OCR Interpretation

Herald of the times. [volume] (Newport, R.I.) 1830-1846, January 22, 1846, Image 1

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Devald of the T’ymes,
Vol. XVI. No. 41.
Oerice 150, Tuamrs-srreer,
At the head of the Counr, in the rear of
Messrs, E. F. § W. Newlon. |
£2 in ndvance, or £2,25 at the end of the ye
Jpdb Peiwdingy,
sr7 The undersigned, having mnde’
many additions of YRGS WYL2 00
his Printing Esmhlivshmcnl,‘
and a superior (ARD PRESS, is pre
pared to execute every description of
Lanevs, Cnecks,
Sunow Bivws, Bare Tickers,
Sreampoar Bices, | Bives or Laping,
Stace Binus, Business Carps,
Pamrurers, | CATALOGUES, '
HaxppiLes, I Biv Heaps, |
Braxks & Lapers, | Nores, |
BILLS OF FARE for Public Houses.
SHOW BILLS, for Concerts, Lec
tures, Public Meetings, Exhibitions,§e¢. !
A beantiful assortment of Plain and Em- |
ossed carDs on hand,
Orders from town and country will be
promptly answered, ut prices as low as those!
of any other establishment. {
Specimens of work may be seen at the
office. “T'he patronage of the public is re
spéetfully solicited
BRC LTN 0 SRR & et Ve W S aa) N iet AR
Feanl Ooiiess,
Commissioners’ & .\clmin-i
istrators’ Notice. :
fl‘llE subscribers having been appointed
by the Hon, Conrt of Probate, of the
town of Newport, Commissioners to receive |
and exnmine the elauns against the ostate ot
HWALTER W. SIMMONS, late of New-|
port, dee’d. represented insolyent ; and six
months from the date hereof, having been
allowed to the creditors to present their!
claims ; we will attend at the office of Peter
P. Remington on the second Saturdays of
May, June and July next, to act thereon, ot
2 v’%lock, P. M., on each of smid days, !
Jamesg Lawron, ?
Rogere Dexyis, - Comm’rs,
Daniern “E.\ll\\l.s
All persons mdebted to said estate are re
quested to make rmmediate puyment to
P. P. REMINGTON, Adw’r.,
with the Will annexed,
Newport, Jan. 5, 1846,
Administrator’s Moltice,
"‘IH‘Z subgeriber, having been appointed
by the Hon, Court of Probate, Adminisira- |
tor on the estate of Ksther Flecetate of Jamu-!
ca, Queens County New York,widow deceas
ed, requesta all persons having demands
agninst said Estate to present the same, nnd
those indebted to make immodinte payment,
Newport, Nov, 6, 1815 13m. .
Commissioncers’ Xotice.
I‘IIPI subseribers hiaving heen appointed
by the Hon. Conrt of Probate, Com
miscioners, to receive and examine the
claime against the Bstate of ESTHER
FLEET, late of Jamaica, Queens Connty,
New York, widow, decensed, represented
insulvent, herehy give notice, to all persons
having demands against smid Estate, that six
months from the 19th nstant, are allowed to
bring in and prove their respective ¢laims
and, that we will attend at the house of Pe.
ter P. Remington, E<q. in T'hames street, on
the last Saturdays of April, May and June
next, at 3 o'clock, . M, for the purpuse of
attending to the same,
SILAS WARD, Comm'rs.
Newport, Dee. 25, 1815, 3,
Cowrl of Probate, Newport, Jun. 5, 1345,
'l‘lll‘} administeator’s first aceount on the
estate of SIMEON =MV, was pre
gsented ‘or gpllowance 3 the same s read, re
ceived, and the consideration thereof referred
toa Court of Probste to be holden atthe
Town Hall in Newport, on the first Mon
dny i Fegroary next, ot 4 o'clock, a. m.
and notice thereof 1s ordered to he pub,
lished three successive weeks in the Herald
of the Times, that all persons interested
may appear at sajd time and place and be
A Lrue copy —witness,
B. B.llowraxn, Pro, C'k
Court of Frobale, Newpoyt, Dec. 5. 1816
Al:h Execntors, Administrators, and Guar
dinne, appointed by this Court, whe
have M‘glm'lvd tg repder therr aceannts fon
one year, are notyivd 1o present the same at
s O Court of Probate to be Lolden at the "fown
Pinll in Newport, on the first Monday o Peb.
roary nextyar Y o'clock, nom By order
B B Howeasn, Prob. Clerk,
Jan. 15
A two story “wo-?',mz Flonen,
formishied, just east of the
,I“ Bellevne House, A good well
of water,n gnrdon, and bharn
are attached to the promiece, ‘-:,.,'...r.. of
Mav ). on the promisre
’I callvd [:U' soon,
I‘,l:"‘“".l.“ and Landon’« Handiorehn
; derfumes. at oG U 0 HAZARD'S
A first rate larm for Sale.
[y That well known and beauti-
Sspm fully sitnuted Farn, containing
m " about fifty acres of highly euln
b vated land, and known by the
name of the Gearge Armstrong Farn, 1s
now offered tor sale.
