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W Vt" V -v ; '.ft 'ill wtt- "' THE ROO.VS LICK TIMES. JAMES K. BENSON & CLARK II. GREEN, " - Publishtrt and Proprietors. TERMS. THIS PArER is published weekly, at $3 in adr-Mice, or $1 at the end of this year. No paper will he discontinued but at (he option of the Editors until all arrearages are poid and a fuilurc t jive notice of a wish to discontinue will be considered a now engagement. Katcsof Advertising-. One dollar por square, of twel ve li nes. or less, for the first inscitiun, and fifty cents a square for each ubstquent insertion. For ono square 12 months, twenty dollars. Merchants or others advertising by the iettr, to the amount uf fifty dollarsand upwards, will hern titled to a deduction of ono third, where a regular agreement is entered into. Where the insertion of an advertisement is or dered, without the number of insertions beinpspc will be inserted, (in the discretion of the proprietors) until forbid, and charged for accor dingly. All advertisements from strangers, ns well as all orders for job-work, must bo accompanied will thi cash, or a reference to some responsible and eonrenitint aorjniinlnncfi. THE INQUIRY. Tell ino, ye winged winds, That round my pathway roar, Do ye not know homo spot Where mortals weep no more? tonic lone and plvtsunt doll, Some valley in the west, Where, free from toil and pain, The weary eoulmay ret7 Th loud wind dwindled to a whisperlow, And sighed for pity us it answered "No!'' Ttll me, thou mighty deep, Whose billows round mo play, . Know'm thou some favored pot, Some inland fur away, ' Where weary man may find 1 he bliss for which he sighs. Where sorrow never lives. And friendship never dies? The loud waves rolled in perpetual flow, flopped for a while, and sighed, to answer "No !" And thou, Bcrer.est moon, Tiiat with such holy face, Dost look upon iho earth Asleep in niglu's embrace. Tell me, in ail thy round, Ilust thou not teen some spot, Where miserable man, Miyht find a happier lot. Behind a cloud the moon withdrew in wo, And a voice sweet, but sad, responded "No!" Tell mo my iecrct soul, Oh! tell me, Hope and Faith, Is there no resting place From sorrow tin and death ; la there no happy spot Where mortals maybe blesa'd, Where grief may find a balm, And weariness a rest! Faith, Hop c and love, best boons to mortal given, Wav'd their bright wings, and whispered, "Yes iti Heaven." From Ihe New World. . The Gold Chain. A FASSAQE IS THE LIFE OF LAF1TTE. SY JAMES BESS. chapter 1 The Pirate's Home. The Island of Earralariais associated in htsto- rv with the naive of Lafute. It was the scone ol many of his murders, and the rendezvous for his desperate crew and their wonderful chief. It wos also llie mart for the stile of negroes, who he had kidnapped from plantations, or wrested from slave ships by the stro.ig nrm ol power. Its distance fro.ii New Oikons is about fifty miles, which gave to L.ifittn numerous facilities, not only for the purposes of trade, but the menus, in case of dan ger, of escape. From thta point hi directed h's men, it was here lie issued his orders which carded death and desti action with them, mid here he or ganized his plans and disciplined his numerous spies. Not a vessel ever left the levee of New Orleans but was subject to the closest scrutiny of his emissaries, who ever bold and trustworthy seldom, if ever, failed in their means of obtain ingiulormation. Itissaid, and from the writer's knowledge justly too, thai there are those still living- who amassed lordly wealth thro vdi the agency of Lafitl"; they are pointed out to the siran gar as they roll ihrjugh the streets of S:v: Oi lean s in their splendid equipts. aitendo.1 by their liv cred slaves, curing little for the way in which it whs obtained "or the quantity of iur.oeont blood shed in its realization! It will be remembcied by many, that durinar tho years 1S10-U and 12, a number of vessels were niissintr, particularly those whhh sailed richly ladtn from New Orleans and iho West India Islmids, over whose dark mid fearful fntc many a tale of blood has been told ihese tales have been accompanied with the report of tho bright red banner being seen on the high sc??, Btid were not without their foundation in truth. The loss of a vessel and its cargo, would have been but little thought of by men whose active commercial puisuits and wild speculations have taught them to bear nobly up ogainst reverses, but when lo such losses was added that of human life, was o matter for more serious cons deration; nor was the government idle in its attempts to aubdue tins scourge of the sea, but as it is we) I known, the desperate character of Lafiite, hi- genius, tact, and local advantages, kept his eno miesat bay, and, on occasion when brought near, lv into contact, laughed at them. To show his