THE MACON BEACON FBM.:SHKD BVKRT SATURDAY BY P. T. ?KBRIS. Subscription, id nlvsnoe, per nnnra f 1.00, Saturday, April 12, 1902 Washington, D?CMar. 27th, 1602. To the People of the First CoiiRrcsKionftl Pistrk't of Mississippi: I respectfully aniionnee that I am a candidate for reflection to the 59th Congress, subject to the action of the Democratic parly. As yonr present Kepresentative in Conjrwiw, I have faith fnlly endeavored to do my duty and to represent your interests and promote yonr welfare. I have given prompt at tention to every request made to me by a citizen of Mississippi. I have given to each and all of my constituents the same consideration, and;have to the best of my ability responded to their every request and suggestion, and it has been my easnest desire to advance the interests of all the people of the District alike, I will in the highest decree, ap preciate yonr support and endorsement, and if elected will give yon in the next Congress, the same faithful and honest service, I have attempted to render yon in the present one. I am very sincerely and gratefully; Yonr obedient servant, E. S. Candler, Jr. Mr. Editor: I send the following clipping, which will be of intere.t to many of your readers, as it embodies a deserved trib ute to our own accomplished Miss Edna Bush. This laurel leaf of appreciation is gratifying, and we take jmt pride in the splendid success Mips Bush wins as Mistress of Music in the Alabama Girls College: K, Notice lo the Voters of Macon. THfc "SCHUMANN GIRLS' Middling cotton has reached the nine cent mark in New Orleans. Henry Rodgers was granted a new bearing ; Thursday before Judge Steph ens at Philadelphia. The Tennessee Medical Society is in session in Memphis. Dr. E. W. Ridings read a paper on ' 'Bichloride of mer cury in the treatment of small pox." He "cured many malignant cases by bathing the body of the patient with the remedy, and it also prevented many who were exposed from taking it. A Jackson despatch of April 7th says: Gov. Longino has approved the chapter of the Coat Lumber Company, domiciled at Coat, in Simpson county. Capital, $25,000; incorporators, R. A. Foote. Mrs. Christine Bridewell and Thomas Foote. To C. 11. Clement, President Macon Dem ocratic Club Macon, Miss, Sir: We, the undersigned candidates for the various municipal offices, res pectfully ask that you call a meeting of said club, for the purpose of determin ing the dates for holding primaries for election of officers of eaid town for the ensuing term. Respectfully, J. T. Sargent, R. R. Elki.v, E . L, Lucas, R. E.V.Yates, J. O. Faser. Interesting Program Rendered Montevallo Pupils. Montevallo, March 15. (Special .1 An appreciative audience at the College Chapel Friday evening, were made all the more appreciative when they heard and saw what the 'Schumann girls" were doing to uplift those about them and to beautify that within. The motto of the club, '"Tis music's lofty mission to shed light on the depths of the human heart" was fully verified Friday evening. All of the girls showed careful training, bnt interest, naturally, was centered around the two graduates to be, Miss Myers and Miss McCary Miss Myers plays with an individual grace, her touch is arti3tic and unusual. Her selection Friday eveuing was "Gondoliera" from Liszt. Miss McCary is a student and showed the same in her renditions. She played two selections; (a.) "Romanza, " in F sharp, by Schumann; (b.) "Awaken ing of Love, ' ' by Moizkowski. The Directress of Music here is a wo man of culture, and possesses a skill and ability not always found in our Southern