- Phis Farm is on the wmargin of the sea,
with valunble privileges of building stone,
| sand, gravel aud see mamare, It lies at the
bottom of Narragansett street, and is con
- stantly increasing in value, For further par
ticulars, apply to
' Newport, May 22, 1845—tf,
T 3
Valuable Real Estate for Sale.
Seme ) T'HE subscriber offers for sale
";‘m. that valuable estate at the corner
| fim BB of Thomes & Mary streets, the
| front of which he occupies as u
I Dry Goods store—situated in the centre of
' the town, it offers to the man of every hLine
| of business rare local advantages and to the
| eapitalist a good opportumity of profitubie in
-1 vestment,
'l Also, he offers for sale that large and valu
able lot on the south side of Touro, and
facing also on Schonl-street—giving, in an
improved and desirable vieinity, a chojce of
two handsome fronts as a building lot.
He is selling his remaining stock of Goods,
at auction prices.
Newport, Aug. 7th, ;
[l . The Chambers over the
; 117 Store, No. 107, I'hames street,
| 141 Applv to |
'l ' WM. F.& A. BARKER.
1 June 19—f,
' “Leoxomy 1s Weavru”— Franklin,
Napoleon Boot Soles.
AI}")NJ. MARSIHL Jun,, has just received
from New York, a supply of the above
articles, and s prepared 1o have them put
upon Gentlemen's Boots or Shoes in the
neatest manner, and at the shortest notjce.—
They are warranted a saving 1o the weare
tof more than fifty per cent over the com
mon soles, for both coanrse and fine Doots, &e.
-~ Those who wish dry feet the approaching
winter, will please send their Boots ta
’ RS Thames-Street.
Newport, Nov. 26, 1815,
National Loan Fund
Life Insuranee Soeiety, of London:
CAPITAL $£2,500,000.
The following are among the advantages
offered by this Tnstitution : ‘
‘The gnarantee ofa large subseribed Capi
tal in addition to the accumulation of Prumi-
The peenliar Lencfit secured to the as.
sured by the principle of the Loan Depart
The vayvwent of Uremioms, aunually, half
yeariy, or qnurtl'll;'.
T'he travelling lease extensive and liberal,
'! T'hirty days allowed after each payment
~of preauim becomes due, without forferture
Lof Poliey,
. T'he Society being founded on the Muru
'an & Joazt Stock principle, parties may
‘participate in the profits of the Society, two
thirds of which are annually divided among
the Assured,
" The Society is not connected with either
[Marine or lire Insurance.,
| No charge made the assured for Medical
~ For the character and respectability of the
nstitution, the Socicty has the privilege of
relerring to the
; Hon. Assorr Lawresce, and
, WiLtian Arrrervos, Ksq, Boston,
' Medical Examiner in Newport, R IT,
t Tiworunmes C. Dusy, M. D,
- Pamphlets contaning tables ol rates, §c |
may be examincd and all necessary intorima
tion obtained at the Agent’s office in tns
town, over Mr. Callahan’s Book Store.
I'hames-s?, C. E. ROBBINS, dAgent
-~ Newport, R. 1. Nov. 20, 1315
I Newport Female Seminary.
IN this Instrrorion the scholastie venr is divided into
two terms of 22 weeks each, the ®ommer Term
cemmencing on the third Wednesday in Muy ;5 the
Winter Term the tirst Weldnesday in November. P'u.
pils can bonrd at the Seminary and pursue their studics
during the vaentions il Parents desire,
Boarders, = 200 per annom, including fuel in winter,
sen bathing i summer and an extensive course of Fng-
Jish studies, or #3OO will include musie, deawing und
printing latin and modern lunguages
| Day Scholars, 38 per 1l weeks, Primary Depart
‘ment, 35 per 11 weeks,
Newront.—Rev. C, T. Brooks, Rov. T. Thaver,
Capt, Tavior. U, 8, N, Hon. Heonry Y. Cranston,
Pojeg Clarke, Esq. and Samoel B Vernon, E<q
| é«'r.w Yok —Dr. Potts, Rev. K Muson, Messrs,
Prime, Ward & King, and John Gihon, Fxq.
BrooKLyN. —Drs Stone, Catler, Cox, Broadhead and
Rev, Francis Vivion,
| West Poist—Capt. Brewerton, U, 8, Engineers,
New Havex—Dr. Romeo Elton
Morwistows.—Rev A, Henry Dumont,
Bosron.—Augiystas Thorndike, BEsy., Hon, Abbott
Lawrence, Bev, Dr. Lowell, Rev, David Reed, Rev,
E.N. Kirk, Rev. Wm M. Rogers, Rev_ 1. Winslow,
Principi ! of Bencon High Schonl. Lowell Mason, Esq.
Javarea Praivs. «Rev. J. O, Chonles
SAavasvan —Rev, W, Preston, M Hall MeAllister,
EFrg., Franews Sorrel, AL AL Somers, s,
Haaue, Va.—Dre. Wheelwright, Walier, Bowie, Esq
Newport, Rept, 4, 1945
Important Notice.
