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Herald of the times. [volume] (Newport, R.I.) 1830-1846, January 29, 1846, Image 3

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Pictorial Geography of the World,
Illastrated by more than aye thousand
This work strikingly exhibita the im
mense progress that has been recently
made in the art of communicating qu.m'-il
ledge. It is really a kind of * murwl,"i
ene of the *“ marvels” statistical and ar
tistical, of the age. It sevins to combine
numerous recommendations not nlwayo}
united. It in a first rate Geography as’
to all practical matters, and as a book
of valuable information, with which it
seems 10 be crowded. Then, as regards
the interest of the style and matter, few
novels cauld be half* so attractive to
young or old. Peter Parley has shown
all his tact here, without disparaging
the dignity of the treatise in the least.
There is a gentleman here with the
book, who will call on the families in
Newport, and lucidly explawn the work,
and will be ready to suoply every
individual, who may orderit, in such
style as the subscriber may choose.
There will be a supplement to the
work (the price of which will not exceed
25 cents,) including all the important
changes in the geography of the differ
ent parts of the world. This supplement,
published periodically, will give a per
manent value to this work, which at
taches to no other of the kind.
The Trustees of Amherst College
say—*‘ As n Book of reference upan the
general subject of which it treats, it has
no equal, and will be of great use to
most mature and best inforpped minds ;
while it is a fruitful source of knowledge
and instruction to the young.”
(7= We are indebted to the llon, Henry
Y. Cranston, for important Public Dogu
From the Bactan Transcript,
Navar.—The (rigate Cumberland and
the brig Boxer are now in the stream,
and ready for sca. They are both
bound to the Coast of Africa, from
whence the former will proceced to the
List of Officers attached to the U. S.
frigate Cumberland bearing the broad |
g;nnnm of Commodore George C. Read: |
Inden Dulany, Captgin; Samuel l".'
Hazard, Ist Lieutenant ; John A. Wins
low, 2d do ; Edward Middleton, 3d do ;
Thomas M. Brasher, 4th do; John A,
Sherburne, sth do ; Abrahgm Harrell,
lot Master ; Matthew C. Perry, 2d do;|
Waters Smith, Surgeon ; Richard T
Maxwell, William S. Bishop, Assistant
Surgeons ; Nathanicl T. Wilson, Pur
ser ; Fitch W. Taylor, Chaplain; Dan
iel D Baker, Lieut. of Marines ; Wil
liam Waln, Commodore’s Secretary ; E.
Ross Calhoun, Alexander J. Dallas, Jo
seph S Day, Beverly Randolph, Regi
nald Faufux, Henry Ashton, Passed
Midshipmen ; Nathaniel T'. West, Rob
ert Stuart Jr., Marshall J. South, Jo
eeph Segwell, James L. Johuoston, Ed
ward kK. Stone, Walter W. Queen,
George B. Hodge, Midshipmen ; James
H. Dulany, Captain’s Clerk ; Charles
Johnson, Boatawain ; Elijah Haskell,
Guonner ; Amos Chick, Carpenter;
Thomas I. Boyce, Sailmaker ; Jona
than M. Ballard, Master’s Mate; John
Fomons, Purser’s Clerk.
List of Officers attached to the U. §.
brig Boxer : John K. Bispham, Lieu
tenant Commanding , Charles W, Hun
ter, st Lieutenant ; Heory C. Vanal
stine, 2d do; Mayo C. Watkins, Acting
Master ; John Stuart, Jubhan Myers,
Passed Midshipmen ; John McCullum,
The U. §. friggte Cumtberlund still re—‘
mains at anchor in the stream, wailingi
a favorable wind. She 18 unquestiona- |
bly as efficient a frigate as can be found
in the navy of any nation. An old salt,
who has served in the Hritish navy,
states that he considers her more than a
match for an Foglish 74, such as the
Melville, which monnts long 32’s on the
lower deck, long 18’s on the main deck,
and 24’s, carronades, on the spar deck,
and carnes a crew of 500, all told, The
Cumberland, we believe, mounts 50
long 32's, and 4 68's, Paixhan guns, and
also carries a crew of about 500, The
difference inthe weight of metal between
the two is trifling, but the advantage of
having nearly all the guns of the same
calibre, and on two decks, 18 decidedly
in favor of the Cumberland. Be this as
it may, il burning powder becowmes lash
wonable, she will no doubt give a good
account of herself.
We have rarely seen any ship whose
appearance alolt equals the Cumberland.
Her mnsts are stayed to a line, her
yords square to a hair, and although she
nas all her running rigging rove, clu
ding the studding-sail gear, everything
aloft looks ship-shape and well. The
first loff, we guess, does not wear his
hands in his pockets. Good luck to the
noble ship and her gallant crew.
Boston Posl.
[We learn that the Cumberland has
just received counter orders, and will
not sail until further ouders from Wash.
ington |
Navir.—The U, S, ships Raritan,
Capt. Geegory, nud Boaon, Capt Pene
dergast, and 7 S g Banhodge,
’4‘!’“'. “nm'u """l,l}."&"”,”n were ol
Montevidon, Nov 15, all well The
Boston was ta cd ton the Lo d
States diveet i day o tvag with Lome
aodore Tarner on hoar |
The U S higate Constitution, Capt.
