Newspaper Page Text
or murmur, was heard w.iHo any one spo.-ve: no interruption t# commend oo- condemn: theyounge, iort were totally silent. Those de ; nominated kings, were sachems dis tinguished liy their wisdom and good t conduct. The v reS)-ect p; id them was j voluntary, and not exacted or looked for, nor the omission regarded. The sachems directed in the , councils and had the chief disposition of their lands." » |H i' in MMi r Jte-r . «if T*aK.T-*yn yg-fvr- <r> « 1: TifIJRSi)AY, JBAKIS To Readers am« C. respondents. "Socrates" is deferred on account of the length of the report Oi the Committee in the Legislature oi' Georgia, which we could not very well divide. It shall appear in our next. The Communication of "A Friend" we have inserted with some corrections. We rather apprehend that the subject is net properly understood by either "A Friend" or "A Cherokee." We consider the Con stitution to be in- force, yet it does not affect the appointments previously made, until 'the election of 1858. The appointment of Judge Martin <ts Treasurer ofthis Nation, is not, in our opinion, unconstitutional. Our readers will notice, that there are more sections in the Cherokee part of the constitution published today, than in the •En"; ih. The «Hstaice' urged in the ori inal co w, and • cirieftinr th' proof "sheet, : t was accidental / ovcrki«>k«4, *nd l>e;ore could examine the second proof shf" t, the first si 'e of this NuirJber was st»uc': off: For the same reason, a number o(other typographical errors will be no ticed. We particularly reqj'sted our principal Pinter to chaiig.; tha order in which the English names of . .ennhers «f th° Conven tion, and names or Districts stood annexed to the Constitution, as w ■ thought it rather uncouth foment in a ps son's nam", after his place of residence. But he has thought fit to print them as th" ' a-e. The situation of Indians is peculiar in the history of man; and th • lisadvantages in the ■way of their becoming an enlightened peo ple, which they are :;ed to encounter, are .i , nerons and formidable. Such has b. *Ti ;he case iomt|»e -seovery of \m-ri «' t 'he pre ,"-1 mom •<, t...i for tughl we WST". 1 .., tVifi 111*-*."Co !ii «e so. Jfirif ii) -s to Ii f'an impro- Went, would do well to co.- ; :er th se~ i! vantage*. When th a y are prop <-ly and candidly considered, we cannot but b»li«re, instead of creating astonishment why the In I'ausftare not been eivHized before, \ !l at least suggest th 2 enquiry whv tl.*y*fcsvc not degenerat ed more. What iut j " nicloas effect must such a document as the report of the joint Comm'ttee in th l.?g : < ature < f Georgia, have on theinteje tand :nj>rovementofthe In an.t? Who w ih xprc-irom theChero- t a es, a rapid pro£iv« in education, reli gion, agriculture, and the var'ous arts of ci ■rilized life, when resolutions are passed in a civilized and Christian. I to 'ature, (whose daily sessions, we a-? i I, commenced ■with a prayer to AfmrgMy God) to wrest th" ;r count-v f.-om thei l, and strange to tell, w.ththe pQin of th" baybn'-. if nothing «6->. « . H ' i '■»" tf things, that the C Yankees build them good and comf taole V -y and make them great farms, when they If new not but that their possessions will fall into the hands of strangers & invaders? How is it possible tha* they will establish for themselves good laws, when an attempt is made to crush their first feeble effort towa Is it? These are sa 1 facts, &. we beg our readers to bear with us, when we express ourselves so freely & fre quently on a subject which we consider to be of vital importance to the Indian race. "But amidst troubles, difficulties and evil wishers, we can look a; ound us with much satisfaction, and see who are truly our friend-, not only in profession, but in deed. A« a specimen of'' " fe. l:r.' of such friends we take pleasure in pti'j.ishing an extract •f a letter addressed to us oy an esteemed •orrespondent. "The fact that a nc; 'spaprr is to be put in circulation among he Cholokees, in riv? i? own langua.