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Herald of the times. [volume] (Newport, R.I.) 1830-1846, February 13, 1845, Image 1

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Werald ot the Trves
Yol. XV. No. 46.]
Entrance on Mary slregl.
-82 in advance, or £2,25 at the end of the year.
1 The undersigned, having made
many additions of %4 WY w 0
his Printing Establishient,
and o supervior CARD PRESS, s pv-(-;
pared to exccute every deseription of
Wav-idinus, l
Snow Bros, |
StEavnoar Bioes, |
Staae Biuns,
Pavrurers, |
Brasks & Lianews,
BILLS O FARE (or Public [Touses
SHOW BIILLS. for Conceits, Lee
tuces, Pablic Meetings, Exhibitions &e,
A beanutifnl assortment of Plhon and B
bossed canns on hand,
Ordera from town and country will be
prowptly nnswered, al prices as jow as those
ol uny other estalii-haenr,
S"w(‘i'm'ua of work oy ha seen ot the
office. “The patronage of the pulilic is re
epectiully solicited.
Newport, Dee, 5, 1844,
TO wii'l,
vind immediale possession given,
PO The commadions and very con
i ;‘»f venient Dwelling Honse, be
i Jongimg to the subscriber, at the
aaiete fork of Brond & Spring ste,—
‘l'he bouse 18 new and in the best order in|
every part. A tensut is desired ol good]
character and one that will be ponctual in
payment, quarterly ; none others need ap
piv. Z. L. HAMMOND., |
Feb. 6. ,
For one year from the 25th March, 1345,
5 The Farm belenging to the
$34 4 subseriber, layuig partly in
g 1 Portsmonth and partly i Mud
"’“&_‘}fi dletown, 45 miles from New
port, containing 112 aeres. Said fanm Gas o
large double dwelling house,wash house,milk
voom, crib and grain honse,and a large, new,
double barn, and a water grist mill, 10 good
grinding order.—a'so two full grown green
ing orchards, in (ull beering, Saud o will
be let on reasonable terme, Apply to
Jun. 30 - 3w
- A FARM, about four miles
lig from Newport, on the cast
' ”%1 side of the Island, containing
& ;.&';1: sbout 42 acres, with a good
house, barn, enb aud other out buildings
three wells of soft water, and a young or
chard that bears well—also abont GO quince
trees, ‘l'he Parm is well walled ; is handy
to the beaches—<being about halt a mudo to
the Smiih beach & about 1 mile to Suchueast
beach, A minute deseription 1y unnecessary,
w 2 any one disposed to purchase, will please
call and examine for themselves, Paywent
casy. For further information, enquire of
the subscriber on the premizes,
Middletown, Dee, 25, 18114
. The comfortable and well
-1518 built dwelling honse, sitnated
‘ 1 at the corner of Thawes and
¥, Young streets, well known as
naving been for many years the residence
of Mr. Johin G, Whitehorne, ‘T'he house
containg 3 rooms on the lover floor,n wide
hall, large kitchenand wash room nttached,
and an extensive glore-room, Onthe seeond
floor, 5 roning with convenient closets 3 and
o 2ot abhove for the storage ol furnitore,
&e. Thero e nlson Inrge wash honse with
fron botler, &e, npart from the house, which
18 used ne a bathing voome——nn abundant and
pever fmbing sopply of water, bewng brouzii
into both the honse and wash room from a
fonntain or resavoir of water, S 0 fect square,
witnated in Bowery street, and formineg part
of this property, There s a hend ot Trom
1510 20 teet of water, which enn aba sin 1!
expense bhe converted mta an oroamen? V!
foumtain wm the enrden The ot attched b
the honse 1< 190 feet on Young streetynng
B 7 foet on TUhames strevt § o contans o oo
gorden, wWith grape vnes, guinee ecs §e
nnd one of the fincst asparagos bods b
Aleo, a lot adi dping the shave premises
measirieg o foot on Thumes street, 70 tect
g the rear nod 130 feet om Hlowarnd street
Tlhow tet contaos ahont 80 voung and o
pehiong guinee trees nnd has nlsooa tonatnm
of water, Phe lots are well fenced, '
terms, Ko anniv o ’
preranßnD i RANDOLPHL
:\'Q‘fl!nul" .\l v ‘.‘. '\:" - "l.)
