- SPEECH OF MR, ROBBINS, | _OF RHODE ISLAND, | In the Senate of the United States, A pril 21, 1830, on the bill to provide for an exchange of lands with the Indians re siding in any of the Stutes or Territories, and for their vemoval west of the River Mississippi. Mr. President: The whole argument in favor of this bill turns upon the ques tion, whether the Indian nations within our territorial boundaries are comémtent to make treaties with the United States. For it makes no difference whether the Indian nation be within the chartered limits of a State, or out of those limits if within the limits of the United States. For if being within a State renders the Indian nation incompetent to make a treaty, the being within the United States makes them equally incompetent, the reason being the same in both cases —namely, the being within the jurisdic tion of another power; and therefore, as the argument is, subject to that jurisdic tion. 1f these Indian nations are competent to make treaties, then the proposed law is unnecessary; as its object may be ef fected by treaty; and this law is not ne cessary to aid the Executive in making this treaty. And if these Indian nations are competeot to make treaties, than this Proposefiaw is not only unnecessrry, but it is unconstitutional; for it is to make a treaty by the legislature; which can only be made by the executive and Senate. The turning queston, of this whole de date, 1 repeat is, whether the Indian na tions within our territorial boundaries are competent to make treaties. Before I proceed todiscussthis question, 1 have toremark that itis matter of surprise that this question, should now be made,l when it is now made for the first time.— From the time of the discovery of this new world by the old,down to this time,now more than three hundred years, the com petency of an Indian nation, situated within the jurisdiction of another power, has never been made a question before: No jurist, no writer upon public law, has ever made it a question. But, through all that long tract of time, treaties upon treaties,and almost without number, have been made with them, without a doubt, in a single instance of their competency to make them. This is not denied on the other side; indeed it is admitted that the doctrine and the practice of all past time, for century upon century, has been, to consider these nations, thus situated, as competent to make treaties. But all this is treated as if the whole world, from the beginning down to this time, had been be nighted upon this subject; as if they had ignorantly supposed and believed that the igndian nations, thus situated, were com petent to make treaties, when intruth they ‘ were not competent to make treaties: That Great Britain had been in this de plorable state of ignorance, with all her statesmen; that our governments, both state and national, had been in this de plorable state of ignorance, with all their statesmen; that the jurists or writers upon public Jaw, of all the world, had all been in this deplorable state of ignorance. 1 say so treated; for I do not perceive that this new opinion is advanced with any less confidence, or with any more diffi dence, on account of that mass of author ity and usage against it. I have further to remark, that if indeed it be so, that these Indian nations, thus situated, are not, and have not been, competent to make treaties, then all the trcaties made with them are nullities. 1f so, the con sequences of that consequence would be enough, I should think, to make gentle men- pause a little, and even fear the success of their own argument; for the consequences would be such that the whole body of the rights acquired by In dian treaties, or held under them, or de rived from them, would be torn from their foundations and the resulting evils would be incalculably great. I have said that in that case these treaties would be nul lities, & who can doubt it? The President & Senate have the power to make treaties but a treaty made with a party not com petent to make it, is not a treaty; it is a compact as distinguishable from a treaty and the President and Senate are not competent to make a compact which is not a treaty; so that every such treaty is void as a treaty: because the Indian na tion was not competent to make it; and it is void as a compact, because the Pres ident and Senate are not competent to make it. If this be so, my honorable friend from Tennessee need not disquiet himself upon the subject of his contradic tory obligations: for upon this doctrine, these treaties have created no obligations upon the United States. Again; I have to remark that if these Indian nations, thus situated, are not competent to make treaties, no more treaties can be made with them; that the treaties which have bcen made, and not ratified, if any such there be, must be re jected ; treaties which have been pro- Jected, for the purchase and extinguish ment of Indian titles, as that in In dians for instance, must be abandoned:| We are to get no more lands from them| by treaty; if you are to get them at all, you are to get them by compact, and this compact to be made, not by the Ex ecutive and Senate, but by the Legisla tue. And, pray, how is the Legislature to make such a compact? It would not be possible, I think, to overcome the difficulties to this mode of acquiring In dian Jands. And then, in case of future wars with those Indian nations, how are they ev er to be terminated?’ and how are the relations of peace ever to be restored, without the intervention of treaties? I E;NI] ome then wish to sce estab- lished a doctrine fraught with these, and it may with other equally deplorable con sequences’ 1 should hope not. %ut if we must prove, what has never‘ before been denied—what has always! been admitted—admitted in theory, andl in practice admitted—namely, that the Indian nations within our territorial boun daries are competent to make treaties— Ellow is that compeusn?' to be made out? I agree that an Indian nation, to be Icompetcm to make a treaty, must be a sovercignty ; for that treaties, properly so called, can only be mwade by sove reigns with sovereigns; but for this pur pose it is not material whether the sove reignty be dependent or independent; sovereingty is all that is necessary to this competency. The honorable gentleman from Alabama (Mr. M’Kinley) said the sovercigns must be equal; but he will find no authority for that opinion, if by equal, he meant any thing more than that both must be sovereign. A depend ent sovereignty is still a sovereignty, and comscu-nt to make a treaty, I under stood this to be admitted by the hon orable gentleman from Georgia, in the outset of his argument; though I could not reconcile the subsequent part of his urlfilmcnt with this admission, ow what is sovereignty? It is to be sut juris;—that is, to be subject, within | itself, to no law but the law of its own‘ making; externally it may be subject to| lanother jurisdiction, and then it is a de- Ipendent sovereignty—to what degree de |pendent, will depend upon the treaty or treaties by which it is made dependent, if so made by treaty. Now th& is the condition of every Indian nation in our country, sui juris, and therefore sover eigns; but subject externally to another jurisdiction, and therefore a dependent sovereign. This has always been their condition since they ceased to be inde pendent sovereignties. Since they ceased to be independent sovereignties, there never has been a time when this was not their condition. When, or where, I would ask, has any Indian nation been subject within itself’ to the law of another jurisdiction ? I know of none ; 1 have heard of none. If there be one, that one would be an exception from the rest, but would not effect the right of the rest: that one may have relinquished its right to be sui juris; and then it would not be r('%rded as an exception, ow the fact of being sui juris, and al ways of having been so, constitutes the right to be so. I would be glad to know if any nation has, or ever had, a better title to be juri sui juris than the fact of be ing so, and of always having been so, than a present Y\ossession, I':,:)rtified by a prescription that knows no begin ning; that runs back as far as memory or tradition goes, and beyond to whcre; it is lost in that oblivion in which un known times and their memorials are all buried and lost? And such is the title of every Indian nation now in fact sui ju ris, to be, and remain sui juris. Thcre‘ never was, there never can be, any bet ter title to the right of being sui juris.— To the validity of such a title, its ac knowledgement by other sovereignties is not necessary ; but if it were, there never has been a time in which it was not acknowledged by other sovereign ties, or “vas denied by any other; but it is not necessary, for a right in present possession, fortified and sanctified by such a prescription as this is, stands on higher grnumr, much higher, than any acknowledgement by other sovereign tics could place it. Unquestionably then these nations are sui juris, of right sui juris; therefore sovereign, therefore l)co‘mpctept to make treaties, A multitude of matters have been urgedl upon our consideration on the other side, not to disprove the fact of the Indian na tions being at this moment sui juris, nor the fact that they always have been sui Jjuris; for these can neither be disproved nor denied; but to prove that though they are sut juris de facto, that they are not' sui juris de jure; not being aware, as it' appears to me, that the fact constitutes the right. It is said, for