Newspaper Page Text
The Newburyport llerald fires off the fol. lowing squib : The innocent simplicity of Mr. Polk, in ap. plying to Great Britain to kuow if her warlike preparations were intended for the United Ntates, must raise o smile on the countenance of the reader. Did he expect il England was making these rropuuliom against the United States, that she would tell him of . Per hups he did, and then his next question wonld bave been probably, what points she intended first to attack, and what the weight of metal of the armament she intended 1o bring a ainst these points, in order that he might be Bolut able to repel the artuck. Marisg Losses.—The losses of the Boston Insurance Companies during the last few wecks, have been 'ummully large, and the heaviest of them on first class vesscls. CONSUMPTI()N CURABLE '-STILL FURTHER PROOF!—-CONSUMP TIVES, remember that it is Thompson's €Compound Syrup of Tar and Wood Nuaphtha which ie daily effecting euch remarkable cures in PULMONARY CQNSUMP TION! Puinana., Oct. 13, 1845, The undersigned ie induced to make the following brief statement under a firm con viction that mapy valusble lives might be saved wae recourse had to the same means which have reetored me to health, 1 bhad suffered for years with weaknsss of the LUNGS and {.IVER COMPLAINT, but so gradual were the inroads of disease that | felt no alarm until within the last year.— The chief cause of distress was pain in my breast and right side, great oppression, al most strangling, and total inability to raise the corrupt matter which obstructed my breathing ; and attimes so great was my suf fering I thought } could not live an hour. It i scarcely nccessary to aay that during this time I had the best medical attendance, was cupped, blistered, &c. with no avail, 1 also used various advertised and well known medicines, obtaining’ no relief whatever un tl 1 procured *“ THOMSONS COM POUND SYRUP TAR AND WOOD NAPHTHA,” one bottle ot which benefit ted me more than all else | had taken ; and I now assert it as iy solemn belicf that by this time I should have been in my grave had 1 not procured this remedy al the time I did. SARAHJANE ADAMS, ‘ No. 138 South Fourth street, Sworn to and subscribed this 13th day of October, 1845, before me, CHAUNCEY BULKLEY, Alderman. JAvaid all imilalions, Principal Office, N. E. cor. FIFTH and SPRUCE Ste. Phila. For sale by R.J. TAYLOR, Newport, R. 1, Nov. 2Gth. Nolice. Subject of next Sunday evening's Lecture at the Unitarian Church : Luther's call to Wittembergy and his Mission to Rome. Service begins at half past 6. R. PP. BERRY, I UREBOLT DIEYTRUI N, Office at Mr, 8. Peckham's in Chugeh-Street, SECOND HOUSBE FROM THAMES-STREET, BRIGHTON MARKET, Mosnpay, Feb 9, 1846 Reported far the Boston Daily Advertiser & Patriot At Market 345 Beef Cattle, 1200 Sheep, and 760 Swine. 200 Swine have been bhefore roported. 300 Sheep and 550 Swine unsold. Prices—Beef Cattle—-Last week's prizes were fully sustained. We naticed 9 beauti ful Cattle from Westfield, and 5 from Sering field, price not public. Wao quote extru 575 a &G ; firnt quality 550 a 575 ; second $5 a 525; third 4 25 a 475, Sheep—Dull. Sules from $2 to $4. Swine—"l'wo lots of Shoats, selected 4¢ for Sows, Hic for Larrows ; a lot of large Barrows, sulected, 4 5.8 c. There appears 1o be very hittle demand for shoats, either in lots or retal ~=nearly ull of 4 droves remuined unsold. MARRIAGEN. In Portsmouth, on the 14th inst., by Rev. Mr. Bryant, Mr. David Coggeshall ta Miss Julia Aunn Durfee, both of ‘Liverton. DEATIS. In this town, on Tuesday last, Mr. enry Goddard, aged B 7 years. Funeral thys afternoon at 2 o'clock, from his late residence in Third-street on the Point, which his relatives and (risnds are requested 1o attend. In this tpwn, on the Bth inst. Gertrude Ame ha, only child of Joseph F. and Sarali Cran ston, aged 21 months, Hlurr on, our gentle darling, sleep noenlin and placid rest ; Why should thy lonely parents weep That thou art with the blesi ¢ No bitter tears for thee we shed . What more could we desire ? . "Tin but n sninted spirit fled To join the henvenly choir, . Comu. At the Newport Asylum, on the 16ith st Mre. Doreas Potter, agod 51 years. In Portsmonth, on 'l'lmrnl,u‘y last, after a short illness, Mrs. Eleanor, wife of Mr. Gard ner Thomas and daughter of the late John Bordon, aged 55 yaars und one month. In Huntington Co., la, 12th ult. Mr. Abel Brownell, aged 54 years, formerly of Little Compton, R. 1. In La Rochelle, France, Dec. 20, Picrre Ar mand Auboyueau, for many years U, 8. Vice Consul at Rochelle—a graduate of Brown University. &smv NEWS. #, PORT OF NEWIrPORT. ARRIVED, WEDNESDAY, Feb. 11 Schre Star, Smalley, Prov. tor N. York ; Ju