Henry's Brasive Compound,
\ newan e -pm?ur artiele torextencting
L 8 G3ionae, Tar, Pamt, Varnish, &e., from
waoollen, ik, eotton or men clothing «nr.
pein Qo withoon iev Yo the fneer gonds,
o enle by R ! TAYLOR
Mav 1!
The same 18 read ond received and the
eonsideration thereof referred to a Court
of Probate, to be holden at the L'own Ilall,
in Newpoirt,on the fitst Monday in Mamh
next, at Y o'clock a, m., and notice is ordered
to be given thercof by adverdisement throe
guccessive weeks inthe Hevald of the Times
A true copy —witness
I'G B. B. llowrann, Pro, Ci'k.
Court of Probate, Middletown, Jan. 20, 1845,
Ul’()N the petition of Jonathan H. Lake
and Tsmiih Burdick, administintors on
the estate of Bevjamin Lake, late of Middle
town, dec., stating that the personal estate of
snid deceased 15 insutficient to pay the de.
mands against said said estate by the snin of
F 3790, proying this Comt for w decree an
thorisimg and empowering thein to sell all
the right, title and interest which suid Den-
Jamin Laake had at the time of his decease,
"o and toall lis real estate, or so mueh there
of us will vay said sum of 37,00 wih inei
dental chargoes,
I Teis ordered that the snme he received and
the consideration thereot refecred to o Comrt
ot Probintey to be holden at the Town Honse
in Middletown, on the third Monday a 0 Feb
nexty ot b a'clock, pomg and that previons
notiee be given by pablicshing a copv of s
order threee sovern] tines oa the Hevald of the
Times. Tor wll persons tterested o appear at
wutd tene mind place and be hoard,
; A Irae Conyemwleas '
Bart TickeTs,
Bites or Llaaviva,
Busivess Canps,
NEwWrORT, 8c ;
Py Heavs,
| “" pErEAs Comfort S Nantedl, wafe of Ja
son Go Santedl of "Pwverton, i snnd
feotinty hinth this day filed Lier petition, pray.
Vg for o eortinn reasons contatned theremn,
;'lml the bonds of marnaee bertacen her aud
the sad dason, iy be dissolved,
L Noticeww hicevhy given to the sand Inean,
(that b e and appear (0 he shall see i) be-
Yare onr Sapreme Comt, next to be holden ot
‘N.'\\'pnrl. teand for the connty of Newport,
'm.l the st Mounday of Mxm‘hr 1845, then
and there to respond 1o said petition,
| WAL GILPIN, Cterk,
{ Fob. 4, 1845.% G
i Staie of Kbede Ishmd, e,
| ClerX’s Qffice, Supreme Courl, Avgust Term,
? 1o
EIN Cuasceny. —Upon the application of
| - l%cnju_miu h"chulieh‘l and Ben‘]:mu‘n F. Pen.
[dleton, of SBtonington, in the State of Connecti
]':ul, representing themselves to be ereditors of
the lute firm of Dunn & Ely, to the amount of
|foity-five dollars and ten cents, whose property
‘wag assigned to Josiah 8. Peckbam for the
benelit of their ereditors generally, and that to
ail of them whose elaims were seasonably pre
sented, dividends theceon were pmd of forty
per eent 5 and that alter such dividends were
paid the money remaining in the hands of said
Peckham was brought into this Court, by an
‘order thereof, and deposited in the Registry of
the same ;3 praying for their forty per cent divi
dend, apon the amount of their said claim out
Lol the money o deposited.
[ 1t is ordered and decreed, that said appliea
tion be continued to the next court, and that
notice of the pendeney of this application be
given by publishing this order six weeks, next
preceding the neat term of this Caurt, in one of
the Newspapers printed in the town of New
port. N ek g 5 £y
Wagnd Butives,
Cowrl of Probale, Newporl, Feb. 3, 1815,
'I‘HE Commissioners’ Report on the estate
of Charles Custoft, late of Newport,
dec,, way prescated for reception.
Josnva Cocarsuarr, ol CUk.