instance, that the crown of Great Britain claimed a right to this country by the right of discovery ; that what was the right of the crown, is now our right, and t%xerefore that the Indian nations are not sui juris de jure. Now what was the right as claimed by discovery? (I make no question of that right, for the time has gone by for mak \ing that question, except as a moralist or historian. Whatever was the defect of lthat right originally time now has suppli ed that defect, as far as defect of right can be supzlied by lapse of time.) fiut what was that right as claimed by dis covery? It was this: a right to the do main of the country, subject to the right of oceupancy by the Indian nations; and that occ(:rancy to be without restriction as to mode, and without limitation as to time; with the right of alienation of their possessory title, restricted to the proprie tor of the domain. This was the claim ‘ofthe British crown as founded on dis covery: it was so defined and settled in the case referred to by the honorable entleman from Alabama, (Mr. M’Kin- Fey) the case of Johnson and M’lntosh. It was so settled by the court, in that case, because it had been so settled by what had become the customary law of nations. But did the King of Great Britain claim s:'or that is the important question,) did he claim these Indian na tions as his subjects over whom or for IVhom, he dad a rifht to lefiialate, for their internal regulation > No, never; never was a claim of that kind advanced; never heard of ; never thought of ; that claim left them as it found them, subject within themselves only to their own juris-' diction, HERALD OF THE TIMES,. | Besides this notorious fact, the right| of pre-emption, claimed by discovery, is decisive to prove that the right of juris-| (diction was not claimed. llf the crown| 'claimed these Indian nations as his sub jects, why claim a pre-emptive right to [ their tities? Did any king elaim a pre-| I‘emptive right to the land titles of his own !Isubjec!s? Never. If discovery thenis, I'a good authority for what it claims, it is good for what it disclaims : it disclaims | the right of jurisdiction over and for the' Indian nations, It therefore affirms and confirms this right in them, and guaran ties it to them. Is it possible t%mt the honorable gentleman from Mississippi can suppose that the case of Grenada is a case in point? That was the case of a conquest, and the conquest ceded by the 'treaty of peace to the conqueror, to be |holden as a part of his dominions, and' ‘lthe people as a part of his subjects; and Iboth have been so holden ever since. | It is said again, that a State has a right to exercise jurisdiction over Xcr-I sons within its territorial limits, and of course over the Indian nation within its limits; and, there fore, that such Indian| nation can have no right to exemption from that jurisdiction. If this State riflnti was admitted, it would not disprove e} Indian right; it would only rrove that the two rights were incompatible, and that if the State right is exerted and executed lagainst the %ndian right, that the Indian right must be annihilated. That the ln-I dian nation is placed within the limits of another jurisdiction, proves nothing a ’gninst the Indian right, for that must be the situation’of every Indian nation with-| in our territorial limits. It is so, and was to be so, by the very claim originally| made to the country, on which it was originally settled, and by which it is now] held. '{his country was in the posses-! sion of these Indian nations; the British claim to it as founded in discovery, was a claim to the domain of their country,| subject to their right of occupancy. They of course must be situated in that domain. That domain was parcelled out into colo nies now become States; the Indian na tions of course must fall within the limits of those States. So that by our very claim to their country, they were to be’ and to remain within our jurisdiction,and exempt from that jurisdiction, and sub- Ject only to their own. To strengthen this State claim against the Indian right, it is said that the State, within its territorial limits has all the' rights which the crown of Great Britain has within the same limits. But, as has been stated, the crown of Great Britain| made no such claim against the Indian right. Happy will it be for these na tions, if the claim of that erown is adopt ed by the States as the measure of their claim,and if they will content themselves therewith. | Still it is said that a sovereign inde pendent State has a right to jurisdictien over all its own popufation ; and that these States were sovereign and indepen dent when they adopted this constitution; and that they did not surrender this attri bute of sovereignty by that adoption.