Perewal, swled trom Camton River,
Oct. 1, tor Sundwich Talands,
The U. S ships Columbue and Vin.
econes, puid the Ouwter Ronde of Bata.
vima flying vist, and alier getting in
water, proceeded on the 28th of Octo.
ber to Chana. The Colombone wae tow.
ed up from St Nieholae gnint by the
Dratel man-of war steamer Beoome
Navar.—U. 8. skop of war V
cennes, Capt. Pavlding, irom Rio Ja-.
newro for Canton, pussed Agjrer, Octo
her IGth.
U. S. frigate Constitition, Capt Per- |
cival, smiled from Canton River, Oct. 1,
for Sandwich lslanda. :
The correspondent of the New York
Commercial positively gesertg that the
sinall pox prevails to an alurming extent
in Philadelphia.
The News by the Hibernia,
The Boston Atlas of Saturday morn
ing says we have scarcely time, or room,
to add to our detailed summary of news,
und the letter of our attentive and intelli
gent London correspondent, any remarks
of our own, in regard to the charagigr of
the importaut imellignnco borne to us by
the Hibernia. Our Exchangze was crowd
ed, and State street perfectly thronged,
yesterday morning, with anxious en
quirers. We need scarcely do more
than say that the intelligence was most
joyfully received, and that smilipg and
happy faces were 1o be seen all around
us. The intelligence was looked upon
iu eminently peaceful. The tone of al
most the entire English press is pacific.
!The restoration of the Peel Ministry is
hailed as a highly favorable omen. All
||houghtl of war seemed, for the time, to
have been dissipated—and no . doybt
seemed to be entertained that some pa
cific arrangement would be, ere long
adopted for the ultimate adjustment of
the Oregon question.
President Polk’'s Message had not
‘excited, in England, anything like the
‘degree af anger, which many people had
!supponed it calculated to generate. Op
the whale—our [gllow-citizens scemed
to make up their minds that war was
‘now, as it ought to have been before,
‘entirely out of the guestion—and that the
relations of peace and amity, subsisting
‘between these two great nations were
not likely presently to be disturbed.
. There was a decidedly better feeing
‘among business people--the money mar
ket was easier—stocks rose—and every
‘man wha breathed the atmosphere of
‘State street seemed 1o feel easier and
happier—go [ar, at least, as our foreign
affairs are concerned —than he did when
‘he arose from his bed in the morning .
| We earnestly hope, and sincerely trust,
that these auspicious prospecty will be
fully realized.”
f Maoazines.—We ure requested ta notige
that Mr. Wm. Gorr,of this plaze, hos been ap
:poimad Agent for the sala of *'l'he Christian
;Pprl_nr Mngagine,” and *“T'he Mother's Maga
zine." The January number of vach is before
‘us, handsomely embe!lished, and well filled
' with interesting matter.
§<7* Our (riend Church of the Prov
idence Guazette, ought ta Le an excel
lent judge of what is “flat.” Heis large
dealer in articles of that description,
The Newburyport (Mass) Advertiser says
that a Mr. Short lately slipped from a wagon,
and it was supposed died soon afterwarde :
but while preparations were making far his
interment, and the corpse placed in the
coflin, the doctor discovering that the glass
in the coffin lid was somewl;at covered with
vapor, took his handkerchief for the purpose
of removing it ; but finding that it proceeded
from the inside of the glase, he ot once pro
nounced the man alive, and he was taken
from his *narrow house,” and is now as weil
a 8 ever he wag in his life !
| Health of the Army at Corpus Christi,
‘The Picayune’s correspondent at Corpus
|{Christi, in a letter dated December 24th,
’uyn, the average number of sick, from bad
{water, changeable and inclement wenather,
‘and exposure, has been about 500 out of 4000
‘men while the deaths from disease, for a pe
riod of nearly six months, has been abont
‘thirty, and n 8 many more from the aceidents
‘of service, explosions, violence, & casualties
of various kinds.
Fire in Bristol.—The Sperm Oil and Can
dle Manufactory belonging to Mr. William
B. Spooner, of Bristol, was destroyed by fire
on Wednesday of last week between 12 and
1 o'clock. ‘l'he principal part of the crude
oil in the cellar, and the books and papera in
the Counting Room, were saved. Mr Spoon
er was insured at the Hartford Fire Tnsuor
ance Office for $5OOO, which will cover the
The fire at Pliladelplhia, mentioned in
our last, wns not enbdued unntil property to
the amount of 125,000 was destroyed—
mostly insured,
T'irrell on the way home.—'l'he ship Wa
bash cleared at New Osleans for New York
on the 12th inst, having on board Albert J.
Tirrell charged with the murder of Marig
A. Bickford.
Mr. Slidell’'s nomination, as Minister to
Mexico,wns confirmed in the Senate on T'ues
day, 20th, by a strict party vote, |
The Printers at Rochester, N. Y., had a
gny time on the 15th, in celebrating the anni- |
versary of Dr. Franklin's birth day. :
Polly Bodine.—'l'he New York -upromcf
court has granted a change of veuue in "“si
case, and sent it to the connty of Orange for|
trial. The next eircnit will be_held at New-
burg on the first Monday of April.