Colleges. In hearing her play one feels that she has found the bidden soul of harmony. It can be said of rer that she is a complete woman, and her awakening power over her girls is won derful. --Montgomery Advertiser. In response to the above petition I hereby cull a meeting of the Macon Democratic Club to be held at the court -jionse on Monday night at 7;!)0 o'clock, on the Mth day of April, 1902. for the purpose of discussing matters referred to in the above petition, and such other matters that might become necessary. (. B. Clements, Hardin Brooks. President, Sec'ty. Change In Firm. Mr. Frank B. Thompson ha? bought tue business of Mr. Robt. Coleman, and machines, bicycles, type writers, guns" pistols. Same stand at the Hauenstein corner. Mr. Coleman requests all who left anything with him to be repaired to call and get it. f Can't the U. D. C. or some other order in town get the "Singin Skule Regiment" to "perform" in Macon? It will be in West Point April 2th. TOWN RESIDENCE FOB KENT. The house known as the Rives rest' deuce north of Capt. Griggs' residence.' is for rent. Possession given when rented. App'yto Cmas.Stronci. We are selling thirty -sijTiiich madras at 10 cents a yard-others above 15. j Cheap Joe, NOTICE, LADIES. I have opened up a dress making bus iness and would appreciate your patron age. My prices are reasonable and sat isfaction guaranteed, I have had eight years experience. Mrs. H.W. Doss 3-22-2ra Whitten House, Macon, Miss. Your Picture. Send us any photograph and 2 c cents and we will make you 28 of the latest style Photos sent post paid. Something new. Chas. Rakimm, Stock Co. meh29-3t Atlanfn. na Meeting of Confederate Veterans Headquarter Xoxnbee Comity) Camp i;.2B, V. C. V. I Camp met at court house April 7th. Dr. II. A. Minor, commander, presiding. Following members present: H. A, Mi nor, commander, W, H. Scales, adju tant, P. T. Ferris, quartermaster aud commissary; Dr. J.L Featlierston, sur geon; Rev.W-C Grace, chaplain; S.M. Bow?n, Z. T. Dorroh, L. E.Eiland, G. M. Gilmore, J. J, Hunter, J. H.Jones, J. F. Lindley, M Mahorner, W W Mc Leod, W. P, Minor, A. P. McCaskill, J. S; Scott, K. S. Skinner,B. R.Stew art. Following delegate) elected to Dallas reunion April 22 21: H. A. Minor, P. T. Ferris, B. R. Stewart. Alternates: Z. T. Dorroh. W, W. McLeod. J. F. Lindley. Adopted Frisco and Cotton Belt route. Delegates appointed as committee on badges, with authority to act. Miss Lula Griggs elected sponsor with authority to appoint two maids of honor. Following committee appointed to take charge of all affairs necessary to get tip a Looming, successful picnic: L, E. Eiland, chairman, J. B, Cunning ham, K. S. Skinner, J, Yaretzskv, T. J . Wilkins, Sr . All former committees were re-appointed, camp officers re-elected and the treasurers duties added to those of adju tant. Adjourned sine die. W. H. Scales, Adjutant. Mn. EniroR: It is high time that the good citizens of Macon were considering suitable men to administer our public affairs for the next two years. A call for a primary will soon be made, and the tax payers of this town should know who they are voting for before the electnn. Our present condition is sufficient to excite uneasiness, if not grave appre hensions, for the future of Macon. Last year our taxes were eight mills. This year they are thirl een and one.half, with a strong probability of their being t.venty seven next year. We have a bonded debt of twenty-eight thousand dollars, and a suit against the town for twelve thousand more; Mid it is gen erally conceded that judgment will be rendered agaiu-t