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were reserved for the use of the In dians, and the Indians themselves vverc declared to be under the -protection o? -ireat Britain; and the lands reser ved were also under the • sovereignty, protection and dominion" of that gov ernment. Thus it is seen, that the sovereignty of Great Britain over the whole of Georgia was complete and perfect; that the absolute right to the soil was injierj that the Indians were under prjiceUou; anil itiai iliETr posses sion was inly permissive. Things re in i'led in this condition until the revo lutionary war; upon the termination of w'v.'h, by treaty of peace between the United States and the mother coun try sovereignty to the full extent as claimed, owned and exercised by Gj eat Britain over all the lands and Indians within the State of Georgia, passed to and vested in the people of this State.—We have shewn we trust very clearly, that at the end of the re volutionary war, Georgia possessed, and had j right to exercise absolute control and sovereignty over the whole of the territory lying within her limits; that her claim to domain and empire was not disputed; that the ab solute title to the soil was in her; that the Indians were under her protection; and that their possession was by her pe •mission, as it had previously been by that of Great Britain. Thus far. We apprehend the premises that have PS' ■ ami oaii luc'i/ute th^l We have drawn, will not be disputed , for if they are wrong the very argti m-nt that proves them to-be so mus: defeat the title by whi h every foot of Ir.nd in the United States is held", for they all derive title in the same way. It now rermins for us to shew, that jjiy'e the revolutionary war, Geor gi- has done no net, and entered into no omnaet with her sister States by which she has divested herself of any portion of her sovereignty, affecting tier rights now in question-. And this proposition will be supported, if we can shew that no such consequence can result from the articles of confed eration. the federal constitution, or the articles of agreement and cession •f 1802. To s'lew that the articles of confed eration have divested Georgia of no portion of her sovereignty, it does not x --ear to us necessary to take apy oth <? ground than the very obvious one, that these articles have been abroga ted by the Federal Constitution, which was adopted in its place and stead. — B ; -ve contend, that even prior to the adoption of that Constitution, they contained no provision when properly Construed, affecting the right in ques tion. In tiie articles of confederation tve find this provision: "Each State pet ins its sovereignty freedom and in dependence: and every power, juris diction and right' which is not by the '• onfederation expressly delegated to the United States," is reserved to the people of the States. We mny se.irch in vain in the articles of confed eration, for any express delegation of the right of sovereignty or jurisdiction by Georgia to the United States over the territory in controversy. No such express delegation was ever made— t!... -eii.:e :s obv;au&; it i. re- Served to the people of the State.— T jse who differ with us in opinion, may attempt to sustain themselves by one further provision in the articles of confederation —We allude to the pow er vcathe United States of regula ting "trade,"' and managing all affaijJ wi;h the Indians, not members of particular State, but by express pro vision this power is in no instance to be exercised so as to "infringe or vio late th 3 Legislative right of any State within its own limits.'' We are by no means satisfied, but that the Indians f lent within the limits of Georgia, may fairly be considered "members" of the State; if so, the United States possess not the right to interfere with t'iftm even so far as to regulate trade: b i' whether they be members of the S ate or not, the United States are etnresslv prohibited from interfering with them inanv way so as to "infringe •r violate I Tie legislative Ttgtit of i s >e Site within her own limits." We think, therefore, that the articles of confederation have not affected our title in the least. We next proceed to the enquirv, whether the State's t'tleto. and rijht o r sovereignty over the lands in con t>-o have been affected by the Constitution; and if affected, to what extent? We are not disoos to afford even the feeble aid of ovr e' am ile for frittering away the Con •gt't 'ion bv c :n^~vcbot\: we nref< s rto take that iimtruftient as it is, and not to take from, or add to its provisions.— vv e have always believed, ana yel do, that all powers not expressly granted by that Constitution, or plainly implied in, and necessary and proper to the exe cution of the expressly granted power, are reserved to the States; and we earnestly insist upon this rule ot con struction, so far as that instrument ap plies to the subject under considera tion. In ilie (lilra sectiuu of tlie fouiili article of the Constitution, we find this provision: " Congress shall have power to dispose of, and make all needful rules and regulations respect ing the territory or other property be longing to the United States; and noth ing in this Constitution shall be so construed, as to prejudice any claims of United States or of any partic ular State." We are unable to see what argument can be fairly drawn from this provision, to shew that Geor gia has surrendered up to the U States