OCR Interpretation

Herald of the times. [volume] (Newport, R.I.) 1830-1846, January 29, 1846, Image 1

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PWevrald ot the Trnes
Yol. XVI. No. 45.
Ofrice 150, THAMES-STREET, |
Al the head of the Court, in the rear of
Messrs. E. F. & W. Newlon. ]
$2 in advance, or $2,20 at the end of the year
Jpd Petuitdny.,
gr 7 The undersigned, having made
many additions of WRW YL2 o
his Printing Establishment,
and a superior CARD PRESS, is pre
pared to execute every description of
Suow BiwLvs,
Steampoar Bivis, | BiLLs oF L‘“”,m’
Stace Biuvs, Business Carps,
HaxpeiLLs, Bi. Heabs,
Branks & Lasevs, | Nores.
BILLS OF FARE for Public Houses.
SHOW BILLS, for Concerts, Lec
tures, Public Meetings, Exhibitions,§c.
A beantiful assortment of Plain and Em
bossed carns on hand,
Orders from town and country will be
promptly answered, at prices as low as those
of any other establishment,
Specimens of work may be scen at the
office. “I'he patronage of the public is re
spectfully solicited.
Ezgnl Cloticss,
Commiissioners’ & Admin
istrators’ Notice.
VI\HB gybscribers having been appointed
by the Hon, Court of Probate, of the
town of Newport, Commissioners to receive
and examjpe the claims against the estate of
WALTER 1. SIMMONS, Igte of New
port, dec’d. represented insolvent ; and six
months from the date hereof, having been
allowed to the creditors to present their
claims; we will attend at the office of Peter
P. Remington on the second Saturdays of
Mey, June and July next, to act thereon, at
2 v'clock, B. M., on each of said days.
James Lawron,
Rogerr Drnnis, Comm’rs.
Danter, C. Despam.
All persons indebted to said estate are re
quested to make immediate ppyment to
P. P. REMINGTON, Adw'r.,
with the Will annexed.
Newport, Jan. 5,184 G,
Administrator’s Nolice,
'l‘llE subscriber, having heen appointed
by the Hon. Court of Probate, Administra.
tor on the estate of [sther Fleet late ofJamai
ca, Queens County, New York,widow,deceas
ed, requests all persons having demands
agninst said [lstate to present the same, and
those indebted to make immediate payment,
to BENJ. MUMFORD, Admn’r.
Newport, Nov. 6, 1845 | 3m.
Commissionery’ Nplice.
rl\llbl subscribers having been appointed
by the Hon. Court of Probate, Com
missioners, to receive and examine the
clnims against the KEstate of ESTHER
FLEET, fale of Jamaica, Queens Counnty,
New York. widow, deceased, representedi
insolvent, hereby give notice, to all persons
having demands ngainst sawd Estale, that six
months from the 19th instant, are allowed to
bring in and prove their respective claims ; ‘
and, that we will attend at the house of Pe
ter P. Remington, Esq. in Thames-street, on
the last Saturdays of April, May and June
next, at 3 o'clock, P. M., for the purpose of
attending to the same,
SILAS WARD, Comm’rs.
Newport, Dec. 25, 1845, 3.
Court of Probale, Neowporty, Jun. 5, 1845,
"‘“B administrator’s first account on the
estate of SIMFEON SMIUTIH, was pre
sented ‘or allowance 5 the same 18 read, re
ceived, and the consideration thereof referred
toa Court of Probate to be holden at the
Town Hall in Newport, on the first Mon
day in Febroary next, at 9 o'clock, a. m.
und notice thercof s ordered to be pub.
lished three suceessive weeks 10 the Herald
of the Times, thot ull persons nterested
may appear at said tune and place and be
heard. A true copy —wilness,
Js. B. B. llgwrann, Pro. Cl'k.
Court of Probate, Neypport, Dec. 5. 1846,
ALL Execntors, Administeators, and Gunr
dians, appointed by this Conrt, who
have neglected to render their aceaunts for
one year, are notificd to present the <ame
u Court of Probate to be holdon at the Town
Hall in Newport, on the first Monday o Feb.
mlry next, at Oa'clok, nom, By order
B B Hownaso, Peob Clerk.
Jan. 1),
Guardian’s Notice.
