you!' She paused and seemed to'look earnestly in his face for an answer. Well, I've-sometimes thought of late' it might be be.-t,' said Mr. Woodsum with a ve ry solemn air. 'Then, you have been thinking .about it,' said 3Irs. Woodsum, with a very solemn con- traction of the muscles of the lace. 'Why yes,' said Air. Woodsum, 4I have :jr,ce you have had epclls of being ' bo vcrv sick. It makes me feel .dreadfully, but. I den't know but it might be a matter of duty Well, I do think it would,' said Mrs. Wood sum, 'if you can get the right sort of a per son. . Every thing depends upon that, my dear and I hope you will be very particular about who you get very.' 'I certainly shall, said Mr. Wocdsum; don't give yourself any uneasiness about that, my : dear, for I assure you I ihall be- very particu lar. The person I shall have is one of the kindest and best women in the world. 'Rut have you been thinking of any one in paiticular, my dear?' said Mrs. Woodsum. 'There is one, that I have thought of -for a long time past, I should probably marry if it should be the will of Providence to take you from as.'- 'And pray Mr. Woodsum, who can it be?' said the wife, with expression, a little more of earth than of heaven returning to her eye. 'Who is it, Mr. Woodsum? You haven't men tioned it to her, have you?' 'Oh, by no means,' said Mr, Woodsum cut my dear wo had better drop the subject, it agitates vo Ko much' O J - i nm at r Wnvi-iim rnn m.i- fii r.,o .iw ! j 'iiut -lr. nooum jou must tell me who ; . r , ,!.:' .ti ,, . it i I "in nf-pr l Ifi in nf:irp fill vriii j 'It-is a subject painful to talk about,' said , ir. vVoodtum, and it don't appear to me it! j will be best to call names.' liut I insist,' said .Mrs, Woodsum, who had by this time raised herself up with great earnestness, and leaning upon her el- bow . while her searching.glanco was reading ' every muscle of .her husband's face. Olr. i . W oodsuni I insist upon it.' 'Well, then,' said Mr. Woodsum, with a! Capt. P. We find no difficulty on that ac ; sigh, 'if you insist upon it, my dear, I have count, madam; we can have plenty of drivers I thoifght that if it should be the will -of Provi- ! by sending to Ivigland for them. j dence to take you from lis to be here no more, j j I have I should marry for' my' second j wife.-Hannah Loveiovl' . An earthly lire at once flashed from 31rs. Woodsum's-eyes she leaped '"from the bed like a cat, . walked across the room, - and seat ed herself in a chair. 'What!' said she in a trembling voice almost choked with' agitation, 'what! marry that sleepy slut cf a Hannah Lovejoy! 3Ir Wood sum, that is too much for flesh and blood to j bear! I can't endure- that, nor I won't! No! that s what never should, never shall be. So you may go to your ploughing, Mr. Woadsum, and set your heart at rest .Susan,' she con tinued, turning to one of the girls, 'make up more fire uuder the dinner pot.' Mr. Woodsum" went to the field and pursued iiis work, and wherr he returneu at the dinner hour, he found the family dinner well prepared and his wife prepared to do the honors of the table.' Mrs. . Woodsum'e -health from that day continued to improve, and she was never afterward3 visited by the terribls affliction of the hypochondriac. A Sketch. She stood alone. The shif- j ting cloud passed by, and in the noisy mart full manv a discord runor u'non" her ear. She heeded not. Far down the. street her anxious gaze was -bent. With bosom heaving, and with eyes where blent passion and pitylove and mighty grief she,"a bright statue, looked Niobe like! Why fled the color from that mar ble cheek Why were the lips of " that Volup tuous mouth now parted,' as in suffering, and inon the line of ilw? transparent teeth gleam ing like-strip of frostwork on a bed "'cf. roses?'' IFer delicate hands, .far .neater with their flower-stalk ilngeVs, tha'n e'er: the chisel of Canova fashioned, were crossed upon her bosom- Ah! a bosom i whiter, though warmer than th'e Parian marble! She. stood as jf en tranced! Some silent sorrow . seemed sinking "to her-heart, as a plummet settles in the sea. What was it?. "Her lover-had ju'st gohe vcil'i a full load vpon his dray!