— Admitting all this, it is still to be proved‘ that an Indian nation within a State is a' Yart of the population of that State.— fow can this be setiously pretended ? The population of a State, is the popula tion which constitutes the community, which constitutes the State, which is protected by the laws and amenable to the laws of the State as that community. But an Indian nation within a State, is. not a part of that community, “is not pro tected by the laws, and amenable to the laws of the State as a part of that com-l munity, The population of the United States‘ is taken periodically, by regular census; it is now about to be taken for the fourth time; were the Indian nations within the U. States ever included in any cen sus, as a part of the population of the U. States? Never, as every one knows,— And why not, if all persons within the limits of a sovereign jurisdiction are ne cessarily the subjects of the jurisdiction, as a part of the population under that jurisdiction. I The States pay direct taxes to the Unitggd States, in proportion to their num bers; that is, to their population. But are the Indian nations within the States included in that population ? Never—they are exprculz'r- excluded by the constitution of the United States. Then, the States themselves, by adopt ing the constitution,” have defined whit constitutes their own population ; and have excluded from it these Indian na tions. ' Still it is insisted, and as a branch of | the same argument, that the constitution’ gives the Executive no authority to goI within a State and make a Treaty with a part of its population. This is true; but an Indian nation within a State, as we have just seen, is not a part of its population. The power to make Trea-‘ ties, as given by the constitution, is a general power, and may be exercised at the Executive discretion, with any na tion or people competent to make a trea ty; and it is not material where that na tion is situated or placed; if competent to make a treaty, our Executive is com petent to make it with them, Again it has been said that in several States in which is situated some tribe or remnant of some tribe of Indians, that these States have subjected those In dians to State legislation. Without stop ping to inquire how that fact is, and if a fact, whether it has been with the will or against the will of these Indians; it is enough to say, that if those States have undertaken that legislation over those Indians against their will ; and while they were a tribe and swi juris; and when up to that time, they had alwayn! been sui l)m-n, that fact, instead of prov-| ing a right in that legislation, Xroves al wrong by that Leqislature ; and instead of disproving the Indian right, it proves a violation of that right, I trustit is too late in the day, and so ‘enlightened as this is, to contend that a fact which is Ia wrong, is a precedent to justify a sim ilar wrong ; and that a violation of right lin one case, becomes a warrant for a violation of right in all similar cases. In the multitude of matters urged up on our consideration, to show that the Indian nations are not sui juris de jure, lthcse are all which appear to me to have the appearance of argument; for in the Irest, I confess I cannot see even that luppem'unco. It is said for instance, (and ‘l notice it as a sample of the rest—for it' would be endless to notice them all in| ldctuil,) that the Indian is an inveterate 'savage, and incapable of civilization.— 'Admitting this to be the fact, which I by I"" means do admit, what has it to do with the question, whether his nation is sui juris and competent to make a trea ty? Is the Indian rightless a right bc cause the Indian is a savage? or does our civilization give us a title to his right? A right which he inherits equally with us, from the gift of nature, and nature’s God. The Indian is a man and has all the rights of man. The same God who made us, made him, and endowed him with the same rights; for “of one blood hath he made all the men who dwell upon the earth.” And if we trample upon these rights; if we force him to surrender them; or extingnish them in his blood; the cry of that injustice will rise to the throne of that God and there, like the blood of Abcl, will testify against us. If we should be arraigned for the deed before his awful bar and should plead our boast ed civilization in its defence, it would, in his sight, but add deeper damnation to the deed, and merit but the more signal retribution of his eternal justice. As to the civilization of the Indian that is his own concern in the pursuit of his own hap piness; if the want of it is a misfortune; it is his misfortune ; it neither takes from his rights, nor adds to our own. As to his being an inveterate savage, and incapable of civilization, I do not believe it; in that respect, I believe he 18 like the rest of mankind.