Newspaper Page Text
Werald of the Times, Yol. XVL No. 9. PUBLISHED WEEKLY. JAMES ATKINSON, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR, Orrice 150, TuaMES-STREET, At the head of the Courr, in the rear of Messrs, E. I. & W. Newlon, | $2 in advance, or $2,25 at the end of the year, 11018 JPZR T INATHIINIG N g™ The undersigned, having made many additions of WRBY TP2 to his Printing Establishment, and a superior CARD PRESS, is pre pared to execute every description of] PLAIN AND FANCY PRINTING: Lavews, Cnecxks, Wav-Birws, CircuLARS, SHow BiLwus, Bart Tickers, Streampoar Birws, | Bives or Liaping, Stace Bivys, | Business Caßrus, PamruLETS, HaxpsiLLs, Brasks & Lasrrs, | Nor Es. i BILLS OF FARE for Public Houses. SHOW BILLS, for Concerts, Lec tures, Public Meetings, EExhibitions,§ec. A beautiful assortment of Plain and Em bossed carps on haud, Orders from town and country will be promptly answered, at prices as low as those of any other establishment. Bpecimens of work may be seen at the office. ‘l'lie patronage of the public is re spectfully solicited JAMES ATKINSON. Newport, Dec. 5, 1844 ] NN TO LLET, ol Two or three rooms in a cen %', tral and pleasant part of the 28 town ; ready furnished if desi rable. Euoquiries can ke made at the office of the Herald of the Thimes. May 15, " N 'o LET, And possession given aboul the middle of Muy, A very convenient Tenement in Ann-street, in the South part of the tewn, cither the whole House or the lower part, as may be preferred. Inquire at this office. [May 1. TO LE'T, JAnd possessivn given aboul the 15! June, I'ne lower part of the conve nient and pleasantly situnted House in Marlboro’ street, next west of the Methodist Chapel. Partof a large garden is atlached to the premises. Apply to Mgs, ELIZABETII READ, April 17.% on the premises. FOR SALL, Pl The dwelling Houee in &H Spring street,corner of Mary, ) formerly occupied by Aaron . Dyre. For terms and other particurars en quire of AARON F.DYRE, or CORNELIUS B. WILBOUR. Newport, Aeril 17, 1845—tf. FOR SALK, [lomn A I"ARM, about four miles ;‘ 28 from Newport, on the cast ¥l i jige sidoof the lsland, containing LS B about 42 acres, with a good house, barn, erib and other out buildings three wells of soft water, and a young or ehard that bears well—also about 60 quince trees. The Farm is well walled ;is handy to the benches—being about half a mile to the Smiith beach & about 1 mile to Suchueast beach., A minute description g unnecessary, us any one disposed to purchase, will please call und examine for themselves, Payment casy. For further information, enquire of the subscriber on the premises, OLIVER READ. Middletown, Dec. 25, 1814. FOR SALE, Or to lease for a term of ycars, R The House in John strect 11 formerly owned by Capt. Bor -3 den Wood, and now occupied ; by Capt. Charles Cozzens and Mr. J. B, Ladd. S.STANFORD. ! Newport, Jan, 9, 1845, l ilill-side Cottage lots, for Sale. D omm! About 11 acres of excellent land on the gfeen end road, ne r the mansion of the late el W, James Tilley, It is divi ded into 5 lots with a barn and other hoild. ing thereon, For pleasantness of rituation, feruhity and convemence—for shooting and fishing, it is not surpassed by any on the |s land. I'erms moderate and payments made casy. RICHHARD & GLEO, C. SITAW. Newpart, Feb. 20, 181511, | . FOR SALL, The well known eetate Thamen street, the f(ront of m wineh has beon for mmny yoears - vecnpied by the sub<eriber ne a Dry Good Store. T'he howse 14 44 yenrs old and s i good sound condition, gives a con gprcuons front for a store and o pretty and coaveni nt tencment for e coninon «ize fam ly. s local ndvantages deserve o high ap prociation. 