OCR Interpretation

Boon's Lick times. [volume] (Fayette, Mo.) 1840-1848, September 12, 1840, Image 1

Image and text provided by State Historical Society of Missouri; Columbia, MO

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i J
Publishers and Proprietors.
f 1 .HIS PAPER is published weekly, at r.,3 in
J. advance, or $4 at the end of the year. No
paper will be discontinued but at ilio option of the
Editors until all arrcaragesare paid and a failure
to give notica of a wish to discontinue will be
considered a new engagement.
Rates of Advertising.
Ouo dollar per square, of twelve lines, or less, for
the first inseition, and fifty cents a square for each
subsequent insertion.
I, For one square 12 months twenty dollars.
Merchants or others advertising by the 'tar, to
the amount of fifty dollars and upwards, will be en
titled to a deduction of one third, where a regular
agreement is entered into.
Where the insertion of an advertisement isorder
e J, without the number of insertions being specified,
it will be inserted, (in the discretion of the proprie
tors) until forbid, andcharged for accordingly.
All advertisements from strangers, as well as nil
orders for job-woric, must be accompanied with the
cash, or a relerence to some responsible and nun
venient acquaintance.
At a late Democratic meeting in Pennsylvania,
Mr. Logan, who served under General llnrrison.
at Fort Meigs, recounted a thrilling incident to
which he averred he was an eye and ear wilness.
A soldier who had deserted was tried by a Court
Martial and sentenced to be shot. The procession
formed first came the prisoner and his cotfin, fol
lowed by the guard,, whose diny it was to execute
the sentence of the court. They reached the futal
spot he was blindfolded and mudo to kneel by the
ide of his coffin. The commands were given ''Make
Ready ! Take Aim .'" when the voice of General
Harrison interposed, and the emphatic words, "As
you were !" at once put u joyful end to the dread
ful scene.
He came with slow nnd measured tread,
To sound of niuliled drum,
With bloodless cheek and eye of dread,
A felon to his doom.
And sadly then we followed him,
Each manly bosom swelling,
And in each soldier's eye so dun,
The warm tear-drop was dwelling.
He was our comrade oft we'd shared
A soldier's couch at night.
Or side by side had nobly dared
The perils of the fight.
We paused and Oh ! it was a place
More fit for hour of mirth,
Amid the loveliness, the grace,
The all most fair of earth.
He turned, and cust a lingering look
O'er all the prospect wide,
The dewy fields, the laughing brook,
The mountain in its pride.
Then sad, yet calmly kneeling low,
His coffin there beside.
Around his damp and pallid brow
The futal baud was tied.
"Make ready .'"Oh, the hi rrid clang
Of lowering muskets then, .
That mid the sounding forest rang,
And echoed through the glen.
"Tain aim ."' like death kneel pierced the air,
One agonizing thrill ;
His pale cold lips moved as in prayer,
Then all again was still.
Our noble chief with mournful meiii,
And lonely step apart,
Had watched the dread and solemn scene
With sad o'eiflowing heart.
And "As you were !" like angel notes
Fell on the listening ear,
Or as some lay that sweetly floats
On evening's tranquil air.
And then a glad triumphant sound
Exultingly rang out,
Till every hill and rock around
Gave back the joyous tdiout.
And once again, a gladsome band,
We round our comrades pressed,
To take once more the friendly hand,
And clasp him to the breast.
The cheerful word to "March," obeyed,
File after file was hieing,
Through mountains pass and leafy glade,
With glad bright pennons flying.
And be, to sound of drum and fife,
Stepped in our proud array,
Restored again to joy and life,
The gayest of the gay.
Now on the Chief, so brave and kind,
May Heaven's free blessing rest,
For all that's noble and refined
Dwells in his gallant breast.
And Poesy shall meekly stand
And bid tha hero liva,
With parted lips and lyre in her hand,
Her olfering shall give.
Till Harrison's chivalric name
Shall he through coming time,
By thrilling note of deathless fame,
Proclaimed in every clime.
Useful Statistics fob Politicians. The fol
lowing memorandum of the number of counties and
members of the Legislature in the Southern and
Western States where elections have been held this
month, has been furnished to us by Mr. Williams,
compiler of the New York Annual Register, who
is about to publish a new edition of his 'i'olitician's
Counties. Senate
North Carolina,
Significant. In the great gathering of the
freeman of New York at Utica on the 12th, the Al
bany Journal says "the manufacturing interests
were not neglected. In the procession was a large
car from which was suspended rich and beautiful
domestic carpeting. These fabrics, under the
auspices of a Republican President, would have
adorned the White 7 louse. But Mr. Vuu Buron
ntirns the products of American industry and ge
SAXONY" carnets suit his Mniesty's taste better
than the wool grown by American fanners or the
curpet made by American uiauulactiirers." i:ep
Mr. Dixon 11. Lewis of Alabama, the Falstnff
of Loculbcoisin, appears to have made a bud spee
ulaiiou. He subscribed for COO or tOO copies of
the Extra Globe, and his district has gone ugaiust
him bv about 700 minority. II' h would double
hi subscription, he would probably double the
whij,' majority. .Uo. Republican.
Vol. 1.
SPI2KCC1 OV 111!. OttbEi,
On the Civil anil Diplomatic Appropriation Hill.
House of Representatives.