Jd“ 3()0
State of Rhode Island &e.
Cierk’s Qffice, Supreme Court
It is further ordered and deeveed, that all
other ereditors of the said Duin & Fly, who
have not received under sind assignment their
forty per cent dividend, upon their rospeetive de
mands, have notice of the pendeney of the pe.
tition of the said Schofield & Pendleton, that
they may appear at the next term ol this Court,
and receive, on establishing their cluims, their
forty per cent dividend out of the moneys aris
ing from the sales of the effiets of the said
Dunn & Ely, which weve in the hands of" said
Peckham, Assignee as aforesaid, and whicl ure
now in the registry of said Conrt,
Notice is hereby given to tue ereditors of ihe
satd Dunn & Bly, who have not received their
forty per cent dividend, as aforesud, to appear
(if they shall see tit,) at our Supreme Court,
next to be holden at Newport, withm and for
the connty of Newport, on the fivst Monday of
March, 1845, and estabiish tiieir elaims as afore
said, WM., GILPIN, Clerk.
Jane 10, 1845, 6w,
1 1 N
state of Rhode Istand, &e
} Newrony se i Clak’s Oflice, Su |
=8 ‘ preme Conrl, Jan. 13, 1245, !
“THI‘.RR.U‘ Fliza Clarkey wife of John I,
Clarke, of Newport, Laborer, at the
Aungust Torm of eaid Court, filed Ler petition,
praving, for certain reasons contuned thecein,
thot sand Court would grant to her n deerea of
Divoree from the said John B Clarke. -~ Upon
the heaving of suid Petition, the said Comt or
dered that farther notice shou'd be given, to
the said John B, Clacke, of the pendency of
the same. = And wherens the saad Eliza Clarke
hoth this day Giled hee atlidavit, that the res
donee of the sa.d Johin B, Claike 1w to her un
~ Nonee as herehy given 1o the el Jobin B,
Clarke, that he e oard appemn (i he shall seo
fit.) before soid Court, next 1o be holtden ot
Newport, withion s for the county ol New.
porte on the fiest Mowday of Mareh, 1515, then
and there to answer to saud petition,
WM. GILPIN, Clerk,
Jan. 16,1845, - "w
r .
e Jon~y W. Davis, No,
e 100, Thames Steeet, hias
rendinese e SWOKE BOUSNE, tore Vg
porpose of swmokme LM, Those who
tavor bt witle therr custom wall plense sewd
e ne nhove, nud they waili be satictactonly
attended 10, Hoany one desies Me 1Y to
eond tar therr e el petien thern, e wall
oont o s it ki ionng Xs, Hins
cored, wlen, bMo Do the host ganner,
Newport, Nov, 7, 1841 = Gin
Acw Cashinere de Deosse,
Vouat reccivedc and for aqiv hy
Dor 2% 11 ouenT
“C Liberty and Union, mow and forever, one and insepavabie?”—-WEBSTER,
| Surcarony Dextisr,
Office ut Mr 8 Peckham's, Chuieh street
| second house from Thuanies streel.
Newport~—James V., Turner, M. D 5 1
E.Tomer, M. DLy David King, M. D 5 1
N. Pierce.
Bristed.—~J. Holines, M. D. ; L. W. Briggs
M. D, Aug, 15,
Independent Daily Mail Express
07, Thames=iveet,
One Door Norvth Mavkel Square.
Lietters forwarded and veceived every day by
the M,
Newport, Nov, 42, 1844,
The subseribers,
Retaen thewr thanks to
the Ladirs of No*wlcml,
and s vicinity, for their
past patronage, and soli.
Clt i Cantinnanee, They
have removea therr shon
in Thames street, to No. Q 2 corner ot
Clupreh steeet, wheee wall be tinnd BON -
NEUS of all kinds, foreion and domestie, at
reduced prees. Also, Baner Lnongs and
trivnes, Avtificed Flowers, .