1 not sold at private sale belore the 4th of Juney it will be offtvred at public anction, Avsn—that large and eligible building lot on the south side of Toure street and op posite Dre. James Turner on Schiool sirce weking a oorner lot, “I Arso—A considershle stoek of DRY COODS, which he sselling atlusold stand,” at anction prices, ) JOHUN P TOWNZEND New, ort, April 20, 1810 -1 TeErMs— CAarTALOGUES, Bic Heaps, Eegul Nudises, Commissioners’ and Admni nistrator’s Notice. | “'I‘HE subscribers having been duly ap-I ' pointed by the Hon. Court of Probate| of the town of Newport, Commissioners to receive and examine cloums against the estate of Licut. George Wiliam Robbins, late of| said Newport, dec. hereby give notice that six ,months from the date hereof is allowed by' 'said Court to the creditors of said estate to ‘bring in and prove their claims. The credi-! [tors are requested to present their claims at (the office of Wm. Gilpin, Esq.,where the said lcommiuionors will meet to have their final 'u’t!lcmem on the twenty-fifth day of Oct, 1845, at 9 o'clock a. m., on all such claims as are presented and allowed, Ij Roperr B. CransToN, [ W, S, Nicuows, Commis'rs. | | Wittiam Gineiy, | ~ Newport, May 5, 1845, The subscriber having been appointed administrator on said estate, and given | bond as the law directs, hereby requests 01l | persons indebied to said estate, to make pay ment to him. [ C. E. ROBBINS, «dw'r. Newport, May 5, 1845. Commissioners’ :_uu_l Admni= nistrator’s Notice. }'I‘HB subscribers having been duly ap.| | pointed by the Hon. Court of Probate! of the town of Newport, Commissioners to receive, examine and allow the claits of the! creditors of the estate of Suneon Smith,’ late of Newport, dec., and six months from this date being allowed by said Court for the creditors to present and prove their claims before gaid Commissioners, we will attend at the house of Wm., Tew Tilley, on the last Wednesdays in Avg., Sept. ana, Oct. next, at 3 o’clock, p. m., for the purpose, of deciding on such claims as may be pre sented against said estate, ' Ricuarp K. Raspvorrn, Sitas Wanp, Commis’rs. Bexa. Mumrorn, Newport, May 5, 1845. All persons indebted to said estate are re quested to make inmedinte payment to WAL TEW TILLEY, Jldm'r. Newport, May 5, 1845, At @ Town Mecling, holden b,a/ m{jum'nmcnl' Newpoet, Saturday, Aprid 19, 1845, | A~ Acr for the disposal of the Caicasses of Dead Animals, Vcrrnn. that if any person shall horeaflcr? expose orcause to be exposed the dead | carcass of any Horse, Ox, Cow, or ather animal upon Easton’s beach, or any other place within the limits of the town of New port, and shall leave the same unburied in the carth less than three feet below the sur face of the same, and for a longer time than one hour, shall forfeit and pay for every such offence the sum of ten dollars, one half to! and for the use of the town and the other, half to and for the use of the Complainant, to, be sued for in an action of debt in the name' of the ‘T'own Treasurer of this town before any Court competent to try the same-—and that the above be published in the Newspa-' pers of this town, | A T'rne Copy—attest, B. B. HOWLAND, Tvwun Clerk. May 1. At a Town Meeting holden by edjournment, Saturday, JApril 19, 1845, Vm-r.n. that from and after the first day of May next, no person shall project signs into "I'hames Street, or place obstructions on the side walks or in the street, all persons violating this act shall pay as a fine the sum of one dullar for each und every offence, to, be recovered by ccmplaint or by action of debt before the Justices Court in this town, and that it be made the duty of the Town I'reasurer to prosecute for all violations of this act, and that the same be published in the Newspapers of the town, | A T'rue Copy —attest, | B. B. HOWLAND, Twwn Clerk. May 1. At a Town Meeting holden by adjowrnment,’ Newport, Satwrday, April 19, 1845, } A~ Act to prevent Butchers, Market men ard all other persons from taking Stands in any of the Streets