Iam willing to concede that the expenditure
of 100 is in itself, a very small nioiter. The
question, however, is not now much cash was
paid by Mr. Van Burcn for the bunch ofarlifi
c'ml flowers which decorates his table, hut wheth
er iho People's money shall be expended for sih.1i
niistocratic French finery? And whether Mr.
Van Buren, who hn3 been raised to the most ex
alted station on the earth, nnd whose example
upon society must necessarily have u most pow.
erful nnd extensive influence, fhall, by tlio in.
troduction of foreign gewgaws into the house of
the American People, contribute to corrupt the
plain, unostentatious; nnd republican murmurs
of our people, by creating vain desiics for cxler
nal show and for foolish displays of splendor,
which nre not congenial with our frugal habits?
The influence of this example has alrcody had a
most injurious tendency within the District of
Columbia, where many men are now found vying
with each other to niako n splendid npprrauce,
even above their rank and means of support. 1
will give you an instanco or two. Mi, F.P.
Blair, the lmmblojeditor of Martin Van Bureu's
"official organ," came to this city some ten years
ago a plain, simple republican in his manners
and stylo of living, having been brought up and
educated with all the domestic ami economical
maxims of the hardy and furgal Western coun
try. For some years after his arrival, he was
content to dwell in a comfortable house of fif.
teen feet front, furnished in a plain, substantial
way; but, behold the charm of Executive man
ners! How altered the man! He now aims
at rivalling all the foreign Ministers and heads of
tho great Departments of the Government in the
splendor of his spacious mansion, in the profu.
sion of his table, and every indulgence which nr.
empty vanity can covet. lie, too, gives brilliant
entertainments to the members of Congress and
great ofilceis of state, in imitation of the sump
tuous Court banquets at the palace. On these
occasions, as I have been credibly informed, for
the purpose of producing a more dazzling effect
on tho vision of his loco foco brethren, he actual
ly hires rich chandeliers and other showy dem
ocratic ornaments at a charge often percent, on
the prime cost, at a splended china, plate and
glass fancy store on Pennsylvania Avenue. But
I do not feel disposed to interfere with or mole.-!
tho editor of the Globe in his enjoyment of no
ble mansions, luxurious banquets, boirow'd lights
and every other external advantage which causes
tho "little man to swell into fancied importance,
inasmuch as ho enjoys all those advantages, so fu
ns I know, at ii is owx expesse. Were it not
for the public function of Government Printer
that this man has been clothed with, ho would
bo almost too scant a pattern to notice f,r
Martin Van Burcn manages him as n showman
does his puppet, and he runs or walks leaps or
jumps, as he is directed. And I must hero be
permitted to say, that we ought not to totic'n.nriy f
the small fry of the shoals, until we have done
with the bhiu'ks and tho crocodiles. Curiosity
may perhaps invito tho philosopher to examine
the gnats and ilia nitis;piito3, but nut until after
the tigers and the hyenas have undergone an
analysis. I will therefore not say any thing
more of Francis P. Blair, but lay him on the
shelf for the present; and when Tommy Thumb
will nfl'ord amusement, we will take him. 1
will just remark, however, that whenever mv con
stituents ask mo what sort of man Eluir is,r ack
it, I tell them of tho story of the Irishman who !
woiu to sea his neighbor, and being asked by his.
neighbor's wife, how are they coming on at home?
replied, "the gray nir.ro hud a coll yesterday."
hat hind' was the inquiry. Oh ! by tho pow
ers, it u a bom btii.ili). And I tell my constilu
enls. if they cannot imagine how beatiful Blair
is he is just that kind of man that, if vou lie his
hands behind his back ho will lake a deeper bite
into a water melon than nny other man that I
ever saw. And if they are not satisfied then, I
tell them that there is an old woman in Boston
who would make him an cxcelent wife; foi she is
so ugly that every morning she has to drink a
quart nf saffron tea to prevent its striking inward
and killing her. That is all I have to say on the
present oc- asion about this great exemplar of
loco foco beauty.
Another instance of the deleterious iriffuoncc of
palace nianncis upon plain republican habits, is
presented in the person of Mr. Kendall, at the
head of the Post oflico Department. He. loo,
lifter lagging neatly half a century in walks of
humble and unostentatious poverty, and after
looking up with awe to personages greatly his
superior in rank and riches, though iioijiu talents
now begins to love equipage end fine garments,
(o study graceful attitudes, and to viu with Blui.
in tha magnificence of his soirees. And ho too,
like Clair, I have been told, hires at another rich
establishment on the avenue, most costly demo,
cralic furniture, with which to deck his shining
salooiu on those great ocecasions. Ho has, as is
believ. d, by this foolish vanity, although in the
annual receipt of six thousand dollars in gold and
s,lver, squandered una gossiped away the whole
of it, and now almost obliged to subsist upon the
contributions of his doiiiocratio friends. I feel.
airrieved that tho parade and show of palace man
tiers have had so much inlluerice over tho mind ol
Mr. Kendall, because his soul is certainly cram
nied with moie ardent, more scorching, blading.
burning, fiery love fok the peak people, than
the souls of all tho other patriots, lit profession,
in America. Indeed, his attaehmcn' to the dear
People, or to their cash, is of so vigorous a char
acter, that it will, sooner or later, bum into cin
der tho little remaining flesh on his skeleton.