any portion of her rights so as to affeel the present question. This provision nly gives to the United States the power to control and dispose of th< territory or property of the Genera Government; but it vests them with 110 power whatever to corftrol or dis pose of the territory or property oj any State; on the contrary it is Ex pressly stipulated, that in the exer cise of this power, the claims of no particular State shall be prejudiced. It will not be contended we rppre hend, that since the articles of agree ment and cession of 1802, the United States have the smallest shadow of a title to the lands in controversy; and if it were considered necessory, we could easily shew that even befo-e that time, they had no well founded title. There is. therefore, nothing in this part of the Constitution expressly or impliedly divesting Georgia of the right of sovereignty in question, and from the very fact, that no such right was surrendered up into the hands of the United States, we are warranted in asserting that the right was retained by the State. We understand that the power which the Constitution confers upon the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate to make treaties, is claimed to have an influence -<mv)n ilie but we are unable to discover any necessary con nection between this provision in the Constitution, the question under con sideration. This part of the Constitu tion, we have always understood, ap plied to foreign affairs only. We are apprised however, that the United States have treated with various tribes of Indians at different times and tbat those treaties have been sub mitted to the Senate for ratification; but if we m ; stake not, since the adop tion of the Constitution, Virginia, Ohi o, New York, and Kentucky, have exercised the right of treating with the Indians residing within their limits; and their right to do so hns not so far as we know or believe, been disputed. But upon this point we feel no sort of solicitude, for it is suffi ient for our purpose, that in the Constitutional pro vision now wider review, there is no et:press or phihiiy implied surrender on the part of Georgia of her right of so vereignty to the territory in question. If there is any other provision in the Federal Constitution affecting this question, we are not apprised of it.— And we consequently arrive at the PPhclusion, that the rights and powers Georgia in and to the lands in ques tiori, remain precisely where they stood immediately upon the conclu sion of the revolutionary war, with the exception, that Georgia has, in common with all the other States, given up to the General Government a portion of her right of empi e; but she has surrendered that right no far ther in relation to the territory in dis pute, than she has in relation to all the rest of her territory. In aid of our opinion upon the question of title, we bes leave to refer to the decision made by the Supreme Court of the United States in the famous case of Fletcher & Peck, whi'-h ftlHy establishes 'h.: principle, that the " Legislature of Georgia, unless restrained by its own Constitution, possesses the power of disposing of the unappropriated lands within her own l'mits in such manner as her own judgment may dictate." And the spme case establishes the fur ther principle, that " the Indian title is only permissive and temporary, and not at all inconsistent with a seisin 111 fee on the nirt of Georgia." We need on'v add. that this decision was mnd<i lmj s to the adoption of the Federal Constitution. By larticles cf agreement and cessioi i 81.2, Georgia parted with and ga l up all her claims and rights, both <• V main and empire to the terri tory tl ;c by ccc'cd to the United State- it these articles contain 110 forma' m? express surrender of any sneh . i to the territoiy 1 eserveti We p-c rare, that such surrender is clainn tl ,<»' ' s implied from the teim 1 ' J'.di: 3 there used. But v •-'ll 1 t s properly ji»4er stood, wcU cntti , d that this conclusion doc not 1 cess&rily result from the premises j This term was not intend ed, and c; Jmiot be understood as build ing up, an t vesting in the Indians, any 1-ind oft:' > to the lands in controversy; nor was 1 intended tr> add to, or de tract fronji the title v hich they alrea dy had. lit was only used as a tern descriptive of that title. We havi already > s i) what th; t title was,; tha it was a njiere possessory one: an thr. they had fco little interest in the soil that thei possession was not incon sistent w 111 a seisin in fee on the par of Georgia. But it is contended, tha by the ui ieles of agreement and ces sion, a co was contemplatec <o be p >y lhe United States to tin Indians for their relinquishment ci this title; and therefore that it was of such a < haracter as was entitled t( them unk is by their consent. Wc are of a 'liferent opinion. We have pi t :nK' "• -11 the fragile tenure lij which ihf , held, and do yet hold those lands; be however slender it may have beeii, yet some act was nccessaiy to be dc ' by the United States o; Goorg- -. i order to oust them of pos session This act must necessarily ; have b of either a warlike or pa ifi.