'l‘lll‘) subscriber having been daly appoint
od Guardian of the person and estate of
Jogeph Freeborn, of Miuadlctown, hereby
gives notiee, that all percanse are forbid 1o
trust smid Freehorn, ne no debie conteacted
by b afier thie date, will be paid. Al
persons having demands aganst said Free
born are requasted (o present “them to me for
Nowport, dan 21, 1816 < Gw
|| Commissioners! Nolice.
'l‘ll E Court of Probate of Newport having
' extended the time for receiving oand
| examining cluims agaimst the estate of the
lon. Asher Robbins, late of Newport dec’d
! for sixty days from the sth day of Jan inst,
" the undersigned Commissioners will attend
at the office of W Gilpin, Esq. in Newport,
lon Wednesday, the 11th day of February
|next,at 10 o'clock, A. M. for the purpuse
|aforesaid. i
Rosert B. CransTON,
” Eow'n W. Lawron, %(‘omm'r: ~
Wieraam GiLpein, |
| Newport, Jan, 21, 18446,
'l‘lll‘l snbscriber having been appointed
sole Executrix of the last will and testa
ment of Caleb Cory, late of Newport, cooper,
deceased, and having given bond to the
Court of Probate of Newport for the faithful
discharge of the duties of said trust, requests
all persons indebted to said estate (0o make
immediate payment, and these having de
mands to present them for gettlement, to
Newport, Jan, 21, 1846,
Vl‘llE subscriber hereby gives notice that
he has been appointed by the Hon,
Court of Probate of the town of Newport,
Guardian of the estate of *Joseph Mumford, a
minor over the age of fourteen vears, with
the approbation of his father, (Richard B.
Mumford.) All persons having demands
against said Joseph, are requested to present
them within six months from this date,
Newport, Jan 22, 1846 Gw,
BarL Tickers,
Mt THE Farm sitnated in Ports
e jpoyth, 4 1 2 miles from New
1’ % port, a few rods from the main
PLLL TSNS rond leading to the Stone
Bridge, containing about 44 acres of good
land, a two story dwelling house, 28 by 25
feet, a nearlv new barn and other out build
ings, a first rate well of water, and an excel
lent garden, 4 acres of frmt trees, apples,
pears, peaches, cherries, &c.—also the re
mains of a nursery of apple trees, For fur
her particulars enguire of the subscriber.
Newport, Dee. dth, '45. '
. That well known and lpunuli«‘
fully situated Furm, containing
rfifl about fifty acres of highly culu 1
' vated land, and known by the
name of the George Avmetropg Farm, is
now offered for sale.
~ I'his Farm is on the margin of the sea,
with valaable privileges of building stone,
sand, gravel and ses manure. It lies at the
bottom of Narragansett street, and is con
stantly increasing 1o value. For further par
ticulars, apply to
Newport, Mpy 22, IB4s—tf. |
Valuable Real Estate for Sale
. THE subscriber offers for sale
.8 that valuable estate at the corner
tflfl' of Thames & Mary streets, the
front of which he occupies as u
Dry Goods store—situated in the centre of
the town, it offers to the man of every line
of business rare local advantages and to the
capitalist a good opportunity of profitable in
Also, he offers for sale that large and valu
able lot on the south side of “Jouro, and
facing also on School-street—giving, in an
improved and desirable vncimlj, a chojce of
two handsome fronts as a building lot.
He is selling his remaining stock of Goods,
at auction prices.
Newport, Aug. 7th,
'The Chambhers over the
f. "¢ Store, No. 107, 'l'"hames street

131 Apply to
, ™ _ WM. F. &A. BARKER.
June-lv!r—'lf.i : :
National Loan Fund
Life Insurance Society, of London:
CAPITAL $2,500,000.
The following are among the advantages
offered by this Institution :
‘l'he guarantee ofa large subseribed Capi
tal in addition to the accumulation of Premi
The peculiar benefit secured to the as
sured by the principle of the Loan Depait.
I'he payment of Preminms, annually, halt
yeurly, or quarterly.
The travelling lease extensive and liberal,
Thirty days allowed nafter each payment
of premum becomes due, without forfeiture
of Policy.