And ho must, eventually, fall a victim to his noble
passion fur tlte dear peiplcs cask, unless he
can lii)d relict in tho "excitement ol compo
But let us return, Mr Chairman, to tho tablt
furniture of the President, The remaining bill,
which makes up tho sum of 611,101 32, before
mentioned, consists of various articles ufcijlfeiy
bought from Mussers. Lewis Veron & Co., for
$503; amongst which ore table knives dated on
steel, saver leruele, and transparent ivory nan
dies, 300. Dessert set to mutch, guard carvers,
&c, iS;c.
And now, sir, having completed my emiaiera
tion of the lublo furniture, wj may, for a moment
imagine the elite of the court, (in their brightest,
gayest costumes,) cuibracingoreign ambassadors,
all the groat officers of Stale, major nnd brigadier
generals of tho standing army, commodores hikI
commandants of squadrons in tho navy, and in
cluding tho Vice President of tho United .States,
the honorablo the Speaker o( tho House of Rep.
reseiitativcs, with the Chairmen of the respective
Committees of Foreign Relations and Foreign
AfiiiirJ, ami n very select few of tho most distin
guished members of both Houses of Congress, all
seated before this sumptuous array of gold and
silver wuio, bluo and gold French China, compo
tiers on feet, and tambours elevated with three
stages, richest cut glass, for use or ornament, plat
eau wiih its splendid mirrors, fine gilding, carving
wreaths, garlands, fruits and vine.3, and with its
sixteen figures presenting crowns bearing lights.
I ask you, how would a plain, fiank, intelligent,
republican farmer feel how would ho look, i'
he weie caught at a table like that? Why, sir,
he would feel as if ho knew that that was not tho
place for him; and hu would look "unutterable
things." And no wonder; for I have been in
formed that even members of Congress have, on
some occasions, been so dazzled with tho pomp
and pageantry, and brilliant display of a court
dinner, that tiiey could "scarcely cat or speak for
half mi hour after they had taken their seats at
tho Presidential board." And verily, after they
had in a good measure recovered the use of their
faculties, they were still greatly perplexed to as
certain what dishes might be called for, there bo.
ing no food whatever on the table, and no bill of
faie. immediately at hand to designate the charac
tcr or nomenclature of the various viands upon
which tho palace guests were to banquet. The
latter embarrassment however, was soon removed
by the butler announcing
For thefust course. 1'otage au tortuc, Potage
a la Julienne, et Potage aux pois.
Second course. aumon, sauce d'uncbois, Bass
pique a la Cliamhore.
Tiurd course. supreme do volaille en bordure
a la galce, Filet do buf pique au vin do Cham,
pagne, Pate chaud, a la Toulouse.
Fourth course. Salade d'homaid monte, Fi
lets mignons do mouton en chevreuil, Ceivcau de
veau, au supreme, P geons a la royal aux cham
pignons. Fifth course. Becassines, Canard sauvages,
Poulet do Guin ee piquee.
Patisserie. Charlotte russe au citron, Biscuit
a la vanille decore, Coupgamie de gelee d'orange
en quartiers, Gciee au marasquin, Gelee au Cham
pagne rose, Blancmange, Sultane, Nouiat, Pciits
gateaux vanes.
Disjcrt. Fruits, tt glae en pyrarnidc, ct en
petils moules, Toste d'unchoist, Ca:'o et liqueur.
Followed by Sjuteme. Hock, Chimnjgne, Chi
r.;t, Port. Burgundy, Sherry and Madeiia, 'chuic
est brands.'
I shall not, Mr. Chairman, farther trespass on
the time of the committee by dwelling longer cn
tho great Court Feasts which uro statedly held in
the palace Banqueting room; but proceed to the
performance of the task which 1 have more immo
di.itely before me. Besides the table furniture,
which, as before remarked cost 811,101 32, the
Court Banqueting roam possesses a great variety
of very rich and valuable furniture, such as mir
rors, mahogany sideboards, mahogany chairs, gill
cornices, window curtains, bronze bowl lamps,
Mtique patterns, gilded, carved, and garnished
with stars and swan-necks, mantel ornaments,
Brussels carpets, butler's stools, &o. (Sec. Indeed
thero is scarcely any thing wanting to make the
Courl Banqueting room resemble in its stylo and
magnificence tha banqueting hulls of tho Orien
tal monarchs, lut the erection of a canopy of
peacock's feathers over the chair of the President,
and a small amphitheatre (for which there is abun-
daut space) covered witli brocade and Persian
arpets, nnd furnished with seats for tho music,
.l.id plac-s for tho buujons and jesters to show
their skill.
I will next call your attention, Mr. Chirman,
to a schedule, which 1 have prepared bom the
official vouchers' on my desk, of some other at-
tides of democratic furniture, with the price paid
for them. Those articles consist of enormous
mirrors, lookii:g-gl
"s, chandeliers, bracket
lamps, and cnndlo sticks;
igiits, astral and o;!:
all of which have been purchased since tho pure.
tin, simple, frugal, economical, republican djvs
ol relroncimient and rc-lorm commenced. 1 will
read tho schedule:
Articles bought from Messrs. Lewis Veron d- Co.
r i .