recklessness and totul disregard- of law and its authority, when Governor Claiborne of Louisiana offered a reward of five hundred dollars for the Pirate's head, that bold bucanier in his turn ol. fercd a thousand for that of the Governor, and ihesi ulacards offering such a reward weie actually posted up throughout tho city of New Orleans. Such was the man wno was jus-.iy caneu me "ler ror of the ocean." chapteb II Tho Boarding House. Boarding houses in New Orleans ore conducted upon principles differing materially from ihoso of other cities in the Union. This arises as niw h from tho fact of tha landlady' assuming tho char- actor of a mother to her boarders, us uat of a nurse, and in many cases physicians: to such kind neis and otteniion has many a stranger been in tlebted for his life when tho fearful scourge which annually visits that city makes its appearance. Hence it is that in largo boarding houses theie ex isle a sympathy of feeling which is every wav cal eulated to make one at heme, though he be anion" Strangers. They aeem as it were united in one ON "ERROR Vo I. 1. vast fnmily, and in tha vanos amusements in which the boarders indulge, tho good landlady and her children are not overlooked bulls, par. lies, soirees, and the theatres, in all of which the lelative position of each in tho ereat scale ol so. ciety are sunk, and all are considered equal. Many keepers of hoarding houses are, however, of tho most respcctablo character, and of course it is of such weepeak. widows oi eminent men have been known lo tesort to th:s mod-i of sup. norliinr themselves and families; the extravagance of the husband bavins left tho wife destitute of every thing but pride and high notions, which as I take it are the poorest kind ol legacies, uunru- tig houses being looked upon as respectable, when respectable people keep them, pride loses nolhinc in rcsoitins lo such means to support its dignity, and the moio ignoble purpose of putting bread into the mouths ol us voiarie.s. .Many keep. ers of boarding houses in New Orleans have inndo fortunes and retiied. Tho widow and daughter of the Into General W , kepi a boaiding house in Canal street in that city for ma ny years. In the year 1811, the house of Mis. Davidge, n widow lady originally from Baltimore, was the centre of atraclion to tho young men of New Or. leans, and strangers who visit il in tho heuthy season. Uuring the winter it was crowaeu, largo parties were frequently given by her boarders, and the lighted hall resounded to merry music, while the ioyish langh of u any a happy heart. awoke the echo of the noiseless streets. Much of the attractive power of Mrs. Davidge's house might have been, and peilinps very justly, attrib uted In her charming daughter. Amelia was in the eighteenth year of her age. Sho was poeti. cally and truly beautiful; her beauty was of that kind the best calculated lor a .Southern clnnc, und for Southerners to admire her; her fkin was pearly white, her eyes dark and flashing, her hair like the raven's, which, floating o'er her lovely neck lit for a sculptor's model, seemed as if na. lure had set it up as a standard of perfection. She was beautiful, and possessed withal a mind every way worthy so pure, holy, and classic a tcm. pie. fhe seemed indeed, as the poet happily ex presses it, "A beauteous ripple of tho brilliant stream;" her Southern life, short as it was, for her mother had only resided in New Orleans some eight or nine years, apppeared as a dream. The bright moonlight of the clime had made her romantic. The flashing eyes of the Creoles, and tho light, some noies of flattery, had warmed her heart into a coquette. Coquettes arc not always cold. She was a creature of fancy; her actions were the im. pulses of tho moment; hence thoughts anil words flowed on like the mountain torrent, fearless alike of rocks or their consequences. About the period of which we are speaking, and while her mother was making arrangements to return to her native city, to live upon the fruits of her industry, Ame lia had two suitors; one was a Spanish youlh of noble lamily, rich in his own right, and her to the title and estates of his ancestr-pf 'Adolphus Fer nander came to New Orleans on a visit, boarding with Mrs. Davidge, and as might have bean ex pected, fell in love with the daughter. The other was a dark, mysterious man, who called himself Gomez, Me was a man ol Herculean proportions, and apparently about forty years of age; his fea tures were not what might be termed ugly, but were of a peculiar formation, having more of the filling up of the bravo, than die simple outlines of iionesty nuout them; Ins conduct was, al though his manners were those of a gentleman; tlio mistery that surrounded him was fearful; his appearance always created unpleasant sensations, as if he possessed the fabled "Evil Eye;" he was wealthy and liberal, and if a suspicion was created to day against him, it was dispelled on tho mor row, for ho was frequently seen in company with the most popular men of the city. Mis. Davidge having arranged hor business had fixed upon a time to start. Now it was that Amelia found it necessary to decide between her two lovers, the young Spaniard, Adolphus, or the dark Gomez. "Say, dearest Amelia, will you be mine? ' whis pered the first while he stood beside the object of his affections on the balcony of her mother's house. '.sav; dearest, will you be mine, nnd on the winrs of love 1 will follow you lo your new home. You know 1 must return to bpam and then rorget me. "Never," exclaimed the impassioned youth. 'Oh, Amelia, if you knew hew mu h 1 love you, f you could feel the pangs which hope and fear im'o inflicted upon this heart, fuar of losing you, t he wotd forget would njvei have these Thero was a pauso. Silence reigned; tho silvery moon sailed on the breeze swppt down the street it was a lovely night, the hands ol the I,, vers were clasped in each others. The maiden sighed her late was se.ileJ. "Wear this dearest for thy AcRlnhus sake," and he piaced upon her neck a costly chain of gold. She stood alone, her thoughts bright and glow ; she loved and was beloved; the nb'ht air fan ned her burning cheek; sho was happy. "Moments there are, and this was unc, Snatch'd like a minute's gleam of sun Amid the black simoon's ec!iuo " "So Miss," hissed a deep voice in her ear, "you hnve pledged fjiih lo ihe Spaniurd, beware of ihe r leiichniHii- bhe sturteJ, tiomcz stood besdo her! "Look lo it, proud one, nnd remember when on tho brO'id witters of tho ocean remember me -Lnfiue !" She uttered a wild and fearful shriek, which was mocked by the fiendish lrtuidi of the Pirate, for sm h indeed he was, as he curried her senseless into the house. chapter. Ill Tho Departure. On a britdit mor, .1113; in June, the levee of New Orleans, or rather that portion of itoppo- sito Esplanade steeet, presented a lively appear- mice, oevfinl vessels were about to dentin down iho Mississippi, among llie.n was 1 lie bi iy Dolphin, bound for Hahiniorei on board of which was Mrs. Davidge and her family. Nu iterous friends were thero leave-ioking, as it is called; hands were clasped, and teats were shed. "God bless you," was uttered a hundred times, by as aiuny different voices, but ihe soft murmur of one voice lo the ear of Amelia "remember ine," was of fill others the most pleasing it was per il eps tha most sincero. The word wns given, and tho fleet of vessels were on their "windiin; way." From that bright moment when nil was joyous and happy, when the fuiure looked like 1 stainless mirror in which wus leQeeled all the yombful ospirationa of one lovely creature LICK CEASES TO BE DAXUEROU8. WIIES REASON IS LEFT FREE TO COMBAT IT." FAYETTE, MISSOURI, SATURDAY, DECEMRER 5, 18 10. from that bright hour when iho heart of the young Span inid beat highest, to thi peri od, the Dolphin, its passengers, and its crew have never been heard of; darkness rests upon their fate, but fcarlul surmises, conohoratcd by ono chain of evidence, create a belief, that their end was of a nature too horrible to dwell upon. ciiAPTEit IV Tha B.ill Room. Twelve months after the loss of the brig D I nhin, on a gal -a night, a ball rooai in New Or leans, whi;re mnski'rs mot did rongre:; l'n, was the scene of much gaiety, Tln re is not a peo ple in tha world who enjoy tln-mseivvg more during th'i winter season than do llie deirzens of thai city, that portion of ilia year mme pniticu lurly however, the time of the Carnival, is one continued scene of excitement, and the hall rooms nre the temples at whose shrines the gay Vnturies of fashion delight to worship. There' tiro in New Orleans several ballrooms of distinct and marked chaiactcrs. Soino few are so select that suspicion dare not enter; others arc open lo all except the qnatroon; but the quatioun ball room is open to oil without distinction or classifica. lion of shades "f color, or characttr in fact, the latter was, nt tho period of which we speak, the most frequented. The quatroons are a dis tinct class, yet so wild and romantic in their attachments, so passionate, withal, that the scene of their amusements is tho centro of attraction lo all, nor is the complexion of their beauty less, ened by the tincture of blood which, although it debars their marriage with the crtole, strength eii3 the tics of love. This portion of the history of the place would afl'jrd us materials for a vol time. But to our story. Tho place to which we invite the attention of our readers on this particular night, was what is called the '-Quatroon Ball Room." It was, and is lo this day, the most splendid in the place. Youth and beauty, love and pleasure, reigned