HERALD OF VOL. 1. PUBLISHED WEEKLY, JAMES ATKINSON, PUBLISHER AND PROPRIETOR. Orrice, corner of Thames-street and Sher man’s wharf, a few doors south of the Biick Market jr_j>Entrance first door down the wharf. Price two dollars per annum, if the whole is paid in advance—two dollars 12§ ets if paid in six months, or two dollars 25 ets. if pul{, at the expiration of the year, ADVERTISEMENTS Inserted at the customary prices. AGENTS, Mr, George A. Potter, Providence, Dr. Lemuel W, Briges, Bristol, Dr. Thos. P. Moore, Warren, Capt. George Lawton, Tiverton, Myr. Thomas Cook, New Bedford. Mr. J. Southwick, Fall River. Ja u/dcl%lm'na Zo tr{; %/u ¢ Are respectfully solicited. NEW ]O"N F. TOWNSEND, has just receiv ©F ed from New York of the latest importations, a supply of NEW and FASHIONABLE G OOODS, among which are : Elegant Foulard Calicoes—French red Calico, very fashionable in New York for children—A large assortment of Merino Shawls, borders work ed with worsted—Thibet Casshmere and other shawls much wanted at this time—Black Bobbi net Lace Veils, cheap—White & Black Bobbinet Luces—Bobbinet Footing, a great assortment— Irish Linens, much cheaper than usual—Cotton hosiery, silk do. good and cheap—Mourning Ging hams, (fast colours,)—do Calicoes—>s-4 blk ltul-‘ lian Crape for veils—Good blk Italian Lustring —Ladies horse-skin gloves some of a superior quality—Black and white Sattin Jean—thin Jack ounet—figured do. and Swiss Muslins—superior yellow Nankins—elegant Swiss Capes—a great assortment of Batistes—German & nglish Birds eye diaper—wide English damask. Also—ele gant belt Ribbons—Clark’s spool cotton—wad ding—worsted braids—fancy hdkfs of all kinds— linen cambric hdkfs—a great variety of shawls, &c for children—one piece superior steel mixed CA%- SIMERE—one piece superb blue BRoApcrLoTH The above, with a variety of other Goods not mentioned, will be sold as cheap as can be pur chased in Newport. - Ap 14. A. MUNRO, { South Wing R. I. Union Bank Building, HAS FOR SALE—WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Imperial— Young Hyson— Hyson Skin— Souchong— Gunpowder— Pouchong—and Hyson— Tonkay— TEAS. LIQUORS,«=Cognac, Holland, Jamaica, St. Croix, Orange, Cinnamon, Parfaite amour, Win tergreen, Tansy, Noyeau, (red and white,) Double distilled CORDIALS. Madeira, Sherry, Sicily, Lisbon, Teneriffe, Mala ga Sherry, Dry Malaga, Sweet Malaga, Marseil les, Port, Calabrian, Claret, (bottled & draught,) WINES. April 7, 1830. NEWMUSIC ; PRINTS ; SCHOOL AND JUVENILE BOOKS COMMON & SUPERX& For sale by WILLIAM CALLAHAN, ALL NEW WORKS FOR CIRCULATION & SALE, At New-York prices, 110 Thames Street, Newport. COTTON YARNS. BIJ".A(‘"F,I), unbleached, wnd blue yarns of all numbers from 7 to 20, ALSO, Two or three threaded, white and mixt knitting Cottons for sale by | . Sessions. Ap. 14, BUTTER, AT Celler No. 1, Church Street, may be found real Sweet Burrer, for families use. Mr. Sweet invites his old customers and the Publie to fie him a call and he thinks he can suit them to their tastes. April 7, H ENRY Y. CRANSTON, JAttorney at Law, has removed his office to the House, directly opposite to and north of the Court House, where he may be found at all times his oflice being contignous to his residence. Here after his time will be devotod exclusively to his pro fossion. [Apnil 7, ARRANGEMENT FOR APRIL, 1830, : The BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, Capt. E. 8, Bunker, leaves Providemee, April 6, 10, 14, 19, 23, 29, at 3 p, m.—and New-York. April 5, 8,12, 16, 21, 27, at 4 p. M. | The WASHINGTON, Captain ComsTock, leaves Providence, April 2,7, 13, 17, 22, 26, 305 at 3 . Mm.