1 .tantel glasses, noli got irames,
French plates, 100 by 53 inches, 82,000 00
1 Pier Looking glasses, in rich
pilt frames, 10S by 54 inches, 2,400 00
Mirrors for Green room, 700 00
Mirrors for Dining room, 700 00
Refraining 2 looking-glasses, 100 00
Chandeliers for the East Room, 3,300 00
ei,ditceii-li''iit cut.'dass Chan-
deliers, 1.S00 00
3 sets heavy bronzed Chairs and
Rockers for do, 75 00
4 pairs two.light mantel Lamps,
with drops, 35G 00
8 five. light Bracket Lights, bronzed
nnd '.'ill, 300 00
1 Pier Table Lamps, ISO 00
2 three-light Lamps for East room, 150 00
1 two.light Lamp for the Upper
Hall, 57 50
2 three-light Lamps for the Lower
150 00
100 00
Astral Lamps on pier tables,
1 four-light Hall Lamp,
1 pair Bracket Li"hts,
100 00
00 00
1 three-light Centre Lamp, support-
cd by female figure, 05 00
Astral Lamps for round tables, 05 00
pairs pluled Candlesticks and
branches, 85 00
pairs plated chamber candlesticks, IS 00
do t do do, 57 00
do Table do, 70 50
IS extra cut Lamp Glasses, 20 00
4 Fiench Bracket Lights for East
room, 300 00
1 pair Mantel Lamps for Audiunco
room, 20 00
All purchased from L. Veron & Co.. 813.241 00
Bou-'ht from Campbell c Coyle,
3 Hull Chandeliers, 150 00
Bougiil from Campbell & Brothers,
1 octagon Hall Lamp. 14 00
$13,105 00
What will the plain republican farmers of ihe
country say, when they discover Hint our econom
ibal reformers have expended 813,405 of the
People s cash lor looking glasses, lamps aim t an
dlesiioks? What would the fiual and honest
I'.oosicrs think, were they to behold a danociatic
12, IS 10.
peacock, in full court costume, strutting by the
hour before golden. framed mirrors, nine feet lii-h
and four and a half wide? Why, sir, wero Mr.
Van Burcn to d.ish into the palace on liio hick
of his 'Roanoke' race horse, he could gaze at und
admire tho hoofs of his charger and his own crown
at the same instant of time in one of those splen
did mirrors. Mr. Chairman, there is much truth
and sound philosophy in Poor Richard's advice:
"Barly to bed, and early to rise,
"Makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise."
But it is clear that our new economists have lit
tie faith in early rising, clso they would not have
paid out &7,oU0 of tho People't cash in lamps mid
candlesticks, Tho court (aslron of '.sleeping on
the day and waking on tho night' results in keep
ing tha palace doors closed, save to persons enti
tled to tho entree, until 10 o'clock A. M. It was
but a few days ao that an honest countryman, on
his way to the fishing landings, after breakfast,
having some curiosity to behold the magnificent
East Room, with its gorgeous drapery and bril
Hunt inirrois, rang tho bell at tho great entrance
door of tho palace, nnd, forthwith, the spruce
English poiter in attendance, came to the door,
and seeing that only 'one of the People,' 'or.
foot,' was there, slammed it in his face, alter say.
ing, 'Vou had better come at seven o'clock; tho
President's rooms are not open fjr visiters till
ten in tho morning.' Whereupon tho plain
larmer turned on his hoc, with this cutting re
buke: 'I'm thinking tlte President's house u-lll
be open before day on the itli of March next for
ccertj body ; for Old Tip is a mighty early riser,
and was neccr ycl caught napping anddocs'nt
allow serfs to be insolent to freemen.' And, sir,
I may add, in confirmation of this honest coun
tryman's belief in Oil Tip s early rising, that,
within die last year, he has been heard, by some
ol his h.timute friends to remark that 'his head
had not lien found vpon his pillow at sunris':
for tue last forty y.ars.' To this, his habit of
early rising, is perhaps, in a good degree, to ho
attributed 'the salvation of his bravo armv from
the scalping knifu and tomahawk of the iirliau
savage at the battle of Tippecanoe, on the morn,
ing of tho 7th November, 1311 for, on that
occasion, 'he arose at a quarter before 4 o'clock,
and sat by tho fire, conversing with the geritlo.
men of his family, who were reclining on their
blanket, waiting br the signal, which in a few
minutes would have been givj'.i fur tile troops, to
taruoat. Tho orderly drum had alreivly been
roused for the reveille. At this moment the at
tack commenced. ' This custom of early rsiriT,
v.uu uio gteai uciivny nn i temperate iia:jits ui
his past life, will also fully explain why ho still
enjoys such remarkable vigor in hU iii:rj! .vi
physical energies' sinco ho has attained to tho
age of 07 years. But, sir. I will not indulge
i.i this pleasing theme until I shall have llni .iied
my remarks on the icvul splendor of :!; P.osi.
deiitial palace.
I will n3w direct the attention of tho commit
tee to another dep-trtmein of tho Presidout's rev.
emies, which I cjiisiuer li'g'i! objeeiioiialilo. 1
refer, sir, to tho linens, towels, table-cloths,
bought with the People's cui for the use of li.e
palace. In this department there appears to have
boon no bounds to extravagance. Wiiat will liie
head of any household in America think of ex
pending for such articles, at one store, within the
short period of ten months, the sum of twenty
four hundred and sixty dollars and twenty-nine
cents? fhe bills for this expenditure oa i.iv desk
are entirely too long to take up tho timo of uio
committee in reading them: but I havo piepare.J
and will submit tho foliowin ' abstract:
Huckaback towo!s, Irish
li i to:.