“r AKRRANTED to he one of the most valu
ae articles over offered to the publn
tor spramns, windgnlle, spavins, stillneas ot
the jonts, strains and enllonees of long
standing, also tor swellings, fresh wonnds,
galle, & ¢ e This tealy valnahle o
20 years, nnd 1 no omstanee has ot ta'ed to
giwve satisfaction to the purchoser oo s
ehenper than any other article, st roquires
bot a snll goantity 1o complete a cnre,
Alens will answor uqm\lly ne well for Neat
or Horn eattle, Prepared only by the In
ventor and Proprietor, JAMES KIDDER,
East Boston, nlso for sule hy R R Hazard
Newport, R, L fJan. 1. 146 <ly
Jan »
“CLiberty and Union, now and forever, one and inseparvable” —WLENILR
' ’ et @v e
(") e -~ 1 ‘l-- - " r(..‘|,
Do J o ur‘ 't J_’f;<'.3::]i)
I I AS just receivedand will keep conatant-
Iv tor sale,a large assortment of Pl-
ANO FORTES, made by Hallet, Dayvis & Co.
Boston, six and gseyen octaves, with elegant
Rosewood, Walnut and Maliogany cises, at
the manufucturers lowest prices, and every
Instrument warranted to give the most per
fect satisfuction, '
| Please cail and examine them, at |
o No. 33 & 35, Westminster Street.
- Providence, July 10, 1845,
| - *
§ \B Lo
! e, [T TR Rf LR = ‘
Sy 77 Ry
D ke Ly
Through by Stage. |
()N and after the Ist of Oct, n stage will
leave Newport duily, at Bo’clock, A, M
for Fall River, ‘l'aunton, and New Beoford
and arrive in I"all River at halt past 11, and
And arrive 1o 1"ail v oy
ANEW DUdiora and raunton at nail past .. |
Returning, will leave Tannton and N. Bed |
ford at 9a. m.and Fall River st 1 p. .
Fare to Fall River 50 cents, to New Bedford
125, and Tannton 1,25, Stage Look
Newport, at Townsend’s [otel, ' '
Oct, 2d, 18435. ,
. . .
Fall Fiver and Boston Rail Road
Fall Avrvangcment, |'
Crelew sl i) 1 |
4 - . - \..,g..5..m-, RS ,""l, &:'w‘ ;
e e ata—
VI‘R.\INS leave ["all River for ‘T'aunton,
Boston and Providence,at 74 A. M. and
=% P.M a
Lieave Fall River for New Bedford, at 74
and 92 A. M., and 5 P. M, I
L.eave Boston and Providence for Fall
River at 8 A, M., and 34 4. M, |
Leave New Bedford tor Fall River at 7
A M., and 23 P. M, ‘
The Stage will leave Newport at half past |
11 o’clock, A. M. for 'all River, and wiil
connect with the Boston 'rain which leaves
i'all River at 24 p.m. and the New Bedford
tratn at 5 p. m,
I"are from Newport to Boston, #2.00
o, do T'eunton, ] 25
Do, do New Bedford, 1.35
o Tickets to ke purchased of the Stage
ver for either of the routes,—or at the oflice
in Newport, at the residence of R. B, Kins |
Oct, 2d, 1845 —lf.
' For sale or to Led,
9 Vl‘llx\'l‘ well known Estate in Portsmonth,
| belonging to J. Dennts, Jry, to wit: a
- house and about 25 ucres of land, with eon
- venient out buildings. The house 1s admirn -
b'y calculated for taking boarders, having 2
- parlorsy, and a diming room 26 feet by 15, a
- large kitchen with 3 closets, On the 24d
floor there afe 10 large niry roems, and in
- the attie 8 large lodging rooms, The sitva.
ton s airy and the prospect extensive and
. dehghtful in every direction, having a view
t of Narragansett Bay upon the west ; tne ety |
> of Providence, Providence River, Monut
Hope Bay apd Taunton River upon the
- north; Seconett or last River on the east
¢ and =outh, nearly to the Ocean, “I'he house
y s only a plessant walk from the shore
r where there is fine sea bathing. ‘There are
three houses of worslitp, Post Offiee, Sehool
r - house, sud Miil within one nale of the prem
sed. The proprictor will endeavor to make
| any areangement that will be for the interesi
ot the tenant, ;\g)p"\' to or nddress, ,
§ Portsmouth, R. 1,
|1 Dec. 4, 1845.—tMh. I*,
| December 185,
\ greal variety of ready made Comforta
4N bles—of ditlerent sizes and rood wate
' rials, at low prices, |
JAlso, ‘
A large gtock of ecominon and soperior
qualities of BLANKETS. tor sale low by
‘ Beaver and Pilot Cloths, i
' Vermont l\'c'rm-ys, |
| *Y, No,; ‘
. for sale low by |
| Dee, 18, WM. C.COZZLENS, & CO.