- c 'ter. If of a warlii e cliar | acter. ! onsideration of a pecuniary nat ■ Id be necessary; but if of.; pa.!:' ra'ter. then the object was to he .11 lished by n gotiation. and ac "lion would necessarily be the i 'i Whenever it has been neofts ■ y to ae< om plish a similar act with ft Cherokees, or any other na tion off idians, by either ofthe means ins' r tioned, from obvious motives of v, as well as hu lanity, the United States have preferred resort ing t ■ rotiation and presents. In all sujji I'-.isjanpes, the United States " ("■I .. no means (".mm: to resort to sneh i|i';asures; they did so from C.'lO' T lis custom was well known to the •on'ra ting parties to the articles of agreement and cession at the time it was entered into, and the relinquish ment of the Indian title was intended to be affected in the same way, and the provision in question was simply intended to make the United States sustain all the expense of negotiation, presen'g and consideration, which o therwis® would have fallen u on Geor-* gin. had 1 she proceeded to the accom plishment of the same object by pa cific means. But there is nothing in this nrftv'sion which pre -ents the Unit ed Statjes or Georgia from resorting toforce\ on the contrary, this right seems to be admitted, although the United States would not bind them s irrsiTTnse it. At all eve its it is evident that if Georgia possessed this right bef <re entering into those articles she possesses it yet, for a surrender of it is ao where to be found. Before became a party to the arti cles of agreement and cession, she could rightfully have possessed her self of those lands either by negotia tion with the Indians or by force, and she had determined in one of the two ways to do so; but by this contract she male it the duty of the United States 10 sustain the expense of ob taining for her the possession, provid ed it cduld be done upon reasonable terms and by negotiation: but in it should become necessary to resort to force, this contract with the United States makes no provision: the conse quence is that Georgia is left nntram melled and at full liberty to prfsccute her rights in that point of view, ac cording to her own discretion, and as th 'Pieh had been made. Vour committee, therefore, arrive at this concl-ision: That ante rior to the revolutionary war, the lands in question belonged to Great Britain; that the r ght of soverei?nty both as to r/oma : n and empi-e was °om plete a,id pprfect in her; th t the possess-on by the Indians was permis sive; that they were under the pro tection of that Government; that their title was temoornrv; that, they were mere tenants at will; and that snr.h tenm-v mis*M have been determined at any Djoment cither by negotiation or force at the pleasure of Great Bri tain- That upon the termination 01 the revolutionary war, and by the treaty of peace, Georgia assumed all the rights and powers in relation to the lands and Indians ia question, which before belonged to Great Britain—That since that time, she has not divested herself of any right or power in relation to the lands now in question, further than she has in re lation to all the balance of'her territo- ry, aim u!iu sire is now-aL Mill lirOfty. and has the power and right to pos sess herself by any means she may choose to employ of the lands in di' - pute, and to extend over them her au thority and laws. Although your committee believe the absolute title to the lands in con troversy rs in Georgia, and that she may rightfully possess herself of them when and by what means she pie: ses, yet they would not recommend an ex ercise of that right till all other means fail. We are aware that the Chero kee Indians talk extravagantly of their devotion to the land of their fathers, and of their attachment to their homes; and th?t they have gone very far toward convincing the General Government, that negotiation with them in view of procuring their re linquishment of title to the Georgia lands will be "hopeless"—\et we do confidently believe, that they have been induced to assume this lofty bear ing, tjy the protection end encourage ment which has been afforded them by the United States; and that they will speak a totally different language if the General Government will change its policy toward them, and apprise them of the nature and extent of the Georgia title to those lands, and what will be the probable consequence of their remaining refractory. Your committee would recommend that one other, and the last appeiil be made to the General Government, with a view to open a negotiation with the Cherokee Indians upon this sub ject—That the United States do in struct their Commissioners to submit this report to the said Indians; and that if no. such negotiation is opened, or if it is. and it proves to be unsuc cessful, that then the next Legislature is recommended to take into conside ration the propriety of using the most efficient measures for taking posses sion of, and extending our authority and laws over the whole of the lands in controversy. Your Committee in the true spirit of liberality, and for the alone purpose of avoiding any diffi culty or misunderstanding with either the General Government or the Cher okee Indians, would recommend to the people of Georgia to accept any treaty which mav be made between the United States and those Indians, securing to this State so much of the lands in question, as may remain af ter making reserves for a term of years, for life, or even in fee sim-le, to the use of particular Indians, not to exceed in the aggregate one sixth part of the whole territory—But if all this will not do; if the United States will not redeem her pledged honor; and if the Indians will continue to turn a deaf ear to the voice of rea son and of friendship, we now solemn ly warn them of the consequence.