?, lie
Dcmaxi, mailers, taolo cijti.
i 5
MAUS QUILTS, flushing, crecu :;auz;, slip
thread, spoils cotton, tapes, nnj other uiy go-kis,
purchased lor ihe use ol the Presidents h-uise, nt
tue store ol l'jrius Llaott, U usiimr.on, Iro.ii tin:
IT ill el' March, lo57, u tho l'Jih of J.in-iarv.
IS.) 3, 02,100 -J.i
Conlaine l in t'ireo several bills, viz:
1. Dated loth March, 1S37, and
prd 27t!i M'ay, 1S37 71 33
2. From the 17th April, 1S37, till
2d Jane, 1S37, ;1,0G1 SO
To this acoo.ii.t is appended the foIlowiuT oid.-r
and receipt:
"Juno 23, 1S37. Jlajor S.r.it'.i will p'.e.i;o to
pay iho above account for articles purchased for
the President's house.
"Received of Thomas L. Smith tho v.-i'.Ira 1 1 1
in full. Juno 21, 1337. R. 15. N.VLLEV,
For D.irius Clog, t:."
3. From 20th July, 1S37, till lO.h
January. 1333, 1,321 10
"1S3S, April 20 ; Received payment infill,
thirteen hundred and twenty-four dollar ami six
teen cents. 1). CLAGET'f."
EndoiseJ: MAJOR VAN BUREN, at Pies,
ideiit's llouso."
Will it not, sir, amaze tho frugal housekeepers
of the United States to learn, that tho President
should have consiilorcd it neeesiary to replace or
repair tho stock of linen on hand and then in use
at the palace, by adding thereto tho purchase of
2,10,0 2'J in ten mouths ? Why, s;r, a plain re-j
publican lOiOf i-o in. iv ulnUst be induced to bo.
licvo llnit Mr. Van B.iren, at that peiiod, had
some hall dozen daughters, wno nad jeon :.a Io
happy by good husbands, ami that they weao nil
about being furnished with splendid outfits nom
the paternal mansion. This subject is sj well
understood bv the country that I shall not longer
dwell upon it. I will, however, remark, lhat ii
appears from the vouchers last presented, as well
as horn others now beloro me, that Air. Aura
ham Van Buren, one of the sous of the Pr:si-
dent, was fiPimently engaged in purchasing sup
plies of furniture fur the palace. Somo articles
of palaco furniture have been prociued through
.Mr. JNoland and others; but llvo principal agent,
appointed by tho President lo take charge over
ihis branch of the public service, was T. L. Smitn.
Esq., as the following 'official voucher' will
abundantly manifest. Vouchor No. 32, in ub.
strat i No. 1,
'To my expenses in making purchases for the
Presideni's house, 202 03
"December 12, 1S37. T. L. SMITH."
I will in the next place, favor tho committee
with some real curiosities, air, tuo larmers, me.
chanies, and laborers of tho country will look nt
Ihe "olhcial vnucheis which 1 shall noxt otter
for your examination, with a far deeper inteiest
than they would behold a 'grand review' of Mr.
Van Buren'b 1st regiment of bloodhounds, now
winning glory and renown in the Floiidn str
Washing! on. Mafh ,
The United .S'ates, J),-, to Thus. Liimb-
u.!- of (he Pn silk-ill's li'juse.
Sept. SO, 1S.17, 31 table knives mcun.1,
2 new table knife blades,
2 cook's knife blades
f.-r the-1
1 71
July 7, Received p-jvmerit,
"The President's houso to Robt. Kevworth, Dr. j
ept. 13, 1337.
To 31 feet of silver chain und 1J fe.-l of gilt '
for repairing decanter labels, G O'J
Sept. 1So7. To repairing 4 decaliter !
labels and furnishing chain, 2 ij'J
8 CU
Received payment for Hobt. Keyworth from
T. L. Smith, September L'.'i, 1So7.
"United States, for the Pu-fidont's house,
Tj James Cuthbc-rt, Dr.
To making 3 dozen pair sheets, at oTi cts.
per pair, 13 7,j
To making 121 dozen pilluiV cas -s, at 01
cents each, 'J
To hemming 12 table cloths, at 23 cents
each, 3
To hemming 12 dozen glass cloths, at 50
cents per dozen, 0
To hemming 12 dozen KITCHEN RUB
BERS, at 30 cents per dozen, 0
To making G dozen aprons, at 50 cents per
dozen, 3
To IIK.MMINO 0 dozen check dusters, at 371
oo :
00 ; i
00 ,
cci'iU per dozen,
xo licimiiing 0 uozon, Mine
clu'.hs, at o'J
cents per dozen,
To hemming 2 dozen stu aiding CLorus,
at 50 cents per dozen,
1 00
To hemmi.) 7 dozen chamber to'.vc-l, at 50
cents per dozen,
3 00
To he. liming 12 dozen table napkins, at 50
ccp.ts per dozen,
To lepairing S pair shoots, Et 25 cer.'.s
G 00
00 j0
in lull of T. L
L ui'.i'd Stnt-'s,
To Wm. McCoalcy, Dr.
To 2 tin buckets. 2 00
and SK.IJ.IMER, C2i
To chamber bucket, 2 OJ
To 4 dozen tart pans, at
C2i cts per Joz:-i'., 2 ")
cut oi
1S37, Juno -J.