I'he Society being founded on the Muru-
AL & JolntT STock principle, parties may
participate 1 the profits of the Society, two
thirds of whieh are annually divided among
the Assured,
The Soctety is not conpected with either
Marine or Fire Insurance,
No charge made the assured for Medical
For the character and reencctability of the
Institution, the Society has the privilege ol
referring to the
Hon. Aunorr Lawnescw, and
Wittias Areceros, Fsq, Boston,
Medical Examiner in Newport, Rl,
| “ Mgropnnius 2 Dusy, MDD,
Pamphlets contarning tables ot rates, §e
way b examimed and all necessaey intormas
tion obtatned ot the Agzent’s office o ths
town, over Mr. Callahan’s Bwk Store,
Thames-st, . 1. ROBBINS, Jgent.
Newport, R 1. Nov. 20 1815
1,'1',.:!" ~Come, Ty 11.—It would do
you no harm, and miny do you o great
doal of good <at any rate, i it don’t do you
any good it will cost you nothing 11« Hay's
Liniment Sold hy Comstock & Ross, 19,
Tromont Row,Boston: for the Piles. Prce $l.
Agents for Newport,
Nuv 20
Executrix’s Notice.
Guardian’s Notice,
A first rate Farm for Sale.
¢‘ Liberty and Union, now and forever, one and inseparable” —WEBSTER
1 Newport Female Seminary.
IN this InsTirerion the scholustic yeur is divided into
two terms of 22 weeks ench, the Summer Term
cemmencing on the third Wednesday in May ; the
Winter Term the tirst Wednesday in November. Pu
pils cun board at the Seminary and pursue their studies
during the vacutions if Pareuts desire,
Boarders, » 200 per annum, including fuel in winter,
spa buthing in summer and an extensive course ol Eng
(;-n studies, or 2300 will inclode music, drawing and
pu ||in§ Intin wnd modern langunges |
Day Scholars, £6 per 11 weeks. Primary Depart.
ment, £6 per 11 weeks, |
| wamm‘r.——%cv, C. T. Brooks. Rev. T. Thayer,
Capt. Taylor, U, 8. N., Hon. Henry Y. Cranston,
.l‘«le‘ Clarke, B.‘l' mu& Hnmu“ B, Vernon, Exq |
NEw vYouxk —Dr. Totts, Rev. E. Mason, Messrs,
Privie, Wurd & King, und John Gihon, Esq. }
| BROOKLYN.—Dry Stone, Cntler, Cox, Brcudhead,and
Rev. Franeis Yinton, |
WesT Point—Capt Brewerton, U, 8. Engineers
New Havex—Dr. Romeo Elton
Moruistrown.—Rev A, Henry Dumont.
Bosron.—Augustus Thorndike, Esq., Hon. Ahbott
Lawrence, Rev. Dr. Lowell, Rev, David Reed, Rev,
E. N. Kirk, Rev. Wm. M. Rogers, Rev. 11. Winslow,
[Principal of Bencon High School, Lowell Muson, Esq.
[ Jamaica Prains.—Rev. J. O, Choules
I BAvANNAH.—Rev. W, Preston, M. Hall MeAllister,
‘Eu‘.. Francis Sorrel, A. A, Somers, Exq.
| Haaue, Va.—Dr, Wheelwright, Walter, Bowie, Esq.
Newport, Bept, 4, 1845,
Important Notice.
WARRANT!D to be one of the most valu
able articles ever offered to the public
for sprains, windgalls, spavins, stiffness of
the jonts, strains and callouses of long
standing, also for swellings, fresh wounds,
galls, &c. &e. This truly valuable Lini
ment has been extensively used for the last
20 years, and in no instance has it failed to
give satisfaction to the purchaser ; it is
cheaper than any other article, as it requires
but a small quantity to complete a cure.
Also will answer equally as well for Neat
or Horn cattle, Prepared only by the In.
ventor and Proprietor, JAMES KIDDER,
East Boston, also for sale by R. R. Hazard,
Newport, R. 1. [Jan. 1, 1846, —ly.
HASjnst received,and will keep canstant
ly for eale,a large assortment of Pl-
ANO FORTES, made by Hallet, Davis & Co.
Boston, six and seven octaves, with elegant
Rosewood, Walnut and Maliogany cases, at
the manufacturers lowest prices, and every
Instrument warranted to give the most per
fect satisfaction,
Plcase call and examine them, at
No. 33 & 35, Westmnster Siregl. ‘
Providence, July 10, 1845, |
Through by Stage.
ON and after the Ist of Oct. a stage will
leave Newport daily, at 8 o’clock, A. M
for Fall River, Taunton, and New Beadford
and arrive in Fall River at half past 11, and
New Bedford and Taunton ot hali past 3.