hin & Myrtha, Baker, Boothbay for N. Haven, Cottage, Atwood, Frankfort for Balumore ; Quoen Pomare, Thomaston, for N. Yoi k. THURSDAY, Feb 12 Rehe, Harrison Price, Fastman, fm Wilming ton. Sloop Senator, Gifford, fm Nuntucket. FRIDAY, Feb. 13 Brig ‘Tasso, Burdick, fm N, Ocleans, with corn o 3. N Cotuell. SATURDAY, Peb. 14 Sehe Proumph, Witliams, N York. WEDNESDAY, Feh. 1F Schre Mors I MeGatvery, from Matanzas for Providence, 20 davs, with molasses 1o Wheanton & Jockson, Lot deek-lond, boat, wnd galivy i the =torm ol lothe antemds e procecd docorty do PVeovidenee, MEVMOIANDA, Park Pavn, Weeden, was wlv., at Doston Pubih, ter <nn o the ATt o ' nenenln Briz 00 tavin, Donghty henee, are at Wil mington NC il inea Brog Mader Al swasey, cld m N Yok, P hih, tor Malaga Brig Lashon, Messer, was at Wilimington, N Coom the Sth st Sehr ireet, Brges aer ot N York 14th, fin Baltimore. setr Mobale, Cozzens, eid at Ny il st b Ponsarala Gon, Cob, Tammond wae pldv wt N Tl hor Anbipgtn, praernge unly | NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. FRANK HAMMETT’S MAMMOTH GROCERY ! PROVISION DEPOT, AT THE FRANKLIN HALL, Corner of Thames & Fair-sts., Wll.l.Zs[:flll;‘r:fi.b:rfound one of the largest GROCERINS AND of the best quality, ever before offered in Newport, and at as low prices as can bo pur chased elsewhere for Cash, or approved cred it. The FAMILY GROCERIES, are of the best selections that can be found in the New York and Boston Markets. Newport, Feb. 19, 1846, BOOT & SHOE STORE. The subscriber haviog ta ken the Store No 118, Thames [ = ‘ulreel. next door south of I, C. Shaw’s office, offers for sale a large stock of BOOTS & SIOES : Such as Men’s, Boy's and Youth’s Calf, Kiud and thick Boots ; Shoes and Brogans, of all kinds and sizes; and also, Ladies’, Misses’ and Children’s Kid, Morocco and Leather sewed and pegged. J. O. BURDICK, Newport, Fcb. 18, 1846. To ke Let for One Year, From March 25th, 1846, 'l‘llA']‘ beautiful Meadow, containing 12 * or 14 acres of Land, part of the Farm of the late John Easton—bounded on the Kast by land of Mrs. Grant and Mr, Sears, and on the West by T'ew’s Rope-Walks, nud other lands, and extending North and South from the Beach to the Bath Roads. For particu lare and terms apply to JOSIMH C. SHAW. Newport, Feb 19th, 1846--Bw. | At Gofl's Literary Depot, | AND NEWSPAPER OFFICE, No. 88, Thames-stireet, NEW WORKS, ! Received last evening from Boston. Livingston, or the young Hussar, by Ingra -~ ham. Dayelle, or the Maid of Cyprus ; Ellen Templeten, or the Spectre Cloud ; ;John’n Alric, or the Bride of a Ghoet ; ‘l'he Widow’s walk, or Mysterics of Crime, } by Sue ; China as it was and as it in; Eventful night, or the Roman Lovers; Forecastle I'om, by Mrs. Dana 3 Merry’s Museum ; Grace of the Grccfiu : Holmes’ Poems—* Cromwell's Lettera” ; Voyage round the World ; Annie,orthe Orphan of St, Mary's; &c.&c.&¢. - MORE NEW WORKS will be received this day from New York. ~ N.B. Dont forget Gofs facilities for pro curing hooks to grder, at City prices, by re turp of mail, Feb. 19. SELLING OFF AT COST! CLOSING UP OF THE UNITED STATES CLOTHING STORE, 91, Thames Strect. 'l‘() the inhabitants of Newport and vicini ty, as | am about to withdraw froin the Clothing buosimess, | yow offer my. whole stock of READY MADE CLOMENXN @, FURNISHING GOODS AT COST & LESS, FOR CASH!! from this time to April—nas at that date the! Liease of the store which | now occupy ex pireg, and pot seeing any vacant store suita. ble for said business, | am under the neces sity of selling off my stock of Goods at Cost. I'his {8 a great chance for bargajus for those who are in want of any articles usually found in a Clothing or General Furnishing Estab lishment; also,on hano, a large assortment of TRUNKS, HATS, CAPS, UMBRELLAS, and o great many other articles, too numer ous 10 mention. DANIEL T. SWINBURNE. Newport, Feb. 19, 1846. PRINCE’S Linnaan Botanic Garden and Nurscrics, Flusking, near New York. THE GREAT ORIGINIL ESTARLISHMENT, WM. R PRINCE & €O, have just pub hished thewr Unnivalled Descriptive’ Catalognes of Frure, and Oaxamexra, Trews anp Prasts, comprising the largest assotment of the various elassea, and the greatest colleetion of newe and rare vanethes ever yet offcred to the publie, and at greatly reduend puees. Every vanety of Taees and Poasrs, nondividunlly desenibed with o precpsten never hefore evineed o wny Kuro pran o Amercan Cntn'oone 3 and the gross Wnnders of other Catalognues, ure njso set v, e colleetion of Roses COmprises bove 1700 splendil vaneties, These su perior Catnlognes will be sent grans to every post prid appheay; Feb. 10h, WM. R.PRINCE & CO, To L.t fl A beautifol loented (Cottage in : ".