. Shoulder Beaces,
\ VERY superior artiele of SBi'k Sbhoulder
4 Braces—also, some common Shoulder
Braces,at LANGLEY & NORMAN'S, |
| Nov, 6,
W/ RILLA isas sure and strong an extiact
from this eelebrated root as can possibly he
mades The price is <o reasonabile that the
poor ean afiord to use it, being but 5 cents pm
bottle, or 84 per dozen. Itas the only article
that will efiectually punify the blood from all
impuritics. Uhose who have been imprudont
in the uze of calomel, §c., will find sure rel o
from it. Every one should take it in the spring
of the year, il they wish to heve good heaith
doring the warm senson, For sale by Com
stock & Ross, 19, T'remont Row, Boston, ‘
Ageuts for Newport,
R.J TAYILOR, and |
C.G.C., HAZARD., '
Nov. 20,
PENO THE DEAF., -Dassvinne, Me
l Oct, 713041 hereby ecormly that |
was afthioted with deafness for ahoat tour yvears
i one ear, nnd with the other abont «iv weeks
Ater ey vantons remedice recommended, |
o nrm.| oue bottle of MeNAIRS ACOLS T
O, of M Edward Mason, apothecary, Port.
Land, and after peing it aceording to the direc
tions, | recovered my hearing entively
: N. Lo Iscrnroony,
Me Ingersoll je well known in the State of
Muine, lm\mg filled swevern! town oflices, §¢
His cortiicats s entitled to amplicit beher, - |
Comstock & Ros<, 19, Tremomt Row, Boston,
Agents tor Newport, (|
. R J TAVLOR, and
Nov 10
Conirvibutionship ire fa
surance Conpany
Oftite, Yo, & Vsl SBteeet,
l.\'Slil“‘l Dwelling hovsea, Warehousos
und buldiigs i gendiol, merehandise,
household fuiiiore, ships building, ships
i port and ther mugvms'. g every d:--.-np
ton of personal property, agninst loss or
dumage by fire,
| J.SMITH ROGERS, Presidinl,
!' R. W. Marwin, Seerelary.
RICTORS . —J. Smith l(ngc"‘ Jdan es Baiar,
CJames Meßeide, JMn Adams, Jolis Fiadeerry,
Gulian C. Verplunck, Jolin dohuson, Joseph
Kernochan, John 1 Polwer, Peter Lovilland,
James MeCull, Robert MeCaoskry, Henry Pa.
vish, Renben Withors, William Feott, Fordi
nand Suvdam, Peter L Novine, Richard Livin
C. V.B Roosevelt, E. D, ITurlbue, Gearge P
Pollen, Williaim Colgnte, Lowell Holbrook.,
The undersigned are the only anthorned
n«_{('nln of sand company n N"\v port, anl
they are prepared to insure any ol the aboye
named property i Newport and s vicinity
the terms, &e., of imsarnnce will be made
known on application to us,
Newport, Feb, 15 1844,
The sobscribers have jost re.
ceived a laroe and elogant assort
i ment of HATS & CAPS, com.
! prising a great vapiety avd desirn
ble patterns, Wil reeeive this day, twa
cases of Paris’ Hate, a splendid ariele,
Boys Cloth Cups us low as 50 cents
The public are respectfully mvied to call
and examine onr stock previonsly to purelas.
ing, a 3 it will be sold at the lowest possible
ypentlemen of Newport, we have iinis we will seli,
Mhica haowoslan wff aaibalabe o oo - s mimm
It you wish for a Hat from the finest of Beaven,
Please eall at the store of PARKER & WEHAVER
N. B. Hats and Caps made at the shortes
notice, PARKUK & WEAVER.
Nowport, Apeil 17, 1515,
- Remedy for ideafmess,
l]()\V many persons are saffering from
this coomplaint, who, by the vse of Dr,
MeNuie's Aconstic Oul, might ebtain imme
dinte relief, and inall probabihity regnin the
hearing. [tis also a sore reliof lin all case
of buzzing poises m the cars. &c
are but symptoms of approasching deatness
Letthe afilicted make o trinl of this nrtiele
Sold only ar 21 Conrtlundt street, Prico &
per flask, For sale in Nowport by
Sept, 5
iR. 3.
l“()l( Inrge and soon!l Pacliaoes (exelnding
Mail matter) between Newport, Boston,
Fall River, ‘l'nunton and New Dedford, -
Froaght i large quantities telion at redacad
rates, )
© Oflice in Newport at R. 3. Kinsley’s resi.
denee, 1n Groen-st,
- Office in Roston at Doolittle’ ity Tavern
Brattle street, (ct, 2,
] N -,
ll AVING removed to the store Noo 108,
B Thames street, fonmerly oceupied by
the late Tuos. G, Brows & Soss, is pro
pared to eut nnd make all kKionds of Garmonts
in the most fashionabile styles snd on as hib
eral terms a 9 any other esinnhshiment,
Wanted——b or 6 gicls to learn the trade,
March L 3,
Chemical Balcam,
I"l' prevents Raldness, itremoves Dandefl
and entancons Seart, it keeps the Haran
s natural color, and prevests it from turn-
Ing grey.