of the town of New port for the sale of Mcat, Fish, Vegeta- bles, &e. f T Be it enacted by the Town of Newporl, as fol- lows : = B ) . Scetion 1. From and after the first day of Juhie next, no person shall lake any stand, or be stationary with any cart, waggon or other v hicle inany of the streets of L town, for the purpose of vending Meat, Fish, Vegeta bles or anv other article whatever, Sec. 2. Any person violating the above act,shall pay asa fine the sum of one dollar, for each and every offence, to be recovered to and for the use of the town by complaint or action of debt before the Justice’s Court of this town. | Sec. 3. lushall be, and it is hereby made Al duty of the Town "I'reasurer of this town, to prosecute all persons violating the provis jons of this act, at the cost and expense of "the town. ' Ordered, that the aforegoing act be pub lished in the newspapers of this town, | True copy—atiest, ' B. B. HOWLAND, Town Clerk. l Mav 1. FFOR SALLE, \ lot of good second hand WINDON LN SASHES, 7by 9,4 applied for soon, JOIHN I'. TOWNSLND, | Aprl POOTS & SIHOICS, Mt No. RIT, Thames=Street. ‘ l have now on hand a complete assortment "M of BOOTS & SHOENS obtained from New York, New Jereey, and the best - manao. facturers of New Bogland, comprising gen wine Freneh Calt Boots—lall boots —en'f, gont skin wnd seal Boote— Ladies Fronel fi:uppc:n--vnml every desicsh'e pattern of Mo. rocen and Kid Shocs—and children’s Shoees of nll kinds, Flis stock necds no recommend, and ens tomers way he assured that the priecs sl wocnre tothis the mented ttle of “I'he cheap Cash Store)! MOSES 1T BEEDE Newport, sth wo. Wiy, 11 Sm. CCLiberty and Union, now and forever, one nnd frnsepavabie” _WERSTER NEWPORT, RIL TUURSDAY MORNING MAY 22 1845 Extra Larvge Size 'Frees, Por sale at DYER'S NURSERY, Mul bery Grove, Cranston. '@Y.’ by I'hie proprietors of this estab siy lishiment would inform their cus yoaew tomers that the present is a f - proper time to transplant ever lgreen trees, such us Balsaom Firy Arbovitme; Eastern Sprace ; Norway do; Hemlock, &e., 'and the season is now at hand when decidu ous trees may be removed ; also, such as Scoteh Larch ; American do ; Eoropean and {American Linden ; Earopean Monntain Ash; ‘English Ash; American Mountain do; Sugar ‘Maple ; Scarlet and Norway doj Faropean ‘Sycamore; Horse Chestnot ; Black Walnur; Butternut ; Catalps 5 Judas Tree ; Persim mon do; Chinese Alenthuy ; Albele, or Sil-| wver Leal; Honey Locust; Eoglish, Scotch (and Ameriesn Els ; Awmerican Beach and | Birch. A great proportion of the above can be furnished of large size, some of them wvery large. Washington ‘i'horn, Buckthorn and 'rim, for hedges, Likewise Frait‘l'recs, consisting of Apple, Cherry, Peach, Necta rine and Plum, Quince,and a great var. oty of Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Shrubs,’ vines, bulbous and tuberous rooted [Mlower! Plants, Grape Vines, Asparagus roote, and u fine colleciion of Dalilias, Dwarf Box, for edging. ‘ ' N. B. Cherry ‘l'rees may be had of large size, u ! Orders left at C. Dyer’s Droad street, or| (with C. Dyer, Jr. 42 Westminster st. Provi- | {dence, or with the proprietors, at the Nurse- | iry, will be promptly attended to. l ! Catalognes gratis. . CHARLES & DANIEL P. DYER & CO. | N. B. Orders leftat Mr. A. Munnay's, (Pelham street, or at No. 2, Jolin street, will be promptly attended 10 by our agent, JOHN G.LADD, who has catalogues and will give lall necessury advice graiis, - Newport, April 24th.—2m. ! Cheap Umbrelias, J. M. SHERMAN, 137, Thames street. Newport, April 2, 1845, Cheap Temperance Greeery and Variety Store, Al the old stand in Hazarp's Brock, (so called,) No. 27, Thames street, 'l‘lu.\'u'm. for past favors the subecriber would nform his customers and the pub he generaily, that he is making daily addi tions to his stock of goods for the Spring and Summer trade, consisting of FAMILY LROCLRIES, of ull kindgs, afdirey_guali and low prices. 