throughout; all were happy, for all were pleased. In a corner of the vast saloon, unknown and unnoticed, stood Adolphus Fernandez. The memory of the lost one, so wildly loved, had cost a shade of sorrow over his manly brow. He was drawn to this spot, this scene of festivity and joy, in the vain hopa that excitement would drown recollections, but alas ! "Through the shadowy past, Like a tomb searcher Memory ran, Lifting each shroud that time had cast O'er buried hopes." His eyes wore fixed on the waltzers, but his thoughts were on the ocean linking in iniagina. lion that chainlets element to the memory of her he had loved, and whom ho now mourned. Me. chanically his eyes followed the figure of one. simply because there was in her every movement grace and action; tho mask, too, was so placed as to show more of the brunette than the qua troon Horror ? What meets his eye, what has. disk charm has sho about her lo cause such a glare in those eyes he stood petrified, and for a moment tho whole scene passed before him liko a fabled vision what was it ? As soon as the dance was aver, he sought tha figute, and grasping it by the arm with nervous power, he drew it to ono of ihe recesses. "Speak, on your life speak the truth; if you prevaricate, or attempt to scream death, aye, death here amid flashing lips Sad blighter eyes, will be your inevitable doom; this dagger I will sheathe in your heart scream it will be your k.:ell for eternity. I am mad crazed out one word spnak before reason quits its scat where where did you get that chain ,? "Hits ctmmj "Aye, this chain that I now grasp, and have grasped oft before speak woman, how came vou by it, and who are you? Not a moment's delay." "Hush, sir are there no listeners? this chain is linked with the name of one it would be dan. gerous to repeat here." "Woman, fiend, torture me not; how came you by this chain?" The masker gacd around, there was no one near ihem, the darter was tttill in the hand of the Spaniard, and was so held as to he only seen by herself his eyes glaivd wildly upon her with a fearful brightness. "Draw nf tier, sir; let mo wu:sjier in your ear T!a3 chain belonged t i one "Speak what of her toll nie her fate?" of the pbSsengt'is and crew "Death ihe fine ol the ling iJnlpliiii. "(Ira i ias Heavens, murdered, and you, who are you, and how came this chain into yom jus session !" "It was a present lam the mistress of Li fine, the Pirate of the Gulf'.!!" "Ono groan of ungirsh, nnd ilia unfortunate youth fell prostrate at her feet "Foil," mut tereil a dark figure with n Strang-- mask, "'he recognised the chain on your n'ck, it belonged lo ono he fondly loved, poor fjol, ha! hu! ha! But I forbid your wearing it; out of my sight; if ho recover, nnd it is a pity ha should, we aie lost."', was Lnitte! The musio ceased, noiseless feet passed o'er the floor, tho lights were extinguished-all was hushed... Adolphus Fernandez was a corpse.' Philadelphia, Sept. 1330. MonUiiV Wa agree, says the Picayene, with tho old 'ICxerciiu,' ' that modesty is u quality that grout I y adorns a woman.' alHie'ed modesty, liko the following, wt cannot bear : A lady lately went into a store oil Chartres street, and after (ide.iing und rigtjhng about, she put hor eumbriu handkerchief 10 her fnee. Hid with a tremendous menial ellorl, t.--loil die clerk if ho had uny Aose CJitJiucrs for sale. The gentleman being quite inorciit of the uieunin" of tho fair customer, was rather em barrassed, but not wishing to appear ui'.ugitli or e-een . said lb al none of die urticltt wns on hand, hut assn.-cd tho lady thai an invoice of u I iro lot on the way from Franco had been re ceived mid ihoy would soon arrive. Why, la!' exjlnimo I lha lady, 'there th-'y aro with clasps; il is a pair of those stoikiii'j tighteners that 1 want,' pointing with her para sol to a lot ef spring garters. Pleasant Ukjunisckncks. Two children of poor parents having been sent to a fash ion ihlo boarding sehool by a wealthy uuole ihus grieved over their destiny, "and this is not ns it used to be, when we could go to the pot und eat beans with a ladle, aud run out of doors and leave our shoes and stock ings behind."' ' TTME 8. J,.Jll.llJ M I VitJttI WERE HE! Being Tirrc J'us.:rtr mthc IJc uf TtUt Pi Ik. "1 wish 1 were l,c!"' stitd IVt'cr I'.dk, as l,e srjw llie son of n ricli noit'hlioi riding " idv by, while I'etor w as trudging on foot. I'e tor at lliis period was about ton years ol n;o, n piud boy, n tuloi able scliolnr, of n Kind. v. illin;:, and'iti deposition. IJui I'eter could S'taro'ly look upon the superior comforts ol iiiosr ,i-o;itid him, without snti)r tiinex sighing that his own fortunes wort so luini!!r Now. ilion-ht IV w. Iiow !"iyi!'u! it wi' lu tor tn, instr-a, nii!es on loot to srhnol. I of t: n L'in.j tlnv. lo liiio p'f-nsatltlv by on six I) n nir.rj pn'iev, 1 should not be so m en w non i l'i.i iimi c, i:tU (tolilil letil n 1: rf tit deal iinnv." Willi such thoughts IV tor's bend w;-s filled sis ha tnubrd along. How ho shot. Id lov.