It contains no substanee that wall elog the
pores, inflame the ckin, and stop the growth
of the harr 3 but it does contam real nonrish
ment for the vesselzs from which Ile ronts
spring. It shonld be weod feely, necording
to the directions on each bottle, and the re.
solt will be specdily beneficinl, The har
necds astimnlant, and excitement of the skin
causes thnt stimulant, Necleet in rebbing
hard and well the Chemienl Dalsam, whon
apphied, deprives it of half ite power and effi
cacy. This should be vementhered
N ov, 20, Noo 130, Thames st
I () Pivers very soperior last CAR
i PETS, will be apened 'h!\'(h},', hy
Oct, 9, -
Linitment for Rbeamanticm. < N rheumatu
persons have very good resson for rojoteimg
that they ean obtain an article that will set ali
theamatie comploints at detimee, We wonde
that people will sutlor a 4 moment « ith this dis
tressing and excruciding pain, when they ean
find o certain cure in thos |n--;vu'ui-n|' The
certificates that the nroprtetor hine, w yald aston
ish the most inereduions patients who hive
bieen Laid up o yenrs, and w ho never expected
again to he ahont, in health or without erutehe
have been almost reacalons!y rmsed from beds
ol |min_ and restored 1o llwrr' friendse, sound in
their Limbs, and entuely free from parn o any
kind. ‘l"ia is vo fichon, bat ety and thoasands
who have used i ean testily 1o its useloiness
Beware of counterions, The genume sold
19, Tremomt Row
Agents for Newport,
_\.HV '.)‘)
l,"c":!.» Covmr, tuy ti=lt would do
vou no horm, and ey do vyou o gres
deal of good —at any rate, o it don’t do you
any good it will eoet von nothing It ia May'e |
Liniment. Sold by Comstock & Ross, 19,
I remont Row Boston: tor the Piles. Price &1,
Agents for Newport,
Nov. 20 '
The New York
L 3
Unprecedenied Suecess
All-Healing Ointment
Move than 20,000 ' Persons Cured
Dwring the last sie months ! !
q:'-.'n : r-—-_ -?éé
i I".z‘,_:a'
‘ l'l' I 8 impossible to give to the public an
adequate iden of the great sueces which
has sttended the Avi-IIeALING Ointa e
for the pastsix months, I is perfeetly astonish
g to witness the etfects and henr the praises
- bestowed npon this medicine, No one could
Cconceive that a single medicine peossessed so
ek victue and had power (0 heal so many
diccaszes. Bat since it s well known that more
than 20,000 persons huve been cored,our friends
Dwill realize the trath of our remarks which we
Cnpade about 6 momhs ago, viz @ That there
would uwot be a family in Amerien who would
[ lve a day without possessing a Lox of Me s
ter's AM-Healing Ownent, if they but knew it
- This simple trath has been fully domonstin.
ted, as illustrated by the above ent, viz . ‘Il
cheeked perspiration s certain te produce siel -
nesa; and thal 1S restoration 15 sure to carry of!
the morbid hamors and bong with it health,
| Forexample ; By o sudden chunge of weatl
vroor from exposure of oney two or five min
utes (while warm) 1o a enrrent of airy will e -
T vitably produce some complaint. It may he
* faver, or it may be Rbeumatism, or Siek Heod -
Voaehe, o lotlananation of the Bowsls, or a
©orunning Sore, or Sore Lyves, ov Asthina, Liver
- Complamt, and Comsumption. Now how to |
(recopen the pores, and permit the blood to
again dvive ot the perspiuation, has boon o
duficulty which physieians were unable 1o over-
Ceome. Nowedicine has ever been resorted Lo .
for ths purpose until MeA s e s \Lu-tlvar.
ING Onxraest was introduced 1o the paliie, |
sinee which tune, phiysicians as well as others
e now using it great quantities. Somenre |
hold enongh to call it by s night name, whnle !
[ some, put it to other vessels and eall itsome. |
thing else. And thus this Geeatr and Goon ‘
medicine is being used and appreciated by ull
clusses, both professional and Jaymen, {
Do Friends and fellow-ecinzens ! we have no de- ’
sire to deceive youin this matter, and f we |
know ourown honrte, we would never utler o l
word or it a dfinger to aniluence you to vour !
mpury, We are, therelore, for showing open
hands and clean bearvis, and e Ay washoever
to he g iy ol maang any statement not bhovge
out wath trathe Yoas from the itlucaes of those |
fecings thint we addiess the ‘n.1.1.- Vesprcting
the virtues of the AV-Healing Ountient
We wil new nuine soine discases successiully
treated -
Nalt Rhewm.-=Many persons enme who had
b this llll“-"ull_\ for 7,00, and 15 years, and
nothing seemed to do any good. [
Ftlectunlly cured, sir hundred and fifty,
Nervous Niek Heoadache.—~We have not !
vet foled in eaning this complaint, Wesappose |
we could really core the headache mae tunes |
1 oten take the woild over.
Successtully cuved, oleven hundred
b Diseuses of Claldren.—liow many thon-| -
sands are swept away by giving interpal medi.
cines, when theie young bodies and tender
frames are unable to bear up against powerful
druga and physies ! Soeh enses au Croup,
Choleey, Worms, Choleva dafantim, wod all
Nummer Comploants, by which so moany
childeen diey the Ointwent will remove <o
<peedily aud suraly, that a physician will never '
e needed, Mothers ! throughout oli this and,
we now solemniy and sacvedly declare 1o you
that the Al Healing Ointment will save your |
chnddren from an early grave if you will wse o 2
and we hold up our warning woice, and declare
i the faee of the whole world, Children need |
not die more then others. Butitis from the
wrant of proper nourishment and the constant ‘
drugging they undergo, which mows them
down s the rank grass falls bofore the seythe, |y
Mothers ! we repeat again, and af they were!'|
the last words we wore ever to utter, and of y
course past the reach of all tterest, we would \
sny, *Use the Al-Healing Ouidment for
sickness among children.”’ .