—and New-York: April 5,9, 15, 20, 24, 28, at 4 p. M. ; | ) The PRESIDEN'T, Captain R. 8, BUNK&:R,' leaves Providence April 3,8, 12, 16, 21, 27, at 4 p. Mm.—and New-York April 6, 10, 14, 19, 23, 29, at 4 p, ™. % The CHANCELLOR LIVINGSTON, Capt.| C. CoGGESHALL, leaves Providence Ap,il 5, 9, 15, 20, 24, 28, at 3 r. m.—and New-York April 2,7, 13, 17, 22, 26, 30, at 4 p. M. April 7, 1830, l NOTICE. NOTICE. PARTNERSIHIP DISSOLVED., THE co-partnership in business heretofore ex isting under the firm of ‘ BENJAMIN MARSH JR. & CO, was this day dissolved by mutual consent, all per sons having demands against said firm are request ed to present them for settlement, and all those in debted are requested to call on Benj. Marsh jr. and pay the same without delay. B. MARSH, Jr. PARDON WHITE. Newport, April 1, 1830, REMOVAL.. \BENJAmN MARSH Jr. has just re moved to the store, No. 126, Thames Street, recently occupied by Mr. Gefiroy, where he intends to keep constautly on hand, a good as sortinent of | OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. l Among which are :—Ladies’ Kid and Lasting iShoes, made in the first style by a New York ‘workman ; men’s fine calf skin Boots and Shoes, warganted good ; Misses and Children’s Morocco and Leather do. of every kind. N. B. Ani\]' kind of the zbove articles made to measures at the shortest notice, and as low as at any other store in town, of equal quality. Those who want the above articles, will do well to call and see for themselves, April 7, 1830, Itf. BMy friends will please to take notice, if they do not wish to be led away.£§ PARDON WHITE, STILL continues to furnish the store No. 95 ‘ Corner of Market Square, formerly kept by Benjamin Marsh jr. with all kinds of ‘made by first rate workmen, and of the best ma terinls—of almost every variety ol patterns and description, that can be ealled for, at most redu ced prices. jr_j~Ladies boots and shoes of every description made to order in the most fashionable style. April 14 WM., L. MELVILL, TIN PLATE WORKER, No. 162, Thames-Street, C()N'I'INUI’,S to earry on the above husiness, / a 8 usual, and keeps constantly on hand, a general assortment of T~y Wanrre, and other ar ticles in his line, to suit the market, and positively will sell them as low as can be purchased in this State, not excepting of ped'ars § those who wish to encourage their own townsmen, will do well to call and satisty themselves of the truth of this as sertion., He has for sale, Soap Stone Furnaces, cheap er by the dozen or single, than ean be purchased in the state, also, Ovens for baking over F.q'nlcen. or before the fire. All articles for sale, cheap for cash. April 7, WM.J. TILLEY, l' AN jnst opened a large assortment of CAL ICOES, in remnants to be sold cheap. Aprgl 14, | “LIBERTY and UNION, NOW AND FOREVER, ONE AND INSEPARABLE {”—wEBSTER. NEWPORT, R. I. WEDNESDAY MORNING, APRIL 21, 1830. A GREATER variety of Dry Goons, and LW cheaper than ever offered in this town ! In addition to our fresh stock opened THis DAY, more of those fine Linen hdkfs, at 25 cts, and 2s. 3d—NMore white and red Merino Shawls—More very cheap Lecrorns—DMore Navarino hats at 62 cents=—so pieces more handsome Cavnicors at 124 cts, yd—A rich lot of (ull colors) merino gauze hdkfs. at 50 cents, Broadeloths—Cassimeres—Vestings—Silk Um brellas—-Italian Silks—Nuankin Crapes—-Linens —Thread Laces—Sewing Silk—Black Lastings ~—Russia Diapers, and Carpetings. Likewise—" The very best quality of Bep Tick iNG at 25 ets per yard. and a lurge assortment of ‘COTTON Goops, Py Store open evenings until 9 o'clock. Our best endeavors have been to “please the eye and suit the fanry,” and it will cost the public nothing to call and see how fur our exertions have proved