-i a dear li;tlo norn', and how he cotihl riile it, nn 1 n thousand other such childish fancies, until ho got quite sad nnd altogether dissatisfied with his lot. "Oh, how I do wish I wero lie!'' ox'-I i i.ncrl IV tor. At tho same moment turning a sudden corner in the road, he tliscn eivd the young gentleman qnte (lead. Th po ney hail rati away with him. It had thrown him oil', and in falling, hr h id fractured his skull nnd produced instant deith. Snrvcv ing this sad spectacle, IVter seriously lho"t that ho was far better oil ns ho wns, ;iml trudged tho remainder of his walk for that nnd many another day without wishing fur a ponev. "I wish I were he!"' said Peter Polk, nsai the nge of twenty three l:e Icli his friend and old schoolmate, Riclwrd Jones. They had both commenced business n! the same lime, about three years previously to this exrlnmation. Peter worked hard and indel'atigably. He had a tolerable share of custom, and this had enabled him to fur nish two rooms in exceedingly comfortable style against the time he miiit find a rib to make his bones complete. Hut Richard had far outstripped him. He had taken a whole house, and furnished it splendidly. He was always flush of money, and if any pat ty of pleasure was proposed, Richard would form one and spend his cash freely, while if Peter went, which was very rarely, lie wr.s com pelled to he exceedingly economical, whhdi made' him appear very mean. Peter coul i not make out how it was. Richard did not seem to have so much business as he had,and most uquestionably ho was not half so at tentive. It chanced that Peter hid at one time a hi'ge order to execu'.e; and requiring some cash to complete it, he proceeded to Rich ard, who advanced him fifty dollars on his note. He executed the ordei,cot paid, anil took up his hat to proceed to Richard and pay him. 'What a lucky fellow he is," cried Peler. Ho he able thus to serve an old school fel low. Oh, 1 wish I were he'."' Just as lie had uttered this exclamation a police oliioer entered and requested Peter to accompany him to the police oliice, sta ting that he bad a warrant for his apprehen sion. IVter v:a s thunderstruck. He had done no one wrong that he was aware of. In vain he asked upon what charge he was arrested. The officer was silent, and thus they proceeded together to the police. Pe ter underwent a private examination as to where he got a .C20 note which was proved to be a counterfeit and traced to him. Pe ter stilted of Richard Jones.his friend. II.' was tiie'i more ri.'oi ously r :;n ed a t" his connection with that individi; .!, and l.e st ited all he l;nov, how hi had helped him. a id how, he added, "I often wish I were he!" Young man," said the magistrate, be lieve ou. You now see the luan wliose situation you so mucn envy. Peler was now conducted a In re.' s. .'' and '.viti lliee; staircases to an i-"'d.:t-. h ld ili ij; wYich contained a hev; row oi eel!-;. T.o doors seem ing e-pc of these wereu'i l.icke ', an. 1 Peter confronted its ten in Itiohaid Jones. lie was niie of a u:in;j oi foiepis, and coiife.ssfd to letv.lin;! the idem tieal bill In l'eler whrth was traeej to iiim IVter. as he leit the divtirv abode of ei ttue thanked God heartily that lie was n t Rii ii ard Jones, and returned to his humble tern-' heartfelt gia'.itude lor ail ihe h!es:inus he possessed. 1 wish 1 were he," exclaimed Peter two years after the last event. It seemed some how or other as if Peter's experience hid :one for nought, and he could not gri rid I his wishings. Yet he h id peihaps more oeeasoii to indulge ia t'.is "wish" lis it nt anv former period. Tiie occasion i ll is: Peter had long beM enamored of a very pretty, ai)d what is still bolter, of a very good girl, but wiMfu'jow or other he did not make much udriici'. lie was always kind ly received atidwiiriiily welcomed, und the yoting Lilly's pother, as well ns Iter la'h.T and ir.ot'ner, were decidedly partial to him. But whether it was his modesty, or tlvit l.e believed lie was not beloved aain, certain it is that lie had never spoken of love, ex cept wiiu his eves, and that deli3i ous awk wardness so otmisintj t a distntercstea spectator that always umbarasses a modest lover. It was thi.i'g ;t,. too, that Ann had returned liis elum es m kind, he wa.s too modest to perceive it, and as maidenly mod esty could do 110 more, ali'airs were likely to remain in this way until both parties di ed, or what is more likely, tiil lha lady got lired of" wailing, incident ocenred that caused llie exclamation we have written down. An excursion up the river was proposed, in which music and dancing wero to be the features, Ann nnd her