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' % mm, * • ■ I* v ZVE1Y ECHOTA, 'l'i-ili *£811 A.k' MAiiCM tit), 18*28. 5. EL1TED BY ELIAS 130UD1NOTT 1 POINTED WEI KLY lii ISAAC H. UARUIS, r FOR THE CHEHOK - £ NATION. At §2 50 f paid in a Ivance, $3 in six \mnth , or $3 50 if paid at the end of the c year. To subscribers who can read only the Ch" 'o!iee language the price will be £2,00 in a ivance, or $2,50 to be paid within the year. Everv subscription will be considered as continued unless subscribers give notice to the contrary before the commencement of a Any person procuring six subscribers, -»i'l becoming responsibly for the payment, shail receive a seventh jjatis. Advertisements will be inserted at seven ty-fjve cetits per square for the first inser tion, and thirty-seven and a half cents for each continuance; longer ones in propor tion. ICP All letters addre sed to the Editor, post paid, vail receive d ie attention. C 'l E lOK Ji E LAWS. [CONTvjlJED.] V Unmimoiixl'j a* fed. That school- US' s'ers blacksmiths, millers. salt pe t; and gun p>tvd')r manufacturers fer , m i> and turnfike keepers, and m n nhs, are heiifeby to reside i;i the Chevikee N 'ion under • he-following conditions; viz:—Their '' -3 AW National ComV/ittee and Council ' for them- andh0c6'r,ine responsible for their good .conduct n'uid behaviour, and subject to removap for misdemeanor; an I further agree, that blacksmiths, millers, ferrymen and turnpike keep ers, are privileged to improve and cultivate twelve icres of ground for the support of the twelves and fami lies s'lould they p'ease to do so. JNO. ROSS, fres't N. Committee. A. MeCOY, C-»rk i Cpmm ttne. In Committee, Net' Town, Oct. 26,1819. This day decrtrn by the National Committee and O, That all citi zens of the Cheraee Nation, estab lishing a store or i. ores for the pur pose of vending in* rohandize, shall ob tain license for th t purpose irom the elerV of the Natonal Council, for J, which each and e" sry person so licens ed shall pay a tax »f twenty-five dol .lfifg per annual. ? d tL"t no other but citizens of the Ch -okee Action shall b" allowed to es! jlish a permanent store within the f ttion. And it is al so decreed, thatr pedlar or pedlars not citizens of th( nation, shall beper mi'ted to vend rerobndize in the Nation, without fi, from the agent of c United States for the Cherokee Nriion, agreeably i to the laws of the Liited States; and each and every u. so licensed, shall U pay eighty dollars o the treasury of the Cherokee Nat. n per annum, and all such person or j :rsons, so licensed, shall obtain a reee >t on the back of his or their license rom the treasurer ■ J for the sum so pr | and in case any person or persons l olate this decree, he or they shall t feit and pay a fine £■ of two hundred ( liars to the Na il) tionnl treasury, an it shall be the du ty of the Regulato or Lighthorse to collect the same—: id any person dis ki covering and giving nformation of the , fc " . imo a ,aV. oe er.?i fcd to the sum of .(venty-five dollqrc- And it is also ■vi'eby further dec eed, that no per n or persons, not itizens of the Na ' °n, s lall bring int the Nation and sell spirituous liqnrs, and all such! ' fiersotts so offendim shall forfeit the ,« yL - T hole of the spir't ius liquors that m: y be foOnd in hi or their posses sion. ind tlv» same (j infl he disposed "1 for the benefit of (he Nation; and if €MEM©KEE] any person or persons, citizens of the Nation, shall receive and bring into the Nation, spirituous liquors for dis posal, and the sameor any part there of, be found to be the property of any personor persons not citizens of the na tion, and satisfactory proof be made of the fact, he or they shall forfeit & pay the sum of one hundred dollars, and the whiskey be subject to confiscation as aforesaid, and this decree to take effect from and after the first day of January, one thousand eight hundred and twenty, and to be strictly enforc ed; Provided, nevertheless, That noth ing shall be so construed in this de cree, as to tax any persons bringing su gar, coffee, salt, iron, & steel, into the Cherokee Nation for sale; but no per manent establishment for the dispo sal of such articles, can be admitted to any person or persons not citizens of the Nation. •JTSTT. nuSSj'Trtis'i iN.CoioiiiiiiitU. his PATH X KILLER, mark. CHARLES