‘ Kay st contminmg 12 Rooms 11 with every conyenience nt. &‘urlml 10, Possession given the moddie of Apal, Por further particnlnres o l]'l'n‘ llf \v.\l s vus": ol b, 1856 HERALD OF THE TIMES. | NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. TO OLD COUNTRYMEN. —— uoo-”o-«a* HARNDEN'S & CO'S Passage Arrangements me).\'s wishing 1o send for their friends in Ireland, England, Scotland or Wales, can do so through the Bubscribers, who ure sole Passenger Agents for the only Line of regular Packets between Boston & Liverroor, leaving lec:rool on the sth and 20th of ench month, and cothposed of the following Firsr CrLass AMERICAN VEsssLs, buily expressly for this line, and equul Lo any ships afloat, The ‘“Joshua Bates,”” (new,) ¢« “Washington Irving,”” < ‘¢ uéng!O Sa)g(_m.” 0 “ «Sunbeam,”’ « «Concordia,”? :‘ “Columbiana,’? ¢ «“St. Petersburg,”? “ «Governor Davis.”’ These Vessels are commanded by cxperiencgd snd humane Masters, and particular attention will be paid 10 the sccomodation ayd goud treatment of Passen gers under their charge. - Lersons wl-hgl 1o send for tLeir friends, can do so, by procuring a Ceriicate of Passuge of HarNpEN & Co., Boston, specifying what Vessel they wish them to come by, and the day of leaviug, thus saving them the ex pense of any detention in Liverpool. HARNDEN & Co., wishing to conduct their business upon prineiples of fairness and equity, 1o prevent fraud and deception, have but one price for passage, which, in all canes, includes head money and bread stuffs. Pre. paid Passengers always have the preferongy over Pas sengers paying in Liverpool. Those applying by letter or otherwise, for Certifi cates of Passage, should, in all cases, furnish the names and ages nflhodunonl sent lor, with their address in full, 1o enable Messrs larnden & Co. of Liverpool, to notify them of the proper time 16 leave home, and fur nish other necessary information. ‘ To persons returning home, this Line also offers su perior tacilities and accommodatioy. ‘ REMITTANCES. For the convenlence of persons wishing 10 remit money to their (riends, we keep constantly for sale, DRAFTS AT BIGHT, which are cashed at, any Bank in England, Ireland, or Scotlnnd. Duplicate Checks nre always furnished, 1o insure the purchiusers ugainst loss, N. B. The nccommodations aad reputation of this Line are such, that other persons advertise to bring oui Passgngece b‘il. und the public are respectiully inform ed lfiu\ HARNDEN & Co. are the only suthorized Agents tp sel] Tickets for the Ling. For the accommodation of those residing in Fall Rivy. er and Now?‘ort. we have appointed Mr RUFUS B, KINSLEY, Proprietor ol (ke Boston Express \gent for the Sale of our Passage Tickets nngd Bills of kxchange. For further information, upply at his offices, in Mogut Hope Building, Fall River—or 71, Thames-street, New. pori, R. L.,—~cr to Haknpen & Co, No. 120, Binte-st., and 8, Court-st., Boston. [Feb. 19, 1846, —3m. Courl of Probale, Middletoyn, Feb. 16, 1846, Vl‘ HE Executor’s account on the estate of EUNICE PEABODY, late of Middle town, dec'd. was presented for examination and allowance. It is ordered that the same be received and the consideration thereof referred to a Court of Probate, to be holden at the Toiyn House, in Middletown, on the third Monday of March next, at 1 o'clock, P. M., snd that previons notice be given by publishing o capy of this order, for three snccessive weeks in the Herald of the Times, for all persons inteiested o appear at said time and place and be Leard. A true copy—witnegs, JOSHUA COGGESHALL, Prob. Cik. JUST PUBLISHED'! GREAT MEDICAL RE-PRINT. First American, from the Tenth English Edition. SELF-MANAGEMENT AND CURE OF Pulmanary Consumption, AND ALL DISEASES of the CHEST AND LUNGS, BY W.7T.BUCHAN,; M. D. Of London, England. With a Portralt of the Author, and Engravings illustra tive of the Anatomy of the Lungs, Price oNLy 20 cENTS. HIS work contains a brief and distinet deseription T of the ANATOMY OF THE CHEST & LUNGS wn ontline of D, Buchan’s HIGHLY t{}JCCES&FIYI. method of trenting Colds, Coughs, Asthma and Cop sumption—an account of his Ngw axb Powersuy Remeny—and directions for GELr-MANAGEMENT AND Cune, sdapted 1o popular use. ; leis the result of nenrly Twenty Years practice and experiment in the City of |.nmlun. and the combined experience of the most learned I'hysisians and Surgeous of the age—forming a perfect Manual of Medjenl I(lmw_ ledge and Adviee in relation to the Anatomy of the Lungs, the Signs, dympioms, Trentment and Cyre of Pulmonnry Compinipts. This Work and the Treastment which it recommends, are heid I the hijghest possible esteem in Great Brtaim, s the extracts from public journaly, whieh gre given i the Appendix, will abunduntly show. Dr. Buchan troly decinres, that with this simple Guide, *a Con- SUMPTIVE PATIENT MAY DO MORE FOR HIMSELE THAN ANY ONDINARY PHYSICIAN CAN DO, BY ANY OF THE COMMOY METI DS OF PRACTICRE Published by D. F. Buapreg, 130 Wushington street, Boston, wnd sold by all the Booksellers 'N's denlerns in new pablications in the United States. v Price 25 cents per Copy--the usuul discpynt to the ‘rude. Sold, in Newpail, by R. J. Taylor ; Bris tol, 1.. W. Briggs ; Warren, Wm. Parker; Fall River, E. 8. Chase ; Providence, Gros venor & Chase ; Pawlucket, J. Green ; and by all the Booksellers. Feb. 19, r (17" REVEMBER »snd always ask for BROWN'S SARSAPARILLA & TOMA TO BITTERS.