Werald ol ithe Trmy e 5, VoL. XV. No. 88 PUBLISIIED WEEKLY,. JAMES ATKINSON, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR OFFICE NORTHWEST CORNER OF TuanMes AND Minry STREETS. Entrance on Mary streel. TeERMS— ' %2 in advance, or 2,25 at the end of the year 10E3 RHENITINE, Foxtnraxce ox Mary Strreer. 87> The undersigned, having made many additions of Y 2 RV2 u,! his Printing Efilabllshnwnt,l and a superior CARD PRESS, is pre pared to execute every description of PLAIN annt FANCY PRINTING. 1 Linees, Cuecxs, Way-Birvs, Circurans, Suow BiLws, I Bacrn Tickers, Sreampoar Bires, | Bires or Lavixng, Srace Bires, Dusiness Carps, PamrurLers, Cararocues, HanppirLs, Birr Heaps, Branks & Lasres, | Notks, BILLS OF FARE for Public Houses. SHOW RILLS, for Concerts, Lec tures, Public Meetings, Exhibitions,§¢. A beautiful assortygent of Plain and Em boesed carps on hnn'a L e S Orders from town and country will be promptly auswered, at prices a 8 low as those of any other establishment. Specimens of wogk may be scen at the offtee. ‘U'he patronage of the public is re spectfully solicited. JAMES ATKINSON, Newport, Dec. 5, 1844, PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE. Tothe Senate and House of Represcntatives of the United States: We have continued cause for expres. sing our gratitude to the Supreme Ruler of the Universe for the bonefits and bles sings which our country, under his kind Providenee, has eujoyed the past year,— Notwithstanding the exciung scenes through which we have passed, nothing has occurred to disturb the general peace, or to derange the harmony of our political system. I'he great morzl spec. tacle has been exhibited of u nation, ap proximating in number to 20,000,000 of peeple, having perforiaed the lugh and important function of electing their Chiel Magistrate for the term of four ycars, without the cummission ol any acts of vivlonee, or the mantlestation of n spirit of insubordination to the laws., The great and westimable right of suffrage has been excrcised by ulf who were in vested with it, under the laws of the dif ferent States, in a spirit dicteicd ulone by a desire, in the selection ol the agent, o advauce the interests of the country, and to place beyond jeopardy the institutions ander which itis our happiness to live.— That the dee oo nterest has been mani. fested by all ¢ countrymen in the re. gult of the elec i u, s not less true, than highly creditable io them, Vast multi. tudes hawe assembled, (rom time to time, at various places, for the purpose of can. vassing the merite and pretcnsions of those who waere presented for their suf froges 3 but no armed soldiery has been necessary to restrain, within proper lim. ite, the proper zeul, ag to prevent vislent outbreaks. A principal much more con trolling was found in the love of order and obedicace to the laws, which, with mere individua! exceplions, cvery where possess the Amcrican mind, and controls with an influence far more powerful than hosts of urmed men. We cannot dwell upon this picture without recogaizing in it that deep and devoted attachment on the part of the People, 1o the ingtitutions ouder which we live, which proclaim their perpotuity. The great vhiection which has ulways provaied agatst the edection, by the People, of theiv Chiel P.xecutive officers, has been the appre. hension of tamalts und disordees, wineh mwight involve in ruiu the entire: Govern. ment. A eecurity against this, is found not ouly inthe faet belore ulluded to, but ‘ in the additional fact that we live under u coufederngy embracing already twen ty-six States ; no one of which hus pow. «r 10 control the election. “I'hie popular | vole in each State i« tuken at the tune sppointed by the laws, and such vote is ‘ announced by its Electoral College, without reference to the decision ol the nthcr Sl VoS, 'l'lm r‘g!.l of lnff'(' 2y luul the modo of eonducting the eleetion, s regnlated by the Taws ol ench Suite 5 and the eleetinn s distinetly federative 1 all it prominent features, Thosot s that, uulike what might be the resulis under n consolidated system, ristons proceed ings, should they preval, eould only af. feer the clections in single States, with out distuthing, to any dangerous exient, the tranquility of others, “Phe great ex. periment of a politieal eonlederaey ecach momber of which 18 suprome