Ponnets agade to apder, bined and triommed,
ik Bonoets made va arder, nr shart notee,
Newport, Feb, 29, 1844,
\ lnyern nesorment ot PRIV PAMILY
niname wlneh arey
4600 the of prime Dairy Datter s
060 s ot Premmm Cheese ;
S5O bbls of Good awnd Extea Flonr ;
10 boxes Hyson, Y. 1L P Sonchong T'eas,
of superiorguahity nod flavor
20 Lbls and hinlt bbls of Exten Buckwheat ;|
‘ 15 boxes of Supeoor Havaos Sugar
L) haws o f Java, Lagnir . (bin £ g't.‘(-' N
1120 bhls New 'li(l,':m‘;y P?fifl; " |
10 do New Mess Beef '
5 do prime Leaf Lard ; |
10 do I'readwell’s Crackers and Bread ;|
10 boxes of Myer’s and Graner’s Tabaceo; ;'
8 fancy boxes of superior Aromatic do; |
90 small bladders of Beoteh Snuff';
Boxes of raisins, citron, sweet oil, spices,
pepper, chocolate, preserved ginger, soap,
starch, pipes, &e., &, all of which will be
sold as low as can be hought in town
Newport, Nov, 21, 1344,
Veoinier Arrangecmients.
Commenced Monday, November 4, 1844,
&= Moaorning Line. via Long
& J—:\h‘ Island Radroad <"T'he
:\!:';f : S‘Q’E' MOHEGAN, will leave
- - “m’. . : . 1
Stonington for Gireen
port, Monday, Wednesday nnd Friday, on the
srrival of the train that leaves Providence at
812 oclock a. m.
Capt. Comstock, wiil leave Stomngton, Tues
day, Thursday and Satarday, on the arrival
of the matl teain from Boston,
Tickets for both routes can be obtained at
the Stomngton Depot, and ou bogid the feriy
Nov. 14
Y ere bounid (o Corban's
No. 95, Thames Street, corner
of Market Square, |
“7“0 hae just recaived 20 eaces fine ealf
sewed and pegped BOOTS, excellont
for spring and sonmmer wear, wineh you can
huy wimost at vour own price,
ALso—=4oo pair Ladies jine Lid and Mo
rocco ot heel Buskins, maae by Chrstopl.er
Robiccon, Chont & Pianders the boest mann
fecturers inthe Statest which s vertly so and
! Poadies Prenel [oi# and Marocro Btl:'kill!,
ow lace and Shppors, very cheap,
AN of whieh have been bonght for eash
nedd poarelinsers can have the swne al a very
feae cendg ndvance ol Lie manafactuorers w hofe
sule Clush p::‘u.v. |
Newport, June W, 18,
sSacred YWasic, '
The Carmina Suern,
Roston Avadimwev,
Bostan sehoo! <ong Mook,
Woashingion Havmony, and
Music Paper, for <ale ot !
{ ’h'” Goods and Dol Stores.
Ladies Gaidewr Boals,
’ ST reevived from one of the hest mann-
O factovies i New York Ciay 725 par of
Foadiws Ganer Roote, n Best rute anele, for
sl very low st CORBAN'S Cheap Cash
Showe Soope 008 Thomes stroet,
l’ N()\\Ll'..\' |l‘|o ;n-[ N‘c'v!\fl; l” ('!l"-'
. of Mensand Bove BOOIS & SHOES
of the first quality, which he wilt sell ne jow
ar can be boueht tn town, Call apd see
\ Tu'v\ tovrg north o " the ,"" W ‘l'!:",
Cept s,
- No. BED, Fhames Steect,
‘_ Corner of Mary, Slreet,
| “’“U'.“ ravite th n!.m\m auf the pub.
| lic to his extensive and carctal'y ge.
Heeted assortiment of FALL aod WINTER
DRY CNODS, which consist i pert of the
follow i r netieles ¢
French, Gerfan and l"nfii-h Merinoes 3
: Bine block and colored Alpnceus
Sills warp und cotton do,
Lndianas, Chvsans, li-,mr«,-‘l.(\lpuccd Aprons
el .
