HERALD OF VOL. 1. PUBLISHED WEEKLY. JAMES ATKINSON, PUBLISHER AND PROPRIETOR. OrricE, comer of Thames-street and Sher wan’s wharf, a few doors south of the Brick Market }r—7~Entrance first door down the wharf. Price two dollars per annum, if the whole is paid in advance—two dollars 12} ets if paid in six months, or two dollars 25 cts. if' paid at the expiration of the year. ; ADVERTISEMENTS Inserted at the customary prices. NEWPORT. HERALD OF THE TIMES, The subscriber presents himself to his friends and the public and respectfullyi solicits their patronage of the newspaper which is now submitted to them, and ‘ which will be published hereafter wcckly‘ on Wednesday morning, from the newly‘ established office of the HERALD oF THE Times, at that central and very conve-I nient situation No. 153 Thames-street. I This paper will be devoted to what the publisher believes to be the real and cardinal interests of this country, and especially to topics connected with its advancement in Agriculture, Manu factures and Commerce. In regard to the questions so warmly agitated in the United States, as to the justice and ex pediency of the Protecting policy, and of the system of Internal Improvements as adopted by Congress, it will be stu dious to preserve aliberal course of con duct, never hesitating to avow its princi ples, while it invites the freest and most thorough examination of the doctrines and precepts of the American people as manifested in the acts and declarations of their Government. Upon the same‘ principle, this paper will be attentive to the progress of the arts, and afford the earliest notices of such inventions and improvements as are worthy of record, and which may enlarge materially, the sphere of our enjoyments. It will be equally alive to the cause of good morals, and as connected with this object and es sential to the success of il, it will inculcale invariably a respect for RevriGioN, and for the example and suffevings of our high est benefactor. It will aim, in short, at being a useful and convenient vehicle of information and news, for the Farmer, the Manufacturer, the Mechanic and Merchant ; and at the same time at mingling with its graver dissertations, so much of the literary and miscellaneous character of a Weekly Journal, as will adopt it to the taste of every general in quirer, As to the politics of this paper, it is perhaps unnecessary for the publisher to be more than usually explicit in defining their character. His political course, while connected with the Republican, was undeviating and open, and he has seen no reason, in the shifting and tu multuous politics of these disastrous times, to doubt the soundness of the maxim, that honesty, in.this asin every other pursuit, is the wisest policy. It will be his ob ject, therefore, in the political depart ment of his paper, to maintain unshaken his Rhode-Island principles, and to ex tend and perpetuate that love of indepen dence and political truth, which has giv en to the smallest member ot the Union, an enviable character for firmness and integrity, which the proudest of her sis ters would do well to imitate, The subscriber will not permit himself to doubt the success of this experiment. He is confident that the paper which is now, and will hereafter be issued, with the aid of friends, upon whose assistance he can count with certainty, may be ren dered as useful, agreeable, and instruc tive, to say the least of it, as any now published in this respectable community. At any rate, he is determined that no exertions shall be wanting on his part to merit the gonfidence he presumes to so licit, and which an intelligent public is gure to award to honest and well direct ed efforts for the public benefit. I JAMES ATKINSON. Newport, April, 1830. I —err Y )B> PO AGENTS. Mr. George A. Polter, Providence, Dr. Lemuel W. Briggs, Bristol, I Dr. Thos. P. Moore, Warren, | Capt. George Lawlon, Tiverton, Mr. Thomas Cook, New Bedford, ELOQUENCE OF THE PULPIT. | [The Rev. 8. C. Tnacuer, late Minister of the New South Church, in Boston, died at Mou- Ilinel, in France, Jan, 2, 1818, wtat, 82. lle had long been absent from this country for the recov ‘ery of his health. The following sketch of his ‘character is taken from a discourse delivered in ‘Boston, by his early and bosom friend, the Rev. Ll:‘r. WM. E. CuanmNinG, the Sunday after accounts of his death were received there.