us for at least six or eight tluusand, if not for the whole twelve. For this enormous expenditire of public money, what has the town to show for it? Our streets are in a worse condition than they have been in since '95, aud the side walks with the ex ception of the business part of the town, are in as bad fix as they have been since Macon was incorporated, It is true we have a school house, but we are not able, or in a condition to pay forty thousand dollars for it. One more such ornament will siaiply carry the town to the full limit of its credit: for tbe Legislature has wisely provided that no town shall incur an indebtedness greater than ten per cent, of theasess ed value ol its property. The next board will, in all proba bility, have to build another school house for the colored population; and with the present management, that building will doubtless cost us to our limit, Be that as it mav. now is the time to discuss public measures, and consider suitable men to administer our municipal government for the next two years. If we wait until after the elec tion, it will tliea be too laie. Let the tax-payers for once solicit the services of her public servants, aud not the can didate solicit the suffrage of the voter. It is not our nurnose. Mr. Editor. except in a general way, to criticize the present administration, but we do think it is high time that the tax-payers and voters of this town should pay some attention, and manifest some interest in public affairs. Respectfully, L. C, Look at These Prices Yon Certainly Theae Want Some Goods. of Host Standard (Iran, Xii:ir, in hid, llest Kxtr Fanrv V.C fc-igar, bh!s Carieif ti oz: bottle siiutt, t'uso llirivK'a 1 oz. ':m snuff, case Clairetlo Soap, box A ik Soap Oootl llrijlit Molansei, in blih hall hhls .... Cheese, per II) l.'llo t Kull Stan. Can Corn, 2 lb cans, doz Acme Kaney Call Corn, 2 II) cans, Uo,; Acme fancy can Tomatoes, 21 b e, ilo lied Cross van Tomatoes, 2 lb e, iluz. i t: 1 1 m 1 in 1 m 1 M A en ie Fan. Can Tomatoes, il lb e, doz 1 25 Ai-me Fan. Call IVa, 2 lb can. doz . . 1 Acme Fan. Can Iti'iins,!! lb can. doz. . 1 10 l'ie I'eai'li.'s, Ilieans, doz 1P0 Itest California lV;n lies.2Slli fan, doz 2 2.') oars. 2 lb can, cloz.. 2 25 S:;linon, 1 lb i' iii, doz 1 10 liipu l'eaeli Toll. 4t pig to ih.lMli box o5 Ih.t. het tolmiTO, ' 35 rickotts-'osTTob " " ' 3 Si-linapps 'fob 5 " " " " 37 Schnapps Tob ;J " II " Sti Above prices to everybody for Spot cash, We have too much stock. Many other goods at bargains. Call and be convinced. MACON MEKCAKTILE CO. 'RackeiSt ore An Old Citizen Gone, Another very worthy and esteemed citizen has joined the great majority. Javnagin died at his home near Mash 1- iaville, yielding to an acute attack of pn.emon.ia. He was one of the oldest citizens of the county, being a resident since its earliest settlement. There mains were interred in the Baptist cemetery in Mashulaville. Confederate Veterans. All members of Noxubee Camp 1.120, U. C. V. are urgently requested to call and pay their annual dues. No camp can exist without money. W. H. Scales, Adjutant. A New Enterprise. T 1 .,.., , i u.ivo upeueu u putting Dusine.