—These excellent Bitters ‘will be found a certain cure in all cases of Indigestion or Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Loss of Appetite, general Debility, Faintness and Sinking of the Stomach, lowness of lpinta.( costiveness and determination of blood lo' the head, pain in the limbs and side, diarrhga, wenkness, dizziness, cutaneous eruptions on‘ the face and neck, hectic fever, mght sweats, neryons and sick headache, acidity of stom lnch, bilions affections, piles, costiveness, and in all diseases caused by impurity of the 'hiood, the debility of the system, or the un henlthy state of the stomach and bowels. ‘ Going 10 sEA —Masters of vessels, on go ing to sea, particularly on long voyages 1 they value their own health, or their crew’s, should never leaye the wharf without one or two dozen of Browu's Sareaparilla and T'oma to Ihittere. It 18 abont the only medicine they need, It porifies the blood, and com lph-!r!y cures and prevents SCURVY, which alone 18 sufficient recommendation ;3 bot where persons are going from cold to warm climate, it is of the highest importance, There are many musters of vessels who say they had rather be without their whole med icine chest than not have a supply ol the |Nnranparilla and Tomato Bitters. o fact most of the physicians in Boston, recominend Cit tor the above complaints, L Nold st BROWN'S medicipe store, (8 \Washington street, Boston, and R J.TAY LOR'S, Newport, R 1 Feb, 10, - TAMARINDS, | l“l& ESH Tamarinds, just received and for A ealemt RIDER'S, | Feb, 19, 97, Thames-street Borse Radish Sauce. i I JRESH Gronnd HOBSE RADISH this day recowed & torsale st RIDER'S. | l’\ b 1 James Hammond, will sell until the 14th day of February, DRY GOODS PAPER HANGINGS, AUCTION PRICES; COST—OR LESS— being inclined to dispose of his present stack in trade, [Jan. 20, 1846 G. Dissolytion of Co-partuership. 'l‘ur. Co-partoership leretofure existipg under the firm of - E.F. &W, Newton, was dissolved, this dey, by mutusl consent,— All persons having demands, will please pre sent them forthwith for settlement—and all those indebied by nole or account, previous to Ist Japuary, will greatly oblige us by an immediute payment ta either of the subscrib ers. E. ¥. NEWTON, at the soutih store, cor. of Pelham street, and W, NEWT(ON, at the store 150, Themes street, will goutinue the Wholesale and Relail business, on their own, separate accounts,and will each use the name of the late figm for all purposes necessa ry in the hquidation of the affairs of the concern, E. F. NEWTON, Feb. 19, 1816, - Dissolution of Co-partnership. 'l‘llE Co-partnership heretofore existing under the firm of French & Draper, is this day by mutual consent dissolved, All persons having demands are requested to pre. seut them, and all indebted to make immedi ate payment to Ira Frencu. 3 St ARNOLD DRAPER, IRA FRENCH. Newport, Feb. 12, 1840, NOTICE. l FRENCII, returne thunka to the Ladies e of Newport and vicinity, for past favore, and by extra exertions to suil the taste of every individual, he hopes to secure a larger share of public patronage. - N. B. L Frenca still continues at the old stand, No. 112, ‘Thames strect, cornes of Church. SELLING OFF AT COST, ar coen bess, for one mgnth. T'he Ladies are generally invited to cal! at 112, Thames street, and examine his present stock of Millinery Goods, consisting of BONNETS, ngBOJVS, FLOMERS, ‘-/’BAQ, &c. Newport, Feb 12, 1846, \ lEV¥ C. E. HHMMETT, JR., HAS taken the etore 132, Trames-st., M next south of Messrs. Parker & Weay er's Hat store, where he intends koeping a general assortment of BOOKS & STATIONERY. He will also receive orders for Booys, Music or Boog Bixping—having made such arrangements as lie thinks will enable him to fulfil them with punctuality, PAPER HANGINGS. Previous to getiing in my Spring Stock, I will dispose of the Papers now on hand at extremely low prices. C. E. HAMMETT, Jr. Newport, Feb. 12, 1846, PRESTON’'S TREATISE BOOK KEEPINGU, A Common wense guide to a Common sense mind, adapted to the use of