HICKS. A. McCOY, Sec'y to the Council. New Town, October 23, 1819. In Committee, JVew Town, Cherokee Nation, October 30th, 1819. Jse if hereby resolved, That no per son or persons whatsoever, shall be permitted to cut out any road or roads leading from any main road now in ex istence, so as to intersect the same again and to the injury of the interest of any person or persons residing on said road, without first getting an or der from the National Council for the opening of said roads; & any person or persons violating this decree, contain ed in the foregoing resolution, shall be subject to such punishment and line as the National Council and Committee ma.v Hefirlp ?nd infiirt op any such case as may be brought be fore them for trial. JNO. ROSS, Pres't N. Committee. his Approved—PATH X KILLER, mark. CHARLES HICKS. A. M'COY, Clerk. New Town, Cherokee N. Nov. 1,1819. In Committee. Resolved by the National Committee, that no contract or bargain entered in to with any slave or slaves, without the approbation of their masters shall be binding on them. JNO. ROSS, Pres't N. Com. his PATH X KILLER, mark. CHARLES IIxCKS, A. M'COY, Clerk. New Town, Cherokee N.Nov. 1, 1819. In COMMITTEE. Resolved oy the National Committee ana Council, That any person or per sons employing or instigating any per son or persons whatsoever, to steal the property of another, and such per son or persons being tried and convict ed upon satisfactory proofs, shall for feit and pay the value of the property so stolen, and be punished alike with the person or persons so employed to steal agreeably to the sentence of such a trial. By order.—JNO. ROSS, Pres't. N. Com. Approved.-PATH X KILLER, mark. CHARLES HICKS* A. M'COY, Clerk. Resolved by the National Committee and Council, That iu case any person or persons, citizens of the nation, not enrolled for the Arkansas country who has or may take possession of, and oc cup any improvement or place where Arkansas emigrants had left before any privileged emigrants to continue in this nation, shall retake possession of such place or places aforesaid, shall be en titled to an exclusive right of the same. By order J NO. Prcs't N. Com/ iiis Approved.-PATH X KILLER, mar . CH \ n Lfcs HICKS. A t M'COY, Clerk, WASHINGTON '.ND THE CHEI?- OKEES. It ha been common of'atfi Hays, amonc the trreat men of the Unfed States, to s» v much on the subject of Indian civilizaticr. and do but very little, tiwards ng this des'rable th'/ipr. Many plans hav been recommended, but as yet they hav" existed only in declamations. The fact is, that mere theory vv '' never civilize an In -1 an, or any other mar; it will require ac t've, unremitting and persevering eN°rtiops —with these, and correct theory, the rov. ng Indian may be turned to an industrioir and respectable citizen. Among thos vvha properly understood the subject of In dian civilization, Gen. Geo. Washington, that truly great and illustrious man, de serves a nartjcul&t' mtV*. T T ' inr b : e ■>. '- ministration, orig'nated this liberal and kind policy, wh'ch the United States have exercised towards the Indians, and under which the Chrrokees hav«- ma le laudable improvement, in agriculture and civiliza tion; th"-eby shewing the practicability of the measures of Washington to enlighte'n the Indians. The following talk will ex hibit to the reader, the plan of improve ment which he recommended to th" Clwo kees, and it may not be amiss to state, that their present situation proves beyond a doubt, that this plan was not mere declama tion. The happy effects of it are now to be seen in almost every house. TALK Of the President ofthe United States to r his beloved men of the Cherokee Nation. ?- Beloved Cherokees, Many years have passed since the White people lirst cam® to America. In that long spa. e of time many good ' -men have correrthfred "how the condi tion of the Indian natives of the coun try might be improved; and many at tempts have been to effect it. But, as we see at this day, all these have been nearly fruitless. I also have thought much on this sub- and anxiously wished that the va rious Indian tribes, as well as their r neighbours, the White people, might - enjoy in abundance all the good things * which make life comfortable and - happy. I have considered how this , could be done; and have discovered s but one path that could lead them