*-, o ' jr.l for their benefit, and edited bv < ric o f their own Na tion, is, in itself a Pratt: rh —pointing out the condition to Which Cherokees may, ere long, attain a c an ialightened people;— a guarantee, undej providence, to their rise and prosperity as a Trib a S.'iJe,'prepared for the privileges of intr r n .nitv, in all that constitutes politica i;'» and health, and vigour, and enjovment, among the Slates, composing the Great American Re public." Cherokee Constitution.—We areha])- SV to see that the Ptfempts made in .10 House of representatives of the United States, to interfere with the levvly organized government ot Uie wneroKee nation, are lively to faii. It would have been a deep reproach iO this country, after all tlie injustice the Indians have sutlered at our nands, and ail the aspersions tiiat have Deen cast on their native character ana ca pacity, if we siionld refuse to permit ihein to folioiV us in those paths 01 civ ilL ltion and improvement, <*. Nt Wru ough ou means have been * six .<" .Kiwn irrorns tor their I 'eeL. rtw j r n u^ l ects of the Chero- I Icee* *r 3r taring in some respects. They are cunsjdercd equaf to any of the red men in their mental capicity; they have made very considerable progress in civilization, and one of their members has recently made an inven tion of a syllabic alphabet, which seems to afford the only means by which education can be speedily and efficiently introduced among them; an invention which is considered, un der all the circumstances of the case, comparable to that which the ancients ascribed to Cadmus. They have within a few months, by popular del egates, formed a government under the first liberal constitution ever adop ted by a savage tribe. This will era in a new braneh of the history of constitutions, and if their plan succeeds, will furnish phi lanthropists new grounds for congratu lation, and legislators new subjects of . reflection.—-V. Y. Daily Adv. FO.R THE CHEROKEE PH(BNIX. Mr. Boudinott-I see in yonr paper of the 28th, a communication signed •'ACherokee," on the subject of pub lic offices, in which he says,'-In view ing the public offices ofthe Cherokee Nation now held by d.fl'e ent persens; it will be found, on recurrence to the signers of the late Constitution, that there is no conformity to it in their subsequent proceedings, compared with their asserted principles." That the late convention which framed the constitution was composed of twenty-one Members, and that sev eral of those members were members of the Convention, and others members of. the Council, I readily admit.— Those meirbers were recommended bv the Legi. ' are to t'le several dis tricts in whijii they respectively i si dcu, u'.ivluV u Matin w itltii poSs' o ootll houses of th» Gen. Council on the 1 > h •of' Nov. 1826, and under which the delegates fi rti the several districts were duly eie ted as members *,l the Convention to frame a Constitution for the Government of the Cherokee Na tion. This Constitution was submit ted to the General Council for their assent or rejection, and was unanimous ly approved by that body. "A Cher okee" complains of one person's hold ing more than one office; referring to the electing of the present Treasu rer of the Nation. He appears to think that the Council, in appointing John Martin Treasurer for oue year, acted unconstitutionally from the pro vision made in the constitution,' which expressly declares that no person shall hold more than one office, under the authority of the nation; stating that the Treasurer now holds four different offices. It would appear at first sight of the Communication that a Chero kee thinks that the present Treasurer has abandoned principle for the sake of gain. Among the provisions of the Constitution, you will find in the 12th section of the 6th article these words. '•All laws in force in this nation, at the passing of this Constitution, shall so continu'e until altered or repeajed by the legislature, except when they are temporary, in which case they shall ex pire at the times resectively limited for their duration; if not continued by an act- of the