— The savage state is the natural state of man, and that state has charms to the savage, which none but the savage knows. Man no where, at no time, ever rose from the savage to the civilized man, but by the spur of an absolute necessity ; a necessity which controlled and could not be controlled; it was not until he could no longer live as a savage; or go where he could live as a savage, that fie would submit himself to that incessant labor and severe restraint, which lies at the foundation of all civilization ; and to which nothing but education and habit reconciles the nature even of civilized man. The wild and free nature of the savage, unaccustomed to involuntary and constant labor, and to the multiplied and severe restraipts of civilized society, re volts at the i:fea of that labor and those restraints; and his strong repugnance to| them can only be overcome, as I have| said, by the force of an overruling ne-| cessity, I have said this, not thatf dis lapprovc or would discourage attempts at their civilization; but to account for the only partial success, if it has been only partial, which has attended those at-| tempts; and at the same time to vindicate the Yndiun from the charge of incapacity for civilization; any further forth, than as it is applicable to all mankind, while, in a savage state, That very necessity exists, and is beginning to exert its civ ilizing tendency, where the tribes in tquestion now are ; but will no longer exist if they are removed as is contempla ted by this bill. Again, it is alleged against one of these nations, situated not in one, but in several of these States, that they have been guilty of an act which forfeits their right to live independently of State juris diction, and which requires that the for feiture should be immediately and rigor ously enforced. It is the act of tficir having changed the form of their govern-, ment for their own internal regulation,.— It seems that to better their condition, and with a view to their own civilization, | they have discarded that of the savage, nn({ adtxted the government of civilized man. And itis a government well de vised to improve that condition, & insure that civilization; a government that is in itself a monument of wisdom, that speaks volumes in favor of their capacity for civilization, and oftheir advances t{cre lin, for it has every essential feature of a free and well balanced government. It is evidently not a work of blind imita tion for while it has followed the best mod els, it hus followed them only so far as th(i{y were adapted to their circumstances; and it is original so far as their circum-| stances require it to be so—and where it| is original, it is no less admirable than' "whcre it is imitative. Attentive to those circumstances—so far from assuming any powers inconsistent with their external relations, ecither to the United States or to those States, that government recog nises and ratifies those relations exact‘fy as they exist, and confines itself entirclyl to provisions for their own internal police. l Sensible of their rude state, and with a view to their own civilization, it makes it the primary duty of the nation to provide' the means of education, and to promote the acquisition and diffusion ol'P knowl edge. Indeed, all its provisions show a/ wise survey of the present, and a provi dent forecast for the future. Now, this new government is not to be tolerated for a moment: State legislation must comel and abate it as a nuisance, and the na-| tion are to be"punished for this atrocious act, with the forfeiture, and forever, of every national right. They are not to be permitted even to resume the govern ment they had discarded; and to live again as savages: but they are at once & »forever to be subjected to the rule of another jurisdiction, never again to en- Ijo the right of self government; a right lwl)n'ich has came down to them from their ifuthcrs, and through an unknown series of generations, and {or an unknown se ries of ages. A right which they had used, but not abused; certainly not in the act which is made a pretext for its destruction, 111 fated Indians! barbarism, & attcmptsi at civilization, are alike fatal to your| rights; but attempts at civilization the more fatal of the two, T'he jealous of| their own rights are the contemners ofl lyours; rmlg and chivalrous States do| [not thinE it bencath them to take udvnn--I tage of your weakness. You have lands. which they want or rather which they de sire, for they do not want them; your! lrights stand in their way, and these proudi and chivalrous States do not think it be neath them to destroy your rights by thcir‘ legislation. Proud and chivalrous States do not think it beneath them to prefl-| ent to your