The York Manufacturing Co at Saco, Me.,
has declarsd a semi-annual dividend of 10
percent,, asusual,
Tov Tarmare v Pesxsyivavin —The
Stnate ol Peansylvania, consisting of 18
')' e ats n"cl |-.D \\'.Hu!, on |"ru|ny
week poased wnanimously the following
resolutions ¢ _
Resolved That our Senatore nnd Rep.
resentatives in Congress be and they are
hereby requested to oppose all attempts
1o nlter or modity the tarnfi wet of the
30th of Angust, 1842 |
Resolved, Fhat the Governor be re
quested 1o transmat a copy ol the above
resolution 1o ench of onr Senators and
Represeutatives ('.mgrnn |
Witar 1s tue Narres ?—We lonml
that ordera have heen received frouw:
Washington, to dismiss the cuumuml
lnborers from the Navy Yard in l’hiln»‘
delphia, and poor Jack is todo work wulhl
broom and shovel, T'his seems to be a
new maode of putting down the Nnvy.—-l
Appointing men from caprice to impor
tantoffices—recommending the mcrchnul]
ships for vessels of war would seem to
be bad enough ; but when poor Jack is
lmade to don an apron, and go to sweep
'ing out a store-room, or to clean up odd
‘ends on shore, we may fairly infer that
il his occupation is not gone, it is at
least in danger.
| The economy of the administration,
we also understand, has extended to the
[ordihary copying clerks. Whether Jack
'is to be employed with ink horn and pen,
‘we cannot tell. But at wny rate, it is
‘evident that the Navy is likely to be put
lupon the peace cstablishment,— Phila.
(U, States Gazelie.
From what we hear, pretty much the
same operation has been performed at
the Navy Yard in Charlestown. What
poor Jack has found to do, we have not
yet learned. [ Boston Trans.
Tur Comer or Comers.—-Lieut.
Maury, of the United States Navy, the
Chief Observer at the Washington Ob
servatory, announced a few days since
that in observing Bielas comet, which
has recenyly sppeared, he had found a
companion or satellite comet moving
with or about the principal. The Union
publighes the following second letter
from him, giving farther information with
regard to his observations : 1
Observalory, Washington, Jan. 19, 1846.
~ Sir :—Last night was the first clear
night since the 24th. Good observa
tions were made upon the comet, and itg
companign. The daily motion of the
ilalter is about one quarter of u second
of time less in right ascensian, and one
quarier of & minute less in declination
than the former.
! The nucleus of each is visible, and
their tails are nearly parallel, extending
off in a N. E. direction. They are
‘nearing us rapidly, appearing, every
‘night, in better vigw. No. 2 isnow
‘more distinct (though barely visible on
‘the 13th) than No. 1 was at that time.
- QOur observations do not regch (ay
‘enough at present to enable ug tp deter
‘mine whether these two bodies stand in
I(elnlipn to each other of planet and sa
tellite ; ar whether by rare coincidence,
‘they are merely moving in the same
iplane and with like angular velocity,
'but at distances far bLeyond the sphere
'of each other’s attraction,
So far, however, the difference of mo
tion indicated between the two, by our
obseryation, 18 such »s a satellite of a
considerable period of revolution, might
have about its primary.
Should it prove that they do hold such
a relation to each other, the discovery
will be considered by asironomers as one
of great interest. Respectfully, &e.
M. F. MAURY, Lieut. U. S. Nayy.
- Com. W, M. Crang,
Chief of Bureau of Ordnance & Ilydrography.
; Destruction of Tne suir Lotos o
‘Sarem By Fire.—The ship Lotos of
(Salem, Mass., Francks master, while
lying at Bermuda Hundreds, (James
River, Va,) loaded with three hundred
‘hhds. of tobacen and five hpandied bar
rels of flour, and bLound 1o Amsterdam,
‘took fire in the cabin, from the stove, on
‘the night of the 18 inst., and both ves
sel and cargo were destroyed. The
fire spread with such feaiful rapidity
‘that all efforts to suppress it were ppa
‘vailing. At the last accounts she was
lying n the stream, just abreast of Ber
'muda Hundreds, the fire raging fiercely.
|'The Lotos was an old vessel, built
11828, and was of 296 tons burthen.
illcr cargo may be valued at §30,000.
| Welearn fromthe Richmond Com
piler, that the Lotos, way insured in Sa
'lem, and the cargo principally ip New-
Yotk and Amsterdam. $4,000 at the
| Essex office, and $l,OOO at two offices
in Boston.
lll(bl'li."—'l‘ha ravages of disease are dreadtul
lindeed, but are rendered much mora so by
:lhe unekilful treatment made us oftentimes in
{he warly stuge of complaint. And it is not un
frequently the case that the very treatment
“is the eause of all the dithienlty, even the sac
rifice of human Life, "Fhere are many who
are so wedded to the plan of treatment pur
sued, that they will not e persuaded 1o for
sake it, thus they sink into an uytimely grave,
But white there is hife there s hope. The
Olosaonian, or All-healing Balsam, for con
sumption, asthma, spitting of blood, and other
diseases of the lungs, offered by Doctor Falger,
s certainly deserving of high consideration,
inasmuch as it has performed wonders in
| many cases which have actoally been given
| up by the attending physicians as hopeless
It allays a congh promotes expectoration,
gives tone to the stomach and digestive or
gans, excites the secretion. and restores to
health ina more elivetnal manner, and in «
shorter spnee of time than any remedy we
have ever known.