to a that oesirable situation. In this path I wish all the Indian nations to walk. From the information received con cerning you my beloved Cherokees, I am inclined to hope that you are prepared to take this path and dispo sed to pursue it. It may seem a lit tle difficult to enter; but if you make the attem >t r ydu vvijl find every ob stacle easy to be removed. Mr. Dinsmoor, ftiyfaeloVed it to your nation, being here, I send you this talk by him. He'will have it interpreted - to you, and particularly explain my - meaning. Beloved Cherokees—You now find that the gaifte with whflSh your woods once abounded, are growing scarce; and you know when you cannot meet a deer or other game to kill, that you must remain hungry; you know also & «1S? when you can get no skins by hunti no that the traders wili give you ne. her powder nor clcfathing; and you inmv l that without other 'CHj.lemeius for fj]j ling the ground than the hoe, you v . ill continue to rais only scanty cru y 0 f corn. Hence you are Sometimes ex. posed to suffer much from hunger l J t;old; and as the gamr arelessej,i * ,1 numb. 5 more and more, these , :f. feriii s will increase. And how are you to provide against them? Listen to my words and you will knew. itiy beloved Cherokees— Some h mong, yen already experience the ad vantage of kcoj ing cattle and hogs: let all keep them and ircrease their numbers, and you will ever have a pi my ol meat. To these add sheep, an : i hey will give you cloathing as v,. M as. food, lour lands are good • ,!l ' 1 '©at extent. By proper mi.n --• niijii' von can raise "live stock ot <y « : own vva.i.s, but to sell to the h>.te people. By using the plow you • -.11 vastly i;. crease your ere. s of < orn kou can also grow wheat, ;whi h mokes the best of bread) as veil s other useful grain. To th se jou will e: sily add flax and cottony im!, you may dispose Of to the While peoj le, or have it made up by your own women into cloathiug fo- your selves. iour wives and can soon learn to spin and weave; rr.d to in aire this certain, I have directed vfr. Dmssioon, to procure all the ne essary apparatus for spinning and weaving, and to hire a woman to teach iheusecf them. He will also pro cure some plows and other implements of husbandry, with which to begin the improved cultivation of the ground whi h I recommend, and employ a fit person to shew you how they are to be used. I have further directed hirn 5o i'iu>.u.'c auuic caliirf una sheep loi most prudent and industrious men, who shall be willitffigto exert them selves in t>.! 1 insr the and raising those useful animals. He is often to talk with you on these subjects, & give you all necessary information to pro mote your success. I must therefore desire you to listen to him; and to fol low h s advice. I appointed him to dwell among you as the Agent of the ' nifed States, because I judged him to be a faithful man, ready to obey my instruttions and to tlo you wod. But the cares of the United Stales are not confined to your single nation; They extend to all the Indians dwell ing on their borders. For which rea son to superintend all their affairs; and to assist (he particular agents with ea a nation in doing the business assigned them. To such general or principal agent I must desire your careful at tention. He will be one of our greatly beloved men. His whole time will be employed in contriving hmv to do you good, and you will therefore , net wisely to follow his advice. The first general or principal agent will be Colonel Benjamin Hawkins, a in;>n already known and respected by you. 1 have chosen him for this offire be cause he is esteemed for a good man;' has a knowledge of Indian customs, aid a particular love and friendship for all the Southern tribes. Beloved Cherokees—What I have recommended to you I am myself go ing to do. After a few moons are passed I shall leave the great town and retire to my farm. There I shall attend to the means of increasing my' cattle, sheep and other useful animals j to the growing of corn, wheat, as:d <>ther grain, and to the employing of women in spinning and weaving; ;1} which I have recommend to you that you may be as comfortable and hap py as plenty of food, clothing and oth er good things can make vou. Beloved Cherokees—When I have retired to my farm I shall Impr of youj and it will jjive me great pleasure U ¥