--N; O. Crescent. ; A n infant .school Exhibition, has "lately, taken place sornewliere,' in whic"h a little girl: made a sensation Eome'thing like this'.She was'some where about five'yars old:"' V :.:,"'-':. -'. ; Of alb the bodies in the Heavens, i; ' :The grealest ia .the sen,'. ' ;;S:- hT speech is short and go am I-'-' l'?:r-c : ' : : ' ' 2''-- ; So j ladrcsI-Jnv.e'd'one.,; A TRUE FRIEND. The Audience, states, a gentleman who in 16.10, found himself a loser by. the revolution, determined to go beyond the seas to improve his fortune; hut previously to leaving Paris he deposited with a friend, 30,000 franca as a nest egg, in case of the new speculation which he meditated, not succeeding. More than nine years passed away, and notaEingle line had been interchanged between the two friends; when the one who had expatriated himself, bavin" failed in his ultra-marine. pursuits rc turned to .Havre, a few days ago, determined to take up bis 30,000 francs, and end his days in France. He. hastened to the capital but found that his friend had left his former resi- uencc anu rumeu nusi-ii. ua .c can u y . - I gambling, and had not a 'sous left. Lull ot , ii. n,iti,fnnrtr..t In re-den !, rage and despair he found out h reciy. n . the Rue Fluridmonteau, where he lived in the. (lfM.rT nrwl'rmned himself, as it was said by jrarret ot the filth story. He rushed into the i . , , r ., o.v;,.ri .,i ; room, and there -saw his unfortunate friend, al- mnfi wit innt c othes a haffL'ard liiiure sitting proac and uttered not a word but slowly rising unlocked the chest, opened the lid and ?howeu u.c oui- er his 30,000 francs in geld. As :.'is oniy re- compense, he begged him to give him a little money to buv some food " The sequel may be imaSincd.-'ar, Paper. . -,;i47,u-UV " 8oon after the revolutionary war, C,V, P., a brave yankee offieer, was at St. Petersburg, in Russia, and while there accepted an invita tion to dine there was a large number at the table, and among the rest an English 1 ady, who wished to appear one of the knowing ones. This lady on understanding that an American was cue of the guests, expressed to one of her friends a determination to quiz him. !She fastened on him like a tigress, making many inquiries respecting our In bits, customs, dress, manners, and mode of life, education, amuse- P. gave an answer that satislied all the com-! panv, except the Jadv ; she was determined not ! j to Le sati?f.ed, . and the following short dia. h ..a. " lUUO t i i .i i Lndy Have tlie nc.i peop'e in your cown- ,x-t , o m. r-i rn .t.w c C. I -.i i .,., .. m li v any (, ji i ijii'js: iji i tMJiMius'j iLifSi'S arc UIilU thai call f liemst-l vc- rfcli. V-Capt. P. Mv residence is in a .nr ,rtl,. upon an Island, where re there re but lew earn- ages kept, but in the large towns and cities upon main land, there are a number kept in a style suited to our republican manners. Lady. I can't think'where you f.nd drivers for I should not think the Americans knew how to drive a coach. Lady (speaking very quickly.) I think the Americans ought to drive the English, instead of the English driving the Americans. Capt. P. We did madam, in the late war; but since peace, we permit the English to drive us: ' . Ti, , i ir i. i.i i . i . I C I.KlV. hriir rllnkCfl Willi nnornr stnni mute a minute, and then left the room whis pering to her friend the Yankees are too much for us in the cabinet, 'as well aa in thc field. Prom the Vicksburg Whig. SINGULAR SPECTACLE .A correspondent writes -from