3 ' Vegetables in their seasons, of the differ ent varieties, y | Wooden, Stone and Earthern Ware, diroct from the manufactories. Cheap Boots and Shoes for men, women and children, | An assortment of Drogs and Medicines, ‘the most popular and useful for Families. | Essences of all kinds, warranted good. '\ Mead and lemon syrups—soda and soda Powders. | Cloths and other articles in the dry goods line, Fresh fruite, nuts, candies, currants prunes, raisins and almost every variety generally found in Variety Stores, to which will be ad ded in a few days, Crockery, Glass and Tl'in Wares, together with numercas other arti cles too numerous for an adyertisement. Stamps with types and lok, for marking books, hinen, §e. SHIP STORES, put up at short notice. N. B. Boarding IHouse, as usual, opposite side of the street, No. 31, where can be ac commodated from 12 to 16 permanent or transient Boarders, at reagonable terms, CHARLES C. BURDICK. ~ Newport, April 2, 1815, . " l Marine and Fire Insurance, THE PROTECTION INSURANCL COMPANY, HARTIORD, Caritarn 150,000 Dorranrs, “HLL insure Vessels at sea, Cnrgnos,} Freights and Catchings—also, vessels and cargoes in port, vessels building, masu-/ ractories, houses and bundings ol all de-| scriptions, merchandise, Furniture, lumber, and every description of property, safely stored, yarded or secured, against loss or damage by lire at the very lowest rates of premuwa,y not exceeding €OOO dollars on any one risk. | BENJAMIN MUMFORD, will recviev and furward appheations for the above, and also for the Bristol County Mutual Fire Ju surance Company, New Bediord, Newport, Feb. G, 1815 - G, HATS & CAPS. The subscribers have just re g ceived a large and elegant assort ment of HATS & CAPS, com prising a great variety and desira ble patterns, Will receive this day, two cases of *Paris’ Hate, a eplendid article.— Boys Cloth Caps as low as 50 cents. ‘l'he public are respectfully wvited to eall and examine our stock previonsly to purchas ing, a 8 it will be sold at the lowest possibie prices. Gentlemen of Newport, we have Hats we will sell, The bevuties of whichy no tongue can tell I you wish tor a Hat from the finest of BEavir, Plense enll nt the store of PARKER & WEAVER N. I, Hate and Caps made ot the shortest notice, PARKER & WEAVER. Newport, Apnl 17, 1815. Bonnets! Bonnets!! l ASPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF 13ON23GS] & DOJMEITAL | NTERAW BONNETS, Of every quality, and of the latest style, a | Manvfacturcrs prices. Arsn—A splendid ascortment of JARTI FloklL FLOWERS RIBBONS, tabs cravate, and MILLINERY ot all Kinds, jus recowved from New Yook, FRENCH & DRAVER, Now P 2 Fhames of, cotner of Chtieh March' Summer Roarders. NIM. CLARISSA PLLERY TILLEY 4 and her son, STOCKFORD, have de. cided to open therr Countey House for the reception of boarders, ‘l'he situation is un surpassed, being only one nnle from the bus ness part of Newport, sud 19 o full view of ‘the beach.? The grounds (40 acres ) are highly culii vated, and every convenience for the comfort of bonrders will be provided, Persons de sirous of making engagements for the summer, will please address either of the subscribers, at Newport, or Wi, A, Ellery & Co. 6, William street, New York 3 John Hart<horn, Esq. 86, State street, Boston ; Charles B, King, Artist, Washingion ;W, Partlow, Esq. Baltwnore, ‘, '4' 111. l l! y P !A Al s . ’ ll ‘ ~ . " ‘\/ Newport, March 27, 1810—j1. 