Received pavment of T. L. S.v.i.h,
1337. "PiX.-:iJeu;".; Itotti
To (korge Save;?,
Oot. 1. Plat'' basket J3, 2 Jana.'incd ir..vs,
;u o0, 'c
.N.jV. 'S. Two cobweb Li't's'ieS 2 5J
Deo. 0 Large .Manilla mat
2 L into .':'') s
t 50
: 50
i - a
1 0)
, :i
9. Tmeo larding need!
.-.t 2;, oes.
isr.3. Juno 5. On
tub 2 23: t
ke.-k'i- 1 25
July S, 133J
RccoivoJ pr-'
li37. Aor
hoei s
1 4.
To Ceo. "go L:c
Aiicaut nulls
1 Jaonilia cj
1 h-.-aith-bro-Jies a 75
1 biiekc. 02; 1 do 50
1 covered ma:ko: basket
1 churn
2 mats a 371
2 six hole bjulo baskets a
2 hair sitk-is, a 371
;;j I
oo ;
12 i
25 i
1 2
j -'i'"
: n.
J an-.
s I i
Wusliing'.ou, Sept. 27, 1S37.
Received payment ot T.
L. S.riith.
Sept 2, 163,
ior P. L. Smith,
O.i account of the Pieshieni's houso,
lku'.'ht of T. Palmer & Co.
sets line steel tongs and shovel,
steel pokers a 1
pair tone's ami shovel sunportj
but Waiters
Rccc-ive-d payment for T.
Palmer t Cn.
'Tiio PiesidcuL'3
To Ch.ts. F. Bililer, Dr.
To 1 knife ho.nd and brusiics mid chamois
lor iho silver plnfe 3 50
Received pavinent of T. L. Smi h,
10th November, 1S33.
iil t CO
3 W oJ'l, lor tno l lOsaiont s House,
Bou-ht of A. J
, Auot.
1 double chamber sot,
1 single do
Packing and cailaie,
Received payment, A. McINTIRE
"United States for the Presiileiit 's ILuao,
To Robcit Keyworth, Dr.
1S37. March 11. To toas'.-iack for Wm.
Cudtbort, ijO
Received payment, R. KEYWOuTll."'
"William Cuthbert,
For the President's tablo furniture,
To P. Kiiichy, Dr.
1S37. Dec. 11. 2 fjgirvaes 0 in)
1 ba -enieiits lor the same 6 Hi)
4 ait'ticial wioaths 1 50
Ju'y 7. 1S3S. Fweceivfd pav.-aei.l for P. Kiiichy.
"President of the United State
To Win. M. MoCau'v
2 25
2 23
1 50
March 20
To 24 gallon coffee bo lcr
1 boiler mid 2 do pots, at "
1 coll'ee bigon
certify the above to be correct. las.
Match 27, 137. Received the witlvn -'oo-Jul
in lull. WM. M MoCAUl.EV."
I "Wnslitrirtoii. Nov. 4, 1937.
I President of the United .Slates,
' Bought of Campbell & Coyk,
1 "Pi-He warmer,' S10 50
Apill I 'J, lc33. Ueeejve'l payment fur Cuiiihel I
t ;"y'-'-i U.SI'kN RUSSELL."
'Ihe United S'ati-s for lVsi.ienl's house,
To S j 1 1 1 1 1 c 1 ReliV-in, Dr.
!- 3 7. J-i!y 1. To 1 uo.-ii Imoijii, a 3 7
J do I
and sci
i Jui
1 1) J.l.-I.l,
I. riti.ii.oai,
''Pii-frdc-nt's honor, to L M
1 So i . .March 1 0.ii.
To -2 15. M.c.,!fee pots, a i,-.
'2 d ii. B, M. laSle.sp ions
1 doz. li a spoons, 50 and
toasters, a Gli,
4 :,.i
il, 10
I ' eriifj the above to ! e ro
! Received pavnic-ut in lull,
! ' E. M.
i Mr. Ci-siirumn, the-e !) ';.."
j imi e justr-ad have hc-.'ii v;!c?
i iiiiri'l es of fjihe-r-f, hecja-n t!
I ;'-- tit" tiio kind i.f exiviiM.") t
j on account of the puLm;
j must he p-riui-ted to sfn-, t!.:if
n stinl hills whi.-h I
c"! front evernl larg i
e-y ntVord a fur sam-i-it.
lire uuily ine-iirrni
:-: lh-Miii'i.t. And '.
I e'liinut see th: nro-
I irie.. or tl.
S-.'iVs in !
ju-tic-; of l he pre-id -nt cftun L'ni'ed
iilli-'-' iho ;ti !j I i.; i r 1 1 s the li'iie dU-
nursem'tir t l.i liou aoli! il ; ri ei-ivcs an ur
nual ahry f in 'y . ml .'e.',;.--j, in c'n'-t
in-! stiff, v Ui.-, ''iv.;s i; i ii. .-.')- oil ;n.r day, it - 1
Ibrench a'nl evr-ry hour t:. v. i;.ssi-i i!urinr the four
yt'iir- of his I'reM icnii;:! term. It' lie emy him-
I iiv: lM-crs in ii si Q Oiiin-'r, ui ries from his
i (east. -51 I Uj nci.er than wl,"n la; sat down. If ho
sli-'p eijiii I, jars he i 5 sor-; to jr.ii no from his stato
lied s'.' J ! K-ti"r ell' linn before lierloed hi eves.