brother and sever al vouns men who visited the house were of the party, ud Peter had nntimpated Jeffkrsos. IVo. 38. much pleasure in goin', hut a job for an excellent customer, that was to he executed immediately prevented his atti ridanct. Ti; billowing evening he met one of the pirs.a.s who had enjoyed llie trip. He upoke te rms of e-'st icy of tha beauty of Ann told how often he had danced with her, nnd hmv !n had given hi, ii a flower, which he prodttsed aod kied, and s od ho would keep forever for her sake. Pc'.er declared that it was fa! e. lih spirit unitMinl for him: in the meentime he felt tint it was hue:' hut he hoped tin' the other would resent his words tint he .lit hive the pleasure of nvin" hirn a onlv thrashing ih'i Young man ati' led. 'I wisli 1 were I is,' sighed Peter, as hr leit toe group. The next day 1 lis yotm; IVtei's store, and prothi-i ten in ii faint womani.-h-l fellow came in .g a letter writ ok;!!',' hand. :ts!.- 'd him triumphant! whether he would be lieve him then. The letter ran thus: 'DeiT .Mr. .Muggins 1 have !:et:r;l of the remarks you made about my flovver, end ! your expressions in regard to r,iyself. 1 cannot see you alone in the day time, but i: you will conn? this evening and clap your bands three times under mv chamber win dow I will endeavor lo reward you as yon deserve. Excuse my not signing my name lor fear of accident." Peter was thunderstruck. It was evident tha'. Ann loved Muggins there could be no doubt of it. Peter sighed and felt as it i he could do no work, and as ii' he did not J care whether he ever worked again or not. At an early hour he shut up his store ai;d I wandered out in restloss spirit, determined j to see the result of he interview. He remembered that Ann's chamber win dow was at the hick of the house. What lover does not know the resting place of his mist! e.i and in voke blessings on her hend as the faint illumination of its window tells him she is retiring to sleep, as he believes, under the especial guardianship of her sis ter angels. At the back of the house where was situated Ann's chamber window was a longg.nvjcn; at ihe bottom of which was a neat arbor, and in the middle a fish pond, which, in the moonlight, looked liken sheet of silver. "It is very hcaliful," tho't Peter, "but is nothing to me." Peter ensconced himself in the arbor, and itooiu nan an r.our aitcrwarus lie saw cau tiously entering the garden, his rival. He was highly elated in anticipation at his coming happy interview, "I wish I were lie," tighed Peter, as Mug gins passed him advanced under the window, "I do wish I were he," he again ex claimed, as the three taps were given. Instantly the window was raised, und a voice exclaimed "Is it you"' 'Yes it is I, Muggins," was the reply. Peter felt. a ii he-ivi n nod earth were an nihilated and chaos was come again. When b,! from the window came no lady, but a sack of y.'o.w, with which the highly-scented Mr. Mug'ins and his very best suit of dress black were literally covered. Before he could get the momcnto particles from his eyes, three stout fellows issued from the house, seized him, and hurrying him Ji bing, plumped him head and ears into the nsn-por.e. 'There, coxcomb, that is what vou de serve, to Its A 1:1 if.! a v nil's It 1 WllIO . Vtcr rtcc :v.vzi a "firms :ttt ser tween time, liinl.le. Te .! not wait to hold i.hltng oi.!, like a h t'onvcr r wilt! ti'in. tail 1 ;;,!, mev; miatr '. suea was ttst t!'."iv.:hi in m t .t Tetei He -Led l. ' m .as lite 'cnlv pe-s-.i'i. Ti treaiir-c V.'" lidteu'ot1' fig". re of t!: itui f-x tit. 1 the : i.ib!e faei It: of Ann'.-; la'iiih (oti'ii not stand ree'e-l iil'o ihe :-r to such a decree that lie ait li" ho!,! both ii.; sides. t Lor and deposited hiaiseli m i'eter a;". A ti.titi a! explanation ensued. M;i.T"ia he, I s'.iii ti ti e (lower, wliieh Ar.n La i droti-! I and supposed ::he Iiad lost. Her bfoth-! f-r li-iil heai -.1 the imotnlent, 1 ii lioast oi tlie ''ii't and had determined to be revenue,!. J U-.) . io!e the note of hand tis much as possible ippoinb.ier.t in a ! ike Anrs. The! result has been told. Put ihe li other did not stop there lie sounded Peter as to his ullee.'ioil for his sister, ami heard, as he sup posed, that it was unbounded. They en tered the house together, and with sweet eoulusion, when ihe brother remb"re.l lie had tor:;ot something, and Ann and Peter were left alone together, Peter stammered in Ann's loving ears his I 'in 2 passion?. Peter bectt'ne a liappv Lusbnnd, end nev er since these three sullicient warnings has he been known to wish himself any other I ersoii than his own proper self. UEPiitYhTt'S HEFENCE or I'Rl.NCS LOUIS NArOLEOX. The subjoined report of Berryer's speech, beforo the Court of Peers, on the 00th u!t. iti hehalf of Prince Louis Napoleon, wo ecpy from the London Times, of the Cd iast. for who h p ip.