3 P. 8, Commadivus stables are attached to the establishment. | BELLEVUE HOUSE, Nrwport, Ik, X, . The snbscribers wre happy HH to announce o their old pa 1L trons and the publie, that the ‘m‘gfi above long-established and well-known Honse has undergone, since the st season, very extensive and important - provements and additions, which will render the establishment npt inferior to either of the magnificent houses now erected i Newport for the accommodation of Summer Boarders, It will be open for the reception of cumpany about the 10th of June, The public are to well acynainted with the delightul location of the house,being within a few minutes wak of the Beach, that a de- scrintion of its gitiation 13 unnecessary, To the main building, uw addition of 40 feet has been nade castward, by 45 feem deep, which makes the entire south front 170 leet in lengih—thr new portion of the hoose having a wide, dable piazza extending the whole distance scuth and east, I'he addition tothe House of a number of spacious parlors, connected with lodgine rooms—the enlargement of the Diniog hall, and the various other cssential improvemenis, will now enable the subscribers to veceive nearly 200 persons, which they feel confident they can accommodate in a periectly satis factory style. (77 An extensive Livery StanLe,isalso attached to the piemiscs, HAZARD & ARMSTRONG, Newport, April 10, 1815. . OCEANmIIOUSE, - ° ‘Nrewgort, 2. X. lN consequence of the insufficiency of ne commodations, the {ast season, for the nu- R e kn q’(u iment e LEn ‘extensively enlarged, by the addition of 114 feet to the front and 0¥ feet to- the wing, 'taaking now a building 2% feet in length by 50 in width, with a wing 125 feet by 40, sur rounded by over 350 fent of wide pazzas, ‘and having other decided improvements, par ticularly the addition of a number of pailors ‘connected with lodging rooms. ' The House is now capabe of accommo dating 300 persons, and wilibe open for the reception of company about the I€thof June. I'he proprietor intends to spare vo pains to 'make the Ocean House notonly a fashiona ble but a comfortable residence for strangers during the warm weather of the coming sca son. A large and commodious Livery Stable is attached to the premisew, and the grounds around are very spacions and dehighttul, JOHN G. WEAVER. Newport, March 27,1815, ATLANTIC HOUSI, Cornerof Pelham & Soath Touro streets, NEWPFRORT); Re Lo Visitors to tlus fashionable 1 sumner rosorty are respecilil . I.i ly informed that the above &”‘ e mentioned house is now com pleted, and will be opened for the reception of company on the 10th of June next. The house is entirely new, pleasautly sitnated on the summit of the Lill, and commands a very extensive and beautitul view of the country, bay and ocean. [t is sarrounded by wide piazzas, the halls anpd purlors are spacions, ond the lodging rooms are large and airy. The house wili easily accommodate 200 per song. lts construction and arrangement will, it 18 hoped, give very general satisfaction, In soliciting the patronage of his friends and the public, the proprictor assures them that ke will spare no pams to make his house an agreeable and comfortable howe for the summer months, AWM A POTTER, Proprictu: Newport, March 20, 1845, TO LT, P et Ir nppli‘vtlvar gOON, A new @% STABLE. 75 feet long, with n i Carringe House, extending the AASEREY |\ le length on each side, The Stabie 19 attached to, and will have the busi- ness of the Areavtie Hovse l tFo further informatiop, apply to | ABR'M A POTTER [ March 20 1815 i NEWSPAPER CIPICO AND LITERARY DEPOT. “7 M. GOFF, respectful'ly mforms the pubiic that he has iade a most salis l:fl(‘.lur’ : arrangement with @ Publishing l House in New York, by wloch he will be regulacly supplicd with Datly and Weekly I N wepapers, Penodieals, and the most Popn “Inr Tales of the day. No pams will be ) Lapared to receive them as enrly ag steam ean ‘{ forward them, Persons v isliing to subseribe {or Magazines will please leave their names ,;f" the office, No. 88, second door noith ol Ahe Post Office. Bocks not on hand will be |3|vmcmv.'