Legislature." I cannot therefore Admit or argue that the con stitution is in full and operative force, neither will it be until after the rise of the General Council in 1828, at which time the several offices of the nation will be appointed and commis sioned agreeably to the provisions of the Constitution. If the present Treasurer's acceptance of his ap pointment is an abandonment of the principles of the Constitution, I am confident that other officers of the Nation are guilty of the same, as some of them are holding responsible offices tinder ttie United States Government. But this I do not consider contrary to the Constitution, as it is not yet in full and operative force. I will not however pretend to say that the Constitution is without its faults, this part of the subject I leave for those who are more qualified than myself- but the appointment of a Trea surer was made by a joint vole of both houses of the General Council; and i «iiv3 same ajjpoiaiuit »..! v.* conferred on a cniz ivin 6 m a re mote part fioin the s. J_f Govern ment, of theCheoi-.. ■. I aran, 1 say la liim iiave it, ii' hd c • J»t u »,afficioiit security, far the iaiiLat discharge oJ his duty. -Ai»S .? s \ Mil END. IMPORTANT FROM GIBRALTAR. A letter has been >.. <l in town ijoin the House o< ttouert Anderson and Co. dated 22d Dec., which states that the GRAND SLIGNOR bad DECLARED WAR against Russia, I France, and England. From the re spectability of this House, there can be no doubt of the truth of the account. We have been politely favored with the above information by Messrs.G. W. and H. Bruen. —Me 'chants' (Net«- York) Telegraph, Feb. 6. DIiEO DIiATZ. s&po*- DIiATZ Dl> LIiLIT©!!. DIiE6 D 4 J< liJXJJG* DOJm!AT. DIi" AT JWO-PT SJiltrShfT. (PhTCT lil«Eo<ilv O'WJ -£z DhEe p<r dj DliEe DIiATZ. DhAT. O=G\V - jupz «>aii>s Rj9 O»E©GV>, (peFAjiT, <PhyiTT D~ hAT. G*Y* ShO v 4T Djl" A*9 oslih<*>A.l>s0 s lih<*>A.l>s I jITITT DhE6 DhATZ tliltrOß CPIifl'AT" tsi(r Dii-j 1). IE LS D4Z DI <SP<SXUMII<<T 0 J d , 0 ,/ PT Di:S i JlfT DIiAT. C», DWiiJAJiSy. DIiKB KJlilflT ShC4T. DhEe seitrcM/iT sewu<, ifO~?T <&hP«.Je© D.f\s O-Cld S>IFSP TX T»li./li-T p VVPKVI hlxAfT. Dhi,e ayi-V* kCf. hKJIT D«f SAJIT. DEO io- ircr vx>Fiif jms&f... i DhEO KT yhp«r CPIiA(?4T, JF^T^mio-pi:e G DaoT- Snelson. late tellei of <h Virginia. \\ ho al;s' omled v. i was taken on his ai ival ;>( from Quebec, one of tUe f tors having reached tlx?** by a quick passage from lie surrendered himself getlier with about S3O,OCX' 1£ &AJ>y APlh f JkTfl" O-f! (flZofy.lTi SSAT CJrli' JBP T-JP i<S4T, ATT, Gt,Z ff=4T. y\\4T e.v* OI eotyz vio°c=4T qA hCT (HZovyIT OJJ!SO'4T.0 J J!SO'4T. etrZ SMC= DL 0| (pzctfyir Dirsaso yw shz<fT, eii to 3 © rt ntf TcCSEP e^" 1 JD,- I«-F DfeoSisA -9-»../)PT TGT-PcSAa, D 4 1£ (PZojyj"'. <6S9(*>At. VIWo%A tPtPSP 6?JB t6S' _9Z TcBIiT I.UUt oiAli-5 ■} . OI Z ShMCs Glr GJr CPESGfS/1S Av25P AP(KfI <PO*AtfT <SS~ e«:A&, e<*y .*d Aim- db DwXhAJ" o>r S~ .'ic'i r aju~it. DyE®crj», Adsp sGfAfr® eivy WFSSifeT ainhrS £ts" SCTJ) JTFS EG DhGVVyZ DhBSdST; D<f cf>se<»Al 0 3 SP<«I«'T Gh- 0 > .AO.fM'>&, 6nVZ TGTaiIJ SofrM,s 8«7 Dli Dw)A.«Z TcSIiT 16W DliC'iVy. GdfyZ Gb> OPESCrU SB-SUZ-qy, B<T 6M«V" Glr - ifcS6(*Ai. EmU J6X.I«Cr J J S/IT,h<J<®ET. D<f eMi-V* Gh> (PEGCP-J) C&R O\p-QOvT CPATfIy d&SO<SAt D«iSv?F<»t. D<f0 1 MIT B«f Gwy eo-er 1 t-rt e^z Glr WESCTJ) o>J\Czy <6Se«!AI Dh-cSIhAAa/5 R«;Sh W&IXJL b-TLT. D<f o£»>r 6«V"Z qp<w.l-0v Glr o"Ee<rj) ovscsy O j tp O 3 GK irGrr.i Dc*S>oEcXli dsSe<»Ai; O-KIC-y 'fflli O-TPA" A CPJL'O-Ry. O'/LE PWI4T AiEW(hJ} IW" Si/L TS SGIi 04T, 1762. ajcjp Jhtrr io- .ad <3t».i ®z?<*. 4Kof DI,WP DliJe, V** D«;AJJ *TZ ¥B, DFB O\«J9 O'/iTK./J i" JlSIr, ChXe/itfT AJ»P JAJKF IfHM' <XA Sthl/LT. 6>V fPhhWA+t, 4a 8hK&" •4T QPlijf-rST. tfll-r-frT -C aa. wtj\ i«y>&Ao-. yivr irr ifh OSIA4<T DiiWBT. P4«V*Z M- IiS«SID »>J»r' 4T CIhFKT, WFA WIAASIT. fft ZDI weT yxvmir TE wtfJiT D«V T<r» ai-a-si 4E<TT, SQtO £BfT. «(«<*» (PhF D«iAP o>h<TT. RWJ COTT, yu-V* TBS? fphVUT. QkaQbJIT d ii e \v. S® I\T:r» G\V O>E©G~,4 Ji'Q.jiy qKo£ <T°*V*" v9D liSiXJD O't^cS. DiiGW CJ-hyacr sapuiiß O»6TPA «A^, i£ St 0 J O*AZ JSFE 0-" DP>£TP S6X«5£, lJ(f J, J, ■aei-cSJt.a.Ar EfitKTGT DS" DiiSi'»s<r hsi litaot-, r><r Dep' hEvlof a/ih> Dl.oiScS Dill-iZ A>SSP JeSCX" 6JU.A. TS(P UlidiS^t.aßfe &J) CF6" Tl-A-9 JlrfW DeSGXwKT. O'hG'W : hZQ- Dh RU.'V liJcSa -5 TGTPoiA" ki/S o^spt^y. ye JEP. R.A AiXSP Dh>ZP<fT (PZJI - o-t,v£ siiSir 3 t w c«.