c ol
Bombazines, doek and lizht;
Cashmeres and Cashmere de Lones
osse,n new and Leauulul ar
Cuashmere d'
ticie for dresses ;
Mounssehine de Latiues, §c
Merino, Lambs waol, Waorsted and Cotton,
black, white und mode Lolors,
A lavge assortment of fine Irish Linens;
Lanen tabie covers, hloachod § browng
Heavy Shectings, Napkms, Crash, §e,
Beaver Clithe, Beondeloths, Casimares,
Savnets, hanels, paddimgs, blankers, conne
terpanes, worstod cravats senrtsy shinwls, &00,
In areat vanery of Rzes guality and prices
Newport, Nov, 7, 1811,
Answsineg aond Enstruciive
L A Wig e D
S 8 /0 LI Rde
The Rice of |'Hl-in\'o'xm‘m,
Mauosion ot Tuppiness,
Aicniecan gl
Cards of the Magt,
Piekwiek Cards,
l)u(", R A-Q:}'.
Ntar Npangled Banner, i
Master Rodboryg nod s pupila, :
Charncrenistes o%distngmshied per
sona, are for sule at the book store of \
et ——— g S e o
Paper Haggipgs *3
L, . R R g
e Y 4
» . 1 1 ?"'\ : "o ‘_ ,v" - |
’l‘ge L ost'va Fan |
Of l'u[lw" Hanoings Ih}u! heve ever
~ Dbeen received by
are now opened and for sale,
at prices unosually low,
March 21, 1811,
Amasing and losivactive
A 3 A\ VR T
Master Rodbury and s popils,an en
tertmning game
The Race of lmprovement ;
Mansion of Happinesa
American kagle
I'he Pickwick Cards
Doet. Basby
Curds of the Magi ;
Dee. 25
'l‘lll-‘. subseriber respectfully gives notiee
that e has taken the stare, corner ol
Bumster’s whart & ‘Thatnes strect, and di
rectly opposite the Bagle Hotel, where he
intends kecping a general assortinent of fruts,
preserves, Jelleys, spices, catsups, piekles,
macoront, vermaciila, nots, bottled and diaft
ale 3 botted erder, porter and beer by the
dozan or single hotije § battiad end fonntam
sodn water, with or without eyrups. by the
dozen or single bottle ; Havana and Proncipe
Cegars ; fine cot chewing, Turki<h and
American smoking ‘Tobaceo j pipes, bird
cages and bird seed ¢ and a vanety ol ather
articles too numerous to o mention, A share |
of public patronage respectiully solieited, '
Nowport, .‘.:.:} 16, 1814 —f,
|M™ A |
> G 0 che+ts Sonchong Tea |
R 45 do Young Hyson do
E%] 20 half rhests Povchong ao,
e far sale, wholesale or rownl, by
| Dee. 19.
B i Waklki) s mai Dol
Feonomy is Wealth—Franklin
! JVo. 138. Thanmies Stireel,
W flas just recoived NI
2 of thepatent MMIIPOLEAY
‘t fl 11005 tor ventlomen % hoote
o will have thom paton m
the shortest nonee, They nre warranted o
enving to the consumer of e thon fifty
_"H'fu..' over the commnn e e for bon
conrse nnd oo Bais—nlso protecting the
fove t freom the wet and eold,
Newport, Jan. 1, IRO,
. h " .1 .
The O Parmers,
The Bhode tetand,
The New York Formeare,
I he d iy Choestiang
The Peace,
Are Tor «ale 0t
Oect 210
schiool Boeols,
Each of their vanovs Kinds,
such neage used inthns tow g
wnd vicinity, for sale ot the
lowest prices, hy
The Deav
The doad are every where !
The monntain-side, the plain, the waooas pro
Al the wide carth—the fortile and the tur,
Is one vast burial giuund
Within the popnlous street,
In solitary homes, in places high
In pleasure-domes, whera pomp and Juxa
Men bow themselves to die
The old man at his daor
The nnweaned chitd murmuring its wordless
gong ;
Toe hondman and the feee s the rich, the poor;
Al all to death belong !
The sunlight gilde the walls
OF L ingly ,u‘l.nh'hrrt enwronght with hrags
Avd the Tong shadow of the cypress (olla
Athwart the common griss
The living o 2one tima
Buiblod their glorions cities by the sea,
Avd anwful in their greatnesy satsulitime,
As il no chiange could L
here w
wil $ o n
as the eloguent tongite ;
Tl poct’s heart; the sage’s gon! waethere;
A loving women with their ehildren youug,
I The faithful and the faie.