the seat of i fiovcrnment the following notice of a singu lar spectacle, recently exhibited there. Jackson, Mi, 13th Dec. 1S10. Maj. McCard'le I witnessed a rare spec tacle this afternoon, it was the baptism of one of the convict inmates of the penitentiary. His name is Nettles; he wa3 .sentenced upon a charge of horse stealing. The baptismal rite was administered in Pearl river; near a mile from the 'Penitentiary; . the convict convert went down without chains or fetters of any kind, accompanied by the n.nietnr i-tu ba Itist church--a little clump of praying chris tians, and 3Iaj. Hart with a file of guards- no arms, however, were visible besides these, J was a crowd- cf .'curious spectators, .wha ex pected to see the nev convert upsef th'e pastor, even in the cleansing flood, to hurry to the God of Liberty instead of the God. of Silva'- j tion; but here there was disappointment, he bore it meekly as ever a contrite sinner did, and came up out of the water rejoicing, re- turning with apparent delight to -his confine ment. . Yours, .tc." ' . ' An-Isci'nENT. After the national salute, one gun Tor, Ohio, : and one for Old. Kentuck, had been fired j- on the day of our' celebration, Captain Grimsley, the inaster of the cerenjo niea,, gave an order that , the largest heavily.charged, and:that it be lircd in honor of Gen. Jackson'smilitary services.. The gun was loaded "fire" given the torch was ap plied and strange as ifmay appear, the powr' tier refused to perform its ofiice'it flashed-in the. "pan.'.' 'The cry "was then, "primu-it. again; and give it to old Tip'.". The Wn'n was primed -torch applied---and- it' seemed as if all the elements' of earth,; joy and - exultation, ;b!ggest.guri lireil all day. StLouii TiuUctinr '-!;"-: "'"'-::'."--r-'-.-i-.- ''"';"-', i . i . ,c a. ir I 'l lie lorm oi eurnnes mventeu uv mcs- ! 4,4 "li'T- - ' on apnc5l, mi, ou.y p.c . j Sc!iuvlcr ; known as the 1 i-htfall ' airection on which his eyes were never on thishc launched out into the mofct violent re-v.J ....... . r -c, .-.,, nin tr. r,. if ,, ,--. r,.r,i;i.r , . , , , , f. tr. engines, invented uv u nam L.iguuaii "o1"" lw fc ues, upbraided nun w u: - ' " ni ihis citv. and in practical operation in Uie ioon was tow m the west, and y-t no threatened even to strike him. His friend ,,,,,,,,,, i,rrr Tho auto n'mis ' boat came. A skitT was r recti r.d. and an , WAR STEAMERS.- In an article describing the laiuichj a few days, ago," of the Russian war steamer at New.York, the Courier' and Enquirer says ' . - "There arc several points of great inter est connected with the success of this ship. ; Shc will he the first trial of skill between ! the English and American engines, and cd by a number of tall cypress trees that will determine many questions now in : guarded the bank like hoary sentinels. dispute among them, as. to the best me-The boat landed: a small party hastily as thod of using steam. j cended the levee', entered the lawn telbr- Our government is how building two the house when there was hoard a num steam vessels, one here, the other at Phil-! ber of shots in rapid succession; and one adelphia, of the same size as the Kam- i of the number, but a moment before in schatka. .. I the full enjoyment of life, health and en- i iiuv uuiu uiiLiiwuiiv niiv.iiuuu. .kj uu . .J . . . . l 4. I ... - . . ,t j. . . . i .v m tli. I.' .1 ,r I. -? o i the one at pNew ork alter the most ap t . 1 . 