-s in the town of Macon for the purpose of replating all kinds of table silver ware, such as knives and forks, spoons, etc. with the Koyal Silver Metal. Those who wish anything done in this line will please give me a call. Sample of the work can be seen by calling on the un designed at W. L. Featlierston 'a resi dence. Satisfaction guaranteed. Pll2 G, M. Diij.ard. neuvy rains of the past few weeks have put the cemetery in a very bad condition, and something must be promptly done or several fine monu ments will topple over. Many graves have cayed in and considerable work wal be required to put it in good order. Berkley Maurylias doled his meat market for a month; Astor Smith has concluded to shut up for awhile, and tne town it, depending upon the Cli market for steaks, must ,i bones. The Olympia Club entertained its friends Thursday night at a grand ban quet. The banquet hall was full, like wise all who were there were ful iy satisfied it was an unusually pleasant uccasion. Notice I I lmve bought Mr, W. M. King's in terest in Macon Ice, Light and Power Company and will pay off all debts and collect all accounts due said company. call and settle what yon owe the com. pany and present for payment yonr ac count . yours truly, Macon, Miss. Mch. 13. N. Scales. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure and a bottle of Bal lard's Horeiioukd Syrup used'in time is wortu a start ct physicians with a drug store or two included. Price 25 and 50 cts. at J. F. Jones'. THE JtACKl.T STORE wishes to announce that owing to the sickness and death of MR. CHARLES R ROADWAY R0USS our Spring Goods, have been somewhat delayed, but they are commencing to arrive daily and we will have a much larger and better line of Lawns and Summer (Joods of ail descriptions than ever before, and these goods were bought at prices way below the market and we are therefore prepared to undersell all competition, and if there ever was a time when you should be care ful in buying it is iioav. Last year our sales in Embroideries was a surprise to us and i.his year our line will be larger and better than ever before. We are now' able to sell you (Beautiful Embroidery, Eight Indies Wide, at 10 cents fer yard. We know that we can save you money, It is for your interest to come and see us before you buy. Tours for low prices, RACKET! STORE, W. M. LAMBERSON, Mgr. New Goods for Spring 1902 Always the first to receive new goods. i take pleasure m ainioiimiimr lluil. my Mock of Spring (Jowls have begun to arrive, ami you will liml imwng ,IC g(0ll.s re(,dv(lll t,)is weck n ...,.(. ..... i . , 1 . . p.i . . iuu,t uMUumu iiue 01 uie micsi styles on tlie market Goods you will liml the following Wiule Hampton Dead. A Columbia, 8. C, dispatch of April 11th, says, Ocn. Wade Hampton died this morning of valvular disoase of the heart, having l'en nneonecums for sev eral hours, He was in his 85th year. Hells were tolled in all towns of the state when the news was received and the schools were closed. The Hover nor ordered all the public office to be closed, and the state and United States flass were put at half mast. WantedTo buy all of yonr hides at top prices for spot cash. A VAIHAHI.l; Mliim 'INK For Coughs and Colds In Children. "I have not the slightest hesitancy in recommending Chamberlain's Cough Remedy fo all who are suffering from coughs or colds, " saya Chas. Cramer. Esq. . a well known watch maker of Co lombo, Ceylon . "It ha been some two years since tne L ily uispentmry uroi called my attention to this valuable med icine and I have repeatedly used it rnd it has alwnv been beneficial. It hat cured me quickly of all chest colds. It is especially effective for children and seldom takes more than one bottle to cure them of hoarseness. I have per suaded many to try this valuable, medi cine and they are all us well pleased as myself over the results. " 'or tale by T S. Muiphey & Sou, Macon, Hamilton & Meek, Biooksyillo. Good (or Rheumatism. Last fall I was taken with a very se vere attack of miucnlar rheumatism, which