Retailers—armers—Meclionics, and {Common Schools. The above is the best book of the kind in use, for sale ut 3 JAMES HAMMOND’S, Feb 12. Regular YMail Linc FOR NEW YORK, = .hi The Stean e MHOHEGA N, 7;,# Capt Potter ,will leaye Ston- ST 23 inglon, Mopday, Wednerday and Friday. = 3 ) The Narraganscett,Capt Manchester, T'uos day, Thursday and Saturday, on the arrival of the mail tram fiom Boston. Tickets sold at the Slnmngton Depot and on board the Perry Roat. Freight on measurement goods 8 cts per foot, WILLIAM COMSTOCK Jgent. Feb. 12. PAPER HANGINGS BORDEBRS. ey (P O EDWARD STANHOPE, Np. 18, Broad-Street, WII.I, sell his remaining assortment of ' Paper Hangings and Borders, at legs thap COST. [Newport, Feb 5 46 —Jw, TO LLET, A pleasantly gjtuated and con venient hous¢ in Spring street on the lower floor there are two parlors,a emall bed rooma fateh en, and washiroom ; four ehambers an the second story, and » large garret partitioned in two, all i gopd repair. There s a good yard and garden uttached to the honse, and a never tailimg well of pure water. The terims are moddrate, and possession will be given the Jst ot Apnil. Apply avtine oluce. January 2th, 1816 -Tw NOTIUK. | . . o e » 'O Loan on hond '%4,(’(’(’q nnd Muylc_[nLn-‘ npply 1o JOHUN F. TOWNSEND. ' Newport, Feb 5,1216--3 w, . ROUSSEL'S | Posave Puinocomns, | 'l\ MHE parest and most perfect article for , the growth and preservation of the har. Just received and for sale by ! GORTON ANDERSON, { Jan. 20. 150, Thames street. BAY RUM. S’l‘l’l'mlfll( QUALITY BAY RUM_ just D ecerved and tur sale ot KIDER'S Nov Lt X 1 14 PAPER HANGINGN, AT COST!!! M.FREEBORN & Co,, MUS'I‘ and will, dispose of their pregen stock of Paper Hangings, and therefore will sell them AT COSY, un ul‘the Ist day of March next, Those in want of papers will do well 10 supply thewselves at this time,ns the patterns are very good, most of them imported last spring, und will be sold vt very low prices, at Jan. 29, 22, Broad-st. SCHOOL BOOKS, AND Bchool Stationary, constantly for sale at JAMES BEAMMOND’S DRY GOODS, BOOR STORDE, —f— Circulating Library. Janunry 22, 1840. - Hssence of Coffee. !’I‘IIE genvnine ESSENCE OF COFEEE, | now extensively used in London and Paris, and all other cities in Burope, in the best house-holds, a tes-spoonful of which s sufficient for a common sized cup of cotive. Whosoever desires to bave & very nich cup of Java coffee, will by a dilotion of this es gence with the gustomary ingredients, obtaip the pure article W. NEWTON. Where may be found a good aseortment of Books, Maps, Charts, ete. ete.,, published and selecied expressly to furnish Travelling or Liocal Agents. { JUST PUBLISHER, n complete History of the Potato and Potato Plague, with digections for staying its further progress, by Chatles P. Bosson, Esq., l member of the Mass. [ort. Soc’y, Editor of the N. E. Agriculturalist, suthor of a Trea tise on Sugar Beet, §c. &e. | UNPARALLELED SUCCESS!!! | 10,040 to,lup;:ll(.l‘.“ti‘;::n.ant week of i It has already commanded the attention of scientific men, both in thie countty and Eu rope. ‘l'he work should be in the hands of every furmer. Agents travelling the country are now making by selling the above named work, from two ta three dolinrs perday. Will othy ere call angd do the squme ? From one to five hundred copies by a little exertion, can be easily sold in gvery town in the KEastern, \\’venlem and Mldl‘fi States. Thus offering to any person the chance to make ten, fifty, or an hundred dollars for a few days exertion. This is a chance that does not often occur. Will some one i eyery town improve it ? DUt Yo Twenty-five cents single eopy. 25 for 4. 50, seven dollars. 100 tor $12,50. The work contnins 118 pages neatly bound, and ean be sent by mail to any part of the U.S. A. for 5 cents postage. ‘l'o pluce it in the reach of all, we offer to evety person sending ue one dollar, to return by the negt mail, five perfeci copies of the work., Thus it will be readily perceived that persons at the remotest part of the conntry can procure the work (by muil.) as chenp as those calling at our otfice. I'o receive immedinte attention, all orders must be addressed to K. L. PRATT, No. 22, Covrr Streer, Boston, Mass. \ LARGE lot of slightly damaged prints 1A will be ready for sale on Frday, Jun. 0. LW, L.\\\"l‘QN &.