|l to order, and furmished at New * Nork prices, AONC B Boys will be in readiness 1o earry Hpapers, e toall parts of the town, inme "dmuly on their arnval i‘ Nuwport, March 0, ledo—dmn ' NEW PAPER HANGINGS, ;* M. FREEBORN’S VARIETY STORE, NO. 22, BROAD SIREET, A very large and beautiful assortment of FRENCH & AMFRICAN SAPER HANCINCS, BORDERS, FIRE-BOARD PAPDRS, CUTAING ke which will be sold at vevy low prices. Those in want of the article are respeet. fully invited to call and examine the patterns Newport, March 13, 1245 GARDIEN SEED, FOR SALE AT THE STORE OF JOIIN B. ATKINSON, Broad street, April 24 2. . BERRY, SurGroy Dexvist. . , Oflice at Mr. 8. Peckham’s, Chureh street sccond hivuse from Thowes styeet. | ' Newport —Jawes V. Turner, M. D, Il: B Tarmer, M.D.; David King, M. D.; 1] N Pieree, . ] | Bristol =), Holmes, M. D, ;L. W. Bricos | M. D, Auwg. 15. | JUST RECEIVIED, CHEAP CASH SBOE STORE, J greal varviety of Boots and Shoes, Cum'msmu the best patterns of Ladies Buskws, Slippers, and low ties, now in nse. Gentlemon’s ealf, sewed and pegged Boots § goat, ealf and Moroceo Bootees j Children’s boots and shoes of all degerptions. Biacking, Brushes, §c. ‘CASII ONLY' s our Motto, D="tbr | son't be alarined reader, at the phyase—! but remember, ye that pay cash down for your boots and shoes, that with only one eve open’ you can kce at one glance, you save 20 per cent by purchasing your goods at the store where they are cash down and no credit, l P.S. Having made arvangements with a gentleman in Boston, T shall keep constantly on hand gentlemen’s French Calf Boots, of f'hn best quality, and latest styles. Also Liadies French Buskins and Slippers, Having bought tzm of my Goods a consm derable less than those of last season, | am 'Fmpared to sell fof eash ot o greul reduction rom my prices of last year. S | JOHN CORBAN, No. 95, Thames street,, | Corner of Market Square, Newport, April 17, 1845. | :FIRS'P qualily of white lead, linseed oil, | gpirits of turpentine, glass of all kinds tand sizes, copnl, japan and bright varmshes, red lead, black do., glue, sponge, brushies of all kinds, borax, gold leaf; rotten stone, bath brick, verdigris, chalk, imperial green, vory black, and every other avticle usually found in a Pamnt Store, sold at the lowest cash prices, and on the most reasonable terms by | IRISH & STEVENS, | 116, T'homes -street, { N.B. Particular attention paid to Paper ing. March 13, 'l‘lll'} nrdersigned respectfully informs his customers and the public that he has sold out s establisinnent, and given up s Panting business to Messra, frisn & Sve vens, who will continue the same at the old stand, 116 G, Thames strect, and he clhicerfully recommends them to the patronage ol s triends and custamers, All those indebted to the subscriber, and those having demands against him, are requested to eall and scude the same immediately at 1 old stand, WILLIAM STEVENS. - Mareh 6, 1813. Tl 1 GRASS SEED, &e. Tunothy Seed, Borden do, Red Top do, Clover do. Arso—Shakers' Garden Seeds and Flower Sceds, a supenior quuhity, for sule Jow by M. FREEBORN, 2 Broad Strec! Mareh 27, l() bbls, GUOANO, from lehahoe, import cd i siap Brookline, tor =ale by (e varred by EF & W. NEWTON. Mav ). l““l( snle nt STEITENS WHARE, 40 burre N-(;l‘”\AV‘U?_ ol super tor qualily, by " LORING CcoOR ILy, on board sehe, Argo, ot sad Wharl, i ~or by ROBERT STEVENS Apr. 2 PAPER HANGINGS. PAPER HANZINCS AND BOARDLRS, l\."'l l-: ‘ PUREKE CAMPIHIENEL l)“ifl' K Camphone manufactured every week, and tor sale at { May 1 .' 