— The lands in question belong to Geor gia—She must and she will have them. Influenced by the foregoing consid erations, your Committee beg leave to offer the following resolutions : Reiohed, That the United States in failing to procure the lands in con troversy "as early" as the same could be done upon "peaceable" and "rea sonable terms," have palpably violat ed their contract with Georgia, and are now bound at all hazards, and without regard to terms, to procure said lands for the use of Georgia. Resolved, That the policy which has been pursued by the United States toward the Cherokee Indians, has not been in good faith toward Georgia; and that as all the difficulties whieh now exist to an extinguishment of the Indian title, have resulted alone from the acts and policy of the United States; it would be unjust and dishon orable in them to take shelter behind those difficulties. Risolved. That all the lands appro priated and unappropriated, which lie within the conventional l : mits of Geor gia, belong-to her absolutely; that the title is in her; that the Indians are tenants at her will, and that she may at any time she pleases, determine that tenancy, bv taking possession of the premises—And tint Georgia h-s the right to oxtend her authority and laws over her whole territoiv, ?nd to coerce obidifcnie to them litm rIJ de seriptioi.s of people, be them white, red or black, who may reside within her limits. , Resolved, That Georgia entartsi«» for the general governmeit so high a regard, and is so solicitous to do no act that can disturb, or tend to disturb the public tranquility, that she will rot attempt to enforce her lights by vio lence, until all other means oi redicss tail. , iHjiiO* ■' trophe \\l:i< h none wot; d loofe' t.u cerely deplore than ourselves, wo make this solemn—this finr.l—this last appeal to -,he President ofthe United ' States, tint he take such steps as are usual, and as he may deem expedient and proper for the purpose of, ai-.d preparatoty to the holding of a treaty with the Cherokee Indians, the ob ject of which shall be, the extinguish ment of title to all or any part of the lar, s now in their possession, within tholimits of Georgia. f Resolved That if such treaty be held, the President be respectfully re-> quested toinstruct the commissioners to lay a |opy of this report before the in convention, with such comments is mov be considered just and proper. (lie nature and extent of )'. e G ' ij 'ia title to the lands ia C(?i ;ovcrr, and the probable conse* qwi; s will result from a con tinned rcftfeal upon the part of thr Indians tu port i • h those lands. iu'iu '"***' that the ten ;r )oners be also instruc ted t graft ' '-iicy find it absolutely netrr- y •3 of land in favot <tf iidiv '1 of the % najjien one-sixth part of the ,r,iy Acquired, the sr me to i i ftf future purchase by the ( (-■ the use of Georgia. /;<■: d '.in excellency tho .Gov !<•> tsted to forward a cop-- oi ' '(>:( .ioirigßepo' t & Reso lution;, to Prt sident of the United States, an<! cne to our Senators cr4 I Represent:jrives in Congress, with t. request that tbey use their best exer tions to obtain the objects therein ex- 4 pressed. INDIAN COUNCIL. Mr. Eer.ii, when he first arrived ia Pennsylvania, in the year 1683, and following observations, in a letter he ; then wrote to his friends in England. " Every kii g has his council, and that consists of ill the old and wise me* of his nalirv which perhaps are fw« hundred p, pie. Nothing of moment is undertaken, be it war. peace, sell ing of land, or traffic, without advising ing with them. 'Tis admirable t» consider how powerful the chiefs are, and yet how they move by the breath of the people. I havejiad occasica to be in council with them upon trea- , ties for land, and to adjust the terms of trade. Their order is thus; the king sits in the middle of an half moon, and hath his council, the old and the wise on each hand. Behind them, at a little distance, sit the young fry, in the same figure. Having consulted and resolved their business the 1 ordered vof them to speak' foirTe He canio to me, and in the name of his king, saluted me. Then took me by the hand, and told me that he was .> ordered by his king to speak to me; and that n„w it was not he, but the king who spoke, because what he should say was the king's mind. Du ring the time this person was speak ing, not a man of them was observed to whisper or smile. The old were grave —the young reverend in their deportment* They spoke little, but fervently and with elegance. He will deserve the name of ioise, who i out-wits them in any treaty about a thing they understand. At every sentence t! t shouf, and say amen, in their Sir Hi tiift, in his history of ? . Jer» sey. 11 fir s this general ttatraenC "Tli e even to *"'Tn< s®, upon aay (<. i imotf. end mo upc.v serious <v *' ;cbsc; "a.- ~ in rouaTOfei. i. «d re. c ;v«-i«'al to (he a sed— if i ii Pgr cool and <*elilera'« —lunver ' ;>s e to speak, hut writ, for r net y, that the sfa f><" ' them, had finished all he dto - They seemed to hi'd F roi'Tir . , 'ifyin conteai it, be cause th• found such as came rmong them, apt to interrupt each other, and frennen'ly speak altogether —. Their hehnviour in public councils was strictly decent and instructive. Eve r v one in his turn, was hr?rd nc» eordin? to ra n V of vcts ov wisdom, t or t« his country. Not «