1 g,,' jl(cj bv r the Messrs. Schuy U-r j nissioliers, but were re . x Cointnissioners. bu jcc,C f0T tlose iurnisiicd by 3Ir. Kemble, w,jc, are now building for the New york .hjp. Thus a friendly competition exists in the constftictfon ohhese1 three vessels - It nm.t be be in nud however, that while the Navy a!d ships lua c a. t no arm;nient ueciueu i i'ou. anu iih.:xciui can suit the guns to the s.jip, tlie ham-1 . , 7, , 1" ' ;r; she did not carry the armament lor which she was ordered. All the Russian steamships have hith erto been furnished by England. It is a proof of the usual forethought and liberal views of the Emperor to look elsewhere for a supply in case of need, and may prove of great advantage to the mechan J 'I'l -Messrs Schuyler wliohavc under W'n uie wno e uuruien 01 mrmsnin-tne ship, cuiniics, c, complete, are engineers III ,1 -. 1 we I known in this city; and everv way i , , , , , 3- . - 1 calculated to succeed m a matter upon I i - ' t . 1 I .1 c ' 1 ci';iM','il- 1 li(iY il;;ve lor i'uw years j steamboat companies audalwavs conduct- e J tliem m a marjner that has given lUli- versal satisfaction. They have built a great number of steamboats, and many improvements in them as well as in raif wav carriages and locomotives have ori giniated with them. The boilers of the Kamschatka are con structed for the use of the anthracite coal, of a form entirely different fromany others ; in use, except in the boats of the Messrs. jbchuyler, by whom It was invented. No blowers are required, and judging lrom thc success these gentlemen have I "cady obtained, we do not doubt that the ! miKii rniitifiM in tliw slim wi l)ele;? tlinn j - . in any other afloat. J IFe look upon this enterprise as a mat ler of great national interest, and although the dilficultics to surmount-in building riM.., :;.,it., ;..t,,.,,wi j n j - - . . i ni . i fc htif it is now niidfrstood'011 l,lc earllA I i:e spirit had f.d as ra; uouu.c - UecKcr.s. imi it 1. now uiiv4.rsiooa i . that they can only carry tftins on the-.iafl l, llb Uaa ,LiC yL"llJir-u f Fhi'adc'nhia i v''hjch .ve it the release frii clay, Hiain U,eK. 1 in, essci at i in.iuc.pnia , m the first ship have been great, yet from- . "-'. what has alreadv been done, we have no -, , tl . - , , fears but that thJ Kamschatka will estabJ midday, thirteen hours alter the lish the reputation of the Messrs. Schuy-if.1?111011' slIent : ary and exhausted, ler, and be a credit to our country .vhthe landing was gamed, and the remains she makes her appearance in European ! f.f lhetdeatd ee borne with secrecy throJ llf0(ftrc - - -i the streets of a citv .where he had ccce aiLfs. . v . . ' , ,i , c - MA Kill AGES. .A Sign or the Times. A friend who is particularly fond of noticing the signs of the limes, and who considers that there is no better indication of prosperity than the increase of marriages, expres - sesthe opinion that he has discovered this gratifying mark of improvement in morals and society within tlie last few" weeks. AJoot oinccrcly tlo wi; lujoiCC, If IllS UOtlOIl be correct. AVe have long thought that something like an understanding should exist in this country especially, in rela tion to the term of courtship. We consid er it morally wrong, on thc part of a sui tor, to linger on year after year in his ad dresses to any 'bright particular star,5 and thus to deprive Jier, in some lneasure.of the general society and ; attentions, of others, without some certain prospect as to the termination of the period of courtship.' - The. truth is, there is a time. -for, all thingsand' even ,'tlio attachment of a young and impassioned being mayMiave its bound, especially if hope bo delayed year after year, and. the heart tints sick eiiedand the cheek robbed of its bloom by disappointment. Marriage is tin'insti- tutibu recognized and enjoined , by the laws of God and man and if there be any among pur leaders 'who, having, courted a year- or two, lack the courage or - the means to venture before the Hymenral al tar they should exhibit some degree of magiianimity andr-self-denial, and .ac knowledge their true position, alio w oth ers an oppprtunity of pressing. forward tfc possessing the prize which thev have nei- nor the courage - - ' Philadelphia P : r--r -'''"--,-.