\‘_U\' Wonderful Discovery. WALNUT OIL, MILITARY SHAVING SOAP, S URPASSING every other preparation. ln finitely superior to any Cream or Soap ; being possessed of such a rich emollient gl - stance. It produces a pecfoct cream lather which will not dry on the fuce. Jost received and for sale by GORTON AN ERSON, Feb 5. No 151, Thames street, YOU MAY IFYOU WILL BE CURELN ()P all dieenses of the Skin and humors of the Blood, internal and external, by a timely appheation to DR, AL D.GOULET, the son of the celebrated Todian Doctress, Mrs. Richnrdson, Dr. GG offers hie services to the inhabitants of Newport, and vicinity, wherg he mpay he tound at My, Joseph ish’s tor two days on iv, on Tl I'ISIM{' and WEDNESPAY, 3d. & Ith of February, where he will be hinppy to wait on those who may favor hiun with w call Dre. G enres all Rinds of diseases, such as ~Cancers, Laver Complant, Asthma, Fits, Consumptive Complainis, Sorofula, Nervons Affections, Rheumatsm, Spinal Complaints, Dyspepsia, Catareh, Salt Rhenm. St An. thony's Fire or Eivaipelas, Seald 11 ad, Lepronsy or Wihite Scurf, Tetter or Ry Waorm, Praine Jteh, and all kinde of humors, Ladies Weakness, Dropsy, and all other dis. eases with whieh the humnn aonly s sfllier ed. Hie Medicine 18 made entirely of roots and herba, sod prepared by himeelf. Please call and huve rour case examined FREFL. N. B DA DGowill vigit patients st their resmidences i required, H TGMLY scented and pare for the hair, O wll preparations for the hairy nothing equale the above mentioned article, By s use the hair may b preserved vigorous to extreime old agn. Justreceived and for sale by GURTON ANDEREON, Jan 29 151, Thames steect, Directions accompany each botile, For sale nt RIDER’S. AGENT'S Kook @e/malozy. E. L. PRATT, Proprietor, 22, COURT-STREET, BOSTOY, Mass. MEN WANTED. A Profitable Job!!! Feb 5. 1816—<3m—a. DAVMAGED CALICO. T 0 THE AFFLICTED ! Newport, Jan, 22, IRI6 —3m OOX MARROW, | AUCTIONS. Farin at Auctlion, WVill be sold al Public Auction, on the premises, oun MONDAY, the 23d inst Cat 11 oclock, 4. M (if fair, if wot, the - Jirst fair day, ) j THE Form situated in Ports. ; slh mouth, 412 miles from New. | port, a few rods lrom the main rosd leading to the Sione ndge, containing about 44 wcres of good Hund, o iwo story dwelling house, 28 by 25 {eet, a neadly new barn and other out build. igs, o first rate well of water, and an excel. lent garden, 4 acres of (it trees, apples, pears, peaches, cherries, &c.—also the re. ‘mains of a nursery of apple trees, For fur her particulurs enguire of Ithe subseriber, i PARDON WIHILITE. ’ Newport, Feb, 12th, 1846. . Executory’ Sale ot Land. IBy virlue of a License granted by the | Hon. Courl of Probale q[ the town of | Middletown, will be soul ol Public | Auction on the premises on 'I'IIUR.S'-‘ . DAY, the 12th day of March next, al Lo o'clock, A. M. Alal.lhe right, title and interest, which ' Peleg Sanford, late of Middlctown, had jal the tune of his death, in and to all the real estate, belonging to said dee'd, situsted lin snid Middletown, or #o much thereof ae will be suflicient to raise the sum of $482,02, ‘with incidentsl charges, ’ SO Conditions at the time and place of sale, PARDON BROWIS, Ezeculir. Middletown, Jan. 21, 181G.—t.d s, Will be soid at Public Auction, al the Foxr-ll farm, (so called.) in.Lames fown,on, WEDNESDAY, MARC I Ath, neat, @t 9 o'clock, 4. M, of fair, if nol, on the first fair week day after, 1 M LIKELY young Cows, € working e) Oxen. 5 three year old Bteers, QlO Sheep, 2 Horses, i Sows with pig, 1 Ox cart, 2 one-horse Wagons and Harneass, to gethér with all kinds of fanming snd dairy utensily 3 household furniture, Jocluding § {eather Beds ; 330 bushols Oate, a guantity of Potatoes, 25 tons first gnality (l‘}nglinh: Hay, &c. &e. Conditions, at the tiune and place of sale. SAMUEL ALLFN,%d. Jomestown, R, I, Fl 9, -2w*, Re ) FOLGER'S OLOSAONIAN, All-Healing Balsam. ITS COURSE IS ONWARD, So grest has been the demand for Folger's (Qlosnonian, or All Healing bulum. and n has given such gencral setisfaction to thoso who Lave used it and become acguninted with ite virtug, that it now stande pre-em nent as o 8 Remedy n [ Diseases of the Lungs, (eod (he testimony which Lus beeen given by ‘different persons who lisve been cured by i, |lB altogether yoluntary on their part. They have given it in the lunse that all who may |find themselyes in need of this rewedy may ‘upp\ for it without delay. ! fl%’ Read the following letter received frain the Rey. Mr. Shimeall, Pastor of Sl,‘ Jude's Epwcopal Free Church. Mr 8 lus ‘not only used the medicine himeclt, but hnn! witnegaed its cffects in several very trying cuses of disesse. The letter will show lu.j ~opinion of |ts virtues. ‘ | Dear Sir.— Believing it to Le but an agt of 'common humanity to these suffering under [the various disenses of Coyghs, Colds, Hourse ness, Congumption, Ssthma, &c., to poni {them 1o a safe, speedy and radical remedy, | [take pleasure in bearing my testimony to | your involuable medicine called Olosaonian, or All l'lenlmg Balsam. Of its efficacy | lcan epenk first from my own expcrit'ncc.