caused me great pain and annoy ance After trying several preset iptions and rheumatic cures I decided to nse Chamberlain's Pain Balm, which I had seen advertised in the South Jrrseyman. After two applications of this remedy I was much littler and after using one bot tle was ccmnletely cured. Hallie Har ris, Salem, N. J. For sale by T. S. Murphey &, Son, Macon, Hamilton & Meek, Brooksville. fNAxrWvV.''VVVVNy-v;Av-N The Kind You Have Always r.oufjlit, ii,i vl in hso for over 30 year, hns Woo, tl'" S ,fr, PmX J'"9 "UdeJ' f All mint i'1-ii'iis. munitions mm ".T,,., .. ICxpci iiiH-nts that trillo with and iul:n..r,,f Inl'mld iiti.l flillflrixtl V iiri.ii.t.k ' I. 1 If Among the New Did yon ever hear of a regular (51.25 genuine madras shirt fast colors rn Well, we have Caeai- Joe. be sold at So cents? theai all sizes, ne soap s you TKa Ti l n. xuo jjuoiuu store will keep to the front during the spring and summer seasons with a full stock of desirable goods, and at prices to suit everybody purse, oea thoir advertisement if are looking for bargains. Mr. P. E. Hines is in town. Perrv is a native of Noxubee, but has lived for several years in Columbus. He ia no longer connected with the Sewing Machine Co., but is representing the Josse French Piano Co. FISHlNti TACKLE. Just received, the largest assortment of fishing tackle ever brought to town at the Book Store. C. L. Ferris." See that large lot of Misses, Children and ladies slipper, ail Samples, : that we are selling from 50 to 75 cents a pair less than the regular price. We have only certain sizes. Cnr n ,t0f We have a very fine line of embron cue nun inserting tnat we aie selling at Bam iiicb, Cheap Joe. ....-iiLiiiuy buiil'k a can trnni you when in Macon ."hopping Those who tunic iu iuuk will stay to buy. Wal-ier B. Patty One Minute Cough Cure ror uougns, uoids and Croup. Plain White Goods S cts to 50 cts o yard. Plain White Persian Lawn cts t0 15 cts a vnn Whte Organde 2 yds wide 15c to ooca yard. Embrodery n Match Sets All Prions. tn I in U1....1,. 11.. r 1 . i. : 1 ""lmiHit you will liml a complete line of r S,,,nnK Calicot'H, Suiting, Hinjl s, )(;ks, Madras Cel. &e I wish to call yonr especial atlcnii,,,, ,0 ,v lie of A F C Marino c Cloth 27 in wide., 10c a yd- t ; cio,i arc the nil I'MT-.ll fur Mimu T.. i: .) .-i . ... . " J""ch .-Miirt waists, Chil'.lrcn Dr c.uinot heiture ttiose goods any more this all(l it be est o see these goods at once. russcs. to your inter- D. OWENS. McGEE'S BABY ELIXIR But on Mrth for Teething, Diar rhoea, Summer Complaint, etc. Contains no opium in any form, i pleas ant to tbe taste and will do the work. Price, t and 50 crnta. II your druinrit hasn't it send stamps lor 25c. bottle. 1KB ElinELD 1F.D.CIIE F8. CO., St. kits, lo. PUBINA 4 Snl BEST FEED FOR Horses -b& Cows. Have you aeen the electric belt ? Did yon bay an electric belt ? How many electric belts did you buy? How To Gain Flesh Persons have, been known to gain a pound a day by taking an ounce of SCOTT'S FMlil. SION. It is strange, but it often happens. Somehow the ounce nmrluro I the pound j it seems to start the digestive machinery going prop erly, so that the patient is able to digest and absorb his ordinary food, which he could not do be fore, and that is the way the gain is made. A certain amount of flesh is necessary for health i if you have not got it you can get it by taking J ftCOH'S pcasioa You wfll find It ttutas useful In summer u In wirier, and If you are thriving upon KdontitrbetautheweaUwbvvdrm. mil $1.00, alt druggfalt, COTT BOWNR, Oumisti, N.w Vol. ORDINANCE NO. 84. Defining Vagrantu