Returning, will leave T'aunton and N. Bed
ford at 9a. m.and Fall River at 1 p. m.—
Fare to Fall River 50 cents. to New edford
1,25, and Tannton $1,25. Stage Book in
Newport, at Townsend’s Hotel.
Oct, 2d, 1845.
Fall Fiver and Boston Rail Road
Fall Arvrangement,
VI‘RMNS leave Fall River for Taunton,
Boston and Providence,at 74 A. M. and
23 P M.
lLenve Fall River for New Bedford, at 7§
and 94 A. M., and 5 P. M.
L.eave Boston and Providence for Fall
River at 8 A. M., and 33 . M,
Leave New Bedford tor I"all River at 7§
A. M., and 2§ P. M. : ;
T'he Stage will leave Newport at half past
11 o'clock, A. M. for Fall River, and will
connect with the Boston train which leaves
lall River at 24 p.m. and the New Bedford
train at 5 p. m.
Fare from Newport to Boston,
Do. do T'aunton,
Do. do New Bedford, 1,35
Tickets to be purchused of the Stage dri
ver for either of the routes,—or at the office
in Newport, at the residence of R. B. [Sins-
Oct. 24, 18451,
Far Sale or to Let,
VI‘IIA'I‘ well known Estate in Portsmouth,
belonging to J. Dennis, Jr, to wit: a
house and about 25 acres of land, with con
venient out buildings. The house is admira
bly calculated for taking bourders, having 2
parlors, and a dining room 26 feet by 15, a
large kitchen with 3 closets. On the 2d
floor there are 10 large airy rooms, and in
the attic ® large lodging rooms. The situa
tion 1s airy and the prospect extensive and
delichtful in every direction, having a view
of Narragansett Bay upon the west 5 tne city
of Providence, Providence River, Monnt
llope Bay and Teunton River upon the
north ;3 Seconett or Fast River on the cas
and south, nearly to the Ocean. ‘T'he house
is only a pleasant walk from the shore
where there is fine sea bathing. There are
three houses of worship, Post Office, School
house, and Mill within one mile of the premi-
The proprietor will endcavor to mnke
any areangement that will be for the interest
of the tenant. Apply to or address,
Portsmouth, R. 1
Dee, 4, 1845, —lMh. 1%,
Beaver and Pilot Cloths,
Vermont Kerseys,
&e. ke,
for sale low by
Shounlder Braces,
Dec. IR,
\ VERY superior article of Silk Shonlder
4 Braces-——nlen, some common Shoulder
Nov. L.
December 18,
A grent variety of ready made Comforta
bles—of different sizes and good mates
rials, at low prices,
: ; -0/I’3( ’
\ large stock of m'uulnnn and superior
qnalities of BLANKETS. forsale low by
Vl‘m: subscriber being about to make a dif
~ ferent arrangement in his business, of
fers his entire stock of
Overcoats, Sacks,
Frock Coats,
Dress do,
Pantaloons, Vests,
Blue Jackets—'T'rawsers,
Monkey Jackets,
Pea Jackets, Hosiery,
Flannel and Cotton Shirts,
Draws, Undershirts, &e. &c.
Now's yowr time to make yourself comforta
ble for winler, for a very small sum—At 16},
Thames Street,
Tailoring carried on as usual—cutting par
ticularly attended to.
Newpoyt, Jun, 15, 1846,
{ “Ecosomy 1s Wearrn”— Franklin.
Napoleon Boot Soles.
";ENJ. MARSH, Jun,, has just received
‘ from New York, a supply of the above
drticles, and 18 prepured to have them pul
‘upon Gentlemen’s Boots or Shoes in the
neatest mauncr, and at the shortest notice
‘They are warranted a saving to the weare
of more than fifty per cent over the com
‘mon soles, for both coarse and fine Boots, &c.
- Those who wish dry feet the approaching
‘winter, wi|! please send their Boota to
| 138 Thames-Street,
. Newport, Nov. 26, 1845, "
| TO LET: °
i THE chambers in the Taber
| House, on John-st, Enquire ol
| Jan. 8.