feeble dnd helpless condition, this alternative—either to abandon your homes, the habitations you have built, the fields you have planted, and all the com forts you have gathered around you; the homes of your fathers and the sepulchers' of their dead; and go far into the depths of an unknown wilderness; there to abide the destir:{ which mn‘:’ there await you;or to surrender your rights,and submit your selves to their power, but to expect no participation in their rnights, l An alternative which has planted dis—l may and dispair in every heart that pal pitates in that nation; for they see their sit-l uation,andthat nothing is left them but re signation to their fate, Within them-‘ sclves they have no resource; without they have no hope. The guaranties of' treaties made with the Unite& States—the faith of a mighty nation pledged for their protection—which was their hope, is now their hope no more; like the morning cloud and the early dew, it has passed away; for the chief of that mighty nation has been appealed to, to make good that gurantee, but has been appeafed to in vain. He has told them that he will not ’make it good; & that they must submit to that alternative. But we are told they have deserved all this, because they have changed the form of their government. But has this changed their external rela tion with the United States? or with those States? Not in the least. Not in any one possible ret:rect. The new govern ent, like the old, is made for their own internal regulation, and for that object merely. Swt juris as they are and always have been, they had a right to make the law for their own intcrnnf regulation, ac cording to their own will, and to change it from time to time, according to that will. They have done this, and in doing this they have done no more than they iad a right to do. If they now are a govern ment within a government, at which such an outcry, is made as justifying their de struction, so they always have been; and more so now than they always have been. They have always been what the gentlemen calls an imperium in emperio— dependent & without the eternal prerog atives of sovereignty, but still an impe-| rium. But no matter—no matter how jus- ‘ tifiable,how properthat change of govern-| ment was; how strictly a mere exercise of right, they see and they feel that their doom is scaled: that the decree is gone forth, & will be executed. The cry ofthe ‘ miserable Indian will not arrest it; the sympathy of this nation in that cry will not arrest it; that sympathy is not credit-| ed or if credited is despised; and we are told here, and in a tone of defiance too, that no power shall arrestit. My fears are that no powér will arrest it; none certainly will if this bill pass, and without this amendment; or then the Ex ecutive will not arrest it. But if execu ted, and when executed, for one, I will say, that these Indians have been made :the victims of power exerted against right; the victims of violated faith, the| 'nution’s faith; the victims of violated jus tice; yes I call God to witness of his viola ted justice. : 21s+. CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION. The Senate did not sit Saturday May Ist.| ~ In the House a bill for the relief of Mrs. Decatur was rejected, 104 to 68. I In the Senate, on the 2d, some time Wwas spent upon Mr. Benton’s Land Grad uation Bill, which was afterwards laid on the table on his motion. The bill prescribing the mode of commencing, rosecuting and deciding controversies {:etween States, was then taken up, and Mr. Robbins, having concluded has ar gument in favor OF it, the Senate ad- Journed. I Inthe House, the bills which were the special orders of the day, were postpon ed, and the House, on motion of Mr. IMallary, went into committee of the ‘whole on the state of the Union. The Tariff regulation bill was then taken up, and Mr. Blair, of South Carolina, and Mr. Davis, of Massachusetts, each ad dressed the committee, ~ The Senate on Tuesday, resolved it self into a Court of Impeachment for the trial of Judge Peck. The court being organized, 5\19 managers on the part of the House, entered the Senate Chamber and took their seats within the bar assign ed them. Proclamation having been then made, Mr. Buchanan, ol'theilouse, read to the Senate the articles of im peachment against Judge Peck, and when be had eoncluded, the President ‘\nformed the managers that the Senate would take order on the subject, of which due notice should be given tothe House. The managers then retired; when a res olution was adopted, that a summons bé issued to Judge I‘eck, returnable on Tuesday next ; and that the Secretary inform t{;e H. of Representatives thereof. On motion of Mr. Tuzewell the Court of Impeachment then adjourned to Tues day. I %‘he bill supplementary to the act au ‘thorizing the citizens of Arkansas and Florida, to elect their officers, was read the second and third time, by unanimous consent, and passed. The bill to re-or ‘ganize the navy of the United States was taken up asthe general order.