<r\i>s. D<r cz.a. TT O-'LoJ-Alixoivi/a Ki,Z (K!SO~4T AJBP iiSiSiott s©eair4T. eiv TSJIT &ir in Dwijud. (yQ?* OJ<fT.0 J <fT. We are informed of a murder be ing committed ;n the neighbourhood ol bumach. The name 01 the per son killed is iliiiiiii x 1 alien, ana of Uie muideier Leai s Paw. We have not heard 01 the circumstances. soH<i.-x<s£,s oiii sei-yT dscryoir. rr *it£rs> dAT(P Aoklj R.O O'W <yioyi>o-vl Dlr*. Doa(*. m. e<fy AWAtxyuTo 1£ fe/lfftChT Horses.—The following- remarks upon hoiscs are copied lion, the pub lication ot an emu.ont iamei 111 Eu rope, and we think I htm worth the peiusai oi iaimeis generally. The pulse ot a hoise 111 health is iiom 3b 10 40 beats in a minute, anu maj be easily felt by placing the tin-, gei gently upon the temporal arteiy Vvhicins situated an inch and a kail backwards.liom the cornea 01 the eye. Hoises have not the faculty of puk ing, or even belching wind out of their stomachs, and therefore are peculiar ly subject to wind tliolic. When a horse has been overridden, blood) spots may be seen in.tbe whites ef h;S eyes. A limber dock is a sure evidence of a limbei back; tt-at is, a weak one- -3- cifc ?D~ TV 11, G. -tit fIiMCS ejiyz ji _.h<t TZ ■iAy4T. J- ' ZTTT Dtf r } i <w) Is CP K " T hs<rz BII*TZ 1 » tc«yz i U£, ovics, Bat>]f of i I «40.000 : jj i-er pool Wew-York. ti«t'y, to- Ahoisethal haniy ana gooi fo; business, h; s a.&ioit L nacut u-hu J> terminates forward ox' ".be hip boues. A decoction oi vvkfv, oaifbatk i-:)] kill bots by tanning ihfcm, and iteey will become so shrivelled as scarcely dis cernable w hen discharged. The principal signs of a good horse are these. J> TcSSPP .i *» Dhypi>»s MAJ* (PJMTT. The eyes set apart in the head, and large and blight; the quirl high in the forehead, one or two in the neck is a good sign; the neck well set on high, the shoulder blades pretty high, and converging to a point; the breast full and large, and so also behind; the body round, for flat bodied, or slab sided hoises, are weak natured; the dock stiff; going wide behind, for if (he gam brels knock together, it shows that the hoise is feeble; chewing the bit, when provoked, is a good sign. It is a Spanish proverb that"a dapple grey will sooner die than tire.," > jmcx, et. hGT IB KDt»A«9 ;0-4T, AJ)Z >*y >At, DvtJk' ON KILLING ANIMALS. "That man lias a right to destroy such animals as are noxious to him is undoubted. That he has a right also over the lives of such animals as are useful to him for food and other neces saries, is equally unquestioned. But whether he has a right to destroy life for his amusement, is another question. If he is determined to act the tyrant, (that is, to consider power p.s confer ring right,) the point is decided. Power he certainly has. But if he' wish to act on authorized and equita ble principles, let him just point out the passage in his charter of rights over the brute creation, which gives him liberty of destroying life for his amusement.- Gilpin. , In the year 1804, the number of persons committed for trial in Eng land and Wales .was four thousand, three hundred and forty-six; in 1816 it had iuereased to nine thousand, and ninety-one; & in 1826, it amounted to sixteen thousand, one hundred and forty seven. New specks of Brilliants.—At a ball ■n Calcutta, a lady, remarkable for the splendour of her dresk and ornaments, attracted the eyes of all the company on entering the ball room. Rows of brilliants, which threw around her a light like that of the fabulous carbun cles of the Arabian Nights, glittered down her dress, and eclipsed all the jewels in the room. When the other MUIIDLR. #'" ladies, desirous of examlnig her sumptuous 6inuments, drew near, and begon to pry into the mystery, it a* discovered that the ingenious fair fine had imprisoned some hundreds of tire flies in little bags ofmuslip, theienta# dextUis of Petronius; and that prouc! icj adorn so much beauty, they tiutte>eii as she moved, & gave her the aj peai - ance of being decked out with jewels of living tire. Matrimony.