! ' THE House and lot of Jand at
" the corner of Clark and Touro
mfl B streets, late the property of Wil-
A liam Ellcry,[".s'qw decensed, This
House 18 well situated, and caleulated for a
boarding house. For terms, apply to Lp
wakp 1. Cansing, Esq. Combridge, Mass.
or to the subseriber in Newport,
| Dee. 25.
| For Sale, or to Lgt,
ny * A convenient Dwelling Tlouse,
‘ 1 for sale or to let in Spruce street,
flm’ on the Hhll, near the Bellevue
ilouse, and possession given im
medately. Apply to JOSHUA TEW, Jr.
I Newport, Dec 18, 1845—1 f.
We are bound to Pell's Refegt ory
Vl‘l”‘) subscriber respectfully informs the
public, that he is ready to fit or furnish
for Public Dinners, Suppers or Puarlies, ot
No. 124 T'hames-street,or at any other place
that may be wished, m the be st manner and
at the shortest natice,
He has a variety of OYSTERS, and cvery
other varicty of Refreshments, for Ladies
and Gentlemen, that may please to call.
ALSO, every kind of Roots and Bark,
Herbs, Powdered Extracts and Liquids, to
gether with Preserves, Jellies, Catsups, mar
malades and Shaker’s apple Sauce—manu
factured by the United Society of Shaker’s,
New Lebanon, THOMAS PELL.
Newport, Jan. 8, 1816,
l ANGLEY & NORMAN, have jusl
4 recowved another lot of Banmng’s Pa
tent Laces. ‘l'hose i want are iuvited to
call aud examine, [Jun. 8, 1816,
Just Received
Per Sloop Vigilont from New
' York,
51 Kegs puime Dairy Butter,
| 10 coska ® « (Cheese,
|1 1 of city cured Hams,
. 10 bbls new Mess Beel,
’ 10 bbis Newark Cider,
17 bags of Coffee, Java, Manilla and Mari
f caibo;
12 chests of ‘l'ea, sgome very superior;
50 bags prime Buckwhest,
| 5 hbls do
10 boxes Tobaceo, Mycrs', Greaner's and
l Buoder's;
L 5 bhbls Smoking Tobacco,
|25 boxes of Raisins,
l 3 casks of do.
1 | box pench leat Tobaceo, &e. §e. Lo,
all of which will be sold as low w< can be
bought i Town for cash or approved credit
| Dee, 25.
P .
f 8 Rivington §t., N. York,
Agent for Newport,
“7 HO will i fotore keep an assortment
of Girandoles & Solar Lamps of thew
mannfacture at the lowest N York prices.
Nuwpull, Dece 18, 1845, =0
FOR lorge and snal! Packages (excluding
Mail matter) between Newport, Boston, |
Fall River, Taunton and New Bedford.— |
Freight i large quantities taken ot reduced |
rules, |
Office in Newport at R. B. Kinsley’s resi
dence, in Green-st,
Office in Boston at Doolittle’s City Tavera,
Brattle street, Oct. 2.
Via Stonington Rail Road— Daily.
> S T'he Steamer MOHEGAN,
| M Capt I'hayer,will lenve Ston-
EPOEATITE T nglon, Monday, Wednesday
and Friday.
| The Narragansett,Capt Manchesier, Tues
‘day Thursday and Saturday, on the arrival
of the mail tramn from Boston. ‘TNiekets sold
at the Stonington Depot and on board the
L'erry Boat.
Freight on merchandise generally, (G cents
per foot—Boots Shoes, Bonnets and Hats 5
cents per foot. .
Dec. 18
2 Doors Novth of the Post Office.
“T GOFTI, announces to the Ladies
o and Gentlemen of Newport and its
vieinity, that he is now ready to fuenish any
article n the above line, which may not b
on hand, st the shortest notice, at N. Yok
and Boston prices, free of charge lor pro
curing them. s arrangements with a large
Publishing House i each city, with whow
he s slmost in daily communication, rengers
his facilities rapid.
Boston papers received daily—New York
do do three tiunes per meek. Subscrilers
wanted for Magaziges. Qeveral pooular
books on hand. " W, GOFF.
January lst, 1846.
To the Afllicted,
Dr. Banning’s Patent Lace,
AN immediate relief to Incipient Con
sumption— Bronchitis, Palpitation of
the Heart—Dyspepsia and afiections of the
digestive and assimilating organs guncrally—-l‘
Piles—Prolapsus and diseases of women-
Spinal Curvature, weakness and irritnuon—!