— IWithout trespassing at all upon the limits of con troversy, and entirely free from sectarian bias, the Epicture here presented of a superior intellect, ani-i mated by the hopes and incentives of religion, un der circumstances the most trying to the heart of’ man, cannot fail to awaken in every reflecting mind aspirations after virtue and a love of its Au thor. Among the variety of puhlications, which have conferred celebrity on Dr. C. and his country, identifying his name with her infant literature, we have always considered this sketch of Mr. TuAcHER as his happiest effort, even in a walk of composition where he is peculiarly successful.) The news of Mr. Thacher’s death, al though not unexpected, spread an unus ual gloom through the large circle in which he moved and was known. When we thought of his youth and virtues, o the place which he had filled and of the confidence he had inspired,of his sickness and sufferings, of his death in a distant land, and of the hopes which died with him,we could not but speak of his removal as mysterious, dark, untimely. My own mind participated at first in the generull depression ; but in proportion as I have reflected on the circumstances of this event, I have seen in them a kindness, which I overlooked in the first moments lof sorrow ; and though in many respects inscrutable, this dispensation now wears ‘a more consoling aspect. I now see in our friend a young man, uncommonly ripe in understanding and virtue, for whom God appointed an early ’immortality. His lot on earth was sin gularly happy ; for I have never known a minister more deeply fixed in the hcurls‘ of his people. But this condition had its perils. With a paternal concern for his character God sent adversity, and con ducted him to the end of his being by a rougher but surer way, a way trodden and consecrated by the steps of the best men before him. He was smitten by sudden sickness ; but even here the hand of God was gentle upon him. His sick !ncss, whilst it wasted the body, had no power over the spirit. His understand |ing retained its vigour ; and his heart, las I often observed, gained new sensibil !ity. His sufferings, by calling forth an almost unprecedented kindness in in his pe le, furnished him with new and con people, furnish stant occasions of pious gratitude, and perhaps he was never so thankful to the Author of his being, as during his sick ness. I He was indeed removed at length from the kind offices of his fricnds.—l But this event was fitted, and, may I not say, designed, to strengthen his connex ion with God, and to prepare him for the approaching dissolution of all earthly ties. I now see himtossed on the ocean ; )but his heart is fixed on the rock of ages. He is borne to another hemis phore, it vvery whoro ho ocen the fout steps and feels the presence of God.— New constellations roll over his head, but they guide his mind to the same Heaven, which was his hope at home. I see him at the extremity of Africa, adoring God in the new creation which spreads around him, and thanking him with emotion for the new strength, which that mild atmosphere communicated. 1 see him too in the trying scene which ;followed, when he withered and shrunk Llike a frail plant under the equinoctial sun, still building piety on suffering, and igrowing in submission, as hope declined. ‘He does not indeed look without an oc- Icuional sinking of the heart, without some shudderings of nature, to a foreign Imil as his appointed grave. But he re 'members, that from every region there is a path to immortality, and that the lspirit, which religion has refined, where ever freed from the body, will find its na- Itive country. He does not indeed think without emotion of home,—a thought, how trying to a sick and dying man, in a land of strangers ! But God, whom he “ LIBERTY and UNION, NOW AND I’ORE\", ONE AND INSEPARABLE !”—wEBSTER. NEWPORT, R. I. WEDNESDAY MORNING, APRIL 14, 1830. ]adorcs as every where present, seems to, ‘him a bond of union to distant friends, rand he finds relief in comniitting them to| ‘his care and mercy. At length I see “him expire ; but not until suffering has' done its work ef discipline and purifica.-:| tion, His end is tranquil, like his owni 'mild spirit ; and I follow him—not to the tomb, for that lifeless body is not he—! ‘but to the society of the just made per—’ ’fcct. His pains are now past. He has’ found a better home, than this place of his nativity and earthly residence. \Vith-; :out the tossings of another voyge, he 'has entered a secure haven. The fever ‘no longer burns in his veins—the hollowl‘ and deep voice no longer sends forth omi nous sounds, Disease and death, hav-| ing accomplished their purpose, have‘l lost their power, and he remembers, with| gratitude, the kind severity with which| ‘thcy conducted him to a nobler life,than |thnt which they took away. Such is lthe aspect which this dispensation nowi wears ;—how different from that which it first presented to sense and imagina-” !tion ! II Ed. Her. Let me pay a short tribute to his mem-| ory. It is aduty, which I perform with’ a melancholy pleasure. His character| | was one, which it is soothing to rcmcm-f ber. It comes over the mind, like the :tranquillizing breath of spring. It asks! ‘no embellishment. It would be injured iby a strained and laboured eulogy. | . The character of our friend was dis ;tinguishcd by blandness, mildness, equa-! ‘bleness and harmony. All the elements, ‘were tempered in him kindly and hnppily.lj IHe had nothing of asperity. He pass ‘ed through the storms, tumults and col lisions of human life, with a benignity ‘akin to that which marked our’ perfect !guide and example. Thismildandbland jtemper spread itself over the whole man. 