—One of (he Pbiladelt phia editors has been at the trouble and expense of embellishing the hyme neal department of his paper with the cut of a mouse-trap; and lest the reader should be at a loss to "smell his de vice, ' he has surmounted it with the adage, that "marriage is like a mouse* trap, easy to get in, but hard to es cape." The trap is represented to be full of prisoners, dissatisfied with their lecus in quo; and, like Yorick's starling, they are trying to " get out," but "can't."—wV.'Fi States, A Good Law.—A law has been pass- * ed in South Carolina, that from' and after the first day of May next, tfie books of account of tavern keepers, shop-keepers or retailers of spirituous liquors shall not be admitted, allow ed, or received, as evidence in any court-having-a right to- try the sains of any <}<>bt contracted, or monies dut# for spirituous liquors, sold in lesa. quantify than a quart.—New York Ob. No less than 105,517 hogs haves passed the turnpike gate, Cumberland river, Tenn. the past season, The anti slavery Society of Wash ington have addressed a memorial to the citizens of the District of Colum bia, praying Congress to take measures for the total abolition of slavery in that District.—lb. A SCENE IN AFRICA I stood on Cape Montserado—nighf had spread over it her shadows—si lence reigned, broken only by the sound of the distant, dashing waters. As the bright and beautiful constel lations moved through the heavens their illustrious' and unchanging cours es, evidences of invisible glory—of an. eternal and immutable God—what aceiios of horror—of relentless cruel : tv. gaid I, have ye witnessed, along e r-*»ole border of this, a filiated, this injured land. Here every day for centuries, has the human body been bound in chains, the ties of kind fellow ship, of nature's strongest affections, ruthlessly sundered, and hope, which smiles in death, made to perish by living agony. Here has manly cour age been subdued by torturer-paren tal love punished as <} crime, and fe male tenderness rewarded- by the keenest sufferings. If the pure spirits which inhabit you, can look up on human affairs, must they not sup pose that knowledge and' civilization harden the heart, and that sympathy lives only in the breasts of barbarians. Rejoice they must, that the fair pfrn ets roll so far above the unholy ard contagious influences of our world.— What multitudes of human beings on this shore, have been immolated on the altars of avarice—how many have wished to die, as they bid a final fare well to their lovely homes, and saw for the la-jt time their wives, children, and friends! My God! who can de scribe the miseries of those crowded to death in the dungeons of a slave ship? But shall everlasting night cover this land, and the records of African history forever contain nothing but mourning, lamentation, and woe?- Heaven forbid it. The Omnipotent will not suffer it. A universe beauti ful and' strand, arose at his word from chaos; from the ruins of human virtue and hope, l\is wisdom is displaying a new moral creation, and the exile, suf ferings, and degradation of the Afri cans, may be succeeded by their re tara, felicity and honor.-<--jfricar. Rc» pository. NOTICE. ALL persons tire hereby forewarned a gainst tracing for a Note of hand, given by the Subscriber to Jamr»Cunning* ham, of Ten. for the suiji of J4 with;* credit of five dollars; dated the 19th day of February 1828. Also a Due Bill of thirty four dollars given by Alexander McCo- - in favour of Michael \. Remley with a credit of about two dollars and twenty five cents made over to said James Cunningham by me. As tltf consideration for which the said Note and Due Bill were given, has proved to be unsound, I am determined not to pay except by due couse of law. EDWARD APAJR, March 6, 1923,—5-tf, -' *-