They were, hut they ara not
Suns rose and set, & enrth puton her bloom,
AVEE st mang submtting 1o the common oty
‘ Went down intoe the tomb,
I;Ami «till amid the wreeks
‘ O mighty generations pnm‘ nway, ¢
‘wbuonest '““‘f&!l‘m‘“‘““d flow
£y of deoks '
The tombs v yesterday
| And in the twilight deep,
[ Go veiled women forih, like her who went,
| Sister of' Luzarus, 1o the grave to weep,
i 'To breathe the low lument. .
f ‘L he dend are every where
Where'er is love, or tenderness, or faith
Where'eris power, pomp, pleasure, pride;
Life is or was, is death
The Way to Support a Newspaper,
| .
i Tealer! panse aud ponder upon the follow
; ing. duis lunguoge as true as the CGood Book
. Much depends upon the supporters of
‘A newpaper, whether it s conducted
with spirit and interest.—lf they are mg
_-,;nr.lly or neghgent in thetr payments,
the pride and ambition of the editor s
hroken down, Le works at thankiess and
unprofitable tasks =he becomes discour-
aped and careless—ins paper loses it
pith aud interest and dies. Dut on tie
contrary, if his subscribers are of the
right sort—il they are punctual, hibera
hearted fellows, always in adeance o
the subscription list, taking an interesi i
inereasing the number of his subscribers
now and then speaking a good word for
his paper, eheering him on in his conrse
by smiles of approbation 5 widh such sub
sorthers ps these, he must be a dolt in
deed who would not ggt up an interest
g sheet 5 with such patrons as these,
he would forswear comfort, ease, lei
sme, every thing that conld possibly step
hetween us and the gratification of eve
vy laudable desite on thewr part. e
would know no other pleasure than then
subisfaction, Hlow woch then can th
supporters of a newspaper do to make |
tnteresting and respectable 3 indeed,
winout eoncurring efforts on thew party
the publishers of n newspaper will not,
connot bestow the attention which s
necessary to make it what itshonld be.
Aud above all, that hane o newspaper
coterprise = the borrowers —shaald e Lk
Angel'svisite, Clew nnd far hetween V=
MV ounsochel Palind,
A Thise 1o Lacor s =<l Hood, inive e
work, snv e =l st ot tosee Prudery g
o an omathas, OF eonrsey she rejoeis
Banad that is held ont to hor by malo civiliny
Ot ght give hee o squeeze. Nother dove sl
otk the Brest sacnnt '-l.n e but looks ont tor
: senty i possililey hetween an tnnocent hitt!
sir) nod an old woaman b the menntnne 4
IS lOV ES on Prud ry toilers, n ks
i cintel nt Civaliny s nose or his noevk, vr w
where, and massing her hold rebonnds 1o the
ather side of the veliclog and nlumps dowa i
v ostinnge gentlenan s lop Tiue modesty
| would have s aped ol these Jude corums.”’ |
[ Saany Boy << Williwm, sl enarpenter
H o s apprentioe, S gomng nway toaday anel |
I vt von to grind all the toole ™ “Vee, wir ™|
E,'l'm carpenter camn Liome at night "\\'.Hmm,"
| hnve vou ground all the teals vight sharp >
A but the Aandeaw,” smid Ball, 1 could ot |
getquite al the gaps vt of that " M
Gelected Tales.