— This bill provides for the creation of six admirals. The bill hnving been read Mr. Hayne addressed the Senate in its 'support; and continued until the hour had arrived for resolving the Senate into a |Court of impeachment. This business ‘having been concluded, Mr. Hayne |continued his arguments in its favor, —When he had concluded, Mr Dick erson moved to strike out that part of the bill providing for the creation of six Ad mirals, which motion prevailed, yeas 23, nays 17. Mr. Hayne then moved toin sert a provision for the appointment of three Admirals. On this motion an in teresting debate ensued, (duril:’g which several propositions to amend were made) and in which the creation of Ad mirals in the Navy was supported by Messrs. Hayne, \{’ebster, f,ivingston, Woodbury, and Johnston, and opposed Pry Messrs. Dickerson, Forsyth, Foot, azewell and Holmes The gcnute ad {;)urncd without taking the question on Ir. Hayne’s motion. In the House of Representatives the annexed resolution,was agreed to unani mously. Resolved, That the Secretary of the Treasury be directed to collect and com municate to this House, at the next ses sion of Congress, such information (and report his views on the same) as, in his (aiinion may be useful and important to ongress in enacting regulations for the navigation of steamboats or steam-vessels with the view to guard against the dan ger arising from gle bursting of boilers. In the Senate on Wt!dnesgay, on mo tion of Mr. Benton, the bill to graduate the price of the public lands, to make provision for actual settlers, and to cede the refuse upon equitable terms, and for meritorious objects, to the States in which they lie, was resumed; and after several amendments were made to the bill, it was ordered to be engrossed for a third read in%—ana the Senate adjourned. n the House on chdnesday, Mr. Crawford, of Penn. Mr. Barnwell, of S. Carolina, and Mr. Graham, of Mass. severally addressed the Committee on the subject of tariff laws. The committee rose at 4 o’clock without taking up an other business,and the House udjourne(i I The Sarem Murper. R. Crown inshicld jun. and Geo. Crowninshield; both of Danvers, Benj. Salmen of Mar blehead, and Daniel Chase, late resident iof Salem, have been arrested and fully committed to take their trial before the Supreme Court to be holden on the 9th of Nov. next,at Ipswich,forthe alleged mur der of Joseph White Esq. of Salem on the 6th of April last. The Salem Ga zette relates some of the circumstances which resulted in the arrest of R. and G. Crowninshield, Selman, and Chase, from which we extract the following. “The suspicions, that gave rise to the prosecution of those persons, were first excited by disclosures made by convicts, two of them in our State prison, one in Exeter gaol, and Hatch then in New Bedford gaol. I On the morning of the murder, as soon as the tidings reached Boston, two gen tlemen of that city visited the State firis on to make inquiries what convicts had been recently discharged who could be likely to commit such an offence. One of the convicts, by the name of Fisher, a native of Salem, was inquired of; his disclosures inted attention toward Hatch, who md been discharged from the State prison in December last ; Fish er said that while he and Hatch, had been fellow-prisoners in Salem Gaol, be fore their conviction about two years ago, the robbery of Mr. White had been t:?k ed of and contemplated, for the purpose of getting the iron chest. Inquiries and search were then set on foot to attempt to find Hatch; it was as certained that he and one Quiner, of Beverly, another discharged convict, had been seen in Salem during the past winter; but where Hatch was at the time of tge murder could not be readily discov: ered. On Saturday night after the murder, a letter was received here by mail from the gaoler at New Bedford, inform ing that a man in gaol there, by the name of Hall, had, on reading in a newsoaper a notice of the murder, remarked that he thought he could tell who had a hand in it. an express was sent on the follow ing day, (S[:md;y) from this town to N, Bedford, to ascertain the rticulars, and conferencés were had witr Hall, who it turned out was the person former:{ in aol here with Fisher and convicte by fime name of Hatch. Hatch related the particulars of his being in Salem and in company with Quiner and some others, during the past winter—mentioning the places of their resort, and who were present—and of this murder having been concerted at their meetil:’go, the manner of cormmitting it arranged, by one enter-