'I‘"l"flll APHE <A Ligud Dye that eol 0| ors the Haw black m=tantaneously for =al hy R J tayhLouil, WAL GOI'F ‘ '4\" 10 CHEAPER THAN EVER!! Just received at KEFERENCES VA O HILIINTYS ROTICE. INOTICE. €inarno. Guano ! LSusse ! A 'RESH SUPPLY OF Bosion and Now Yoik, and for gale at the store of James Mammond, RIDER'S 97, Thames-st Joctryn. jserrerTrn) Feom the New Yok Tribune, MIDDEN CRIET There are who never tell their wo, Or breathe their hitter thoughits aloud, Or anght of oatward sorrow show Wihide mingling with the weedless crowd That whon Night round them w vaps her gloon Var trom the world to loneness dy, And draw from out Aifvetion’s tomb The tears which ‘mid ilts ashes lie Decpin the eye with beatty bright L found the darkling shades of Care, While many a laugh both free and light Springs from the bosom of Despair, And nota fow the world deems blest, O'cr whom the sigh ol Eovy sturts, Ave illed with thoughts of wild unrest, \Which roge unseen in breaking hearts For hiearts ne'er break ‘mud throngs of men Gricf sinks where Howers of Mirth are cast Buat Peeling wiclds Ler power again When Toneness comes and hoth are passed Then perished hopes, and severed tics, I And dreams but to the dreciier known, (Come back as tears steal in the eyes, i Where eyes may woeep and weep alone, But why should any learn to keep 'heir sorrows from atl human kind, And go away alone to weep, Aud slight relislin weeping find, Has Love's mild eyo no pitying tear, Nor Sympathy a holy cure ? Is there vo kindred sphit hero, To breathe in unison u prayer ? Ah! there are sorrows all may feel, Dut sorrows stuch as few will wll They pierce into the heart like steel, And chain iis utterance by theirspell, Save when the world in darkness lies, i Aud power is born of loneliness ; T'hen—then they from their prison rise, { And burst the founts of bitternegw. | A D IR THE HEIRIESS, . THE POOR GIRL. “Pair as the first that tell of woman kind, Fair, yes more than fair, was Nina Hamilton, and there was more than meve beauty in her bright, child-hike The danghter of a wealthy and face aristocratic Southerner, she wherted the warin, wmpulsive feclings of our Southern land, while firom her mother she derived the alinost ethereal beauty of form and feature, and the clear mar ble compicxion belonging to Northern climes. With bersinall and well-round ed figure, she united a grace and ease ol carriage seidom to be met with, and her face—"twas one ol nature’s waster picces. Her features were delicately moulded, and of Grecian l'o;_vulal'ity.—i The bright, blue eye, so speaking in its, glances, when once scen was uot 800 N forgotten, and the smile was one of those whose influence all must feel —- ln herthe picture of Zuleika seemed realized, and as you gazed you thought, The light of love, the purity of grace he musie breathing trom her fhee art, whose softness hinemonized the whole And, oh ! that eye was fa itscll a soul Bur, beautiful as she was, Nina was a spoiled child, gad as such, oftentimes most unhappy. We have sad herited the impulsive fechogs of he father, and these long le it uncontrolled. bad merged into an impetuous and table disposition, which oceasioned he fviends many moments of grivk. “Frae, in these, her dwk hours, the lace so aveet o look upon was clouded and changed, and yon gearce belicved “twas the same : vet, when the mood had wsed, all was faie agmin, and you sighed to thiok there had been a chunge Pere was treasures in the casketywhose laetre waa dimmed. thouvoh not destroy: ed, and there were Howers, which, un tended and neglected, had grown inte wild disorder, and languished for the kind hand which should tend and re clamm thew. ‘ “Nina,”’ exclomed a elearg elildish voice, “Nina, dear sister, Mrs, L, ‘4;\_\.4 youcanct have your dress for the !b.sll to-might,” and the latle speaker hesituted as she delivered the message, i and cast a hall terified glance towards t i her wother, who sal near :l Nina turned quickly round, I v Now, Mawina, is vot this too bad ! After all her promises, and when I cn treated her not to disappoint me 7 1t is shameful ! and T will not employ her again, and now [ have no other dress to wear, 1 declare’”’ ———= but tears chokod her