Fevers.— In all easesof fever, the lfl.'rl"q") P
livs i the pores neing loeked un, o that the |
heat and perspuation cannot pass ofl. The
Al Healing Ogntent wul e oall cases of fivers "
almost dnstont/y vnloek the skin and bring torth 5
the persprrution
Female Complaints—lnflammation of the ¢
hiddmeys, of the womb, and s taliing down, '
weakuess and eregalarity 4 tind ready and pes '
manent rehiet W have had aged tadies tell o
as they coma not hive six moaths withoat at,
But to females about to become mothers, il gsed 0
for some weeks antecedent to their confine
ment, very fow of those painse and econvalsions .
which attend them at that peood will he delr !
Phis taet onght to bo known the world over. (¥
Soccessiaily eaved one hundred and fitteen, "
Old Sores Tho woun lm‘ullm\sv-l oot :::
foste i the care of Sores s one of the most
remmrkable facts connected with the entie “'.
webiimistiation of this Ohntent,
Suceesstully cured Eleven Hundrved '
Consumplion, ="V hie enies Hected 10 Con
SEpton ace trely g :I.T"\z'u Weare sure ol
one thing & Vhatof the All-Healing O anmen
will do wo good, that porson in Consuption
Wil tiaed gt duilien’t to ind any thing that will
Suceesstgily trented, b o hundred and oo
Liver Complaint has beeo trented more s "
cosstutly ol posalile, thion Consumption
Sore Fyes Hundieds have been cared of ."
sore b e We have known persons (o send 'h
ovembon miles to be cared ol sore AT I U "
they are corod e
Sueeessiully treated, seven hundrved un ‘
ety one e
Felons, Tumovsy Warts, Erevesconces ol
every fomd and eharneter have boen swopt otl ‘;'
by the thow<ard
“Probably three to five thovwsand curvd,
Coutaneons Eruplions Nothing has ovem
proved so suceessial temoving pamples,
blotehes, erviptions, and all skin diseascs, ex
cem the Baible O ntment, |
Suaccessiully treated, seventeen hundred,
Worms Whenever it has been tried, it has
proaved tommphant We sy ot anhestating'y, |
that there & not (o e Dund o *are e Worms |
I » .
a 0 sbmple, sule, and eertain, ns MeAlister
S AlHealing Outment. .
o Cawed over three thousand.
Colds, Coughs, §e.~ Innum ¢ are tl
. emses cuwred of these compliins
. Between two and three thuus cured,
Scarp HEsp —~We have cured ¢ wetunl|
defled len populur vemedies, s wellw mhiliey ol |
| orRO doetors, G uan told us e » 2500 wn
[ochtdren withiout hewetin, when o lew of the O
Cment eure l them,
Conns —We have cnred more thap tes thonsund
COne ol onr ngents said he conld give ne a string o
Hames that would rench Irom nr‘cul' o the Moo
corns exelusively, ™9
CTRCHOFULA —-Cnses ol b, 10, and re sanndin
hauve only yielited 1o the prv of this v
o msonk Bres Chapped s, goinee k
" Ao the Face. Toothenehe, Swetlingd budlwinniation
Fand the ke, hnve Leen cared by the thousnnd
0 Distases oF e Chpesto=The Omtment has hee
cminently saecesstiul i ewcing Asthma, Fuins, Wenk
ness, Oppression, wid the like,
Cured over tourices hondred,
| O Nervors Diseases —severn hondrved cared,
I Corp Feer,=Multitndes of pecnte sufter from col
e, wid never Know how o remedy the evi!, Ty
Ouiment will open the pores, anse ere wsedd voapidin
[ the cirentntion, wund thos resiore Wb il o
ptort booahe feet,
| Buccessinly trented, Eleven Hunded,
v ks <We inve known persons to ofier 've dallar
P b for the sobve, to onr countey apents, enther tin
PR home wathout L tor the porpose of carivg piles,
Buccesstuliy trented e oo ed wnd toue
{ Buass. For burns it has vot s egunl e the waorld
| W should he willing to huve o 1 tested with “the very
host remedy o Barope or America,
Cured, seven hinndred and over
CoMak AND Daxprt oy Shie O] pressed from the
CoalHentipg Grotment, prodasés a e oil sp s sed
Py uny production i ihe world,
This Ol resiores the tusensible Perspivation the snie
ne the Sulve, and pnpaiis tone to the sealp, 10 the
haie will grow under nuy circigsinnces, it will ander
o 1 s restored the Lair in nenr!y o hundeed enses
Folndecd it has mer with siceess we did ot onrselves
expeed The good 1t has done s inenteutabile 1t has
carvied gladuess and joy into mme o w dwelting, ond we
thunk him who is the Anthor of all good that he ling
Cheen plensed to bless this spmple remedy pat octh with
sincere and honest motives, o the Lealing ol =0 mnnpy
Cdiscuses 1 has alrendy restored many a poor mnn 1o
s wile wnd chillrem, on wham all their depordenes
wis bndd, e b owe helieve that not ten iy dovis eni
be found wmong tae 50,000 who have used if, who is
serey that it s conee to bis know ledge
' Sach is MALerer's Ann-Hearise OiNtymesT, and
sich s its reception nmaong the prople,
Friends and wellow.eitizens ' whicome this gref® and
good wedicine to yone bames Yoy shall never egret,
i, we pledge you onr good waord, |
A BN N {
| Sole l’rul:rwlrn'a.