-r it wis for idshed liy a Tin is correspon.leTt : Geiitictnen I have not wi if sca this trial i'h- out havini been nenetrarpd wi'ha rainful reflection. Is not that com, try most untori'iniiTO in nmrn so many coiivulsioim tuke pluce in the course of o few ycari, and create doubts on to all its institu tions 1 How miiny changes has not a tinijle gen- erution w'niiessed ! A republic an empire a re- sloration und a cousiitutionul government. Is not such a state of thinzs calculi.led to lead men to profane tho majesty of the laws! In such a na tion, aud with such a succession of events is it true that men uf the greatest energy and fidelity, and the mo4t invincible in contracted dittie,, are to be precisely those who are regarded as bud citizens! In such a state of society e talesmen may well feel an alarm, but judges in a political process should, be fore they give satisfaction lo puwer, demand with energy whether it has not authorized, by iu acta, its antecedent, and its manifestations, enterprises which it declare criminal. When in 1615 tha llinivcr srnt before judge" the men who hnd ei caped from the dialers of Waterloo, IiefendetJ thoe whn hsd remained faithful to the Emperor, in order to nve their lives'. I allowed for events, nnd circinisiiirncs and treaties. What 1 did tlien, I do ngiia now. Tho prisoner who has done ma t lie honor lo entrust me with his defence, in teek iiijf me out in Ihe rii.kx of a pirty no opposed to hi own, has nothinir lo fenr. He 'shall sve that I will not betray hisroilfulcnre. Although thorpn-i' tiuns lo which I sSn 1 1 ailvert affect deeply the sorrc?" of our political strngij'p, I v. ill only al !n,ie to thern j'lJicicliv. Uorryer here went over t!ii f-irN f Om lurniae, i-,a prmdamtiun!', toe! s iil Djb Ik" chief of iliii n:trpriM I'lrel ircl'ore vou vt i'li sui h a character of cjlpa. lili'y timl it is pni;;,e to enis,i linn jtiiiiei;t,ly J N tin. i,ti erejuien f.,r ut'ti iij? ta a r-::.:iho'ts eiil,. j'Tt tli- ur'.;-: of ti.e piMiu'l coilo! No. Tu ;'r; i;ci'f,le declared its soviT'djaly ; it deeiared that i' tcumuil iti rieiiin, and cs-er'fd the wiil of a majority of the citi.i-is. Vim l:ive rco?niz"d ll.i-., r.n.'l liaV'i tiiiii coni'.crit-d i'. Hi tiie hend of your fundamental luv. 'i'iie priori"!- which now 2'V'-rns you i:!ie i-ripa,!; '? I T'i 1 , in vir"ie of v.'hichnn arii"'il . .d to the tuition 5 in virtu .f wVieh 1,0'I'. 'HI'J "!' vi.'i.t-'. in I -.1 1. uVhtrcd 'r.t Kt i".'-.T fh" f rui ' I fier :i iry ,vern;hint. in 'I. .lye -' of .".i;'iiieea. ' v.-, a'; .1 i-!ifd in ISM: hie y "j u h-' ;,i --i-.l in Cen i leri'iei, ntniaij--' our-elvo. l.iev often Invn f heard vaicos nii-ed ii fti n st tl: n')-iii:i.m of the principle w.'uch conprr.ited the la'rcihlary nmver of Nario iei.n. f'lt how inniy of 'na luve I seen ile.-cend c.eii to pa r' y siriizL'Ics i'ur tins r-.ti!diiin!nt of the Le'iiT of "al sovnreient.y of J,.? peoK. . l.i.ti, h:e! heen i!'jfr.yr ,1 ! i,fi:e restoration of ti.e cti'pir?, tin ii, a piemteai a dreamt Wo", the 'iiperr Xapi.lnon is dosd, and nil is now ('""il wi'h him Kin in sin irvMhii. ivhat do we say! L'i.i '.is d.,.;slv. wiii'-h wan !'oO!i 'eii I'V ti.o ir,iie-iU'.l MUfrei jt:ty. prerniso th "i-iiu'ry to li-t diiriii'i tin; lie) of icily cne rr:aii ! It is tlen tiitit yn'i no'V ti i'.v atrn !; tht tuuruntees oi' ti:.-; pievi-r v. incii you tiet'Miil, in ,'.r'!er to repuU-j tl.i.t, vv'ii li riai'iis the'ti ! 'I'.'.e einpire l:ii fallen, 'jut t:iii!-r what cii-c'iiri-t'inrei 1 .At the mniuont of the fall of the political .! itmti en which theernpira w.:s foori'lc,!. what ("id yf! d ia liij ! Yon re vived lh' di.ifina, und with i' 'i.e hc-rfililary rights if il," Xanil'iiti family. Isthii ii.d sul'iett" for judgment ! llflly "i can hardly coniprehetid lint, lie. -e ho'ihl !;3 here a pr.on ruder uccusa 'ioti? Vou have, liy con-ccra ; i::' lie; ,ri,icipie, rc-e-itahiistn d the rninir?. T! is p'inciul" had fceea choijsh,-,!, h'tt you re-tored ir. Apain 1 oar, and I will ny it a ttiiiiiMiiiii i,.ne?. tl'd.-.i is r.j person her" liable ta j e'ttirierif. In liJ3'jyou proclaimed the maxim whioii I nre.v lay down. Ycu recognized then that t'.i" prince del net fall within tht! coinmon 1-r.v that he was ret liLblo to !w laws of th country. Vi.y, thca, i 1 -i brought bef-;re yon: Arc the time ciinncd ! .''.r rii.'s nuloiieor the :,",::!':? Aro tie; laws t:' ai-i.e.l ! I'll you will -ay. pe.-'ijap-, tifi-7 di- r i-T-, violent revelm icn, mast he prcvente-il. i-m ii.,.;,; ari.'httodo thi-. Govern, bat do not j;i.:-" do not ja i:e the heir to a crown! Is there cne cm.