‘. Itis worthy of onr earnest appeal, to our |
readers to study their individual intcrest,|
and peruse Mr. C. Brinckerhoff’s ldvcrllso-:
Cment, it speaks of his Restorative as o
specific. It cannot be denied that it has
‘effected the greatest and most satisfactory |
Cresults. As a last resort, it will cven lh»nl‘
in the low stages, raiee the patient, extirpate |
| the disease, and strengthen and restore the
Coxsvsmrrioy, Bronehitis Ohstinate Conghs |
Painoan the breast, Spitting Blood, hiGienlty
o Breathing, Sore Thront, Loss of Voee, !
W hooping Cough, Palpitation of the Heant
e ol vield 1o the efficacy of *Thomson's
Covponnd Sveop Tar and \Wood Napthe”
I'or «nle by R JLTAYLOR.,
'l Poking Myde Easy —We annonoer |
with great pleasare the important fact that a
Smedicie has just made Its appearance which |
thongh a powerfal purgative and an unnival. |
ledd pueifier of the blood neither gripes nor|
"nanseates, and js admunmistered in |fiw form of
‘noangar plumb, We, of eourse, allnde tn!
Clickener's Sugar-conted Pills, which we
perceive, by our exchange papers, are ever
where the rage, and fast dewving all the "'J'"
fashioned, grping, and nanseating popular
componnd ount of the market, ,
o Sold iy IROJ Tarvren
Fashionable Hair Dressing,
&c, &ec.
THE subscriber having just retnrned from
New York with a NEW aud Fashiona
vle supply of
Ornamental HAIR WOR,
consisting of Fore Tope, Braids for the back
of the head, small Braids, Curls, &e,
Also a new lot of FANCY ARTICLES,
Perfumery,—~Boap,—Hair, Tooth and Nail
Brushes, und all othe e articles adapted to the
He has also obtained the Agency fur
Phalon’s celebrated Chemigal
Oc, Hair Invigorator for Baldness,
Scurf, and gll discases arising from fevers,
&c. By the use of this Balesin the moistore
and beauty of the Huair may be preserved (o
extrems old age,
TO MOTHERS this Balgam is pre-emi
nently vsetul for children, whose hair 18 weak
or thin.—Nothing Letter c¢an be applied 10
strengthen the roots of the hair.—Price 50
cts. per bottle, with directions accompanying
each bottle,
SHAVING,—CUTTING ~Curling, and
Shampooing done as usual,
Also a new supply of Rnzors, Siraps, &e.
Grateful for past favors, he respectiully so
licite a continnance of the same, at
No. RS A, Thames-street,
Oppasite Mr R, J. Taylor’s,
Gorton Anderson.
Newport, Oct 16, 1845
- Cure rorrows Cure!—Further evi
dence of the efficacy of Thomson's Com
pound Syrup of Tar & Wopd Naphtha,
i Consumplion, '
’ Mis. H. P. WaRNER, now residing ot the
‘house of Michael C. Fishier, in Woodbury,
'N. J.,, was attacked 18 wmonths ago, with a|
‘violent disease of the lungs, pronounced by
her physician, Dr. W. [l of Philadelphia,
i()onjnalum of the Lungs. The pain in her
‘breast was violent, with difficulty of respira
illon,qnd total inability to raise the phlegm,
‘precluding the possibility of repose, and ren- |
dening it necesgary tq remain propped vp in
‘bed three manths, * [er yoice was gone.— |
‘Her physician deemed her case hopeless, and |
'she ceased to indulge the hopp of recovery.
Hearing of the nuumierous cures effected by |
Thomson's Compound Syrop of Par apd|
}Wuod Naphtha, as a laet resort she resolyed
Mo try it and ina very short time her health
{tmproved—and to steady perseverunce in the
|uuo of this invaluable remedy, shg alone at |
tributes her complete restoration tq health, !
The above statement respecting my wife)
is strictly true, and her tecovery is attnibuta.
(ble solely to the use of T'homson's Compound
!Symp of Tar and Wood Naphtha—every
rother remedy having failed in her case, |
May 10, 1845, Kingsessing
The First Baptist Chureh in this town will
worship next Sabbath day in the Lecture Room
of their new Meeting Huouse.
Subject of next Spynday Evening's Lecture
at the Unitarian Chuorel i Lurher, as a Moy
and a Priest.”" Scrvice bhegine at half past 6.