--i | Being subject from exposure more or less to \,;he vicissituds of our climate, to frequent 11-‘ Hacku of Influenza, [loareeness, &c., | have alwnys by pereeverance in Ite use, effectual !rehe}. To a particular friend of mine, suf '[termg severely under Asthua, and who had |despmired of chtaming rehiel frou any buman 4|wurce, upon my recommendation was in duced 1o give the Olossonian a trial, gud he |‘pmnmmccd the effect produced uvpon him a “,wrfcvl charm, nfl'cmim_'g him immediate, and“ (almost ieredible rehiel. loanotherinstance | recominended 1t to & female friend, far ad ‘vanced in Consumption. Atter the use of | the tirst bottle, her Cough was entirely re “moved, and her appetite and strenglh re [stored 1o such a degree as to astonish all (who saw her. \\'o‘lfn long chenshed and firmly established prejodice aguingt the thou sand and one specitics put torth an these [daye, as sovereign pannceas for all disences, | Lassnre you that nothing short of my firm [eonviction of the claims of your wedicine to lan onigin 8o respectable, und o the effects [of 1t as heremn certificd, both by my own ex [perience and observation, | conld not have ~seen induced thus to come forward as & wit :ncu in s behalt, | have the honour to be sir, Rmpvcll'ull youra, R.C. Sllf&l EALL. Have yau a Cpugh which is troublesome and has not yielded to any of the romedies which you have used 7/ It w 9 attended with Pain in the Sule, Short ‘ness of Breathy and Nights Sweals. | Do you raise Blood when you Cough and find your strength gradually faring 2 You will find that these symptoms if not proper'y attended . 10, ‘will teraunate i Congumption & Death. Are you troubled with that histressing compluint | Asthma which deprives you of yoor rest at night, snd renders lhife burthensome ? Here is the Remedy. Remember the name, and pluce where 1t 19 1o be obtained, and do not be put off with any other. It has prodoced & cure in es desperate cnses as vours mny appesr jo be, and doubtlese wall put to thght in a 8 speedy manner those distressing symptoms which fill yonr minds with gooowy foiebodings of the tuture. Its Healing Properties do not decewe. Tue short “dry Cough s quickly overeome, eud ensy and healihy ex pectormtion take ite place. Spitting of Blood i mmeditely cheeked. Night Sweals,with pain i the side and chost, debity and difi. colty of breathang, yicld in a short time,.~ Asthin, with ail s drendfal accompaniments sat once lehieved, Bronehitis, nnd 1w fac A the digences of the Throat and Lungs give way betore this remedy, when all other means huve faled, Peraons mny sttempt to deceive yon witl aome other renwddy, prononncing * o e cgually ne good,but remember lile s ai sinke ther tore Be not Decejved, T'he only place in the ety of New York, whore Folger's Olosaonian, or All-Healing Balsam 1w sold eat 106, Nasenn-st,, one doo shove Ann stevet o aleo, ot Mes Tays, 190, Fulton street, Brooklyn, and et Hineson o Wilhamsbury. For sale e Newport by Dee 4 1 TAYLOR | HOYT BROWN & Co, " LAMP MANUFACTURERS, |, 8 Rivinglon St., N York. Agent for Newport, WALTER NICHOLS, “/’ LLO will in futore keep an assortment af Girandoles & Bolar J.ompc of thewr moanuinciure gt the lowest N.York prices, Newport, e, 18, 1845, —3. pll.l':fl,--(‘u.uc. ™Y 17.~11t would do - you no harm, und uu’ do you a great deal of good —at any rate, il it don’ do yon any good it will cost you pothing. It is May's Liniment. Sold by Comwetpek & Ross, 19, Tremout Row,Boston: tor the Piles. l':k sl. Agents for Newport, R.J. TAY LOR, and G Co HAZARD. Nov. 20.. WONDERFUL BiSCUVERY, Surr.q Fssenrian Warsur O Mili b tary Shaving Soup, supenor 1o all others for SHLIVING, just leceived and for sale ’ RIDER'S, 97, Thames-st, Jan, 22, Ox Marrow § Bear’s Oil, ll“”“‘\' scented and pure for the hap— of all preparations for the lwir sn Wihirkers, nothing ”5""'" the above nore Honed artieles ;it resfores the hmir to the bald, and will effecrually prescrve it from fslling off iu suy eveny; just received aue for wale at ) RIDERS. Dec, 25. § BY THE QUEEN'S PPATENT, TRIVMPHANT SUCCESS oF Buchan’s Hupgarian Bal sian of Life; The great English vomedy for COUGHS, COLDS, ASTIIMA, AND CON. © SUMPTION | 'l‘lll". most celebrated and Tnfallible remedy for Colds, Coughs, Asthma or any form of Pylmonary Consumption, is the NUNGA RIAN BALSAM OF LIFVE, discovernd by Dr. Buchan, of London, Engiand, tested for upwards of seven ygars in Great Britain and on the ‘continent of Lirope, and iniroduced into he Unijed States, under the immediate superin tendence of the invenjor. ke The astonishing success of the Hongatiin Balsam, in the cure of every form of Consnnipe tian, warrants the Amcrican Agent in solieiting for treatmant the worst possible” cuses that can be fox'wd in the community-~caces that seek teliel in vain from any of the ecomon renwdig of the day, and have been given up by (Le mo-t distinguished Pliyaicians, as confirmed and iney rable. "The Hungarian Balsam bas cured, and will cure the most despeiate of cavos. 