Nervous affections. ‘ |
‘l'his Instrument has received the favorable
notice and commendation of Drs. Mott,
Rodgers, Griscom and Francis of New York;
the Facunlty of Piuladelphin, Pittsburgh, Hart
ford und New Haven, and of medical men
who have had an opporjunity of an examina
“The following will show what kind of tes
timony might be adduced in many cases:
Cerlificates of Ladics in Boston.
The undersigned of the ladies of Boston
and Its vicinity, tuke pleasure n certifying
that, on their persons, Dr. Banning’s Patent
Lace hus been nnmediately and incompara
bly more efficient for the relief of female
weaknesses than the other instruments in
common use. We believe it to be an in
valuable apphiance and recommend it to the
confidence of those requiring support.—
When well adjusted, we have tound it per
feetly comfortuble i is bearing on the budy.‘
Mis. Newconn, Mrs. I'rexcn,
“ TuckEer, “ BramuaLL,
“ Perkins, “ Porrer,
Boston, 1844
For sale by Laxarey & Norman,
Jan B, 16, Agents for Newport
NiE By EQCEarS s
Folger's Olosaonian.
Dandelion & Tomato Panacen,
McAllister’s Ointment.
Taylor's Balsam Liverwort,
Sands’, Bull's and Carpenter’s Sarsaparilla.
Starkweather’s Hepatie Ll
Jayne's Indian Expectorant,
Do Carminative Balsam.
Do TMonic Vermifuge.
Do Sanative Mills.
Do Hair Toni .
Wright's Indian Vegetable lills.
Wistar’s Balsam Wild (‘hm'vy.
Murray's Flaid Magnesia.
Buchan s Hungarian Balsan.
Sands' Remedy for Salt Rheam.
Sherman's, Jackson's, and Wistur's Cough
Fahnestock's Vermifuge.
Bennett®s Arabinn Balsam.
Hay's Linimeit
Whitney s Croup Cordial,
Doct. Richrdson's itters
Dulley s Pain Extractor.
Brown's Sarsaparilla and Tomato Bitters
|),O-r's ilo-uliug Fahrocation,
Warner's Jaundiee Bittess,
East India Har Dy
Vegetable Pulmonary Balsam.
Waterman's Specifie Plaster
Searpa’s and MeNa r's Aconstic Oil,
Comstoek and Co's Sarsapaniia,
Indian Vegetub e B
Sheomtin ‘s Coughy, Worm and Dinner Lozonges
Smith’s Sugar Conted Pills
Nerve and Bone Liniment,
Sand«' Clove Anodyne Toothache Drops
Clickener's Vegetable Sugar Coated I"ills.
. Naples Hawr Dye.
Swain's Panacea
Baleh's Extract of Dock and Sars ipanitla
\ fresh supply of the above named v Vaabl
Medicmes for sale by
Diyuggist & Apothecary,
Tan. &, 'Bl6. No, 7. Thames street,
I‘I)I'!Nl".l.'! and Landon's Handkerchie
Perfames, at C. G, C. HAZARD'S
Jan N
Gelected @ales,
Ry T, 8. Arthoan
‘Profession is not principle.™ Tlearned this
years ago, and have seen it Voufi.ed Inn»nnq[edu
of tines since. Who hus w 7 Newber is
profession rehigion, How often, too, have |
oroved this ! The best men | ever knew were
i[nuse who made few professions. The inter
nals in them were pure, as well as the exter
’ 1 tuke no pleasure in muking the exposures
which tollow, hut where truth mey do good,
1 never hesitute abont wllmg‘n. Itis always
painful to perceive u deviation from profes
sion 1n those who meke a show of religion.—
Chrisuanity has suffered wore from the r
reguianties of its pretended fniends, than the
assaults of its open enemies. There are
thousands who huve taken upon themselyes
no vows, who are purer in heurt, and more
upright in sctions than many, very iany who
press forward to the altar, This 18 sud
I A few doors from my residence, when a
‘buy, liveaa Mr I'—, 8 boot maker. He
)wun a membver ol the —— Church, and a loud
‘prufca‘aur. Regularly every wmorning and
evening, he assembled his fumly for worship,
and in the private meetings of the Church
wewbers be prayed loudest and longest ol
any. | often observed im during the servi
ces of the Churcli on the Sabbath, and was
forced to remurk the air of prety and devo
tion which he exhibited. At firit, I wus led
to believe lum a good man, but a hitle mtro
duction 1o the secrets of his business truns
uctions, as | grew older, convineed me thet
be wade rehigion a imeains of securing world
Iy cuolument apd houvor, rather than Heay
enly riches and divine honors. It was oniy
inecessary to ask lus apprentices his charac
ter, to understand something of his claims to
!relnglon. A really good wan 18 rarely, 1t
ever, the subject of übuse by those under
him, but they spare not the pretender to vir
ilueu which he does not possess.