Office at Mr. 8. Peckham's in Church-Street
.‘ln\l,Av, Jan 20, 18406
Reported for the Boston Daily Advertiser & Patriot
At Market 520 Beef Cattle; 615 Sheep, and
60 Swine. 250 Swine arvived at the close o
the market, and are unso'd
Pricks— Beof Cattle—We noticed two hean
tiful Cattle from Westfield, sold for $250
Prices generally advanced. We guote extra
575 a &6 ; first quality 525 a 550 ; second
175 a 0 25; third §4 a 450,
heep— We noticed a beantiful lot of Weath
ers. Sales at $6, $4 and 3 ; ordinary Sheep
from &2 1o 275-
; Swine—~Not in demand ; several small lots
were sold, hall" Barrows at 4 1-2¢. At retml
'fmm 4 1.5 to Ge,
In Coventry, on the 13th just. by the Rev.,
Mr. Braytan, Dexter Randall of Providence,
to Miss Lucinda IS, Gavetr, of the former|
plnco. !
In Centreville, on the 10th inst, by the!
Rev. Mr. Fifield, Foxhall A Parker, Je, I
S.N.to Miss Mary B, youngest danghter of
John Greene, Esq. l
~ Io this town, on Saturday evening last, af
ter o whort but very distressing illness, Mary
Catharine, youngest danghter of Capt, Jusse
and Damaris €. Chace, in the sth yvear of her
age. By this afllictive dispensation of divine
Providence, thess hereaved Parents have tor
the second tme in the short space of four
monthe been called o mourn the loss ot s
lovely and interesting cluld, but while their
hearts throb with anguish, and the *ears ol
Isorrow bedew their cheeks, may they tind
‘rnn.-ulnlion in the words of that compassion.
‘ate Saviour, who has siid sutter hittle children
"to come unto me and torbid them not, tor of
Csuch is the kingdom of Hueaven”'
“Ero sin conld blight or sorvow fade,
Death camo with friendly cre,
The opening buds to Henven convoyed
And bade them blossom there
I "u““
LAt Portsmouth, on Thursdoy evening list |
Moo Wilhiam Lawton, aged D 0 yveas, a Revo
lutionary prensioner '
At Pliladetphia, on the Hthy My Lewie T
Hopping son of the Tate Me Henry Hoppin of
‘l'nnulrlwe. in the 20th o of s age
i@smv NEWS. d&
\Vl‘.‘l).\‘l‘..-'lm\'. Jan 2
Brig Ociae, Hall, Prov. forr ."n.\'.nmm!n
f‘lu:p l\;ll'\t, S rinan, from Providence.
Schr Delaware, Baker, Phila for Prov,
Sloop Rienz, l)nvl\-r, Prov. tor New York
Seir Mutidda, Staples, i Providence for
Sehir Del Norte, Dorr s from Canden.
Sehr Brogonhofl, Shormn, tn Bristol tor
\o w ‘ ork
] Sloop Champion,
’ s TUESDAY, Jun 27 !
| Behr Emerald, Gavett, from Providenep |
L Behr Lapwiog, Smith, 10 days fmn Noddolk!
Sor Boston —stave bulwarks and spht ph , Geo
Engs, Smart, Boston for New York ; Black
Hawk, Sisson, Balvimore for . River ; Janies
{Otis, Anderson, Wilmington for Prov. |
Saled—Brig Octavia, ljoughly, Wilmington, |
' “ wehr Mauilda, fur Savanuah. 3
. Sloop Ruode Istand, Thall, Prov. for N.York |
{ WEDNESDAY. Jan. 24 |
| Sloop Teeumseh, Ash, NY. for Prov. ‘
| Arebrig Kmbalt, Ingraliam, ol "‘Vhomaston,
N7ds from Bultimore lor Providenge, gargo iron |
[==having exporienced o constant gucevssion ul'l
Cgnles, and blown into the stream three differ.]
flem times since the 10th. On the dth day out,
o seaman named Greenlow, boelun'm‘ to Deer
Asland, Me. fell from the fore yurd wnd was
badly hart. ‘Phe Captain stutes that for tive
"du_w durigg the pussage, himselCand the mate,
Lwere the ouly hands which were able to do!
Tduoty. ’
Ship Eben Preble, Perkine, arr. at the Clyde,
Dee. St from Now Orlenns & i
Bark Huma, Weeden, cl'd st Mobile 12ih
for Boston,
Schr. Mubilo. Cozzens,ure nt N, Ocloans Oth,
from Pensacola.
At Mmflvovidt-n. Nov. 4, sch Hanoah, (3
masty, of Newport) Woadman, tor Corieutis,
about Gth,
Sailed from Honolulu, Sept. 271 h, ship ME
CIHANIC, Pratt, on a eruise, oil not stated,
last reported with 1200 sp. 400 \\t.
Touched at Lahaina, Oct 21st, ships WM,
LEE, Whimpenuy, 15 mos. 600 sp. 600 wh
~=ull wh. this season ; JOHUN COGGESHALL,
Macy. oil not stuted. _
j - THE House in John sireet,
seetf® formerly owned and occupied by
Capt. Borden Waood, and pos
seaston given an April next, T'he
house containg 12 rooms, and is well cal
culated for two tamilies, Enquire of
Jan, 20, 1844, JOSIAH C. SHAW.