-tt.t vou w iia could ?ay lo hiuwjif on ctt'eri"'. ''I will he in iinaa-rtial jtnlee. I will weigh aii n;hf. I v. i'l put the roy. aity of tii" empire and the royalty cf July into the balance, nnJ endeavor to jiaL'e iav'iniul'ly." Im partial! You cannot Lo impartial ; tor you are tho judges of C5ta'u! power, raid yon cannot cover tho iic'o of li;o Government with the mantle of jus tice. ( Profound sensation. Yoj cannot give a verdict which would be that of the Government. The client for whom I unpen r is proscribed, and you cannot apply to hi.n tiio common law, from which you have excluded hiin. But, if you will be judge, be at least human j'td-03 of human ttiinss, and look at ihe circumstances connected with llie event w hich has placed those prinn,-rs be fore you. The present niir.i.-try was formed at a time when limit political qnes'joiis were ntritutcd. T.iis .ui:i..ary liiameJ tiio tiniKiity ot its predeces sors; the nation was irroaning tindi f the lease of tho coc'tv-Mops iiukIo toforei'jn Powers. It ac cused the liuvern'iieut of the ioss of tha irif.jBnoa of Franco in Swain, and of having ieft that cmntrv r.ttd.T the of Knif'.und What did tiio .Ministry do ! 1. icvuked t ,c memory of h'm w'ao carried his sword fro n the extremity of Portugal to the baalis of ihe h! il tic ; it has opened the tomb iif the hero, it has touched his formidable arms, and has exten ltd it hand to .! , jsit thitn en his tomb, 'l'hisi whtit'he .Ministry l:r.s done. You ore now joint: t" iitd'e the Prince without tak'utr iiito account the fcehags which s'.ch appeal must lia'.e revived iti Ids heart. Be nvn, gentlo rncn, and jucoe as men, nnd, before you judge, rc uii iiiixr w!iu'. ha.s l"en don.; uaiier a Prince, who once as'.vcJ as a f.vor to rii'-.t. arrainst tho Corsi-an usurper. Se,i.sat!on.'J l-'iiocr tliis Prince, iontlfi . men, a Minis-er has sai-i ;iiut -vap.i'.eon was ihe letriti ntite i-.tivoij lr mine v. i.i s'j: iTjign of ihe eotiu arJ tiee vver mis . !. !.e het'r, '-.u tie? y.vt ,, Wo.iid ye 1 hu yen exp?et : hat v..U CiV. "i w t.l curl" . na'l lifter r j the tjrcit : i.O reirds ::c:irt uiii!, Jt:r; n.t.:i t to .! itirrv t it-let's." ;i..--r--iiitu r : 1: other ...a 0; t'10 . i.ncr-il p;j .i y u :ur en'." go io ', .--'n-e.-", til Liov l.ii.'S v '-V-'i rs Lh-'ritkJ. ii con', 1 uh! t,. to . r..t e t : r- r .Ms ir.n.e v .vo ivr re 1i-, :;mi !.t ! l.'iy-Tch' -h" ; u.trrior. I will I'd he tJ i-.- 1 pi !'.-, 1 V e-s : ,r, aie:''' 11 I Cllhl ll;n! "r::!ii'-ct : has pr if it I.!- a i vv; .-:V r. ;.l seii-i, ti ':. It' : Vl.,.,;, i .e Vt-is t s:iy, Iti.wik U-t i: I w: I : t: I'! r it 1 listen te ,':ll we nailed, V oil would ,i-e,i i.Sot-iate -t'.ur.d M:iiitict:. icct ihe hi. '.'.'i;, o.i sec ihr-rc! jre j.:: inhiiuji ! too' .1; cj ttiat v,tr it il- s-ime tunc, ' a ''.. ri "is t eiiS, 1. ave Ml 1 vour-t- t.d ;i ,td I'll, 0- mv. v. he 0.1V av.i 1 -JU c ! It ; ii ! otntii I jr !. ! oh. 1:0. n , . : cait.vit. i i:;i the naais -f iit'oa the fc'j 1I0U not p ii...' O'l I. 1 1.111 V',11 it:!, ii..ii, rr.. r..-.,t..-a reason Wi.i eltiTai Oeci'iti coitiijct. i. You caan-Jt pro p. :..! iinprisan i- ii-. of i..,'.-imy (sen- 1 -L'.itical vei-.I tl'.-J 11. . i :! 'f tl '1 n..t woi'.ld 1'5 luua ce unoli-ei in, -.;t. for iiism :' Jtl' 1 - i icul no 10,: piU.ihlilel c: a pi.i.i- .at'c .1 1) a N11 ci.'ii'Oii! s-.'tttoiice oi laUiey up-, a tiio name of 'Sci.satiu..! Oil, 1.0 , vou cannot. Yoa niii no: tow vuii lira men; yoa u! retiie-.i. L-er thr.t i'.u'ice, v.-'aich has its rjes ,:p,.n yoa. do sires, ul ove i'il thiii;", respect for ;, :t:.'ii;.j!i. You pronounce un infu.noiis piinihi:-."tit ajuinst the nepl.c-v of the 1,101 to wtiotii vua o.vo every thin;;. You turn ajfaiust the faieily of your benefactor for benefits v idcli l.e coufurwid upon yoa. Mar shals, dnlit's, barons! who made you w hut yea are! Yuu will soy exploits, your sort ices. Beit sot-.t, it is to the magnificence of tiio empire, &r.i to its liberality alon.j you eve, nearly all of you, tlie rirjia of sitting ia this assenihiy, lireat ajttu tion ddiitlemcn: yoa nre 10 pronounce on t ipmiion width i purely political; you are nut judges yoti are politician. Yoa will then sindtho accused iiito exi!t ci!e is tlie p isiiioa which the taw has created for hint. Let the law be executed. ond his exile re-co;iii..tnte. Any other c ndeinua- tion would le imia.irial in pre-'Mice ol the ob'iga Liti.s which are imposed upon you, and above ail. with the reminiscences of vor own lives. The following pieee ol true poetry, re p'.ete willi the wry spirit ol'hope and beau, ty, is from the grilled pen of llie late Mm. Hemans, PEVTU. "Why should not he, wlwts louch dIo!vet our, Put (inhii robes ol" beauty wbt-n he uoiueii A a deliverer? lie iiuih muny lonui, Tbey uiiould not ail be ft ar.'ull ll hu cll lie but our gathering lo that ui.Uut land, per uhono twc-t aier hive pined with t'.irs", Why aliould out its prophetic senc b boina Into the hMU'a deep ttill nrts, with a brtu'lj Of suinmcr'e wiudi, aroimoi' ralJj'1. eU ma, yet lovely'.'" , "'"2'' -. -'