'His manners, his understanding, his pie ty, all received a hue from it, just as al‘ 'soft atmosphere communicates its own ‘tender and tranquil character to every ‘object and scene viewed through it. l With this peculiar mildness he united firmness. His purposes, whilst maintain ed without violence, were never surren ‘dered but to conviction. Ilis opinions, Ithuugh defended with singular candour, ‘he would have sealed with his blood, ‘He possessed the only true dignity, that iwhich results from proposing habitually ‘a lofty standard of feeling and action; ‘and accordingly the love, which he call ‘ed forth, was always tempered with re ‘svect. He was one of the last men to be ‘approached with a rude familiarity. . His piety was a deep sentiment, It ‘had struck through and entwined itself ‘with his whole soul. In the freedom of !convcrsation I have seen how intimately (God was present to him. But his piety 'partook of the general temperament of his mind. It was warm, but not heat "ed; earnest, but tranquil ; a habit, not :un impulse ; the air which he breath ‘ed, not a tempestuous wind, giving occa 'sional vioience to his emotions. A con ‘stant dew seemed to distil on him from ‘heaven, giving freshness to his devout 'sensibilities ; but it was a gentle influ icncc, secn not in its falling, but in its fMults, 11s plely appearca cmeny in ‘gratitude and submission, sentiments pe ‘culiarly suited to such a mind as his.— ‘He felt strongly, that God had crowned ihis life with peculiar goodness,and yet, {when his blessings were withdrawn, his ‘acquiescence was as decp and sincere ‘as his thankfulness. His devotional ex- Icrci:ses! in public were particularly strik-| ling. He came to the mercy seat, ns’ :one, who was not a stranger there. He ’secmed to inherit from his venerable fu-l ',ther the gift of prayer. His acts of adora (tion discovered a mind penetrated by the| llmajcsty and purity of God ; but his suln-i 'lime conceptions of these uttributes were| lalways tempered and softencd by a senset ‘of the divine benignity. i His understanding was of a high or ‘der ; active, vigorous and patient ; cap lable of exerting itself with success on ev-; !ery subject ; collecting materials and il-i‘ Nustrations from every scene ; and stored with a rich and various knowledge,whiclw few have accumulated at so early an ngc.j His understanding, however, was in har- Imony with his whole character. It wns‘| not so much distinguished by boldness, rapidity and ardor, as by composed cn-’ ergy, judiciousness, and cxpansivcuoss.l You have an emblem of it in the full, transparent and equable stream, spread-. ing around it fruitfulness and delight.— His views were often original and often’ profound, but were especially marked by | justness, clearness and * compass of | If&ought. I have never known a man," 80 young, of riper judgment,of more de liberate investigation, and of more com prehensive views of all the bearings and connexions of a subject, on which he was called to decid:, He was singularly free from the error ito which young prcach-i ers most readily fall, of overstating ar-| guments,and exaggerating and straining the particular topics which they wish to enforce. Butin avoiding cxtrnvngance,l he did not fall into tameness. Thcrc: was a force and freshness in his concep tions ; and even when he communicutcd‘ the thoughts of others, he first grafted, ‘them on his own mind, so that they Imd; lthe raciness of a native growth. His lopinions were the results of much mental' !action, of many comparisons, of large' and liberal thinking, of looking at a sub-l ject on every side ; and they were ex-| pressed with those limitations, which long experience suggests to others. e read with pleasure the bold and brilliant spcc-: ulations of more adventurous minds ; but he reserved his belief for evidence, fort truth ; and if the most valuable gift of the understanding be an enlarged, «li:x-Il criminating, judgment, then his was a most highly gifted mind. ‘ From a mind so balanced, and a taste so refined, we could hardly expect tllutl fervid eloquence, which electrifies an assembly, and makes the speaker for a moment an absolute sovereign over the gouls of moen, Ilis influence, like that of the great powers in the natural world, was mild and noiscless, but penetrating and enduring. That oratory, which overwhelms and bears us away like a torrent, almost always partakes of cxag-{ geration and extravagance, and was therefore incompatible with the distin guishing properties of his mind. His im agination was fruitful and creative ; but, in accordance with his whole character, it derived its illustrations more frequent ly from regions of beauty than of grand eur, and it imparted a colouring, at once Irich and soft, and a peculiar grace to ev ery subject susceptible of ornament.