1 is uo quack nostruin, but a standard English Medicue uf known and estalilished oflicacy. | INCONTESTIBLE "R(N);'S Y the cfficacy o) this Balsam i the worsl | Jorues of Consumption. CIMPORTANT MEDICAL TESTIMONY © Dr. Bradlee —Denr Sic—"Vhe Hungarian Hal sam iy, beyond all question, a most perkeci and admirable preparation for Disenses of the Longa, | have used oin oy Canily, and jn o Prolessional practiece lor wmore t'pm_s LW yeines, with the most uniform and entire suecess, 10 casos of sovere I'ql' Discase, and | can conscientionsly recomuwend it 1o all who wie atllicted, as the most certain u-mmly (oo vk diseases with whjrhl w wequainfed Y ours gmpo'fllfflll", FREDERIC T STORER, ) 1 Saco, Muine, May 22, 1845. i A ANOTHER LIFE SAVED ! | Dr. Bradleo —=Dear Sir—l take mgeh plea sure in giving vou a statement of the lhem ,ic'm{ elfects of Buchan's Hungnrian Bulsam, on iy Araghtey, who Liad boen for a number of yeor lafllicted with a bad om}gh, pain in the sidg, o ing of blood. and all these pae Gud fronplo :u_'hicll attend that insilious disease, Consump ‘fion, 1 uu'np!o)'ml a physician ,who attended her a long time ot great expense, and then ol vived the consultation of » eelobrated physicing iin a neighboring town, ut still greater expense, Aud after u number of visits from the advising physician, and the continnance for some time of the (amily physician he declared he could do no more for her. e had done all that he could, and | could see na hencfit from i | then employed u Bojanic I’hyiic'i.nn for some timo, whip seomed to do her some good, but did noj rench the root of the disenss. | was then advised by a friend to try Buchun's Hungarian Balsam. | have used six In'»'uleg wih the most astonish g efleet. 1t has restored Lier strangth, cured her enticely of her cough and pain in the side, and she s now attending to her aceust my, ed duties. ‘This muy seom wonderful, bat it e no more strange than true, and | wouid advise all who have symptoms of consamption’ to take this medicine in -emqfi. and not 'w'n"l ull all hope is past, although this case ling terminated so fortunately. In this ense 1 paid bejween ond and two hundred doflara for ,'nhysjci'nm' and medicine without any entisfuctory benefic,whi'e six dollars worth of the ilangarian "Balsam has romoved the 'duenm.‘rmmfn'fi'g the strength, and brought on a healtlly wcfion of the system Try it for yourselves, und you will find the ona ha!f has not been told. You can uwe this lotter 4« you think best and as wAll ‘do most good : and wishing that your medicine may benefit many as wuch as my davgbter, ~ Lremain gratefully yours, . INO. YOUNG. Bath, Maine, Feli. 24, 1844, ‘ P 8 | would say farther, that about five vours ngo my daughter commenced raising biood, which eonpiued at tunes for three years, and sometimes very bod, tll about two years, when she commenced lnking this Baleam The it bottle -mppm' the raising of blood entirely, (nd she has pever boen toubled with it sinco TO THE CONSUMPTIVE ' | | Every family in the United States <hould he supphied with I‘uclum'- Hungarmn Balaan of LB, not only to counternet the consumiptive ‘lomdum'io-- of the elimnte, but o be veed s n preventive medicine i all enses of Colds, |'(’ough-, Spitting of Blood, Pain in the Side and L Chest, irtation and Soreness of the Lougs, :llu'mu hitis, Ditliculty of Breathing, Hectie Te ver, Nl[hl Sweats, Emacition and General CDebiliny, Asthin, Tnfluenza, Hooping Cough iund Croup Lo ecase of actunl disease of the Vungs. or Hesnted Consumption, it 1w the only souice of || Hope. | ’ Sold by MeDonald & SBmith, Sele Agents for the United Kingdom, ntthe Itinn Warehouse, i | Regent Steeet, London, in botthes and cnses for Ships, Hospitals, &e , By Specicl Appointment ~DAVID ¥ : IBRADLEE, 119, Conrt «treet, Boston, Mass | [Sole Agent fpr the Loned States and Brineh Ainerienn Provinees 'l Awenican price, #1 pec bottle, with full & 'nwliom for the restoration of Hlealih “ Pamphlets, contuimimg a e of Englieh and Amerieun cortificnteos nnd other evidence, show |'mg the unequallied merits of this great Logish URemedy, mny be obtamed of the Agents gratm None gennime, wilhout the weitlen signature of the Ameriean Agent. on » gold and hronze sabel, 1o counterfen wiich s forgory Avrnrs—Newpet, K 3 TAYLOR - e 01, 8. W. Buroous—Warren, W N, Pau. wen— Peovidence, Guosvanon & Cias New Bediond, 1 Tnorsion & Son o 100 Kiser L S Unans \'D", 4 Ik |