‘Gurasp Deror, 168, Sovrw sv., MY
i Forsale by R.J, TAYLOR, Agent,
Newport, B Nov. 1815.
As the Arc-Hleanine Oaxewest hns heen greatly
connterterted, we have given this exution 1o the pabde *
thot “po Omtment wall be genuine nnless the mumes )
James MeAlister or James Mo A lister & Co o onre Wit
TEN With a pes npon every lubel ™ The Intel s o
steel engenving, wirh the tigure of “Inspavinie Peg
SPIRATION" anthe Dee
Now we hereby ofler n rewnrd af 500 1o be pat! on
convietion in nny of the consiitated conrts of the U
ted States, of nny ndividunl counterterting our nste
nnd Ointment, |
. ’ 5 ‘
Co-partnership Nodige. |
lTlll‘l snhecrihers inve this day formed «
) Co purtnership under the firm ol ‘
e 5 a v - |
At Store No, A 35’ Thames-Street, !
where they intend earrying on the TATLOR.
ING BUSINESS, in all us Uraoches. |
They have jost received a complete
assortment of |
TY A \r’\r @f“ T Yy :
\ /Y / ¢ ) D)
EN LY OD. é)g
"o toae ot Fronel, Gorman, English, and
T Boaver Ciaths, ot Chroths,
. » |
i deoths, Lasstmieres, \"~|.n_'.-',
Qe Qoo togeiher with a good |
assortment ol '
. - ° {
Ready Made Clothiag, ,
all of which they wiil scll ae chonp ne cnn b
bought at any other Store, “Thiew friends
anc the pubhe generally, nre invited
to givetpema call and exanine
2 for themselves ’ .
Newport, Sept. 22, 18435. [Oct, 2,
sl N U !
- |
\ N"'.‘-v ~"|l.|bl\ of the n_uwl popuiar 'mlm;
4 medicmes, ameng which are
Sinds', Brown's and Carpenter’s Extrnet of
Soarsaparilia . !
Sinds" salt Rheam Romedy
Starkweather's Hepatie B, ('
swiims' Panseen, f
Dr. Jayvae’s BExpectorant, v For Coughs, '
Drr Allea’s Balsam ot Liver. ' |
wort, v‘(sld:. asth
“ Taylor's Balsam of Liver. l y
wort, | ma and pul |
o Wistar's Balsam of Wil >
Cherry, | monary al I
Mrs. M. N. Gardiner's Balsam | I {
of Liverwort, feetions gon |
Veostabla Palmonary Balsam, { ¢
‘.:,4!vrunn'fl'ungh D ps, ! erally. |
. . : ¢ . |
laekson®s, Shevman’s and Wistii's Cougl
L ozenges, .
Pegse s, thown'sand Wik'w Coveh Candies | l
Invne’s, Swaim’s & Fahinestoek s Vernnfuge,
adsworth’s, Remington s § Core's Croup 1
W Sviap i'
i Jas Mureay sy Dinneloid’s and Duiha® |
Ilaid Magnean (
Clove Anodyne Drops, for the ~l'm'lf_\ relied of (
toothnehe {
Wight s Indian Vagetabla, Whitney '-‘)
Congh . & Whitney santy hibwoos, Mend e, Pills !
[Davenport '« Pomato, & &e., s |
ALSO - Die, T Go Wilew s Respirntor, of 'y
Breath Warming Tnstiam o, for the ose of '
hose ',C“icl”'{ W hllvu' iull;!. e arrated l:\ e\ \
posure to ghe niv & the obeeis of which are to |
sualite the consampnive and those predisposed
o conntmption, 1o take everoise without risk i '
e open air, ind te prevent the bad effvcrs to 4
the tuongs, arising fron sadden changes in the
ctpernture of the atmosphe o ‘
Juat received and for sale Ly !
Sion ol the Goldon Yoriar, near the State
House, New port, R | {Feb, 1.
rur: NAPLES AR DYE cwar !
ranted to pmpnrt o the hate n beautiful |
Pt Wacky wobiont either offecting i« sofiness o |
trength, and without stninmg or nny wav!,
nimring the «ln s petocidy immuoesnt iy s ‘
nalave, nnd hine o dek teriois ollpcte on the
henlth, ne e attostod by the evpenicnes of those \
m the ety who hoave peed ot Tor o long the, !
v who <t contmpe 1o uee An aprochen ! |
o of e Poesessing 0 ous |u.‘l|flil'l has
o deterred thousauds from Y valuahle
preparation, which so much heanithies and o
Yorne peronnl ppentaaes Sold wl9, Tre |
mot Row, Boston, ot 50 cte por bottle, |
Agemtsior Newpont, t |
Naov, 20 ‘
‘ AGAEITO Fiserwie Macmses o
a 4 Medien! purposes, for sn'e by |
Seot ). R LTAYTLOR. ?