- . ' rage to oDtain. nquirtr. t'ro'ri the Jlistissippi Free Trader. THE PASSAGE OF THE DEAD UPON THE MISSISSIPPI'RIVER. -- It was a cloudless autumnal day. The air was balmy and but rslihtly stirred the wave on the deep broad river while, at i high noon, a proud steamer was seen ap- proachin a Iovelv plantation, distinguish enrv was a co u ana mammae torni nu- i . . . . I : . r . i ... i .t .1 The inquest is over trie un wen i down, and vet no steamer came to tear cmbarcation made upon the vi!d and sr emn river with "the corpse in so frail a ; fanjue, a single rower sirring at tne Lot, ! an(i lhe friend f thr- de;d at the stem : thus pushing into the current, and wanmx ! J'iiward with it majestic impetuosity. J ; Jf-orizol , u thQ umtcred waters: and' scoa ' . , , , , . t. r 7 1 hen was the passage ot tne dead most dreary, fully realizing-the poetic fictions of antiquity of the passage of tiie dead over the Stygian wave in the dim ghostly twi light of the 'nether world. liy an optical illusion the river seemed lifted higher than the woody shores. Those shores ap- peared to be dark, deep pits below the ele ment, and assumed fantastic and cloudy shapes. The stitf storm-breeze rang in the dense cotton-wood, making a sharp crackling noise, more like the fall of a cat aract than the gentle motion of foliage. The rain" began to patter; the skilf, half full of water, introduced through the open ed seams, required constant bailing to keep both the dead and the living from - findin- a trrave in the unuLomed depths of the father of waters. To prevent sinking in mid-stream, the rower hugged the fantastic and gloomy shore, onemoment sucked into a boiling eddy, at another amidst the scraggy branch es of an avalanche from the land, at an other embayed in a forlorn community of snags, and in another in danger from the measured movement of an ancient sawyer beating time to the throbbings of the water-spirit, erecting its black," serpent-like head several feet above the. water, and then babtbing itself anew. Still the morn ing delayed to dawn. The 'smell of dis solution announced the state of the re mains of the dead. What a lesson of mortality I Ho w cheerless the passage cf the dead and no comfort dawnmor in the end! When achieved, the embassv was ; t0 e one of bitterest sorrow imtnM ormm-inH tPir; of deep, oeeu me cmei magistrate. , Natiosal Characters. la a weil-knowa house in this city, the rendezvous of foreign ers, as well as English and Irish, a French man thought to amuse the company at the ex- ; pense of an intelligent and good humored Swiss. " l our countrymen, said he, "serve under all European Monarch." "It is truc,' replied the Swiss, "we are poor, and we fight for that which we most etand in need of mo ney or pay, call it as you will; bat," said he to the Frenchman, "what do you. fight fcr!" "onor," exclaimed the impetuous French man. ".Well, then, said theSwiss, "we both, it seems, fight for what we etand in need cf most ice for money,, you for honor." " SAM SLICK IX FAVOR OF WOMEN. 'If women do snarl up a feller's heart I strings they keep him out of other scrapes; nuy .uuuy wm ieu you inau a man in love aleetle is not always a ninnin'into rum holes, and other such places." He don't go a gamblm, and isn't sncakin round at nights.' ' Female Eovcvtion. A. young lady whom" I we know by ight, once concluded a love-let ter thus: St. Loud Republican. "i shall rite to you agm car long, jo cum. nlin told me a crful story boufsuke tylcr but i dident pay no attenshun to hia sicknen till. Yourn till deth parti bot cn ut.' '' 1 - - -i i U j Holp others and you relieve yourtelf. Go and drive away the cloud front that diitreued friend's browt and you will ictum with lighter heart. .'.Washington" City contains a ror-uT-tion of 22,777. . " i pi 1 1 -X r i v" t - it;'.l v. -h1.