Mr. T-—- was one of those men who pro
fess to consider Heavenly riehes as infinitely
wore valuable than sordid gold, but who, by
‘ull their actions, illustrate the truth of the
remark with which we started, that “profes
rsnoln 1= not principle.” Hle was not content
‘with working lis apprentices hard, and keep
ing them poorly clad and poorly ted, but he
gained his penny whenever hie could, no mat
ter who lost the peany, or 1o whom it belong
ed. [ will give an example of s dealing
in this latter respect., |
i A colored drayman had brought him a load
of leather from a house far down town. Af
ter the leather was unloaded, the following
dialogue touk place :
‘Well, old fellow,—(and the drayman was
old, ot lcast, sixty)—what’s to pay &
“I'nree fips, sir.’
‘Here's a "levy. | never pay but a ’levy @
load. You can’t take me .
‘lndeed, massa, can’t take less than three
fips. ‘T'hat’s the regular charge,and 1 al
ways gits it {
‘Nounscuse ! —here,take your monoy,nud‘
don’t stand paluvering there!! '
‘Caw't, mdeed, mussa, You knows that !
a’t enough’ ,
*You black mgger! Do you meun to say
that | want to cheat you ?’ |
; ‘No, muassa ; but three fips 15 the regular ||
charge for a load, and | can’t tuke lves, i
couldnt make a livin’ at u "levy.) !
C sWell, Pm not going to stand here fooling |/
|wuh you. It you don’t take this, you'll get|
nothing.” I'
~ Caw'ttahe it, massa, All or none 18y |
rule. 1 won’t cheat by asking two luuch,L
and 1 wout be cheated.’ '
| “I'hen you get none! \
‘Well, | can give you three fips if you are
sufferin’ And the mdependent old fellow |
got on 1o lus dray aud drove ofl. {'
| | was standiug in the door way al the time, -
“and witnessed the whole proceeding. The|
“anjust man turied awey s the dray rattled |
?ufl', but | could see no coumpunction on his
;nurd lace.
A few days afier | withessed a similar
:lccne, which | will also desenbe. Auother
Cdrayman brought him a barrel ol flour and a
'keg of butter from the wharl, As usual, the
[eleven penny prece was tendered,
| “I'ne price 1s three fips,masso,’ said the nc-'
g 1 siiling. |
| sNonsense '—here, take your money.—
Thank | don't know the price #°
dndecd, indouble, massa, dat’s too httle)
dlere, am't you going to take your mon
oy 2= You'd better!
o Massa, it 1 had plenty of money - end
“what 10 call plenty st moch 1 wouldn’t
Lenre abont w fip. But my old "ooman’s been
ek now three months, and Pve got five hit
e ehildren, snd somctimes 1 eann’t hardly
Lget enongh tor eto cat. A fip would buy
4 lout ot bread, wgd that would go o ‘\md
Wi '\ N,
| e iviv's your lovy, it you are going to
ke i b your wite s sick, that's no reason
",wlny you should be an extortioner. It you
lare i want, beg, but dou't eheat,
(e poot negro sad no more, bt took the
!_lmlc piece ol money snd went ol 1 wil
! Whele No. 825.
nessed this scene tou. Hlow my young hot
blood did boil !
On that same evening | heard him at &
public prayer meeting 1n the ——— Chureh,
uddress the goud snd holy Lord, and with
vain repetitivns, moke a long prayer, as if he
were to be heard for lus much spesking, In
stead of for his pure hesrt and upright por,
puse. How can such men read the Word of
the Lord, and then hope to be received here
atter Into the Heavens, where love (o the
neighbor 1s pure and periect ?
. Mr. T'— had five apprentices. Each
one of these he had tlaken from the I\lm;-
[House, because ae he had suid, purents and
fricnds were elways troublesome 1o u maus
wer. ‘T'iey were e cowed, spiritless, aod, if
they were to be believed, a half starved set.
I'heir clothes were poor and dirty, aud they
were ashumed to uppear at Church on the
Subbuth day, or to go lito decent company.