successful. April 7. | ASSORTED SEEDS FOR FAMILIES, ‘ For sale at the Seed Store connected with the New England Farmer, 52, North Market- Street, Boston, Small boxes of assorted seeds for Kitcken Gar dens. Fach box contuins a package of the fol lowing seeds :—FEarly Washington pews ; dwarf blue imperial peas ; late marrowfat peas ; early Mohawk dwarf string beans ;5 early dwarf white case knife beans ; lina or saba pole leans ; long blood beet (true sort) early turnip moted beet ; early York cabbage ; cape savoy de. red Dutch for (pickling,) early cauliflower ; eorly horn car rot (very fine ;) long orange carrot ; white solid celery 5 curled cress or pepper griss ; early cu cumber, long (frce'n "Turkey do. long Dutch pars nip ; large head lettice : early Siesia do. pine ap ple melon, (very fine,) watermelon ; large white Portugal onion 3 large red do. double curled pars ley 5 flat squash pepper ; early scarlet short top radish ; white turnip radish ; salsify, or oyster| plant 5 early bush squash ; winter crook neck }squush ; early white Dutch turaip ; yellow stone turnip. | Sweet marjorum, sage, summer savory. The above list, it will be seen, comprises all the best common vegetables, besides several new va-, rieties of uncommon excellence. Every kind is warranted of the first quality as to freshness and purity. Each box contains directions for the man agement of the different sorts. Price $ 3 per box. DETERMINATIONS OF W.J. TILLEY. NEW SERILS. First—To sell, if possible, at a cheaper rate than ever before. Second—'To redouble his endeavors to satisfy all to whom he has the pleasure of selling. Third—To keep the best assortment of the ni cest goods. Fourth and final—To pay particular and equal attention to all. A general assortment of GOODS just opened. April 7. WILLIAM MOORE, HAS taken the store recently occupied by Charles T. Hazard, 260 'Thames Street, and will continue to carry on the Tailoring Bus iness, in all its different branches. In addition to his occupation, he will be happy to serve his friends with any articles they may want in the Grocery line, having a general supply of Groceries, for sale, connected with his establishment, and which are of the best quality. Newport, April 7, 1830, Itf. LEGHORNS. NATH'L SWEET, £ 112, Cheap Side, Thames-Street, Newport. "AS Jjust received fromm New York Auctions, M B a Trunk of LEGrorN BorLivar HaTs, ‘which have been examined by a number of good judges and dealers in that article, and they say they never saw any thing like it before in all their dealing in the article, therefore great bargains may be expected. Ladies will please to call before they buy. ) April 7, - 1-3. 'A MES MUMPFORD, AV 199 Thames ®F Street, has for sale, blue, green and mixed Broadeloths; blue and mixed Cassimeres; Satinetts; fashionable Calicoes, very cheaps London black and white mourning Ginghams; black stout l"lor-! ence Nilk; black Gross de Nap'es; Circassaiansg English Ginghams; Ladies white and cotton Hose, very cheap; silk and cotton flag Hd' fi.s Bobbinet | Lace; white and black stont Fnglish Ladies .Sallxi Gloves; Swiss & Scotch musling furniture (‘hmtz;l coloured striped Jean; hrown Bateste; American, Kid Gloves; black silk vestings; Men’s mixt ('nt-% ton Hose; great assortment bleached and unbleach-| ed Cottons, very cheap; Bedtickings; stout twilled Stripe, for men’s wear; home Ginghums, April 7. Itf. C OMMISSIONER’S NOTICE ;eeaThe subscribers having been appointed Connnis sioners to receive and examine the claims against the estate of late of Newport, carpeuter, dec. represented in solvent, hereby give notiee that six months from March Ist, will be allowed the ereditors to bring in and prove their re