utterance, and she threw Berseil o a chair, overcome by passion and disappointiment, ; “O Piy indeed, very vexatious,” said Vivs, Hamilton ; “but do pot distress yoursell, dear ehild =1 will go and per suade your father to give you the bean tilul dress you wished at M ——"s, Nay, daughter, cease ; you will spo your eyes,” and she left her with her little sister. | “Nay, dear sister,” exclaimed htle Ellen, Kissing away the tears which :lricl\lcd through her fiugers, *‘do not weep so; Vapa will, T oam sure, give I:)'uu the pretty dress, and atter all, it s ,'mmc beautiful than the one Nis. Ny 15 matking.” But her childish !--”'«:r!s were repulsed, for poor Nina's impetyous temper Lad gained the mas tery, and she tiemly believed ghe was a most injured person, and there was no cemedy but to give way to« her feel ngs. j She was at length roused by the en drance of her mother with the covetted f(h'('.\s from M ———"s, but the spoiled theanty scarce deigned to cast a glance ]nn the handsome combination of thuile, !mliu and ribbon, so temptingly dis fpluyvd by the foud though erring pa- rrent, { Long and goothingly did she mother 'strive to check the outbuvst of grief, but "hur soft tones, mellowed by love and ‘;u-nm\v, fell wubeeded on her willul hvluld’s ear : auyd so soon do evil pas \'-inns distort the medinm through which ",wc guze, that even the much-desived ( dress farled to call forth any expression !nl' admiration. Worn out with weep ing, she sank in a moody silence, and wheo evaning approached, prepared with an ill grace, at the entrealics of her mother, (o make hor ‘b *’fio ball—but, even yet, lhn-‘l'b"-_né.'o“ of her was disarranged, ael | i place, and the dress, in the ywrniog, pronounced so perfeetly au fail, was not Pm-ur so pretty by candie light as she had thought. li “Nay, Nina dear, look,” exclaimed "}Mrs. Hamilton, leading herto a mirror S, By RON in which her lovely form and face werg reflected—"“now, one smile, Nina, and there will be nothing waunting.”’ The tone and manner were irresisti ble ; the April cloud passed away, and the bright sunlight ofu smile gave new Leauty to hier sweet face, A sigh escaped Mrs. [Tamilton as she gazed on her daughter, and a troubled thought for a moment deadened her heart as the future rose before her ; but all was turgotten when she Leard the buz of adwiration which greeted hey cutrance at the bally and there was wought but love and joy in the glanco which followed the fawry figure thai trip ped so hghily through the dacce. i "T'was a bridhant assemblage obbeau "y gathered together at Mrs, Manver's, ;allul lovelier than all was Nina Hawi qon, Admiration followed her cvery step, smiles and kind words greeted the jlnwi_\' hiciress, and her beautiful ipy Epnrlufl but to enchaio a hstening gy, lenee Loy mother watched her with eyes, to which ounly a mother’s love could give that expression of proud jouy, and cvery sigh for bher daughtei’s wil ful temper was forgotten and hushed s she gaard. rllb‘ ill “Melville, “who s that beauttiul ereature voice, “Where 2 inquired the person ad “dil‘tcll.\' opposite ? dressed Nina Hamlton—is ghe noi lovejy “Beantitul, indeed ! smd s com- panton, rather as il communing with b own thoughts. “Surely no crcation ol Cgenius was ever more fanliless Bt l‘h i owe, Melville, is she as good as bheawiul 27 he continucd; more cur- nestly, turning eagerly round. “Ha ! my proud Leonard Grey, do you at last own the spell ol beanty < you who have roamed through distant lands, peopled with pretty faces and brighter eyes, and yet boasted that vuscathed by Ahew lluence, you wero hoee 5 wihae your hu nble servant Lere, more sise cepubl s scarce reco vls one wou d, ;cro apother is lhcted “Nay. Melville, we will not discuss hat point | answer my guestion CWell 'y fuend of tie stuny hemt, ! Whele No. 789, Y oexclamed a deep, ) I'hiat 18