At meals, they were allowanced in many ar
ticles, sucli as butter, meat, &c. at breakfust
‘and supper times ; und in bread at dinner
time. A single slice of bicad was all oa'ch.
‘received during dinner,—-Potatoes were
ivcry good., "T'he boys were loud in their
‘complaints out of dours, but dured not say
‘much within.
[f In so lu'rge u family as that of Mr. V-,
there was a good deal of sewing to do, and
out of charity the work was teken from s
iacumolrcu wiio had sewed Jor the I'um'llly
‘some time, and given 1o a poor widow wo
;(g;uxn with several small clildren. Ostensi-
Lly only was this charity. Really it was to
suve u lew wore penuics, How couid e
le? some one will ask. Let me sketch a
Thittle sceie j prewising that this poor wo
imuu’s husband was just dead, und she left
lelpless and triendless, with no apparent
Emeuns ol uuppurl.‘ Besides, she was in very
{tecble heelth, By accident, Mr. ‘l' had
iheurd of her distressed situation, and st the
:uuggcshuu of the individual who named her
‘case to him, told his wife that he thought it
‘would be charity to give her some sewing.
|1 think g Wwould, ndeed,” eays Mrs.
i (P g
| *Qur sewing costs us o' good deal ye
i‘spund- the careful husband, ‘and 10 this we
|may benctit ourselves ns well as doa good
‘deed of charity. No doubt this poor womgn
ii"’ rather an mdifferent u_:vygf In comparison
W Miss R—, and therefore her work will
‘ot of course be worth so much. Aud she
Cwill, no doubt, think one-half the price Misy
R— - gets a good one.” '
: *No doubt,’ chiumes in the frugal partoer.
; Mrs. - issent for. Aftershe s scated,
the following conversation takes place:
+ Cau you do plain sewing ?'
¢ Yes, mu'am, us well us most persons.’
*What 18 your price for tine vhirte ?
v 1 Laven’t set any price yc'.,‘ but 1 will
work as low as anyooe.’
|+ But you know that to get work you wil|
have to do it a little lower than ordinary.—
People don't like Lo clnnke.’
“ Well, ma'sm, | am 1w want, and will work
at almost any price for my children.’
1 suppuse you will wake fine shirts for a
quarter ?! : :
* Yes, ma'am.’
¢ Aud culico dresses for the same ?’
‘Yes, wa'am.”
*l'hat’s reasonable. Boys' common shirts
you'll not charge over cleven pence for ?
¢ No, ma'am.’
‘ <l'lat’s reasonable, and 'l do ell I ean
for you. It gives me pleasure W help the
poor. Come down Lo-morrow, aud 1l hqu
some work ready for you.'
~ The widow departed.
|+ Well, wife,” says Mr, T'——, bustling in
when he saw the woman dJepart— at what
price will she work 2
. ¢At just halt what Miss R—— chargee 1y
« Well, that's sumething hke. It gives me
pleasure to befriend any vne who 18 willing
to work at a reasonable price. Why, this
will suve us almost a dollar & wevk the year
¢« Yes, it will so; and | keep her at it, or
somne one else at the same price lor a year,
you'll fet we have a fitty dollar shawi, wout
you ?’
¢ Yes, i you want i)’
cWell, 1l do my best. It's shametul
what some of these seamstresses do charge !
It 18 often well o reverse @ picture, Sup
pose we look al the other side of thie.
Mre, —- had always been delicate.—
When a girl she conld never sew long ata
tme without getting o pain o her side. She
married a hard working, industrions mechan-
I¢, whose trude was not very lucrative, yield
ing barely enough for support. Her health,
after her wmarnnge, wes but hitle improved,
and when, with several sall chldren, she
wes left a widow, she yielded, her st
keen angmish of bercavement, to du'um..—
Bot w mother cannot long sit in iheness
when her dear babes sre about her, She
could thnk of no way of geiting adiving tor
them but by her needie ; wind o 8 she was o
neat sewer, she hoped 1o get wuork, nnd earn
food o seanty elothing at heast. But she
conld get no work. No pcm;n knew her
who wanted sewing dona, She apphied to
several, and was sull without the meaus of
Learning & dollar when her last one was spent.
Just ot this sad moment, the fact of her des
tution becoming wore known, Mes, T
| eent for her.
As she carnied home her work, the day sl
ter the mterview, shiv was glml at hioart with

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