'l‘(l}‘} subscribpr has heen appointed by the
Hon. Court of Probate, Guardian to the
person and Estate of WILLIAM FREE
BODY. Al persons interested will goverr
themselves occordingly.
Newport, Jan. 20, 1846.—Gw,
VOTERS for 1846.
"‘IIE Town Council of the Town of New
port, will meet at the Town Hall on
Monday the Oth day of February next, at 10
o'clock a.m., for the purpose of making out
the Lasts ot Voters for this town for the year
11246. All persons interested are hereby no
tified to attend. By opder,
B. B. HOWLAND, Council Clerk.
Newport, Jan, 20, 1845. :
Iy A pleasantly situated and con
-05 venient house in Spring street ;
on the lower floor there are (wo.
parlors,a sinall bed room,a kiteh
en, and washroom ; four chambers in the
second story, and a large garret partitioned
in two, all in good repair. There 1s a good
yard and garden attached to the hogse, and
a never failing well of pure water. “T'he
terms are moderate and possession will be
given the Fstof April. Apply at this office.
Janiary b, 16406, —3w,
being inclined to dispose of his present stock
i trade, [Jan. 20, 184 G,
i LARGE lot of slightly damaged prints
z will he ready for sale on I"vm.'ly.
Jan, 29. E.W. LAWTON & SON.
Best Monthly Published.
The N. York Ilustrated Maga
zine of Literature and Art,
Bdued by Lawkesce Lanrer, and pub.
hished by Wa Taveor, No. 2, Astor
House, New-York.
‘;EA(.‘H number s embellished with four
, beautiful Engrovings on Steel —besides
[several very fine iflustrations on wood, exp |
jeuted by some of the best artists 1o the conn
ey, Lewall also contan G 4 pages of excel
dent reading matter, embracing every thing
;lhnl s amusing and instruetive, |
| Trerus =25 cts, per single number— &3 a
cyear ; T'wo copies for 5,00, or tive copies
tor %1000
1 Remember that this i the only Magazine
(that gives 4 steel engravings in cach number,
[aud ulso wood Hlustrations,
! Address “Ww, Tavior,
¢ No 2, Astor Honse, N. York"
L dgent in Newport =W M, GOFF,
I Noo 8O Thames sireet,
, Who has also been apnomted A rent jor
| Rpans’ Popotar Pietonal Pablhications.
! N wpuort, Jan. 2,18463 w,
“’ ANTED. < An nctive, honest and in
dustrions lad, 15 or I 8 yveurs old < one
~who understands the care of a horse, and can
make hunse £ generally neeful, cuan have steady
fwork, by applving at 97, THAMESNT,
| Jan. 29, I®4o,
:"‘ll 15 purest and most perfeet article o
! the growth wud preservation of the han
Juat recenved and for sale by
150, Thames stiet
Hssence of Coffeec.
"l‘lllz gennine ESSENCEK OF ( OFERE
{ now extensively used i London wnd
| Paris, aud all other eities 10 Europe, i the
| hest house-holds, a tea spoontul ol which s
Heufliciont for 8 common sized enp of coffee
| Whosoever desires to have o very nch cop
ot dava eotfee, will by a dilution of this es
[|#enee with the costonury ingredients, obtain
the pure article,
| lirections accompany ench hottle,
| I' v sale at R'DERS
Jrom Now Yok tor
Far Sale, or to Let,
James Mammend,
will sell
until the 14th day of February,
Pomane Puinocome,
Jin 209
VY‘IUS"' wind will, dispose of their prosen
4 stock of
Paper Hangings,
and therefore will gell them AT COST, un
tl the det day of Marcl next,
Those in want of paperg will do well 10
supply themselves at this Lmeas the patterns
are very good, most of them imported last
spring, and will be gold ut very low prices, at
~ Jan, 29, 22, Broad-st.
' |
| X ,!
Recent % } Additions. |
| CLEARA - t
3541 Ameriea, and the Americon people ||
| teans, from the Gevamn by Frederick
! Pon Rawiner, Prolessor of Wistory 1
; the Umversity of Beclin, e, 1
3542 The White bay, a story of freland, iy
! 1522, by Mrs S C Hall, 1
189 ‘The Late of Lewis, Prinee Conde, sur- ||
i named the Grout, by Lord Mahon, 2|
3190 The Chain bearer, or the Latilepoge
| Manuscrips, by J F Cooper, 2
3543 Only o Frddler, & O, I, hy the author |
of the “Liprovisstore,” translnted trom '
the Germnn by May Howilt, 1
8191 Adventures of Capt Stmon Suggs, late
i ol the Talapoosa volunteers, together |
. with taking the Censosand other Ala- i‘
' bawm sketehes, by o Coyatry Editor,}
319 G Rambles by bind, wid wateq, or notes |
| ot truvel i Cuba, and Mexico, inelods !