Neither does li e ti.iotint of his ineorno dpeml
upon gund cio'i--. ;'uo' ,.;. r.,od faruiiiiyf.ur
good pri.-e-i. U.i tn.; contrary, wniM itisuutdi
mini-Lie! l-y a. y i.r ail of tne-e circumstance,
which vi villi:, v uli'vo. the ir.ro.ne of the fanner.
the I'fir iile:.t'. fiil.TV i-intact iihvavt enhanced
I in riiiu-', in I't'iiior.ioii ns I;
i and tha now haorcr suti'.r
1 l.'-rm -r, ino n.e'cii:inij
1 us It yon. tiierefurc,
lieo.er it is j't
charge tho far.a-.v,
bt.rc-r v. it i the cm
ca-.es, Ui.d uiiiV
paid for m-.Ji.'ii.vj, e
or IC.-I co.H.; .,
and ei':-i!
th! iik-.;:i! .
: tf laai.':-:
' apruns
c-.-. :i-::i a
,',-i:'..i'; ,
'or Ine President to
io, a. id li.e pour la
- i.is sheets, piliuv
jtil '.:.; lui pneu
- ili- ...C I'll i c' j,
.'.:i., or s-r;.i::ia
nor o:,iy tu p;irciia-:o
i. l.-.-i lor l.iS LWIl
i ;; y l.r -' i -,i, i:d :
tii l:feiooi.t s'f t!.u
ii - mi..i1;..:
po.T l:i!'.-jr-.r v i 1 1 : l.n
j 1 1 p.-o.'iao uis own
L it lie i-i coinjieiio 1
t l'i-.'-i-l nt, a.i.I pa
'resident's h .-v-i! 5.
e'o-t of srin-'in; this
o l'rcsitieil kitchen
poor :aria
-T iris
a '-.'iiivi,
t;n:i:y, i
vaiud :
n. ho N al-ci
a. id s'.i.:iii- i
'jt-.'-j, f ir i:
o the cuir.e.in. 'i
a e-'.v, fas iw.
LUu p.'.vtor sp i
- J a e !:' ;:: it i .,
p 'a i US'
- is t'l
ioh the s
d I-,- th
J llr ;
;-v:.ji,s i
u-o in
wi a l
Lis :.a:
vij:i.a -. 'i no Presieiei.t of tin:
I..V i pinion, :,.cL.J i.a-.e htid
'. :te-r th'aii t o casrjje tli3 I'eopin
his plate-v.-an.tyi-s, his toasters,
;, ins tort puns, ui.J lunlinj nee-
1-J-- oi char
a ;,.-i'--.' of
i-jt" ij-.sket
dies t." i.Uil' i
r.r, il'iien i
cr, iiifo:.a:i:.
arc :' J vv :
;u Joints an 1 s m:i-s:ms. Martin
i Hippest:, t.-r-jo'ii, tiiol fariu
, lieu .il'. iv.'j el' li'e L'niU'd ftitatts
::!, ': :-o cr.- nc uaturcd, that
u i:h
vi ho-.,t a in ina'ar, i;cns- ;.t to bo taxed
ricj ufii.s i,k;i;o!l STAND, and for
i.i:i ijUi,i C1IA1N3 to hung lale'n
i ncci;s ui i,i '.'oto-.n Larrei shape fiuto,
v.-.t.i coae- -o. - e-vrs." to apprize his sice!;.
.:,n,l Ih,
tin court
i.;.co celi-ar-
i- :'. Ua.l i.o has jiiteudoei'd to trm
J'dai-j biun -s liock, lk'. .illy Ciarei,
llvir.uuoo JJ.i.-o:. iy, ilavuu's I'ale
a::d ih.-J cal. o.ii, bottle j E. 1. Jiia-
UiaJ Shorrv,
idena. i i.;-.d
' i ht.- t:ir'n-r, in
I i.o proi iiic
!OU;.'i.t tiiul U
di&uios and lab-
Wk-i bud eiiour'h for
j.-cts of tno country
or Van B. iren's race
! u.al carrm
he i.anure on hi-i
p ira'us uedi; to
:i to t'jpdr-jss Ills
j...;c.-, nnd Con
j.n ; but, sir, to
i ioU.l.', t-o.try, c
i lra-.v j'.-i ry v'.;..-s-is'ri.a
i-.,i,us'.i 1
i .M id- j .;
1 LHf-i a'.tNis i
.; . j.-. -j , i v . ,
' h: i pal .Oo ;u
p;:y tor n:s..:
slid wji-'. .
tiiivj. Ntci'i.i.i and
Ay, wv,rsc, if
.ii.ii: i.i the ilo'iu
ti V. .1
l..:.:i i.;.
;a t.i . a
e Aoi- ri-.-an pi 0,1.0 v..:, 1 royal cii iinperiul
on., i-rce,:; c..L :..i-' i'jj,.t. i'r.nic.i ot-u-u:iu
c-.s; ImudiVi o ol ir urtiiioial ll -tver-.
. . -so, sir, bcoccsi; t ,...-. is .1 J. o-ree of litl.o
in wi:;oh s ,v!u us c;carly as
were iv:r;on 1:1 chiructer of iiwu licrnt,
i; -s
if i".
I. '.at
f cry
!.o soul c; ....i.-.i.i k.i
ci.uiia.h ,0, l i 1l u ii'.;.
.1 is ve. y. ry,
J a'la'iua.it spaey
.1 tae u-i'iei -a u u. ;
-.-r - i'.
u.. .,.0 to r.i lor.u
.; 1 ir" io.'.'e, 'lit-:
!. i rai ere'-tioLi:--
cwlo.lOiis of ti:o v.ni.-l.'.