and Tresoiibinff th Pun ishment for the Same. ll it 1..! I . .. u.u.iii pj uy cue mayor am board ol .M-nnen of the town of ydwon, Mia? " that he lollowinir persona are hereby declared hvery alii., bodied perflon who live with wLiHU&.:.r l,l'?r nl.who "" ""i'i'"n r maintenaiivp. Kvery person w ho shall abandon ,e or limiily without just cause. levinK her or them without anpporl and in danger of be coming a public charge. Kvery keeper ol a public house ued for gambling orgaming uf any kimt. Kvery keeper ol a house ol prostitution tvery prostitute who ha, no other tin. ployment for ner support or maintenance fcverv able bodied person who a ball be begging lor a livelihood. tvery common gambler or person who for n:ot panma.nta us himself by gamblir g . SKt. 2. He it further ordained that all r:0"8,.1;11 th. .UoV. .,.,,.,, ulc ,own 0I J)l,l(.on -I.,.!, be arrested anil hrmn-ht i,ur..,. .. and if by him found guilty , ,Vo?the ecte constitutHig vagrancy, shall be de cliued a vagrant and lined not less than one doll'ir an not more than one hundred do ! S"nthB5T'0Bed "0t "' t""n .-.o. no u iiinner ordulned that all other ordinances m said Town In conflict HHVl7. olltllel"r-'fif Provlsion'saUl """"" "nie are Hereby re pealed and held tor nuupht. 1 Skc, 4. !o it tmther ordained that ih provisions r sd ordinance he force fjom and imincliatclv upon its pass,,,,,' 8 Approved by me this April 1st, ism" 1 Tbe ,..,v :lMA:,11- duly passed Aprilut, IWbT '"""""0 W"" NOTICE TO CREDITORS. The Kstate or J. M, Archer, Notice Is hereby given that letters ten mentary were Issued to the undersigned administrator or said estate on the 80t day ol November, 1001. by the ( h ,rv Uerk or said county, and all person- ,71 mg claim, ..galnstsa.d estate are rem, re, o huve ihesame probated and reg IZl , by said clerk within one year horn th dat,; or they will be forever Wrcd W llueis myhandthif.tb daV of Ani',1 Anlvn J.M- AHUIIEB.P,,,, AplMt Admlulsliaior, THE ' ' A neighbor ran in with a bottle of Chninberlain's Colic, Choleia and Di iirrhoea Remedy when my son was suf fering with severe cramps and was given np as beyond hope by my regular physi cian, who standi high in his profession Aiter administering three doses of it my son regained consciousness mid recover ed entirely within twenty four hours, ' says Mrs. Mary nailer of Mt Crawford Va. This Remedy is for sale bv T. S. Murphey & Son, Macon, Hamilton & Meek, Iirooksville. Neglect Means Danger. Don't neglect biliousness and consti pation. Yonr health will suffer perma nently if you do. DeWitt's Little Karly Risers cure such c ises. M. B. Smith, Butternut, Mich., says "DeWitt's Lit tle Karly Risers are the most satisfacto ry puis i ever wok. JSever gripe or cause nausea. ' ' T.S. Murphey & Son Ladies, Attention. ilie Mfgrs. of Adair's Venetion Cream desire several lady representa. tives in this city and vicinity to sell Adair's Venetion Cream, a trted, tested. and thoroughly reliable preparation for the removal of Freckles and Blotches (Liver Spots,) the most satisfactory face bleach ever introduced. Positively guaranteed or money cheerfully refund ed. The price is only 2,'ic post paid. Address with stamp. Signed. Adair Mfg, Co. , ajiiu-n Vruco, lexas. WANTED! Reliable man for Manager of a ltMi.v. Office we wish to open In this vlcii.lty iB " K0" opening for the right man. kindly give good reference when writing THE A. T. MORRIS WHOLESALE HOUSE, Cincinnati, Ohio. Illustrated catalogue 4 ct . stamps. UNITED CONFEDEBATE VETERANS SS! SBBBSW What is CASTOR Castorla Is a lmnnloss Biibstituto for (sjn goric, Drops and .Soothia,' Syrups. U HVb contains lieitltvr Opium, Moi phino r,ul. 0(1 substance. Its ago is iU guarantee, nilcn' and allays Fevcrisliness. It cures Diarii,,' , Colic. It relieves Tectliinsr Troubles, , 4V nnd Flatulency. It assimilates thei I'm,., t( , Siomacu anil xmiwci.s, km"1 ncailliy in,.;! ' mi.. 