| MY s canoe voyagze up the nver Panus,
? eo, nnd resenrches anong the ruins of |
' Tamanlipns, by B N Norman, ]l
3544 The Hisiory of Oregon and Callornia, |,
and the other Terniones on the North |
West const of Noith Awernica, by |
Lobert Greenhow, 1
2443 Alice Copley a tule of (ueen ,\]ury‘ui
time, by Mes vlni Jlephens, I
JS4G Ascanio or the Sculptors Apprentices, |
i on Hustoricel romance of the six-|
: trenth century, tfrom the French uf‘
Alexrander dumas, 1
3347 The Light Drngoon, by the aoathor of |
a " New Howme," &c. 1
3103 Western Clearings, by Mes € M Kirk - ||
land, wuthor of a * New lame,” 1
3194 Trippings 1w Author-lund, by Funny |
Forrester, )
3195 Artiet, Merchanl, and Statesman, of!
the nge of the Medice and of our owr,!
ties, by ¢ Edwards Loster, 4
3196 l_"utlnerltipus"f." years residence ot the
court of Peking, i the seivice of the |
; Emperar of China, with an seconnt
| of the f.;;;'x}dulmn of the college for the
‘ edpcation of young Chiness at Nuples
i trayslated trom the Lulian by F Pran- |
| d\'.. 1
3548 Biograplieal, and Cnitical Miscellauies, |
hy Wa é{ Preseolt, |
3107 The Book of good examples; dmwui
from authentic nstory and Liography
designed to lustrate the beneficial
| eifects of virtugus conduct, by John‘
‘ Frost, L. L k 4, ’ o
(3198 Tue Book of the Colaiies ; compgising
| a lnstory of the colonies componn_‘::
' the ynned States, from the disgoyery
| in the teuth century until the com- .
' mencement of the Revointonury war, |
| by John Frost, L. L I, 1]
3199 Memoir of Mrs Mury Laundi Dunean, !
‘ being recolleciions of a danghter, by |
ber mather, |
3549 The Soldier of Lyons, a tale of the |
Tuiilenes, by Mrs Gore, |
3200 Elimor Wyllys, or the young filk of
' lmn'_vhrulg' .0 tale hy Awmubel Pen !
! feuthear,edited by J I Cooper, 2
3201 T'he Mysteries of the back wooda, of
| sketches of the South.west, 111-.:'n':l'.u"
? churneter, scenery, and rural sports,
[ by IT° I 8 Thorpe, ‘ I
3550 The Brother’s revenge, o romantie and
thrilling tule, translajed lram the Cer
man of € pindler, "
S5O Love & Mesmerismby Horace Smith, 1
|:'s‘-’", The Apthor's daughter, a lale, by Mary
T will, 1
355 Laidy of Milan, or idelity upto Geath,
edited by Mrs Thomson, |
' This Labrary contning upwaris of |
4:200 VOLS. —listory— Voyages and
-1,200 VOLS.- Miscelluneous works -
3600 VOLS. - Novels- Talee und Ro-
Mmances —-
In all, over 6,0G0 VOLS.
Being the Larges; (r‘lrcqln;ing l.ii,rur'\ in New
Newport, Jan, 20, 1845,
I l FGIILY scented und pure for the b,
G all preparations for the hairyg nothiog
equals the alove mentioned article. By its use
the hair miny be preserved vigorons 1o wxtrome
old agn. Jusj received and for sale by
lal, T'hames-s'eaet,
| Jan 29
Savings’ Bank.
1 DIVIDEND was declared 1w Day.
4 of 21 2 per eent, on nll sums that have
been i tor the spmee of Gmonths, and 114
pereent, on all soms that have heen in for
the spaee of three months, wgrecnhly 1o th
regnlations of the Fustitntion, pryuhle on and
ter Natnrday, the 170 h st
. GYLES, Tveasurer,
Newpart, fan, 16th,
#chool Stationary,
('uhn(uh”_\' for ale mt
Circulating Library.
Jovunry 22 1816
s‘rmu Fasoarian Warapr O Ml
, ey Nhoavney ;fm‘-_ S ror o wil othyors
tor SHAF LN Sy Jost receiv d oand e mak
7, Thamesest,
Jan, ‘W
"00AX. COAL.
"."”‘: wrihecriher hae on hand 100 tone ot
| RED ASH €O, (Kgg sze) nnder
'n shed,—which ean be dehivered at any lime
freve from lee and Snow,
IVill be sold at Publiz Auetion, at the
Euston Farm, gv cabied, m Portsmonth,
now oceupicd by Stephen 1). Sherman,
oy THURSDAY, Febyuary 13th, at
o clpck, A M. (yf fair, of nol, the
next fau: day, )
. l puir of Qxen, 5 Cows, 1, Horse & Wag
§ gon, ang Harness, 35 Sheep, 25 Lambs,
I Hog, 4 vigs, tawls, turkeys, geese, &e., 7
tons of Hay. | gtack of Straw, | stack Stalks,
B 0 bushels Corn, BQ bush. Qate, 20 bush, Po
"tatoes, Ox eart, plonghs and harrow, &e. &c
[ Portamonth, Jan 22, H"‘Uf; —gw*
Exccutors’ sale ot Lind.
By virlye of a License granted by the
" Hon Conrt of Probale of the lown c:f
Middletowa, will be sold at Public
Auction o the premises on THURS
DAY, the 121 k &ny of March next, at
11 o'clock, A M.