— His command over language was great. ‘llis style was various, vigorous, unbor 'rowed ; abounding in felicities of expres- I:-'inn, and singularly free from that trite !ucss and that monotonous structurc,! | which the habit of rapid composition onl ll'amilinr subjects almost ‘torces on llml Iprcachcr, and which so often cm-rvutvi the most powerful and heart-stirring rtrnths. His character as a preacher| needs no other testimony than the im-| Iprcssiun left on his constant and most enlightened hearers, To his people, Iwho could best judge of his inteilectual ; resources, and of his devotion to his work,l his public services were more and morc‘ 'intcrusting. They tell usof the ufilncncc; of his thoughts, of the beauty of his im-i agery, o 1 e tenderness and earnestness of his persuasion, of the union o('_judg-I ment and sensibility in his discuurses,l and of the wisdom with which he display-I ed at the same moment the sublimity and practicableness of Christian virtue,— They tell us, that the early ripeness ofj his mind did not check its growth ; but; that every year enlarged his treasures and powers. Their tears and counto-l nances tell us, more movingly than words, their deep sorrow, now that they shall hear his voice no more, | ' Of his social character I need not; speak to you. No one, who ever met Ihim in a friendly circle,can easily forget the attraction of his manners and conver sation, He carried into socicty a checr-, fulness, and sunshine of the soul, derived partly from constitution, and partly from| his bright, confiding views of religion ;I a delicacy, which instinctively shrunk’ from wounding the feelings of the lmm—i blest human being ; a disposition to oym pathise with every innocent enjoyment ; and the power of communicating wilhl ecase and interest the riches of his mind.i THE TIMES. Without effort, he won the hearts of men to a singular degree. Never was man more universally beloved. Even in sickness and in foreign lands, he contin ued to attract friends ; and it is our con solation to know, that he drew from stran gers much of that kindness which blessed him at home. I In his sickness I was parti(-ularlyl struck with his submission to God, and his affection for his people. His sub mission seemed entire. There was no alloy of impatience or distrust. His sickness was a severe trial ; for his heart was bound up in his profession, and if in any thing his ambition was excessive, itl was in his desire to enrich his mind by la borious study. He felt deeply his priva tion, and he looked forward to an early ideath as a probable event. But he bow ed to Providence without a murmur. He spoke only of the divine goodness, “I am in God’s hand, and his will be done,”” were familiar sentiments, not ut tered with common place and mechanic al formality, but issuing, as his tones and countenance discovered, from the very depths of his heart. A firmer and calmer submission could hardly have been formed by a long life of suffering. His feelings toward his people seem ed at times too strong for the self-posses sion and calmness by which he was char acterised. Their kindness overpower ed him. The only tears, which I saw start from his eyes, flowed from this source. In my last interview with him, a day or two before his voyage, I said to him, “I trust that you will return, but I fear you cannot safely continue your pastoral relation. We have, however, another employment for you, in which youmay be useful and happy.” He an swered, “if I get strength I shall use it fur any people, T wm willlng 10 haz ard my life for their sakes. 1 would preach to them, although the effoit should shorten my days.” He added—*Should I forsake my people after the kindness I have reccived; the cause of religion and of the ministry might suffer ; and to this cause I ought and am willing to make any sacrifices.” Such isa brief'sketch of our lamented friend. He was one ofthe most blameless men, of the most devot ed ministers, and of the fairest examples of the distinguishing virtues of Christian iy. ILITERARY. SCOTT'S REMINISCENCES OF LORD BYRON. I It was in the course of this spring [lBls] that Lord Byron and Sir \'\Jalter Scott became, for the first time, personal ly acquainted with each other. I{’fr Mur ray,having been previously on a visittothe latter gentleman,hadbeen intrusted by him with a superb Turkish dagger, as a pres ent to Lord Byron ; and the noble poet, on their meeting this year in London— the only time when these two great men had ever an opportunity of enjoying cach other’s society,—presented to Sir Walter in return, a vase containing some human bones that had been dug up from under a part of the old walls of Athens, The reader, however, will be much better pleased to have these partic ulars in the words of Sir Walter Scott himself, who, with that good nature which vomdow lhine 1o €5B 4MIADIE than admira ble, has found time, in the midst of all ’his marvellous labours for the world, to favour me with the following interesting ‘communication, I [Moere’s Life of Lord Byron “My first acquaintance with Byron began in a manner rather doubtful. I was so far from having any thing to do with the offensive criticism in the Edin burgh, that I remember remonstrating against it with our friend, the editor, be cause 1 thought the “Hours of Idleness” treated with undue severity. They were written like all juvenile poetry, rather from the recollection of what had pleas ed the author in others than what had been suggested by his own imagination ; but, nevertheless I thought they contain ed some passages of noble promise. 