'i.:i.i u, li,,.,,,in'l,. lr,.,i. ' , "'""), v.u..un MO I Jtm Ail Bears the Signal wvc of 7 m raw m w w w The Kind You Have Alwajsl In Use For Over 30 Years,1 TMt CENTAUR COMMNV, TT MURftAV TBTET, Urvj vnUR CITT Big Reduction in Price of PLOW for this mo C. O. Kentucky Plows Now is time to buy from n s L. R HOLBl rmifpflmtp trfitt h n RE-UNION. mil Ticketson sale Apl 18, 19 20 One cent a Mile. Special Trains,, Free Reelinino rhnirc. overs allowed East and West of Mississippi River. QTVrite for map and full particulars. Stop- C ASTOR I A tor Infants and Children The Kind You Have Always Bough Bears the . . m STOCK FORSALE. T t. ... r.. . i -. i ir saie iive Mules, 1 to 8 years m. xwu nurses and several Mares oufKumn seea for sale at one doll, n.. 1ROY Cole, McLeod, Miss. OASTOnu, Bean the The Kind You Havg Umn Bouriit PINE COTTON SEED, 1 have for sale Mnckland'i Big Boll Cotton Seed at u uia per onstiel. Also Jones' at 50 cts. per bushel. Refer to cottos broker Bovd in Macon K. C. SMITH, bushel meli8 815 lax Anbrey, Miss. In the Chmicery Court of iNnxu.iee Cu,, MtB. Prices. Ripmt Pii.. sf HJP xxx 10 years old Red Rock, $3.80 x " " 3.10 v,- sllia J N, CORNATZAR..D. P. A, Memphis, Tenn, Corn and Oats High TRY s FEED USE FERTILE! They Pay on all Crops ami on any Kind of Land. Write us for prices and information about use of FERTILIZERS; they pay kn.lson on the investment when intelligently appl: r it., i , . , u .no uie liu-'esi inanufai'tji-evs in the w and manufacture EERTILIERS of till and for all crops. Virginia-Carolina Cfiomic Memphis, Tennessee. Bransby & Bos AGENTS FOR 1 FOWLER W mil Meat, Lard, Hams, Canned B Bologna Sausage, Etc. - always on hand in cai Wo Solicit a Share of Your ratrooj Our terms are cash. Packing Houso at i'lione 48, Macon, Miss. OP THE CEUtuWA 'v,-:"l"i"i our responsibility, we raiptct. fully ro(r you to City Natlon.l B.nk Citizens Savinga Bunk, Araerlon Jjerman National Bank, Pduch Bankinu Co., ol Paducah, Ky, Sand WSSWWS '"ney oratr or txebug. Yours very truly, FOUR FULL QUARTS WHISKEY mm OIRECT FROM WAREHOUSE OF UNCLE SAM to yo u lei fey No i ij i i " " ' 'uiii root All Inquiries promptly replied to. Ceo. H.GoodnMU. incorpotittd) STATE IN OBDKR WHETHER RYEMBOURBON 15 DESIRED ft ,4 ror n X-SMy "art . I vf v- J is b vl ft For $3,20 laS4Fu!l Bam HODSE FOR ROT. r,iAilieW.,honAene"r dePot Intely occn Pied by Mr. Dotlierow. i or ret. It ha8 font i rooms, good cistern, Imrn -ta Wes nil well Improved. Term, ?ow Inqnireot GeorgG. PS(rHn or The Z 3un4-tf . Brooksville, Miss. PdJMJA .,nUj!,i.P.Ln.PI'!,",.,fn"k''' y-YEAR-OLD tvpi f BMSlfi, irk mm mmm 1.1-1 "iMDWrh to'.!'. W' J It Ut uiii- ... .. .... '"'. 1 l''-t II, U ll M not, !lll"l''l"r ' .'. 4T....H s 5; I K "' ;'!'.'lully rnlumlo,). Th .... i ? i t il ns in in r rrni'""1 f tbis ini'tr ,,e r' ' t" " bHiik or .' n,t i '! V'lllll 'I In i.liu ,:diti OLOKSCN & LEVI, !;)'-f."f9.30 Flrst Ave., p. o. box 33, Cirmlnsharn, ! 'I Vf "ll.V," hut to iii.tnt- i.,w - . ,ul uiiinr tfiniJ(i in fill n.tlnto nm, .),..! I, 41... ...... t.tli , 1 'M" '- ' nmii(,:.rrt wt nvcrutv i I KM Tr It Bl.1,1 .!.., U'.t " tipplliauou. Win vritinKiH'ae iuL'fiiiu ilnl Is only Sold In Sacks like this The feed that i'feps Mules op i Slid feed bills down. APtgllW MILLS" Muni Wm Worms WHITE'S CK1 'oat I mi V