The Substance and the Shadow,
The story which 1 aw about to eow-|
it to paper s substantinlly troe,
ghall not call its persons by their real
names, nor shall [ desciibe the spot of |
their residence so mimutely as to render|
i easily wdentified, Tt as enongh that it
was an the outskirts ot Liverpool, that
onghly town so often erroneousiy ealied
a citv, which, ke a rapidly-spreading
tree is continually shooting out fresh
branches in every diveetion, The priu
cipal actor in this history T shall call by
the name of Grainger
Wititam Grainger was book-Leepor
in the oflice of a merehani named Gihibs,
and though lis sulary was bt ope hone
dred per annum, many of his elass Laok
ed vpon him with envy; for ‘old Gitibe "’
vhoungh somewhgt sl and stern in his
imanaeis, stood high i the mereantile
world, and was substantinily Kind to his
clorks, seldom overworking them, o
detaining them Leyond one appointed
hour, thangh lie requived them ta b
at their posts puneuintiyv, aad to reiain
to the last atlotted woment. Granger,
ol the time onrsiory eommences, had
heen warvied a few months to an nwia-
Ale and pradent young woman of some
personal heavty 5 bat she had brought
nim no fortune, exeept ber innate good
qualities, They now resided at some
(distance from the centre of the town, in
:;fn smiall house not remarkalle for heau
;;.‘ty either as to gppearance or situation,
!:hul neat and comlortable, and possess
vina the.adruntpge of btier air than the
| dwellers nearer **business™ could en
E:J"-"" It was a tali,thin tenement, newl)
built of raddy brick, showing by the
s:small dimensions allotted to the grounc
;'fluor, and the tiny garden before and
f!yurd Lehind, how valuable fand had Le
ccome in that thviving neighborhood 5 a
’fkilchcn in the sunk story,a small parior,
,fwi'h a smaller room or rather closet be
!fhind it, aud two bed vooms above |, (hal
Cwas all. The furniture, though ex:
i?cecdingly clean sod neatly arranged,
!fwns as plain and unexpensive as furni
Cture could well be ; and yet there wer
Mew mansions i Liverpool that coutiin
ed such o happy couple as William ang
Mary Gramnger,
It was a beautilul July evening, suc
ceeding to a sultry day, when Mis
Grainger sat alone i her hittle pavlor
She Liand been busy all day with her
houschold duties ; fer she kept no sers
vant, except a little aivl, who wenl
wome every evemng 3 and she had jus!
dressed hersell with greai neatness
and sat down tonecdlework, IHerspot
less trushin dress and smoothly-braidec
hair together with the appearance o
the tea-table, which, besides the unsua
Ctea things, displayed a plate of sliced
ham and another of salad, might bav
indicated that she expected a visitor. -
But Mary CGirainger only waited for hLe
hushaund; and she would nothave dress
ed for the most splendid ball with hal
the satisfaction with which she ha
‘made these sunple preparations for hi
reception. And as she plica her nee
dle, she wonderedin her heart if th
whole wide woild eontained anothe
" ereature so happy as hersell | for Ma
' ry, with sl ger siuppicy, wasa thoug it
ful woman, gentle, and contented, an
pions. Her hushand was her world
the centre vound which all Lor encihl,
Chopes and shieclivis vevoived the be
Uing to the promotion of whose happine:
Cand coputord adl her employvments wer
Udwected, Her e was full off gent]
“happiness even in his ahsence |6
fram the moment of s ddimg he
farewellin the mormmg, Gl las et
‘l' it nl:h!, slie was |'m|\’lv": forward
ihat return, and busying hersell in ew
plovments of which Le was to reap th
f o The elock stiuek wis, nnd ‘,;,.', lai
"down her work and prepaved the te
~ that her hushand ebt not Lave ta wa
;l for loes ectreshmont wlter his walk e
et sty streets, Five, or ot least, te
minutes alter six was the time at whi
sxperienee tavght her she might d
vend on bis arcival 5 bat on this oce
gon the toavmimutes extended to twent
the twenty to he!t an hour, nud still |
did not make s appearance, Ma
went to the gute of the hLittle garde
and Tooked auniously along the road
By s, James Grap.
Cbutthough several persons were the o,
;’llm figure she would have known among
1w thousand had not vet appeared!
o Seven o'clock ! Sipee their mai
riage, such a detay &8 Lhis had pever
| ‘happened, and Mary grew uneasy ; and
Cwith mingled thouglus of possible necis
Cdents, und tea spoiled by long standing,
Cthe young wife fidgeted from the purlor
z;ln the gate and back agan for another
Chalf hour, Then her heart leaped joy
fully up as her strgining eyes descried
Chm afne off coming hurniedly on j aod
Cnafew minutesthey were seated togeth
er at the tea-table, and M:‘,ry» Grainger
was happy ngain,
But long belore ien was oyver, Moy
deerovered that ier husband was more
“tlent and abisent than uv-ual, and was
Ceconvineed thaty to vse a common pllra-u-.