?? “t.il
~ Every man can exert an i:r'nc_e, no
maller how poor, illiterate feeble 1n
hody, he may be. One iden, ed
by un humhle ipdiyi('unl, ma ten
thousand souls. Que act m » from
premature death and decay, hundeeds
and thousands. A good example may
influence scares and tens ufrgturrg.-
Say not you can do no good-—can exert
nomfloence, What did not a Luther,
and w Calyvin accomplish ? —a Columbus,
a Washington and & Franklin 2 The
“Dairyman’s Daughter,” by Legh
Richeoud, has left a good impression on
the minds of millions. A newspaper
patageaph, sometimes, has so often Leen
printed and read, that thousands have
felt s wnfloence—n parngraph wiitten
perthups by an homble mechunie. An
Oberhn, by his kindness and nnobtrosive
prety, brought hundreds to feel and ac
knowledge the truth. Have you no in
fluence 7 Can you do no gond m the
world 7 Tsthere no field in which yon
can labor ? A Tittle conversation—a
word--a good life even, may be instru
mental of a large amonnt of googd. (
Did you ever gee the effects of a Lnd
vouth in a single neighborhood ? He
was profane it may be, and in atew
weeks he had learned a dozen to take
the name of God in vain. Thev inturn
tanght others the diggusting habit, and
there ig no end to the evil produced by
a single vielons youth, ;
Why do we have so many vices in
our midst 7 The bad example of others, .
Une learns another and he a second, and
so on throngh neighborhoods and cities,
How impaortant then that vour ipfluence
should be exerted oa the side of truth
wnd virtue. You can do imiense good
or an incalenlable njury,—which will
you do 7 Will it not he more pleasant,
at the close of life, that you have not
ived in vain 7 Now, then, see to it that
you do good and not evil—so will your
e be pleasant and your last end peace
ul and happy.
An Hlusteation of War.
Hogg, the Ettrick Shepherd, in one
of his quaint and curious lay sermons
clls the following story quite to the
ot on the subject of war, vividly -
ustrating what 18 the vpshot of nearly
svery sanguwinary confliet, the slalu quo |
mle bellum :
The history of every war, savs tho
hepherd, is very hike a scene 1 ence
aw in Nithsdale, Scotland. Two boys
rom different schools met one fine day
ipon the ice. They eyed each other
iwhile in silence, with rather jealous
md indignant looks, and with defliance
n 2ach brow.
“What are ye growlin® at, Billy 2"
¢\ hat's that to you, Donald # I'll
ook whar P've a mind, an’ linder me
rou dur.”?
To thig a hearty hlow was the return,
ind then began such a battle ! It being
‘aturday, ail the boys of both schools
vere on the iee, and the fight instantly
eeame general, At first they fought at
distance with missile weapons, such
« stones and snow-balls ; but at length
oming nand to hand, they coped n
age, and many bloody raps were hter:
Hy given and received.
I went up to try af 1 conld paeily
jem © for by this ime a number of -
e girls had joined the affray, and [
ras wiraid they would be killed. So
ddressig one party, I asked, “ What
re vou fighting those bovs tor 2 What
ave they done to you ?
“O, nacthing at a’ maon swe just
ant to gie them a gude thiashiy’—
at’s a.”’ 3
My remonstrance was vain ; at itthey
ent afresh 3 and after fighting 0l they
cre quite exhausted, one of the priner
al heroes stepped forth hgtween the
ombatants, himse!l covered with blood,
nd his clothes torn into tatters, and ad
ressed the opposing parly thus, * Weel
el you what we'll do wi' ye—if
M let ws alane wll let you alane”’ =
here was no more of it ; the war was
t an end, and the boys scampered a
wy to their play. :
The scene was a lesson of wisdom to
.1 thought at that time, and have
ften thought sinee, that this trivial af
ay was the best epitome ol war in gen
vl that § had ever seen, Kings and
Hostors of state are just a set of grown
p childien, exactly hike the children |
peak of, with only this matenial difler
nee, that mstead of fighting out for
jemselves the needless quarrels they
ave raised, they sit i satety and ook
m hind out their mnocent but servile
abjects to battle, and then after an Im
wonse waste of blood and treasimeg are
lad to muke the bhovs' condition —*lf
U et us alone, we'll let you alone.”
l,uul' onl ”nl’s Ju A _]Hila."' m N"r'h
‘aroling has decided that speaking or
owing three times 1o @ gith s equiva
mtto an engagement § and that ol the
entleman does not ask heo hand m
parriage, she can sue fora hreach of
pomise, and recover heavy damages |
taye, vou hiad betier let the givls o
Whitrs Good Faorming T'he bost wnd most
ithy definition we ever heard ol good gy
fas given by M Kane, ot nlnie ngrit ultaent
veeting i Dorsetshire, England He smid, he
A i land belore hungr rested it helore
conry, und weeded 1t before foul == Admer J’[
reult ®
r"' (',HVID'IHII ,"""" il ’:'/' Waeh
hree tines oGy wi'h ' ' ! eol
whin, of the Thomeoniane « Penn Apricull,
! Whole No. 821,

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