1 was so much impressed with this that I had thoughts of writing to the author ; but some exaggerated reports concerning his peculiarities, and a natural unwilling ness to intrude an opinion which was un called for, induced me to relinquish the idea, 1 was very much struck, with all the world, at the vigour and force of imagina- tion displayed in the first Cantos of Childe Iflarold and the other splendid produc tions which Lord Byron flung from him ‘to the public with a promptitude that sa \voured of profusion. My own popular ity, as a poet was then on the wane, and 1 was unaffectedly pleased to see an lauthor of so much power and energy ta ‘king the field. Mr. John Murray hap 'lpened to be in Scotland that season, and 'as I mentioned to him the pleasure I 'should have in making Loed Byron’s ac ’quaintance, he had the kindness to men (tion my wish to his lordship, which led ‘to some correspondence. ! It was in the spring of 1815, that, ‘chancing to be in London, I had the ad |vantage of a personal introduction to il,ord Byron. Report had prepared me 'to meet a man of peculiar habits and a Iquick temper, and I had some doubts Iwhcther we should be likely to suit each |other in society. 1 was most agreeably édisappointed in this respect. I found ;Lord Byron in the highest degree cour teous, and even kind. We met for an hour or two almost daily in Mr. Murray’s Idrawing room, and found a great deal to say to each other. We also met fre quently in parties and evening society, so that for two months I had the advan tage of considerable intimacy with that l‘distinguished individual. Oursentiments ‘agreed a good deal, except upon the sub | jects of religion and politics, upon neither ;of which I was inclined to believe that Lord Byron entertained very fixed opin ions. I’remember saying to him, that I really thought, that if he lived a few 'years he would alter his sentiments.— iHe answered rather sharply, “I suppose 'you are one of those who prophesy I will ‘turn Methodist.” 1 replied, “No—ll !don’t expect your conversion tobe of such lau ordivary kiud, I would rather look 'to see you retreat upon the Catholic faith, ,and distinguish yourself by the austerity jof your penances. The species of re 'ligion to which you must, or may, one I'dny attach yourself must excite a strong ‘power on the imaginatior.” He smiled | gravely, and seemed to allow I might be right. : ] On politics, he used sometimes to ex press a high strain of what is now called iLibemlism ; but it appeared to me lthat the pleasure it afforded to him as a vehicle of displaying his wit and satire against individuals in office was at the bottom of this habit of thinking, rather ‘than any real conviction of the political principles on which he talked. He was Iccrtuinly proud of his rank and ancient family, and, in that respect was as much of an aristocrat as was consistent with good sense and good breeding. Some disgusts, how adoptedl know not,seemed to give this peculiar and it appeared to me, contradictory cast of mind ; but, at heart 1 would have termed Byron a pa- trician on principle. ‘ “Lord Byron’s reading did not seem to me to have been very extensive either lin poetry or history. Having the ad ;vuntuge of him in that respect, and pos sessing a good competent share of such ‘,rcuding as is little read, I was sometimes 'able to put under his eye objects which 'nad tor him the interest of novelty. I remember particularly repeating to him the fine poem of Hardyknute, an imita 'tion of the old Scottish Ballad, with lwhich he was so much affected, that ’somc one who was in the same apart imcnt asked me what I could possibly ‘have been telling Byron by which he 'was so much agitated. 1 saw Byron for the last time, in 1815, after I returned from France, He dined, or lunchefl, with me at Long’s in Bond street. I never saw him so full of gayety iand good humor, to which the presence \of Matthews, the comedian, added not a little. Poor Terry was also present. After one of the gayest parties I ever was present at, my fellow traveller, Mr. Scott of Gala, and I, set off for Scotland, and I, never saw Lord Byron again.— Several letters passed between us—one Iperhapo every half year. Like the oM heroes in Homer, we exchanged gifts ; I gave Lord Byron a beautiful dagger }mounted with gold, which had been the property of the redoubted Elfi Bey.— But | was to play the part of Diomed, in the Iliad ; tor Byron sent me. an™e NO. 2.