he had Csometiing on hia wind.” Coup
ling bia dewmeanor with his long absence,
Cher lears were alive ngain ; and aflter n
bittie eross questioning, snch as the fuir
SOX KHOW 8G .Vy'('“ haw (o appiv, she puce
wecded o ormwing his seeret from b,
C e did not intend o tell Youal presept
love, he vad, “Cin case there should be
any s tppuintiment Lut | see YUI R
frightoning yoursell about nothing, so {
Jind better det sou dnte the secret, in
the first place, T believe T am going to
leuve N, Cihs ®
| “Leave Br Gilbs 1 exelaimed NMa.
ey o alarm, ©Oh, Willam, what hnve
vou done 1o offind him f—what on eaith
will hecome of ws
1 4o not be so cusily terrified, Marg "
.En'pli(‘(l Granger 5“1 have had no qanr-
Crel with Myl Gibbe, or he with e 6 |
lenve, i will e at my own wish, and for
my own advantage, In fact; he mention.
pd the thing (o me, at first, and said he
Chad no wish to part with e, but theught
Ctiw pity to stand in the way of wy get
(tiog w bever situntion. Now,only listen
(Mary 5 only think of Ivo l»gydr?lmut,.
L hilty pounds a-year ! Patchett and Adams
Dave just lost their principal clerk, and
Cwith Mr. Gibbs's good word, it will be
‘my own fault, I beheve, il do net il
Dy dear William 17
| “My derling Mary !—and then came
’:lhr hearty embrace and the tears of joy |
and then, as their emotion gomewhiat suo
sided; they sat hand in hand by the htie
flower Llinded window, and talked de
hghtedly over their vrightened prospects,
| “There is one drawback, however,”
said Grainger when they were reckon
ing up the advantages ol the new silua
| tion “the hours are longer, and I am
Cnot g 0 sure of always gelting away at
hall past five, Of course we shall have
to live fuither o town, wineh will scarce
ly be so pleasaut.”
~ “Then we must leave our hitle home |
exclaimed Mary regretfully ; and ag with
rapid memoiy she recalied the happy
Cmonths she had passed there, and the
various litile improvements and embel
l"‘hshmcnls which her own nands bad exe
. cuted, the splendor of Mesars. Patchent
| and Adams’s offer seemed shorn of half
it beams, But the feeling passed away
‘. ‘as rapidly as it had arisen, and she Disi
ened to Grainged's anticipations of a lar
. Ber house, and a more cflicicat servant,
~and varvious additiong in the way of fur
¢ niture, with highly complacent feelings
y 1 Theie was no check or hindrgace
. the way of Grainger’s expected prefer
mept ; and as he was required o enter
on his new duties at once, Mary set hey
; sellf seriously at work to find a suitable
house, She was so fortunate as o moet
with one imnediately ina street which,
Cwhile it o was tolerably airy and g,
was much nenier the oiice of Messin,
" Patehet and Adams thap their former
'_ dwelling. It was, deed; a very good
Chouse, and at o noderate rent for e
RIFIEDS though more thion IWiee o 8 oxpe-
L SIVEe ns the one they quitted. Tt was
one of those many streete onee tashiong
; hie, but now de werted ln_\' the Mi-!mw.u‘y
. of trnde for ‘villng’ and Ytertncees o the
subiibs, Mary could not yute subidue
Capang wl her hent when she anw hee
hinle cottage howme wisnnbiew ol e fure
pitare, winen looked poor and seanty
i enough o the apartments of thew new
| dwellhing. Dut n few duye wufileed 1o
g things i order | and new cudmine,
oonnd new enrpets, and @ handsome hook
,, Case, went fnr tow mide reconciling Mary
| 10 the changes Oue thing, indeed e
. n"ypgl her : most of these fltln.l wern
. unpud for at present, nodh she conid pot
bt remember thaty dunng the duys of
:': their poverty, they had servpulously ab
y statned from taking the um-\ g nre
~ ticle on eredit. Bot Grainger had conm
hatted hersernplea by remiading heo vt
{Whele Ne 77

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