‘l,l, the right, title nnd interest, which
SR Peleg Sanford, lute of iddletown, bad
at the tune of his desth, o apd 10 all the
real estate, belonging to saul decld, sitnated
in eaid Middletown, or so mueh thereof ne
will be sufficient to raise the suin of $352,02,
with ineudental charges,
Conditions wt the nime and ploee of snle,
Middletown, Jun. 21, 1846.—~1.d »,
*BVHE subseribors take this method 1o re.
b fun their mncere thanks for ['Ast pnte
ronnge and intorm their customers and the
public in general] that they hove on Lisnd, A
goud assortment of choice
- AND -
which they offer at low prices, by wholesale
or retnil. - Among them are the following
articles; :
Flowr in Barvels, and Half barrels,
Huck ’q“,.,(;‘ v Übls and hugs,
Neal —bolted and Northern,
Butter, cheege lard, beef and pork,
Sperm and Whale Onl,
Crashed powdered & brown Havana Sugor,
Young IT_c,.g,ua'r. Sowchong & Powchong T'ea,
ising in wfiuk aud half bores,
all's. Ward's ane Holl & Sons,
Fanaly and Faney Soaps, ;
New Ovleans & Hovava Molusses,
Brooms, Pails, Stone Ware,
and a variety ofother articles nsually Lept
i n Grogery Store, for sale low, at No. 3,
South side, Murker flulll'o',.
OF wll dizeases of the Skin and humors
of the Blood, internul and external, by
a tunely apphieation to DR, AL D GOULEY,
the son ab the evlebrated lodian LDowtresg,
Mrs. ioehardson,
D, Gl ooffers s services to the inhabitants
of Newport, and vicinity, where he way be
found at Mr. Joseph Fish's for two days on.
Iv. on vl‘l'l'lSl).'\\l"uml WEDN L‘;-\‘ll \)Y. W
& 4ih of Februury, where hé wili he happy 1o
wail on those who may favor him with a call,
Dr. G. enres all kinds of diseases, soch ne
—Cancers, Liver Complont, Asthima, Fats,
('nnnmnpllyo'"(L-u;‘.";‘.'!nlnp, Nerotula, fervons
Atfections, Khm:;n»num. Sprionl Complaints,
Lysgpepsia, ;,‘n';n(rh, Salt Rbvenm, S An
thony's’ [Mire or Erysipelas, Scald Hond,
Lepronsy or White Scart, Tetter or King
Worm, Grairie Lieh, and all kind< ol homors,
Ladies Wenkness, Diropey, and all ather <.
‘enges withy which the hymdn faanly 19 wfflicr
rd. oL
Hie Medicios s made entirsly of roots and
herbs, nnd prepured by himself,
Plegse call uiyd have your cuse examined
N.JB Do AL D, G will visit paticnts 0}
therr residences if required, ey ST
Veownart, Jan, 22, 1846 <3m
Nuwront, Dee. 20, 1845,
'l‘”i‘} suhscriber herehy gives notien to ali
whom it may concern, in aonformity ta
smendcd Charter of the Perey Manutneturivg
Comwpany, that on the nineternth day qf)uly.
A, Dl2 he sold and Jisposed of one ehare,
or fittecnily part of the capital sfoek i wayd
Corporation to Henry Sehrapder, Jr.g wod
that on the tenth day of Heprember, A, D,
1511, he sold nv."'.";-lo".,pi‘(l of, 1o gand Corpos
ration, ane shere, or fourteenth part of cap
tal &tock thereol: nnd on the 28th of M-..M.‘
1844, one viher share, or BE3ch part of eapria)
woek thereot s the same being all his remon
g anterest msaid eapin! stock,
Jan. 10,
lease 1o (ake Rosior.
'; .\ LL those inde bred 1o JOHN EASTON,
y & are perehy formed that all bos demanads
!h_v Note o Book acgouul, bave been todg d
}:n the hands of .1.0.-x;”c (. Snaw, Bl o
leollection, mod those indebtod are tlumfllo({
l'u make (o hun nedinte payment, :
Jan. Jath, IIB4UG—4w,
'; UNTY roceoipved per #loop Vigihint from
!'J New York, B osnmll packnges hul'o'r',
~\ averasing abonm 4O [he 1o the package, whieli
Hwill be snld nt o low proee to close o consign’
Hment, Plase oo want of the ahove wil! Ko
itote therr wteregt to eall soon ot N ~
gonth side Market Square, ;
Rhode Island,
l' wrmers,
}hm_\m’u { .\lc-m--mm'mn,"
Joumniy Chrstian,
F.pl-l’_up:q)‘ il
Muare Flmapags,
For gale wt
ee, 4.
Ox Murrow & Bear's Ol
l TGHLY scomted and puse for the hnie -
l of wil proparations for the flar o
Whiskere, nothing cquals the ob v wed’
twoned netieles 3 0 restores the har ‘o e
bl and sl o ctunly prosesve it nicia
miling off i owny cvem et peeive e ui
owr enle W !“". '," ',

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