1: .s;.iii.-:;, i. .e . i'i..na' to li.e
.e. ;s arji.tise-a u; the lasi c-
11 i,iL-ro v.'us i,ie ii-ast n. .-c-i.
.- ,1 o in L'iO J-.i-iii.:-.." 1 l.o-.c u,
,cii tney woula b;'ir ta ; L.u i:-. .1
;,.:; nut, sir, II. ore is no ii.i-iln
1 r tuxiii tun
ntioaeo, t Know
. i i.j at gruniii
iil liiall re: lelniiJ
t ino seat i t .
ir. Van burou
fliiiii-ut who is not satisfied lhat
a' s 11,1' annually from lilteen to
t-a-euiy tho lsand d niars. fan J oa iiiforin aio; sir,
liot jjieit exp.-usos n.oaiiiocr Ids parse, which
! iinv u her respec'able yc-uta ina-i vh- ucounit
a -p;ti-ioi:.- iiiaa-i.:i in tins ci'y l.r.s 110; to niv't '
A ii ino iiiui. idaa.s ut The head of tho vai io is Dt--pirtiiic.iis
ef iho Uovcrn-iiiMit havo to hire nous-is,
MiiUi-s, asinrcgo, gard-ms and gurueue.-s ; lin y
lane to parcaase liuuseiioid I-irnitur", raise their
invn vt'oeLahios, u.iu luy nay lur tl-,-ir cuilie ; an l
yet llis.y niaimge tiul only to gi t iJout coiiit'ortably,
un! to noi l nriiliaut Soirees, a .u iu: :.' tp:ito a Qis
p!ey ia i-ariia'es ii cimipaj, on fvi.lMRl per auuuin.
fnoio are hut t.v-i iu-uis m t io ctpeaditiircs of tiu
I'lcsiiiciit w;.i0.i can exceed in a no in: the disburse
ments, fur -miliar uujicts 111c arre-1 iy niiior respeo;-
auie iioai.-l.oijors i;i asiiin.on. 1 re-:er to ins
;a'." dinu--is ua.l pol'tee sor:it. In r- i'ird t-
tiie i jriiicr, a preliy f. ir es'.i.ci'.e c .11 s.n.n bo nude,
lie piujaoiy "'.-.cs -5 sta'e einri -rs uuriu 4 the Ion;
sessiu:;s of C .iijres-, ana 1 "1 ..t the short sessions,
ai.ii'.-; uu aveiaep-- of '-'0 eiii ners ohi.ii.nly, with -id
gu-'sLs I ji 1 a-.-:i. if v.Cii.ljw n'J tocae., jue t, tho
actual ccst of a stale limnt r wi.l he syMi. 'i'wer.iy
siate dinners woulJ thoiefure reuaire yl.O'JU. Tuo
saui of j! lo.-iaca eaif-t is a very ike-ral t ik -auoe,
nnd within 11 low iViiios of I lie price paid by
Lonis I'hhikpe, kin ol' tiiu l'leiich. the richest
monarch i'i ihe worlu, to Lis pnrieyor, tor protid
ir.j tlie e u:n;.'at.as laiiiijae ts ul ti.e 'I'uiilcrios and
Fuiilumiaeau. in rtiatioii to li.f niiiiibi r of pahico
jso.-iiints I snail not ho riid. 1 a.ii w.iinie; to a,
io.v y"). In tnut niriii or 1 intend of coarse 10 in
'oitu'.o u',1 serv;inls that way bo cnei'ioyi'd without
) as well as withm the pnia u walK I presume the
I loilowiiij; oliioe' i'.I .--uiii 0 the Fresideul 1
I fii..rioieer, S positi'.iioi.,, -I loot non, out-riders,
: 2 Oroi ins, 4 l'reuoli 0 -ch.'. 1 b rior, 1 elii-.-f carver.
1 cap bearer, 1 per! or, 1 lani-spit, 1 ouliii. and )
j ciiaiiibcr crvauts. loan t ikem it pr ,ier 10 n.nti?
il Kooper of iho i'resl. lout's das"' allhouj:!! tm
I "keeper of liie Kind's d Ys ' 1.1 Li.ia.aad is no in
I coi.sioorabio iiub'.c nan ; an 1 a locoat L)ado:i p".-
per announces thai "Lord K'.imaiuru, the new tnas
I ti.-r t-f lior niaje-.t'.'s ba.-it loaa Is, iu jasi taitcu
'for foar uH.r.iiis, Calanrl Ci.o,.1iii'j nuiisioii ai
I Leunuru's '. 1: !iia acoul len iu.lc-o," Windsor, K-r
' x'.vi p.irpj-eof b-tiii w.ttii.i inv.v-ibnte i.ii It.
I b ahooa'of the p '.-. of Id . ..'; -a.' 2..'t.-4'." Ks--.
1 lt-i;t servant ca.i bai.r.-lii v a-.o'.n.;iori a: Iro.n
j s,-i to $l'J per mo.it:. t .v-.-..';, --ke s-ieau's a-mi:1
1 ; ii-.-re'-jie at slO r 1.1 uth in; nrt iabutsi-Jiitiiit
1 f i;iiii nii.-r. r. -. a It 11 luna n. m kduiii-
:fir, t!,a t vn'y-fi .- pj'.us seiv.a' iuj ba no. e,s
1 f..r Mr. V,.n B.i-m. 1 .v u-i .'U; -f - r.., ;

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